107 – Rama tells Bharata about Dasaratha’s promise of kingdom


Rama reveals to Bharata that Kaikey’s marriage, stating that Dasaratha would confer the kingdom as a marriage-dowry. Rama also adds that Kaikeyi also received the promise of two boons from Dasaratha as a token of his pleasure and gratitude for the help Kaikeyi rendered during the conflict long ago between gods and demons. Rama further informs Bharata that according to that promise, Kaikeyi asked for the two boons, one for Bharata’s throne and another for his own exile to the forest. Rama requests Bharata to make Dasaratha’s promises true and asks him to return to Ayodhya and assume its rulership.

Verse 1

पुनर् एवम् ब्रुवाणम् तु भरतम् लक्ष्मण अग्रजः |
प्रत्युवच ततः श्रीमान् ज्नाति मध्ये अतिसत्कृतः || २-१०७-१

Thereafter, the illustrious Rama, highly respected among his fraternity, (as follows) to Bharata who was speaking as aforesaid among his relatives.

1. tataH = thereafter; shriimaan = the illustrious; abhisatkR^itaH = pratyuvaacha = replied (as follows); bharatam = to Bharata; evam = who was thus; bruvaaNam = speaking; jJNaatimadhye = among their relatives.

Verse 2

उपपन्नम् इदम् वाक्यम् यत् त्वम् एवम् अभाषथाः |
जातः पुत्रो दशरथात् कैकेय्याम् राज सत्तमात् || २-१०७-२

“These words, which you have spoken are worthy of you, the son of Dasaratha the excellent king, born through Kaikeyi.”

2. idam = these; vaakyam = words; yat = which; abhyabhaaSathaaH = were spoken; evam = thus; tvam = by you; jaataH = born; putraH = as a son; kaikeyyaam = in Kaikeyi; dasharathaat = through Dasartha; raajasattamaat = the excellent king; upapannam = are suited for the occasion.

Verse 3

पुरा भ्रातः पिता नः स मातरम् ते समुद्वहन् |
मातामहे समाश्रौषीद् राज्य शुल्कम् अनुत्तमम् || २-१०७-३

“O, My brother! Long ago, when our father married your mother, he promised your maternal grandfather that he would confer his kingdom as an exceptional marriage-dowry”

3. bhraataH = O; My brother!; puraa = long ago; samudvahan = while marrying; te maataram = your mother; saH = that; naH pitaa = our father; samaashrouSiit = promised; anuttamam = an exceptional; raajyashulkam = marriage dowry in the form of our kingdom; maataamahe = to you maternal grandfather.

Verse 4

देव असुरे च सम्ग्रामे जनन्यै तव पार्थिवः |
सम्प्रहृष्टो ददौ राजा वरम् आराधितः प्रभुः || २-१०७-४

“Thereafter, in a conflict between Gods and demons, your mother received the promise of two boons from the efficient lord of the earth, King Dasartha, as a token of his joy and gratitude.”

4. prabhuH = the efficient; paarthivaH = lord of the earth; raajaa = King Dasaratha; dadau = bestowed; varamcha = a boon; tava jananyai = to your mother; samprahR^iSTaH = he having been overjoyed; aaraadhitaH = by your mother’s service; samgraame = in a conflict; daivaasure = between Gods and demons.

Verse 5 & 6

ततः सा सम्प्रतिश्राव्य तव माता यशस्विनी |
अयाचत नर श्रेष्ठम् द्वौ वरौ वर वर्णिनी || २-१०७-५
तव राज्यम् नर व्याघ्र मम प्रव्राजनम् तथा |
तच् च राजा तथा तस्यै नियुक्तः प्रददौ वरौ || २-१०७-६

“O, Tiger among men! Your illustrious mother of beautiful complexion consequently demanded these two boons from that cheif of men, for you the throne and for me the exile to the forest.”

5; 6. naravyaaghraH = O; Tiger among men!; tataH = then; tava maataa = your mother; yashasvinii = the illustrious woman; vara varNinii = with a beautiful complexion; sampratishraavya = having been made a promise; narashreSTam = by Dasaratha the chief of men; ayaachata = asked; dvau = two; varau = boons; raajyam = (one for giving) kingdom; tava = to you; tathaa = and; pravraajanam = (the other) the exile; mama = for me; tadaa = then; niyuktaH = the enjoined; raajaacha = king also; pradadau = gave; tau varau = those boons.

Verse 7

तेन पित्रा अहम् अप्य् अत्र नियुक्तः पुरुष ऋषभ |
चतुर्दश वने वासम् वर्षाणि वरदानिकम् || २-१०७-७

“O, excellent among men! I too, have been enjoined by our aforesaid father to live here in the forest for fourteen years, in accord iwth granting of boon.”

