49 – Rama crossed three rivers


Having traveled for a pretty long distance, Rama crossed Vedasruti, Gomati and Syandika rivers. He presses forward in the chariot talking with Sumantra.

Verse 1

रामः अपि रात्रि शेषेण तेन एव महद् अन्तरम् |
जगाम पुरुष व्याघ्रः पितुर् आज्ञाम् अनुस्मरन् || २-४९-१

Rama the tiger among men, revolving in his mind the command of his father, covered a long distance during the rest of the night.

1. raamo.api = Also Rama; purushhavyaaghraH = the tiger among men; anusmaran = remembering; aaG^yaam = the command; pituH = of his father; jagaama = obtained; mahat = a long; antaram = distance; tena = (during) that; raatrisesheNa = rest of the night.

Verse 2

तथैव गच्चतः तस्य व्यपायात् रजनी शिवा |
उपास्य स शिवाम् संध्याम् विषय अन्तम् व्यगाहत || २-४९-२

While Rama was traveling with the same alacrity, that delightful night passed away. Having worshipped the blissful morning twilight, he passed beyond the boundary of that country.

2. shivaa = delightful; rajanii = night; vyapaayat = passed away; tasya = (while) Rama; gachchhataH eva = was traveling; tathaa = in that way. saH = Rama; upaasya = having worshipped; shivam = the blissful; sandhyaam = (morning) twilight; vyagaahata = passed beyond; vishhayaantam = the boundary of that country.

Verse 3

ग्रामान् विकृष्ट सीमान् तान् पुष्पितानि वनानि च |
पश्यन्न् अतिययौ शीघ्रम् शरैः इव हय उत्तमैः || २-४९-३
शृण्वन् वाचो मनुष्याणाम् ग्राम सम्वास वासिनाम् |

Seeing villages, whose outskirts have been tilled and the woodlands laden with blossoms and hearing as follows the words of men dwelling together in the midst of the village, Rama proceeded apace in those excellent horses as though slowly (engrossed as he was in enjoying the sights).

3. pashyan = seeing; graamaan = villages; vikR^ishhTa siimaanaan = whose outskirts have been filled; vanaamicha = and woodlands; pushhpitaani = laden with blossoms; shR^iNvan = hearing; vachaH = the words; manushhyaaNaam = of men; graama samvaasa vaasinaam = dwelling together in mist of the village; shiighram = proceeded apace; shanairiva = as though slowly; atiyayon = and passed over those villages.

Verse 4, 5 & 6

राजानम् धिग् दशरथम् कामस्य वशम् आगतम् || २-४९-४
हा नृशंस अद्य कैकेयी पापा पाप अनुबन्धिनी |
तीक्ष्णा सम्भिन्न मर्यादा तीक्ष्णे कर्मणि वर्तते || २-४९-५
या पुत्रम् ईदृशम् राज्ञः प्रवासयति धार्मिकम् |
वन वासे महा प्राज्ञम् सानुक्रोशम् अतन्द्रितम् || २-४९-६

“Woe unto the king Dasaratha who fell into the clutches of concupiscence. Alas! Kaikeyi the cruel and the sinful one now is still engaged in a cruel game. She is sending to exile the prince Rama, the pious man, the great intellectual, the compassionate man and he who subdued the senses. That hot-tempered Kaikeyi is behaving in a rude manner, transgressing the bounds of propriety”

4;5;6. “dhik = woe unto; raajaanaam = the king Dasaratha; vashamaagatam = who fell into the clutches; kaamasya = of concupiscence. haa = Alas! Kaikeyi = Kaikeyi; nR^ishamasaa = the cruel; paapaa = and the sinful; adya = now; paapaanubandhinii = is following the sin. Yaa = which Kaikeyi; pravaasayati = is sending to exile; iidR^isham = such; raaG^yaHputram = prince Rama; dhaarmikam = the pious man; mahaapraaG^yam = a great intellectual; saanukrosham = the compassionate man; jitendriyam = he who has subdued senses; tiikshhNaa = that hot tempered Kaikeyi; vartate = is abiding; tiikshhNa karmaNi = in a rude action; sambhinna maryaadaa = transgressing the bounds of propriety.

