12 – dasaratha readies to perform asvamedha ritual


King Dasharatha requests the Sages to conduct the Vedic ritual for which the sages indent paraphernalia, which the ministers are ordered to supply forthwith. This chapter is almost a replication of chapter 8, excepting the inclusion of references to Sage Rishyasringa who by now is available in Ayodhya.

Verse 1

ततः काले बहुतिथे कस्मिंश्चित्सुमनोहरे |
वसन्ते समनुप्राप्ते राज्ञो यष्टुं मनोऽभवत् ||१-१२-१

After a lapse some time when spring season has come the king Dasharatha desired to perform the Vedic ritual. [1-12-1]

1. tataH = later; bahutithe kaale = after lapse of some time; kasmin chit vasante = on one, spring season; samanupraapte = on the arrival of that spring; raaj~naH = to the king; yaSTum = to perform ritual; manaH = mind; abhavat = happened, [desired].

Verse 2

ततः प्रसाद्य शिरसा तं विप्रं देववर्णिनम् |
यज्ञाय वरयामास संतानार्थं कुलस्य च || १-१२-२

Then bowing his head before that Brahmana sage Rishyasringa whose is glow is like that of a deity, King Dasharatha verily beseeched that sage to conduct Vedic ritual on his behalf as he wished to beget progeny to maintaining his family line. [1-12-2]

2. tataH = then; devavarNinam = like deity in glow; tam vipram = at that Brahmana – Rishyasringa; shirasaa = [by suppliantly bowing his] head; prasaadya = having convinced; kulasya santaanaartham = to beget progeny for dynasty; yaj~naaya = to conduct ritual; varayaamaasa = [the king] beseeched.

Verse 3

तथेति च स राजानमुवाच च सुसत्कृतः |
संभाराः संभ्रियन्तां ते तुरगश्च विमुच्यताम् || १-१२-३
सरव्याश्चोत्तरे तीरे यज्ञभूमिर्विधीयताम् |

Sage Rishyasringa who by now is well-honoured by the king said to the king, “So it shall be, let the paraphernalia for ritual be garnered and let your ritual horse be released as a prerogative and let the ritual place be decided on the northern banks of Sarayu River….” [1-12-3]

3. susatkritaH = well honoured; saH = he, the Sage Rishyasringa; tathaa iti cha = ‘thus only’; raajaanam = to the king; uvaacha = said; sambhaaraaH = paraphernalia; sambhriyantaam = be garnered; vimuchyataam = be released; te turagaH cha = your, ritual horse, also; sarayvaaH = of Sarayu river; uttare tiire = on northern banks; yaj~nabhoomiH = ritual place; vidhiiyataam = be decided.

Verse 4 & 5 & 6a

ततो नृपोऽब्रवीद्वाक्यं सुमन्त्रं मन्त्रिसत्तमम् || १-१२-४
सुमंत्रावाहय क्षिप्रमृत्विजो ब्रह्मवादिनः |
सुयज्ञं वामदेवं च जाबालिमथ काश्यपम् || १-१२-५
पुरोहितं वसिष्ठं च ये चान्ये द्विजसत्तमाः |

Then King Dasharatha said to his best minister Sumantra, “Let the Vedic scholars and ritual conductors like Sages Suyajna, Vaamadeva, Jaabaali, and Kaashyapa, along with the family priest Vashishta, as well as other Vedic Brahmans that are there, they all be invited swiftly…” [1-12-4, 5, 6a]

4, 5, 6a. tataH = then; nR^ipaH = the king; mantrisattamam = to the best minister; sumantram = to Sumantra; vaakyam = these words; abraviit = said; kShipram = swiftly; brahmavaadinaH = Vedic scholars; R^itwijaH = Vedic ritual-conductors; suyaj~nam = Sage Suyajna; vaamadevam = Sage Vaamadeva; jaabaalim = Sage Jaabali; atha = and; kaashyapam = Sage Kaashyapa; purohitam = the priest; vashiSTham cha = Sage Vashishta, too; cha = further; ye cha = and those; anye = other; dwijasattamaaH = the scholarly Brahmans; aavaahaya = invite.

