83 – Bharata goes to see Rama


Leaving Ayodhya early next morning, accompanied by family-priests, ministers, archers, elephants, cavalry, artisans, army and citizens and covering a long distance, Bharata arrives at the bank of Ganga River at Sringaberapura ruled by guha and, encamping the army there, breaks journey for offering libations to his deceased father on the bank of the Ganaga and also to give rest to the retinue.

Verse 1

ततः समुत्थितः काल्यम् आस्थाय स्यन्दन उत्तमम् |
प्रययौ भरतः शीघ्रम् राम दर्शन कान्क्षया || २-८३-१

Bharata rose up at day-break, mounted on excellent chariot and went quickly with a desire to see Rama.

1. tataH = thereafter; bharataH = Bharata; samutthitaH = rose up; kaalayam = at day-break; aasthaaya = mounted; syandanottamam = on an excellent chariot; prayayau = and procedded; shiighra = quickly; raamadarshanakaaNkshayaa = with a desire to see Rama.

Verse 2

अग्रतः प्रययुस् तस्य सर्वे मन्त्रि पुरोधसः |
अधिरुह्य हयैः युक्तान् रथान् सूर्य रथ उपमान् || २-८३-२

All the ministers and priests ascended, chariots yoked with horses, resembling those of the sun, and went ahead of Bharata.

2. sarve = all; mantra purodhasaH = the ministers and priests; adhiruuhya = ascended; rathaan = chariots; yuktaam = yoked; hayaiH = with horses; suurya rathopamaan = resembling those of the sun; prayayuH = and went; agrataH = ahead; tasya = of him.

Verse 3

नव नाग सहस्राणि कल्पितानि यथा विधि |
अन्वयुर् भरतम् यान्तम् इक्ष्वाकु कुल नन्दनम् || २-८३-३

Nine thousand elephants suitably duly arranged escorted Bharata the joy of the Ikshvaku dynasty, on his journey.

3. nava naagasraaNi = nine thousand elephants; kalpitaani = well-arranged; yathaavidhi = suitably; anvayuH = accompanied; yaantam = the moving; bharatam = Bharata; ikshvaaku kulanandanam = the joy of Ikshvaku dynasty.

Verse 4

षष्ठी रथ सहस्राणि धन्विनो विविध आयुधाः |
अन्वयुर् भरतम् यान्तम् राज पुत्रम् यशस्विनम् || २-८३-४

Sixty thousand chariots filled with archers, furnished with weapons of various kinds, followed the illustrious prince Bharata.

4. SaSTiH = sixty; ratha sahasraaNi = thousand chariots; dhanvinaH = men wielding bows; vividhaayudhaaH = and various kinds of weapon; anvayuH = followed; yashasvinam = the illustrious; raajaputram = prince; bharatam = Bharata; yaantam = on his journey.

Verse 5

शतम् सहस्राणि अश्वानाम् समारूढानि राघवम् |
अन्वयुर् भरतम् यान्तम् राज पुत्रम् यशस्विनम् || २-८३-५

A hundred thousand cavalry accompanied the moving Bharata, born in Raghu dynasty, who was true to his promise and who subdued his senses.

5. shatam = a hundred; sahasraaNi = thousad; ashvaanaam samaaruuDhaani = cavalry; anvayuH = accompanied; yaantam = the moving; bharatam = Bharata; raaghavam = born in Raghu dynasty; satyasandham = who was true to his promise; jitendriyam- and who subdued his senses.

Verse 6

कैकेयी च सुमित्रा च कौसल्या च यशस्विनी |
राम आनयन सम्हृष्टा ययुर् यानेन भास्वता || २-८३-६

Kaikeyi, Sumitra and the illustrious Kausalya rode in a resplendent chariot, delighted as they were at the thought of Rama’s return.

6. kaikeyii cha = Kaikeyi; sumitraacha = Sumitra; yashashvinii = and the illustrious; kausalyaacha = Kausalya; yayuH = rode; bhaasvataa yaanena = in a resplendent chariot; ramaanayana samhR^iSTaaH = delighted as they were at the thought of the return of Rama.

