52 – he legend of Vishvamitra- contd


Vashishta offers hospitality to Vishvamitra and his armies. Even though the King Vishvamitra is disinclined to pressurise a hermit with such a burdensome affair of hospitality to hosts, Vashishta entreats the king to accept. Vishvamitra had to oblige the same. Vashishta summons his do-all Divine Sacred Cow, Shabala, also known as Kaamadhenu, requests her to generate heaps of tasteful foodstuffs for a royal banquet as well as for military rations.

Verse 1

तं दृष्ट्वा परमप्रीतो विश्वामित्रो महाबलः |
प्रणतो विनयाद्वीरो वसिष्ठं जपतां वरम् || १-५२-१

On seeing at that best sage among best meditators Sage Vashishta, the great-mighty and valorous Vishvamitra is highly rejoiced and obediently made an obeisance to the sage. [1-52-1]

1. mahaabalaH viiraH vishvaamitraH = great-mighty, valorous one, Vishvamitra; japataam varam = the best sage among meditators; tam vasiSTham dR^iSTvaa = him, Vashishta, on seeing; paramapriitaH = is highly rejoiced; vinayaat praNataH = obediently, made an obeisance.

Verse 2

स्वागतं तव चेत्युक्तो वसिष्ठेन महात्मना |
आसनं चास्य भगवान् वसिष्ठो व्यादिदेश ह || १-५२-२

The great-souled Vashishta spoke, “you are welcome,” and that godly sage has indeed shown a high seat to Vishvamitra. [1-52-2]

2. tava svaagatam = to thee, welcome; iti mahaatmanaa vasiSThena uktaH = thus, is spoken to [Vishvamitra] by great-souled Vashishta; bhagavaan vasiSThaH = godly, Vashishta; asya aasanam ca vyaadidesha ha = also, ordering [showing] seat to him [to Vishvamitra] indeed.

Verse 3

उपविष्टाय च तदा विश्वामित्राय धीमते |
यथान्यायं मुनिवरः फलमूलमुपाहरत् || १-५२-३

The eminent saint Vashishta then customarily offered fruits and tuber to the courageous Vishvamitra who by now has assumed a seat. [1-52-3]

3. tadaa = then; munivaraH = eminent saint; upaviSTaaya dhiimate vishvaamitraaya = to one who is sitting, courageous one, to Vishvamitra; yathaanyaayam = according to custom; phalamuulam upaaharat = submitted – offered fruits and tubers.

Verse 4 & 5

प्रतिगृह्य तु तां पूजां वसिष्ठाद्राजसत्तमः |
तपोऽग्निहोत्रशिष्येषु कुशलं पर्यपृच्छत || १-५२-४
विश्वामित्रो महातेजा वनस्पतिगणे तथा |
सर्वत्र कुशलं चाह वसिष्ठो राजसत्तमः || १-५२-५

On receiving that deference from Vashishta, then that unsurpassed king Vishvamitra asked after the well-being of the ascesis, Fire-rituals and disciples and their progress in that hermitage, and that great-resplendent Vishvamitra has also asked after the well being of flora and fauna of the hermitage, and Vashishta reported to the matchless king about the all round well-being of every activity. [1-52-4, 5]

4. raajasattamaH = unsurpassed king; mahaatejaaH = great-resplendent one; vishvaamitraH = Vishvamitra; vasiSThaat = from Vashishta; taam puujaam pratigR^ihya = on receiving that deference ; tapaH agnihotrashiSyeSu = concerning ascesis, fire, rituals, disciples; tathaa = likewise; vanaspatigaNe = regarding clumps of trees – of flora and implied fauna of hermitage; kushalam = well being; paryapR^icChata = in turn asked after; vasiSThaH = Vashishta; sarvatra kushalam ca = all round, well-being, also; raajasattamam aaha = said – reported to the matchless king.

Verse 6

सुखोपविष्टं राजानं विश्वामित्रं महातपाः |
पप्रच्छ जपतां श्रेष्ठो वसिष्ठो ब्रह्मणः सुतः || १-५२-६

Vashishta the supreme one among meditators, a great-ascetic, and the brainchild of Brahma has then asked Vishvamitra who is sitting at ease. [1-52-6]

6. japataam shreSThaH = supreme one among meditators; mahaatapaaH = great-ascetic; brahmaNaH sutaH vasiSThaH = Brahma’s, son [brainchild,] Vashishta; sukhopaviSTam = on sitting at ease; raajaanam vishvaamitram = to king, Vishvamitra; papracCha = asked.

