17 – Rama’s arrival at royal court


This chapter further describes journey towards the royal palace. On the way Rama hears blessings and well meaning words of his friends and various people gathered there.

Verse 1

स रमो रथमास्थाय सम्प्रहृष्टसुहृञनः |
पताकाध्वजसंपन्नं महार्हगुरुधूपितम् || २-१७-१
अपश्यन्नगरं श्रीमान् नानाजनसमाकुलम् |

Rama the glorious man, who was with his joyful friends, ascended the chariot and saw the city which was decorated with flags and banners, which was perfumed all around by burning excellent aloe wood and which was endowed with varied types of people.

1. raamaH = Rama; sriimaan the glourious man; samprahR^ishhTa suhR^ijjanaH = having joyful friends; aasthaaya = ascended ; ratham = the chariot; apashyat = saw; nagaram = the city; pataakaadhavaja sampannam = rich with flags and banners; mahaarhaguru dhuupitam = perfumed with excellent befitting wood; naanaajanasamanvitam = endowed with varied types of people.

Verse 2

स गृहैरभ्रसंकाशैः पांडुरैरुपशोभितम् || २-१७-२
राजमार्गं ययौ रामो मध्येनगरुधूपितम् |

That Rama went through the royal passage which was incensed with aloe wood. That royal street was splendid with white houses resembling clouds.

2. saH raamaH = that Rama; yayau = went; raajamaargam madhyena = through; middle of royal = passage; agarudhuupitam = which was incensed with aloe wood; upashobhitam = splendid; paN^duraiH grihaiH = with white houses; abhrasaN^kaashaiH = resembling like clouds.

Verse 3,4 & 5

चन्दनानाम् च मुख्यानामगुरूणाम् च संचयैः || २-१७-३
उत्तमानां च गन्धानां क्षौमकौशाम्बरस्य च |
अविद्धाभिश्च मुक्ताभिरुत्तमैः स्फाटिकैरपि || २-१७-४
शोभमानसम्बाधं तं राजपथमुत्तमम् |
संवृतं विविधैः पुष्पैभ्रुक्ष्यैरुच्चावचैरपि || २-१७-५

Rama entered that excellent royal route, which was filled with sandal, superior aloe-wood, excellent perfumes, silk and linen cloth, heaps of them, unpierced pearls, excellent things made of crystal, splendid with various kinds of flowers and eatables and which was not congested.

3;4;5. tam = that; uttamam = excellent; raajapatham = royal route; samvritam = filled with; chandanaanaam = sandal; mukhyaanaam = superior; aguruuNaam = aloe-wood; uttamaanaam = excellent; gandhaanaam = perfumes; kshhoumakaushaam barashya cha = silk and linen cloth; sanchayaiH = heeps of them; aviddhaabhiH = unpiereced; muktaabhiH = unpiereced; muktaabhiH = pearls; uttamaiH = excellent; sphatikairapi = things made of crystal; shobhamaanam = splendid with; vividhaiH = various kinds of; pusshpaiH = flowers; uchaavachaiH = various kinds of; bhakshhaiH = eatables.


Verse 6

ददर्श तं राजपथं दिवि देवपतिर्यथा |
दध्यक्षतहविर्लाजैर्धूपैरगुरुचंदनैः || २-१७-६
नानामाल्योपगंधैश्च सदाभ्यर्चितचत्वरम् |

Rama saw that royal route like divine passage in heaven. All the road junctions there were regularly worshipped with yoghurt, unbroken rice, clarified butter, fried grain, incense, aloe and sandal and all types of garlands and perfumes.

6. dadarsha = (Rama) saw; tam raajapatham = that royal passage; devapatham yathaa = like divine passage; divi = in heaven; abhyarahita chatvaram = whose road junctions were worshipped; sadaa = perpetually; dadhyakshhata havirlaajaiH = with yoghurt; unbroken rice; clarified butter; fried grain; dhuupaiH = incense; aguruchandanaiH = aloe and sandal wood; naanaa maalyopagandhaishcha = and all types of garlands and perfumes.

Verse 7

आशीर्वादान् बहून् शृण्वन् सुहृद्भिः समुदीरितान् || २-१७-७
यथार्हं चापि सम्पूज्य सर्वानेव नारान् ययौं |

Hearing the various blessing words spoken by his friends, he went acknowledging all those people suitably.

7. shR^iNvan = hearing; bahuun = various; aashiirvaadaan = blessings; samudiiritaan = spoken; suhR^idbhiH = by friends; yayau = (he) went; sampuujyacha = acknowledging; sarvaanena = all; naraan = people; yathaarham = according to merit.

