94 – Rama shows the captivating scenery of Chitrakuta to Seetha


Rama describes the beauty of Chitrakuta mountain to Seetha. He delightfully shows her the various colourful minerals, several kinds of birds and animals, several type of trees with flowers and fruit, as also the enchanting springs and Cascades in the mountain. Thus, he also diverts his own mind in seeing that captivating scenery.

Verse 1 & 2

दीर्घ काल उषितः तस्मिन् गिरौ गिरि वन प्रियः |
विदेह्याः प्रियमाकान्क्षन् स्वम् च चित्तम् विलोभयन् || २-९४-१
अथ दाशरथिः चित्रम् चित्र कूटम् अदर्शयत् |
भार्याम् अमर सम्काशः शचीम् इव पुरम् दरः || २-९४-२

Having dwelt for some time in that mountain, Rama, who resembled God, who liked mountains and groves, who desired Seetha’s happiness and himself delightful in his mind, began to point out the beauty of Chitrakuta to his consort, as Indra the god of celestials converses with Shachi the wife of Indra, saying:

1;2. tataH = thereafter; daasharathiH = Rama; amara samkaashaH = who resembled a God; girivana priyaH = who liked mountains and groves; diirgha kaalositaH = having dwelt for sometime; tasmin = on that; girau = mountain; aakaaN^kSan = who desired; vaidehyaaH = Seetha’s; priyam = happiness; vilobhayan = delightful; svam = to his own; chittam = mind; adarshayat = began to point out; chitra kuuTam = of Citrakuta; bhaaryaam = to his consort; puramdaraH iva = as Indra the god of celestials; (converses); shachiimiva = with Shachi the wife of Indra (saying:)

Verse 3

न राज्याद् भ्रंशनम् भद्रे न सुहृद्भिर् विना भवः |
मनो मे बाधते दृष्ट्वा रमणीयम् इमम् गिरिम् || २-९४-३

“O, my good lady! By seeing this beautiful mountain, neither the loss of kingdom nor the non-existence of friends distresses my mind.”

3. oh bhadre = O; my good lady!; dR^iSTvaa = by seeing; imam = this; ramaNiiyam = beautiful; girim = mountain; na = neither; bhramshanam = the loss; raajyaat = of the kingdom; na = nor; suhR^idbhirvineabhavaH = the non-existence of friends; baadhate = distresses; memanaH = my mind.

Verse 4

पश्य इमम् अचलम् भद्रे नाना द्विज गण आयुतम् |
शिखरैः खम् इव उद्विद्धैर् धातुमद्भिर् विभूषितम् || २-९४-४

“O, my good lady! Behold this mountain, abounding with flocks of birds of every kind where minerals lie and crowned with peaks that seem to project upwards to the sky.”

4. bhadre = O; my good lady!; pashya = Behold; imam achalam = this mountain; naanaa dvijagaNaayutam = abounding with flocks of birds of every kind; dhaatumadbhiH = where minerals lie; vibhuuSitam = crowned; shikharaiH = with peaks; udviddhairiva = that seem to project upwards; kham = to the sky.

Verse 5 & 6

केचिद् रजत सम्काशाः केचित् क्षतज सम्निभाः |
पीत माज्जिस्थ वर्नाः च केचिन् मनि वर प्रभाः || २-९४-५
पुष्य अर्क केतुक आभाः च केचिज् ज्योती रस प्रभाः |
विराजन्ते अचल इन्द्रस्य देशा धातु विभूषिताः || २-९४-६

“Some areas of the mountain are encrusted with minerals, having appearance of silver, some resembling blood, some yellowish, some red as madder, some sparkle like precious stones, some possessing, the luster of topaz and crystal and a hue of Ketaka flower and some sparkle with the splendour of a kind of gem called Jyotirasa.”

5; 6. kechit = some; deshaaH = areas; achalendrasya = of the mountain; dhaatu vibhuuSitaaH = are crowned with minerals; rajata samkaashaaH = having appearance of silver; kechit = some; kSata sannibhaaH = resembling blood; piitamaaNjiSTa varNaashcha = some yellowish; some red as madder in colour; kechit = some; maNivara prabhaaH = sparkle like precious stones; puSpaarka ketakaabhaashcha = some possessing the luster of topaz and crystal and the hue of Ketaka flower; kechit viraajante = and some sparkle; jyotirasaprabhaaH = with the splendour of a kind of gem called Jyotirasa.

Verse 7

नना मृग गण द्वीपि तरक्षु ऋक्ष गणैर् वृतः |
अदुष्टैर् भात्य् अयम् शैलो बहु पक्षि समाकुलः || २-९४-७

“The mountain is filled with tame beasts of every kind, tigers, panthers and bears, and is enlivened by a flock of many birds.”

