15 – Rishyashringa officiates putrakAmeShTi ritual for dasharatha


King Dasharatha commences the putrakaameSTi ritual aiming to beget progeny, under the aegis of Sage Rishyasringa. The celestial beings gather to receive the oblations offered in the Horse Ritual conducted by King Dasharatha. They are perturbed at the atrocities of Ravana, and request Brahma to think for a way to eliminate Ravana. Vishnu arrives there and pacifies Brahma and other celestials with an assurance that he will incarnate as human to eliminate Ravana.

Verse 1

मेधावी तु ततो ध्यात्वा स किञ्चिदिदमुत्तरम् |
लब्धसंज्ञः ततस्तं तु वेदज्ञो नृपमब्रवीत् || १-१५-१

That intellectual sage and one proficient in Veda-s Rishyasringa contemplated for a while, and gaining indications as to which ritual is to be performed, then said the king. [1-15-1]

1. tataH = then; medhaavii vedaj~naH = intellectual one, proficient in Veda; saH = Rishyasringa; kimchit dhyaatvaa = thinking a little; tataH labdhasanj~naH = then, gaining indication; tam nR^ipam abraviit = to him, to King, said.

Verse 2

इष्टिं तेऽहं करिष्यामि पुत्रीयां पुत्रकारणात् |
अथर्वशिरसि प्रोक्तैर्मन्त्रैः सिद्धां विधानतः || १-१५-२

“I will procedurally conduct the ritual contained in the preamble of atharva-veda with procedural hymns, called <<em>>putra kaameSTi i.e., the ritual that bestows sons, for your benefit.” [1-15-2]

2. aham te putrakaaraNaat = I, to you [for your benefit,] for the reason of sons [to beget]; atharvashirasi proktaiaH = said in [contained in]atharva Veda’s preamble; mantraiH siddhaam = available with hymns [of that Veda,]; putriiyaam = one that bestows sons [called putrakaameSTi,] for begetting sons; iSTim vidhaanataH kariSyaami = I will conduct ritual procedurally.

Verse 3

ततः प्राक्रमदिष्टिं तां पुत्रीयां पुत्रकारणात् |
जुहाव चाग्नौ तेजस्वी मन्त्रदृष्टेन कर्मणा || १-१५-३

Then that resplendent Sage Rishyasringa commenced that putrakaameSTi ritual, offering oblations into sacred fire with ritual acts meticulously contained in hymns. [1-15-3]

3. tataH = then; putrakaaraNaat = for purpose of begetting sons; putriiyaam idam iSTim taam = that son giving ritual; praakramat = commenced; tejasvii = resplendent sage; mantradR^iSTena karmaNaa = hymn-contained, with ritual-acts; agnou juhaava cha = oblated in fire, also.

Verse 4

ततो देवाः सगन्धर्वाः सिद्धाश्च परमर्षयः |
भागप्रतिग्रहार्थं वै समवेता यथाविधि || १-१५-४

Then the deities along with celestial beings, siddha-s, i.e., the souls that obtained salvation, and also other esteemed sages who by now are the residents of Heavens have duteously assembled in the firmament to receive their part of the oblations. [1-15-4]

4. tataH = then; sagandharvaaH = with celestials; devaaH siddhaaH cha paramarSayaH = then, deities, siddha-s, also, esteemed saints; bhaagapratigrahaartham vai = to receive their due [of oblations], verily; samavetaaH yathaavidhi = assembled, as per duty.

Verse 5

ताः समेत्य यथान्यायं तस्मिन् सदसि देवताः |
अब्रुवन् लोककर्तारं ब्रह्माणं वचनं ततः || १-१५-५

Those deities who procedurally assembled there in that congregation then spoke to Brahma, the creator of worlds. [1-15-5]

5. taaH devataaH = those, gods; yathaanyaayam = as per procedure; tasmin sadasi = in that, congregation; sametya = coming together; lokakartaaram = to worlds’ creator; brahmaaNam = to Brahma; vachanam abruvan = words, said.

