65 – Dasaratha passes away


At the dawn of the next day, panergysts and servants arrived at the palace to serve the king. Some women, who were empowered to go near the bed, detected the king’s death and started crying loudly. Kausalya and Sumitra suddenly woke up from their slumber and came to know of the king’s death. All the wives of Dasaratha wept miserably. The gynaecium was filled with men and women who felt bewildered with fear and restlessness; when the king met with his appointed end.

Verse 1 & 2

अथ रात्र्याम् व्यतीतायाम् प्रातर् एव अपरे अहनि |
वन्दिनः पर्युपातिष्ठंस् तत् पार्थिव निवेशनम् || २-६५-१
सूताः परमसंस्काराः मङ्गळाश्चोओत्तमश्रुताः |
गायकाः स्तुतिशीलाश्च निगदन्तः पृथक् पृथक्|| २-६५-२

While the night passed away, there arrived at the residence of the emperor, at the dawn of the next day, highly cultured and excellently learned bards who were pronouncers of benedictions and whose custom was to eulogize the king, as well as singers and panegyrists uttering recitations in different styles.

1; 2. atha = thereafter; raatryaam vyatiitaayaam = while the night passed away; praataH eva = at the dawn itself; apare = of the following; ahari = day; paryupaatishhThan = there approached; tat = that; paarthiva niveshanam = residence of the emperor; paramasamskaaraaH = highly cultured; uttamashrutaaH = excellently learned; suutaaH = bards; maNgaLaashcha = who were pronouncers of benedictions; stutishiilaaH = and whose custom was to eulogize the king; gaayakaaH = as well as singers; vandinaH = and panegyrists; nigadantaH = pronouncing ; pR^ithak pR^ithak = in different styles.

Verse 3

राजानम् स्तुताम् तेषामुदात्ताभिहिताशिषाम् |
प्रासादाभोगविस्तीर्णः स्तुतिशब्दो ह्यवर्तत || २-६५-३

Their sounds of praises, uttering benedictions in a loud voice and pronouncing accolades of the king, pervaded in full the interior area of the palace.

3. teshhaam = their; stutishabdaH = sounds of praises; udattaabhitaashishhaa = uttering benedictions in a loud voice; stuvataam = and pronouncing accolades; raajaanan = of the king; aavartatahi = pervaded; praasaadaabhogavistiirNaH = in full; the interior area of the palaces.

Verse 4

ततस्तु स्तुवताम् तेषाम् सूतानाम् पाणिवादकाः |
अवदानान्युदाहृत्य पाणिवादा नवादयन् || २-६५-४

While those bards are uttering praises, others who make a bang of claps, patted the claps, eulogizing the previous glorious acts of Dasaratha.

4. tataH = then; teshhaam suutaanaam = while those bards; stuvataam = were uttering praises; paaNivaadakaaH = some others who make noises of claps; avaadayaan = pronounced claps; udaahR^itya = illustrating; avadaanaami = the glorious acts (of Dasaratha).

Verse 5

तेन शब्देन विहगाः प्रतिबुद्धा विसस्वनुः |
शाखास्थाः पञ्जरस्थाश्च ये राजकुलगोचराः || २-६५-५

The birds dwelling in royal palaces perched on the branches of trees and others in cages were awakened by that sound and began to twitter.

5. ye = which; vihagaaH = birds; raajakula gocharaaH = dwelling in the royal palaces; shaakhaasthaaH = on the branches of trees; panjarasthaaHcha = and in cages; pratibuddhaaH = were awakened; tena shabdena = by that sound; visasvanuH = began to twitter.

Verse 6

व्याहृताः पुण्य्शब्दाश्च वीणानाम् चापि निस्स्वनाः |
आशीर्गेयम् च गाथानाम् पूरयामास वेश्म तत || २-६५-६

The auspicious words uttered by bards parrots etc and the notes of Vina as well as blissful songs of the metric verses filled that palace.

6. puNya shabdaashcha = the auspicious words; vyaahR^taaH = uttered; nissvanaaHcha = and the notes; viiNaanaam = of Vina; aashiirgeyamcha = as well as blissful songs; gaathaanaam = of the metric verses; puurayaamaasa = filled; tat = that; veshma = palace.

Verse 7

ततः शुचि समाचाराः पर्युपस्थान कोविदः |
स्त्री वर्ष वर भूयिष्ठाउपतस्थुर् यथा पुरम् || २-६५-७

Then, as before, persons who maintain pure practices and those who were skilled in the services to the king, most of whom were women and eunuchs, arrived there to serve the king.

7. tataH = then; yathaa puram = as before; shuchi samaachaaraaH = those who maintain pure practices; paryupasthaana kovidaaH = and those who were skilled in the services to the king; striivarshhavarabhuuyishhThaaH = most of whom were women and eunuchs ; upatasthuH = arrived to serve(the king).

