25 – Kausalya bids farewell to Rama


In this chapter Kausalya bids farewell to Rama preparing to go to forest. Rama leaves her residence and goes to Seetha.

Verse 1

सा अपनीय तम् आयासम् उपस्पृश्य जलम् शुचि |
चकार माता रामस्य मन्गलानि मनस्विनी || २-२५-१

Kausalya, the magnanimous mother putting away her grief, sipped water from the palm of the hand, became purified and performed rites conducive to the welfare of Rama.

1. saa = that Kausalya; manasvinii = themagnanimous; maataa = mother; apaniiya = putting away; tam aayaasam = = that grief; upaspR^ishya jalam = sipped water from the palm of the hand; shuchiH = became purified; chakaara = performed; maNgaLaani = rites ; conduciveto welfare; raamasya = of Rama.

Verse 2

न शक्यसे वारयौइतुम् गच्छेदानीम् रघुत्तम |
श्रीघ्रम् च विनिवर्तस्व वर्तस्व च सताम् क्रमे || २-२५-२

“Oh, Rama! Your departure cannot be restrained, depart now, return soon. Abide in the footsteps of the virtuous.”

2. raghottama = Oh; Rama!; na shakyase = you cannotbe; vaarayitum = restrained; gachcha = Depat; idaamiim = now; vinivartasva = Return; shiighram = soon. > vartasva = Abide; krame = in the way; sataam = of the righteous.

Verse 3

यम् पालयसि धर्मम् त्वम् धृत्या च नियमेन च |
सवै राघवशार्दुल! धर्मस्त्वामभिरक्षतु || २-२५-३

“Oh, Rama! Let that righteousness, which you are fostering with courage and discipline , protect you”.

3. raaghava shaarduula = Oh; Rama; the bestof born in Raghu dynasty! yam dharmam = which righteousness; tvam = you; paalayasi = are fostering; dhR^itvaa = with courage ; niyamenacha = and discipline; saH dharmaH vai = thatrighteousness; abhirakshhatu = will protect; tvaam = you.

Verse 4

येभ्यः प्रणमसे पुत्र चैत्येष्वायतनेषु च |
ते च त्वामभिरक्षन्तु वने सह महर्षिभिः || २-२५-४

“Oh, son! To whom you will be bowing in salutation at cross-roads and in temples, those along with great saints will protect you in the forest.

4. putra = Oh; son!; yebhyaH = To whom; praNamase = you will be bowing in salutation; chaityeshu = in crossroads; aayataneshhucha = and in temples; te = those; maharshhibhisaha = along with greatsaints; abhirakshhatu = will protect; tvaam = you; vane = in the forest.

Verse 5

यानि दत्तानि तेऽ स्त्राणि विश्वामित्रेण धीमता |
तानि त्वामभिरक्षन्तु गुणैस्समुदितम् सदा || २-२५-५

“All the arms given by the wise sage Viswamitra to you, will ever protect you who are rich in good qualities”

5. yaami astraaNi = which arms; dattaani = were given; te = to you visvaamitreNa = by Viswamitra ; dhiimataa = the wise; taani = those; sadaa = always ; abhirakshhatu = will protect; tvaam = you ; samuditam = who are filled; guNaiH = with good qualities.

Verse 6

पितृशुश्रुषया पुत्र मातृशु श्रूषया तथा |
सत्येन च महाबाहो चिरम् जीवाभिरक्षितः || २-२५-६

“Oh, son with magnificent arms! Protected by your service to father and service to mother as well as truthfulness, you will belong-lived”

6. putra = Oh; son; mahaa baaho = with magnificientarms!; abhirakshhitaH = Protected; pitR^isushruushhayaa = by service to father; tathaa = and; maatRi sushruushhayaa = service to mother; satyena = by Truth; chiramjiiva = you will be long lived!

Verse 7

समित्कुशपवित्राणि वेद्यश्चायतनानि च |
स्थण्ढिलानि विचित्राणि शैला वृक्षाः कुशुफा ह्रदाः || २-२५-७
पतङ्गाः पन्नगाः सिम्हास्त्वाम् रक्षन्तु नरोत्तम |

“Oh, Rama, the best among men! May the wooden sticks used for feeding the sacred fire, blades of the sacred Kusa grass and rings of Kusa grass(worn on the forth finger on sacrificial occasions)sacrificial altars , temples and various sites selected by Brahmanas for worship of gods, mountains, trees, bushes, large and deep pools of water, birds, snakes and lions protect you.”

