11 – dasaratha brings Rishyasringa to ayodhya


On the advice of his minister Sumantra, Dasharatha proceeds to Anga kingdom to fetch Sage Rishyasringa and his wife Shanta to his capital Ayodhya.

Verse 1

भूय एव हि राजेन्द्र शृणु मे वचनं हितम् |
यथा स देवप्रवरः कथयामेवमब्रवीत् || १-११-१

Minister Sumantra continued, “oh, the great king, I will further narrate all that has been said by Sanat Kumara, the best one among all deities, kindly listen to these favourable words.” [1-11-1.]

1. raajendra = oh king of kings; saH devapravaraH = he, that best one among deities [Sage Sanat Kumara]; yathaa = as to how; kathaayaam = in narration; abraviit = has said; evam = that way; me vachanam = my words; hitam = favourable; bhuyaH eva hi = again, thus, only; shruNu = listen.

Verse 2

इक्ष्वाकूणां कुले जातो भविष्यति सुधार्मिकः |
नाम्ना दशरथो राजा श्रीमान्सत्यप्रतिश्रवः || १-११-२

“A king named Dasharatha will be born into Ikshwaku dynasty who will be very virtuous, resplendent and truthful one to his vow.” [Said Sanat Kumara, the Sage.] [1-11-2]

2. shriimaan = resplendent one; satyapratishravaH = truthful to his vow; naamnaa = by his name; dasharathaH naama = named Dasaratha; sudhaarmikaH = very virtuous one; ikShwaakuuNaam = in Ikshwaku; kule jaataH [bhaviSyati] = dynasty, born in; [he will be].

Verse 3

अङ्गराजेन सख्यं च तस्य राज्ञो भविष्यति |
कन्या चास्य महाभागा शांता नाम भविष्यति || १-११-३

“King Dasharatha will befriend the king of Anga and the king of Anga will beget a fortunate girl named Shanta. [1-11-3]

3. tasya raaj~naH = to that, king [to Dasharatha]; angaraajena = with king of Anga; sakhyam bhaviSyati = friendship, will happen; asya = his [for king of Anga]; mahaabhaagaa = fortunate woman; shaantaa; naama kanyaa bhaviSyati = named, daughter, will be there.

Verse 4

पुत्रस्तु सोऽङ्गराजस्य रोमपाद इति श्रुतः |
तं स राजा दशरथो गमिष्यति महायशाः || १-११-४

The son of the king of Anga, the earlier king of Anga kingdom, will be known as Romapada, or also know as Chitraratha, and the highly renowned king Dasharatha approaches Romapada. [1-11-4]

4. saH putraH tu angaraajasya = son of king of Anga; romapaadaH iti shrutaH = thus heard as Romapada; mahaayashaaH raajaa dasharathaH = well renowned, king, Dasharatha; tam = to him [to Romapada]; gamiSyati = will approach.

Verse 5

अनपत्योऽस्मि धर्मात्मन् शांताभर्ता मम क्रतुम् |
आहरेत त्वयाज्ञप्तः संतानार्थं कुलस्य च || १-११-५

Then king Dasharatha says to king of Anga “oh, righteous one, I am childless and hence I intend to perform a Vedic ritual. Let the husband of your daughter Shanta, Sage Rishyasringa, preside over that Vedic ritual at you behest, for the sake of progeny in my dynasty. [1-11-5]

5. dharmaatman = oh virtuous-soul; anapatyaH asmi = childless, I am; shaantaabhartaa tvayaa aaj~naptaH = instructed by you, the husband of Shanta; mama kulasya santaanaartham = for the sake of progeny of my dynasty; kratum aahareta = Vedic ritual, will preside over.

Verse 6

श्रुत्वा राज्ञोऽथ तद्वाक्यं मनसा स विचिंत्य च |
प्रदास्यते पुत्रवन्तं शांताभर्तारमात्मवान् || १-११-६

“On hearing those words of king Dasharatha that benevolent soul Romapada, the king of Anga, considers heartily and agrees to send the one who endows progeny by rituals, namely Sage Rishyasringa his son-in-law. [1-11-6]

6. aatmavaan = benevolent soul – Romapada; raaj~naH tat vaakyam shrutvaa = king’s[Dasharatha’s], on hearing that word; manasaa vichintya = considered at heart; atha = then; putravantam = one who has son / or, one who endows sons; shaantaabhartaaram = Shanta’s husband; pradaasyate = will give – agrees.

