13 – ashva-medha begun; sage vashiSTa’s arrangements


King Dasharatha requests Sage Vashishta, the Royal Priest to commence works for the Vedic ritual. Sage Vashishta instructs all the concerned about the discipline to be observed in executing the works. Sage Vashishta also instructs the minister Sumantra to invite various kings of other countries, and those kings will be received with great hospitality. King Dasharatha along with his wives takes ritual vow and enters ritual hall.

Verse 1

पुनः प्राप्ते वसन्ते तु पूर्णः संवत्सरोऽभवत् |
प्रसवार्थं गतो यष्टुं हयमेधेन वीर्यवान् || १-१३-१

On completion of one full year another springtime arrived, and then Dasharatha a determined one to beget progeny by performing Horse Ritual entered the ritual hall. [1-13-1]

1.punaH praapte vasante tu = again, recurred, spring season, but in; puurNaH samvatsaraH abhavat = full, year, over; viiryavaan = determined one; prasavaartham = requiring progeny; yaSTum hayamedhena = to ritualize, with Horse ritual; gataH = entered [ritual hall.]

Verse 2

अभिवाद्य वसिष्ठं च न्यायतः प्रतिपूज्य च |
अब्रवीत्प्रश्रितं वाक्यं प्रसवार्थं द्विजोत्तमम् || १-१३-२

Greeting and even adoring the Sage Vashishta customarily Dasharatha said these very humble words to him. [1-13-2]

2. dwijottamam vasiSTham abhivaadya = on greeting the best Brahman, Vashishta; nyayataH pratipuujya cha = customarily, adoring him, also; abraviit prashritam prasavaartham vaakyam = said, very, humble, words.

Verse 3

यज्ञो मे क्रियतां ब्रह्मन् यथोक्तं मुनिपुङ्गव |
यथा न विघ्नः क्रियते यज्ञांगेषु विधीयताम् || १-१३-३

“Let my ritual be performed scripturally, oh eminent Brahman, let it be conducted in such a way that no obstacle occurs even in its ancillary functions. [1-13-3]

3. munipungava = the eminent sage; brahman = oh Brahman; me yaj~naH yathaa uktam kriyataam = ritual of mine be performed as said [in scriptures]; yajnaangeSu = ancillary functions of ritual; yathaa na vighnaH kriyate = as to how, no, obstacles, be occurred; that way; vidhiiyataam = be conducted.

Verse 4

भवान्स्निग्धः सुहृन्मह्यं गुरुश्च परमो महान् |
वोढव्यो भवता चैव भारो यज्ञस्य चोद्यतः || १-१३-४

“You being my very reverent royal priest are friendly and kind-hearted to me, and you alone shall shoulder the burden of the commenced ritual in all good faith and credence. [1-13-4]

4. bhavaan snigdhaH suhR^it mahyam = you are, friendly, kind-hearted, to me; paramaH mahaan guruH cha = very, reverent, royal priest, also; yaj~nasya udyataH bhaaraH = ritual’s, upheaved, burden; bhavataa eva voDhavyaH = you alone shall shoulder it.

Verse 5

तथेति च स राजानमब्रवीत् द्विजसत्तमः |
करिष्ये सर्वमेवैतद्भवता यत्समर्थितम् ||१-१३-५

Then that reverent Brahman Vashishta said to king, “Whatever that is requested or decided by you, I will see that all of them are materialised accordingly. [1-13-5]

5. dwijasattamaH = the reverent Brahman; saH = he, Sage Vashishta; bhavataa yat samarthitam = that which is requested or decided by you; etat = all that; sarvam tathaa kariSye = all, accordingly, I will make happen; iti raajaanam abraviit = thus, said to king.

