14 – Hanuma enters the Ashoka garden


Hanuma enters the Ashoka garden and observes its beauty. He starts looking for Seetha in the garden. He thinks that Seetha would definitely come to that garden if she were to be alive.

Verse 1

स मुहूर्तम् इव ध्यत्वा मनसा च अधिगम्य ताम् |
अवप्लुतो महा तेजाः प्राकारम् तस्य वेश्मनः || ५-१४-१

That Hanuma with great resplendence thought for a moment, obtained that Ashoka garden by mind and jumped from the compound wall of that house.

1. saH = that Hanuma; mahaa tejaaH = with great resplendence; dhyaatvaa = thought; muhuurtam iva = for a moment; adhigamya = obtained; taam = that Ashoka garden ; manasaa = by mind; avaplutaH = jumped; tasya veshmanaH prakaaram = from the compound wall of that house.

Verse 2 & 3

स तु सम्हृष्ट सर्व अन्गः प्राकारस्थो महा कपिः |
पुष्पित अग्रान् वसन्त आदौ ददर्श विविधान् द्रुमान् || ५-१४-२
सालान् अशोकान् भव्यामः च चम्पकामः च सुपुष्पितान् |
उद्दालकान् नाग वृक्षामः चूतान् कपि मुखान् अपि || ५-१४-३

That great Hanuma with joyful limbs, being on enclosure wall saw various trees such as Sal, beautiful Ashoka, Champaka full of flowers, Uddalaka, Naga, mango trees with their fruit in the colour of the snout of a monkey, in full blossom at the start of the spring.

2;3. saH mahaa kapiH = that great Hanuma; samhR^iSTa sarva angaH = with joyful limbs; praakaarasthaH = being on enclosure wall; dadarsha = saw; vidvidhaan drumaan = various trees; saalaan = (such as) Sal; bhavyaan ashokaan = beautiful Ashoka; su puSpitaan champakaamshcha = champakas full of flowers; uddaalakaan = Uddalaka; naaga vR^ikSaan = Naga; chuutaan = mango trees; kapi mukhaan api = with their fruit in the colour of the snout of a monkey; puSpita agraan = in full blossom; vasanta aadau = at the start of the spring.

Verse 2 & 3

स तु सम्हृष्ट सर्व अन्गः प्राकारस्थो महा कपिः |
पुष्पित अग्रान् वसन्त आदौ ददर्श विविधान् द्रुमान् || ५-१४-२
सालान् अशोकान् भव्यामः च चम्पकामः च सुपुष्पितान् |
उद्दालकान् नाग वृक्षामः चूतान् कपि मुखान् अपि || ५-१४-३

That great Hanuma with joyful limbs, being on enclosure wall saw various trees such as Sal, beautiful Ashoka, Champaka full of flowers, Uddalaka, Naga, mango trees with their fruit in the colour of the snout of a monkey, in full blossom at the start of the spring.

2;3. saH mahaa kapiH = that great Hanuma; samhR^iSTa sarva angaH = with joyful limbs; praakaarasthaH = being on enclosure wall; dadarsha = saw; vidvidhaan drumaan = various trees; saalaan = (such as) Sal; bhavyaan ashokaan = beautiful Ashoka; su puSpitaan champakaamshcha = champakas full of flowers; uddaalakaan = Uddalaka; naaga vR^ikSaan = Naga; chuutaan = mango trees; kapi mukhaan api = with their fruit in the colour of the snout of a monkey; puSpita agraan = in full blossom; vasanta aadau = at the start of the spring.

Verse 4

अथ आम्र वण संचन्नाम् लता शत समावृताम् |
ज्या मुक्त इव नाराचः पुप्लुवे वृक्ष वाटिकाम् || ५-१४-४

Thereafter Hanuma flew like a Naracha arrow released from bow string, toward the garden covered by mango trees and surrounded by hundreds of creepers.