7. ayam = shailaH = this mountain; vR^itaH = is filled with; aduSTaiH = tame; naana mR^igagaNa = beasts of every kind; dviipitarakSvR^ikSagaNaiH = tigers; panthers and bears; bhaati = and is enlivened; bahu pakSi samaayutaH = by a flock of many birds.

Verse 8, 9 & 10

आम्र जम्बु असनैर् लोध्रैः प्रियालैः पनसैर् धवैः |
अन्कोलैर् भव्य तिनिशैर् ब्लिव तिन्दुक वेणुभिः || २-९४-८
काश्मर्य् अरिष्ट वरणैर् मधूकैः तिलकैः तथा |
बदर्य् आमलकैर् नीपैर् वेत्र धन्वन बीजकैः || २-९४-९
पुष्पवद्भिः फल उपेतैः चायावद्भिर् मनो रमैः |
एवम् आदिभिर् आकीर्णः श्रियम् पुष्यत्य् अयम् गिरिः || २-९४-१०

“This mountain abounds with such type of trees as mangoes, rose-apples and Asanas laden with flowers and fruits, affording magnificient shade, and pleasing to the mind, Lodhras, Priyalas (commonly called Payals), bread-fruit trees, Dhavas, Ankolas, Bhavyas and Tinisas, Bilvas (Bel trees), Tindukas and bamboos, Kashmaris, margosas and Varaas, Madhukas; Tilaks, jujube trees, emblic myrobalans, Kadamoos, came, Dhanvanas and pomegranates, enhancing its beauty.”

8; 9; 10. ayam giriH = this mountain; aakirNaH = abounds with; evam aadibhiH = such type of trees as; aamra jambvasanaiH = laden with flowers; phalopetaiH = and fruits; chaayaavadbhiH = affording magnificent shade; manoramaiH- and pleasing to the mind; lodhraiH = Lodhras; priyaalaiH = Priyalas (commonly called Payals); panasaiH = bread-fruit trees; dhavaiH = Dhavas; ankolaiH = Ankolas; bhavyatinishaiH = Bhavyas and Tinisas; bilva tinduka veNubiH = Bilvas (Bel trees)Tindukas and bamboos; kaashmaryaariSTa varuNaiH = Kasmaris; margosas and Varanas; tathaa = and ; madhuukaiH = Madhukas; tilakaiH = Tilakas; badaryaamalakaiH = Jujube trees; embolic myrobalans; niipaiH = Kadambas; vetra dhanvana biijakaiH = cane; Dhanvanas and pomegranates; puSNaati = enhancing; shriyam = its beauty.

Verse 11

शैल प्रस्थेषु रम्येषु पश्य इमान् काम हर्षणान् |
किन्नरान् द्वंद्वशो भद्रे रममाणान् मनस्विनः || २-९४-११

“O, my good lady! See these Kinnaras, thrilling to be looked at, in their high spirits, wandering in couples in these lovely mountain-plains.”

11. bhadre = O; my good lady!; pashya = see; imaam = these; kinnaraan = Kinnaras; romaharSaNaan = thrilling to be looked at; manasvinaH = in high spirits; ramamaaNaan = who are wandering; dvandvashaH = in comples; ramyeSu = in lovely; shaila prastheSu = mountain-plains.

Verse 12

शाखा अवसक्तान् खड्गामः च प्रवराण्य् अम्बराणि च |
पश्य विद्याधर स्त्रीणाम् क्रीडेद् देशान् मनो रमान् || २-९४-१२

“Behold their swords hanging on the trees, their excellent swords and the charming retreats, where vidyadharas and their women sport.”

12. pashya = behold; khaDgaamshcha = their swords; shaakhaavasaktaan = hanging on the trees; pravaraaNi = their excellent; ambaraaNicha = clothes; manoharaan = and the charming; kriiDoddeshaan = retreats.

Verse 13

जल प्रपातैर् उद्भेदैर् निष्यन्दैः च क्वचित् क्वचित् |
स्रवद्भिर् भात्य् अयम् शैलः स्रवन् मद इव द्विपः || २-९४-१३

“This mountain resembles an elephant with ichors flowing from its forehead, as from its crevices, springs and cascades flow here and there.”

13. ayam = this; shailaH = mountain; bhaati = shines; dvivaH iva = like an elephant; sravanmadaH = with ichors flowing from its forehead; udbhedaiH = as from its crevices; niSpandaishcha = springs; jalapravaahaiH = and cascades; sravidbhiH = flow; kvachit kvachit = here and there.

