55. vishvamitra ruins vashiSTHa’s hermitage


Vishvamitra ruins Vashishta’s hermitage on acquiring missiles at the grace of God Shiva by practising a paramount ascesis. When the forces generated by Wish-Milker Sacred Cow, namely Kaamadhenu, have eliminated Vishvamitra’s army and his hundred sons, he felt indignant and pray Shiva for bestowal of unusual missiles. On getting them, he again comes to Sage Vashishta’s hermitage and ruins it completely. Then extremely infuriated Sage Vashishta resorts to his Brahma-baton to confront Vishvamitra.

Verse 1

ततस्तानाकुलान् दृष्ट्वा विश्वामित्रास्त्रमोहितान् |
वसिष्ठश्चोदयामास कामधुक् सृज योगतः || १-५५-१

Then on seeing the flurrying warriors earlier created by the Sacred Cow, Shabala, who are perplexed by the missiles of Vishvamitra, Vashishta started to motivate her, ‘oh, wish-milker, generate more forces by your yogic capacity.’ Thus Sage Shataananda continued his narration about the legend of Vishvamitra to Rama. [1-55-1]

1. tataH = then; vasiSThaH = Vashishta; vishvaamitraastramohitaan = those who are perplexed by missiles of Vashishta; aakulaan = those flurrying; taan dR^iSTvaa = them – on seeing army; kaamadhuk = oh wish milker [Shabala]; yogataH sR^ija = you generate [more army] by yogic [capacity] ; codayaamaasa = started to motivate – in this way.

Verse 2 & 3

तस्या हुंकारतो जाताः कांबोजा रविसन्निभाः |
ऊधसस्त्वथ संजाताः पह्लवाः शस्त्रपाणयः || १-५५-२
योनिदेशाच्च यवनाः शकृदेशाच्छकास्तथा |
रोमकूपेषु म्लेच्छाश्च हारीताः सकिरातकाः || १-५५-३

“From the ‘hums’ of her mooing Kaamboja-s similar to sunshine are born, from her udder Pahlava-s wielding weaponry are born, from the area of her privates Yavana-s, likewise from her rectal area Shaka-s, and from her hair-roots Mleccha-s, Haariitaa-s along with Kirataka-s are issued forth. [1-55-2, 3]

2, 3. tasyaaH humkaarataH = of her, from ‘hum’ mooing; ravisannibhaaH kaambojaa jaataaH = born in Kaamboja-s are similar in shine to Sun; atha = further; uudhasaH = from udder; shastrapaaNayaH = weapons in hands; pahlavaaH sanjaataaH = Pahlava-s, are born; yonideshaat yavanaaH ca = Yavana-s, also – are born from privates area; tathaa = likewise; shakR^ideshaat shakaaH = Shaka-s – are born from rectal area; romakuupeSu mlecChaaH ca = Mleccha-s are born from hair roots, also; sakiraatakaaH = with Kirataka-s; haariitaaH = Haariitaa-s – are also born.

Verse 4

तैस्तन्निषूदितं सैन्यं विश्वमित्रस्य तत्क्षणात् |
सपदातिगजं साश्वं सरथं रघुनंदन || १-५५-४

At that very moment, oh, Rama the legatee of Raghu, Vishvamitra’s army comprising foot-soldiers, elephants, chariots and horses is utterly slaughtered by the Yavana, Mleccha etc., forces generated by the Sacred Cow. [1-55-4]

4. raghunandana = oh Raghu’s legatee, Rama; taiH = by them [Yavana-s etc.]; tat kSaNaat = that, very moment; vishvamitrasya = of Vishvamitra; sapadaatigajam = with foot-soldiers, elephants; saashvam saratham = with horses, with chariots; tat sainyam = that, army; niSuuditam = utterly slaughtered.