Verse 6 & 7 & 8a

ततः सुमंत्रस्त्वरितं गत्वा त्वरितविक्रमः || १-१२-६
समानयत्स तान्सर्वान् समस्तान्वेदपारगान् |
तान् पूजयित्वा धर्मात्मा राजा दशरथस्तदा || १-१२-७
धर्मार्थसहितं युक्तं श्लक्ष्णं वचनमब्रवीत् |

Then Sumantra being a quickest person went quickly and fetched all those Vedic scholars and clergymen. Then the virtuous king Dasharatha having offered due worships to all the sages and saints brought in by Sumantra, uttered these words which are with virtue and meaning, in an impressible manner. [1-12-6, 7, 8a]

6, 7, 8a. tataH = then; sumantraH = Sumantra; tvaritam = quickly; gatvaa = went; tvaritavikramaH = a quickest person he is; taan samastaan vedapaaragaan = them, all of the Vedic scholars; samaanayat = fetched; taan = them; puujayitvaa = having worshiped; dharmaatmaa raajaa dasharathaH = that virtuous king, Dasharatha; tadaa = then; dharmaarthasahitam = containing virtue, meaning; shlakShNam = soft, impressible; vachanam = sentence; abraviit = said.

Verse 8 & 9 & 10a

मम लालप्यमानस्य पुत्रार्थं नास्ति वै सुखम् || १-१२-८
तदर्थं हयमेधेन यक्ष्यामीति मतिर्मम |
तदहं यष्टुमिच्छामि शास्त्रदृष्टेन कर्मणा || १-१२-९
ऋषिपुत्रप्रभावेण कामान्प्राप्स्यामि चाप्यहम् |

“My mind is tumultuous without quietude for I have no sons… hence I am thinking of performing the Vedic Horse Ritual for progeny… I wish to perform the ritual as enshrined in the scriptures and by strict observances… I wish to get my desires fulfilled through the divine influence of the Sage’s son, Rishyasringa… [1-12-8, 9, 10a]

8, 9, 10a mama = to my; laalapyamaanasya = tumultuous mind; putraartham = for sons; na asti = not there; vai = verily; sukham = quietude; tat = hence; aham = I am; hayamedhena = by Horse Ritual; yakShyaami = would like to worship; iti = thus; matiH mama = thinking, of mine; tadartham = therefore; shaastradR^iSTena = scriptures point of view; karmaNaa = by strict observance; yaShTum = to perform ritual; icChaami = I wish to; R^iShiputraprabhaaveNa = divine influence of Sage’s son – through Rishyasringa’s; aham = I am; kaamam = my desire; praapsyaami cha api = even I get.

Verse 10b & 11

मम लालप्यमानस्य पुत्रार्थं नास्ति वै सुखम् || १-१२-८
तदर्थं हयमेधेन यक्ष्यामीति मतिर्मम |
तदहं यष्टुमिच्छामि शास्त्रदृष्टेन कर्मणा || १-१२-९
ऋषिपुत्रप्रभावेण कामान्प्राप्स्यामि चाप्यहम् |

Then “Splendid, splendid is this idea,” said the Brahmana scholars blessing the king. Then Sage Vashishta along with all other important personalities have applauded the idea that has come out of the king’s voice, and all those Vedic scholars and clerj~nmen keeping Rishyasringa at helm of affairs said this to the king, in appreciation of that idea. [1-12-10b, 11]

10b, 11. tataH = then; saadhu iti = splendid, thus; tat vaakyam = this, sentence, idea; braahmaNaaH = Brahmanas; pratyapuujayan = blessed the king; vashiShThaH = Sage Vashishta; pramukhaaH = and other important sages; sarve = all of them; paarthivasya = the king’s; mukhaat = from mouth, voice; chyutam = came out; RiShyashringapurogaaH cha = keeping Rishyasringa at helm of affairs; tadaa = then; prati uuchuH = in return, said; nR^ipatim = to peoples’ lord [the king].

