79 – The king-makers request Bharata to take over Ayodhya kingdom


The king-makers request Bharata to take over Ayodhya kingdom. Bharata refuses to do so and promises to bring back Rama to Ayodhya and make him only as the king. Bharata further orders for construction of a path-way to reach the forest.

Verse 1

ततः प्रभात समये दिवसे अथ चतुर्दशे |
समेत्य राज कर्तारः भरतम् वाक्यम् अब्रुवन् || २-७९-१

Thereafter, early in the morning on the fourteenth day, the king-makers coming together, spoke to Bharata the following words.

1. tataH = thereafter; chaturdashe = on the fourteenth; divase = day; atha = then; praataH kaale = early in the morning; raajakartaaraH = the king-makers; sametya = coming together; abruvan = spoke; vaakyam = (the following) words; bharatam = to Bharata.

Verse 2

गतः दशरथः स्वर्गम् यो नो गुरुतरः गुरुः |
रामम् प्रव्राज्य वै ज्येष्ठम् लक्ष्मणम् च महा बलम् || २-७९-२

“Dasaratha, who was our highly venerable master, went to heaven after sending his elder son Rama and the exceedingly strong Lakshmana to forest.”

2. dasharathaH = Dasaratha; yaH = who; gurutaraH = was our very venerable; guruH = master; gataH = wnet; svargam = to heaven; pravaajya = after having sent away from home; jeSTham = his elder son; raamam = Rama; mahaabalamcha = and the exceedingly; strong; lakshmaNamcha = Lakshmana.

Verse 3

त्वम् अद्य भव नो राजा राज पुत्र महा यशः |
सम्गत्या न अपराध्नोति राज्यम् एतत् अनायकम् || २-७९-३

“O, the highly illustrious prince! From now on, do you be our king. Fortunately, this kingdom has not yet missed the mark, even without a king.”

3. mahaayashaH = O; the highly illustrious; raajaputra = prince! Tvam = you; bhava = be; raajaa = the king; naH = to us; adya = now; etat = this; raajyam = kingdom; naaparaadhnoti = has not yet missed the mark; anaayakam = even without a king.

Verse 4

आभिषेचनिकम् सर्वम् इदम् आदाय राघव |
प्रतीक्षते त्वाम् स्व जनः श्रेणयः च नृप आत्मज || २-७९-४

“O, prince Bharata! Taking all the things needed for coronation, your own people (the counsellers and the ministers) as well as the citizens are awaiting for you.”

4. nR^ipaatmaja = O; prince; raaghava = Bharata!; aadaaya = taking; sarvam = all; idam = the; abhiSechanikam = things needed for coronation; svajanam = your own people (the connsellers and the ministers); shreNayashcha = and the citizens; pratiikshante = are amiting; tvaam = for you.

Verse 5

राज्यम् गृहाण भरत पितृ पैतामहम् महत् |
अभिषेचय च आत्मानम् पाहि च अस्मान् नर ऋषभ || २-७९-५

“O, Bharata the excellent among men! Take over the stable kingdom, which came in succession from your ancestors, coronate yourself and rule us.”

5. bharata = O; Bharata; nararSabha = the excellent among men!; gR^ihaaNa = take over; dhruvam = the stable; raajyam = kingdom; pitR^ipaitaamaham = which came in succession from your ancestors; abhiSechaya = coronate; aatmaanam = yourself; paahicha = and rule; asmaan = us.

