24 – Seetha’s reply to Ogres


Seetha cites the examples of Sachi, Arundhati, Rohini et.al., on their devotion towards their husbands. Ogre women threaten to kill Seetha and eat her.


Verse 1

ततः सीतामुपागम्य राक्षस्यो विकृताननाः |
परुषं परुषा नार्य ऊचुस्तां वाक्यमप्रियम् || ५-२४-१

Thereafter ogre women with a cruel nature, with crooked faces neared that Seetha and spoke unpleasant words harshly.

1. tataH = Thereafter; raakshasyaH naaryaH = ogre women; parushhaaH = with a cruel nature; vikR^itaananaH = with crooked faces; upaagamya = neared; taam siitaam = that Seetha; uuchuH = (and) spoke; apriyam = unpleasant; vaakyam = words; parushham = harshly.

Verse 2

किं त्वमन्तःपुरे सीते सर्वभूतमनोहरे |
महार्हशयनोपेते न वासमनुमन्यसे || ५-२४-२

“O Seetha! Why are you not agreeing to stay in the gynaeceum pleasing to all beings together with very best beds.”

2. siite = O Seetha; kim = why; tvam = (are) you; naanuamanyase = not agreeing; vaasam = to stay; antaHpure = in the gynaeceum; sarvabhuuta manohare = pleasing to all beings; mahaarhashayanopete = together with the very best beds.

Verse 3

मानुषी मानुषस्यैव भार्यात्वं बहुमन्यसे |
प्रत्याहर मनो रामान्न त्वं जातु भविष्यसि || ५-२४-३

“You who are a human are thinking highly about the wifehood of a human being. Withdraw your mind from Rama. Otherwise you will not exist at all.”

3. maanyshhii = you who are a human; bahumanyase = are thinking highly; bhaaryaatvam = (about) the wifehood; maanushhasyaiva = of a human being; pratyahaara = withdraw; manaH = mind; raamaat = from Rama; tvam = (otherwise) you; na bhavishhyasi = will not exist; jaatu = at all;

Verse 4

त्रैलोक्यवसुभोक्तारं रावणं राक्षसेश्वरम् |
भर्तारमुपसंगम्य विहरस्व यथासुखम् || ५-२४-४

“Sport according to your comfort coming together with the king of ogres Ravana enjoying luxuries of the three worlds and taking him as husband.

4. viharasva = sport; yathaasukham = according to (your) comfort; saMgamya = coming together; raakshaseshvaram = (with) the king of ogres; raavaNam = Ravana; trailokyavasubhoktaaram = enjoying luxuries of the three worlds; bhartaaram = (and taking him) as husband.

Verse 5

मानुषी मानुषं तं तु राममिच्छसि शोभने |
राज्याद्भ्राष्टमसिद्धार्थं विक्लबं त्वमनिन्दिते || ५-२४-५

“O beautiful one! O irrreproachable one! But being a human you are desiring that Rama who is a human, banished from kingdom, unsuccessful and gloomy.”

5. shobhane = O beautiful one!; anindite = O irreproachable one!; maanushhii tu = but being a human; tvam = you; iccchhasi = are desiring; tam raamam = that Rama; maanushham = who is a human; bhrashhTam = banished; raajyaat = from kingdom; asiddhaartham = unsuccessful; viklabam = (and) gloomy.

Verse 6

राक्षसीनां वचः श्रुत्वा सीता पद्मनिभेक्षणा |
नेत्राभ्यामश्रुपूर्णाभ्यामिदं वचनमब्रवीत् || ५-२४-६

Seetha with eyes like lotuses hearing the words of ogre women spoke these words with eyes filled with tears.

6. siitaa = Seetha; padma nibhekshaNaa = with eyes like lotuses; shrutvaa = hearing; vachaH = words; raakshasiinaam = of ogre women; abraviit = spoke; idam vachanam = these words; netraabhyaam = with eyes; ashrupuurNaabhyaam = filled with tears.

Verse 7

यदिदम् लोकविद्विष्टमुदाहरथ संगताः |
नैतन्मनसि वाक्यं मे किल्बिषं प्रतिभाति वः || ५-२४-७

“All of you coming together whatever words which are hated in the world you spoke in my matter, this does it not seem sinful in your mind?”