7. puruSarSabha = O; excellent among men!; ahamapi = I too; niyuktaH = have been enjoined; tena pitraa = by our aforesaid father; vaasam = to live; atra = in this; vane = forest; chaturdasha vaSaaNi = for fourteen years; varadaanikam = in accord with the granting of boon.

Verse 8

सो अहम् वनम् इदम् प्राप्तो निर्जनम् लक्ष्मण अन्वितः |
शीतया च अप्रतिद्वन्द्वः सत्य वादे स्थितः पितुः || २-१०७-८

“I as such, without any rival, have come to this lonely forest accompanied by Lakshmana and Seetha in order to carry out the promise given by our father.”

8. saH aham = I as such; apratidvandvaH = without any rival; idam = nirjanam = to this lonely; vanam = forest; lakSmaNaanvitaH = accompanied by Lakshmana; siitayaa cha = and Seeta; sthitaH = standing firm; satya vaade = with the promise gien; pituH = by our father.

Verse 9

भवान् अपि तथा इत्य् एव पितरम् सत्य वादिनम् |
कर्तुम् अर्हति राज इन्द्रम् क्षिप्रम् एव अभिषेचनात् || २-१०७-९

“You too ought, likewise, to make our father, as a person having given a true promise, O Indra (the Lord of Celestials) among kings, by getting yourself anointed to the crown without any delay.

9. bhavaanapi = you too; arhati = ought; tathetyeva = likewise; kartum = to make; pitaram = our father; satyavaadinam = as a person having given a true promise; raajendra = O; Indra the Lord of celestials among Kings!; abhiSechanaat = by getting anointed to the crown; kSiprameva = without delay.

Verse 10

ऋणान् मोचय राजानम् मत् कृते भरत प्रभुम् |
पितरम् त्राहि धर्मज्न मातरम् च अभिनन्दय || २-१०७-१०

“O, Bharata! For my sake relieve the mighty king from his vow and make both our mother and fahter happy.”

10. bharata = O; Bharata; matkR^ite = for my sake; mochaya = relive; prabhum = the mighty; raajaanam = king; R^iNaat = from the debt; abhinandaya pitaram chappi maataram cha = make our father and happy mother.

Verse 11

श्रूयते हि पुरा तात श्रुतिर् गीता यशस्विनी |
गयेन यजमानेन गयेषु एव पितृऋन् प्रति || २-१०७-११

“My dear brother! Formerly, an illustrious king named Gaya, while perfoming a sacrifice in a place called Gaya in honour of his ancestors, chanted the following verse:

11. taata = my dear brother!; puraa = formerly; yashasvinaa = by an illustrious king; gayena = named Gaya; yajamaanena = while performing a sacrifice; gayeSvena = in a place called Gaya; pitR^iin prati = in honour of his ancestors; shrutiH = a verse; giitaa = was changed; shruuyate hi = and indeed heard (as follows)

Verse 12

पुम् नाम्ना नरकाद् यस्मात् पितरम् त्रायते सुतः |
तस्मात् पुत्र इति प्रोक्तः पितृऋन् यत् पाति वा सुतः || २-१०७-१२

“Since a son delivers his father from a place of torment (hell) called ‘Put’, he is named as ‘Putra’- ‘he who delivers his ancestors from all dangers’”

12. yasmaat = since; sutaH = a son; traayate = delivers; pitaram = his father; narakaat = from a place of torment; punnaamaH = called ‘Put’; tasmaat = for that reason; protaH = (he) is named; pitra iti = as “Putra”; yaH = he who; paati = delivers; pitR^iin = his ancestors; sarvataH = from all (dangers).

Verse 13

एष्टव्या बहवः पुत्रा गुणवन्तो बहु श्रुताः |
तेषाम् वै समवेतानाम् अपि कश्चिद् गयाम् व्रजेत् || २-१०७-१३

“To have many virtuous and learned sons is to be desired, since one, atleast among them, who is intimately connected will ocme to Gaya to perform a sacrifice.”

13. bahavaH = many; yuNavantaH = viruous; bahushrutaaH = and very learned; putraH = sons; eSTavyaaH = are to be desired; teSaam = In them; kashchidapi = at lease one; samavetaanaam = who is intimately related; vrajet = may go; gayaam = to Gaya (to perform a sacrifice)

Verse 14

एवम् राज ऋषयः सर्वे प्रतीता राज नन्दन |
तस्मात् त्राहि नर श्रेष्ठ पितरम् नरकात् प्रभो || २-१०७-१४

“O, prince! This is the conviction of all the royal sages. O, the efficient and the excellent of men! Therefore, save our father from hell.