Verse 7

प्रयाताः च आर्य सम्घाता रामम् द्रष्टुम् सलक्ष्मणम् |
तस्य एव च कथाः चित्राः कुर्वाणा हृष्ट मानसाः || २-८३-७

The whole body of noble men with their jubiliant hearts followed Bharata to see Rama again as also Lakshmana, recounting the marvelous exploits of that hero to each other saying:

7. aarya samghaataashcha = the whole body of noble men; hR^iSTamaanasaaH = with jubiliant hearts; kurvaaNaaH = narrating; chitraaH = marvelous; kathaaH = stories; tasyaiva = of Rama himself; prayaataaH = wnt; draSTum = to behold; raamam = Rama; salakshamaNaH = along with Lakshmana.

Verse 8

मेघ श्यामम् महा बाहुम् स्थिर सत्त्वम् दृढ व्रतम् |
कदा द्रक्ष्यामहे रामम् जगतः शोक नाशनम् || २-८३-८

“When shall we see the mighty armed prince, of the hue of dark cloud, whose courage is unshakable, of inflexible purpose Rama, who banished sorrow from the earth?”

8. kadaa = when; drakSyaamahe = shall we see; mahaabaahum = the mighty armed prince; maghashyaamam = of the hue of a dark cloud; sthira sattvam = whose courage is unshakable; dR^iDhavratam = of inflexible purpose; raamam = Rama; shokanaashanam = who banished sorrow; jagataH = from the earth?

Verse 9

दृष्टएव हि नः शोकम् अपनेष्यति राघवः |
तमः सर्वस्य लोकस्य समुद्यन्न् इव भास्करः || २-८३-९

“Beholding Rama, our entire sorrow will indeed be dispelled, as darkness of the entire earth is dispelled at the rising of the sun.”

9. raaghavaH = (As soon as) Rama; dR^iSTa eva = is seen; apaneSyatihi = he will indeed remove; naH = our; shokam = sorrow; tamaH iva = like darkness; sarvasya = of the entire; lokasya = world (is removed); samudyan = at the rising; bhaaskaraH = sun.

Verse 10

इति एवम् कथयन्तः ते सम्प्रहृष्टाः कथाः शुभाः |
परिष्वजानाः च अन्योन्यम् ययुर् नागरिकाः तदा || २-८३-१०

Thus did the citizens of Ayodhya recount happily of Rama’s glorious deeds, and they embraced each other as they went along.

10. te = those; naagarikaaH janaaH = citizens; kathayantaH = recounting; shubhaaH = the auspicious; kathaaH = stories; ityevam = as aforesaid; pariSvajaanaashcha = embracing; anyonyam = each other; samprahR^iSTaaH = joyfully; yayuH = went along.

Verse 11

ये च तत्र अपरे सर्वे सम्मता ये च नैगमाः |
रामम् प्रति ययुर् हृष्टाः सर्वाः प्रकृतयः तदा || २-८३-११

Those others who were held in high esteem, merchants and all common people proceeded merrily to join Rama.

11. ye = which; apare = others; sammataaH = who were held in high esteem; tatra = there; ye = which; naigamaaH = merchants; tathaa = and; sarvaaH = all; prakR^itayaH = common people; yayuH = proceeded; hR^iSTaaH = merrily; raamam = to join Rama.

Verse 12,13 & 14

मणि काराः च ये केचित् कुम्भ काराः च शोभनाः |
सूत्र कर्म कृतः चैव ये च शस्त्र उपजीविनः || २-८३-१२
मायूरकाः क्राकचिका रोचका वेधकाः तथा |
दन्त काराः सुधा काराः तथा गन्ध उपजीविनः || २-८३-१३
सुवर्ण काराः प्रख्याताः तथा कम्बल धावकाः |
स्नापक आच्चादका वैद्या धूपकाः शौण्डिकाः तथा || २-८३-१४
रजकाः तुन्न वायाः च ग्राम घोष महत्तराः |
शैलूषाः च सह स्त्रीभिर् यान्ति कैवर्तकाः तथा || २-८३-१५

Some lapidaries, skilled potters, those who lived by manufacture of arms, carpenters, those who made various articles from peacock-feather, sawyers, workers in artificial ornaments, those who pierced gems, pearls etc, those who made articles of ivory, those who lived by perfumery, highly reputed goldsmiths, weavers of blankets and other wollen goods, those who provided hot-water baths for other, physicians, distillers and vendors of spirituous liquors, fumigators, washer-men, tailors, chiefs of villages and hamlets, dancers with their women-folk and fishermen started on the journey.