Verse 7

कच्चित्ते कुशलं राजन् कच्चिद्धर्मेण रंजयन् |
प्रजाः पालयसे राजन् राजवृत्तेन धार्मिक || १-५२-७

I hope that you are fine! And oh, righteous king, hope that you are ruling people righteously with kingly righteousness to their contentment. [1-52-7]

7. raajan = oh king; te kushalam kaccit = I hope well-being to you – All is well!; raajan = oh king; dhaarmikaH = as a righteous one; prajaaH dharmeNa ranjayan = while righteously satisfying people to their contentment; raajavR^ittena = by kingly righteousness; paalayase kaccit = hopefully are you ruling.

Verse 8

कच्चित्ते सुभृता भृत्याः कच्चित्तिष्ठन्ति शासने |
कच्चित्ते विजिताः सर्वे रिपवो रिपुसूदन || १-५२-८

I hope your servants are looked after well, hope all of them are abiding by the rulership, oh, vanquisher of adversaries, I hope that you have surely vanquished all of your adversaries. [1-52-8]

8. te bhR^ityaaH = your, servants; subhR^itaa kaccit = well-served – are they looked after well, I hope; shaasane tiSThanti kaccit = abiding by rulership, I hope; ripusuudana = oh vanquisher of adversary; te ripavaH = your, enemies; sarve = all of them; vijitaaH = surely vanquished; kaccit = I hope.

Verse 9

कच्चित् बले च कोशे च मित्रेषु च परंतप |
कुशलं ते नरव्याघ्र पुत्रपौत्रे तथानघ || १-५२-९

“For you are an impeccable one and an emery-inflamer, oh, tigerly-man, I hope that your forces, exchequer and confederates are fine, and all is well with your sons and grandsons.” Thus Vashishta asked the well-being of Vishvamitra. [1-52-9]

9. parantapa = oh enemy-inflamer; anagha = oh impeccable one; naravyaaghra = oh tigerly man; bale ca koshe ca mitreSu ca = in forces, and, in exchequer, and, among friends [confederates,] also; tathaa = likewise; te putrapautre = in your sons and grandsons; kushalam kaccit = I hope well-being.

Verse 10

सर्वत्र कुशलं राजा वसिष्ठं प्रत्युदाहरत् |
विश्वामित्रो महातेजा वसिष्ठं विनयान्वितम् || १-५२-१०

The great-resplendent king Vishvamitra respectfully replied Sage Vashishta saying, ‘everything is fine.’ [1-52-10]

10. mahaatejaaH raajaa vishvaamitraH = great-resplendent, king, Vishvamitra; vasiSTham vinayaanvitam = having respect – respectfully to Vashishta; sarvatra kushalam = everywhere, fineness – everything is fine; vasiSTham = to Vashishta; prati udaaharat = in turn [in reply,] exemplified – replied.

Verse 11

कृत्वा तौ सुचिरं कालं धर्मिष्ठौ ताः कथास्तदा |
मुदा परमया युक्तौ प्रीयेतां तौ परस्परम् || १-५२-११

Both of those celebrities of conscientious then exchanged pleasantries for a long time with their rejoice heightening and gladdening one another. [1-52-11]

11. dharmiSThau = celebrities of conscientious; tau [ubhau] = both of them; paramayaa mudaa yuktau = along with heightened rejoice; suciram kaalam = for a very long, time; taaH kathaaH = those, stories [pleasantries]; tadaa kR^itvaa = thus, on making [exchanging]; tau = those two; parasparam – paraH aparam = one, another; priiyetaam = gladdened.

Verse 12

ततो वसिष्ठो भगवान् कथान्ते रघुनंदन |
विश्वामित्रमिदं वाक्यमुवाच प्रहसन्निव || १-५२-१२

Then at the end of discussions, oh, Rama the legatee of Raghu, that godly Sage Vashishta smilingly spoke this sentence to Vishvamitra. [1-52-12]

12. raghunandana = oh legatee of Raghu – Rama; tataH = then; bhagavaan vasiSThaH = godly sage, Vashishta; kathaante = at the end of story [of discussions]; prahasan iva = smilingly, like; vishvaamitram idam vaakyam uvaaca = spoke this sentence to Vishvamitra.

