51 : Guha requests Lakshmana to take rest


Guha requests Lakshmana to take rest, duly expressing his readiness to guard Rama and his consort by keeping awake the whole night. Lakshmana expressed his unwillingness to lie down in the presence of his elder brother and sister in law and preferred to remain awake. He spends night talking with Guha, voicing grief for his royal father as well as his affectionate mothers.

Verse 1

तम् जाग्रतम् अदम्भेन भ्रातुर् अर्थाय लक्ष्मणम् |
गुहः सम्ताप सम्तप्तः राघवम् वाक्यम् अब्रवीत् || २-५१-१

Distressed with anguish (to see Rama and Sita lying on the ground) Guha said to Lakshmana, the scion of Raghu, who kept awake, through sincere love, for the protection of his brother Rama.

1. guhaH = Guha; santaapa santaptaH = distressed with anguish; abraviit = spoke; vaakyam = (these) words; tam LakshhmaNam = to Lakshmana; raaghavam = who was born in Raghu dynasty; jaagratam = who kept awake; adambhena = bereft of hypocrisy; arthaaya = for the sake of; bh

Verse 2

इयम् तात सुखा शय्या त्वद् अर्थम् उपकल्पिता |
प्रत्याश्वसिहि साध्व् अस्याम् राज पुत्र यथा सुखम् || २-५१-२

“Here is a comfortable bed made for you, my friend! Relax well comfortably on it, Oh, prince!”

2. iyam = “This is; sukhaa = a comfortable; upakalpitaa = made; tvadartham = for you; taata = Oh friend; pratyaashvasihi = relax; saadhu = well; yathaasukham = comfortably; asyaam = on it; raajaputra = Oh; prince!”

Verse 3

उचितः अयम् जनः सर्वः क्लेशानाम् त्वम् सुख उचितः |
गुप्ति अर्थम् जागरिष्यामः काकुत्स्थस्य वयम् निशाम् || २-५१-३

“All of us are habituated to hardships. You are habituated to comforts. We shall keep awake this night, for the protection of Rama”

3. sarvaH = All; ayam janaH = these people; uchitaH = are habituated; kleshaanaam = to hardships. tvam = You; sukhochitaH = are habituated to comforts. Guptyartham = For the protection; kaakutstsya = of Rama; vayam = we; jaagarishhyaamaH = shall keep awake; nishaam = (this) night.”

Verse 4

न हि रामात् प्रियतरः मम अस्ति भुवि कश्चन |
ब्रवीम्य् एतत् अहम् सत्यम् सत्येन एव च ते शपे || २-५१-४

“For, none is dearer to me than Rama in this world. I speak the truth and swear to you by truth.”

4. kashchana naastihi = ” None is; priyatamaH = dearer; mama = to me; raamaat = than Rama; bhuvi = in this world. aham = I; braviimi = speak; etat = this; satyam = truth; shape = and swear; te = to you; satyenaina = by truth.”

Verse 5

अस्य प्रसादात् आशंसे लोके अस्मिन् सुमहद् यशः |
धर्म अवाप्तिम् च विपुलाम् अर्थ अवाप्तिम् च केवलाम् || २-५१-५

“I hope to acquire abundant acclaim and supreme merit in this world as also full reward of wealth, by the sole grace of Rama”

5. aashamse = I hope; sumahat = abundant; yashaH = acclaim; asmin loke = in this world; dharma vaaptimcha = acquisition of Supreme merit; vipulaam = (and) extensive; arthaavaaptimcha = acquirment of wealth; prasaadaat = by the grace; kevalam = alone; asya = of Rama.

Verse 6

सो अहम् प्रिय सखम् रामम् शयानम् सह सीतया |
रक्षिष्यामि धनुष् पाणिः सर्वतः ज्ञातिभिः सह || २-५१-६

“As such, I along with my kindred, shall protect my dear friend Rama who is reposing with Sita in every way, with bow in hand.”

6. saH aham = “As such; I; G^yaatibhiH = along with my kindred; rakshhishhyaami = shall protect; priya sakham = my dear friend; raamam = Rama; shayaanam = who is sleeping; siitayaa saha = with Sita; sarvataH = in every way; dhanushhpaaNiH = with bow in hand.”

Verse 7

न हि मे अविदितम् किंचित् वने अस्मिमः चरतः सदा |
चतुर् अन्गम् हि अपि बलम् सुमहत् प्रसहेमहि || २-५१-७

“Nothing is indeed unknown in this forest to me, where I wander continually. We can able to withstand even a vast army too, comprising of four parts (elephants, chariots, cavalry, and infantry).”