Verse 8

हरि चन्दन सम्पृक्तम् उदकम् कान्चनैः घटैः |
आनिन्युः स्नान शिक्षा आज्ञा यथा कालम् यथा विधि || २-६५-८

Those who took care of royal ablutions brought water sprinkled with yellow sandal in golden pitchers in accordance with appropriate time and the set procedures.

8. snaana shikshhaajJNaaH = those who took care of royal ablutions; aaninyuH = brought; udakam = water; harichandana samvR^iktam = spinkled with yellow sandal; kaaNchanaiH = in golden; ghaTaiH = pitchers; yathaakaalam = in accordance with the appropriate time; yathaavidhi = and according to the set procedures.

Verse 9

मन्गल आलम्भनीयानि प्राशनीयान् उपस्करान् |
उपनिन्युस् तथा अपि अन्याः कुमारी बहुलाः स्त्रियः || २-६५-९

In that manner, women too most of whom were virgins brought all that were pleasing to the touch, eatables, decorative clothing and ornaments.

9. tathaa = in that manner; striyaHapi = women too; kumariibahuLaaH = most of whom were virgins; upaninyuH = brought; maNgaLaalamba niiyaani = all that were pleasing to touch praashaniiyaan = eatables; upaskaraan = decorations and ornaments.

Verse 10

सर्वलक्षणसम्पन्नम् सर्वम् विधिवदर्चितम् |
सर्वम् सुगुणलक्स्मीवत्तद्भभूवाभिहारिकम् || २-६५-१०

All that was brought near him was endowed with all auspicious characteristics offered with reverence as per prescribed scriptures. All that was extremely graceful.

10. sarvam = all; tat = that; abhihaarikam = which was brought near him; abhuut = was; sarva lakshhaNasampannam = rich with all auspicious characteristics; architam = was offered with reverence; vidhivat = as per prescribing scriptures; sarvam = all that; suguNa lakshhmiivat = was extremely graceful.

Verse 11

ततः सूर्योदयम् यावत्सर्वम् परिसमुत्सुकम् |
तस्थावनुपसम्प्राप्तम् किम् स्विदित्युपश् || २-६५-११

All that retinue, greatly excited as they were, without coming near to the king and with a suspicion as to what was it, stayed thus till sunrise.

11. tataH = thereafter; sarvam = all that retinue; parisamutsukam = greatly excited; anupasampraaptam = without coming near to the king; upashaNkitam = with a suspicion; kim svit iti = as to what was it; tasthou = stayed thus; suuryodayam yaavat = till sun rise.

Verse 12

अथ याः कोसल इन्द्रस्य शयनम् प्रत्यनन्तराः |
ताः स्त्रियः तु समागम्य भर्तारम् प्रत्यबोधयन् || २-६५-१२

The women who were empowered to go near the bed of Dasaratha went in proximity to him and woke him up.

12. atha = then; yaaH striyaH = which women; anantaraaH = have no hindrance; shayanam prati = towards the bed; kosalendraaya = of Dasaratha; taaH tu = those women only; samaagamya = approached; bhartaaram = their lord; pratyabodhayan = and woke him up.

Verse 13

तथाप्युचितवृत्तास्ता विनयेन नयेन च |
न ह्यस्य शयनम् स्पृष्ट्वा किम् चिदप्युपलेभिरे || २-६५-१३

Even so, those modest and prudent women with proper conduct, touched Dasaratha’s bed and could not detect any sign of life whatsoever in him.

13. tathaapi = even so; taaH = those women; uchitavR^ttaaH = having proper conduct; vinayena = by their modesty; nayena = (and) by their prudence; spR^ishhTvaa = touched; shayanam = the bed; asya = of Dasaratha; na upalebhire = and could not detect; kimchit api = anything either.

Verse 14

ताः स्त्रीयः स्वप्नशीलज्ञास्चेष्टासंचलनादिषु |
ता वेपथु परीताः च राज्ञः प्राणेषु शन्किताः || २-६५-१४
प्रतिस्रोतः तृण अग्राणाम् सदृशम् संचकम्पिरे |

Those women knew the condition of a body in sleep, by its gestures, movements and others. As such, they were possessed of tremor apprehensive as they were about the king’s life and they resembled like tips of reeds standing against a stream.

14. taaH striiyaH = those women; svapnashiilajJNaaH = knew the condition of a body in sleep; cheshhTaa samchalanaadishhu = by its gestures; movements and others; taaH = those women as such; shaNkitaH = were apprehensive; raajJNaH = of the king`s; praaNeshhu = life; vepathupariitaaHcha = possessed of tremor; samchakaashire = and were revealing; pratisrotastR^iNaagraaNaam = like tips of reeds standing against a stream.