Verse 6,7,8 & 9

ततोऽब्रवीत् द्विजान्वृद्धान् यज्ञकर्मसु निष्ठितान् |
स्थापत्ये निष्ठितांश्चैव वृद्धान्परमधार्मिकान् || १-१३-६
कर्मान्तिकान् शिल्पकरान् वर्धकीन् खनकानपि |
गणकान् शिल्पिनश्चैव तथैव नटनर्तकान् || १-१३-७
तथा शुचीन् शास्त्रविदः पुरुषान्सुबहुश्रुतान् |
यज्ञकर्म समीहन्तां भवन्तो राजशासनात् || १-१३-८
इष्टका बहुसाहस्री शीघ्रमानीयतामिति |
औपकार्याः क्रियन्तां च राज्ञो बहुगुणान्विताः || १-१३-९

Then Sage Vashishta then summoned and spoke to elderly Brahman scholars, and elderly architects who are all proficient and elderly experts in conducting the construction of the ritual hall etc. Then summoned are the construction supervisors, brick-makers, carpenters, earth-diggers, accountants, and sculptors. So also the actors and dancers are summoned. Thus flawless scholars in scriptures and those men who are well read in Veda-s, are called and he addressed them saying, “Performance of the ritual be organised by the order of the king. Bricks in many thousands be brought quickly and royal palaces as temporary guesthouses be built for the kingly guests, with very many facilities included in them. [1-13-6,7,8,9]

6,7,8,9. tataH abraviit dwijaan vR^iddhaan = then [Sage Vashishta,] spoken to, to Brahmans, elderly scholars; yaj~nakarmasu niSTitaan = proficient persons in ritual performance; vR^iddhaan paramadhaarmikaan = very virtuous elderly experts; sthaapatye niSTitaam cha eva = to proficient architects, thus; karmaantikaan = supervisors; shilpakaraan = brick makers; vardhakiin = carpenters; khanakaan api = earth-diggers, too; gaNakaan = accountants; shilpinaH cha eva = sculptors, also, thus; tathaa eva = like that only; naTanartakaan = actors dancers; tathaa shuchiin shaastravidaH puruSaan = thus, flawless scholars of scriptures, to those men; subahushrutaan = well, many, heard [well-read in Vedas]; bhavantaH = by you all; raajashaasanaat = by king’s order; yaj~nakarmasu = in ritual performance; samiihantaam = be organised; iSTakaa bahu saahasrii = many thousands bricks; shiighram aniiyataam iti = quickly, be brought, thus; raajaanaam = for kingly [guests]; bahuguNaanvitaaH = very many, facilities included; aupakaaryaaH kriyantaam cha = royal palaces [guest houses,] be built, also.

Verse 10

ब्राह्मणावसथाश्चैव कर्तव्याः शतशः शुभाः |
भक्ष्यान्नपानैर्बहुभिः समुपेताः सुनिष्ठिताः ||१-१३-१०

“Like that, for accommodating Brahmans hundreds of sanctified houses be built, well endowed and well established with very many eatables, foods, and potables. [1-13-10]

10. shubhaaH = ideal; bahubhiH = with very many; bhakShyaannapaanaiH samupetaaH = having with eatables, foods, potables; suniSThitaaH = well established ones; braahmaNaavasathaaH = accommodation for Brahmans; shatashaH kartavyaaH = are to be done [built] in hundreds.

Verse 11

तथा पौरजनस्यापि कर्तव्याश्च सुविस्तराः |
आगतानां सुदूराच्च पार्थिवानां पृथक् पृथक् || १-१३-११

“So also, accommodation is to be given for city dwellers too, in very spacious housing, and severally for the kings arriving from distant places.[1-13-11]

11. tathaa paurajanasya api = so also,people of city, too; suvistaraaH kartavyaaH cha = very spacious [accomodation,] is to be done [built,] even; aagataanaam suduuraat cha = to those arriving, from distant places, also; paarthivaanaam pR^ithak pR^ithak = to kings, separately, separately [accommodation is to be given.]