7. “nahi kimchit = Nothing is indeed; aviditam = un known; asmin vane = in theforest; me = to me; charataH = where I wander; sadaa = continually. prasahemahi = We are able to withstand; sumahat = a vast; balam api = army too; chaturaN^gam = comprising four parts (elephants; chariots; horsemen; and foot soldiers).”

Verse 8

लक्ष्मणः तम् तदा उवाच रक्ष्यमाणाः त्वया अनघ |
न अत्र भीता वयम् सर्वे धर्मम् एव अनुपश्यता || २-५१-८

Then, Lakshmana replied to Guha as follows: “Oh, sinless Guha! Being protected by you, who keep your duty alone in view, all of us are fearless in this land.”

8. tadaa = then; lakshhmaNaH = Lakshmana; uvaacha = replied; tam = to Guha; (as follows): anagha = “Oh; sinless Guha! rakshhyamaaNaH = Being protected; tvayaa = by you; dharmameva = who keep your duty alone; anupashyataa = in view; vayam sarve = all of us are ; na bhiitaaH = not afraid; atre = in this land.”

Verse 9

कथम् दाशरथौ भूमौ शयाने सह सीतया |
शक्या निद्रा मया लब्धुम् जीवितम् वा सुखानि वा || २-५१-९

“When Rama, the son of Dasaratha is lying on the ground with Sita, how is it possible for me to sleep or to enjoy the pleasures of life?”

9. daasharathou = “when Rama; the son of Dasaratha; shayaane = is lying; bhuumou = on the ground; siitayaa saha = along with Sita; katham = how; shakyaa = is it possible; mayaa = to me; nidraa = the sleep; jiivitam vaa = or the enjoyment of life; sukhaani vaa = or the amenities of life?”

Verse 10

यो न देव असुरैः सर्वैः शक्यः प्रसहितुम् युधि |
तम् पश्य सुख सम्विष्टम् तृणेषु सह सीतया || २-५१-१०

“See that Rama, who cannot be vanquished in combat even by the gods and demons combined, now sleeping profoundly on the grass along with Sita.”

10. “pashya = See; tam = that Rama; yaH = who; na shakyaH = cannot be; prasehitum = vanquished;yudhi = in combat; sarvaiH = by all; devaasuraiH = the gods and demons; sukha samvishhTam = sleeping profoundly; tR^iNeshhu = on the grass; siitayaa saha = along with Sita.”

Verse 11 & 12

यो मन्त्र तपसा लब्धो विविधैः च परिश्रमैः |
एको दशरथस्य एष पुत्रः सदृश लक्षणः || २-५१-११
अस्मिन् प्रव्रजितः राजा न चिरम् वर्तयिष्यति |
विधवा मेदिनी नूनम् क्षिप्रम् एव भविष्यति || २-५१-१२

When Rama- who is endowed with similar characteristics as Dasaratha, uniquely beloved, the son obtained by Dasaratha by virtue of his chanting of several sacred texts and austerities and by various undertakings (in the form of sacrificial performances) has gone to exile, the king will not live long and the earth will become surely widowed forthwith.

11;12. asmin = this Rama as such; yaH = who; sadR^isha lakshhaNaH = is endowed with characteristics alike; dasarathasya = of Dasaratha; ekaH = uniquely; ishhTaH = liked; putraH = the son; labdhaH = obtained (by Dasaratha); mantra tapasaa = by virtue of his charity of sacred texts and austerities; vividhaiH = (and) by various; parishramaishcha = undertakings; (in the form of sacrificial performances);pravraajite = has gone to exile;raajaa = the king; na vartayishhyati = will not live; chiram = long; medinii = (and) the earth; nuunam = will surely; bhavishhyati = become; vidhavaa = widowed; kshhiprameva = forthwith.

Verse 13

विनद्य सुमहा नादम् श्रमेण उपरताः स्त्रियः |
निर्घोष उपरतम् तात मन्ये राज निवेशनम् || २-५१-१३

Having cried out in a high-pitched tone, the women having exhausted, will have fallen silent and I am sure that a profound stillness reigns in the palace.

13. vinadya = having cried out; sumahara naadam = in a high-pitched tone; striyaH = the women; shrameNa = exhausted; uparataaH = will have fallen silent; ataH = for that reason; manye = I think; nirghoshhoparatam = a profound stillness reigns; raajaniveshanam = in the palace.

