61 – Kausalya rebukes Dasaratha for his evil act


Kausalya, while weeping, rebukes Dasaratha for his evil act of sending Rama to exile. She explains various difficulties being faced by Rama, Lakshmana and Seetha in their forest-life. She says that even if Rama returns to Ayodhya in the fifteenth year, he may not accept the kingdom since enjoyed by Bharata.

Verse 1

वनम् गते धर्म परे रामे रमयताम् वरे |
कौसल्या रुदती स्वार्ता भर्तारम् इदम् अब्रवीत् || २-६१-१

When Rama, who is excellent in virtue and outstanding among those causing delight, having left for the forest, Kausalya who was feeling pained, spoke, weeping to her husband as follows:

1. raame = (When) Rama; dharma vare = excellent in virtue; vare = excellent; ramayataam = among those causing delight; gate = having gone; vanam = to the forest; kausalyaa = Kausalya; svaartaa = herself pained; rudatii = (and) weeping; abraviit = spoke; idam = these words; bhartaaram = to her husband.

Verse 2 & 3

यद्यपि त्रिषु लोकेषु प्रथितम् ते मयद् यशः |
सानुक्रोशो वदान्यः च प्रिय वादी च राघवः || २-६१-२
कथम् नर वर श्रेष्ठ पुत्रौ तौ सह सीतया |
दुह्खितौ सुख सम्वृद्धौ वने दुह्खम् सहिष्यतः || २-६१-३

“Despite the fame in the three worlds of your great glory that Dasaratha is compassionate, bountiful and kind in his words, how your two sons along with Seetha who grew comfortably can bear suffering in the forest when faced with hardships, O the best among the foremost of men!”

2-3. prathitam yadyapi = despite the fame; triSu lokeSu = in the three worlds; te = of your; mahat = great; yashaH = glory; raaghavaH = (that) Dasaratha; saanukroshaH = is compassionate; vadaanyaH ca = bountiful; priya vaadii ca = and kind in his words; katham = how; tau putrau = your two sons; siitayaa saha = along with Seetha; sukha samvR^iddhau = who grew comfortably; sahiSyataH = can bear; duHkham = suffering; vane = in the forest; duHkhitau = when faced with hardships; nara vara shreSTha = O; the best among the foremost of men!

Verse 4

सा नूनम् तरुणी श्यामा सुकुमारी सुख उचिता |
कथम् उष्णम् च शीतम् च मैथिली प्रसहिष्यते || २-६१-४

“That Seetha, who is a young lady in the prime of her youth and very delicate, can really tolerate heat and cold?”

4. saa maithilii = that Seetha; taruNii = who is a young lady; shyaamaa = in the prime of Her youth; sukumaarii = and very delicate; katham = how prasahiSyate = (She) can tolerate; nuunam = really; uSNam ca = heat; shiitam ca = and cold?

Verse 5

भुक्त्वा अशनम् विशाल अक्षी सूप दंश अन्वितम् शुभम् |
वन्यम् नैवारम् आहारम् कथम् सीता उपभोक्ष्यते || २-६१-५

“How the large-eyed Seetha can eat a food prepared with wild rice, she having eaten here a good food containing soups and snacks?”

5. katham = how; siitaa = Seetha; vishaala akSii = the large-eyed; upabhokSyate = can eat; aahaaram = a good; vanyam naivaaram = prepared with wild rice; bhuktvaa = having eaten; shubham = a good; ashanam = food; suupa damsha anvitam = containing soups and snacks?

Verse 6

गीत वादित्र निर्घोषम् श्रुत्वा शुभम् अनिन्दिता |
कथम् क्रव्य अद सिम्हानाम् शब्दम् श्रोष्यति अशोभनम् || २-६१-६

“How that irreproachable Seetha can hear the horrid sounds of cruel animals and lions, after hearing the auspicious sounds of singing and music here?”

6. katham; how; aninditaa = the irreproachable Seetha; shroSyati = can hear; ashobhanam = the bad; shabdam = sounds; kravya ada simhaanaam = of cruel animals and lions; shrutvaa = after hearing; shubham = the auspicious; giita vaaditra nirghoSam = sounds of singing and music?

Verse 7

महा इन्द्र ध्वज सम्काशः क्व नु शेते महा भुजः |
भुजम् परिघ सम्काशम् उपधाय महा बलः || २-६१-७

Where Rama the mighty hero, resplendent as Mahendra’s standard and the mighty armed is sleeping indeed with his arm as a pillow?”

7. kva = where; mahaabalaH = the mighty hero Rama; mahendra dhvaja samkaashaH = resplendent as Mahendra’s standard; mahaabhujaH = and the mighty armed; shete nu = is sleeping indeed; bhujam = with his arm; upadhaaya = as a pillow?