7. narottama = Oh; Rama; among men!; samitkusha pavitraaNi = woodensticks used for feeding the sacred fire ; blades of the sacred kusa grass andrings of kusa grass.vedaishcha = sacrificialaltars; aayatanaanicha = temples; vichitraaNi = various; sthaNdilaani = sitesselected by Brahmanas for worship ofgods; shailaaH = mountains; vR^ikshhaaH = trees; kshhupaaH = bushes; hradaaH = pools of water; pataNgaaH = birds; ; pannagaaH = snakes; simhaaH = lions; rakshhantu = may protect; tvaam = you.

Verse 8 & 9

स्वस्ति साध्याः च विश्वे च मरुतः च महर्षयः || २-२५-८
स्वस्ति धाता विधाता च स्वस्ति पूषा भगो अर्यमा |
ऋतवः चैव पक्षाः च मासाः सम्वत्सराः क्षपाः || २-२५-९

“May the saadhyas and viswadevas (two different kinds of gods) and wind-gods along with eminent sages ensure your happiness. May the cosmic person and the creator bring happiness to you. May the Pusha, Bhaga and Aryama (three of the twelve sons of Aditi)and the guardians of the spheres with Indra as their Head do good to you.”

8;9. saadhyaashcha = Saadhyas; vishvecha = viswadevas ; marutashcha = wind-gods; maharshhayaH = eminentsages; svasti = may ensure your happiness; dhaataa = The CosmicPerson; vidhaataacha = the creator; svasthi = may bring happiness toyou; puushhaa = Pusha; bhagaH = Bhaga; aaryamaa = Aryama; svasthi = may do good to you; tathaa = and; sarve = all; te lokapaalashcha = those guardians of spheres; vaasavapramukhaaH = with head as Indra.

Verse 10

ऋतवश्चैव पक्षाश्च मासास्सम्वत्सराः क्षपाः |
दिनानि च मुहूर्ताः च स्वस्ति कुर्वन्तु ते सदा || २-२५-१०

“May the six seasons, all the fortnights and months, years, nights, days and hours always do good to you.

10. Ritavashchaiva = Theseasons; pakshhaashcha = the fortnights ; maasaH = the months; samvatsaraaH = years; kshhapaaH = nights; divaanicha = days; muhuurtaashcha = hours ; (each muhurtha containing 48 minutes being 30 th part of aday); sadaa = always; kurvanta = may do svasti = good; te = to you

Verse 11

स्मृतिर् धृतिः च धर्मः च पान्तु त्वाम् पुत्र सर्वतः |
स्कन्दः च भगवान् देवः सोमः च सबृहस्पतिः || २-२५-११
सप्त ऋषयो नारदः च ते त्वाम् रक्षन्तु सर्वतः |

“May Veda, the Smriti texts taken as one body, the resolution and the piety protect you, my son! May lord Skanda (the younger son of Lord Siva)and the moon god along with the sage Brihaspati(the preceptor of gods), the well known seven sages as well as Sage Narada guard you on all sides.”

11. putra = Oh; son! ; smR^itiH = veda; the smrititexts; dhR^itishcha = Resolution and satisfaction personified as a daughter of Daksha and wifeof Dharma ; dharmashcha = piety personified; paatu = may protect ; tvaam = you; sarvataH = from all sides. Bhagavaan = The gracious Lord; devaH = thediety; skandashcha = Skanda; somashcha = the moon-god; saH = that; bR^ihaspatiH = Brihaspati; preceptor of gods; saptarshhayoH = the sevensages ; naaradashcha = Sage Narada; rakshhantu = may guard; tvaam = you; sarvataH = on all sides.

Verse 12

याश्चापि सर्वतः सिद्दा दिश्श्च सदिगीश्वराः || २-२५-१२
स्तुता मया वने तस्मिन् पान्तुत्वाम् पुत्र नित्यशः |

“May the four quarters along with the glorious guardians of the four quarters which are enlogised by me may protect you always on all sides in that forest.”