Verse 14

कौसल्या चैव राजा च तथैव जननी मम |
न आशंसे यदि जीवन्ति सर्वे ते शर्वरीम् इमाम् || २-५१-१४

“I do not expect Kausalya, Dasaratha and my mother all of them to remain alive for this night.”

14. naashamse = I do not expect; kausalyaachaiva = Kausalya; raajaacha = the king; tathaiva = and; mama jananii = my mother; te sarve = all of them; yadi jiivanti = to remain alive; imaam = this; sharvariim = night.

Verse 15

जीवेद् अपि हि मे माता शत्रुघ्नस्य अन्ववेक्षया |
तत् दुह्खम् यत् तु कौसल्या वीरसूर् विनशिष्यति || २-५१-१५

“By looking forward to meet Satrughna, my mother might even stay alive. But it will be painful if Kausalya who has given birth to a heroic son, dies.”

15. anvavekshhayaa = by looking for; shatrughnasya = Satrughna; me maataa = my mother; jiivedapi hi = may indeed stay alive. tat = It will be; duHkham = painful; Kausalyaa = (that) Kausalya; viirasuuH = who has given birth to a hero; yat vinashishhyati = may perish.

Verse 16

अनुरक्त जन आकीर्णा सुख आलोक प्रिय आवहा |
राज व्यसन संसृष्टा सा पुरी विनशिष्यति || २-५१-१६

That city of Ayodhya, filled with devoted people, hitherto a source of joy and which brought pleasure to the world, when seized with agony over the king’s death, will perish.

16. anuraktajanaakiirNaa = filled with devoted people; sukhaa = a source of joy; lokapriyaavahaa = and which brought pleasure to the world; saa purii = that city of Ayodhya; raaja vyasana samsR^ishhTaa = when seized with sorrow over the king’s death; vinashishhyati = will perish.

Verse 17

कथम् पुत्रम् महात्मानम् ज्येष्ठम् प्रियमपस्यतः |
शरीरम् धारयुष्यान्ति प्राणा राज्ञो महात्मनः || २-५१-१७

“How, in the absence of his magnanimous and the first born son, will the vital airs in the body of the generous king be maintained?”

17. katham = how; apashyataH = not seeing; putram = his son; mahaatmaanam = the magnanimous; jyeshhTam = and the first born; praaNaaH = will the vital airs ; dhaarayishhyanti = be maintained; shariiram = in the body; raaG^yaH = of the king; mahaatmanaH = the generous?”

Verse 18

विनष्टे नृपतौ पश्चात्कौसल्या विनशिष्यति |
अनन्तरम् च माताऽपि मम नाशमुपैष्यति || २-५१-१८

“After the death of king, Kausalya will die. My mother also will die thereafter.

18. vinashhTe = after the death; nR^ipatou = of the king; kausalyaa = Kausalya; vinashishhyati = will die; pashchaat = from behind. anantaramcha = Afterwards; mama maataa.api = my mother also; upaishhyati = will obtain; naasham = death.”

Verse 19

अतिक्रान्तम् अतिक्रान्तम् अनवाप्य मनोरथम् |
राज्ये रामम् अनिक्षिप्य पिता मे विनशिष्यति || २-५१-१९

“Having failed to install Rama in the kingdom, failed forever, which was the most cherished wish of his heart, my father will leave this world.

19. anavaapya = not attaining; manoratham = his desire( to enthrone Rama) atikraantamatikraantam = going astray again and again; anikshhipya = and without installing; raamam = Rama; raajye = in the kingdom; me pitra = my father; vinashishhyati = will perish.”

Verse 20

सिद्ध अर्थाः पितरम् वृत्तम् तस्मिन् काले हि उपस्थिते |
प्रेत कार्येषु सर्वेषु संस्करिष्यन्ति भूमिपम् || २-५१-२०

“Those who are fortunate will consecrate our deceased father and the king in the course of all funeral rites, when the hour has struck.

20. siddhaarthaaH = those who are fortunate; samskarishhyanti = will consecrate; vR^ttam = deceased; pitaram = father; bhuumipam = and the king; sarveshhu pretakaaryeshhu = in the course of all funeral rites; tasmin kale = (when) the hour; vyupasthite = has struck.”