Verse 8

पद्म वर्णम् सुकेश अन्तम् पद्म निह्श्वासम् उत्तमम् |
कदा द्रक्ष्यामि रामस्य वदनम् पुष्कर ईक्षणम् || २-६१-८

“When can I see the face of Rama with the colour of a lotus, framed with marvelous locks of lotus-perfume, with eyes resembling lotus-petals and excellent?”

8. kadaa = when; drakSyaami = shall I see; vadanam = the face; raamasya = of Rama; padma varNam = with the colour of a lotus; sukesha antam = framed with marvelous locks; padma niHshvaasam = of lotus-perfume; puSkara iikSaNam = with eyes resembling lotus-petals; uttamam = and excellent?

Verse 9

वज्र सारमयम् नूनम् हृदयम् मे न संशयः |
अपश्यन्त्या न तम् यद् वै फलति इदम् सहस्रधा || २-६१-९

There is no doubt that my heart is fully made of the solid-interior of a diamond, for which reason this heart is not shattered into a thousand pieces, even in my not seeing of that Rama.”

9. me hR^idayam = my heart; nuunam = is surely; vajra saaramayam = made fully of the solid-interior of diamond; na = no; samshayaH = doubt; yat = for which; reason; idam = this heart; na phalati vai = is not split; sahasradhaa = into thousand pieces; apashyantaaH = even in my not seeing; tam = that Rama.

Verse 10

यत्त्वया करुणम् कर्म व्यपोह्य मम बान्धवाः |
निरस्ता परिधावन्ति सुखार्हः कृपणा वने || २-६१-१०

“It was not a kindly act by you that you banished my kith and kin, who were worthy of comforts to wander around in the forest in such a miserable condition.”

10. vyapohya = having abandoned; karuNam = kindly; karma = action; tvayaa = by you; mana baandhavaaH = my kith and kin; sukhaarhaaH = worthy of comforts; nirastaaH = have been banished; yat = for which reason; paridhaavanti = they are wandering around; vane = the forest; kR^ipaNaaH = miserably.”

Verse 11

यदि पञ्चदशे वर्षे राघवः पुनरेष्यति |
जह्याद्राज्यम् च कोशम् च भरतो नोपल्स्ख्यते || २-६१-११

“Even if Rama comes back in the fifteenth year, it cannot be inferred that Bharata will abandon the kingdom and the treasury.”

11. raaghavaH punareSyati yadi = even if Rama comes back; paNcadashevarshhe = in the fifteenth year; nopalakshhyete = it cannot be inferred; bharataH = that Bharata; jayaat = will abandon; raajyam ca = the kingdom and; kosham ca = the treasury.”

Verse 12

भोजयन्ति किल श्राद्धे केचित्स्वनेव बान्धवान् |
ततः पश्चात्समीक्षन्ते कृतकार्या द्विजर्षभान् || २-६१-१२

“There are those who in a ceremony in hour of dead relatives, first feed their relatives and thereafter, to fulfill their duty, remember to invite the illustrious Twice-born.

12. kechit = some; shraadhhe = in a ceremony in honour of dead relative; bhojayanti kila = indeed feed; svaan = their won; baandhavaan iva = relatives only; kR^itakaaryaaH = having completed the ceremony; tataH pashchaat = thereafter; samiikSante = they look for; dvijarshhabhaan = the illustrious Twice-born.

Verse 13

तत्र ये गुणवन्तश्च विद्वांसश्च द्विजातयः |
न पश्चात्तेऽभिमन्यन्ते सुधामपि सुरोपमाः || २-६१-१३

“The virtuous and the learned Brahmins, who are like unto gods, do not accept afterwards even food as delicious as ambrosia.”

13. tatra = there; ye = which; guNavantashca = the virtuous; vidvaamsashca = and the learned dvija tayaH = Brahmanas; suropamaaH = who are like unto gods; te = they; na abhimanyante = do not accept; pashcaatt = afterwards; sudhaamapi = even ambrosia.

Verse 14

ब्राह्मणेष्वपि तृप्तेषु पश्चाद्भोक्तुम् द्विजर्षभाः |
नाभ्युपैतुमलम् प्राज्ञाः शृङ्गच्चेदमिवर्ष्भाः || २-६१-१४

“The best of Brahmins in their wisdom, will not accept what remains of the food of which other Brahmins have partaken, regarding it as a bull shorn of its horns.”

14. tR^ipteSu = the contented; braahmaNeSvapi = even if they are Brahmanas; praaJNaaH = wise; dvijarSabhaaH = and the best of Brahmanas; naabhyupaitumalam = cannot agree; bhoktum = to eat; pashcaat = afterwards; shR^iN^gacchedamiva = as splitting of thorns; R^iSabhaaH = of a bull.

