23 – Ogres frighten Seetha


This chapter describes the ogre women speaking to Seetha about her marrying Ravana.

Verse 1

इत्युक्त्वा मैथिलीं राजा रावणः शत्रुरावणः |
संदिश्य च ततः सर्वा राक्षसीर्निर्जगाम ह || ५-२३-१

The king Ravana who makes enemies to cry thus speaking to Seetha thereafter also ordering all ogre women went away.

1. raajaa = the king; raavaNaH = Ravana; shatruraavaNaH = who makes enemies to cry; iti uktvaa = thus speaking; maithiliim = to Seetha; tataH = thereafter; saMdishya = also ordering; sarvaaH = all; raakshasiiH = ogre women; nirjagaama = went away.

Verse 2

निष्क्रन्ते राक्षसेन्द्र तु पुनरन्तःपुरं गते |
राक्षस्यो भीमरूपास्ताः सीतां समभिदुद्रुवुः || ५-२३-२

After Ravana left and obtained gynaeceum, those ogres with horrible appearances went running to Seetha.

2. raakshasendre = Ravana; nishhkraante = leaving; gate = obtaining; punaH = again; antaHpuram = gynaeceum; taaH raakshasyaH = those ogres; bhiimaruupaaH = with horrible appearances; samabhidudruvuH = went running; siitaam = to Seetha.

Verse 3

ततः सीतामुपागम्य राक्षस्यः क्रोधमूर्चिताः |
परं पुरुषया वाचा वैदेहीमिदमब्रवन् || ५-२३-३

Thereafter reaching Seetha ogre women swooned with anger and with a very harsh speech spoke these words to Seetha.

3. tataH = thereafter; upaagamya = reaching; siitaam = Seetha; raakshasyaH = ogre women; krodhamuurchitaaH = swooned with anger; vaachaa = (with a) speech; param = (which was) very; parushhayaa = harsh; abruvan = spoke; idam = this (word); vaidehiim = to Seetha.

Verse 4

पौलस्त्यस्य वरिष्ठस्य रावणस्य महात्मनः |
दशग्रीवस्य भार्यात्वं सीते न बहुमन्यसे || ५-२३-४

“O Seetha! You are not respscting becoming wife of Ravana born in the family of Paulastya, best among men, a great soul with ten heads.”

4. siite = O Seetha!; na bahumanyase = you are not respecting; bhaaryaatvam = becoming wife; raavaNAsya = of Ravana; paulastasya = born in the family of Paulastya; varidhhThasya = best among men; mahaatmanaH = a great soul; dashagrrivasya = with ten heads;

Verse 5

ततस्वएकजटा नाम राक्षसी वाक्यमब्रवीत् |
अमन्त्य्र क्रोधताम्राक्षी सीतां करतलोदरीम् || ५-२३-५

Thereafter an ogre woman named Ekajata with red eyes sue to anger calling Seetha with stomach that can be held by palm of the hand, spoke these words.

5. tataH = Thereafter; raakshasii = an ogre woman; ekajaTaa naama = named Ekajata; krodhataamraakshii = with red eyes due to anger; aamantrya = calling; siitaam = Seetha; karatalodariim = with stomach that can be held by a palm of the hand; abraviit = spoke; vaakyam = (these) words.

Verse 6

प्रजापतीनाम् षण्णं तु चतुर्थो यः प्रजापतिः |
मानसो ब्रह्मणः पुत्रः पुलस्त्य इति विश्रुतः || ५-२३-६

“Among th six Prajapatis, whichever son, the fourth Prajapati, born by the thought of Lord Brahma ,he is famous as Paulastya.”

6. aNNaam prajaapatiinaam = among the six Prajapathis; yaH = whichever; putraH = son;chaturthaH prajapatiH = the fourth Prajapati; maanasaH = born by the thought; brahmaNaH = of Lord Brahma; vishrutaH = (he is) famous; pulastyaH iti = as Pulastya.

Verse 7

पुलस्त्यस्य तु तेजस्वी महार्षिर्मानसः सुतः |
नाम्ना स विश्रवा नाम प्रजापतिसमप्रभः || ५-२३-७

By the name, famous as Visrava, with a radiance equalling that of Lord Brahmathat glorious sage is the son born from the thought of Pulastya.

7. naamnaa = By the name; vishravaa naama = famous as Visrava; prajaapati samaprabhaH = with a radiance equalling that of Lord Brahma; saH tejasvii maharshhiH = that glorious sage; sutaH = is the son; maanasaH = (born) from the thought; pulastasya = of Pulastya.