4. atha = thereafter; pupluve = (Hanuma) flew; naaraachaH iva = like a Naracha arrow; jyaa muktaH = released from bow string; vR^ikSaan vaaTikaam = toward the garden; aamravaNa samchannaam = covered by mango trees; lataa shata samaavR^itaam = and surrounded by hundreds of creepers

Verse 5,6,7,8

स प्रविष्य विचित्राम् ताम् विहगैर् अभिनादिताम् |
राजतैः कान्चनैः चैव पादपैः सर्वतो वृताम् || ५-१४-५
विहगैर् मृग सम्घैः च विचित्राम् चित्र काननाम् |
उदित आदित्य सम्काशाम् ददर्श हनुमान् कपिः || ५-१४-६
वृताम् नाना विधैर् वृक्षैः पुष्प उपग फल उपगैः |
कोकिलैर् भृन्ग राजैः च मत्तैर् नित्य निषेविताम् || ५-१४-७
प्रहृष्ट मनुजे कले मृग पक्षि समाकुले |
मत्त बर्हिण सम्घुष्टाम् नाना द्विज गण आयुताम् || ५-१४-८

That Hanuma the simian, saw on entering that garden filled with happy humans, animals and birds with varied hues during spring, resounded by birds, with trees made of silver, made of gold, surrounded everywhere by birds and groups of animals; wonderful with wonderful trees equaling the Sun at sunrise together with trees of various kinds which obtained flowers and fruits, served daily by Cuckoos and by dragon flies, resounded by peacocks in heat and with groups of birds of various kinds.

5;6;7;8. saH hanuman = that Hanuma; kapiH = the simian; dadarsha = saw; taam pravishhya = entering that garden; prahR^ishhTa manuje = with happy humans; mR^iga pakshhi samaakule = filled with animals and birds; vichitraam = with varied hues; kale = during spring; abhinaaditaam = resounded; vihagaiH = by birds; paadapaiH = with trees; raajataiH = made of silver; kaancanaiH caiva = made of gold; vR^itaam = surrounded; sarvataH = everywhere; vihagaiH = by birds; mR^iga samghaiH = and groups of animals; vichitraam = wonderful; chitra kaananaam = with wonderful trees; udita aaditya samkaashaam = equaling the Sun at sunrise; vR^itaam = together; vR^ikSaiH = with trees; naanaa vidhaiH = of various kinds; puSpa upaga phala upagaiH = which obtained flowers and fruits; nitya niSevitaam = served daily; kokilaiH = by Cuckoos; bhR^inga raajaiH ca = and by dragon flies; matta barhiNa samghuSTaam = resounded by peacocks in heat; naanaa dvija gaNaa aayutaam = with groups of birds of various kinds.

Verse 9

मार्गमाणो वर आरोहाम् राज पुत्रीम् अनिन्दिताम् |
सुख प्रसुप्तान् विहगान् बोधयाम् आस वानरः || ५-१४-९

Hanuma searching the royal daughter Seetha with excellent limbs and without blame, woke up birds in comfortable sleep.

9. vaanaraH = Hanuma; maargamaaNaH = searching; raja putriim = the royal daughter Seetha; vara aarohaam = with excellent limbs; aninditaam = and without blame; bodhayaam aasa = woke up; vihagaan = birds; sukha prasuptaan = in comfortable sleep.

Verse 10

उत्पतद्भिर् द्विज गणैः पक्षैः सालाः समाहताः |
अनेक वर्णा विविधा मुमुचुः पुष्प वृष्टयः || ५-१४-१०

Trees hit by wings of groups of birds in flight shed showers of flowers of various colours and of various kinds.

10. saalaaH = trees; samaahataaH = hit; pakSaiH = by wings; dvija gaNaiH = of groups of birds; utpatadbhiH = in flight; mumucuH = shed; puSpa vR^iSTayaH = showers of flowers; aneka varNaaH = of various colours; vividhaaH = and of various kinds.

