62 – King Dasaratha loses consciousness


After hearing harsh words from Kausalya, king Dasaratha loses consciousness and restores it after a long time. Afterwards, Kausalya repents for her mistake of speaking such crude words and consoles the king with her reconciliatory words. Overcome by grief, Dasaratha fell into the grip, Dasaratha fell into the grip of slumber as the night prevailed.

Verse 1

एवम् तु क्रुद्धया राजा राम मात्रा सशोकया |
श्रावितः परुषम् वाक्यम् चिन्तयाम् आस दुह्खितः || २-६२-१

When harsh words with anger in this manner by the grief-stricken Kausalya, Rama’s mother were heard, king Dasaratha felt depressed and reflected upon them.

1. paruSam = (when) harsh; vaakyam = words; kruddhayaa = with anger; evam = in this manner; sashokayaa = (by) the grief-stricken; raama maatraa = Kausalya; Rama’s mother; shravitaH = were heard; raajaa = king Dasaratha; duhkhitaH = felt depressed; chintayaamaasa = and thought upon them.

Verse 2

चिन्तयित्वा स च नृपो मुमोह व्याकुलेन्द्रियः |
अथ दीर्घेण कालेन सम्ज्ञामाप परतपः || २-६२-२

The king fell brooding thus perplexed as he was in his mind and lost his consciousness. Thereafter, that king who torments the enemies regained his consciousness after a long time.

2. saH = that; nR^ipaH = king; cintyitvaa = (thus) thought over; vyaakulendriyaH = perplexed in mind; mumoha = and lost his consciousness; atha = thereafter; paramtapaH = that king who scorches the enemies; aapa = regained; samj~aam = his; consciousness; diirgheNa = after a long; kaalena = time.

Verse 3

स सम्ज्ञाअमुपलब्यैव दीर्घमुष्णम् च निःससन् |
कौसल्याम् पार्श्वतो दृष्ट्वा ततश्चिन्तामुपागमत् || २-६२-३

After restoring his consciousness he, breathing a long and hot sigh and seeing Kausalya by his side, began to worry again.

3. upalabhyaiva = after obtaining; samJNaam = consciousness; saH = he; nihshvasan = breathing his sigh; diirgham = long; uSNam ca = and hot; dR^iSTvaa = and seeing; kausalyaam = Kausalya; paarshvataH = by his side; upaagamat = got; chintaam = to worry; tataH = consequently.

Verse 4

तस्य चिन्तयमानस्य प्रत्यभात् कर्म दुष्कृतम् |
यद् अनेन कृतम् पूर्वम् अज्ञानात् शब्द वेधिना || २-६२-४

As he thus brooded over, he recalled in his mind, a sinful deed that was done by him out of ignorance long ago, by shooting with an arrow an unseen object, the sound of which was only heard.

4. cintayamaanasya = as he brooded over; duSkR^itam = the sinful; karma = deed; yat = that; kR^itam = was done; anena = by him; aJNaanaat = out of ignorance; puurvam = long ago; shabda vidhinaa = by shooting with an arrow an unseen object; the sound of which is only heard; pratyabhaat = was recalled in his mind.

Verse 5

अमनाः तेन शोकेन राम शोकेन च प्रभुः |
द्वाभ्यामपि महाराजः शोकाब्यामभितप्यतो || २-६२-५

The mighty emperor felt distressed through agony caused by that sinful dead and as also through agony caused by separation from Rama and was tormented by the dual grief.

5. prabhuH = the mighty; mahaaraajaH = emperor; tena shokena = by that agony; amanaaH = and low spirited; raama shokena = by the agony for Rama; anvatapyata = felt tormented; advabhyaam = by duel; shokaabhyaam api = grief.


Verse 6

दह्यमानः तु शोकाभ्याम् कौसल्याम् आह भू पतिः |
वेपमानोऽञ्जलिम् कृत्वा प्रसादर्तमवाङ्मुखः || २-६२-६

That king, tormented by the afflictions, was trembling, bent his head down, joined his palms in salutation, desirous of getting her grace and spoke to Kausalya as follows:

6. saH bhuupatiH = that king; dahyamaanaH = afflicted; shokaabhyaam = by the miseries; vepamaanaH = bent his head down; avaan^mukhaH = joined; baddhvaa = joined; aNjalim = his palms together in salutation; prasaadaartham = desirous of getting her grace; aaha = spoke; kausalyaam = to Kausalya.

Verse 7

प्रसादये त्वाम् कौसल्ये रचितः अयम् मया अन्जलिः |
वत्सला च आनृशंसा च त्वम् हि नित्यम् परेष्व् अपि || २-६२-७

“O, Kausalya! I seek your grace. This joining of palms is set out by me. You are always affectionate even towards others and even indeed kind.”