Verse 12 & 13

संभाराः संभ्रियन्तां ते तुरगश्च विमुच्यताम् |
सरव्याश्चोत्तरे तीरे यज्ञभूमिर्विधीयताम् || १-१२-१२
सर्वथा प्राप्यसे पुत्रांश्चतुरोऽमितविक्रमान् |
यस्य ते धार्मिकी बुद्धिरियं पुत्रार्थमागता || १-१२-१३

“Because a virtuous thinking of begetting sons through Vedic ritual has come to you, you will by all means get four sons with boundless valour… let ritual paraphernalia be garnered and let your ritual-horse be released and let the ritual place be decided on the northern banks of Sarayu River….” The Vedic seers thus blessed Dasharatha. [1-12-12, 13]

12, 13. yasya te = to whom, [such as] you; putraartham = for begetting sons; iyam dhaarmikii buddhiH aagataa = this kind of, virtuous, thinking, has come; amitavikramaan = boundless valiant ones; chatwaaraH = four of them; putraan = sons; sarvathaa = by all means; praapyase = you will beget; sambhaaraaH = paraphernalia; sambhriyantaam = be garnered; te = your; turagaaH cha = ritual horse, also; vimuchyataam = be released; sarayvaaH = of Sarayu river; uttare tiire = on northern banks; yaj~nabhoomiH = ritual place; vidhiiyataam = be decided..

Verse 14

ततः प्रीतोऽभवद्राजा श्रुत्वा तत् द्विजभाषितम् |
अमात्यांश्चाब्रवीद्राजा हर्षेणेदं शुभाक्षरम् || १-१२-१४

Then the king is gladdened to hear the blessing advises of the Vedic scholars, and he spoke to the other ministers of his court, with happiness derived from those good words. [1-12-14]

14. tataH = then; priitaH abhavat raajaa = the king became glad; shrutvaa = having heard; tat dvijabhaaSitam = that is said by those Brahmanas; [then] raajaa = the king; amaatyaan = to the ministers; cha = also; harSheNa = with happiness; idam = these; shubhaakSharam = good words; abraviit = spoke to.

Verse 14

ततः प्रीतोऽभवद्राजा श्रुत्वा तत् द्विजभाषितम् |
अमात्यांश्चाब्रवीद्राजा हर्षेणेदं शुभाक्षरम् || १-१२-१४

Then the king is gladdened to hear the blessing advises of the Vedic scholars, and he spoke to the other ministers of his court, with happiness derived from those good words. [1-12-14]

14. tataH = then; priitaH abhavat raajaa = the king became glad; shrutvaa = having heard; tat dvijabhaaSitam = that is said by those Brahmanas; [then] raajaa = the king; amaatyaan = to the ministers; cha = also; harSheNa = with happiness; idam = these; shubhaakSharam = good words; abraviit = spoke to.

Verse 15,16,17,18 & 19

गुरूणां वचनाच्छीघ्रं संभाराः संभ्रियन्तु मे |
समर्थाधिष्ठितश्चाश्वः सोपाध्यायो विमुच्यताम् || १-१२-१५
सरयव्याश्चोत्तरे तीरे यज्ञभूमिर्विधीयताम् |
शांतयश्चाभिवर्धन्तां यथाकल्पं यथाविधि || १-१२-१६
शक्यः कर्तुमयं यज्ञः सर्वेणापि महीक्षिता |
नापराधो भवेत्कष्टो यद्यस्मिन् क्रतुसत्तमे || १-१२-१७
छिद्रं हि मृगयन्तेऽत्र विद्वांसो ब्रह्मराक्षसाः |
विघ्नितस्य हि यज्ञस्य सद्यः कर्ता विनश्यति || १-१२-१८
तद्यथा विधिपूर्वं मे क्रतुरेष समाप्यते |
तथा विधानं क्रियतां समर्थाः करणेष्विह || १-१२-१९

The king said to his executives, “As advised by my Vedic teachers, let the paraphernalia for my ritual be procured… let the ritual-horse be released, guarded well by gallant men in its journey… and let religious teachers follow that horse as per tradition… let the ritual place be decided on the northern banks of Sarayu River… let the peace invocations be prevailing and prospering throughout as ordained in the scriptures and tradition… all the kings on this earth would have performed this Horse Ritual, if only they can perform this without a mistake… thus, this is a great and difficult ritual… the Brahma-demons will be hunting for the faults performed in the rituals whereat they can inteject themselves in to the proceedings of the ritual in order to ruin it… further, the performer of the ritual also gets ruined if there were be to be faults… that is why this ritual shall be conducted faultlessly till its conclusion, and with absolute adherence to the scriptures… since all of you assembled here are efficient ones in conducting such rituals without faults, I hope you all will organise carefully…. [1-12-15,16,17,18, 19]