Verse 11

पुष्प अवकीर्णः शुशुभे हनुमान् मारुत आत्मजः |
अशोक वनिका मध्ये यथा पुष्पमयो गिरिः || ५-१४-११

The son of Lord Vayu, Hanuma sprinkled with flowers shone like a mountain of flowers in the middle of Ashoka garden.

11. maaruta aatmajaH = the son of Lord Vayu; hanumaan = Hanuma; puSpa avakiirNaH = sprinkled with flowers shushubhe = shone; giriH yathaa = like a mountain; puSpamayaH = of flowers; ashoka vanikaa madhye = in the middle of Ashoka garden.

Verse 12

दिशः सर्व अभिदावन्तम् वृक्ष षण्ड गतम् कपिम् |
द्ऱ्ष्ट्वा सर्वाणि भूतानि वसन्त इति मेनिरे || ५-१४-१२

Seeing Hanuma running in all directions and being in the middle of trees, all living creatures thought Him to be Vasanta, the lord of spring.

12. dR^iSTvaa = seeing; kapim = Hanuma; prathaavantam = running; sarvaaH dishaH = in all directions; vR^ikSa SaNDa gatam = and being in the middle of trees; sarvaaNi bhuutaani = all living creatures; menire = thought; vasantaH iti = (Him to be) vasanta.

Verse 13

वृक्षेभ्यः पतितैः पुष्पैर् अवकीर्णा पृथग् विधैः |
रराज वसुधा तत्र प्रमदा इव विभूषिता || ५-१४-१३

There the Earth sprinkled by flowers of various kinds which fell down from trees shone like a well decorated woman.

13. tatra = there; vasudhaa = the Earth; avakiirNaa = sprinkled; puSpaiH = by flowers; pR^ithak vidhaiH = of various kinds; patitaiH = which fell down; vR^ikSebhyaH = from trees; raraaja = shone; vibhuuSitaa pramadeva = like a well decorated woman.

Verse 14

तरस्विना ते तरवः तरसा अभिप्रकम्पिताः |
कुसुमानि विचित्राणि सस्ऱ्जुः कपिना तदा || ५-१४-१४

Then those trees, shaken by the might of Hanuma the mighty one, showered wonderful flowers.

14. tadaa = then; te taravaH = those trees; abhiprakampitaaH = shaken; tarasaa = by the might; kapinaa = of Hanuma; tarasvinaa = the mighty one; sasR^ijuH = showered; vicitraaNi kusumaani = wonderful flowers.

Verse 15

निर्धूत पत्र शिखराः शीर्ण पुष्प फल द्रुमाः |
निक्षिप्त वस्त्र आभरणा धूर्ता इव पराजिताः || ५-१४-१५

The trees with their branches, removed leaves with fallen down fruits and flowers were like defeated gamblers with their clothes and jewellery kept down.

15. drumaaH = the trees; nirdhuuta patra shikharaaH = with their branches removed leaves; shiirNa puSpa phalaaH = with fallen down fruits and flowers; paraajitaaH dhuurtaa iva = were like defeated gamblers; nikSipta vastra aabharaNaaH = with their clothes and jewellery kept down.

Verse 16

हनूमता वेगवता कम्पिताः ते नग उत्तमाः |
पुष्प पर्ण फलानि आशु मुमुचुः पुष्प शालिनः || ५-१४-१६

The excellent trees shining with best flowers fell down instantly flowers, leaves and fruits.

16. naga uttamaaH = the excellent trees; puSpa shaalinaH = shining with best flowers; kampitaaH = shaken; hanuumataa = by Hanuma; vegavataa = with speed; mumucuH = fell down; aashu = instantly; puSpa parNa phalaani = flowers; leaves and fruits.

Verse 17

विहम्ग सम्घैर् हीनाः ते स्कन्ध मात्र आश्रया द्रुमाः |
बभूवुर् अगमाः सर्वे मारुतेन इव निर्धुताः || ५-१४-१७

All those trees losing groups of birds became being a resort to branches only like trees shook by wind.