Verse 6

भगवंस्त्वत्प्रसादेन रावणो नाम राक्षसः |
सर्वान्नो बाधते वीर्याच्छासितुं तं न शक्नुमः || १-१५-६

“Oh! God, the demon named Ravana is torturing all of us with his intrepidity, as you have blessed him, and we are unable to control him. [1-15-6]

6. bhagavan = oh god; raavanaH naama raakShasaH = Ravana, named, demon; tvat prasaadena = with your, blessings – as you have blessed him; viiryaat = by his intrepidity; naH sarvaan baadhate = is torturing all of us; tam shaasitum na shaknumaH = we are unable to control him.

Verse 7

त्वया तस्मै वरो दत्तः प्रीतेन भगवान् तदा |
मानयन्तश्च तं नित्यं सर्वं तस्य क्षमामहे || १-१५-७

“You have given boon to him appreciating his ascesis and oh, god, with high regard to that boon of yours we are tolerating all the cruel acts of Ravana from then onwards [1-15-7]

7. bhagavaan = Oh god; priitena tvayaa = appreciating [his ascesis,] by you; tasmai varaH dattaH = to him – Ravana, boons, given [by you]; tam = that boon of yours; maanayantaH = keeping high regard for it; tadaa nityam = from then, always; tasya sarvam kShamaamahe = all [his cruel acts,] of his [Ravana,] we are tolerating.

Verse 8

उद्वेजयति लोकांस्त्रीनुच्छ्रितान् द्वेष्टि दुर्मतिः |
शक्रं त्रिदशराजानं प्रधर्षयितुमिच्छति || १-१५-८

“That malevolent Ravana is tormenting all the three worlds, hating the functionary deities of cosmos, and always desires to assail Indra, the king of all the functionary deities of universe. [1-15-8]

8. durmatiH = that evil minded one – malevolent; triin lokaan udvejayati = he is tormenting three worlds; ucChritaan dveSTi = he is hating functionary deities of cosmos; tridasharaajaanam shakram pradharSayitum icChati = desires to assail Indra, the king of celestials.

Verse 9

ऋषीन् यक्षान् सगन्धर्वानसुरान् ब्राह्मणांस्तथा |
अतिक्रामति दुर्धर्षो वरदानेन मोहितः || १-१५-९

“That invincible one is further self-conceited by the boons you have accorded, and he is overbearingly torturing the sages, celestial beings like yaksha-s, gandharva-s, asura-s, and like that even the Brahmans. [1-15-9]

9. durdharShaH = invincible one; varadaanena mohitaH = becoming self-conceited by boon given [by you]; R^iShiin yakShaan sagandharvaan asuraan = sages, yaksha-celestials, with gandharva-celestials, demons; tathaa braahmaNaan = like that, Brahmans are also; atikraamati = overbearingly [torturing.]

Verse 10

नैनं सूर्यः प्रतपति पार्श्वे वाति न मारुतः |
चलोर्मिमाली तं दृष्ट्वा समुद्रोऽपि न कंपते || १-१५-१०

“The Sun-god will not verily parch Ravana, the Air-god will not puff at his sides, and on seeing Ravana, the lord of the undulating waves, namely the ocean will not pulsate either. [1-15-10]

10. enam suuryaH na pratapati = sun will not parch him; maaruthaH paarshve na vaati = Air-god will not puff at his sides; chalormimaalii = the lord of undulating waves; samudraH api = ocean, even; tam dR^istvaa na kampate = will not pulsate on seeing him [Ravana].

Verse 11

तन्महन्नो भयं तस्माद्राक्षसाद्घोरदर्शनात् |
वधार्थं तस्य भगवन्नुपायं कर्तुमर्हसि || १-१५-११

“Thereby, there is a great panic for all of us from that demon with an awesome look, hence oh, god, it will be apt of you to give a thought for his elimination. [1-15-11]

11. tat = by that reason; ghoradarshanaat tasmaat raakShasaat = from that demon with an awesome sight; naH mahat bhayam = great panic for us; bhagavan = oh god; tasya vadhaartham = for purpose of his elimination; upaayam kartum arhasi = apt of you to make an idea.

Verse 12

एवमुक्तः सुरैः सर्वैः चिन्तयित्वा ततोऽब्रवीत् |
हन्तायं विदितस्तस्य वधोपायो दुरात्मनः || १-१५-१२

When all the deities spoke to Brahma thus, he thought for a while and then said “Aha! The idea to kill that evil-minded Ravana is discerned. [1-15-12]

12. sarvaiH suraiH evam uktaH =[Brahma] is spoken this way by all gods; chintayitvaa tataH abraviit = on thinking, then, said; tasya duraatmanaH = that, evil minded one’s; ayam vadhopaayaH = this is the, idea for elimination; viditaH hanta = known, aha.