7. saMgataa = (all of you) coming together; yat vaakyam = whatever words; lokavidviSTam = which are hated in the world; udaaharatha = you spoke; me = in my matter; etat = this; na pratibhaati = does it not seem; kilbishham = sinful; vaH = in your; manasi = mind;

Verse 8

न मानुषी राक्षसस्य भार्या भवितुमर्हति |
कामं खादत मां सर्वा न करिष्यामि वो वचः || ५-२४-८

“Human woman is not waited to become wife of an ogre. All of you freely eat me. I will not honour your words.”

8. maanushhii = Human woman; na arhati = is not suited; bhavitum = to become; bhaaryaa = wife; raakshasasya = of an ogre; sarvaaH = all of you; kaamam = freely; khaadata = eat; maam = me; na karishhyaami = I will not honour; vaH vachanaH = your words.

Verse 9

दीनो वा राज्यहीनो वा यो मे भर्ता स मे गुरुः |
तं नित्यमनुरक्तास्मि यथा सूर्यं सुवर्चला || ५-२४-९

“Although wretched or without kingdom, whoever is my husband, He alone is my master. Like Suvarchala with the Sun God, I am fond of Him always.”

9. diinaH vaa = (although) wretched; raajya hiinaH vaa = or without kingdom; yaH = whoever; me bhartaa = is my husband; saH = He (alone); me = is my; guruH = master; suvarchalaa yathaa = like Suvarchala; suuryam = with the Sun God; anuraktaa asmi tam = I am fond of Him; nityam = always;

Verse 10,11 & 12

यथा शची महाभागा शक्रं समुपतिष्ठति |
अरुन्धती वसिष्ठं च रोहिणी शशिनं यथा || ५-२४-१०
लोपामुद्रा यथागस्त्यं सुकन्याच्यवनं यथा |
सावित्री सत्यवन्तं च कपिलं श्रीमती यथा || ५-२४-११
सौदासं मदयन्तीव केशिनी सगरं यथा |
नैषधं दमयन्तीव भैमी पतिमनुव्रता || ५-२४-१२
तथाहमिक्ष्वाकुवरं रामं पतिमनुव्रता |

“Like the highly fortunate Sachi who waits upon Indra, like Arundhati on Vasishta, like Rohini on the Moon God, like Lopamudra on Agastya, like Sukanya on Chyavana, like Savitri on Satyavanta, like Srimati on Kapila, like Madayanti on Saudasa, like Kesini on Sagara, like Damayanti the daughter of Bhima, devoted to husband Nala, in the same way I am devoted to my husband Rama, the best in Ikshvaku dynasty.”

10; 11; 12. yathaa = like; mahaabhaagaa = the highly fortunate; shachii = Sachi; samupatishhThati = (who) waits; shukram = upon Indra; arundhatii vasishhTham cha = like Arundhati on Vasishta; yathaa = like; rohiNi sashinam = Rohini on the Moon God; yathaa = like; lopamudraa agastyam = Lopamudra on Agastya; sukanyaa chyavanam yathaa = like Sukanya on Chyavana; saavitrii satyavantam = (like) Savitri on Satyavanta; shriimatii kapilam yathaa = like Srimati on Kapila; saudaasam madayantiiva = like Madayanti on Saudasa; keshinii sagaram yathaa = like Kesini on Sagara; damayantiiva = like Damayanti; bhaimii = daughter of Bhima; anuvrataa = devoted; patim naishhadham = to husband Nala; tathaa = in the same way; aham anuvrataa = I am devoted; patim raamam = to my husband Rama; ikshvaakuvaram = best in Ikshvaku dynasty.

Verse 13

सीताया वचनं श्रुत्वा राक्षस्यः क्रोधमूर्चिताः || ५-२४-१३
भर्त्सयन्ति स्म परुषैर्वाक्यै रावणचोदिताः |

Ogre women incited by Ravana listening to the words of Seetha, swooned with anger and frightened Her with harsh words.

13. raakshasyaH = ogre women; raavaNa choditaaH = incited by Ravana; shrutvaa = listening; vachanam = to the words; siitaayaaH = of Seetha; krodhamuurchitaaH = swooned with anger; bhartsayanti = frightened (Her); parushhaiH vaakyaiH = with harsh words.