Verse 6

आभिषेचनिकम् भाण्डम् कृत्वा सर्वम् प्रदक्षिणम् |
भरतः तम् जनम् सर्वम् प्रत्युवाच धृत व्रतः || २-७९-६

The firmly resolute Bharata performed circumambulation clockwise around all the things kept ready for consecration and replied to all those people as follows:

6. bharataH = Bharata; dhR^itavrataH = who is firmly resolute; pradakSiNam kR^itvaa = performed circumambulation clockwise; sarvam = around all; bhaaN^Dam = the things; abhiSechanikam = required for consecration; pratyuvaacha = and replied; sarvam = to all; tam janam = those people (as follows):

Verse 7

ज्येष्ठस्य राजता नित्यम् उचिता हि कुलस्य नः |
न एवम् भवन्तः माम् वक्तुम् अर्हन्ति कुशला जनाः || २-७९-७

“It is indeed appropriate to bestow kingship always to the eldest of our clan. You, being the conversant people, ought not to tell in this manner to me.”

7. uchitaahi = It is indeed appropriate; raajataa = (to bestow) kingship; nityam = always; jyeSThasya = to the eldest; naH kulasya = of our clan; bhavantaH = you; kushalaaH = the conversant; jannaH = people; na arhanti = ought not; vaktum = to tell; evam = in this manner; maam = to me.

Verse 8

रामः पूर्वो हि नो भ्राता भविष्यति मही पतिः |
अहम् तु अरण्ये वत्स्यामि वर्षाणि नव पन्च च || २-७९-८

“Our eldest brother, Rama will become the king. I then will reside in the forest for fourteen years.”

8. naH = our; puurvaH = eldest; bhraataa = brother; raamaH = Rama; bhaviSyati = will become; mahiipatiH = the king; aham tu = I then; vatsyaami = will reside; araNye = in the forest; nava paN^chacha = for fourteen; varSaaNi = years.

Verse 9

युज्यताम् महती सेना चतुर् अन्ग महा बला |
आनयिष्याम्य् अहम् ज्येष्ठम् भ्रातरम् राघवम् वनात् || २-७९-९

“Let a great and exceptionally powerful army consisting of all the four limbs be kept ready. I shall bring Rama our elder brother from the forest.”

9. mahatii = (Let) a great; chaturaN^gamahaabalaaH = and exceptionally powerful army consisting of all the four limbs; yujyataam = be kept ready; aham = I; aanayiSyaami = shall bring; raaghavam = Rama; jyeSTham = the elder; bhraataram = brother; vanaat = from the forest.

Verse 10

आभिषेचनिकम् चैव सर्वम् एतत् उपस्कृतम् |
पुरः कृत्य गमिष्यामि राम हेतोर् वनम् प्रति || २-७९-१०

“Keeping in front, all the assembled requisites needed for consecration, I shall proceed to the forest for the sake of bringing back Rama.”

10. puraskR^itya = keeping in front; sarva = all etat = this upaskR^itam = assembled; abhiSechanikam = requisite needed for consecration; gamiSyaami = I shall proceed; vanam prati = to the forest; raama hetoH = for the sake of (bringing back) Rama.

Verse 11

तत्र एव तम् नर व्याघ्रम् अभिषिच्य पुरः कृतम् |
आनेष्यामि तु वै रामम् हव्य वाहम् इव अध्वरात् || २-७९-११

“Consecrating him, the tiger among men there itself, I shall surely bring Rama solemnized in front, as bringing home the sacred fire from a sacrificial rite, after performing it outside the city.”

11. abhiSichya = consecrating; tam = him; naravyaaghram = the tiger among men; tatraiva = there itself; aneSyaami tu vai = I shall surely bring; raamam = Rama; havgavaahamiva = as bringing the sacred fire; adhvaraat = from a sacrificial rite.

Verse 12

न सकामा करिष्यामि स्वम् इमाम् मातृ गन्धिनीम् |
वने वत्स्याम्य् अहम् दुर्गे रामः राजा भविष्यति || २-७९-१२

“I shall not make her, my so-called mother, fulfil her desire. I will reside in the impassable forest. Rama will become the king.”

12. na kariSyaami = I shall not make; imam = her; svaam = my; maatR^igandhiniim = so-called mother; sakaamaam = fulfil her desire; aham = I; vatsyaami = will reside; vane = in the forest; durge = which is impassable; raamaH = Rama; bhaviSyati = will become; raajaa = the king.