12; 13; 14; 15. ye = which; kechit = some; maNikaaraaH = lapidaries; shobhanaaH = good; kumbhakaaraashcha = potters; ye = which; shastropajiivanaH = those who lived by manufacture of arms; suutrakarma kR^itashchaiva = carpenters; maayuurakaaH = those who made various articles from peacock-feathers; kraakachikaaH = sawyers; rochakaaH = workers in artificial ornaments; vedhakaaH = those who pierced gems; pearls etc; tathaa = and dantakaaraaH = those who made articles of ivory; sudhaakaraaH = those who prepared lime; tathaa = and; gandhopajiivanaH = those who lived by perfumery; prakhyaataaH = highly reputed; suvarnakaaraaH = goldsmiths; tathaa = and; kambaladhaavakaaH = weavers of blankets and other wollen goods; snaapakoSNodakaaH = those who provided hot water baths for others; vaidyaaH = physicians; shauN^DikaaH = distillers and venders of spirituous liquors; dhuupakaaH = fumigaters; rajakaaH = washer-men; tunnavaayaashcha = tailors; graamaghoSamahattaraaH = chiefs of villages and hamlets; shailuuSaaH = dancers; striibhiH saha = with their women-folk; tathaa = and; kaivartakaaH = fisher men; yayuH = started on the journey.

Verse 16

समाहिता वेदविदो ब्राह्मणा वृत्त सम्मताः |
गो रथैः भरतम् यान्तम् अनुजग्मुः सहस्रशः || २-८३-१६

Thousands of Brahmanas, well-composed, renowned for their virtuous conduct, versed in sacred scriptures and riding on bullock-carts, accompanied Bharata.

16. sahasrashaH = thousands; braahmaNaaH = of Brahmanas; samaahitaaH = well-composed; vR^itta sammataaH = renowned for their virtuous conduct; veda vidaH = versed in sacred scriptures; yaantam = riding; gorathaiH = on bullock-carts; anujagmuH = accompanied; bharatam = Bharata.

Verse 17

सुवेषाः शुद्ध वसनाः ताम्र मृष्ट अनुलेपनाः |
सर्वे ते विविधैः यानैः शनैः भरतम् अन्वयुः || २-८३-१७

All of them, attired in clean and fair raiment, anointed with pure red sandal-paste, mounted on various kinds of vehicles, followed Bharata tranquilly.

17. te sarve = all of them; suveSaaH = attired in; shuddhavasanaaH = clean and fair raiment; taamra mR^iSTaanulepanaaH = anointed with pure red sandal-paste; vividhaiH = mounted on various kinds; yaanaiH = of vehicles; anvayuH = allowed; bharatam = Bharata; shanaiH = trangquilly.

Verse 18

प्रहृष्ट मुदिता सेना सान्वयात् कैकयी सुतम् |
भ्रातुरानयने यान्तम् भरतम् भ्रातृवत्सलम् || २-८३-१८

Exceedingly pleased and cheerful, that army escorted the son of Kaikeyi- Bharta who was affectionate towards his brother and who had set out along with his family to bring his brother, Rama.

18. prahR^iSTamuditaaH = exceedingly pleased and cheerful; saa senaa = that army; anvayaat = escorted; kaikeyiisutam = the son of Kaikeyi (Bharata); bhraatR^ivatsalam = who had affection for his brother; yaantam = who had set out; saanvayaat = along with hs family; aanayane = to bring; bhraatuH = his brother.

Verse 19 & 20

ते गत्वा दूरमध्वानम् रथम् यानाश्वकुञ्जरैः |
समासेदुस्ततो गङ्गाम् शृङ्गिबेरपुरम् प्रति || २-८३-१९
यत्र रामसखो वीरो गुहो ज्ञातिगणैर्वृतः |
निवसत्यप्रमादेन देशम् तम् परिपालयन् || २-८३-२०

Having gone for a considerable distance in their chariots, carts, horses and elephants, they reached the River Ganga close to the city of Shringaberapura, where the valiant Guha, a bosom friend of Rama along with multitude of relatives was ruling that region carefully.

19; 20. te = they; gatvaa = having gone; duuram = a long; adhraanam = course; ratha yaanaashva = kuN^jaraiH = on chariots; carts; horses and elephants; samaaseduH = reached; gaNgaam = the River Ganga; shR^iN^giberapuram prati = close to the city of Shrigaberapura; yatra = where; viiraH = the valiant; guhaH = Guha; raamasakhaH = a bosom friend of Rama; vR^itaH = along with; j^NaatigaNaiH = multitude of his relatives; paripaalayan = was ruling; tam = that; desham = region; apramaadena = carefully.