12. putra = Oh; son! yaaH = Which ; dishashcha = four quarters; sadigiishvaraaH = along with guardiansof quarters; siddhaaH = who are glorious; stutaaH = are praised; mayaa = byme; (they); paantu = may protect; nityashaH = always; sarvataH = on all sides; tasmin vane = in that forest.

Verse 13 & 14

शैलाः सर्वे समुद्राश्च राजा वरुण एव च || २-२५-१३
द्यौरन्तरिक्षम् पृथिवी नद्यस्सर्वास्तथैव च |
नक्षत्राणि च सर्वाणि ग्रहाः च सहदेवताः || २-२५-१४
अहोरात्रे तथा सन्ध्ये पान्तु त्वाम् वनमाश्रितम् |

” Let all mountains , oceans, king(of oceans) Varuna, heaven and earth, the intermediate space between them , rivers , astrological mansions including gods presiding over them, day and night, the morning and evening twilights may protect you while you reside in the forest .”

13;14. sarve = All; shailaaH = mountains; samudraashcha = oceans; raajaa = king(of oceans)varuNa eva> cha = Varuna; dyou = heaven ; pR^ithiviicha = and the earth ; antharikshham = theintermediate space betweenthem; tathaivacha = and; sarvaaH = all; nadyaH = rivers; sarvaaNi = all; nakshhatraaNicha = stars; gR^ihaashcha = astrological mansions ; sahadevataaH = including gods; ahoraatre = day and night; tathaa = and; sandhye = the morning and evening twilights; paantu = may protect; tvaam = you; vanam aashritam = residing in forest.

Verse 15

ऋतवश्चैव ष्ट्पुण्या मासाः सम्वत्सरास्तथा || २-२५-१५
कलाश्च काष्ठाश्च तथा तव शर्म दिशन्तु ते |

“The six holy seasons, months, years and the measures of time known as Kala (equilent to one minute) and Kastha(1/30th of Kala or two seconds)bestow you happiness”

15. puNyaaH = The holy; shhaT = six; R^itavashchaiva = seasons; te = those; maasaaH = months; tathaa = and; samvatsaraaH = years; kalaashcha = the measure of time; Kala ; kaashhTaashcha = andKasta; dishastu = bestow; tava = you; sharma = happiness.

Verse 16

महा वनानि चरतः मुनि वेषस्य धीमतः || २-२५-१६
तवादित्याश्च दैत्याश्च भवन्तु सुखदाः सदा |

“Let the heavenly deities and the demons too ever grant happiness on you while you traverse through the large forest, in the guise of a hermit and full of wisdom ”

16. aadityaashcha = Heavenly deities; the sons of Aditi; daityaashcha = demons ; the sons of Diti; sadaa = ever; bhavantu = become; sukhadaaH = bestowers of happiness; tava = to you; vicharataH = while you traverse; mahaavane = in the large forest; muniveshhasya = in the guise of a hermit; dhiimataH = full of wisdom.

Verse 17

राक्षसानाम् पिशाचानाम् रौद्राणाम् क्रूरकर्मणाम् || २-२५-१७
क्रव्यादानाम् च सर्वेषम् माभूत्पुत्रक ते भयम् |

“Oh, son! Let there not be fear for you of demons the terrible ones performing cruel deeds, of devilish beings called Pisachas and of all carnivorous animals.”

17. putraka = Oh; son!; maabhuut = Let there notbe; bhayam = fear; te = for you; raakshhasaanaam = of demons; raudraaNaam = the terrible ones; kruura karmaaNaam = performing crueldeeds; pishaachaanaam = of devilish beings called Pisaachas (possibly so called either from their fondness of flesh or from their yellowish appearance)sarveshhaam = of all; kravyaadaanaamcha = of cornivorousanimals

Verse 18

प्लवगा वृश्चिका दंशा मशकाः चैव कानने || २-२५-१८
सरी सृपाः च कीटाः च मा भूवन् गहने तव |

“In that impenetrable forest occupied by you, let there be no monkeys, scorpions, gad fies, mosquitoes, snakes or other insects .”

18. maa bhuuvan = Let there notbe; plavagaaH = monkeys; vR^ihchikaaH = scorpions; damshaaH = gad-flies; mashakaashchaivaH = mosquitoes; sariisR^ipaashcha = snakes; kiitaashcha = and other insects; tava = foryou; kaanane = in the forest; gahane = which is impenetrable.