Verse 13

तेन गन्धर्वयक्षाणां देवतानां च रक्षसाम् |
अवध्योऽस्मीति वागुक्ता तथेक्तं च तन्मया || १-१५-१३

“Ravana said while seeking boon that, ‘I shall not be killed by gandharva-s, yaksha-s, or by gods, or by other demons…’ and I also said ‘so be it…” [1-15-13]

13. tena = by him [Ravana]; gandharvayakShaanaam = for gandharva-s and for yaksha-s; devataanam ca raakShasaam = by gods and other demons, also; avadhyaH asmi iti = I shall be not killable, thus; vaak uktaa = words, were uttered [by Ravana]; mayaa cha tat tathaa iti uktam = thus that way said by me.

Verse 14

नाकीर्तयदवज्ञानात्तद्रक्षो मानुषांस्तदा |
तस्मात् स मानुषाद्वध्यो मृत्युर्नान्योऽस्य विद्यते || १-१५-१४

“That demon did not express about humans then with his disrespect to them, and evidently his death does not occur otherwise.” So said Brahma to gods. [1-15-14]

14. tat rakShaH = that, demon; avaj~aanaat = with disrespect; tataH = then; maanuShaan na akiirtayat = not articulated about humans; tasmaat = therefore; saH maanuSaat vadhyaH = he can be killed by human; [asya = his] mR^ityuH na anyaH vidyate = otherwise death is not evident.

Verse 15

एतच्छ्रुत्वा प्रियं वाक्यं ब्रह्मणा समुदाहृतम् |
देवा महर्षयः सर्वे प्रहृष्टास्तेऽभवंस्तदा ||१-१५-१५

On hearing Brahma explaining himself, then all those gods and great sages became adequately happy. [1-15-15]

15. brahmaNaaH samudaahR^itam = well explained by Brahma; etat priyam vaakyam = this, pleasant, word; shrutvaa = having heard; tataH = then; te devaaH maharSayaH = those, gods, great sages; sarve prahR^iSTaaH abhavan = all became delighted.

Verse 16 & 17

तस्मिन्नन्तरे विष्णुरुपयातो महाद्युतिः |
श्ङ्खचक्रगदापाणिः पीतवासा जगत्पतिः || १-११५-१६
वैनतेयं समारुह्य भास्करस्तोयदं यथा |
तप्तहाटककेयूरो वन्द्यमानः सुरोत्तमैः || १-१५-१७

In the meanwhile the great resplendent Vishnu, the Lord of the Universe, arrived there mounted on his Eagle-vehicle Garuda, handling conch-shell, disc, and mace in his three of four hands, clad in yellow-ochre robes, wearing golden bracelets, and while best gods eulogised him, and his arrival there is like the arrival of sun mounted on black cloud to accord the gratuitous gift called the rain. [1-15-16, 17]

16, 17. etasmin antare = in the mean while; mahaadyutiH = great resplendent god; shankhachakragadaapaaaNiH = [with] conch disc mace in his [four] hands; piitavaasaaH = [with] yellow robes; jagatpatiH = Lord of Universe; vainateyam samaaruhya = mounted on Lady Vinata’s son, GaruDa; bhaaskaraH toyadam yathaa = Sun, on water giver [sun on black cloud,] like; taptahaaTakakeyuuraH = burnt [refined,] gold, bracelets; vandyamaanaH surottamaiH = while eulogised, by the best gods; viSNuH = Vishnu; upayaataH = arrived.

Verse 18

ब्रह्मणा च समागम्य तत्र तस्थौ समाहितः |
तमब्रुवन् सुराः सर्वे समभिष्टूय संनताः || १-१५-१८

Vishnu having met Brahma stood there contemplating, and then all of the gods on bowing down and offering prayers addressed Vishnu. [1-15-18]

18. brahmaNaa samaagamya = having met with Brahma; tatra tasthau samaahitaH = there, he stood, contemplating; suraaH sarve sannataaH = gods, all, bowing down; tam samabhiSTuuya abruvan = said to him on offering prayers.