Verse 8

तस्य पुत्रो विशालाक्षि रावणः शत्रुरावणः |
तस्य त्वं राक्षसेन्द्रस्य भार्या भवितुमर्हसि || ५-२३-८
मयोक्तं चारुसर्वाङ्गि वाक्यम् किं नाममन्यसे |

“O wide eyed one! Ravana who makes enemies to cry, is Visrava’s son. You are suited to become Ravana’s wife. O one with all beautiful limbs! Why will you not agree words spoken by me.”

8. vishaakshii = O wide eyed one!; raavaNaH = Ravana; shatruraavaNaH = who makes enemies to cry; tasya = is his (Visrava’s); putraH = son; tvam = you; arhasi = are suited; bhavitum = to become; tasya = Ravana’s; bhaaryaa = wife; chaarusarvaaNgii = O one with all beautiful limbs!; kim = why; naanumanyase = will you not agree; vaakyam = words; uktam = spoken; mayaa = by me.

Verse 9

ततो हरिजटा नाम राक्षसी वाक्यमब्रवीत् || ५-२३-९
विवर्त्य नयने कोपान्मार्जारसदृशेक्षणा |

Thereafter an ogre woman named Harijata with eyes like those of a cat turned around eyes due to anger and spoke these words.

9. tataH = Thereafter;raakshasii = an ogre woman; harijaTaa naama = named Harijata; maarjaarasadR^ishekshaNaa = with eyes like those of a cat; vivartya = turned around; nayane = eyes; kopaat = due to anger; abraviit = (and) spoke; vaakyam = (these) words.

Verse 10

येन देवास्त्रायस्त्रिंशद्देवराजश्च निर्जताः || ५-२३-१०
तस्य त्वं राक्षसेन्द्रस्य भार्या भवितुमर्हसि |

“By whom thirty three Devas and the king of Devas have been conquered, you are suited to become the wife of that lord of ogres.

10. yena = by whom; trastriMshat = thirty three; devaaH = Devas; devaraajashcha = and the king of Devas; nirjitaaH = have been conquered; tvam = you; arhasi = are suited; bhavitum = to become; bhaaryaa = the wife; tasya raakshasendrasya = of that lord of ogres.

Verse 11

ततस्तु प्रघसा नाम राक्षसी क्रोधमूर्छिता || ५-२३-११
भर्त्सयनी तदा घोरमिदं वचनमब्रवीत् |

Thereafter an ogre named Praghasa swooning with anger and then frightening Seetha, spoke this horrible word.

11. tataH = Thereafter; raakshasii = an ogre woman; praghasaa naama = named Praghasa; krodhamuurchhitaa = swooning with anger; tadaa = then; bhartsayantii = frightening (Seetha) ; abraviit = spoke; idam = this; ghoram = horrible (word).

Verse 12

वीर्योत्सिक्तस्य शूरस्य सम्ग्रामे न निवर्तिनः || ५-२३-१२
बलिनो वीर्ययुक्तस्य भार्यात्वम् किं न लप्स्यसे |

“Why will you not get wifehood of Ravana who is proud of his might, valiant, who will not turn back in wars, who is strong together with valour.”

12. kim = why; na lapsyase = (you) will not get; bharyaatvam = wife-hood (of Ravana); viiryotsiktasya = (who is) proud of his might; shuurasya = valiant; anivartinaH = who will not turn back; saMgraameshhu = in wars; balinaH = strong; viiryayuktasya = together with valour.

Verse 13

प्रियां बहुमतां भार्यां त्यक्त्वा राजा महाबलः || ५-२३-१३
सर्वासां च महाभागां त्वामुपैष्यति रावणः |

“The mighty Ravana can leave dear respectable wife who among all wives is most fortunate and can obtain you.”

13. raavaNaH = Ravana; mahaabalaH = with great might; tyaktvaa = leaving;priyaam = dear; bahumataam = respectable; bhaaryaam = wife; sarvaasaam = who among all wives; mahaabhaagaam = is most fortunate; upaishhyati = can obtain; tvaam = you.

Verse 14

समृद्धम् स्त्रीसहस्रेण नानारत्नोपशोभितम् || ५-२३-१४
अन्तःपुरं समुत्सृज्य त्वामुपैष्यति रावणः |

“Ravana leaving gynaeceum filled with thousand women and shone by various best things can obtain you.