17. sarve = all; te drumaaH = those trees; hiinaaH = losing; vihamga samghaiH = groups of birds; babhuuvuH = became; skandha maatra aashrayaaH = being resort to branches only; agamaaH iva = like trees; nirdhutaaH = shook; maarutena = by wind

Verse 18 & 19

विधूत केशी युवतिर् यथा मृदित वर्णिका |
निष्पीत शुभ दन्त ओष्ठी नखैर् दन्तैः च विक्षता || ५-१४-१८
तथा लान्गूल हस्तैः च चरणाभ्याम् च मर्दिता |
बभूव अशोक वनिका प्रभग्न वर पादपा || ५-१४-१९

Hit by Hanuma’s tail, hands and feet, Ashoka garden with broken best trees became like a young woman with disturbed hair, with effaced sandal paste, with her auspicious teeth and lips drunk from and wounded by nails and by teeth.

18;19. marditaa = hit; laanguula hastaiH ca = by (Hanuma’s) tail and hands; caraNaabhyaam ca = and feet; ashoka vanikaa = Ashoka garden; prabhagna vara paadapaa = with broken best trees; babhuuva = became; yuvatiH yathaa tathaa = like a young woman; nirdhuuta keshii = with disturbed hair; mR^idita varNakaaH = with effaced sandal paste; niSpiita shubha danta oSThii = with auspicious teeth and lips drunk from; vikSataa = wounded; nakhaiH = by nails; dantaiH ca = and by teeth

Verse 20

महा लतानाम् दामानि व्यधमत् तरसा कपिः |
यथा प्रावृषि विन्ध्यस्य मेघ जालानि मारुतः || ५-१४-२०

Hanuma broke circles of great creepers by His might like the wind during rainy season, breaking the groups of clouds of mountain Vindhya.

20. kapiH = Hanuma; vyadhamat = broke; mahaa lataanaam daamaani = circles of great creepers; tarasaa = by His might; yathaa = like; maarutiH = the wind; praavR^iSi = during rainy season; vindhyasya megha jaalaani = (breaking) the groups of clouds of mountain Vindhya.

Verse 21

स तत्र मणि भूमीः च राजतीः च मनो रमाः |
तथा कान्चन भूमीः च विचरन् ददृशे कपिः || ५-१४-२१

That Hanuma pacing there saw diamond studded floors, silver inlaid floors, and beautiful gold inlaid floors.

21. sa kapiH = that Hanuma; vicharan = pacing; tatra = there; dadarsha = saw; manibhuumiishcha = diamonds studded floors; raajatiishcha = silver inlaid floors; tathaa = and; manoramaaH = beautiful; kaancana bhuumiishcha = gold inlaid floors.

Verse 22 to 26

वापीः च विविध आकाराः पूर्णाः परम वारिणा |
महा अर्हैर् मणि सोपानैर् उपपन्नाः ततः ततः || ५-१४-२२
मुक्ता प्रवाल सिकता स्फटिक अन्तर कुट्टिमाः |
कान्चनैः तरुभिः चित्रैः तीरजैर् उपशोभिताः || ५-१४-२३
फुल्ल पद्म उत्पल वनाः चक्र वाक उपकूजिताः |
नत्यूह रुत सम्घुष्टा हंस सारस नादिताः || ५-१४-२४
दीर्घाभिर् द्रुम युक्ताभिः सरिद्भिः च समन्ततः |
अम्ऱ्त उपम तोयाभिः शिवाभिर् उपसंस्कृताः || ५-१४-२५
लता शतैर् अवतताः सन्तानक समावृताः |
नाना गुल्म आवृत वनाः कर वीर कृत अन्तराः || ५-१४-२६

Hanuma saw ponds filled with the best waters, together there and there with stairs embedded with diamonds of great value, with pearls and corals as sand, with bottoms made of crystal and precious stones, shone by trees of golden hue and of wonderful hue at banks containing beds of lotuses in full blossom and lilies, resounded by chakravaka birds nearby, sounded by water fowls, resounded by swans and cranes, together with tall trees, with nectar like waters, with hundreds of auspicious creepers, covered by the flowers of santaana trees, surrounded by various shrubs with middle regions of karaveera and also wells and in various shapes.