Verse 19, 20 & 21a

त्वां नियोक्ष्यामहे विष्णो लोकानां हितकाम्यया |
राज्ञो दशरथस्य त्वमयोध्याधिपतेः विभोः || १-१५-१९
धर्मज्ञस्य वदान्यस्य महर्षिसमतेजसः |
अस्य भार्यासु तिसृषु ह्रीश्रीकीर्त्युपमासु च || १-१५-२०
विष्णो पुत्रत्वमागच्छ कृत्वात्मानं चतुर्विधम् |

“Oh! Vishnu, desiring prosperity in all the worlds we nominate you to become the son of the ruler and lord of Ayodhya, namely Dasharatha, who is a virtuous one, renowned one and one whose resplendence equals that of the sages, and oh, Vishnu, through the wives of such a king Dasharatha, who are in similitude with the hrii, the virtue, shrii, the affluence, and kiirti, the glory, you have a fourfold transformation and take birth as their son. [1-15-19, 20, 21a]

19, 20, 21a. viSNo = oh Vishnu; lokaanaam hitakaamyayaa = desiring prosperity in all worlds; tvaam niyokShyaamahe = we nominate you; viSNo = oh Vishnu; tvam ayodhyaadhipatiH vibhoH = you are lord of Ayodhya’s ruler; dharmaj~nasya vadaanyasya = of that virtuous one, renowned one; maharSisamatejasaH = equalling sage in resplendence; asya dasharathasya raaj~naH = such a, king Dasharatha’s; hriiisriikiirtyupamaasu = having similitude with virtue affluence glory; trisR^iSu = in three of them; bhaaryaasu = in his wives; aatmaanam chaturvidham kR^itvaa = on making [on transforming] yourself, four fold; putratvam aagacCha = you get childhood [take birth].

Verse 21b & 22a

तत्र त्वं मानुषो भूत्वा प्रवृद्धं लोककण्टकम् || १-१५-२१
अवध्यं दैवतैर्विष्णो समरे जहि रावणम् |

“Oh! Vishnu, on your taking birth as human through the wives of Dasharatha you eliminate Ravana in war, who has become exacerbating and thorny to all worlds, and who is otherwise not eliminable for gods. [1-15-21b, 22a]

21b, 22a. viSNo = oh Vishnu; tvam = you; tatra = in them [the wombs of queens]; maanuSaH bhuutva = on becoming [taking birth] as human; pravR^iddham = who is exacerbating; lokakanTakam = one who is thorny to worlds; daivataiH avadhyam = not killable by gods; raavaNam samare jahi = Ravana be killed in war.

Verse 22b & 23a

स हि देवान् सगन्धर्वान् सिद्धांश्च ऋषिसत्तमान् || १-१५-२२
राक्षसो रावणो मूर्खो वीर्योद्रेकेण बाधते |

“He that preposterous demon Ravana with his invigorated doggedness is torturing gods along with eminent saints, gandharva-s, and siddha-s. [1-15-22b, 23a]

22b, 23a. saH muurkhaH raakShasaH = he, preposterous, demon; Ravana; devaan = gods; sagandharvaan siddhaan cha R^iSisattamaan = with gandharva celestials, souls of salvation, eminent hermits; viiryodrekeNa baadhate = torturing with his invigorated doggedness.

Verse 23b & 24a

ऋषयश्च ततस्तेन गन्धर्वाप्सरसस्तथा || १-१५-२३
क्रीडन्तो नन्दनवने रौद्रेण विनिपातिताः |

“He that furious one with his insolence is knocking down sages from their celestial abodes, and like that he is knocking down the gandharva-s and apsara celestials too from the heavenly gardens Nandana, where they will be taking delight. [1-15-23b, 24a]

23b, 24a. tataH = by his insolence; tena raudreNa = by him, the furious one; R^iSayaH cha = sages, also; tathaa = like that; nandanavane kriiDantaH = those that are delighting in Nandana gardens[Heavenly gardens]; gandharvaapsarasaH = gandharva-s, apsara-s; vinipatitaaH [ vi-ni-paatitaH completely, down, thrown] = are knocked down [from heavens.]