Verse 15

अथ सम्वेपमनानाम् स्त्रीणाम् दृष्ट्वा च पार्थिवम् || २-६५-१५
यत् तत् आशन्कितम् पापम् तस्य जज्ञे विनिश्चयः |

Now, seeing the king, certainty arose in the minds of those doubting women about the calamity (of death) that was apprehended.

15. atha = now; dR^ishhTvaacha = on seeing; paarthivam = the king; tasya = its; vinishchayaH = certainty; jaG^ye = arose; sandehamaanaanaam = in the minds of doubting; striiNaam = women; yat = of which; paapam = calamity; aashaNkitam = that was apprehended.

Verse 16

कौसल्या च सुमित्रा च पुत्रशोकपराजिते || २-६५-१६
प्रसुप्ते न प्रबुध्येते यथा कालसमन्विते |

Overpowered by grief for their sons, the slumbering Kausalya and Sumitra did not wake up, as though they were completely overtaken by death.

16. putra shoka paraajite = overpowered by grief for their sons; prasupte = the slumbering; kausalyaacha = Kausalya; sumitraacha = and Sumitra; na prabudhyate = did not wake up; kaalasamanvite yathaa = as if they were completely possessed of death.

Verse 17

निष्प्रभा च विवर्णा च सन्ना शोकेन सन्नता || २-६५-१७
न व्यराजत कौसल्या तारेव तिमिरावृता |

Kausalya bereft of luster, pale faced, emaciated with grief and dispirited, did not shine brightly (as before) like a star hidden away in darkness.

17. kausalya = Kausalya; nishhprabhaacha = bereft of luster; vivarNaa = pale faced; sannaa = emaciated; shokena = by grief; sannataa = and dispirited; na vyaraajata = did not shine brightly; taareva = like a star; timiraavR^itaa = hidden away in darkness.

Verse 18

कौसल्यानन्तरम् राज्ञः सुमित्रा तदन्तनरम् || २-६५-१८
न स्म विभ्राजते देवी शोकाश्रुलुलितानना |

The queen Kausalya, immediately close to the king and with Sumitra on her side, was not shining as before with her face ruffled by tears of grief.

18. devii = the queen; kausalyaa = Kausalya; anantaram = immediately close; raajJNaH = to the king; sumitraa = and sumitra; tadanantaram = on her side; na sma vibhraajate = was not shining (as before); shokaashru lulitaananaa = with her face ruffled by tears of grief.

Verse 19

ते च दृष्ट्वा तथा सुप्ते शुभे देव्यौ च तम् नृपम् || २-६५-१९
सुप्तमे वोद्गतप्राणमन्तः पुरमन्यत |

The persons in the gynaecium, having seen those distinguished queens in slumber and also the king in that manner, thought that the king had lost his life while just sleeping.

19. antaHpuram = the gynaecium; dR^ishhTvaa = having seen; te devyon shubhe = those distinguished queens; supte = sleeping; tam = and that; nR^ipam = king; tathaa = in that manner; aamanyata = thought; udgatapraaNam = that the king had lost his life; suptameva = while merely sleeping.

Verse 20

ततः प्रचुक्रुशुर् दीनाः सस्वरम् ता वर अन्गनाः || २-६५-२०
करेणवैव अरण्ये स्थान प्रच्युत यूथपाः |

Then, those beautiful women miserably cried loudly with their voice, like female elephants crying when their group leader an elephant was removed from their place in the forest.

20. tataH = then; taaH varaaNganaaH = those beautiful women; diinaH = miserably; prachukrushuH = cried loudly; sasvaram = with their voice; kareNavaH iva = like female elephants crying; sthaana prachyuta yuuthapaaH = removed from their place; araNye = in the forest.

Verse 21

तासाम् आक्रन्द शब्देन सहसा उद्गत चेतने || २-६५-२१
कौसल्या च सुमित्राच त्यक्त निद्रे बभूवतुः |

Kausalya and Sumitra suddenly obtained consciousness by the sound of their cries and woke up from sleep.

21. kausalyaacha = Kausalya and; sumitraacha = Sumitra; sahasaa = suddenly; udgatachetane = obtained consciousness; taasaam aakranda shabdena = by their sound of cries; babhuuvatuH = and became; tyakta nidre = relieved of sleep.

Verse 22

कौसल्या च सुमित्रा च दृष्ट्वा स्पृष्ट्वा च पार्थिवम् || २-६५-२२
हा नाथ इति परिक्रुश्य पेततुर् धरणी तले |

Kausalya and Sumitra, on seeing and touching king Dasaratha, cried �O, Lord!’ and fell on the ground.