Verse 13

आतिथ्यं कर्तुमिच्छामि बलस्यास्य महाबल |
तव चैवाप्रमेयस्य यथार्हं संप्रतीच्छ मे || १-५२-१३

I wish to offer guestship befitting to your status, oh, great-forceful king Vishvamitra, to a matchless one like you and to this military force of yours, kindly accept it from me. [1-52-13]

13. mahaabalaH = oh great-forceful one – Vishvamitra; asya balasya = to this, military force; aprameyasya = without a match [matchless one]; tava ca eva = to you, also, as well; yathaarham = as befitting – to your status; aatithyam kartum icChaami = I wish to do [to offer] guestship; sampratiicCha [sam prati icCha = well, in turn, you accede] = kindly accede to it.

Verse 14

सत्क्रियां तु भवानेतां प्रतीच्छतु मया कृताम् |
राजंस्त्वमतिथिश्रेष्ठः पूजनीयः प्रयत्नतः || १-५२-१४

‘You may kindly accept all these hospitalities offered by me, oh king, for you are an important guest you ought to be reverenced effortfully.’ So said Vashishta to Vishvamitra. [1-52-14]

14. bhavaan = you; mayaa kR^itaam = done [offered] by me; etaam satkriyaam tu = all these, good works [hospitalities,] on their part; pratiicChatu = kindly take – accept; raajan = oh king; tvam = you are; prayatnataH puujaniiyaH = one to be reverenced, effortfully; atithishreSThaH = important guest.

Verse 15

एवमुक्तो वसिष्ठेन विश्वामित्रो महामतिः |
कृतमित्यब्रवीद्राजा पूजावाक्येन मे त्वया || १-५२-१५

When sage Vashishta said in this way, that highly-intellectual king Vishvamitra said to him, ‘hospitality is deemed to have been offered to me with your reverential words, it is enough and nothing more is necessary.’ [1-52-15]

15. vasiSThena evam uktaH = thus said by Vashishta – to the sage; mahaamatiH raajaa vishvaamitraH = highly intellectual, king, Vishvamitra; tvayaa = by you; puujaavaakyena = with [just by] reverential words; me = to me; kR^itam = done[hospitality is deemed to have been offered – and nothing more is required; iti abraviit = thus, said.

Verse 16 & 17

फलमूलेन भगवन्विद्यते यत्तवाश्रमे |
पाद्येनाचमनीयेन भगवद्दर्शनेन च || १-५२-१६
सर्वथा च महाप्राज्ञ पूजार्हेण सुपूजितः |
नमस्तेऽस्तु गमिष्यामि मैत्रेणेक्षस्व चक्षुषा || १-५२-१७

I am entertained with whatever item that obtains in your hermitage, say fruits, tubers and water for feet-wash and to wet mouth. Why those petty items, I regaled just by seeing you, a godly sage like. Oh, highly noetic sage, by yourself you are a sage worthy to be reverenced by one and all, such as you are you alone have reverenced me. Now I wish to take leave, please accept my obeisance to you, and please look upon us with a friendlily regard. [1-52-16, 17]

16. bhagavan = oh godly sage; yat tava aashrame vidyate = what is obtained in your hermitage ; with such; phalamuulena = with fruits, tubers; paadyena aacamaniiyena = by water for feet-wash, by water for wetting mouth; bhagavaddarshanena ca = godlike [you,] by [the very] visualisation, also; puujaarheNa = worthy [by you who are] for reverence; supuujitaH = [I am] well reverenced; mahaapraaj~na = oh highly noetic sage; gamiSyaami = I wish to go; te namaH astu = let there be [ le it be accepted] obeisance to you; sarvathaa = always; maitreNa cakSuSaa iikSasva = you look upon [us] with a friendly eye [regard].

Verse 18

एवं ब्रुवन्तं राजानं वसिष्ठः पुनरेव हि |
न्यमंत्रयत धर्मात्मा पुनः पुनरुदारधीः || १-५२-१८

Even if the king was speaking in this way obliquely to him, that virtue-souled and magnanimous sage Vashishta entreated the king repeatedly. [1-52-18]

18. evam bruvantam raajaanam = in this way, [obliquely] speaking, to king; dharmaatmaa = virtue-souled one; udaaradhiiH = benevolent minded [magnanimous sage]; vasiSThaH = Vashishta; punaH eva hi = again, thus, indeed; punaH punaH = again, again [repeatedly]; nyamantrayata = entreated.