Verse 12

वाजिवारणशलाश्च तथा शय्यागृहाणि च |
भटानां महदावास वैदेशिकनिवासिनाम् || १-१३-१२

“For horses stables, reposing stalls for elephants, like that great billets for soldiers may be built for those foreign-country dwellers arriving in here on their horses and elephants along with their soldiers. [1-13-12]

12. tathaa shayyaagR^ihaaNi cha = like that, reposing stalls, also; vaajivaaraNashalaaH cha = for horses stables, also; bhaTaanaam mahat aavaasaH = for soldiers, great, billets; vaideshikanivaasinaam = dwellers of foreign-country.

Verse 13

आवासा बहुभक्ष्या वै सर्वकामैरुपस्थिताः |
तथा पौरजनस्यापि जनस्य बहुशोभनम् || १-१३-१३

“These lodgings are to be arranged with many foods and utilities for the people of this city and for others coming from distant countries, and a very grand food be given in all of them. [1-13-13]

13. aavaasaaH bahubhakShyaaH vai = lodgings, with many foods, verily; sarvakaamaiH upasthitaaH = arranged with all utilities; tathaa paurajansya api = thus, for this city dwellers also; janasya bahushobhanam = for [other] people, very grand [food be given.]

Verse 14 & 15a

दातव्यमन्नं विधिवत्सत्कृत्य न तु लीलया |
सर्वे वर्णा यथा पूजां प्राप्नुवन्ति सुसत्कृताः || १-१३-१४
न चावज्ञा प्रयोक्तव्या कामक्रोधवशादपि ||

“Food is to be given dutifully treating all of them well but not just illusively, and the people of all the castes shall be well honoured as they would get their due respect, and no disrespect be shown, even when overcome by passion or anger at anyone. [1-13-14, 15a]

14, 15a. annam daatavyam vidhivat = food, be given, dutifully; satkR^itya na tu liilayaa = treating well, not, just, illusively; sarve varNaaH = to all, castes; yathaa puujaam praapnuvanti = as they would get respects; susatkritaaH = well honoured; na cha avaj~naa prayoktavya = not any, disrespect, be shown [to anyone]; kaamakrodhavashaat api = overcome by passion and anger.

Verse 15b & 16

यज्ञकर्मसु ये व्यग्राः पुरुषाः शिल्पिनस्तथा || १-१३-१५
तेषामपि विशेषेण पूजा कार्या यथाक्रमम् |
ये स्युः संपूजिता सर्वे वसुभिर्भोजनेन च || १-१३-१६

“Exceptionally respectable are those men and architects that are preoccupied in the works of the ritual as they deserve, and those men involved in these works shall be well-treated with funds and food. [1-13-15b, 16]

15b, 16. ye puruSaaH tathaa shilpinaH = those men like and architects; yaj~nakarmasu vyagraaH = preoccupied in ritual’s works; teSaam api visheSeNa = they be, also, exceptionally; puujaa kaaryaa yathaakramam = respectability, to be done, as they, deserve; ye sarve vasubhiH bhojanena cha = those, all, with funds, with foods, also; sampuujitaaH syuH = they will be well treated.


Verse 17

यथा सर्वं सुविहितं न किंचित्परिहीयते |
तथा भवन्तः कुर्वन्तु प्रीतियुक्तेन चेतसा || १-१३-१७

“Thus, as to how all this be well organised without least negligence, thus you all shall administer in all your cooperation and good spirit.” Thus Sage Vashishta spoke to the organisers. [1-13-17]

17. sarvam yathaa suvihitam = as to how all this will be well organised; kimchit na parihiiyate = in the least, not, be neglected; tathaa bhavantaH = thus, you all; priitiyuktena chetasaa = with interestedness [cooperation,] in good spirit; kurvantu = shall administer.