Verse 7

प्रतिगृह्य च तं विप्रं स राजा विगतज्वरः |
आहरिष्यति तं यज्ञं प्रहृष्टेनान्तरात्मना || १-११-७

“On receiving that Brahman, Sage Rishyasringa, at the behest of his father-in-law, that king Dasharatha gets rid of his febrile condition and will accomplish that Vedic ritual, feeling very felicitous in the depths of his heart. [1-11-7]

7. saH raajaa = he, that king [Dasharatha]; pratigR^ihya tam vipram = on receiving, him, Brahman [Rishyasringa]; vigatajwaraH = rid of fever – uneasiness; prahR^iSTena antaraatmanaa = very felicitousness, in depths of heart; tam yaj~nam = that, Vedic ritual; aahariSyati = will accomplish.

Verse 8 & 9

तं च राजा दशरथो यष्टुकामः कृतांजलिः |
ऋष्यशृङ्गं द्विजश्रेष्ठं वरयिष्यति धर्मवित् || १-११-८
यज्ञार्थं प्रसवार्थं च स्वर्गार्थं च नरेश्वरः |
लभते च स तं कामं द्विजमुख्याद्विशांपतिः || १-११-९

“That king, the desirer of performing vedic ritual, the knower of virtue and the lord of people, namely Dasharatha will be requesting that best Brahman Rishyasringa with his palms adjoined in supplication for the conduct of ritual, for progeny and even for his heavenly abodes, and that king of all the quarters of earth will accomplish those desires from that eminent Brahman Rishyasringa. [1-11-8,9]

8,9. raajaa = that king; yaSTukaamaH = desiring to permorm vedic ritual; dharamavit = knower of virtue; nareshwaraH = peoples’ lord; dasharathaH = king Dasharatha; kR^itaanjaliH = with adjoined-palms; dwijashreSTam = the best Brahman – Rishyasringa; yajnaartham = intending for ritual; prasavaartham cha = intending also for progeny; svargaartham cha = for heavenly abodes, also; varayiShyati = he is inclined to request; saH vishaampatiH = he that, to [all the] quarters of earth, king of – king [Dasharatha]; dvijamukhyaat = by eminent Brahman; labhate tam kaamam cha = accomplishes, those, desires, also

Verse 10

पुत्राश्चास्य भविष्यन्ति चत्वारोऽमितविक्रमाः |
वंशप्रतिष्ठानकराः सर्वभूतेषु विश्रुताः || १-११-१०

“There will be four sons to king Dasharatha that abound with valour, enrich dynasty’s reputation and they will be renowned among all beings.” Thus said Sage Sanat Kumara to other sages. [1-11-10]

10. putraaH cha asya bhaviSyanti = sons, also, to him [Dasharatha,] will be; chatvaaraH amitavikramaaH = four [in all,] abounding in valour; vamshapratiShThaanakaraaH = enriching dynasty’s reputation; sarvabhuuteSu vishrutaaH = renowned among all beings.

Verse 11

एवं स देवप्रवरः पूर्वं कथितवान्कथाम् |
सनत्कुमारो भगवान्पुरा देवयुगे प्रभुः || १-११-११

“This way he that ancient and godly Sage Sanatkumaara, who is also Brahma’s brain-child like Narada, said this legend in earlier Divine Era, called krita yuga…” thus Sumantra continued his narration to Dasharatha. [1-11-11]

11. devapravaraH = the best god; bhagavaan = one who is effectual; prabhuH = the godly one; saH sanatkumaaraH = he, that Sage Sanatkumaara; puraa devayuge kathaam kathitavaan = earlier, in previous, Divine Era, [krita yuga,] narration, he narrated.

Verse 12

स त्वं पुरुषशार्दूल तमानय सुसत्कृतम् |
स्वयमेव महाराज गत्वा सबलवाहनः || १-११-१२

” Oh, great king the tigerly-man, he that Sage Rishyasringa be led here on your proceeding in person with staff and transport and on adoring him well personally.” Thus Sumantra concluded his narration. [1-11-12]

12. puruSashaarduula = tigerly man; mahaaraaja = oh great king; saH tvam = such as, you are; sabalavaahanaH svayam eva gatvaa = on proceeding in person with staff, transport, only; tam aanaya susatkR^itam = he be brought, well adored.