22. kausalyaacha = Kausalya; sumitraacha = and Sumitra; dR^ishhTvaa = on seeing; spR^ishhTvaacha = and touching; paarthivam = the king; parikrushya = cried; haanaathaa iti = as �O; lord!’ patatuH = and fell; dharaNiitala = on the ground.

Verse 23

सा कोसल इन्द्र दुहिता वेष्टमाना मही तले || २-६५-२३
न बभ्राज रजो ध्वस्ता तारा इव गगन च्युता |

Rolling on the floor and covered by dust, Kausalya the daughter of Kosala king was not shining as before and resembled a star falling down from the sky.

23. veshhTamaanaa = rolling; mahiitale = on the floor; rajodhvastaa = and covered by dust; saa = that; kausalyendra duhitaa = daughter of Kosala king; Kausalya; na babhraaja = was not shining; taareva = like a star; chyutaa = slipped down; gaganaat = from the sky.

Verse 24

नृपे शान्तगुणे जाते कौसल्याम् पतिताम् भुवि || २-६५-२४
आपश्यंस्ताः स्त्रियः सर्वा हताम् नागवधूमिव |

While the king was deceased, all the women saw Kausalya who fell on the floor appearing as a female elephant, which was killed and felled on the ground.

24. nR^ipe = the king; jaate = became; shaantaguNe = one whose virtues were destroyed; ie. Deceased; taaHstriyaH = all the women; apashyan = saw; kausalya = Kausalya; patitaam = who fell; bhuvi = on the ground; naagavadhuu miva = like a female elephant; hataam = which was killed (and felled on ground).

Verse 25

ततः सर्वा नरेन्द्रस्य कैकेयीप्रमुखाः स्त्रियः || २-६५-२५
रुदन्त्यः शोकसन्तप्ता निपेतुर्गतचेतनाः |

Kaikeyi and all other wives of king Dasaratha were weeping afflicted by grief and fell unconscious.

25. tataH = thereafter; kaikeyiipramukhaaH = Kaikeyi and others; sarve = all; narendrasya = the king`s; striyaH = women; rudantyaH = were weeping; shokasantaptaaH = being afflicted by grief; nipetuH = fell; gatachetanaaH = unconscious.

Verse 26

ताभिः स बलवान्नादः क्रोशन्तीभिरनुद्रुतः || २-६५-२६
येन स्फीतीकृतो भूयस्तद्गृहम् समनादयत् |

That great noise was supplemented by those wailing women, bloated by which, it rendered the house all the more noisy.

26. balavaan = great; saHnaadaH = that noise; anudrutaH = = supplemented; taabhiH = by those women; kroshantiibhiH = wailing; sphiitiikR^itaH = was made greater; bhuuyaH = more; yena = by which; tat = that; gR^iham = house;

Verse 29

अतीतम् आज्ञाय तु पार्थिव ऋषभम् |
यशस्विनम् सम्परिवार्य पत्नयः |
भृशम् रुदन्त्यः करुणम् सुदुह्खिताः |
प्रगृह्य बाहू व्यलपन्न् अनाथवत् || २-६५-२९.

Knowing that the glorious king of excellence had passed away, the king’s wives surrounded him with great sorrow; pitiably wailing profusely and lamented, grasping their hands one another, like orphans.

29. aajJNaaya = knowing; yashasvinam = the glorious; paarthivarshhabham = king of excellence; atiitam = had passed away; (his wives); samparivaarya = surrounded him; suduHkhitaaH = with great sorrow; karuNam = pitiably; rudantyaH = wailing; bhrusham = profusely; vylapan = and lamented; pragR^ihya = grasping; baahum = their hands; (one another); anaathavaat = like orphans.

Verse 27 & 28

तत् समुत्त्रस्त सम्भ्रान्तम् पर्युत्सुक जन आकुलम् || २-६५-२७
सर्वतः तुमुल आक्रन्दम् परिताप आर्त बान्धवम् |
सद्यो निपतित आनन्दम् दीन विक्लव दर्शनम् || २-६५-२८
बभूव नर देवस्य सद्म दिष्ट अन्तम् ईयुषः |

That gynaecium of the king who met his appointed end was filled with people who felt bewildered with fear and restlessness, with tumultuous wail all around, and crowded with relatives disturbed by sorrow, with happiness withered away in it suddenly and became a sight of misery and despondency.

27; 28. tatsadma = that gynoecium; naradevasya = of the king; iiyushhaH = who met; dishhTaantam = the appointed end (death); santrapta sambhraanta paryutsaka janaakulam = was filled with people bewildered with fear and restlessness; tumulaakrandam = with tumultuous wailing; sarvataaH = all around; paritaapaartabaandhavan = having relatives disturbed by sorrow; nipatitaanandam = with its happiness withered away; sadyaH = suddenly; babhuuva = and became; diinaviklaba darshanam = a sight of misery and despondency.

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