Verse 18 & 19a

ततः सर्वे समागम्य वसिष्ठमिदमब्रुवन् |
यथेष्टं तत्सुविहितं न किंचित्परिहीयते || १-१३-१८
यथोक्तं तत्करिष्यामो न किंचित्परिहास्यते |

Then all of them collectively replied to Sage Vashishta “As desired, all the well ordered works will not be neglected in the least, and they will be done as ordered, and not the least of them will be slighted.” So said the artisans to Sage Vashishta. [1-13-18, 19a]

18, 19a. tataH sarve samaagamya = then, all of them, collectively; vashiSTam idam abruvan = replied this to Vashishta; yatheSTam tat suvihitam = as desired, that, well ordered [will be done]; na kimchit parihiiyate = not, in the least, will be neglected; yathaa uktam tat kariSyamaH = as, said, that, we will do; na kimchit parihaasyate = not, least be slighted.

Verse 19b , 20 & 21a

ततः सुमंत्रमाहूय वसिष्ठो वाक्यमब्रवीत् || १-१३-१९
निमंत्रयस्व नृपतीन्पृथिव्यां ये च धार्मिकाः |
ब्राह्मणान् क्षत्रियान् वैश्यान् शूद्रांश्चैव सहस्रशः || १-१३-२०
समानयस्व सत्कृत्य सर्वदेशेषु मानवान् |

“Then on calling for Sumantra, Sage Vashishta said these words to him, “Let all those kings of the earth that are righteous be invited, and let all the people from all the kingdoms, say Brahmans, Kshatriya-s, Vaisya-s, Shudra-s be invited in scores duly honouring them.” So said Vashishta to Sumantra. [1-13-19b, 20, 21a]

19b, 20, 21a. tataH sumantram aahuuya = then, on calling for Sumantra; vashiSTaH vaakyam abraviit = Vashishta, said [this] sentence; pR^ithivyaam ye dhaarmikaaH nR^ipatiin nimantrayasva = those they are righteous ones on the earth, [those] kings, be invited; sarvadesheSu maanavaan = people from all kingdoms; braahmaNaan kShatriyaan vaishyaan shuudraan = Brahmans, Kshatriya-s, Vaisyaa-s, Shuudra-s; cha eva sahasrashaH = also, thus, in thousands [scores of tem]; satkR^itya samaanayasva = let them be invited duly honouring.

Verse 21b & 22

मिथिलाधिपतिं शूरं जनकं सत्यवादिनम् || १-१३-२१
तमानय महाभागं स्वयमेव सुसत्कृतम् |
पूर्वसंबन्धिनं ज्ञात्वा ततः पूर्वं ब्रवीमि ते || १-१३-२२

“You personally invite Janaka the king of Mithila, a valiant one and an advocate of truth, honouring his well and duly bearing in mind that he is a long-time associate of our King Dasharatha, hence I am telling you in the first instance. [1-13-21b,22]

21b, 22. mithilaadhipatim shuuram janakam = Mithila kingdom’s, king, valiant one, King Janaka; satyavaadinam = advocate of truth; tam aanaya mahaabhaagam = him [Janaka,] invite, great estimable one; svayam eva = personally, thus [by you]; susatkR^itam = well honoured; puurvasambandhinam j~naatva = bearing in mind long-time association; puurvam braviimi te = firstly, I am telling, you.

Verse 23

तथा काशीपतिं स्निग्धं सततं प्रियवादिनम् |
सद् वृत्तं देवसंकाशं स्वयमेवानयस्व ह || १-१३-२३

“Thus that King of Kaashi who is always a friendly, affectionate and a cordial one, indeed he shall be invited by you personally. [1-13-23]

23. tathaa = likewise; snigdham satatam priyavaadinam sadvR^ittam = one who is friendly, always, affectionate, desiring one, well behaved [cordial] one; kaashiipatim = thus, king Kaashi; svayam eva aanyasva ha = personally, alone, be invited indeed.

