87 – Guha reports further details of Rama


Hearing Guha’s words about Rama, Bharata fell unconscious. Bharata eases himself thereafter and asks Guha to report further details about Rama. Guha informs that eventhough he offered various kinds of flood to Rama, the latter refused it. He adds that Rama Seetha and Lakshmana observed fasting for that night. Guha also informs Bharata that Lakshmana laid a bed of grass for Rama as well as Seetha to sleep theron and Lakshmana stood guarding Rama during the night, along with Guha and his kinsmen.

Verse 1

गुहस्य वचनम् श्रुत्वा भरतो भृशम् अप्रियम् |
ध्यानम् जगाम तत्र एव यत्र तत् श्रुतम् अप्रियम् || २-८७-१

Hearing those most disagreeable words from Guha, Bharata began to think deeply, directing his mind on Rama, of whom those unpleasant words were heard.

1. shrutvaa = hearing; bhR^isham the most; apriyam = disagreeable; vachanam = words; gahasya = of guha; bharataH = Bharata; jagaama = got; dhyaanam = into contemplation; tatraiva = directing his mind on Rama; yatra = of whom; tam = those; apriyam = unpleasant words; shrutam = were heard.

Verse 2 & 3

सुकुमारो महा सत्त्वः सिम्ह स्कन्धो महा भुजः |
पुण्डरीक विशाल अक्षः तरुणः प्रिय दर्शनः || २-८७-२
प्रत्याश्वस्य मुहूर्तम् तु कालम् परम दुर्मनाः |
पपात सहसा तोत्रैर् हृदि विद्ध इव द्विपः || २-८७-३

That gentle, extremely courageous and the mighty armed young prince, whose shoulders resembled a lion’s his large eyes opening like a flowering lotus and having pleasing appearance, momentarily sighed and in his extreme anguish, sank to the ground suddenly like an elephant that has been wounded in the heart with goads.

2;3. sukumaaraH = that gentle; mahaasattvaH = extremely courageous; mahaabhujaH = and the mighty armed; taruNaH = young prince; simhaskandhaH = whose shoulders resembled a lion’s; puN^Dariika vishaalaakshhaH = his large eyes opening like a lotus in flowering; priyadarshanaH = having pleasing appearance; muhuurtakaalam tu = mometarily; pratyaashvasya = sighed; paramadurmanaaH and in his extreme anguish; papaata = sank to the ground; sahasaa = suddenly; dvipaH iva = like an elephant; atividdhaH = that has been wounded in the heart; totraiH = with goads.

Verse 4

भरतम् मुर्च्छितम् द्रुष्ट्वा विवर्णवदनो गुहः |
बभूव व्यथितस्तत्र भूमिकम्पे यथा द्रुमः || २-८७-४

Seeing Bharata unconscious, Guha growing pale, shook like a tree during an earthquake.

4. dR^iSTvaa = seeing; bharatam = Bharata; muurchhitam = unconscious; guhaH = Guha; vivarNavadanaH = growing pale; babhuuva = became; vyathitaH = shaken; tatra = there; yathaa drumaH = like a tree; bhuumikampe = during an earth-quake.

Verse 5

तद् अवस्थम् तु भरतम् शत्रुघ्नो अनन्तर स्थितः |
परिष्वज्य रुरोद उच्चैर् विसम्ज्नः शोक कर्शितः || २-८७-५

Shatrughna, who stood near, taking Bharata, who was in that unconscious state in his arms, becoming non-pulsed, cried loudly, overcome as he was with grief.

5. shatrughnaH = Shatrughna; anantara sthitaH = who stood near; pariSvajya = taking in his arms; bharatam = Bharata; tadavastham = who was in that stae; visamjJNaH = becoming non-pulsed; ruroda = cried; uchchaiH = loudly; shokakarshitaH = overcome with grief.”

Verse 6

ततः सर्वाः समापेतुर् मातरो भरतस्य ताः |
उपवास कृशा दीना भर्तृ व्यसन कर्शिताः || २-८७-६

Then, all the queens, emaciated through fasting, extremely miserable, being unable to find consolation for the sad end of their lord, rushed towards Bharata.