Verse 14

अवलीनः स निर्वाक्यो हनुमान् शिंशुपाद्रुमे || ५-२४-१४
सीतां संतर्जयन्तीस्ता राक्ससीरशृणोत् कपिः |

That monkey Hanuma not talking and hiding in the Simsupa tree listened to those ogre women frightening Seetha.

14. saH hanumaan = that Hanuma; kapiH = a monkey; nirvaakyaH = not talking; avaliinaH = (and) hiding; shiMshupaa drume = in the Simsupa tree; ashR^iNot = listened; taaH raakshasiiH = to those ogre women; saMtarjayantiiH = frightening; siitaam = Seetha.

Verse 15

तामभिक्रम्य संक्रुद्दा वेपमानां समन्ततः || ५-२४-१५
भृशं संलिलिहुर्दीप्तान् प्रलब्मन् दशनच्छदान् |

Nearing that Seetha shaking with fear in all directions, those ogres being angry licked a lot shining and hanging lips.

15. abhikramya = nearing; taam = that Seetha; vepamaanaam = shaking (with fear); samantataH = in all directions; saMkR^iddhaH = (those ogres) being angry; saMlilihuH = licked; bhR^isham = a lot; diiptaan = shining; pralambaan dashanachchhadaan = hanging lips.

Verse 16

ऊचुश्च परमक्रुद्धाः प्रगृह्याशु परश्वधान् || ५-२४-१६
नेयमर्हति भर्तारं रावणं राक्षसाधिपम् |

Being angry a lot and grasping axes quickly spoke as follows: “This woman is not suited to have the king of ogres Ravana as husband.”

16. paramkruddhaaH = being angry a lot; pragR^ihya = grasping; aashu = quickly; parashvadhaan = axes; uuchushcha = and spoke; iyam = this woman; naarhati = is not suited; raakshasaadhipam = (to have) the king of ogres; raavaNAm = Ravana; bhartaaram = as husband.

Verse 17

सा भर्तस्यमाना भीमाभी राक्षसीभिर्वरानना || ५-२४-१७
सबाष्पमपसर्पन्ती शिंशुपां तामुपागमत् |

Being frightened by ogre women who were horrible that Seetha with best face with tears in eyes and moving from there reached that Simsupa tree.

17.bhatsyamaanaa = being frightened; raakshasiibhiH = by ogre women; bhiimaabhiH = who were horrible; saa varaananaa = that Seetha with best face; sabaashhpam = with tears in eyes; apasarpantii = moving from there; uppagamat = reached; taam shiMshupaam = that Simsupa tree.

Verse 18

ततस्तां शिंशुपां सीता राक्षसीभिः समावृता || ५-२४-१८
अभिगम्य विशालाक्षी तस्थौ शोकपरिप्लुता |

Thereafter the wide eyed Seetha nearing that Simsupa tree being surrounded by ogre women was situated there with gloom.

18. tataH = Thereafter; vishaalaakshii = the wide eyed; siitaa = Seetha; abhigamya = nearing; taam siMsupaam = that Simsupa tree; samaavR^itaa = being surrounded; raakshasiibhiH = by ogre women; tasthau = was situated (there); shokapariplutaa = with gloom.

Verse 19

तां कृशां दीनवदनां मलिनाम्बरधारिणीम् || ५-२४-१९
भर्त्सयांचक्रिरे सीतां राक्षस्यस्ताम् समन्ततः |

Those ogres frightened from all directions that Seetha who was emaciated with a pitiful face and wearing dirty garments.

19. taaH = those; raakshasyaH = ogres; bhartsayaaMchakrire = frightened; samantataH = from all directions; taam siitaam = that Seetha; kR^ishaam = (who was) emaciated; diinavadanaam = with a pitiful face; malinaambaradhaariNiim = wearing dirty garments;

Verse 20

ततस्तां विनता नाम राक्षसी भीमदर्शना || ५-२४-२०
अब्रवीत्कुपिताकारा कराळा निर्णतोदरी |

Thereafter an ogre woman named Vinata with a horrible appearance with an angry form, crooked, having a prominent belly spoke to Her.

20. tataH = Thereafter; raakshasii = an ogre woman; vinataa naama = named Vinata; bhiimadarshnaa = with a horrible appearance; kupitaakaaraa = with an angry form; karaaLaa = crooked; nirNatodarii = having a prominent belly; taam abraviit = spoke to Her.