Verse 24

तथा केकयराजानं वृद्धं परमधार्मिकम् |
श्वशुरं राजसिंहस्य सपुत्रं त्वमिहानय || १-१३-२४

“Likewise, King of Kekaya, an elderly, very virtuous, and also the father-in-law of our Lion-King Dasharatha, you personally invite him along with his sons. [1-13-24]

24.tathaa = likewise; vR^iddham paramadhaarmikam = elderly one, very virtuous one; shvashuram = father-in-law; raajasimhasya = of lion like king [Dasharatha’s]; kekayaraajaanam = Kekaya’s king; saputram tvam iha aanaya = you invite here along with his sons.

Verse 25

अङ्गेश्वरं महेष्वासं रोमपादं सुसत्कृतम् |
वयस्यं राजसिंहस्य समानय यशस्विनम् || १-१३-२५

“Romapada, the lord of Anga kingdom and the user of great bow, let that illustrious one be invited well honoured, for he is the friend of our lion-king Dasharatha. [1-13-25]

25. angeshwaram = Anga kingdom’s lord; maheSvaasam = user of great bow; raajasimhasya = the Lion like king [Dasharatha]; vayasyam = friend of; yashasvinam = illustrious one; romapaadam susatkritam = Romapada, well honoured, samaanaya = be invited well.

Verse 26

तथा कोसलराजानं भानुमंतं सुसत्कृतम् |
मगधाधिपतिं शूरं सर्वशास्त्रविशारदम् || १-१३-२६

“Like that King of Kosala namely Bhanumanta, and the King of Magadha, a brave one and a profound one in all scriptural knowledge, let them be honoured well and be invited. [1-13-26]

26. tathaa kosalaraajaanam = like that, Kosala’s king; bhaanumantam = Bhanumanta; susatkR^itam = well honoured; magadhaadhipatim = king of Magadha; shuuram = brave one; sarvashaastravishaaradam = profound in all scriptures.

Verse 27

प्राप्तिज्ञं परमोदारं सत्कृतं पुरुषर्षभम् |
राज्ञः शासनमादाय चोदयस्व नृपर्षभान् |
प्राचीनान् सिन्धुसौवीरान् सौराष्ट्रेयांश्च पार्थिवान् || १-१३-२७

“And Praaptijna, the king of Magadha, the kind-hearted and best one among kings, be well honoured and invited. Further, taking the orders of King Dasharatha and motivated by those orders, the kings of Sindhu, Sauviira and Sauraastra kingdoms may also be invited. [1-13-27]

27. praaptij~nam = Praaptijna, the king of Magadha; paramodaaram = kind-hearted one; satkR^itam = honoured; puruSarSabham = the best king; raaj~naH shaasanam aadaaya = taking king’s orders; chodayasva = motivated by it; nR^iparSabhaan = the best kings; praaciinaan = eastern regional kings; sindhusauviiraan sauraaSTreyaan ca paarthivaan = kings of Sindhu, Sauviira, and Sauraastra.

Verse 28 & 29

दाक्षिणात्यान्नरेन्द्रांश्च समस्तानानयस्व ह |
सन्ति स्निग्धाश्च ये चान्ये राजानः पृथिवीतले || १-१३-२८
तानानय यथा क्षिप्रं सानुगान् सहबान्धवान् |
एतान् दूतैर्महाभागैरानयस्व नृपाज्ञया || १-१३-२९

“All of the kings of southern kingdoms be invited, and should there be any other friends and other friendly kings on the surface of the earth, they too shall be invited as early as possible with all their followers, relatives through highly illustrious envoys, of course with the orders of our king.” Thus Sage Vashishta said to minister Sumantra. [1-13-28, 29]

28, 29. daakSiNaatyaan narendraan ca = southern kingdoms’, kings, also; samastaan aanayasva ha = all of them, be invited, verily; santi snigdhaaH cha ye cha anye = should there be, friends, other, those, also, other; raajaanaH prithiviitale = kings, on earth’s, surface; taan aanaya yathaa kShipram = invite them quickly as early as; saanugaan sahabaandhavaan = along with followers, along with their relatives; etaan mahaabhaagaiH duutaiH = them, through highly illustrious envoys; aanayasva nR^ipaaj~nayaa = invite them, by king’s, orders.