Verse 15

एवम् कनीयसा भ्रात्रा भुक्तम् राज्यम् विशाम् पते |
भ्राता ज्येष्ठा वरिष्ठाः च किम् अर्थम् न अवमंस्यते || २-६१-१५

“O, king! Why not the eldest and the best brother refuse to accept the kingdom enjoyed by the younger brother?”

15. viSaampate = O; King! Nakimartham = why not; jyeSThaaH = the eldest; variSThashca = and the best; bhraataa = brother; avamamsyate = refuse; raajyam = the kingdom; bhuktam = enjoyed; kaniiyasaa = by younger; bhraatraa = brother?”

Verse 16

न परेण आहृतम् भक्ष्यम् व्याघ्रः खादितुम् इच्चति |
एवम् एव नर व्याघ्रः पर लीढम् न मंस्यते || २-६१-१६

“A tiger does not wish to share a part of food eaten by another animal. In the same manner, Rama the tiger among men may not accept that which has been enjoyed by another.”

16. vyaaghraH = a tiger; necchati = does not wish; khaaditum = to eat; bhakSyam = a food; ashitam = eaten; vareNa = by another animal; evam eva = in the same manner; naravyaaghraH = a tiger among men; na manyate = does not accept; paraliiDham = that which has been enjoyed by another.

Verse 17

हविर् आज्यम् पुरोडाशाः कुशा यूपाः च खादिराः |
न एतानि यात यामानि कुर्वन्ति पुनर् अध्वरे || २-६१-१७

“Oblations, clarified butter, leavings of an offering, sacred grass and sacrificial posts made of trunk of Khadira tree, once used, are not put to use again in a sacrifice.”

17. haviH = oblations; aajyam = clarified butter; puroDaashaaH = leaving of an offering in a sacrifice; kushaaH = sacred grass; yuupaashcha = sacrificial posts; khaadiraaH = made of trunk of Khadira tree; yaatayaamaani = used once; etaani = these; na kurvanti = are not used; punaH = again; adhvare = in a sacrifice.

Verse 18

तथा हि आत्तम् इदम् राज्यम् हृत साराम् सुराम् इव |
न अभिमन्तुम् अलम् रामः नष्ट सोमम् इव अध्वरम् || २-६१-१८

“Thus, Rama cannot accept the kingdom taken away by other, as those not accepting an ambrosia whose essence has been taken away or as in a sacrifice, stalks of Soma plant (from which a beverage called Soma is prepared) are lost.”

18. tathaa = thus; raamaH = Rama; naalam = cannot; abhimantum = accept; idam raajyam = this kingdom; attam = taken away by others; suraamiva = as an ambrosia; hR^itasaaram = whose essence has been taken away; adhvaramiva = and as in a sacrifice; naSTa somam = when the stalks of Soma plant (from which a beverage called Soma is prepared) are lost.

Verse 19

न एवम् विधम् असत्कारम् राघवो मर्षयिष्यति |
बलवान् इव शार्दूलो बालधेर् अभिमर्शनम् || २-६१-१९

“Rama will not go through such a type of dishonour, as a strong tiger does not endure even touching of its tail.”

19. raaghavaH = Rama; na marSayiSyati = will not go through; evam vidham = such a type; astakaaram = of dishonour; avamarshanam iva = as touching; vaaladhe = of the tail; balavaan = by a strong; shaarduulaH = tiger.

Verse 20

नैतस्य सहिता लोका भयम् कुर्युर्महामृधे |
अधर्मम् त्विह धर्मात्मा लोकम् धर्मेण योजयेत् || २-६१-२०

“Even if all the worlds combine together in a great battle, they cannot stir up fear in him. The virtuous minded Rama will provide righteousness to the people with unrighteousness.”

20. lokaaH = even if the worlds; sahitaaH = get together; mahaa mR^idhe = in a great battle; nakuryuH = they cannot stir up; bhayam = fear; etasya = in him; dharmaatma = the virtuous minded Rama; yojayat = will provide; dharmeNa = righteousness; lokam = to people; adharmam = with unrighteousness.

Verse 21

नन्वसौ काञ्चनैर्बाणैर्महावीर्यो महाभुजः |
युगान्त इव भूतानि सागरानपि निर्दहेत् || २-६१-२१

“Rama with great prowess and with his mighty arms can surely burn up all beings and even the ocean itself by his golden arrows; like at the time of destruction of the world.”

21. asau = this Rama; mahaaviiryaH = with great prowess; mahaabhujaH = and with mighty arms; nanu nirdahet = can surely burn up; bhuutaani = all beigns; saagaraanapi = and even the ocean; kaancanaiH baaNaiH = like at the time of destruction of the world.