Verse 8

पितामहैराचरितं तथैव प्रपितामहैः || २-१७-८
अध्योपादाय तं मार्गमभिषित्तोऽनुपालय |

“Get coronated today, take the path followed by your grandfathers and great grandfathers and rule the kingdom.”

8. abhishhiktaH = get coronated; adya = today; upaadaaya = take; tam maargam = that path; aacharitam = followed pitaamahaiH = by grandfathers; tathaiva = and likewise; prapitaamahaiH = by greatgrandfathers; ampaalaya = and preserve(kingdom).

Verse 9

यथा स्म पोषिताः पित्रा यथा पूर्वैः पितामहैः ||२-१७-९
ततः सुखतरं सर्वे रामे वत्स्याम राजनि |

“If Rama becomes king, we shall be more happy than when his father ruled and also when his grandfathers ruled.

9. raame = Rama; raajanisati = being king; vatsyaamaH = (we shall) dwell; sukhataram = happily further; tataH = than that; pitraa = by father; yathaa = in which way; poshhitaasma = we were ruled; yathaa = by which way; sarvaiH = by all; pitaamahaiH = grandfathers.

Verse 10

अलमद्य हि भुक्तेन परमार्थैरलं च नः || २-१७-१०
यथा पश्याम निर्यान्तं रामं राज्ये प्रतिष्ठितम् |

“If we can see Rama going forth in the city after getting coronated today, it is enough of eating or other activities.”

10. pashyaamayadi = if we can see; raamam = Rama; niryaantam = going forth in city; pratisThitam = being established; raajye = in kingdom; adya = today; alam = it is enough; bhuktena = of eating; alam = it is enough; paramaarthaiH = of other concerns.

Verse 11

ततो हि न प्रियतरं नान्यत्किंचिद्भविश्यति || २-१७-११
यथाभिषेको रामस्य राज्येनामिततेजसः |

“There is no other dearer thing to us than coronation of Rama of unbounded splendour”.

11. kimchit = “which anyat = other thing; nabhavishhyati = is not about to be; priyataram = dearer; natt = to us; yathaa = as; abhishhekaH = coronation; raajyena = in kingdom; raamasya = of Rama; annitachetasaH = of unbounded spleadour.

Verse 12

एताश्चान्याश्च शुहृदामुदासीनः सुभाः कथाः || २-१७-१२
आत्मसम्पूजनीः शृण्वन् ययौ रामो महापथम् |

Rama, though hearing of these good, words spoken by his friends about himself was passive and went in royal route.

12. raamaH = Rama; shriNvan = hearing; etaaH = these; anyaashcha = other; shubhaaH = good; kathaaH = tales ; suhR^idaam = from friends; aatma sampuujaniiH = adoring oneself; udaasiinaH = was passive; yayau = went; mahaapatham = in royal route.

Verse 13

नहि तस्मान्मनः कश्चिच्चक्षुषी वा नरोत्तमात् || २-१७-१३
नरः रोशवनोत्यपाक्रष्टुमातिक्रान्तोऽपि राघवे |

Though Rama became distant, no one could turn back one’s eyes and mind from him, the best of men.

13. raaghave atikraante api = though Rama has gone distantly; kashchit naraH = which man; na shaknotihi = was not able; apaakrashhTum = to turn back; chakshhushhii = eyes; manaH = mind; tasmaat = that; narottamaat = best of men.

Verse 14

यश्च रामं न पश्येत्तु यं च रामो न पश्यति || २-१७-१४
निन्दतः सर्वलोकेषु स्वात्माप्येनं विगर्हते |

All the people blamed the one who did not see Rama and the one who was not seen by Rama. Such a person would blame himself of it.

14. yashcha = who; napashyethu = did not see; raamam = Rama; yamcha = and to whom; raamaH = Rama; napashyati = did not see; ninditaH = was blamed; sarvalokeshhu = among all people; svaatmaapi = one’s mind also; vigarhate = yould blame; enam = oneself.

Verse 15

सर्वेषाम् स हि धर्मात्मा वर्णानां कुरुते दयाम् || २-१७-१५
चतुर्णां हि वयह्स्थानाम् तेन ते तमनुव्रता |

Rama, the virtuous, had compassion towards all the four classes of men and towards the aged people. Hence, they were all devoted to him.

15. saH = that Rama; dharmaatmaa = the virtuous; kurute dayaa = took pity on; sarveshhu = all men; chaturNaami = of four; varNaanaam = classes; vayasthaanam = towards the aged; tena = hence; te = they; anuvartaaH = were devoted; tam = to him.