6. tataH = then; sarvaaH = all; taaH = those; bharatasya = Bharata’s maataraH = mothers; uparaashakR^ishaaH = emaciated through fasting; dinnaaH = extremely wretched; bhartR^ivyasena karshitaaH = being unable to find consolation for the sad end of their lord; samaapetaH = rushed (towards Bharata).

Verse 7

ताः च तम् पतितम् भूमौ रुदन्त्यः पर्यवारयन् |
कौसल्या तु अनुसृत्य एनम् दुर्मनाः परिषस्वजे || २-८७-७

All of them, sobbing, surrounded Bharata who fell on the ground. Kausalya on her part, torn with grief and bending over him, embraced him.

7. taashcha = all of them; rudatyaH = sobbing paryavaarayan = surrounded; tam = Bharata; patitam = who fell; bhuumau = on the ground; kausalyaaH tu = Kausalya on her part; durmanaaH = torn with grief; anusR^itya = ebnding over; enam = him; parishhasvaje = embraced him.

Verse 8

वत्सला स्वम् यथा वत्सम् उपगूह्य तपस्विनी |
परिपप्रग्च्छ भरतम् रुदन्ती शोक लालसा || २-८७-८

That affectionate Kausalya, agitated as she was with grief and looking miserable, pressing him to her bosom as a cow its own calf, questioned Bharata (in the following words)

8. vatsalaa = the affectionate Kausalya; shoka laalasaa = agitated with grief; tapasvinii = and looking miserable; upaguuhya = pressing him to her bossom; vatsam yathaa = as to a calf; svam = by its own mother-cow; paripaprachchha = questioned; bharatam = Bharata ( in the following words)

Verse 9

पुत्र व्याधिर् न ते कच्चित् शरीरम् परिबाधते |
अद्य राज कुलस्य अस्य त्वद् अधीनम् हि जीवितम् || २-८७-९

“O, son! I hope that no ailment afflicts your body. Now, the life of this royal race is indeed dependent on you.”

9. putra = O; son!; kachchit vyaadhi na paribaadhate = I hope that no ailment afflicts; te shariiram = your body; adya = now; jiivitam = the life; asya = of this; raajaknlasya = royal race; tvadadhiinam hi = is indeed dependent on you.

Verse 10

त्वाम् दृष्ट्वा पुत्र जीवामि रामे सभ्रातृके गते |
वृत्ते दशरथे राज्नि नाथ एकः त्वम् अद्य नः || २-८७-१०

“O, son! Rama along with Lakshman has gone to the forest. The king Dasaratha is dead. I survive, looking on you. Now, you alone are the protector for us.”

10. putra = O; son!; raame = Rama; sa bhraatR^ike = along with his brother Lakshmana; gate = hoas gone (to the forest); raajJNi = the king; dasharathe = Dasaratha; vR^iSTvaa = looking on you; tvam = you; ekaH = alone; naathaH = are the protector; naH = for us; adya = now.

Verse 11

कच्चिन् न लक्ष्मणे पुत्र श्रुतम् ते किंचिद् अप्रियम् |
पुत्र वा ह्य् एकपुत्रायाः सह भार्ये वनम् गते || २-८७-११

“I hope you have not heard any unpleasant news about Lakshmana or about Rama my one and the only son who left for the forest along with his wife.”

11. putra = O; son!; kachchit = na shrutam = I hope it is not heard; te = by you; kimchit = any; apriyam = unpleasnt news; lakshmaNe = about Lakshman; putre vaa = or about Rama my son; eka putraayaaH = my only son; gate = who left; vanam = for the forest; sahabhaarye = along with his wife.

Verse 12

स मुहूर्तम् समाश्वस्य रुदन्न् एव महा यशाः |
कौसल्याम् परिसान्त्व्य इदम् गुहम् वचनम् अब्रवीत् || २-८७-१२

Bharata of great renown, easing himself well within a moment, consoled Kausalya and while still weeping, spoke to Guha (as follows)

12. saH = that Bharata; mahaa yashaaH = of great renown; samaashvasya = easing himself well; muhuurtam- within a moment; parisaantvya = consoled; kausalyaam = kausalya; rudanneva = and while still weaping; abraviit = spoke; idam = these vachanam = words; guham = to Guha.