Verse 13

क्रियताम् शिल्पिभिः पन्थाः समानि विषमाणि च |
रक्षिणः च अनुसम्यान्तु पथि दुर्ग विचारकाः || २-७९-१३

“Let a path-way be prepared by those skilled in that profession, by leveling the uneven surfaces. Let guards who can easily move in the inaccessible forests accompany us in the path.”

13. manthaaH = let a road; kriyataam = be made; shilpibhiH = by those skilled in that art; samaani = by leveling; viSamaaNi = the uneven surfaces; rakSiNashcha = let guards; durgavichaarakaaH = who can move inaccessible forest; anusamyaanti = accompany us; pathi = in the path.

Verse 14

एवम् सम्भाषमाणम् तम् राम हेतोर् नृप आत्मजम् |
प्रत्युवाच जनः सर्वः श्रीमद् वाक्यम् अनुत्तमम् || २-७९-१४

Hearing Prince Bharata, talking in consideration of Rama’s cause, all the people replied in the following illustrious and excellent words:

14. tam nR^ipaatmajam = to Bharata; the prince; sambhaaSamaaNam = who was talking; evam = this; raama hetoH = in Rama’s cause; sarvaH = all; janaH = the people; pratyuvaacha = replied; vaakyam = in these words; shriimat = much were illustrious; anuttamam = and excellent.

Verse 15

एवम् ते भाषमाणस्य पद्मा श्रीर् उपतिष्ठताम् |
यः त्वम् ज्येष्ठे नृप सुते पृथिवीम् दातुम् इच्चसि || २-७९-१५

“Let the gracious goddess of prosperity abide with you, who are speaking thus, desirous of giving kingdom to Rama the eldest son of the king.”

15. shriiH = (let) the gracious; padmaa = goddess of properity; upatiSThataam = abide; te = with you; yaH tvam = you; that very person; bhaaSamaaNasya = who is speaking; evam = thus; ichchhasi = desiring; datum = to give; pR^ithiviim = the kingdom; jyeSThe = to the eldest; nR^ipasute = son of the king.

Verse 16

अनुत्तमम् तत् वचनम् नृप आत्मज |
प्रभाषितम् संश्रवणे निशम्य च |
प्रहर्षजाः तम् प्रति बाष्प बिन्दवो |
निपेतुर् आर्य आनन नेत्र सम्भवाः || २-७९-१६

Hearing those excellent words spoken by the prince close to their ears, tears born of joy fell from the face and eyes of those venerable men.

16. nishamyacha = hearing; tat = those; vachanam = words; anuttamam = which were excellent; tam prati = of him; nR^ipaatmaja prabhaaSitam = spoken by the prince; samshravaNe = close to their ears; baaSpabindavaH = tears; praharSajaaH = born of joy; nipetuH = fell; aaryanana netrasambhavaaH = from the face and the eyes of those venerable men.

Verse 17

ऊचुस् ते वचनम् इदम् निशम्य हृष्टाः |
सामात्याः सपरिषदो वियात शोकाः |
पन्थानम् नर वर भक्तिमान् जनः च |
व्यादिष्टः तव वचनाच् च शिल्पि वर्गः || २-७९-१७

Hearing these words, the people there along with council and the ministers felt cheerful, being relieved of their anxiety and spoke the following words : “As per your command, devoted men and a group of artisans have been instructed to make the path-way.”

17. nishamya = hearing; idam = these; vachanam = words; te = they; sapariSadaH = together with the council; saamaatyaaH = along with the ministers; viyaata shokaaH = were relieved of their grief; hR^iSTaaH = and cheerful; uuchuH = and spoke; idam vachanam = these words; tava = as per your; vachanaat = words; bhaktimaan = devoted; janashcha = people; shilpivargaH = and group of artisans; aadiSTaH = have been instructed; panthaanam = for making the path-way.

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