22-26. (Hanuma saw ponds) puurNaaH = filled; parama vaariNaa = with the best waters; upapannaaH = together; tataH tataH = there and there; maNi sopaanaiH = with stairs embedded with diamonds; mahaa arhaiH = of great value; muktaa pravaala sikataaH = with pearls and corals as sand; sphaTika antara kuTTimaaH = with bottoms of crystal and precious stones; upashobhitaaH = shone; tarubhiH = by trees; kaancanaiH = of golden hue; citraiH = and of wonderful hue; diirajaiH = at banks; phulla padma utpala vanaaH = containing beds of lotuses in full blossom and lilies; cakra vaaka upakuujitaaH = resounded by chakravaka birds nearby; natyuuha ruta samghuSTaaH = sounded by water fowls; hamsa saarasa naaditaaH = resounded by swans and cranes; diirghaabhiH druma yuktaabhiH = together with tall trees; amR^ita upama toyaabhiH = with nectar like waters; shivaabhiH sharidbhiH = with auspicious canals; samantataH = in all directions; avatataaH = spread; lataa shataiH = with hundreds of creepers; santaanaka samaavR^itaH = covered by the flowers of santaana trees; naanaa gulma aavR^ita gaNaaH = surrounded by various shrubs; kara viira kR^ita antaraaH = with middle regions of karaveera trees; vaapishcha = and also wells; vividhaakaaraaH = and in various shapes;

Verse 27 & 28

ततो अम्बु धर सम्काशम् प्रव्ऱ्द्ध शिखरम् गिरिम् |
विचित्र कूटम् कूटैः च सर्वतः परिवारितम् || ५-१४-२७
शिला गृहैर् अवततम् नाना वृक्षैः समावृतम् |
ददर्श कपि शार्दूलो रम्यम् जगति पर्वतम् || ५-१४-२८

Thereafter the monkey warrior Hanuma saw a mountain which was a beautiful mountain in the world, equaling cloud with high peaks, with wonderful peaks surrounded in all directions by peaks, spread by caves and covered by different trees.

27-28. tataH = thereafter; harishaarduulaH = the monkey warrior Hanuma; dadarsha = saw; girim = a mountain; ramyam parvatam = (which was a) beautiful mountain; jagati = in the world; ambu dhara samkaasham = equaling cloud; pravR^iddha shikharam = with high peaks; vicitra kuuTam = with wonderful peaks; parivaaritam = surrounded; sarvataH = in all directions; kuuTaiH = by peaks; avatatam = spread; shiraa gR^ihaiH = by caves; samaavR^itam = covered; naanaa vR^ikSaiH = by different trees.

Verse 29,30 & 31

ददर्श च नगात् तस्मान् नदीम् निपतिताम् कपिः |
अन्काद् इव समुत्पत्य प्रियस्य पतिताम् प्रियाम् || ५-१४-२९
जले निपतित अग्रैः च पादपैर् उपशोभिताम् |
वार्यमाणाम् इव क्रुद्धाम् प्रमदाम् प्रिय बन्धुभिः || ५-१४-३०
पुनर् आव्ऱ्त्त तोयाम् च ददर्श स महा कपिः |
प्रसन्नाम् इव कान्तस्य कान्ताम् पुनर् उपस्थिताम् || ५-१४-३१

Hanuma saw river which fell down from the mountain like a beloved (young wife) who fell down after jumping from the lap of a loved one shone by trees whose ends fell down in water or like a woman in anger being detained by her near and dear. That great Hanuma again saw that river with water, turning back like a beloved woman reaching her beloved again, being reconciled to her beloved one.