Verse 22

स तादृशः सिम्ह बलो वृषभ अक्षो नर ऋषभः |
स्वयम् एव हतः पित्रा जलजेन आत्मजो यथा || २-६१-२२

“That excellent man with such a lion’s strength and with eyes like those of a bull was ruined indeed by his own father, like killing its child-fish by an adult fish.”

22. saH naraSabhaH = that excellent man; taadR^iS\shaH = of such; simhabalaH = strength of a lion; vR^iSabhaakSaH = and with eyes like those of a bull; hataH = was mined; pitraa iva = indeed by father; svayam = of his own; aatmajoyathaa = like (killing) its child; jalajena = by a fish.

Verse 23

द्विजाति चरितः धर्मः शास्त्र दृष्टः सनातनः |
यदि ते धर्म निरते त्वया पुत्रे विवासिते || २-६१-२३

“A son, who is devoted to righteousness, has been sent to exile by you. Is it a right thing for you, as seen by scriptures or is it an eternal conduct as practiced by the Twice born?”

23. putre = a son; dharma nirate = who is devoted to righteousness; nirvaasite = being sent to exile; tvayaa = by you; dharmaH yadi = is it a right thing; shaasradR^iSTah = as seen by scriptures; te = for you; sanaatanaH = or an eternal thing; dvijaaticaritaH = practised by the Twice born?

Verse 24

गतिर् एवाक् पतिर् नार्या द्वितीया गतिर् आत्मजः |
तृतीया ज्ञातयो राजमः चतुर्थी न इह विद्यते || २-६१-२४

“O, king! A husband is a chief refuge for a woman. Her second refuge is a son. The third refuge is her near-relative. There is no fourth one here.”

24. raajan = O; king; patiH = husband; ekaa = is a chief; gatiH = refuge; naaryaaH = for a womn; dvitiiyaa gatiH = her second refuge; aatmajaH = is a son; tR^iiyaa = the third refuge; GYaatayH = is a near relative; na vidyate = there is no; chaturdhii = fourth one; iha = here.

Verse 27

इमाम् गिरम् दारुण शब्द संश्रिताम् |
निशम्य राजा अपि मुमोह दुह्खितः |
ततः स शोकम् प्रविवेश पार्थिवः |
स्वदुष्कृतम् च अपि पुनः तदा अस्मरत् || २-६१-२७

Hearing the aforesaid voice of Kausalya, consisting of her cruel words, the king also being distressed, became disillusioned. Thereafter, the king then looking back on his own evil act, was entangled in grief

27. nishamya = hearing; imaam = this; giram = voice; daaruNa shabda samshritaam = consisting of cruel words; raajaapi = the king also; duhkhitaH = being distress; mumoha = became; disillusioned; tataH = thereafter; paarthivaH = the king; tadaa = then; s;ara; = remembering; smaraH = again; svaduSkR^itam = his own evil act; pravivesha = was entangled in; shokam = grief.

Verse 25

तत्र त्वम् चैव मे न अस्ति रामः च वनम् आश्रितः |
न वनम् गन्तुम् इच्चामि सर्वथा हि हता त्वया || २-६१-२५

“Among those three refuges, you do not indeed exist. Rama on his part took refuge in a forest and I do not wish to go there. Thus, I have been ruined in all ways, by you.”

25. tatra = in those three refuges; tvam = you; naiva asi = do not indeed exist; raamastu = Rama on his part; aashritaH = took refuge; vanam = in a forest; na icchaami = I do not wish; gantum = to go; vanam = to the forest; nihataa = I have been mined; sarvathaa = in all ways; tvayaa = b you.

Verse 26

हतम् त्वया राज्यम् इदम् सराष्ट्रम् |
हतः तथा आत्मा सह मन्त्रिभिः च |
हता सपुत्रा अस्मि हताः च पौराः |
सुतः च भार्या च तव प्रहृष्टौ || २-६१-२६

“This kingdom along with neighboring states has been ruined by you. You yourself along with ministers have been ruined. I along with my son are ruined. Citizens too are ruined. Your son Bharata and your wife Kaikeyi only are delighted.”

26. idam = this; raajyam = kingdom; saraaSTram = along with neighbouring states; hatam = have been ruined; tvayaa = by you; tathaa = and; aatmaa = you yourself; mantribhiH saha = along with ministers; hataaH = have been ruined; saputraasmi = I along with my son; hataa = are ruined; puraashcha = citizens too; hataaH = have got ruined; tavaa = your; sutashcha = son and; bhaaryaa = your wife Kaikeyi = prahR^iSTaa = delight.

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