Verse 13 & 14a

सुमंत्रस्य वचः श्रुत्वा हृष्टो दशरथोऽभवत् |
अनुमान्य वसिष्ठं च सूतवाक्यं निशम्य च || १-११-१३
सान्तःपुरः सहामात्यः प्रययौ यत्र स द्विजः |

On hearing the word of advise from charioteer, Dasharatha became gladsome and made Sumantra to reiterate to that sage also, for his approval, then Dasharatha travelled to the place where that Brahman Rishyasringa is, along with the inmates of palace-chambers and ministers too. [1-11-13, 14a]

13, 14a. sumantrasya vachaH shrutvaa = on hearing Sumantra’s words [of advise]; dasharathaH hR^iSTaH abhavat = Dasharatha, became gladsome; suutavaakyam = charioteer’s words; vasiSTham = to Vashishta; nishamya ca = on getting those words listened by Vashishta from Sumantra – on reporting, also; anumaanya ca = making [Vashishta ] agreeable [to the words of Sumantra,] even; saantaHpuraH = with inmates of palace chambers; saha amaatyaH = with, ministers; prayayau yatra saH dvijaH = travelled to, where, that, Brahman is there.

Verse 14b & 15a

वनानि सरितश्चैव व्यतिक्रम्य शनैः शनैः || १-११-१४
अभिचक्राम तं देशं यत्र वै मुनिपुंगवः |

On crossing over the rivers and forests slowly and steadily Dasharatha entered that kingdom where that eminent Brahman is there. [1-11-14b, 15a]

14b, 15a. shanaiH shanaiH = slowly, slowly; vanaani saritaH cha eva = forests, rivers, also, thus; vyatikramya = crossing over; yatra vai munipu~ngavaH = where, that, eminent Brahman is; tam desham = in that, kingdom; abhicakraama= entered.

Verse 15b & 16a

आसाद्य तं द्विजश्रेष्ठं रोमपादसमीपगम् || १-११-१५
ऋषिपुत्रं ददर्शाथो दीप्यमानमिवानलम् |

Then Dasharatha saw that best Brahman who he is nearby king Romapada, and who is resplendent like ritual fire. [1-11-15b, 16a]

15b, 16a. atha = then; romapadasamiipagam = one who is nearby Romapada; diipyamaanam iva analam = resplendent, like, ritual fire; dvijashreSTham = the best Brahman; tam aasaadya = drew nigh of; dadarsha = he saw.

Verse 16b & 17a

ततो राजा यथायोग्यं पूजां चक्रे विशेषतः || १-११-१६
सखित्वात्तस्य वै राज्ञः प्रहृष्टेनान्तरात्मना |

Then king Romapada gladdened at heart of hearts paid excellent respects to king Dasharatha procedurally and in view of their friendship.[1-11-16b, 17a]

16b, 17a. tataH raajaa = then, the king [here Romapada]; prahR^isTena = very gladdened; antaraatmanaa = with inner self; yathaayogyam = as befitting; sakhitwaat = in view of friendship; visheShataH = in an excelling manner; tasya raaj~naH vai = to that, king [Dasharatha,] indeed; puujaam cakre = respects, he paid.

Verse 17b & 18a

रोमपादेन चाख्यातमृषिपुत्राय धीमते || १-११-१७
सख्यं संबन्धकं चैव तदा तं प्रत्यपूजयत् |

Then Romapada informed the wise sage Rishyasringa about the friendship and relation with Dasharatha, and then that sage worshipped king Dasharatha in his return. [1-11-17b, 18a]

17b, 18a. romapaadena = by Romapada; sakhyam saMbandhakam ca eva = friendship, relation, also thus; dhiimate R^iSiputraaya aakhyaatam = informed to the wise one, sage’s son Rishyasringa, ; tadaa tam pratyapuujayat = then, him[Rishyasringa], in return adored [ Dasharatha.]

Verse 18b & 19a

एवं सुसत्कृतस्तेन सहोषित्वा नरर्षभः || १-११-१८
सप्ताष्टदिवसान् राजा राजानमिदमब्रवीत् |

Thus well received by king Romapada, king Dasharatha spent seven to eight days with him, and then spoke this to king Romapada. [1-11-18b, 19a]

18b, 19a. evam = that way; susatkritaH = well received; nararSabhaH raajaa = sacred bull like man, king – Dasharatha; tena saha = with him; saptaaSTadivasaan = seven eight days; uShitwaa = having spent time; raajaanam = to king Romapada; idam = this; abraviit = spoken.

Verse 19b & 20a

शांता तव सुता राजन् सह भर्त्रा विशांपते || १-११-१९
मदीयं नगरं यातु कार्यं हि महदुद्यतम् |

“Oh, lord of subjects, your daughter Princess Shanta may go over my city Ayodhya along with her husband Rishyasringa, as oh, king, I am contemplating to perform a great Vedic ritual, indeed.” So said Dasharatha to Romapada. [1-11-19b, 20a]

19b, 20a. vishaampate = oh lord of subjects; tava sutaa = your, daughter; shaantaa = Princess Shanta; saha bhartraa = along with, her husband; madiiyam nagaram yaatu = she may go over my city; raajan = oh king; mahat kaaryam udyatam hi = a great, deed – the ritual, is contemplated by me, indeed.