Verse 14

गुहा समीरणो गन्धान् नाना पुष्प भवान् वहन् |
घ्राण तर्पणम् अभ्येत्य कम् नरम् न प्रहर्षयेत् || २-९४-१४

“Who would not be filled with delight, by these glades from which fragrance of various flowers issues, pleasing to the senses?”

14. kam naram = what sort of man; na praharSayet = would not be filled with delight; guhaasami karaNaH = by these glades; gandhaan = (from which) fragrance; naanaa puSpa bhavaan = of many flowers; vahan = issues; ghraaNatarpaNam = pleasing to the senses?

Verse 15

यदि इह शरदो अनेकाः त्वया सार्धम् अनिन्दिते |
लक्ष्मणेन च वत्स्यामि न माम् शोकः प्रधक्ष्यति || २-९४-१५

“O, irreproachable lay! If I am live with you and Lakshmana for many autumns here, grief will not overpower me.”

15. anindite = O; irreproachable lady!; vatsyaani yadi = If I am to live; tvayaa saardham = with you; lakSmaNecha = and Lakshmana; anakaaH = for many; sharadaH = autumns; iha = here; shokaH = grief; na pradhakSyati = will not get the upper hand over; maam = me.

Verse 16

बहु पुष्प फले रम्ये नाना द्विज गण आयुते |
विचित्र शिखरे ह्य् अस्मिन् रतवान् अस्मि भामिनि || २-९४-१६

“O, Seetha! Seeing this mountain laden with many flowers and fruit, the enchanting resort of flocks of birds as also the ravishing peaks of the mountain, I am really captivated.”

16. bhaamini = O; Seetha!; asmin = this mountain; bahu puSpa phale = laden with many flowers and fruit; ramye = the enchanting; naanaa dvijagaNaayute = resort of flocks of birds; vichitra shikhare = with its ravishing peaks; asmin hi = I am indeed; ratavaan = captivated.

Verse 17

अनेन वन वासेन मया प्राप्तम् फल द्वयम् |
पितुः च अनृणता धर्मे भरतस्य प्रियम् तथा || २-९४-१७

“By residing in the forest, a two-fold advantage is secured by me; freedom from debt to my father in regards my duty and Bharata’s happiness.”

17. anena = vana vaasena = by residing in the forest; phala dvayam = a two-fold advantage; praaptam = is secured; mayaa = by me; anR^iNataa = freedom from debt; pituH = with my father; dharme = in regards my duty; tathaa = and; bharatasya = Bharata’s; priyam = happiness.

Verse 18

वैदेहि रमसे कच्चिच् चित्र कूटे मया सह |
पश्यन्ती विविधान् भावान् मनो वाक् काय सम्यतान् || २-९४-१८

“O, Seetha! Are you happy with me on this Chitrakuta mountain, seeing various objects agreeable to your thought word and temperament?”

18. he vaidehi = O; Seetha!; ramase kachchit = are you happy; mayaa saha = with me; chitrakuuTe = on this Chitrakuta mountain; pashyantii = seeing; vividhaan = various; bhaavaan = objects; mano vaakkaaya sammataan = agreeable to your thought; word and temperament?

Verse 19

इदम् एव अमृतम् प्राहू राज्नाम् राज ऋषयः परे |
वन वासम् भव अर्थाय प्रेत्य मे प्रपितामहाः || २-९४-१९

“My paternal great grand fathers the ancient royal sages have said that for a king to obtain liberation after death, such a residence in the forest is nectar like.”

19. pare = the ancient; raajarSayaH = royal sages; me = my; prapitaamahaaH = paternal great grand-fathers; praahuH = say (that); raaj^Ni = for a king; bhavaarthaaya = to obtain liberation; pretya = after death; idam = this; vanavaasameva = residence as such in the forest; amR^itam = is nectar-like.

Verse 20

शिलाः शैलस्य शोभन्ते विशालाः शतशो अभितः |
बहुला बहुलैर् वर्णैर् नील पीत सित अरुणैः || २-९४-२०

“Hundreds and multitude of rocks of this extensive mountain are shining around in multifarious colours like blue, yellow, white and red.”

20. shatashaH = hundreds; shilaaH = of rocks; bahulaah = in multitude; vishaalaaH shailasya = of this extensive mountain; shobhante = are shining; abhitaH = around; bahulaiH = in many; varNaiH = colours; mila piita sitaaruNaiH = like blue; yellow; white and red.

Verse 21

निशि भान्त्य् अचल इन्द्रस्य हुत अशन शिखा इव |
ओषध्यः स्वप्रभा लक्ष्म्या भ्राजमानाः सहस्रशः || २-९४-२१

“Thousands of herbs of this Chitrakuta mountain, glittering with their lovely light, are sparkling like points of fire.”