Verse 21

सीते पर्याप्तमेतावद्भर्तुः स्नेहो निदर्शितः || ५-२४-२१
सर्वात्रातिकृतं भद्रे व्यसनायोपकल्पते |

“O Seetha! You have showed love of husband. This much is enough. O auspicious one! At all times doing something excessively serves as vice.”

21. siite = O Seetha!; snehaH = love; bhartuH = of husband; nidarshitaH = has been shown (by you); etaavat = this much; paryaaptam = is enough; bhadre = O auspicious one!; sarvatra = at all times; atikR^itam = doing (something) excessively; upakalpate = serves as; vyasanaaya = vice ;

Verse 22

परितुष्टास्मि भद्रं ते मानुषस्ते कृतो विधिः || ५-२४-२२
ममापि तु वचः पथ्यं ब्रुवन्त्याः कुरु मैथिलि |

“O Seetha! I am happy. Human duty has been done by you. Let there be fortune to you. Do also according to my wholesome words being told.”

22. maithili = O Seetha! paritushhTaa asmi = I am happy; maanushhaH vidhiH = human duty; kR^itaH = has been done; te = by you; bhadram = (let there be) fortune; te = to you; kuru = do (according to); mama = my; pathyam = wholesome; vachaH api = words also;bruvantyaaH = (which are) being told;

Verse 23 &24

रावणं भ्ज भर्तारं भर्तारं सर्वरक्षसाम् || ५-२४-२३
विक्रान्तं रूपवन्तं च सुरेशमिव वासवम् |
दक्षिणं त्यागशीलं च सर्वस्य प्रियदर्शनम् || ५-२४-२४

“Obtain as husband Ravana who is the lord of al l ogres, bold and handsome, like Indra the lord of Devas, able one and liberal with a pleasing appearance to all.”

23; 24. bhaja = obtain; bhartaaram = as husband; raavaNam = Ravana; bhartaaram = (who is) the lord; sarva rakshasaam = to all ogres; vikraantam = bold; ruupavantam cha = and handsome; vaasavamiva = like Indra; sureshham = the lord of Devas; dakshiNam = able one; tyaagashiilaM cha = and liberal; priyadarshanam = with a pleasing appearance; sarvasya = to all;

Verse 25

मानुषं कृपणं रामं त्यक्त्वा रावणमाश्रय |
दिव्याङ्गरागा वैदेहि दिव्याभरणभूषिता || ५-२४-२५
अद्यप्रभृति सर्वेषां लोकनामीश्वरी भव |

“Leaving Rama who is a human and miserable, seek refuge in Ravana. O Seetha! With best unguents to the body and decorated with best ornaments, become mistress of all the worlds from today.”

25. tyaktvaa = leaving; raamam = Rama; maanushham = a human; kR^ipaNam = miserable; aashraya = seek refuge; raavaNam = (in) Ravana; vaidehi = O Seetha!; divyaN^garaagaa = with best unguents to the body; divyaabharaNa bhuushhitaa = decorated with best ornaments; bhava = become; iishvarii = mistress; sarveshhaam lokaanaam = of all the worlds; adyaprabhR^iti = from today.

Verse 26

अग्नेः स्वाहा यथा देवी शिची वेन्द्रस्य शोभने || ५-२४-२६
किं ते रामेण वैदेहि कृपणेन गतायिषा |

“O auspicious one! Like Svaha the wife of the Fire God, like Sachi the wife of Indra become mistress of all worlds. O Seetha! What is the use with Rama who is miserable and with gone vigour.”

26. shobhane = O auspicious one!; svahaa yathaa = like Svaha; devii = wife; agneH = of the Fire God; shachiiva = like Sachi; indrasya = (wife) of Indra (become mistress of all worlds; vaidehi = O Seetha!; kim = what (is the use); raameNa = with Rama; kR^paNena = who is miserable; gataayushhaa = and with gone vigour;

Verse 27

एतदुक्तं च मे वाक्यं यदि त्वं न करिष्यपि || ५-२४-२७
अस्मिन्मुहूर्ते सर्वास्त्वां भक्षयिष्यामहे वयम् |

If you do not do my this spoken word, all of us in this moment will eat you.