Verse 19

महा द्विपाः च सिम्हाः च व्याघ्राऋक्षाः च दम्ष्ट्रिणः || २-२५-१९
महिषाः शृन्गिणो रौद्रा न ते द्रुह्यन्तु पुत्रक |

“Oh, son! Let the great elephants , lions with tusks, tigers, bears, terrible he-buffaloes with horns not to be hostile to you.

19. putraka = Oh; son!; mahaadvipaashcha = Great ellphants; damshhTriNaH = with tusks; vyaaghraaH = tigers; R^ikshhashcha = bears; raudraH = terrible mahishhaaH = he-baffaloes; sR^iNgiNah = with horns; na druhyantu = be nothostile; te = to you.

Verse 20

नृ मांस भोजना रौद्रा ये च अन्ये सत्त्व जातयः || २-२५-२०
मा च त्वाम् हिंसिषुः पुत्र मया सम्पूजिताः तु इह |

“Oh, son! Let the other ferocious man-eaters belonging to animal-species, being worshipped by me here, not hurt you.”

20. putra = Oh; son!; ye = which; anye = other; roudraaH = ferocious; nR^imaamsa bhojinaH = man-eaters; sattva jaatayaH = belonging to animal species; sampuujitaaH = worshipped; mayaa = by me; iha = here; maacha himsishhuH = let them nothurt; tvaam = you.

Verse 21

आगमाः ते शिवाः सन्तु सिध्यन्तु च पराक्रमाः || २-२५-२१
सर्व सम्पत्तयो राम स्वस्तिमान् गच्च पुत्रक |

“Oh, Rama, my son! May your path-ways be propitious ! Let your valour be powerful! Go well with all accomplishments!.

21. raama = Oh; Rama; putraka = my son! te = your ; aagamaaH = path-ways; santu = be; shivaah = propitious!; paraakramaashcha = valour; siddhyantu = powerful ! gachchha = go; svastimaan = having felicitousness; sarvasampattaye = with all accomplishments !

Verse 22

स्वस्ति ते अस्तु आन्तरिक्षेभ्यः पार्थिवेभ्यः पुनः पुनः || २-२५-२२
सर्वेभ्यः चैव देवेभ्यो ये च ते परिपन्थिनः |

“Let there be security to you against those dwelling in the atmosphere and on the earth as well as against all the celestials as also your enemies.”

22. astu = Let there be; svasti = security; te = to you ; antarikshhebhyaH = against those dwelling in theatmosphere ; punaH = and; sarvebhyaH = all; devebhyashchaiva = celestial beings; ye = who; paripanthinaH = the enemies; te = to you .

Verse 23

गुरुः सोमश्च सूर्यश्च धनदोऽथ यमस्तथा || २-२५-२३
पान्तु त्वामर्चिता राम! दण्डकारण्यवासिनम् |

“Oh, Rama! May Venus and the moon as also the sun and Kubera (the god of wealth) and Yama (the god of death) who are being worshipped by me, protect you, while you reside in the forest of Dandaka”

23. raama = Oh; Rama! ; guruH = Venus; somashcha = moon; suuryashcha = sun; atha = and ; dhanadaH = Kubera; the god of riches; tathaa = and; yamaH = Yama; the god of death ; architaH = = being worshipped; paantu = may protect ; tvaam = you; daNdakaaraNya vaasinam = dwelling in the forest of Dandaka.

Verse 24

अग्निर्वायुस्तथा धूमोमन्त्राश्चर्षिमुखाच्च्युताः || २-२५-२४
उपस्पर्शनकाले तु पान्तु त्वाम् रघुन्ददन |

“Oh, Rama! May sacred hymns coming forth from fire, air , vapour, and from the mouth of singer of sacred hymns protect you at the time of taking bath.”

24. raghunandana = Oh; Rama! mantraashcha = The sacred hymns; chyutaaH = coming forth from ; agniH = fire; vaayuH = air; tathaa = and; dhuumaH = vapour; R^ishhi mukhaat = from the mouth of the singer of sacred hymns; paantu = may protect; tvaam = you; upasparshana kaaletu = at the time of taking bath.