Verse 24b & 25a

वधार्थं वयमायातास्तस्य वै मुनिभिः सह || १-१५-२४
सिद्धगन्धर्वयक्षाश्च ततस्त्वां शरणं गताः |

“We the celestial beings like siddha-s, gandharva-s, yaksha-s along with sages have actually come for his elimination, and thereby we seek shelter in you. [1-15-24b, 25a]

24b, 25a. vayam = we; siddhagandharvayakShaaH = siddha-s, gandharva-s, yaksha-s – the celestial beings; saha munibhiH = with, sages; tasya vadhaartham aayaataaH vai = we have come for the purpose of his elimination, actually; tataH tvaam sharaNam gataaH = thereby, [we all] we have gone in your shelter.

Verse 25b & 26a

त्वं गतिः परमा देव सर्वेषां नः परंतप || १-१५-२५
वधाय देवशतॄणां नृणां लोके मनः कुरु |

“Oh, enemy tormentor, oh, Vishnu, you are the ultimate recourse for all us in eliminating enemies of divinity, hence you make up your mind to take birth in human world.” The gods appealed to Vishnu that way. [1-15-25b, 26a]

25b, 26a. paramtapa = oh others [enemies] tormentor; deva = oh Vishnu; tvam naH paramaa gatiH = you are, our, ultimate, course; devashatR^iNaam vadhaaya = to eliminate divinity’s enemies; nR^iNaam loke = in human’s, world; manaH kuru = make mind [give a thought.]

Verse 26b & 27

एवं स्तुतस्तु देवेशो विष्णुस्त्रिदशपुंगवः || १-१५-२६
पितामहपुरोगांस्तान् सर्वलोकनमस्कृतः
अब्रवीत् त्रिदशान् सर्वान् समेतान् धर्मसंहितान् || १-१५-२७

When the god of gods Vishnu, the supreme one among deities, one who is revered by all worlds is eulogised this way, then he spoke to all of those celestials that abide in the righteousness and that are in the assemblage, keeping the Forefather Brahma at their helm. [1-15-26a, 27]

26b, 27. tridashapungavaH = the Supreme among divinities; sarvalokanamaskR^itaH = revered by all worlds; deveshaH = god of gods’; viSNuH = Vishnu; evam stutaH tu = this way, when eulogised; sametaan = to those that are in assemblage; dharmasamhitaan = abiding in righteousness; pitaamahapurogaan = keeping ahead Forefather Brahma- at helm of affairs; taan sarvaan tridashaan abraviit = spoke to them, all, celestials.

Verse 28, 29 & 30a

भयं त्यजत भद्रं वो हितार्थं युधि रावणम् |
सपुत्रपौत्रं सामात्यं समित्रज्ञातिबान्धवम् || १-१५-२८
हत्वा क्रूरं दुराधर्षं देवर्षीणां भयावहम् |
दश वर्ष सहस्राणि दश वर्ष शतानि च || १-१५-२९
वत्स्यामि मानुषे लोके पालयन् पृथिवीमिमाम् |

“Get rid off the fear, let safety be upon you, on eliminating that cruel and evil-minded Ravana who became dreadful to deities and sages, along with his sons, grandsons, friends, cousins and relatives, ministers and forces too in war for your welfare, I will then reside in human world ruling this earth for eleven thousand years.” Thus Vishnu assured the gods. [1-15-28, 29, 30a]

28, 29, 30a. bhayam tyajata = get rid off fear; bhadram vaH = safety, be upon you; vaH hitaartham = your, welfare’s sake; saputrapoutram = along with his sons, grandsons; saamaatyam = along with his ministers; samitraj~naatibaandhavaan = along with his friends, cousins, and relatives; kruuram duraatmaanam = cruel, evil minded one; devarSiiNaam bhayaavaham = dreadful one for deities and sages; raavaNam yudhi hatvaa = eliminating Ravana in war; imam pR^ithiviim paalayan = while ruling this earth; dasha varSha sahasraaNi = ten, thousand years; dasha varSha shataani cha = ten, hundred years, also; maanuSe loke vatsyaami = I will reside in human world.