27. tvam na karishhyasi = if you do not do; me etat uktam vaakyam = my this spoken word; vayam sarvaaH = all of us; asmin = in this; muhuurte = moment; bhakshayishhyaamahe = will eat; tvaam = you.

Verse 28

अन्या तु विकटा नाम लबमानपयोधरा || ५-२४-२८
अब्रवीत्कुपिता सीतां मुष्टिमुद्यम्य गर्जती |

Another ogre named Vikata with hanging breasts raising fist and roaring with anger spoke to Seetha.

28. anyya tu = another (ogre); vikaTaa naama = named Vikata; lambamaanapayodharaa = with hanging breasts; udyamaya = rasing; mushhTim = fist; garjatii = roaring; kupitaa = with anger; abraviit = spoke; siitaam = to Seetha.

Verse 29

बहून्य्प्रियरूपाणि वचनानि सुदुर्मते || ५-२४-२९
अनुक्रोशान्मऋदुत्वाच्च सोढानि तव मैथिलि |

“O Seetha with an evil mind! Your many words which are unpleasant have been tolerated due to pity and due to softness.”

29. sudurmate maithilii = O Seetha with evil mind!; tava bahuuni vachanaani = your many words; apriyaruupaaNi = very unpleasant ones; sodhaani = have been tolerated; anukroshaat = due to pity; mR^idutvaachcha = and due to softness.

Verse 30 & 31

न च नः कुरुषे वाक्यं हितं कालपुरुस्कृतम् || ५-२४-३०
अनीतासि समुद्रस्य पारमन्यैर्दुरासदम् |
रावणान्तःपुरं घोरं प्रविष्टा चासि मैथिलि || ५-२४-३१

“O Seetha! You are not doing according to our word which is respected by time and wholesome. You have been brought to this bank of the ocean not obtainable by others. You have entered the terrible gynaeceum of Ravana.”

30; 31. maithili = O Seetha!; na kurushhe cha = you are not doing; naH = our; vaakyam = word; kaalapuraskR^itam = (which is) respected by time; hitam = (and) wholesome; aaniitaa asi = you have been brought; samudrasya paaram = (to this) bank of the ocean; duraasadam = not obtainable; anyaiH = by others; pravishhTaa asi = you have entered; ghoram = terrible; raavaNaanantaHpuram = gynaeceum of Ravana.

Verse 32

रावणस्य गृहे रुद्धामस्माभिस्तु सुरक्षिताम् |
न त्वां शक्तः परित्रातुमपि साक्षात्पुरन्दरः || ५-२४-३२

“Withheld in the house of Ravana well protected by us, even Devendra himself is not capable to protect you.”

32. ruddhaam = withheld; raavaNasya gR^ihe = in the house of Ravana; surakshitaam = well protected; asmaabhiH = by us; purandaraH api = even Devendra; saakshaat = himself; na shaktaH = is not capable; paritraatum = to protect; tvaam = you.

Verse 33

कुरुष्व हितवादिन्या वचनं मम मैथिलि |
अलमश्रुप्रपातेन त्यज शोकमन्र्थकम् || ५-२४-३३

“O Seetha! Do according to my word, which is beneficial. Discharge of tears is enough. Leave worthless gloom.”

33. maithili = O Seetha!; kurushhva = do; mama vachanam = (according to) my word; hitavaadinyaaH = (which is) beneficial; ashruprapaatena = discharge of tears;alam = is enough; tyaja = leave; anarthakam = worthless; shokam = gloom.

Verse 34

भज प्रीतिं च हर्षं च त्यजैतां नित्यदैन्यताम् |
सीते राक्षसराजेन सह क्रीड यथासुखम् || ५-२४-३४

“O Seetha! Have love and happiness. Leave this daily gloom. Sport according to comfort with the king of ogres.”

34. siite = O Seetha!;bhaja = have; priitim cha = love; harshham cha = and happiness; tyaja = leave; etaam = this; nityadainyataam = daily gloom; kriiDa = sport; yathaa sukham = according to comfort; raakshasaraajena saha = with the king of ogres.