Verse 25

सर्व लोक प्रभुर् ब्रह्मा भूत भर्ता तथा ऋषयः || २-२५-२५
ये च शेषाः सुराः ते त्वाम् रक्षन्तु वन वासिनम् |

“Let Siva, the lord of all spheres, Brahma, the lord of creation, Vishnu, the nourisher of beings, the sages and the rest of the celestials may protect you dwelling in the forest.

25. sarvaloka prabhuH = Siva; the lord of all spheres; brahmaa = brahma; the lord of creation; bhuuta bhartaa = Vishnu; the supporter of beings; tathaa = and; RishhayaH = the sages; sheshhaah = rest of; ye = which ; suraaH = celestials; te = they too; rakshhantu = may protect; tvaam = you; vanavaasinam = dwelling in the forest.

Verse 26

इति माल्यैः सुर गणान् गन्धैः च अपि यशस्विनी || २-२५-२६
स्तुतिभिः च अनुरूपाभिर् आनर्च आयत लोचना |

Uttering thus, the illustrious Kausalya having large eyes, worshipped troops of divinities with garlands , sandal paste and befitting hymns of praise.

26. iti = uttering thus ; yashasvinii = the illustious Kausalya; aayatalochanaa = having large eyes ; aanarcha = worshipped ; suragaNaam = troops of divinities; maalyaiH = with garlands ; gandhaishchaapi = with sandal paste ; anuruupaabhiH = with befitting; stutibhishcha = hymns of praise .

Verse 27

ज्वलनम् समुपादाय ब्राह्मणेन महात्मना || २-२५-२७
हावयामास विधिना राममङ्गलकारणात् |

Duly procuring fire, she caused oblation to be poured into it, as per the direction of a high souled brahmana for the purpose of Rama’s well- being .

27. samupaadaaya = Duly procuring; jvalanam = fire; haavayaamaasa = caused oblation to be poured into it; vidhinaa = as per direction; braahmaNena = by a Brahmana; mahaatmanaa = who is high souled; raama maNgaLa kaaraNaat = for the purpose of Rama’s well-being .

Verse 28

घृतम् श्वेतानि माल्यानि समिधः श्वेतसर्षपान् || २-२५-२८
उपसम्पादयामास कौसल्या पमाङ्गना |

Kausalya, the excellent woman procured clarified butter , white garlands, ceremonial sticks and white mustard seeds.

28. kausalyaa = Kausalya; paramaaNganaa = the excellent woman; upasampaadayaamaasa = procured together; ghR^itam = clarified butter; shvetaani = white; maalyaani = garlands; samidhaH = ceremonial sticks; svetha sarshhapaan = white mustard seeds.

Verse 29

उपाध्यायः स विधिना हुत्व शान्तिमनामयम् || २-२५-२९
हुतहव्यावशेषेण बाह्यम् बलिमकल्पयत् |

That preceptor performed ceremony for peace as per the statute as well as without error and carried out propitiatory oblation externally with the remaining sacrificial food left after the main offering .

29. saH = That; upaadhyaaya = preceptor; shaantim hutvaa = performed ceremony for peace; vidhinaa = as per statute; anaamayam = without error; akalpayat = carried out; balim = propitiatory oblation ; baahyam = externally; huta havyaavasheshheNa = with the remaining sacrificial food ; left after the main offering.

Verse 30

मधुदद्यक्षतघृतैः स्वस्तिवाच्य द्विजाम् स्ततः || २-२५-३०
वाचयामास रामस्य वने स्वस्त्ययनक्रियाः |

She then got brahmanas to pronounce blessings with honey, curd , unbroken grains of rice and clarified butter by the repetition of certain hymns and to utter prayers for the well – being of Rama in the forest.

30. svastivaachya = Got uttered hymns of welfare; dvijaan = by brahmanas; madhu dadhyakshhataghR^itaiH = with honey; curd; unbroken grains of rice; and clarified butter; tataH = then; vaachayaamaasa = got uttered; svastyayanakriyaaH = hymns relating to rites which generate well being ; raamasya = of Rama.