29-31. kapiH = Hanuma; dadarsha = saw; nadiim = river; nipatitaam = which fell down; nagaat = from a mountain; priyaam iva = like a beloved (young wife); patitaam = who fell down; samutpatya = after jumping; priyasya angaat = from the lap of a loved one; upashobhitaam = shone; paadapaiH = by trees; jale nipatita agraiH = whose ends fell down in water; pramadaam iva = (or) like a woman; kruddhaam = in anger; vaaryamaaNaam = being detained; priya bandhubhiH = by her near and dear; saH mahaa kapiH = that great Hanuma; punaH dadarsha = again saw (that river); aavR^itta toyaam = with water turning back; kaantaam iva = like a beloved woman; upasthitaam = reaching; punaH = again; prasannaam = being reconciled; kaantasya = to her beloved one.

Verse 32

तस्य अदूरात् स पद्मिन्यो नाना द्विज गण आयुताः |
ददर्श कपि शार्दूलो हनुमान् मारुत आत्मजः || ५-१४-३२

The best among vanaras and the son of Vayu, that Hanuma saw near to that mountain, lotus ponds together with many groups of birds.

32. harishaarduulaH = the best among vanaras; maaruta aatmajaH = (and) the son of Vayu; saH hanumaan = that Hanuma; dadarsha = saw; tasya aduuraat = near to that mountain; padminyaH = lotus ponds; naanaa dvija gaNa aayutaaH = together with many groups of birds.

Verse 33 & 34

कृत्रिमाम् दीर्घिकाम् च अपि पूर्णाम् शीतेन वारिणा |
मणि प्रवर सोपानाम् मुख्ता सिकत शोभिताम् || ५-१४-३३
विविधैर् मृग सम्घैः च विचित्राम् चित्र काननाम् |
प्रासादैः सुमहद्भिः च निर्मितैर् विश्व कर्मणा || ५-१४-३४
काननैः कॄत्रिमैः च अपि सर्वतः समलम्कृताम् |

He also saw an artificial pond filled with cold water, with steps embedded with best diamonds, shone by the sand of pearls, wonderful forest with very big buildings made by Vishwakarma, with groups of artificial trees decorated in all directions.

33-34. kR^itrimaam diirghikaam ca api = (He also saw) an artificial pond; puurNaam = filled; siitena vaariNaa = with cold water; maNi pravara sopaanaam = with steps embedded with best diamonds; muktaa sikata shobhitaam = shone by the sand of pearls; vichitraam = wonderful; vividhaiH mR^ga samghaiH ca = with various groups of animals; citra kaananaam = with wonderful forest; sumahadbhiH praasaadaiH = with very big buildings; vishva karmaNaa nirmitaiH = made by Vishwakarma; kR^itrimaiH kaananaiH ca api = with groups of artificial trees; sarvataH samalmkR^itaam = decorated in all directions.

Verse 35

ये केचित् पादपाः तत्र पुष्प उपग फल उपगाः || ५-१४-३५
सच् चत्राः सवितर्दीकाः सर्वे सौवर्ण वेदिकाः |

There whatever trees were there with flowers and fruits, all those were together with umbrellas, together with big platforms and with smaller golden platforms.

35. tatra = there; ye kecit = whatever; paadapaaH = trees were there; puSpa upaga phala upagaaH = with flowers and fruits; sarve = all those; sacchatraaH = were together with umbrellas; savitardiikaaH = together with big platforms; sauvarNa vedikaaH = and with (smaller) golden platforms.

Verse 36 & 37

लता प्रतानैः बहुभिः पर्णैः च बहुभिर् व्ऱ्ताम् || ५-१४-३६
काञ्चनीम् शिंशुपाम् एकाम् ददर्श स महा कपिः |
वृताम् हेममयूभिस्तु वेदिकाभिः समन्ततः || ५-१४-३७

The monkey warrior Hanuma saw one shimshupaa tree golden in colour covered with many groups of creepers and with many leaves surrounded everywhere with platforms made of gold.

36-37. hariyuudhapaH = the monkey warrior Hanuma; dadarsha = saw; ekaam shimshupaam = one shimshupaa tree; kaaJNcaniim = golden colour; vR^itaam = covered; bahubhiH lataa prataanaiH = with many groups of creepers; bahubhiH parNaiH = and with many leaves; vR^itaam = surrounded; samantataH = everywhere; vedikaabhiH = with platforms; hemamayiibhistu = made of gold.