14. raaja nandan = O; Prince!; sarve = all; raajarSayaH = the royal sages; pratiitaaH = the royal sages; pratiitaaH = are convinced; evam = in this narashreSTa = and the excellent among men!; tasmaat = for that reason; traahi = save; pitaram = our father; narakaat = from hell.

Verse 15

अयोध्याम् गग्च्छ भरत प्रकृतीर् अनुरन्जय |
शत्रुघ्न सहितो वीर सह सर्वैर् द्विजातिभिः || २-१०७-१५

“O, the valiant Bharata! Go to Ayodhya along with Shatrughna and all the Brahmanas and give joy to the people there.

15. viiraH = O; the valiant; bharataH = Bharata!; gachchha = go; ayodhyaam = to Ayodhya; shatrughna sahitaH = along with Shatrughna; sarvaiH = and all; dvijaatibhiH saha = the brahmanas; anuraNjaya = and give joy; prakR^itiiH = the people.

Verse 16

प्रवेक्ष्ये दण्डक अरण्यम् अहम् अप्य् अविलम्बयन् |
आभ्याम् तु सहितो राजन् वैदेह्या लक्ष्मणेन च || २-१०७-१६

“O, King! I too, without delay, will proceed to Dandaka forest along with Seetha and Lakshaman.”

16. raajan = O; King!; ahamapi = I too; avilambayan = without delay; pravekSe = shall enter; daNDakaaraNyam = the forest of Dandaka; sahitaH = along with; abhyaam = this; vaidehyaa = Seetha; lakSmaNena = and Lakshmana.

Verse 17

त्वम् राजा भव भरत स्वयम् नराणाम् |
वन्यानाम् अहम् अपि राज राण् मृगाणाम् |
गग्च्छ त्वम् पुर वरम् अद्य सम्प्रहृष्टः |
सम्हृष्टः तु अहम् अपि दण्डकान् प्रवेक्ष्ये || २-१०७-१७

“O, Bharata! You become the Lord of men. I will become the emperor of the wild beasts of the forest! Return now to the excellent city of Ayodhya full of joy and I also full of joy will enter Dankada Forest!”

17. bharata = O; Bharata!; tvam = you; svayam = yourself; bhava = become; raajaa = the Lord; naraaNaam = of men; ahamapi = I too; raajaraaT = (will become) the great Lord; mR^igaaNaam = of the wild beasts; vanyaanaam = in this forest; tvam = you; gachchha = proceed; puravaram = to the excellent city of Ayodhya; adya = now; samprahR^iSTaH = with joy; ahampai = I also; pravekSye = shall enter; daN^Dakaan; Dandaka forest; sampraR^iSTaH = with joy.

Verse 19

शत्रुघ्नः कुशल मतिः तु ते सहायः |
सौमित्रिर् मम विदितः प्रधान मित्रम् |
चत्वारः तनय वरा वयम् नर इन्द्रम् |
सत्यस्थम् भरत चराम मा विषादम् || २-१०७-१९

“O, Bharata! The wise Shatrughna is helpful to you. Lakshmana is known to be an outstanding friend for me. We, the four excellent sons, will ultimately make the king true to his promise. Do not get disappointed.”

19. bharata = O; Bharata!; kushalamatiH = the intelligent; shatrughnaH = Shatrughna; sahaayaH = is helpful; te = to you; saumitriH = Lakshmana; viditaH = is known; pradhaana mitram = to be a cheif companion; mama = for me; vayam = we ; chatvaaraH = the four; tanayavaraaH = excellent sons; charaama = will make; narendram = the king; satyastham = true to his promise; maa viSiida = do not grieve.

Verse 18

चायाम् ते दिन कर भाः प्रबाधमानम् |
वर्षत्रम् भरत करोतु मूर्ध्नि शीताम् |
एतेषाम् अहम् अपि कानन द्रुमाणाम् |
चायाम् ताम् अतिशयिनीम् सुखम् श्रयिष्ये || २-१०७-१८

“O, Bharata! Let the (royal) white umbrella provide a cool shadow for your head, repulsing the rays of sunlight. I will take shelter comoftably under the abundant shadow of these forest-trees.”

18. bharata = O; Bharata!; varSatram = (Let) the umbrella; karotu = make; shiitaam = a coo; chhaayaam = shadow; te muurdhni = for your head; prabaadhamaanam = which is affected; dinakarabhaaH = by sunlight; ahamapi = I too; sukhii = comfortably; shrayiSye = shall take; shelter; taam = under that; atishayaniim = abundant; chhaayaam = shadow; kaanana drumaaNaam = of forest-trees.

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