Verse 7

कथम् नाम महाभागा सीता जनकनन्दिनी |
सदा सुखेष्वभिरता दुःखान्यनुभविष्यति || २-४९-७

“How Sita the venerable woman, the daughter of Janaka, who was delighted always in homely comforts can now experience hardships in the forest?”

7. “katham naama = how; siita = Sita;mahaabhaagaa = the venerable woman; janaka nandinii = the daughter of king Janaka; abhirathaa = who was delighted; sadaa = always; sukheshhu = in(homely)comforts; anubhavishhyati = can experience; duHkhaani = difficulties (in the forest)?”

Verse 8

अहो दशरथो राजा निस्नेहः स्वसुत प्रियम् |
प्रजानामनघम् रामम् परित्यक्तुमिहेच्छति || २-४९-८

“What a surprise! The king Dasaratha, having no love for his son, now wants to abandon Rama who is so beloved to the people and is even faultless.”

8. “rajaa = the king; dasharathaH = Dasaratha; nisnehaH = having no love; svasutam = for his son; iha = now; ichchhati = wants; parityaktum = to abandon; raamam = Rama; priyam = who is beloved; prajaanam = to his people; anagham = and faultless; aho = what a surprise!”

Verse 9

एता वाचो मनुष्याणाम् ग्राम सम्वास वासिनाम् |
शृण्वन्न् अति ययौ वीरः कोसलान् कोसल ईश्वरः || २-४९-९

Hearing these words of people residing in villages and hamlets, Rama the heroic prince of Kosala crossed the boundaries of Kosala state.

9. shruNvaa = hearing; etaaH = these; vaachaH = words; manushhyaaNaam = of people; graama samvaasa vaasinaam = residing in villages and hamlets; viirah = the heroic; kosaleshvaraH = prince of Kosala; atiyayon = crossed the boundaries; kosalaan = of Kosala state.

Verse 10

ततः वेद श्रुतिम् नाम शिव वारि वहाम् नदीम् |
उत्तीर्य अभिमुखः प्रायात् अगस्त्य अध्युषिताम् दिशम् || २-४९-१०

Having crossed the river of auspicious waters called Vedashruti, Rama then stretched forth, facing the quarter occupied by Sage Agastya.

10. uthiirya = having crossed; nadiim = the river; shiva vaarivahaam = of auspicious waters; vedashrutim naama = named Vedashruti; tataH praayaat = he then proceeded forth; abhimukhaH = facing; disham = the quarter; agastyaadhyushhitaam = occupied by the Sage Agastya.

Verse 11

गत्वा तु सुचिरम् कालम् ततः शीत जलाम् नदीम् |
गोमतीम् गोयुत अनूपाम् अतरत् सागरम् गमाम् || २-४९-११

After traveling a pretty long time from there, Rama crossed the river Gomati having beautiful waters, whose banks were adorned with cows and which headed towards the sea.

11. gatvaa = after traveling; suchiram kaalam = for a pretty time; tataH = from there; atarat = (Rama) crossed; nadiim = the river; gomatiim = called Gomati; shivajalaam = having beautiful waters; goyutaa nuupam = whose banks were adorned with cows; saagarangamaam = and headed towards the sea.

Verse 12

गोमतीम् च अपि अतिक्रम्य राघवः शीघ्रगैः हयैः |
मयूर हंस अभिरुताम् ततार स्यन्दिकाम् नदीम् || २-४९-१२

Reaching the other bank of Gomati river with the help of the swift moving horses, Rama crossed the river called Syandika which had resounded with howls of peacocks and swans.

12. raaghavaH = Rama;atikramya = crossing; gomatiimcha api = Gomati river too; hayaiH = by horses; shiighragaiH = which are swift-moving; tataara = crossed; nadiim = the river; syandikaam = called Syandika; mayuura hamsaabhirutaam = resounding with howls of peacocks and swans.