Verse 30

वसिष्ठवाक्यं तच्छ्रुत्वा सुमंत्रस्त्वरितस्तदा |
व्यादिशत्पुरुषांस्तत्र राज्ञामानयने शुभान् || १-१३-३०

On hearing that word of Vashishta, Sumantra expeditiously ordered devout envoys to invite all those kings to their kingdom. [1-13-30]

30. tat vasiSTavaakyam shrutvaa = on hearing that words of Sage Vashishta; tadaa sumantraH tvaritaH = then, Sumantra, expeditiously; raaj~naam tatra aanayane = for inviting kings there [to their kingdom]; shubhaan puruSaan vyaadishat = ordered devout envoys.

Verse 31

स्वयमेव हि धर्मात्मा प्रयातो मुनिशासनात् |
सुमंत्रस्त्वरितो भूत्वा समानेतुं महीक्षितः || १-१३-३१

That virtuous Sumantra became brisk upon sage’s words and personally journeyed to fetch all the rulers on the earth. [1-13-31]

31. dharmaatmaa sumantraH = virtuous one, Sumantra; munishaasanaat = by sage’s orders; twaritaH bhuutva = on becoming brisk; samaanetum mahiikShitaH = to fetch, earth’s rulers; svayam eva prayaataH = thus journeyed personally.

Verse 32

ते च कर्मान्तिकाः सर्वे वसिष्ठाय महर्षये |
सर्वं निवेदयन्ति स्म यज्ञे यदुपकल्पितम् || १-१३-३२

All those artisans engaged in ritual works have reported Vashishta, the details of all those ritual works that are accomplished. [1-13-32]

32. te karmaantikaaH sarve = those, artisans, all; yaj~ne yat upakalpitam = works that are accomplished in ritual; vasiSThaaya maharSaye = to the sage Vashishta; sarvam nivedayanti sma = all details, have, reported.

Verse 33 & 34a

ततः प्रीतो द्विजश्रेष्ठस्तान्सर्वान्मुनिरब्रवीत् |
अवज्ञया न दातव्यं कस्यचिल्लीलयापि वा || १-१३-३३
अवज्ञया कृतं हन्याद्दातारं नात्र संशयः |

Then, that satisfied saint and eminent Brahman Vashishta, spoke this way to all of them, “nothing is to be endowed to anyone either with disrespect or deceptively, the deeds done with disrespect will kill the donor and there is no doubt about it.” [1-13-33, 34a]

33, 34a. tataH priitaH dwijashreShTaH muniH = then, satisfied, eminent Brahman, Sage Vashishta; taan sarvaan abraviit = said to all of them; avaj~nayaa na daatavyam = not to be endowed with disrespect; kasyachit liilayaa api vaa = to anyone, deceptively, also, either; avaj~nayaa kR^itam hanyaat daataaram = done [deeds] with disrespect, will kill, donor; na atra samshayaH = there is no doubt.

Verse 34b & 35a

ततः कैश्चिदहोरात्रैरुपयाता महीक्षितः || १-१३-३४
बहूनि रत्नान्यादाय राज्ञो दशरथस्य ह |

Then in some days and nights many kings have arrived taking precious gems with them as gifts for Dasharatha. [1-13-34b, 35a]

34b, 35a. tataH = then; mahiikShitaH = kings; raaj~naH dasharathasya = for king, Dasharatha; bahuuni ratnaani aadaaya = very many, precious gems, taking; kaishchit ahoraatraiH upayaataaH = arrived in some days and nights.