Verse 5 & 6

दृष्ट्वा निषूदितं सैन्यं वसिष्ठेन महात्मना |
विश्वामित्रसुतानां तु शतं नानाविधायुधम् || १-५५-५
अभ्यधावत् सुसंक्रद्धं वसिष्ठं जपतां वरम् |
हुङ्कारेणैव तान् सर्वान् निर्ददाह महानृषिः || १-५५-६

On seeing their army utterly slaughtered by the vital spirit of Vashishta, a band of hundred sons of Vishvamitra wielding divers weapons exasperatedly sprinted forth towards that supreme meditator among all meditators. But that great sage Vashishta completely burnt all of them down just by blasting ‘hum’ sounds. [1-55-5, 6]

5. mahaatmanaa vasiSThena = by great souled one, by Vashishta; niSuuditam sainyam dR^iSTvaa = on seeing utterly slaughtered army; vishvaamitrasutaanaam = Vishvamitra’s sons; shatam = [a band of] hundred; naanaavidhaayudham = diverse sorts of weapons wielding; susamkruddham = very highly angering; japataam varam vasiSTham = supreme among meditators , towards Vashishta; abhyadhaavat = [that band of hundred sons] sprinted forth; mahaan R^iSiH = [that] great, sage; taan sarvaan = them, all; humkaareNa eva = by ‘hum’ [blasting,] only; nirdadaaha = completely burnt down.

Verse 7

ते साश्वरथपादाता वसिष्ठेन महात्मना |
भस्मीकृता मुहूर्तेन विश्वामित्रसुतास्तदा || १-५५-७

That sage with vital spirit, Vashishta, then in a wink rendered those sons of Vishvamitra, along with their horses, chariots, and foot-soldiers to ashes. [1-55-7]

7. tadaa = then; saashvarathapaadaataaH = with horses, chariots, foot-soldiers; te vishvaamitrasutaaH = those, Vishvamitra’s sons; mahaatmanaa vasiSThena = by the one who has vital spirit, by Vashishta; muhuurtena = in a wink; bhasmiikR^itaa = rendered to ashes.

Verse 8

दृष्ट्वा विनाशितान् पुत्रान् बलं च सुमहायशाः |
सव्रीडश्चिंतयाविष्टो विश्वामित्रोऽभवत्तदा || १-५५-८

On seeing his sons and his forces are utterly ruined, that very highly glorious Vishvamitra was disgraced and beset by distress. [1-55-8]

8. tadaa = then; sumahaayashaaH = very highly glorious one; vishvaamitraH = Vishvamitra; vinaashitaan putraan = at utterly ruined, sons; balam ca = at forces, also; dR^iSTvaa = on seeing; savriiDaH = with disgrace; cintayaa aaviSTaH = beset by distress; abhavat = he became.

Verse 9 & 10a

समुद्र इव निर्वेगो भग्नदंष्ट्र इवोरगः |
उपरक्त इवादित्यः सद्यो निष्प्रभतां गतः || १-५५-९
हतपुत्रबलो दीनो लूनपक्ष इव द्विजः |

Like a tideless ocean his warfare did not tide him over, like a fangless serpent his hiss of warring could not fang any, like a wingless bird pitiable is his flightless plight of fightback, like a shineless sun in an eclipse, Vishvamitra plunged into a lustreless state of his own illustriousness, when his forces are ruined along with his sons. [1-55-9, 10a]

9, 10a. nirvegaH = without speed [tideless]; samudraH iva = as with ocean; bhagnadanSTraH uragaH iva = as with broken fang serpent; uparaktaH aadityaH iva = as with less coloured [shineless, while being eclipsed] sun; sadyaH = immediately; hataputrabalaH = one with – force of ruined sons; diinaH luunapakSaH dvijaH iva = as with pitiable, clipped wing [wingless] bird; niSprabhataam gataH = gone in – plunged into a lustreless state.

Verse 10b & 11

हतसर्वबलोत्साहो निर्वेदं समपद्यत || १-५५-१०
स पुत्रमेकं राज्याय पालयेति नियुज्य च |
पृथिवीं क्षत्रधर्मेण वनमेवान्वपद्यत || १-५५-११

When all his intrepidity and impetuosity are ruined an indolence bechanced upon him, and then on bidding one son for the kingdom, ‘you rule the earth with the duties of kingcraft…’ thus saying Vishvamitra took recourse to forests. [1-55-10b, 11]

10b, 11 hatasarvabalotsaahaH = all intrepidity and impetuosity are ruined; nirvedam samapadyata = he obtained down heartedness [indolence] ; saH = he; pR^ithiviim = earth; kSatradharmeNa paalaya = you rule by kingcraft’s duties; iti = saying so; ekam putram raajyaaya niyujya = on bidding one son for kingdom; vanam eva anvapadyata = thus, took recourse to forest.