Verse 35

जानासि हि यथा भीरु स्त्रीणां यौवनमध्रुवम् |
यावन्न ते व्यतिक्रामेत्तावत्सुखमवाप्नुहि || ५-२४-३५

“O timid one! You know how youth of women is not lasting. As long as your youth will not pass away, so long get comfort.”

35. bhiiru = O timid one!; jaanaasi hi = you know; yathaa = how; yauvanam = youth; striiNaam = of women; adhruvam = is not lasting; yaavat = as long as; te = your (youth);na vyatikraamet = will not pass away; taavat = so long; avaapnuhi = get; sukham = comfort.

Verse 36

उद्यानानि च रम्याणि पर्वतोपवनानि च |
सह राक्षसराजेन चर त्वं मदिरेक्षणे || ५-२४-३६

“O one with intoxicating eyes! You along with king of ogres roam beautiful groves, mountains and nearby forests.

36. madirekshaNe = O one with intoxicating eyes!; tvam = you; raakshasa raajena = along with king of ogres; chara = roam; ramyaaNi udyaanaani = beautiful groves; parvatopavanaani = mountains and nearby forests.

Verse 37

स्त्रीसहस्राणि ते सप्त वशे स्थास्यन्ति सुन्दरि |
रावणं भज भर्तारं भ्र्तारं सर्वरक्षसाम् || ५-२४-३७

“O beautiful one! seven thousand women will be in your control. Have as husband Ravana the lord of all ogres.”

37. sundari = O beautiful one!; sapta = seven; strii sahasraaNi = thousand women; sthaasyanti = will be; te vashe = in your control; bhaja = have; bhartaaram = as husband; raavaNam = Ravana; bhartaaram = lord; sarvarakshsaam = of all ogres;

Verse 38

उत्पाट्य वा ते हृदयं भक्षयिष्यामि मैथिलि |
यदि मे व्याहृतं वाक्यं न यथावत्करिष्यसि || ५-२४-३८

“O Seetha! If you do not do according to my spoken word as is, I will eat your heart indeed by plucking it out.”

38. maithili = O Seetha!; na karishhyasi yadi = if you do not do; me vyaahR^itam vaakyam = (according to) my spoken word; yathhvat = as is; bhakshayishhyaami = I will eat; te hR^idayam = your heart; utpaaTya vaa = (indeed by) plucking it out.

Verse 39

ततश्चण्डोदरी नाम राक्षसी क्रोधमूर्छिता |
भ्रामयन्ती महच्चूलमिदं वचनम्ब्रवीत् || ५-२४-३९

Thereafter an ogre woman named Chandodari swooning with anger, turning around a big spike spoke this word.

39. tataH = thereafter; raakshasii = an ogre woman; chaNDodarii naama = named Chandodari; krodhamuurchhitaa = swooning with anger; bhraamayantii = turning around; mahat = a big; shuulam = spike; abraviit = spoke; idam = this; vachanam = word.

Verse 40

इमां हरिणलोलाक्षीं त्रासोत्कम्पिपयोधरां |
रावणेन हृतां दृष्ट्वा दौहृदो मे महानभूत् || ५-२४-४०

“Seeing this woman with eyes like that of a deer, with moving breasts due to fear, abducted by Ravana, there occured to me a great desire.”

40. dR^ishhTvaa = seeing; imaam = this woman; hariNalolaakshiim = with eyes like that of a deer; traasotkampipayodharaam = with moving breasts due to fear; hR^itaam = abducted; raavaNena = by Ravana; abhuut = (there) occurred; me = to me; mahaan = a great; dauhR^idaH = desire.

Verse 41

यकृत्ल्पीहमथोत्पीडं हृदयं च सबन्धनम् |
अन्त्राण्यपि तथा शीर्षं खादेयमिति मे मतिः || ५-२४-४१

“It is my mind to eat the liver, the spleen, flesh above heart and heart together with muscle and entrails and the head.”

41. me matiH = it is my mind ;khadeyam iti = to eat; yakR^it = the liver; pliiham = the spleen; utpiiDam = flesh above heart; hR^idayaM cha = and heart; sabandhanam = together with muscle; antraaNyapi cha = and entrails; tathaa = and; shiirshham = the head.

Verse 42

ततस्तु प्रघसा नाम राक्षसी वाक्यमब्रवीत् |
कण्ठमस्या नृशंसायाः पीडयाम किमास्यते || ५-२४-४२

An ogre woman named Pragasa spoke these words : “Squeeze the neck of this cruel woman. Why do we delay?”