Verse 31

ततस्तन्मै द्विजेन्द्राय राममाता यशस्विनी || २-२५-३१
दक्षिणाम् प्रददौ काम्याम् राघवम् चेदमब्रवीत् |

The illustrious Kausalya gave the desired fee to that chief of brahmanas and spoke as follows to Rama:-

31. yashasvinii = The illustrious; raamamaataa = Kausalya; the mother of Rama; tataH = therafter; pradadou = gave; kaamyaam = the desired; dakshhiNaam = fee; tasmai = to that; dvijendraaya = chief of brahmanas; abraviit = spoke; idam = these words ; raaghavam = to Rama:-

Verse 32

यन् मन्गलम् सहस्र अक्षे सर्व देव नमः कृते || २-२५-३२
वृत्र नाशे समभवत् तत् ते भवतु मन्गलम् |

“Which felicity occurred in Devendra the thousand- eyed, adored by all celestials when a demon called Vritta was destroyed, let that felicity occur to you”

32. yat maNgalam = = which felicity ; sama bhavat = occured; sahasraakshhe = in Devendra; the thousand-eyed; sarva deva namaskR^ite = adored by all celestials; vR^ittanaashe = while destroying a demon called Vritta; tat maNgalam = let that felicity; bhavatu = occur ; te = to you.

Verse 33

यन् मन्गलम् सुपर्णस्य विनता अकल्पयत् पुरा || २-२५-३३
अमृतम् प्रार्थयानस्य तत् ते भवतु मन्गलम् |

“Which blessing was invoked by Vinata to Garuda who was setting off to bring nectar in the past , may that blessing happen to you.”

33. yat maNgalam = which blessing; aakalpayat = was invoked ; vinataa = by Vinata; suvarNasya = to Garuda; paarthayasya = who was seeking ; amR^itam = nectar; puraa = in the past; tat maNgalam = may that blessing; bhavatu = happen ; te = to you.

Verse 34

अमृतोत्पादने दैत्यान् घ्नतो वज्रधरस्य यत् || २-२५-३४
अदितिर्मङ्गळम् प्रादात् तत्ते भवतु मङ्गळम् |

“While blessing was bestowed on Devendra, the wielder of the thunderbolt , killing the demons at the time of producing nectar, let that blessing come to you ”

34. yat maNgalam = Which blessing; praadaat = was bestowed; vajradharasya = on Devendra; weilder of the thunder-bolt; ghnataH = who was killing; daityaan = demons; amR^itotpaadane = at the time of producing nectar; tat maNgalam = let that blessing; bhavatu = come; te = to you.

Verse 35

तीन्विक्रमान् प्रकमतो विष्णोरमिततेजसः || २-२५-३५
यदासीन्मङ्गळम् प्रादात् तत्ते भवतु मङ्गळम् |

“Oh, Rama! Which good fortune occurred to Vishnu who was immensely glorious while making his three strides (in order to measure the three worlds), let that good fortune come to you

35. raama = Oh; Rama!; yat maNgalam = Which good fortune; aasiit = occured ; vishhNoH = to Vishnu; amita tejasaH = who was immensely glorious ; prakramataH = while keeping; treen = three; vikramaan = feet; tat maNgalam = let that good fortune; bhavatu = occur; te = to you.

Verse 36

ऋतवः सागरा द्वीपा वेदा लोका दिश्श्चते || २-२५-३६
मम्गळानि महाबाहो दिशन्तु शुभवङ्गळाः |

“Oh, Rama, the mighty armed! May the seasons , oceans , Dvipas (principal division of earth girdled by oceans ), vedas, various spheres and quarters confer blessings with good luck to you.”

36. mahaabaaho = Oh; Rama the mighty armed!; R^itavaH = The seasons; saagaraaH = the oceans; dvipaaH = Dvipas; the principal divisions of the earth ; girdled by oceans; vedaaH = vedas; lokaaH = the spheres; dishashcha = the quarters; dishantu = may confer ; maNgalaam = blessings ; shubhamangalaaH = with good luck; te = to you.

Verse 39

उवाचातिप्रहृष्टेव सा दुःखवशर्तिनी || २-२५-३९
वाङ्मात्रेण न भावेन वाचा संसज्जमानया |

Though filled with grief inside, she appeared to be over-joyed outside and with faltering words , spoke thus with only mouth and not with her heart.