Verse 12

स गत्वा हिमवत्पारर्श्वं किंनरोरगसेवितम् |
महादेवप्रसादार्थं तपस्तेपे महातपाः || १-५५-१२

On going to the mountainsides of Himalayas, whereat it is adored by kinnaraa-s and uragaa-s, the nymphs and nymphean serpents, he that great practiser of ascesis, Vishvamitra, undertook an austere ascesis for the sake of beneficence of the Great God, Shiva. [1-55-12]

12. mahaatapaaH = great practiser of ascesis; saH = he [Vishvamitra]; kinnaroragasevitam = adored by kinnaraa-s, uragaa-s; himavat paarshvam = side of Himalayas ; gatvaa = on going; mahaadevaprasaadaartham = for the sake of beneficence of Great God’s [Shiva’s]; tapaH tepe = undertook [austere] ascesis.

Verse 13

केनचित्त्वथ कालेन देवेशो वृषभध्वजः |
दर्शयामास वरदो विश्वामित्रं महामुनिम् || १-५५-१३

After a long lost time, Shiva, the God of Gods whose flag bears the sign of Holy Bull, has shown himself to that great-saint Vishvamitra, for He is a ready boon-giver. [1-55-13]

13. atha = then; kenacit kaalena tu = after long lost time, but; deveshaH = gods’ god; vR^iSabhadhvajaH = Bull on his flag; varadaH = boon giver; vishvaamitram mahaamunim = to Vishvamitra, great-sainted darshayaamaasa = shown Himself -revealed himself.

Verse 14

किमर्थं तप्यसे राजन् ब्रूहि यत्ते विवक्षितम् |
वरदोऽस्मि वरो यस्ते कांक्षितः सोऽभिधीयताम् || १-५५-१४

‘Oh, king, for which purpose you undertook this ascesis that you may tell me. What is it really intended by you and what boon you seek that be made known to me for I am the boon-giver.’ Shiva said so to Vishvamitra. [1-55-14]

14. raajan = oh king; kimartham tapyase = for which purpose, you undertook ascesis; te = by you; yat = what is; vivakShitam = tellable – what is intended by you; that; bruuhi = you tell; varadaH asmi = I am boon giver; yaH varaH te kaankShitaH = what boon you beseeched; saH abhidhiiyataam = that, may be made known.

Verse 15

एवमुक्तस्तु देवेन विश्वामित्रो महातपाः |
प्रणिपत्य महादेवं विश्वामित्रोऽब्रवीदिदम् || १-५५-१५

Thus said by God Shiva to Vishvamitra of great ascesis, Vishvamitra on reverencing that Great God Shiva said this way. [1-55-15]

15. devena evam uktaH = thus, said by god; mahaatapaaH vishvaamitraH = one with great ascesis, Vishvamitra; mahaadevam praNipatya = on reverencing Great God Shiva; vishvaamitraH idam abraviit = Vishvamitra said this.

Verse 16

यदि तुष्टो महादेव धनुर्वेदो ममानघ |
साङ्गोपाङ्गोपनिषदः सरहस्यः प्रदीयताम् || १-५५-१६

Oh! Mahadeva, the Impeccable Great God… providing that you are gladdened by my ascetic devotion, dhanurveda, the Holy Writ of Archery, with its complemental and supplemental Writs, and along with its summational Upanishad-s, together with its preternatural doctrines… they may kindly be bestowed upon me… [1-55-16]

16. anagha = oh impeccable one; mahaadeva = oh Great God Shiva; tuSTaH yadi = if [providing that] you are gladdened; saangopaangopaniSadaH = with complemental supplemental and summational Writs [Upanishad-s]; sarahasyaH = together with preternatural [doctrines]; dhanurvedaH = Holy Writs of Archery; mama = to me; pradiiyataam = verily [kindly] be bestowed.