Verse 21,22 & 23

रम्य चत्वर संस्थानाम् सुविभक्त महा पथाम् |
हर्म्य प्रसाद सम्पन्नाम् गणिका वर शोभिताम् || २-५१-२१
रथ अश्व गज सम्बाधाम् तूर्य नाद विनादिताम् |
सर्व कल्याण सम्पूर्णाम् हृष्ट पुष्ट जन आकुलाम् || २-५१-२२
आराम उद्यान सम्पन्नाम् समाज उत्सव शालिनीम् |
सुखिता विचरिष्यन्ति राज धानीम् पितुर् मम || २-५१-२३

People will joyfully move in the capital belonging to my father and the city with its quadrangular places allocated at lovely sites, and well- aligned roads, rich in mansions of well-to-do men, temples and royal palaces adorned with the foremost of courtesans, its chariots horses and elephants that obstruct the roads, the musical instruments that resound there- full of all blessings and crowded with merry and well fed men, well- provided with gardens and royal parks and bright with festivities carried on under the patronage of associations.

21;22;23. sukhitaaH = the happy people; vicharishhyanti = will move; raajadhaaniim = in the capital; mama pituH = belonging to my father; ramya chatvara samsthaanaam = with its quadrangular places allocated at lovely sites; suvibhakta mahaapathaam = well- aligned; wide roads; harmya praasaada sampannaam = rich in mansions of well-to-do men and temples; gaNikaavara shobhitaam = adorned with the foremost of courtesans; rathaashvagaja sambaadhaam = its chariots; horses and elephants that obstruct the roads; tuurya naada vinaaditaam = the musical instruments that resound there; sarva kalyaaNa sampuurNaam = full of all blessings; hR^ishhTa pushhTa janaakulaam = crowded with merry and well- fed men; aaraamodyaana sampannaaam = well- provided with gardens and royal parks; samaajotsava shaaliniim = (and) bright with festivities carried on under the patronage of associations.

Verse 24

अपि जीवेद्धशरथो वनवासात्पुनर्वयम् |
प्रत्यागम्य महात्मानमपि पश्येम सुव्रतम् || २-५१-२४

Will Dasaratha remain alive? After returning from exile, can we see the high-soled king Dasaratha of noble vows again?

24. dasharathaH api jiivet = Will Dasaratha remain alive? pratyaagamya = After returning; vanavaasaat = from exile; vayam api pashyema = can we see; mahaatmaanam = the high-soled king; suvratam = of noble vows; punaH = again?

Verse 25

अपि सत्य प्रतिज्ञेन सार्धम् कुशलिना वयम् |
निवृत्ते वन वासे अस्मिन्न् अयोध्याम् प्रविशेमहि || २-५१-२५

Can we safely return to Ayodhya, after completion of the exile in the forest along with Rama who is faithful to his promises?

25. nivR^ittavanavaase = after completion of the exile in the forest; vayamapi praveshemahi = can we enter; ayodhyaam = Ayodhya; kushalinaa = safely; asmin = with Rama; satyapratiG^ena saardham = who is faithful to his promises.

Verse 27

तथा हि सत्यम् ब्रुवति प्रजा हिते |
नर इन्द्र पुत्रे गुरु सौहृदात् गुहः |
मुमोच बाष्पम् व्यसन अभिपीडितः |
ज्वरा आतुरः नागैव व्यथा आतुरः || २-५१-२७

While Lakshmana (son of Dasaratha), who was concerned with the welfare of the people; was thus speaking the truth out of his affection for his elder brother (Rama), Guha, overcome with agony and oppressed with adversity shed tears like an elephant tormented with fever.

27. narendra putre = (while) Lakshmana (son of Dasaratha); prajaahite = who was concerned with the welfare of the people; bruvati = was speaking; satyam = the truth; tathaa = thus; gurusouhR^idaat = out of his affection for his elder brother (Rama); guhaH = Guha; vyathaaturaH = overcome with agony; vyasanaabhi piiditah = oppressed with adversity; mumocha = shed; baashhpam = tears; naagaaH iva = like an elephant; jvaraaturaH = tormented with fever.

Verse 26

परिदेवयमानस्य दुह्ख आर्तस्य महात्मनः |
तिष्ठतः राज पुत्रस्य शर्वरी सा अत्यवर्तत || २-५१-२६

While the high-soled Lakshmana thus lamenting, stood on ground, afflicted with anguish as he was, that night rolled away.

26. mahaatmanaH = (while) the high-soled; raaja putrasya = Lakshmana;paridevayaamaanasya = thus lamenting; tishhTataH = stood on guard; duHkhaartasya = afflicated with anguish as he was; saa sharvarii = that night; atyavartata = rolled away.

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