39. saa = She; dukhavashvartinii = though filled with grief; atiprahR^ishhyeva = appeared like over -joyed; samsajjamaanayaaH = with faultering ; vachaa = words; uvaacha = spoke; vaaNmaatreNa = with only mouth; na = not; bhaavena = with heart.

Verse 37 & 38

इति पुत्रस्य शेषाश्च कृत्वा शिरसि भामिनी || २-२५-३७
गन्दांश्चापि समालभ्य राममायतलो चना |
ओषधीम् च अपि सिद्ध अर्थाम् विशल्य करणीम् शुभाम् || २-२५-३८
चकार रक्षाम् कौसल्या मन्त्रैः अभिजजाप च |

saying so, Kausalya, the large eyed proud woman placed some unbroken rice grains on her son’s head, smeared varieties of sandal pastes over his body, fastened about his wrist by way of an amulet, a herb called Visalyakarani(so called because it helps in painlessly extracting an arrow stuck into one’s body )which is efficacious and auspicious and muttered sacred hymns in order to enhance its virtue.

37;38. iti = saying so; kausalya = Kausalya; aayatalochanaaH = the large eyed; bhaaminii = proud woman; kR^itvaa = placed; sheshaashcha = unbroken rice grains; shirasi = on the head; putrasya = of her son; sammalabhya = smeared; gandhaamshchaapi = varieties of sandal pastes; raamam = over Rama; cakaara = made; rakshhaam = an amulet; oshhadhiim = with a herb; vishalyakaraNi = named Vishalyakarani; siddharthaam = which is efficacious; shubhaam = auspicious; abhijajaaphacha = and muttered; mantraiH = Sacred hymns.

Verse 39

उवाचातिप्रहृष्टेव सा दुःखवशर्तिनी || २-२५-३९
वाङ्मात्रेण न भावेन वाचा संसज्जमानया |

Though filled with grief inside, she appeared to be over-joyed outside and with faltering words , spoke thus with only mouth and not with her heart.

39. saa = She; dukhavashvartinii = though filled with grief; atiprahR^ishhyeva = appeared like over -joyed; samsajjamaanayaaH = with faultering ; vachaa = words; uvaacha = spoke; vaaNmaatreNa = with only mouth; na = not; bhaavena = with heart.

Verse 40

आनम्य मूर्ध्नि च आघ्राय परिष्वज्य यशस्विनी || २-२५-४०
अवदत् पुत्र सिद्ध अर्थो गच्च राम यथा सुखम् |

The illusrious Kausalya embraced Rama, smelling his head by bending it and spoke these words “Rama, my son! Go with ease with accomplishment of purpose, as you are.”

40. yashashvinii = The illustrious Kausalya; aanamya = bent Rama lower; aaghraaya = smelling muurdhni = his head; parishhrajva = embraced; avadat = spoke thus; raama = Rama; putra = my son! gachchha = = go; yathaasukham = with ease; siddhaartha = with accomplishment of purpose as you are.

Verse 41

अरोगम् सर्व सिद्ध अर्थम् अयोध्याम् पुनर् आगतम् || २-२५-४१
पश्यामि त्वाम् सुखम् वत्स सुस्थितम् राज वेश्मनि |

Oh, son! With all your purposes fulfilled and with good health, I shall see you returning to Ayodhya happily and taking over the reins of the kingdom

41. vatsa = Oh; son; arogam = with health(without disease) sarva siddhhartham = with all your purposes accomplished; pushyaami = I shall see; tvaam = you; punaH = again; aagatam = coming; ayodhyaam = to Ayodhya; sukham = happily ; susthitam = well-established; raaja vartmani = in the path of a king

Verse 42

प्रणष्ठदुःखसंकल्पा हर्षविद्योतितानना || २-२५-४२
द्रक्ष्यामि त्वाम् वनात्र्पाप्तम् पूर्णचन्द्रमिवोदितम् |

“All my thoughts of grief having been expulsed and my face shining with joy, I shall behold you returning from the forest like the full moon rising from the horizon”

42. tvaam = You; praaptam = having come; vanaat = from forest; puurNachandramiva = like a full moon; uditam = rising ; praNashhTa duHkha samkalpaa = my thoughts of grief having been expulsed ; drakshhyaami = I shall behold ; harshha vidyotitaananaa = with my face shining with joy.