Verse 17 & 18a

यानि देवेषु चास्त्राणि दानवेषु महर्षिषु |
गंधर्वयक्षरक्षस्सु प्रतिभांतु ममानघ || १-५५-१७
तव प्रसादाद्भवतु देवदेव ममेप्सितम् |

‘ Oh, Exquisite God, whichever missile is there either with gods, or fiends, gandharva-s, yaksha-s, and demons, let it dawn upon me. For you alone are the God of Gods your blessings alone can fulfil my aspiration.’ Thus Vishvamitra entreated God Shiva. [1-55-17, 18a]

17, 18a. anagha = oh exquisite god; deveSu = in [with] gods; daanaveSu maharSiSu = with fiends, with great-sages; gandharvayaksharakShassu = with gandharva-s, yaksha-s, demons; yaani astraaNi = whichever, missiles; are there, they; tava prasaadaat = by your, blessings; mama = to me; pratibhaantu = dawn upon [me]; devadeva = oh God of Gods; mama iipsitam bhavatu = my, aspiration, become – let it be fulfilled.

Verse 18b

एवमस्त्विति देवेशो वाक्यमुक्त्वा गतस्तदा || १-५५-१८

‘So be it!’ On sanctifying Vishvamitra and his aspiration thus, the God of Gods, Shiva disappeared. [1-55-18b]

18b. evam astu = so, be it; iti = thus; deveshaH = God of Gods, Shiva; vaakyam uktvaa = sentence, said [on sanctifying Vishvamitra]; tadaa gataH = then, went away -disappeared.

Verse 19

प्राप्य चास्त्राणि देवेशाद्विश्वामित्रो महाबलः |
दर्पेण महता युक्तो दर्पपूर्णोऽभवत्तदा || १-५५-१९

Vishvamitra who is already a mightier Kshatriya, now on acquiring missiles from the God of Gods, Shiva, will he not come forth paired up with mightiest conceit, and then will not his conceitedness be plethoric like a plethoric ocean? [1-55-19]

19. mahaabalaH = [who is already a] great-mighty one; mahataa darpeNa yuktaH = [now] conjoined with greatest conceit; such a; vishvaamitraH = Vishvamitra; tadaa = then; deveshaat = from God of Gods, Shiva; astraaNi praapya = on acquiring missiles; darpapuurNaH abhavat = he became plethoric with conceitedness.

Verse 20

विवर्धमानो वीर्येण समुद्र इव पर्वणि |
हतं मेने तदा राम वसिष्ठमृषिसत्तमम् || १-५५-२०

By vitality Vishvamitra is like an ocean with rough riptide on a Full Moon day, and oh, Rama, he deemed that sagaciously mighty sage Vashishta is now ‘dead.’ [1-55-20]

20. parvaNi = on an auspicious day [in Full Moon day]; samudra iva = as with ocean; viiryeNa vivardhamaanaH = on the rise by vitality; raama = oh Rama; R^iSisattamam vasiSTham = sagaciously mighty sage, Vashishta; tadaa = now; hatam mene = deemed as dead.

Verse 21

ततो गत्वाश्रमपदं मुमोचास्त्राणि पार्थिवः |
यैस्तत्तपोवनं सर्वं निर्दग्धं चास्त्रतेजसा || १-५५-२१

Then on going to the threshold of Vashishta ‘s hermitage that king propelled his missiles, by the holocaust of which missiles that ascetic woodland is completely burnt down in its entirety. [1-55-21]

21. tataH = then; paarthivaH = king – Vishvamitra; aashramapadam gatvaa = on going to hermitage’s threshold [of Vashishta] ; astraaNi mumoca = missiles, released [propelled]; yaiH = by which [missiles]; tat sarvam tapovanam = that entire ascetic woodland; astratejasaa = by missiles’ fire [holocaust]; nirdagdham = completely burnt down.

Verse 22

उदीर्यमाणमस्त्रं तद्विश्वामित्रस्य धीमतः |
दृष्ट्वा विप्रद्रुता भीता मुनयः शतशो दिशः || १-५५-२२

On seeing the turbo-jetting missiles of Vishvamitra jetted by his sparkling intellect, hundreds of saints were frightened and they very speedily fled in hundreds of ways. [1-55-22]

22. dhiimataH = courage minded [one with sparkling intellect]; vishvaamitrasya = of Vishvamitra; tat udiiryamaaNam astram = that, turbo-jetting, missile; dR^iSTvaa = on seeing; shatashaH munayaH = hundreds of, saints; bhiitaaH = are frightened; [shatashaH] dishaH = in hundreds, of ways; vipradrutaa = very speedily fled.