Verse 20b & 21a

तथेति राजा संश्रुत्य गमनं तस्य धीमतः || १-११-२०
उवाच वचनं विप्रं गच्छ त्वं सह भार्यया |

“So it shall be” said king Romapada agreeing to their travel with king Dasharatha, and addressed these words to that Brahman sage and his son-in-law, Sage Rishyasringa “You may proceed along with your wife.” [1-11-20b, 21a]

20b, 21a. raajaa = the king; tathaa iti = so it be; dhiimataH tasya gamanam = travel of that intellectual one, his – Rishyasringa’s ; samshrutya = agreeing; twam bhaaryayaa saha gacCha = = you shall proceed along with your wife; [iti = thus]; vipram = to the Brahman; vachanam = the words; uvaacha = addressed.

Verse 21b & 22a

ऋषिपुत्रः प्रतिश्रुत्य तथेत्याह नृपं तदा || १-११-२१
स नृपेणाभ्यनुज्ञातः प्रययौ सह भार्यया |

Then Rishyasringa agreed and replied to the king Romapada “So it will be done” and then having been permitted by the king he set forth along with his wife. [1-11-21b, 22a]

21b, 22a. tadaa = then; R^iShiputraH = Sage’s son – Rishyasringa; pratishrutya = replied – agreeing; tathaa iti aaha = ‘like, that only’, said; nR^ipam = to the king; saH = he; nR^ipeNa = by the king; abhyanujnaataH = permitted; saha bhaaryayaa = along with his wife; prayayau = set-forth.

Verse 22b & 23a

तावन्योन्यांजलिं कृत्वा स्नेहात्संश्लिष्य चोरसा || १-११-२२
ननंदतुर्दशरथो रोमपादश्च वीर्यवान् |

Those valiant kings greeted each other with thanksgiving palm-fold, and in friendship they embraced each other and gladdened. [1-11-22b, 23a]

22b, 23a. tau viiryavaan = those two – Dasharatha and Romapada, valiant kings; anyonyaanjalim = with thanksgiving palm-fold; kritwaa = having performed; snehaat = by friendship; urasaa = with their bosoms; samshliShya cha = embraced, also; nanandatuH = gladdened.

Verse 23b & 24a

ततः सुहृदमापृच्छ्य प्रस्थितो रघुनन्दनः || १-११-२३
पौरेभ्यः प्रेषयामास दूतान्वै शीघ्रगामिनः |

Then king Dasharatha who set forth to Ayodhya bade farewell to his friend king Romapada, and he firstly sent quick-footed messengers to Ayodhya to inform his citizens about his arrival along with Sage Rishyasringa. [1-11-23b, 24a]

23b, 24a. tataH = then; raghunandanaH = Ragu’s descendent – Dasharatha; suhR^idam = good-hearted one, the friend; aapricChya = having asked – bid farewell; prasthitaH = set-forth; shiighragaaminaH duutaan = quick stepped ones, messengers; paurebhyaH = to citizens [of Ayodhya]; preSayaamaasa = started to send.

Verse 24b & 25a

क्रियतां नगरं सर्वं क्षिप्रमेव स्वलंकृतम् || १-११-२४
धूपितं सिक्तसम्मृष्टं पताकाभिरलंकृतम् |

“Let the entire city of Ayodhya be well decorated very quickly, let her streets be sprinkled with water and then swept, let the flags of welcome be hoisted..” Thus, king Dasharatha ordered messengers that are sent beforehand. [1-11-24b, 25a]

24b, 25a. sarvam nagaram = entire, city Ayodhya; kShipram eva = very quickly, thus; swalankR^itam = well decorated; dhuupitam = well incensed; siktasammR^iSTam = [streets be] water sprinkled well, and then swept; pataakaabhiH = with flags of welcome; alankR^itam = be decorated, hoisted; kriyataam = shall be done.

Verse 25b & 26a

ततः प्रहृष्टाः पौरास्ते श्रुत्वा राजानमागतम् || १-११-२५
तथा प्रचक्रुस्तत्सर्वं राज्ञा यत्प्रेषितं तदा |

Then on hearing the arrival of their king all the citizens felt very happy and readily performed all those works exactly as ordered by their king. [1-11-25b, 26a]

25b, 26a. tataH = then; raajaanam aagatam = arrival of kings; shrutwaa = on hearing; te pouraaH = those, citizens; prahR^iSTaaH = felt very happy; raajnaa = by the king; yat yathaa preSitam = which, in which way, ordered; tat sarvam = that, all; tathaa = that way; prachakru = readily performed.