Verse 30b, 31a

एवं दत्वा वरं देवो देवानां विष्णुरात्मवान् || १-१५-३०
मानुषे चिन्तयामास जन्मभूमिमथात्मनः |

On giving boon to all gods in that way the kind-hearted god Vishnu started to think about the instituting base for his birth in human world. [1-15-30b, 31a]

30b, 31a. aatmavaan viSNuH devaH = kind-hearted, Vishnu, the god; devaanaam evam varam datvaa = this way on giving boon to gods; atha aatmanaH maanuSe = then, for himself, in human [world]; janmabhuumim chintayaamaasa = started to think of birth base [instituting point].

Verse 31b, 32a

ततः पद्मपलाशाक्षः कृत्वात्मानं चतुर्विधम् || १-१५-३१
पितरं रोचयामास तदा दशरथं नृपम् |

And then that lotus-petal-eyed one agreeing to manifest himself in fourfold way is predisposed towards Dasharatha to be his father. [1-15-31b, 32a]

31b, 32a. tataH = afterwards; padmapalaashaakShaH = lotus petal eyed one [ Vishnu]; tadaa = then; aatmaanam chaturvidham kR^itvaa = on making [agreeing to make] himself into four-fold; dasharatham nR^ipam = Dasharatha, King; pitaram rochayaamaasa = predisposed to select as his father.

Verse 32b, c

तदा देवर्षिगन्धर्वाः सरुद्राः साप्सरो गणाः |
स्तुतिभिर्दिव्यरूपाभिस्तुष्टुवुर्मधुसूदनम् || १-१५-३२

Then all the groups of gods, sages, gandharva-s, with rudraa-s, and apsarasa-s, extolled Vishnu with prayers of divine exposition. [1-15-32b, c]

32b, c. tadaa = then; devaaH = gods; R^iSigandharvaaH sarudraaH saapsaraH ganaaH = with sages, with gandharva-s, with groups of rudra-s, apsara-s; divyaruupaabhiH stutibhiH = divine in form [in exposition,] with prayers; madhusuudanam = killer of Madhu [the demon] -Vishnu; tuSTuvuH = extolled.

Verse 33

तमुद्धतं रावणमुग्रतेजसम्
प्रवृद्धदर्पं त्रिदशेश्वरद्विषम् |
विरावणं साधुतपस्विकण्टकम्
तपस्विनामुद्धर तं भयावहम् || १-१५-३३

“Oh! Vishnu, he that fiery one who is renowned for evil acts and who is the hater of Indra, that Ravana is uprising furiously with his heightened arrogance, and he has become a thorn in the side of hermits hence he is a fright to sages, afor he tortures insubordinates to the the extent of loud wailing; hence we pray you to eliminate that Ravana.” [1-15-33]

33.tam = that particular one – who is renowned for evil acts – Ravana; uddhatam = an egoist; ugratejasam = furiously fiery one; pravR^iddhadarpam = one with heightened arrogance; tridasheshwaradviSam = hater of lord of gods – Indra; viraavaNam = [one who makes everyone to] high wails; tapasvikanTakam = a thorn in sides to sages ; as such;  tapasvinaam bhayaavaham = he who is a fright for hermits ; tam raavaNam saadhu uddhara = such as he is – him, eliminate that Ravana [give final emancipation, deliver him from curse].

Verse 34

तमेव हत्वा सबलं सबान्धवम्
विरावणं रावणमुग्रपौरुषम् |
स्वर्लोकमागच्छ गतज्वरश्चिरम्
सुरेन्द्रगुप्तं गतदोषकल्मषम् || १-१५-३४

“On eliminating that furiously vainglorious Ravana with all his forces and with all his kinsmen neutralise the pandemonium created by him in all the worlds, and for a long time to come you get rid of your febrility, and you please return to your heavenly abode, namely your blameless and faultless Vaikuntha. [1-15-34]

34. sabalam sabaandhavam = with all his forces, with all his kinsmen; viraavaNam [kR^itvaa] = without pandemonium [on making worlds]; ugrapauruSam = furiously vainglorious; tam raavaNam eva hatvaa = thus, having killed that Ravana; chiram = for a long time to come; gatajwaraH = rid of febrility; surendraguptam = lord of gods – by Indra, made inaccessible, safeguarded; gatadoSakalmaSam = [and one which is] rid of flaws and blemishes; swarlokam aagacCha = return to [your] heavenly, abode [Vaikuntha] .

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