7. Kausalyaa = O Kausalya; tvaam prasaadaye = I seek your grace; ayam = this; anjaliH = joining of palms; rachiteH = is set out; mayaa = by me; tvam = you; nityam = are always; vatshalaa = affectionate; pareSvapi = and even towards others; anR^ishamsaaca hi = and even indeed king.

Verse 8

भर्ता तु खलु नारीणाम् गुणवान् निर्गुणो अपि वा |
धर्मम् विमृशमानानाम् प्रत्यक्षम् देवि दैवतम् || २-६२-८

“O, queen! For women reflecting on righteousness, a husband whether he is virtuous or worthless, is a visible god indeed.”

8. devi = O; queen; naariNaam = for women; vimR^ishamaanaanaam = reflecting; dharmam = on righteousness; bhartaa = the husband; guNavaan = either virtuous; nirguNo.apivaa = or worthless; pratyakSam = is visible; daivatam khalu = god indeed.

Verse 9

सा त्वम् धर्म परा नित्यम् दृष्ट लोक पर अवर |
न अर्हसे विप्रियम् वक्तुम् दुह्खिता अपि सुदुह्खितम् || २-६२-९

“You as such, who is ever intent on virtue, who has understood good and evil fortunes in the world, even if grief-stricken, ought not to have spoken unpleasant words to me, who is too much in distress.”

9. saa tvam = you as such; nityam dharmaparaa = who is ever intent on virtue; dR^iSTa loka paraavaraa = who has understood good and evil fortunes in the world; duHkhita.api = even if grief-stricken; naarhasi = ought not; vaktum = to speak; vipriyam = unpleasant words; suduHkhitam = to me; who is too much in distress.

Verse 10

तत् वाक्यम् करुणम् राज्ञः श्रुत्वा दीनस्य भाषितम् |
कौसल्या व्यसृजद् बाष्पम् प्रणाली इव नव उदकम् || २-६२-१०

Hearing those miserable words spoken by the distressed king, Kausalya shed tears, akin to new rain water flowing from channel.

10. shrutvaa = hearing; tatvaakyam = those words; karuNam = which were miserable; bhaaSitam = spoken; diinasya = by the depressed; rajaJNaH = king; kausalyaa = Kausalya; vyasR^ijat = shed; baaSpam = tears; navodakam iva = like new rain water; praNaalii = from a channel.

Verse 11

स मूद्र्ह्नि बद्ध्वा रुदती राज्ञः पद्मम् इव अन्जलिम् |
सम्भ्रमात् अब्रवीत् त्रस्ता त्वरमाण अक्षरम् वचः || २-६२-११

Capturing on her own head, the king’s palms joined in the form of a lotus, Kausalya was scared and spoke weeping in hurriedly lettered words in eagerness.

11. baddhvaa = capturing; muurdhni = on her own head; raajaJNaH = the king’s; aNjalim = palms joined; padmamiva = in the form of a lotus; saa = Kausalya; trastaa = was scared; abraviit = and spoke; rudatii = weeping; tvaramaaNaakSaram = in hurriedly; lettered vachaH = words; sambhramaat = in eagerness.

Verse 12

प्रसीद शिरसा याचे भूमौ निततिता अस्मि ते |
याचिता अस्मि हता देव हन्तव्या अहम् न हि त्वया || २-६२-१२

“O, king! I appeal to you with my bowed head. I lie prostrate on the floor. I am ruined. I am not to be forgiven indeed by you.”

12. deva = O; king; yaa ca = I appeal; te = to you; shirasaa = with bowed head; nivataa asmi = I lie prostrate; bhuumau = on the floor; hataa asmi = I am ruined; aham = I; kSantavyaahi = an not indeed to be forgiven; tvayaa = by you.

Verse 13

न एषा हि सा स्त्री भवति श्लाघनीयेन धीमता |
उभयोः लोकयोः वीर पत्या या सम्प्रसाद्यते || २-६२-१३

“O, Valiant man! In both the worlds, it is ill-becoming of a woman, being propitiated by her husband, who is praise worthy and possessing good disposition.”

13. viira = O valiant man; yaa = which woman; samprasaadyate = being propitiated; patyaa = by her husband; shlaaghaniiyena = who is worthy of praise; dhiimataa = and possing good disposition; saa eSaa = such of this; strii = woman; na bhavati hi = is ill- becoming; ubhayoH = in both; lokayoH = the worlds.

Verse 14

जानामि धर्मम् धर्मज्ञ त्वाम् जाने सत्यवादिनम् |
पुत्र शोक आर्तया तत् तु मया किम् अपि भाषितम् || २-६२-१४

“O, valiant man! In both the worlds, it of a woman, being propitiated by her husband, who is praise worthy and possessing good disposition.”