15,16,17,18, 19. guruuNaam = of teachers; vachanaat = by advise; shiighram = quickly; sambhaaraaH = paraphernalia; sambhriyantu = be procured; samarthaadhiSThitaH = well guarded by gallant men; sopaadhyaayaH = also followed by teachers; me = my; ashvaH = Ritual Horse; vimuchyataam = be released; sarayvaaH = of Sarayu river; uttare tiire = on northern banks; yaj~nabhoomiH = ritual place; vidhiiyataam = be decided; shaantayaH cha = peace invocations; abhivardhantaam = be prevailing and prospering; yathaakalpam = as per tradition; yathaavidhi = as ordained in scriptures; shakyaH = if possible; kartum = to perform; ayam yaj~naH = this, ritual; sarveNa api = by all, even; mahiikShitaa = kings [would have been performed]; na = no; aparadhaH = fault; bhavet = is made; kaSTaH = a difficult one; yadi = if; asmin = in that; kratusattame = the great ritual; Chidram = faults; hi = only; mrigayante = hunted; atra = there; vidvaamsaH = scholarly; brahmaraakShasaaH = by the Brahma demons; vighnitasya = that is hindered; cha = also; yaj~nasya = ritual’s; kartaa = performer; vinaSyati = ruins; tat = that is; yathaa = why; vidhipuurvam = in adherence to texts; kratuH = ritual; eSaH = this one; samaapyate = be concludes; tathaa = like that; vidhaanam = procedure; kriyataam = be done; samarthaaH = efficient ones; karaNeShu iha = in affairs, here[so said the king to Vedic scholars].

Verse 20

तथेति च ततः सर्वे मंत्रिणः प्रत्यपूजयन् |
पार्थिवेन्द्रस्य तद्वाक्यं यथाज्ञप्तमकुर्वत || १-१२-२०

In appreciation of his orders all the ministers replied the king saying “it will be done accordingly…” and indeed they have faultlessly carried out works as ordered. [1-12-20]

20. tathaa iti = like that, only; mantriNaH = by ministers; sarve = all; cha abruvan = also, said – expressed their consent; paarthivendrasya = the best of the king’s; tat vaakyam = those words; pratyapuujayan = in turn appreciation; yathaa = as; aaj~naptam = ordered; akurvata = they have done.

Verse 20

तथेति च ततः सर्वे मंत्रिणः प्रत्यपूजयन् |
पार्थिवेन्द्रस्य तद्वाक्यं यथाज्ञप्तमकुर्वत || १-१२-२०

In appreciation of his orders all the ministers replied the king saying “it will be done accordingly…” and indeed they have faultlessly carried out works as ordered. [1-12-20]

20. tathaa iti = like that, only; mantriNaH = by ministers; sarve = all; cha abruvan = also, said – expressed their consent; paarthivendrasya = the best of the king’s; tat vaakyam = those words; pratyapuujayan = in turn appreciation; yathaa = as; aaj~naptam = ordered; akurvata = they have done.

Verse 21

ततो द्विजास्ते धर्मज्ञमस्तुवन्पार्थिवर्षभम् |
अनुज्ञातास्ततः सर्वे पुनर्जग्मुर्यथागतम् || १-१२-२१

Then all the Brahmans applauded the virtuous king and who is like a Sacred Bull among the kings for his virtuous endeavour of undertaking the Vedic ritual, and with his permission all of them returned from there as they have come. [1-12-21]

21. tataH = then; dwijaaH te = Brahmans, all of them; dharmaj~nam = the virtue knower, the king; astuvan = applauded; paarthivarSabham = sacred bull like king; anuj~naataaH = with his permission; tataH = from there; sarve = all of them; punaH jagmuH = again, returned; yathaa aagatam = as they have come.

Verse 22

गतेष्वथ द्विजाग्र्येषु मंत्रिणस्तान्नराधिपः |
विसर्जयित्वा स्वं वेश्म प्रविवेश महाद्युतिः ||१-१२-२२

On the departure of the prominent Brahmans, King Dasharatha sent off those ministers who are still available there for further orders from the king, and then he the great resplendent king has entered his own palace. [1-12-22]

22. dwijaagryeSu = prominent Brahmans; gateSu = on departing of; mahaadyutiH = great resplendent one; naraadhipaH = people’s chief [king]; taan = those; mantriNaH = the ministers too were; visarjayitwaa = on leaving them; swam = his; veshma = palace; pravivesha = entered.

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