21. sahasrashaH = thousands of; auSadhyaH = herbs; achalendrasya = of this Chitrakuta mountain; bhraajamaanaaH = glittering svaprabhaalakSmyaa = with their lovely light; bhaanti = are sparkiling; hutaashana shikhaa iva = like points of fire.

Verse 22

केचित् क्षय निभा देशाः केचिद् उद्यान सम्निभाः |
केचिद् एक शिला भान्ति पर्वतस्य अस्य भामिनि || २-९४-२२

“O, Seetha! Some parts of this mountain resemble mansions, some look like parks and some others appear like a single pile.”

22. bhamini = O; Seeta!; kechit = Some; deshaaH = parts; asya = of this; parvatasya = mountain; kSaya nibhaaH = resemble mansions; kechit = some; udyaana sannibhaah = look like parks; kechit = and some; bhaanti = appear; ekashilaaH = like a single pile.

Verse 23

भित्त्वा इव वसुधाम् भाति चित्र कूटः समुत्थितः |
चित्र कूटस्य कूटो असौ दृश्यते सर्वतः शुभः || २-९४-२३

“Chitrakuta appears as though emerged, having split the earth. This summit of Chitrakuta appears charming on all sides.”

23. chitrakuuTaH = chitrakuta; samutthitaH iva = (appears) as though emerged; bhittvaa = having split; vasudhaam = earth; asau = this; kuuTaH = summit; chitrakuuTasya = of Chitrakuta; dR^ishyate = appears; shubhaH = charming; sarvataH = on all sides.

Verse 24

कुष्ठ पुम्नाग तगर भूर्ज पत्र उत्तरच् चदान् |
कामिनाम् स्वास्तरान् पश्य कुशेशय दल आयुतान् || २-९४-२४

“See the leaves of lilies, Sthagara trees, Punnaga trees and Bhurja trees heaped with flowers of water-lilies form the cozy beds of voluptuaries.”

24. pashya = see; kuSTha sthagara punnaaga bhuurja patrottarachchhadaan = how the leaves of lilies; sthagara trees; Punnaga trees and Bhurja trees; kusheshaya dalaayutaan = heaped with flowers of water-lilies; svaastaraan = form the cozy beds; kaaminaam = of voluptuaries.

Verse 25

मृदिताः च अपविद्धाः च दृश्यन्ते कमल स्रजः |
कामिभिर् वनिते पश्य फलानि विविधानि च || २-९४-२५

“O, Seetha! Look at the garlands of lotus-flowers crushed and thrown aside by voluptuaries as also fruits of every kind that have been tasted.”

25. vanite = O; Seetha!; pashya = look at; kamala srajaH = the garlands of lotus-flowers; mR^idi taashcha = Crushed; apaviddhaashcha = and thrown aside; kaamibhiH = by voluptuaries; phalaanicha = and (also) fruits; vividhaani = of every kind; dR^ishyante = being seen.

Verse 26

वस्वौक साराम् नलिनीम् अत्येति इव उत्तरान् कुरून् |
पर्वतः चित्र कूटो असौ बहु मूल फल उदकः || २-९४-२६

“This mountain f Chitrakuta with its abundance of roots fruits and water is more beautiful than Vasvankasara better known as Alaka the capital of Kubera the Lord of Riches, Nalini the capital of Indra (the God of celestials) better known as Amaravati and Uttarakuru the country of Eternal Beatitude.”

26. asau = this; chitra kuuTaH parvataH = mountain of Chitrakuta; bahumuula phalodakaH = with its abundance of roots fruits and water; atyetiiva = is more beautiful; vasvaukasaaraam = Kubera’s capital(Alaka) then Vasvaukasara; naliniim = Nalini the capital of Indra better known as Amaravati; uttaraan kuruun = and uttara kuru the country of Eternal Beatitude.

Verse 27

इमम् तु कालम् वनिते विजह्निवामः |
त्वया च सीते सह लक्ष्मणेन च |
रतिम् प्रपत्स्ये कुल धर्म वर्धिनीम् |
सताम् पथि स्वैर् नियमैः परैः स्थितः || २-९४-२७

“O, Seetha! Strolling with you and Lakshmana during this period of exile, on my part established in the path of the pious, following the highest salutary practices, I shall obtain joy, enhancing the piety of my race.”

27. vanite = O; beloed; siite = Seetha; vijahrivaan = Strolling; tvayaa saha = with you; lakSmaNenacha = and Lakshman; imam kaalam = during this period; sthitaH = established; pathi = in the path; sataam- of the pious; paraiH = in highest; niyamaiH = salutary practices; prapatsye = I shall obtain; ratim = joy; kula dharma vardhiniim = enhancing the piety of my race.

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