Verse 21

उपेत्य तीरम् गङ्गायाश्चक्रमाकैरलङ्कतम् |
व्यवतिष्ठत सा सेना भरतस्य अनुयायिनी || २-८३-२१

That army, which was accompanying Bharata, arrived at the bank of Ganga River, looking beautiful as it was with Charka* birds and stopped there.

21. saa senaa = that army; bharasya = anuyaayinii = which was accompanying Bharata; upetya = arrived at; tiiram = the bank; gaN^gaayaaH = of Ganga River; alaN^kR^itam = beautified; chakravaakaiH = with charka birds; vyavaatiSThata = and was stationed there.

Verse 22

निरीक्ष्य अनुगताम् सेनाम् ताम् च गन्गाम् शिव उदकाम् |
भरतः सचिवान् सर्वान् अब्रवीद् वाक्य कोविदः || २-८३-२२

Seeing the army behind, which accompanied him and the River Ganga in front with its propitious waters, Bharata who was skillful in words, spoke to all his officers (as follows):

22. niriikshya = seeing; senaam = the army; anugataam = which accompanied him; taam gaN^gaam cha = and that River Ganga; shivodakaam = with propitious waters; bharataH = Bharata; vaakya kovidaH = the master of words; abraviit = spoke; sarvam = to all; sachivaan = the ministers (as follows):

Verse 23

निवेशयत मे सैन्यम् अभिप्रायेण सर्वशः |
विश्रान्तः प्रतरिष्यामः श्वैदानीम् महा नदीम् || २-८३-२३

“It is my will that my army should take rest by all means. When they are refreshed we shall cross the river tomorrow.”

23. abhi praayeNa = It is my will; me sainyam = that my army; niveshayata = should take rest; sarvataH = by all means; vishraantaaH = after taking rest; idaamim = now; pratariSyaamaH = we shall cross; nadiim = the river; shvaH = tomorrow.

Verse 24

दातुम् च तावद् इच्चामि स्वर् गतस्य मही पतेः |
और्ध्वदेह निमित्त अर्थम् अवतीर्य उदकम् नदीम् || २-८३-२४

“Meanwhile, descending into the river, I desire to make offering of the sacred water as libation for the infinite spirit relating to the state after death, to the king Dasaratha who has gone to heaven.”

24. avatiirya = descending into; nadiim = the river; ichchhami = I wish; datum cha = to make offering; udakam = of sacred water; ourdhvadehanimittaartham = for the infinitive spirit relating to the state after death; mahiipateH = of the king; svargatasya = who has gone to heaven.

Verse 26

निवेश्य गन्गाम् अनु ताम् महा नदीम् |
चमूम् विधानैः परिबर्ह शोभिनीम् |
उवास रामस्य तदा महात्मनो |
विचिन्तयानो भरतः निवर्तनम् || २-८३-२६

Having meticulously arranged for encampment of the army which looked lovely along Ganga that great river with the surrounding equipment (like tunts, furnishings etc), Bharata halted then, reflecting as to how to bring back the magnanimous Rama.

26. niveshya = having encaped; vidhaanaiH = mentienlously; chamuuve = the army; paribarhashobhiniim = which looked lovely with its surrounding equipment (like tents; furnishings etc); gaN^gaam anu = along Ganga; taam = that; mahaanadiim = great river; bharataH = Bharata; uvaasa = halted; tadaa = then; vichintayaanaH = reflecting; nivartanam = how to bring back; mahaatmanaH = the magnanimous; raamasya = Rama.

Verse 25

तस्य एवम् ब्रुवतः अमात्याः तथा इति उक्त्वा समाहिताः |
न्यवेशयंस् तामः चन्देन स्वेन स्वेन पृथक् पृथक् || २-८३-२५

Hearing these words from Bharata, the officers attentively answered, “Be it so” and each of them encamped their respective forces in accord with his pleasure.

25. evam = thus; bruvataH = spoken; tasya = by him; amaatyaaH = the officers; uktvaa = replied; samaahitaaH = attentively; tatheti = “Be it so”; pr^ithak = and each; nyaveshayan = encamped; svena svena = their respective; taam = forces; chhandena = in accord with his pleasure.

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