42. raakshasii = ogre woman; praghasaa naama = named Pragasa; abraviit = spoke; vaakyam = (these) words; pIDayaama = squeeze; kaNTham = the neck; asyaaH = of this; nR^ishaMsaayaaH = cruel woman; kim = why; aasyate = do we delay?

Verse 43

निवेद्यतां ततो राज्ञे मानुषी सा मृतेति ह |
नात्र कश्चन संदेहः खादतेति स वक्ष्यति || ५-२४-४३

“Thereafter let it be known to the king that that human woman has died. He will say thus : “Eat.”. There is no doubt in this matter.”

43. tataH = thereafter; nivedyataam = let it be known; raajJNe = to the king (that) ;saa = that; maanushhii = human woman; mR^iteti = has died; saH = he; vakshyati = will say; iti = thus;khaadata = eat; na sandehaH = there is no doubt; atra = in this matter.

Verse 44

ततस्त्वजामुखी नाम राक्षसी वाक्यमब्रवीत् |
विशस्येमां ततः सर्वाः समान् कुरुत पीलुकान् || ५-२४-४४

Thereafter an ogre woman named Ajamukhi spoke these words : “All of you killing this woman thereafter do equal pieces.”

44. tataH = thereafter; raakshasii = an ogre woman; ajaamukhii naama = named Ajamukhi; abraviit = spoke; vaakyam = (these) words; sarvaaH = all of you; vishasya = killing; imaam = this woman; tataH = thereafter; kuruta = do; samaan = equal; piilukaan = pieces.

Verse 45

विभजाम ततः सर्वा विवादो मे न रोचते |
पेयमानीयतां क्षिप्रं लेह्यमुच्चावचं बहु || ५-२४-४५

“Thereafter all of us will divide. Quarrel is not desirable to me. Liquor, many kinds and a lot of lickables be brought quickly.”

tataH = thereafter; sarvaaH = all of us; vibhajaama = will divide; vivaadaH = quarrel; na rochate = is not desirable; me = to me; peyam = liquor; uchchaavacham = many kinds; bahu = a lot of; lehyam = lickables; aniiyataam = be brought; kshipram = quickly.

Verse 46

ततः शूर्पणखा नाम राक्षसी वाक्यमब्रवीत् |
अजामुख्या यदुक्तं हि तदेव मम रोचते || ५-२४-४६

Thereafter an ogre woman named Surpanakha spoke these words: “That which was spoken by Ajamukhi, is desirable to me.”

46. tataH = thereafter; raakshasii = an ogre woman; shuurpaNakhaa naama = named Surpanakha; abraviit = spoke; vaakyam = (these) words; yat = that; uktaam = (which was) spoken; ajaamukhyaa = by Ajamukhi; tadeva = that; rochate = is desirable; mama = to me.

Verse 48

एवं संभर्त्स्यमाना सा सीता सुरसुतोपमा |
राक्षसीभिः सुघोराभिर्धैर्यमुत्सृज्य रोदिति || ५-२४-४८

Thus being frightened by horrible ogres, that Seetha equalling a daughter of gods, abandoning fortitude, was crying.

48. evam = thus; saMbhartsyamaanaa = being frightened; sughoraabhiH = by horrible; raakshasiibhiH = ogres; saa siitaa = that Seetha; surasutopamaa = equalling a daughter of gods; utsR^ijya = abandoning; dhairyam = fortitude; rodati = is crying.

Verse 47

सुरा चानीयतां क्षिप्रं सर्वशोकविनाशिनी |
मानुषं मां समास्वाद्य नृत्यामोथ निकुम्भिलाम् || ५-२४-४७

“Liquor which is the destroyer of all sorrow be brought quickly. Eating human flesh afterwards, we will dance for propitiating Nikumbila.”

47. suraa cha = liquor; sarvashokavinaashinii = (which is the) destroyer of all sorrow; aniiyataam = be brought; kshipram = quickly;aasvaadya = eating; maanushham maaMsam = human flesh; atha = afterwards; nR^ityaamaH = we will dance; nikumbhilaam = for (propitiating) Nikumbhila;

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