Verse 19

बाढमित्येव गाधेयो वसिष्ठं प्रत्युवाच ह |
यथा प्रियं भगवतस्तथास्तु मुनिसत्तम || १-५२-१९

Gaadhi’s son Vishvamitra then replied the eminent saint Vashishta, “Agreed! As it pleases the godly sage. So be it!” [1-52-19]

19. gaadheyaH = Gaadhi’s son – Vishvamitra; vasiSTham = to Vashishta; said this; munisattama = oh eminent saint; baaDham = Agreed!; bhagavataH yathaa priyam = as to how it will be pleasing to godlike you; tathaa astu = so, be it; iti prati uvaaca ha = thus, in turn, spoke [replied,] indeed.

Verse 20

एवमुक्तस्तथा तेन वसिष्ठो जपतां वरः |
आजुहाव ततः प्रीतः कल्माषीं धूतकल्मषः || १-५२-२०

When Vishvamitra said that way then Vashishta, the best one among meditators, and one whose blemishes are laved is gladdened, and started calling his speckled cow, namely Shabala, yclept Kaamadhenu. [1-52-20]

20. tathaa tena evam uktaH = thus, that way, said by him [Vishvamitra] ; japataam varaH = the best among meditators; dhuutakalmaSaH = one who is laved of blemishes; vasiSThaH = Vashishta; priitaH = is gladdened; tataH = then; kalmaaSiim = speckled cow [namely Shabala]; aajuhaava = called – started calling to come.

Verse 21

एह्येहि शबले क्षिप्रं शृणु चापि वचो मम |
सबलस्यास्य राजर्षेः कर्तुं व्यवसितोऽस्म्यहम् |
भोजनेन महार्हेण सत्कारं संविधत्स्व मे || १-५२-२१

Come on, oh, Shabala! Come quickly and listen to my words. I prepared to accord hospitality with a highly delectable royal banquet to this kingly sage together with all his forces. You arrange it for me. [1-52-21]

21. shabale = oh amazingly coloured [cow Shabala]; kSipram ehi ehi = quickly, come, come; mama vacaH shR^iNu ca api = listen my word, also, even; aham = I; mahaarheNa bhojanena = with highly delectable, feast [with a royal banquet]; sabalasya asya raajarSeH = this kingly-sage together with [all] forces; satkaaram kartum vyavasitaH asmi = hospitality, to do [to accord,] prepared, I am; me samvidhatsva = for me, you arrange for it.

Verse 22

यस्य यस्य यथाकामं षड्रसेष्वभिपूजितम् |
तत्सर्वं कामधुक् दिव्ये अभिवर्ष कृते मम || १-५२-२२

Oh, Kaamadhenu, the Divine Cow, the Milker of All-Desires, for my sake you shower whatsoever foodstuff is savoured by whosoever according to one’s own piquancy from each of the six savour, that too plentifully. [1-52-22]

22. divye kaamadhuk = oh divine desires milker [cow]; yasya yasya = whose, whose; [yadyad = yat yat = what, what – whatever]; abhipuujitam = cherished – savoured; SaD raseSu = from among – six, savours; tat sarvam = that, in entirety p- plentifully; yathaa kaamam = as, [he] wishes [as per his piquancy]; kR^ite mama = owing to, me – for my sake; abhivarSa = now shower.


Verse 23

रसेनान्नेन पानेन लेह्यचोष्येण संयुतम् |
अन्नानां निचयं सर्वं सृजस्व शबले त्वर || १-५२-२३

” ‘Oh, Shabala, you create heaps of savourily foodstuffs comprised of masticable items like crunchy foods, drinkable items like soft-drinks, tasteable items like honey-like viscous dishes, squeezable items like pulpy fruits, and be quick.’ ” So said Sage Vashishta to that Sacred Cow, Kaamadhenu, and Vishvamitra continued his narration. [1-52-23]

23. shabale = oh, Shabala; rasena annena paanena = with savourily, masticable, drinkables; lehyacoSyeNa = [with dishes that can be] licked, [that can be] sucked; samyutam = comprised of; annaanaam nicayam = heaps of foodstuffs of every kind; sR^ijasva = you create; tvara = be quick.

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