Verse 13

भ्राता मे क्व अवसद् रात्रिम् क्व सीता क्व च लक्ष्मणः |
अस्वपत् शयने कस्मिन् किम् भुक्त्वा गुह शंस मे || २-८७-१३

“O, guha! Tell me where did Rama my brother as also Seetha and Lakshmana halt in the night? On what couch and eating what, did he repose?

13. guha = O; Guha!; kva = where; me bhraataa = did my brother; avasat = halt; raatrau = in the night?; kva = where; siitaa = did Seetha (half in the night)?; kva = where; lakshhmaNaH cha = did Lakshmana (halt in the night)?; bhuktvaa = eating; kim = what; kasmin = and on which; shayane = couch; asvapat = did he repose?; shamasa = tell; me = me.

Verse 14

सो अब्रवीद् भरतम् पृष्टो निषाद अधिपतिर् गुहः |
यद् विधम् प्रतिपेदे च रामे प्रिय हिते अतिथौ || २-८७-१४

Guha, the Lord of Nishadas, thrilling with rapture, spoke to Bharata about the manner in which he made arrangements for (feeding and reposing) his beloved and kind guest, Rama.

14. saH guhaH = that Guha; nishhaadaadhipatiH = the Lord of Nishadas; hR^iSTaH = thrilling with rapture; abraviit = spoke; bharatam = to Bharata; yadvidham = about the manner in which; pratipade = he arranged for (feeding and reposing) priya hite = his beloved and kind; atithau = guest; raame = Rama.

Verse 15

अन्नम् उच्च अवचम् भक्ष्याः फलानि विविधानि च |
रामाय अभ्यवहार अर्थम् बहु च उपहृतम् मया || २-८७-१५

“Various kinds of food and drink and different varieties of fruits were brought repeatedly by me to the presence of Rama for the purpose of his consumption.”

15. annam = food; uchchaavacham = of various kinds; bhakshhaaH = drinks; vividhaani = and different variets; phalaani cha = of fruits; upahR^itam = were brought; bahu = repeatedly; mayaa = by me; raamaaya = to the presence of Rama; abhyavahaaraartham = for the purpose of his consumption.

Verse 16

तत् सर्वम् प्रत्यनुज्नासीद् रामः सत्य पराक्रमः |
न हि तत् प्रत्यगृह्णात् स क्षत्र धर्मम् अनुस्मरन् || २-८७-१६

Rama, the truly courageous man, refused all of them. Reminding himself of his warrior’s statute, he could not accept it.

16. raamaH = Rama; satya paraakramaH = the truely courageous man; pratyannjJNaasiit = refused; tatsarvam = all of them; anusmaran = and remembering; kSatradharmam = his warrior’s duty; saH = he; na tu pratyagR^ihNaat = could not accept; tat = it.

Verse 17

न ह्य् अस्माभिः प्रतिग्राह्यम् सखे देयम् तु सर्वदा |
इति तेन वयम् राजन्न् अनुनीता महात्मना || २-८७-१७

“O, Bharata! We were pacified by that high-souled Rama by saying thus: ‘ O, friend! We are not allowed to receive anything we must always be givers.”

17. raajan = O; Bharata!; vayam = we; anuniitaaH = were pacified; tena = by that; mahaatmanaa = high-souled Rama; iti = saying thus; ‘sakhe = O; friend!; na pratigraahyam = nothing should be received; deyam = but be given; saradaa = always; asmaabhiH = by us.

Verse 18

लक्ष्मणेन समानीतम् पीत्वा वारि महा यशाः |
औपवास्यम् तदा अकार्षीद् राघवः सह सीतया || २-८७-१८

“Rama, of great glory, then along with Seetha drank the water brought by Lakshman as observed fasting.”

18. raaghavaH = Rama; mahaayashaH = of great glory; tadaa = then; siitayaasaha = along with Seetha; piitvaa = drank; vaari = the water; samaaniitam = brought; lakshmaNena = by Lakshmana; akaarshhit = and pulled himself; oupavaasyam = to fasting.

Verse 19

ततः तु जल शेषेण लक्ष्मणो अप्य् अकरोत् तदा |
वाग् यताः ते त्रयः संध्याम् उपासत समाहिताः || २-८७-१९

“Thereafter Lakshmana also drank the left-over water and those three practised silence together in that evening-twilight.