Verse 26b & 27a

ततः स्वलंकृतं राजा नगरं प्रविवेश ह || १-११-२६
शङ्खदुन्दुभिनिर्घोषैः पुरस्कृत्य द्विजर्षभम् |

Then king Dasharatha keeping Rishyasringa before him entered the well-decorated city Ayodhya amidst the full sounding of conch shells and drumbeats. [1-11-26b, 27a]

26b, 27a. tataH = then; raajaa = king Dasharatha; dwijarSabham = Sacred Bull like Brahman – Rishyasringa; puraskritya = keeping before him; swalankR^itam nagaram = well-decorated, city; shankhadundubhinirghoShaiH = full sounding of conch-shells and drumbeats; pravivesha ha = entered, verily.

Verse 27b & 28

ततः प्रमुदिताः सर्वे दृष्ट्वा तं नागरा द्विजम् || १-११-२७
प्रवेश्यमानं सत्कृत्य नरेन्द्रेणेन्द्रकर्मणा |
यथा दिवि सुरेन्द्रेण सहस्राक्षेण काश्यपम् || १-११-२८

Then all the citizens are very happy on seeing that Brahman, Sage Rishyasringa, who is well honoured and being entered into the city by their king Dasharatha, as has been done once by Indra when he entered sage Kashyapa’s son Vamana, the dwarfish boy and the incarnation of Vishnu, into heavens, and thus those citizens felt that their human lord Dasharatha vies with divine lord Indra. [1-11-27b, 28]

27b, 28. tataH sarve naagaraaH = then, all, citizens; indrakarmaNaa = one who has exploits like that of Indra; narendreNa = by people’s, lord Dasharatha; satkritya praveshyamaanam = well honoured, and being entered; yathaa = as with; kaashyapam = sage Kashyapa’s son, namely Vamana, the dwarf boy incarnation of Vishnu; sahasraakSheNa surendreNa = by thousand eyed, lord of gods, namely Indra; divi = in heaven [while entered]; tam dvijam = him, at that Brahman; dR^iSTvaa pramuditaaH = highly gladdened on seeing.

Verse 29

अन्तःपुरं प्रवेश्यैनं पूजां कृत्वा च शास्त्रतः |
कृतकृत्यं तदात्मानं मेने तस्योपवाहनात् || १-११-२९

Dasharatha entered the sage into the palace chambers and worshipped him there as ordained in the scriptures, and in bringing the Sage here into his country, king Dasharatha believed that his desired is fulfilled. [1-11-28]

29. enam = him; antaHpuram = palace-chambers; praveshya = having entered; shaastrataH = as per scriptures; puujaam cha = worshipped, too; tadaa = then; tasya = his [for Rishyasringa]; upavaahanat = by bringing here; aatmaanam = for himself; kR^itakrityam = one with his desire fulfilled; mene = beleived.

Verse 30

अन्तःपुरस्त्रियः सर्वाः शांतां दृष्ट्वा तथागताम् |
सह भर्त्रा विशालाक्षीं प्रीत्यानंदमुपागमन् || १-११-३०

On seeing her, the broad-eyed Shanta, who came there along with her husband all the ladies of palace derived happiness for the homecoming of their own daughter, as it were. [1-11-30]

30. antaHpurastriyaH sarvaaH = palace ladies, all of them; tathaa = thus; bhartraa saha aagataam = one who arrived along with her husband; vishaalaakShiim = broad-eyed lady; shaantaam = at Shanta; driSTwaa = on seeing; priityaa = with affection; aanandam = happiness; upaagaman = they derived.

Verse 31

पूज्यमाना तु ताभिः सा राज्ञा चैव विशेषतः |
उवास तत्र सुखिता कञ्चित्कालं सहर्त्विजा || १-११-३१

Shanta thus being admired by all of them, and in an exceptional manner by Dasharatha, comfortably resided there along with her husband, the Vedic scholar Rishyasringa. [1-11-31]

31. saa = she, Shanta; taabhiH = by them; [by far] visheShataH = in an exceptional manner; raaj~naa cha eva = by king, also, thus; puujyamaanaa = while being admired; sukhitaa = comfortably; R^itwijaa saha = along with that Vedic scholar – her husband; kamchit kaalam = for some time; tatra = there; uvaasa = resided

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