14. raavaNaH = Ravana; samutsR^ijya = leaving; antaHpuram = gynaeceum; samR^iddham = filled; strii sahasreNa = with thousand women; naanaa ratnopashobhitam = shone by various best things; upaishhyati = can obtain; tvaam = you.

Verse 15 & 16

अन्या तु विकटा नाम राक्षसी वाक्यमब्रवीत् || ५-२३-१५
असकृद्देवता युद्धे नागगन्धर्वदानवाः |
निर्जिताः समरे येन सते पार्श्वमुपागतः || ५-२३-१६

Another ogre woman named Vikata spoke these words: “By whom a number of times in war Devas, in war Nagas, Gandharvas and Danavas have been conquered that Ravana has come to your side.”

15; 16. anyaa = another; raakshasii tu = ogre woman; vikaTaa naama = named Vikata; abraviit = spoke; vaakyam = (these) words; yena = by whom; asakR^it = a number of times; yuddhe = in war; devataaH = Devas; samare = in war; naagagandharvadaanavaaH = Nagas; Gandharvas and Danavas; nirjiaaH = have been conquered; saH = that Ravana; aagataH = has come; te paarsvam = to your side.

Verse 17

तस्य सर्वसमृद्धस्य रावणस्य महात्मनः |
किमद्य राक्षसेन्द्रस्य भार्यात्वं नेच्छऽधमे || ५-२३-१७

“O vile one! Why are you not desiring wifehood of such Ravana, fulfilled in all respects, who is a great soul and lord of ogres.

17. adhame = O vile one; kim = why; adya = now; nechchhase = are you not desring; bhaaryaatvam = wifehood; tasya raavaNasya = of such Ravana; sarvasamR^iddhasya = fulfilled in all respects; mahaatmanaH = great soul; raakshasendrasya = lord of ogres.

Verse 18

ततस्तु दुर्मुखी नाम राक्षसी वाक्यमब्रवीत् |
यस्य सूर्यो न तपति भीतो यस्य च मारुतः || ५-२३-१८
न वाति स्मायतापाङ्गे किं त्वं तस्य न तिष्ठसि |

Thereafter an ogre woman named Durmukhi spoke these words: ” O one with long eyes! Fearing whom the sun will not comsume by heat, fearing whom the win will not blow, to that one why are you not favourable.”

18. tataH = Thereafter; raakshasii = an ogre woman; durmukhii naama = named Durmuukhi; abraviit = spoke; vaakyam = (these) words; aayataa paaN^ge = O one with long cornered eyes! bhiitaH = fearing; yasya = whom; suuryaH = sun; na tapati = will not consume by heat; bhiitaH = fearing; yasya = whom; maarutaH = wind; na vaati sma = will not blow; tasya = to that one; kim = why; tvam = are you; na tiShThasi = not favourable.

Verse 19  & 20

पुष्टवृष्टं च तरवो मुमुचुर्यस्य वै भयात् || ५-२३-१९
शैलाश्च सुभ्रु पानीयम् जलदाश्च यदेच्छति |
तस्य नैरृतराजस्य राजराजस्य भामिनि || ५-२३-२०
किं त्वं न कुरुषे बुद्धिं भार्यार्थे रावणस्य हि |

“O one with good eyebrows! O Seetha! By the fear of whom trees shed a shower of flowers, whenever Ravana desired mountains and clouds will shed water, why you are not making mind to be the wife of such Ravana, who is the king of ogres and king of kings.”

19; 20. subhru = O one with good eyebrows!; bhaminii = O Seetha!; bhayaat = by the fear; yasya = of whom; taravaH = trees; mumuchuH = shed; pushhpavR^ishhTim = a shower of flowers; yadaa ichchhati = whenever desired; shailaashcha = mountains; jaladaashcha = and clouds; paniiyam = (will shed) water;kim = why; tvam = you; na kurushhe = are not making; buddhim = mind; baaryaardhe = to be the wife; tasya raavaNasya = of such Ravana; nairR^ita raajasya = king of ogres; raajaraajasya = (and) king of kings;

Verse 21

साधु ते तत्त्वतो देवि कथितं साधु भामिनि || ५-२३-२१
गृहाण सुस्मिते वाक्यमन्यथा न भविष्यसि |

“O Seetha with a good smile! O princess! Understand kind words spoken to you well and truly.”

21. susmite bhaaminii = O Seetha with good smile; devii = O princess! gR^ihaaNa = understand; saadhu vaakyam = kind words; te kathitam = spoken to you; saadhu = well; tattvataH = truly.

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