Verse 43

भद्रासनगतम् राम वनवासादिहागतम् || २-२५-४३
द्रक्षामि च पुनस्त्वाम् तु तीर्णवन्तम् पितुर्वचः |

“Oh, Rama! I shall behold you returning here from your sojourn in the forest, having fulfilled your father’s word and installed on the splendid throne.”

43. raama = OH; Rama! tiirNavantam = Having fulfilled; pituH = the father’s; vachaH = word; drakshhyaami = I shall behold ; tvaam = you; punaH aagatam = returning; iha = here; vanavaasaat = from so journ in the forest; bhadraasanagatam = and sitting on the splendid throne.

Verse 44

मङ्गशैरुपसम्पन्नो वनवासादिहागतः || २-२५-४४
पध्वा मम च नित्यम् त्वम् कामान् सम्वर्ध याहि भोः |

“Having come here from your sojourn in the forest, you will be familiar with auspicious things and will ever be augmenting the desires of my daughter-in-law and of me. Depart now, Oh, Rama !”

44. aagataH = Having come; iha = here; vanavaasaat = from sojourn in the forest ; tvaam = you; upasampannaH = will be familiar; maNgalaiH = with auspicious things; samvardha = will be augmenting; nityam = ever; kaamaan = the desires; vadhvaaH = of Sita the daughter -in-law; mama cha = and of me.yaahi = Depart; bhoH = Oh; Rama!

Verse 45

मया अर्चिता देव गणाः शिव आदयो |
महर्षयो भूत महा असुर उरगाः |
अभिप्रयातस्य वनम् चिराय ते|
हितानि कान्क्षन्तु दिशः च राघव || २-२५-४५

“Oh, Rama! Worshipped by me, let the hosts of gods headed by Siva, the Supreme Being, the great sages, spirits, the chief of evil spirits, the celestial serpents and the (four)quarters wish well of you, who is setting forth to forest, ”

45. raaghava = Oh; Rama! architaa = Worshipped ; mayaa = by me; devagaNaaH = let the hosts of gods ; shivaadayaH = headed by Lord Siva ; the Supreme Being ; maharshhayaH = the great sages; bhuuta mahaasuroragaaH = spirits; the chief of evil spirits and the celestial serpants; dishashcha = the four quarters; kaaNkshhantu = wish; hitaani = welfare; te = of you; abhiprayaatasya = who is setting forth; vanam = to forest.

Verse 47

तथा तु देव्या स कृत प्रदक्षिणो |
निपीड्य मातुः चरणौ पुनः पुनः |
जगाम सीता निलयम् महा यशाः |
स राघवः प्रज्वलितः स्वया श्रिया || २-२५-४७

Having been done circumbulation (as a mark of protection) thus by the pious woman Kausalya, that highly illustrious Rama pressing his mother’s feet again and again , shining by his own splendour, went to Sita’s house

47. kR^ita pradakshhiNaH = Having been done circumbulation(as a protection); tathaa = thus; devyaa = by the pious woman Kausalya; nipiida = pressing ; maatuH = mother’s; charaNau = feet; punaH punaH = again and again; saH raaghavaH = that Rama; mahaashayaa = the highly illustious; prajvalitaH = shining ; svayaa = by his own ; shriyaa = splendour; jagaama = went; sitaanilayam = to Sita’s house .

Verse 46

इति इव च अश्रु प्रतिपूर्ण लोचना|
समाप्य च स्वस्त्ययनम् यथा विधि |
प्रदक्षिणम् चैव चकार राघवम् |
पुनः पुनः च अपि निपीड्य सस्वजे || २-२५-४६

Having so said and having completed the rite of invoking blessings befittingly, Kausalya whose eyes were overflowing with tears, further went clockwise around Rama and having pressed close to him, embraced again and again.

46. itiiva = Having so said; samaapyacha = and having completed ; svastyayanam = The rite of invoking blessings; yathaavidhi = befitting; ashruprati puurNa lochanaa = Kausalya whose eyes were overflowingwith tears; pradakshhiNam chakaara = further went clockwise ; raaghavam = around Rama; nipiidya = having pressed close to him ; shhasvaje = embraced ; punaH punaHcha api = again and again.

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