Verse 23

वसिष्ठस्य च ये शिष्याः ये च वै मृगपक्षिणः |
विद्रवन्ति भयाद्भीता नाना दिग्भ्यः सहस्रशः || १-५५-२३

Whoever is the disciple of Vashishta and whichever is either animal or a bird, all are utterly frightened and thousands of them have hastily fled to numerous directions. [1-55-23]

23. vasiSThasya ye shiSyaaH = whoever disciples of Vashishta; are there, they; mR^igapakShiNaH = animals, birds; bhayaat bhiitaaH = frightened from fear; sahasrashaH = in thousands; naanaadigbhyaH = to numerous directions; vidravanti = hastily fleeing.

Verse 24

वसिष्ठस्याश्रमपदं शून्यमासीन्महात्मनः |
मुहूर्तमिव निःशब्दमासीदिरिणसंनिभम् || १-५५-२४

The threshold of that broad-minded Vashishta’s hermitage fell void, and in a wink it has become silent like a burial ground as every shrub, herb and tree is cindery, and every bird, animal and stock is an evacuee. [1-55-24]

24. mahaatmanaH vasiSThasya aashramapadam = of broad-minded sage, Vashishta ‘s, hermitage threshold; shuunyam aasiit = it has become void; muhuurtam iva = just in a wink ; iriNasannibham = alike arid land – burial ground; niHshabdam aasiit = become silent .

Verse 26

एवमुक्त्वा महातेजा वसिष्ठो जपतां वरः |
विश्वामित्रं तदा वाक्यं सरोषमिदमब्रवीत् || १-५५-२६

On saying that way to the evacuees, Vashishta, the great-resplendent sage and a best one among best meditators rancorously said this word to Vishvamitra. [1-55-26]

26. mahaatejaaH japataam varaH vasiSThaH = great-resplendent, the best one among meditators , Vashishta; evam uktvaa = on saying [to evacuees] that way; tadaa = then; vishvaamitram = to Vishvamitra; saroSam = with rancour; idam vaakyam abraviit = said this sentence.

Verse 25

वदतो वै वसिष्ठस्य मा भैष्टेति मुहुर्मुहुः |
नाशयाम्यद्य गाधेयं नीहारमिव भास्करः || १-५५-२५

Although Vashishta shouted at them saying time and again, ‘do not fear, do not fear… now I will dissipate that son of Gaadhi, Vishvamitra, like Sun demisting the mist,’ all the inmates of hermitage have hastily fled. [1-55-25]

25. bhaaskaraH niihaaram iva = Sun, as with mist – like sun demisting the mist; gaadheyam = Gadhi’s son – Vishvamitra will be; adya naashayaami = now, I will destroy; maa bhaiSTa = do not, fear; iti = thus; vasiSThasya = of Vashishta; muhuH muhuH = again, again; vadataH = [although] saying [shouting at the fleeing inmates of hermitage, they have; vipradrutaa = very speedily fled].

Verse 27

आश्रमं चिरसंवृद्धं यद्विनाशितवानसि |
दुराचारो हि यन्मूढ तस्मात्त्वं न भविष्यसि || १-५५-२७

You senseless king, by which reason you have havocked this hermitage that is well nourished for a long time by me, for that reason you have become a reprehensible one, and thereby you will not survive any longer. [1-55-27]

27. muuDha = oh senseless one; cirasamvR^iddham aashramam = the hermitage that is well nourished for a long time; yat = by which reason; vinaashitavaan asi = you have havocked ; yat = by which; duraacaaraH hi = bad conduct [reprehensible one,] indeed you are; tasmaat = thereby; tvam na bhaviSyasi = you, will not, survive.

Verse 28

इत्युक्त्वा परमक्रुद्धो दण्डमुद्यम्य सत्वरः |
विधूम इव कालाग्निर्यमदण्डमिवापरम् || १-५५-२८

“On saying thus that extremely infuriated Sage Vashishta post-hastily up-heaved his baton, which is alike the fumeless Ultimate Fire of End Time, and the other baton of Yama, the Terminator, and affronted Vishvamitra.” Thus, Sage Shataananda continued his narration of Vishvamitra’s legend. [1-55-28]

28. iti uktvaa = thus, on saying; satvaraH = with haste [post-hastily]; paramakruddhaH = extremely infuriated; vidhuumakaalaagniH iva = as with fumeless ultimate fire ; aparam yamadaNDam iva = which is like another Yama’s baton; dandam = a baton; udyamya = Vashishta up heaved.

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