19. tataH = thereafter; tadaa = at that time; lakSmaNo.api = Lakshmana also; akarot = drank; jalasheSeNa = the remainder of water; te trayaH = and those three; samupaasata = practised; vaagyataaH = silence; samhitaa = together; sandhyaam = in that evening-twillight

Verse 20

सौमित्रिः तु ततः पश्चाद् अकरोत् स्वास्तरम् शुभम् |
स्वयम् आनीय बर्हीम्षि क्षिप्रम् राघव कारणात् || २-८७-२०

“Lakshmana then personally brought a layer of Kusa grass and arranged a fittingly nice bed with it for Rama immediately.”

20. tataH pashchaat = thereafter; saumitristu = Lakshmana; svayam = personally; aaniiya = brought; barhiimshi = a layer of Kusa grass; akarot = and arranged; shubham = a suitably; svaastaram = good bed; raaghava; kaaraNaat = for Rama; kSipram = immediately.

Verse 21

तस्मिन् समाविशद् रामः स्वास्तरे सह सीतया |
प्रक्षाल्य च तयोः पादाउ अपचक्राम लक्ष्मणः || २-८७-२१

“Rama, along with Seetha, settled down on that bed. After washing their feet, Lakshmana went away to a distance.”

21. raamaH = Rama; siitayaa saha = along with Seetha; samaavishat = settled dwon on; tasmin = that; svaastare = bed; prakSaalaya = after washing; tayoH = their; paadau = feet; lakShmaNaH = Lakshmana; apachakraama = wnet away to a distance.

Verse 22

एतत् तद् इन्गुदी मूलम् इदम् एव च तत् तृणम् |
यस्मिन् रामः च सीता च रात्रिम् ताम् शयिताउ उभौ || २-८७-२२

“Here at this fort of Ingndi Tree, on just this grass, on which both Rama and Seetha slept that night.”

22. etat = here; tat = at that; ingudii muulam = foot of Ingudi Tree; idameva = on just this; tR^iNamcha = grass; yasmin = on which; ubhau = both; raamashcha = Rama and; siitaa = Seetha; shayitau = slept; taam raatrim = that night.

Verse 23

नियम्य पृष्ठे तु तल अन्गुलित्रवान् |
शरैः सुपूर्णाउ इषुधी परम् तपः |
महद् धनुः सज्यम् उपोह्य लक्ष्मणो |
निशाम् अतिष्ठत् परितो अस्य केवलम् || २-८७-२३

“Lakshmana, the scourge of his foe, wearing a glove of goha skin, strapping two quivers full of arrows on either side of his back and wielding a great stringed bow, remained on his part walking round Rama during that night.”

23. lakSmaNaH = Lakshman; paramtapaH = who torments his enemy; talaanguliitravaan = wearing a glove of Goha skin; niyamya = strapping; pR^iSThe = on his back; iSudhii = quivers; supuurNau = full of; sharaiH = arrows; upohya = and wielding; mahat = a great; dhanuH = bow; sajyam = with string; atiSThat kevalam = remained walking alone; paritaH = round; asya = Rama; nishaam = during the night.

Verse 24

ततः तु अहम् च उत्तम बाण चापधृक् |
स्थितो अभवम् तत्र स यत्र लक्ष्मणः |
अतन्द्रिभिर् ज्नातिभिर् आत्त कार्मुकैर् |
महा इन्द्र कल्पम् परिपालयमः तदा || २-८७-२४

“Wearing excellent arrows and a bow along with my vigilant kinsmen carrying their bows, I on my part remained near Lakshman, who was guarding Rama who vied with Indra the Lord of celestials.”

24. tataH = thereafter; ahamtu = I on my part; tadaa = at that time; uttama baaNa chaapa dhR^it = wearing excellent arrows and a bow; jN^aatibhiH = along with my kinsment; atandribhiH = who were free from lassitude; aatta kaarmukaiH = and carrying bows; abhavam = becoming; sthitaH = remained; tatra = there; yatra = where; lakSmanaH = Lakshama; paripaalayan = was guarding mahendra kalpam = Rama; who vied with Indra.

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