Verse 13

स महीम् मनुना राज्ञा दत्ताम् इक्ष्वाकवे पुरा |
स्फीताम् राष्ट्र आवृताम् रामः वैदेहीम् अन्वदर्शयत् || २-४९-१३

The said Rama showed to Sita the land (of Kosala, the southern boundary of which was defined by Syandika river)given long ago by the king Manu to Ikshvaku and which was bounded by many territories.

13. raamaH = that Rama; anvadarshayat = showed; vaidehiim = to Sita; mahiim = (that) land; dattaam = given; raaG^yaa = by the king; manunaa = Manu; ikshvaakave = to Ikshvaku; puraa = long ago; raashhTraavR^taam = filled with territories; sphiitaam = many in number.

Verse 14

सूतैति एव च आभाष्य सारथिम् तम् अभीक्ष्णशः |
हंस मत्त स्वरः श्रीमान् उवाच पुरुष ऋषभः || २-४९-१४

The glorious Rama, the foremost among men, whose voice resembled the cackling of a swan in rut, addressed the charioteer with great affection, in the words “Oh, charioteer!” and spoke as follows :

14. shriimaan = the glorious Rama; purushharshhabhaH = the foremost among men; hamsa matta svaraH = whose voice resembled the cackling of a swan in rut; aabhaashhya = addressed; tam saarathim = that charioteer; abhiikshhNashaH = with great affection; suuta ityeva = in the words “Oh; charioteer!” uvaacha = (and) spoke( as follows) :

Verse 15

कदा अहम् पुनर् आगम्य सरय्वाः पुष्पिते वने |
मृगयाम् पर्याटष्यामि मात्रा पित्रा च सम्गतः || २-४९-१५

“When, coming back and united with my mother and father, shall I roam hunting in the forest, bordering on Sarayu river and laden with blossoms?”

15. ” kadaa = when; punaraagamya = coming back; sangataH = and united; maatraa = with mother; pitraacha = and father; paryaTishhyaami = shall I roam; mR^igayaam = hunting; vane = in the forest; sarayvaaH = bordering on Sarayu river; pushhpite = and laden with blossoms?”

Verse 16 & 17

न अत्यर्थम् अभिकान्क्षामि मृगयाम् सरयू वने |
रतिर् हि एषा अतुला लोके राज ऋषि गण सम्मता || २-४९-१६
राजर्षीणाम् हि लोकेऽस्मिन् रत्यर्थम् मृगया वने |
काले कृताम् ताम् मनुजैर्धन्विनामभिकाङ्क्षिताम् || २-४९-१७

“I do not hanker much after hunting in the woodlands bordering on Sarayu river. In fact it is a delightful spot, made much of in the world by hosts of royal sages. Hunting in the forest is indeed for gratification of royal sages in this world. At times; the bow- men adopted it. But I do not long for it excessively.”

16;17. eshhaa = this hunting; ratirhi = is a delightful sport; atulaa = made much of; loke = in the world; raajarshhi gaNasammataa = approved by a host of royal sages; naabhikaaNkshhaami = I do not hanker; atyartham = much; mR^igayaam = of hunting; sarayuuvane = in the woodlands bordering in Sarayu . mR^igayaa = hunting; vane = in the forest; ratyarthamhi = is for gratification indeed; raajarshhiiNaam = of royal sages; asmin loke = in this world ; .kR^itaam = (It was) adopted; kaale = at times; manujaiH = by the sons of Manu; abhikaaNkshhitaam = and sought after by; dhanvinaam = bowmen. taam = That hunting;(I do not long for it excessively).

Verse 18

स तम् अध्वानम् ऐक्ष्वाकः सूतम् मधुरया गिरा
तम् तम् अर्थम् अभिप्रेत्य ययौवाक्यम् उदीरयन् || २-४९-१८

Uttering in sweet voice to the charioteer on various topics dearer to him, Rama advanced thus along that route.

18. udiirayan = uttering; madhurayaa = in sweet; giraa = voice; suutam = to the charioteer; tam tam = on various; artham = topics; abhipretya = dearer; (to him) saH ikshhvaakaH = that Rama; yayou = went; adhvaanam = along that route.

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