Verse 16

चत्पुष्पथान् देवपथांश्चैत्यांश्चायतनानि च || २-१७-१६
प्रदक्षिणं परिहरन् जगाम नृपतेस्सुतः |

Rama went by crossing road junction, god’s paths, sacred trees and temples keeping his right side towards them.

16. nnapate sutaH = Rama; the prince jagaama = went; pariharam = by crossing; chatushhpathaan = road junctions; devapathaan = god’s paths; chaityaan = sacred trees; aayatanaanicha = and temples; pradakshhiNam = keeping his; right side towards them.

Verse 17, 18 & 19

स राजकुलमासाद्य मेघसंघोपमैः शुभैः || २-१७-१७
प्रासादशृङ्गैर्विविधैः कैलासशिखरोपमैः |
आवारयद्भिर्गनं विमानैरिव पाण्डुरैः || २-१७-१८
वर्धमानगृहैश्चापि रत्नजालपरिष्कृतैः |
तत्पृथिव्यां गृहवरं महेन्द्रसदनोपमम् || २-१७-१९
राजपुत्रः पितुर्वेश्म प्रविवेश श्रिया ज्वलन् |

Rama approached the royal abode and entered his father’s palace which was the best palace with blazing radiance like the palace of king of celestials on earth. All around the house, there were various types turrets looking like Mount Kailasa, as group of clouds, as white heavenly cars touching the sky. There were royal houses named vardhamana which were adorned with a net of precious stones.

17;18;19. raajaputraH = that Rama; aasaadya = approached; raajakulam = royal abode; pravivesha = entered; tat = that; pituH veshma = father’s palace; gR^ihavaram = which was the best palace; jvalan = blazing; shriyaa = with radiance; mahendra sadanopamam = like palace of Indra; the king of celestials pR^ithivyaam = on earth; vividhaiH = various types of ; praasaada shR^iN^gaiH = turrets; shubhaiH = which were auspicious; kailaasa shikharo pamaiH = looking like mount Kailasa; maghasamghopamaiH = as group of clouds; paaNduraiH vimaanairiva = as white heavenly cars; aavaarayadbhiH = covering; gaganam = the sky; vardhamaanagR^ihaishchaapi = also with royal houses named vardhamana; ratnajaala parishhkR^itaiH = adorned with a net of jewels.

Verse 20

स कक्ष्या धन्विभिर्गुप्तास्तिस्रोऽतिक्रम्य वाजिभिः || २-१७-२०
पदातिरपरे कक्ष्ये द्वे जगाम नरोत्तमः |

Rama the best of men crossed with chariot three enclosures protected by men armed with bows and moved over the other two enclosures by foot.

20. saH = that Rama; narottamaH = the best of men; atikramya = crossed vaajibhiH = with horses; tinraH kakshhyaaH = three enclosures; guptaaH = guarded; dhanvibhiH = by men armed with bows; jagaama = got; apare = other; dve kakshhye = two enclosures; guptaaH = guarded; dhanvibhiH = by men armed with bows; jagaama = got; apare = other; dve kakshhye = two enclosures; padaatiH = by foot.

Verse 22

तस्मिन् प्रविष्टे पितुर्न्तिकं तदा |
जनः स सर्वो मुदितो नृपात्मजे |
प्रतीक्षते तस्य पुनः स्म निर्गमम् |
यथोदयं चन्द्रमसः सरित्पतिः || २-१७-२२

When Rama went nearer to his father, all the people there were delighted waiting for his return as the ocean waits for raising of the moon.

22. tadaa = then; tasmin = that; nR^ipaatmaje = prince; pravishhTe = went; antikam = nearer; pituH = to father; saH sarvaH = all those; janaH = people; muditaH = wer delighted; pratiikshhatesma = waited; punaH nirgamam = for exit again;chandramasaH udryam yathaa = as of rising of moon saritpatiH = the ocean.

Verse 21

स सर्वाः समतिक्रम्य कक्ष्या दशरथात्मजः || २-१७-२१
संनिवर्त्य जनं सर्वं शुद्धान्तःपुरुमत्यगात् |

That Rama passed over all the gates, sent all the people back and entered the palace.

21. saH dasharathaatmajaH = that Rama; samatikramya = crossed; sarvaaH = all; kakshhyaaH = gates; samnivartya = sent back; sarvam janam = all people; abhyagaat = veached; shuddhaantaH puram = the palace.

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