Verse 35b & 36

ततो वसिष्ठः सुप्रीतो राजानमिदमब्रवीत् || १-१३-३५
उपयाता नरव्याघ्र राजानस्तव शासनात् |
मयापि सत्कृताः सर्वे यथार्हं राजसत्तमाः || १-१३-३६

Then the well pleased Sage Vashishta said this to King Dasharatha “the kings from distant kingdoms have arrived at your behest, oh, tigerly-man, and these best kings are well honoured by me also as per their status. [1-13-35b, 36]

35b, 36. tataH vasiSThaH supriitaH = then, Vashishta, well pleased; raajaanam idam abraviit = said this to king; upayaataaH naravyaaghra = arrived are, oh tigerly-man; raajaanaH tava shaasanaat = kings, at your, behest; mayaa api satkR^itaaH sarve = all well honoured by me, also; yathaarham raajasattamaaH = the great kings as per their status.

Verse 37

यज्ञीयं च कृतं सर्वं पुरुषैः सुसमाहितैः |
निर्यातु च भवान्यष्टुं यज्ञायतनमन्तिकात् || १-१३-३७

“All the ritual works are also completed by the well coalescent men, thus you may start towards the ritual place that is nearby, to perform your ritual.” Said Sage Vashishta to King Dasharatha. [1-13-37]

37. yaj~niiyam sarvam cha kR^itam = all ritual works, also, completed; susamaahitaiH puruSaiH = well coalesced, by men; bhavaan yaSTum = you, to perform ritual; antikaat yajnaayatanam niryaatu = you may proceed to ritual hall that is nearby.

Verse 38

सर्वकामैरुपहृतैरुपेतं वै समन्ततः |
द्रष्टुमर्हसि राजेन्द्र मनसेव विनिर्मितम् || १-१३-३८

“All the desirable paraphernalia is arranged and made available everywhere, and it is apt of you see ritual hall that is as though built by your mere wish. [1-13-38]

38. raajendra = oh best king; upahR^itaiH sarvakaamaiH = arranged around, with all desirables [paraphernalia]; samantataH upetam vai = everywhere, available, indeed; manasaa vinirmitam eva = as though built by wish [this ritual hall]; draSTum arhasi = to see, apt of you.


Verse 39

तथा वसिष्ठवचनादृष्यशृङ्गस्य चोभयोः |
शुभे दिवसनक्षत्रे निर्यातो जगतीपतिः || १-१३-३९

Thus, on a good day while the ruling star of the day is favourable, King Dasharatha came forth towards the ritual hall according to the advice of both the sages Vashishta and Rishyasringa. [1-13-39]

39. tathaa vasiSTavachanaat = thus, by Vashishta’s word [advise]; R^iSyashR^ingasya cha = of Rishyasringa, also; ubhayoH = by [the word of] both; shubhe divasanakShatre = on a good day and star [of that day matching]; niryaataH = came forth; jagatiipatiH = world’s lord [King Dasharatha.]

Verse 41

यज्ञवाटं गताः सर्वे यथाशास्त्रं यथाविधि |
श्रीमांश्च सह पत्नीभी राजा दीक्षामुपाविशत् || १-१३-४१

When all have entered the ritual hall as per canons and custom, that glorious king Dasharatha along with his wives undertook vow of ritual. [1-13-41]

41. sarve yaj~navaaTam gataaH = all, on going to ritual hall; yathaashaastram yathaavidhi = as per canons, as per custom; shriimaan raajaa = illustroious, king Dasharatha; saha patniibhiH = with his wives; diikShaam upaavishat = king undertook ritual vow.

Verse 40

ततो वसिष्ठप्रमुखाः सर्व एव द्विजोत्तमाः |
ऋष्यशृङ्गं पुरस्कृत्य यज्ञकर्मारभंस्तदा || १-१३-४०

Then Sage Vashishta and other eminent Brahmans keeping the Sage Rishyasringa ahead of them entered the ritual hall, to commence the ritual works thus. [1-13-40]

40. tataH vashiSThapramukhaaH = then, Vashishta and other eminent ones; sarve eva dwijottamaaH = all, thus, eminent Brahmans; R^iSyashR^ingam puraskritya = Rishyasringa, keeping ahead of; yajnakarmaarabhan tadaa = thus commenced ritual work.

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