14. dharmaJNa = O; king who knows righteousness; jaanaami = I understand; dharmam = righteousness; jaane = I know; tvaam = you; satya vaadinam = to be speaking truly; tu = but; tat = that; kim api = something; unseemly; bhaaSitam = was spoken; mayaa = by me; putrashokaartayaa = while afflicted of grief for my son.

Verse 15

शोको नाशयते धैर्यम् शोको नाशयते श्रुतम् |
शोको नाशयते सर्वम् न अस्ति शोक समः रिपुः || २-६२-१५

“Grief ruins courage. Grief ruins sacred learning, grief ruins all. There is no enemy like grief.”

15. shokaH = grief; naashayate = ruins; dairyam = courage; shokaH = grief; naashayate = ruins; shrutam = sacred learning; shokaH = all; naasti = there is not; ripuH = enemy; shokasamaH = like grief.

Verse 16

शक्यम् आपतितः सोढुम् प्रहरः रिपु हस्ततः |
सोढुम् आपतितः शोकः सुसूक्ष्मः अपि न शक्यते || २-६२-१६

“A hitting that descended from the hands of an enemy is possible to be tolerated. But, the grief suddenly descended, even if so small, is not possible to be tolerated.”

16. prahaaraH = A hitting; aapatitaH = that; descended; ripuhastataH = from the hands of an enemy; shakyaH = is possible to be; soDhum = tolerated; shokaH = the grief; su suukSmo.api = even if so small; aapatitaH = suddenly; na shakyate = is not possible to; soDhum = tolerated.

Verse 17

दर्मज्ञाः श्रुतिमन्तोऽपि चिन्नधर्मार्थसंशयाः |
यतयो वीर मुह्यन्ति शोकसम्मूढचेतसः || २-६२-१७

“O, valiant man! Even ascetics, who know righteousness, who have learnt sacred texts and who have rent asunder doubts relating to religious merit and wealth, go astray having their minds infatuated with grief.”

17. viira = O; valiant man; yatayaH.api = even ascetis; dharmaJNaaH = who know righteousness; shrutimantaH = who have learnt sacred texts; chinna dharmaartha samshayaaH = who have retn asunder doubts relating to religious merit and wealth; muhyanti = go astray; shoka sammuuDha cetasaH = having their minds infatuated with grief.

Verse 18

वन वासाय रामस्य पन्च रात्रः अद्य गण्यते |
यः शोक हत हर्षायाः पन्च वर्ष उपमः मम || २-६२-१८

“Today it is counted as five days since Rama has gone to exile. It is equal to five years for me, since grief has ruined my happiness.”

18. gaNyate = it is counted; adya = today; paNcaraatraH = as five days; raamasya = since Rama; vanavaasaaya = has gone to exile; yaH = which; mama = for me; shoka hata harSayaaH = whose happiness is mined by grief; paNcavarSopamaH = equal to five years.

Verse 19

तम् हि चिन्तयमानायाः शोको अयम् हृदि वर्धते |
अदीनाम् इव वेगेन समुद्र सलिलम् महत् || २-६२-१९

“While I think of Rama, this grief in my heart is increasing, like water in a great ocean increases with the fast streaming of rivers.

19. cintayamaanaayaaH = while I think; tam = of Rama; ayam = this; shokaH = grief; hR^idi = in my heart; vardhate = is growing; mahat samudra salilamiva = like water in the great ocean; (increasing); vegena = with the streaming fast; nadiinaam = of rivers.

Verse 20

एवम् हि कथयन्त्याः तु कौसल्यायाः शुभम् वचः |
मन्द रश्मिर् अभूत् सुर्यो रजनी च अभ्यवर्तत || २-६२-२०

While Kausalya was telling auspicious words indeed as aforesaid the sun became feeble and turned towards night too.

20. kausalyaaH = Kausalya; kathayantyaaH = while telling; shubhamhi = indeed auspicious; vacaH = words; evam = in this way; suuryaH = the sun; abhuut = became; manda rashmiH = feeble = rayed; abhyavartata = turned towards; rajaniica = night too.

Verse 21

तथ प्रह्लादितः वाक्यैः देव्या कौसल्यया नृपः |
शोकेन च समाक्रान्तः निद्राया वशम् एयिवान् || २-६२-२१

The king, thus cheered up by the queen Kausalya, got subjected to slumber, after having been overcome by grief.

21. nR^ipaH = the king; tathaa = thus; prasaaditaH = cheered up; devyaa = by the queen; kausalyayaa = Kausalya; eyivaan = got; vasham = subjected; nidraayaaH = to sleep; samaakraantaH ca = after having been overcome; shokena = be grief.

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