Verse 38

सो अपश्यद् भूमि भागामः च गर्त प्रस्रवणानि च |
सुवर्ण वृक्षान् अपरान् ददर्श शिखि सम्निभान् || ५-१४-३८

Hanuma saw lands, mountain springs, and some other golden trees equal to fire.

38. saH = Hanuma; dadarsha = saw; bhuumi bhaagaamH ca = lands; garta prasravaNaani ca = mountain springs; aparaan = and some other; suvarNa vR^ikSaan = golden trees; shikhi samnibhaan = equal to fire.

Verse 39

तेषाम् द्रुमाणाम् प्रभया मेरोर् इव महा कपिः |
अमन्यत तदा वीरः कान्चनो अस्मि इति वानरः || ५-१४-३९

Then the courageous Hanuma thought thus: “Like the sun by the radiance of Mount Meru, by the radiance of those trees, I am of golden colour.”

tadaa = then; viiraH = the courageous; vaanaraH = Hanuma; amanyata iti = thought thus; divaakaraH = like the sun; prabhayaa = by the radiance; meroH = of Mount Meru; prabhayaa = by the radiance; teSaam drumaaNaam = of those trees; kaancanaH asmi = I am of golden colour.

Verse 40

ताम् कान्चनैः तरु गणैर् मारुतेन च वीजिताम् |
किन्किणी शत निर्घोषाम् दृष्ट्वा विस्मयम् आगमत् || ५-१४-४०

Seeing that shimshupaa tree with groups of trees of golden colour blown by the wind, with the sound of hundreds of tinkle bells, Hanuma got surprised.

40. taam dR^iSTvaa = seeing that shimshupaa tree; taru gaNaiH = with groups of trees; kaaJNchanaiH = of golden colour; viijitaam = blown; maarutena = by the wind; kinkiNii shata nirghoSaam = with the sound of hundreds of tinkle bells; vismayam aagamat = (Hanuma) got surprised.

Verse 41

स पुष्पित अग्राम् रुचिराम् तरुण अन्कुर पल्लवाम् |
ताम् आरुह्य महा वेगः शिंशपाम् पर्ण सम्व्ऱ्ताम् || ५-१४-४१

Hanuma with great arms climbing up that shimshupaa tree with well flowered ends, beautiful tree, mature with young shoots and leaves and covered by leaves (thought thus).

41. saH = Hanuma; mahaa baahuH = with great arms; aaruhya = climbing up; taam = that shimshupaa tree; puSpita agraam = with well flowered ends; ruciraam = beautiful one; taruNa ankura pallavaam = mature with young shoots and leaves; parNa samvR^itaam = and covered by leaves.

Verse 42

इतो द्रक्ष्यामि वैदेहीम् राम दर्शन लालसाम् |
इतः च इतः च दुह्ख आर्ताम् सम्पतन्तीम् यद्ऱ्च्चया || ५-१४-४२

“I will see by God’s grace, Seetha who is interested in the sight of Sri Rama while she is moving here and there with grief.”

42. drakSyaami = I will see; yadR^icchayaa = by God’s grace; itaH = here; vaidehiim = Seetha; raama darshana laalasaam = who is interested in the sight of Sri Rama; sampatantiim = while she is moving; itaH ca itaH ca = here and there; duhkha aartaam = with grief.

Verse 43

अशोक वनिका च इयम् दृढम् रम्या दुरात्मनः |
चम्पकैः चन्दनैः च अपि बकुलैः च विभूषिता || ५-१४-४३

This Ashoka garden of evil-souled Ravana is definitely beautiful; it is well decorated by Champaka trees, by sandal trees and by Vakula trees.

43. iyam ashoka vanikaa = this Ashoka garden; duraatmanaH = of evil-souled Ravana; dR^iDham = is definitely; ramyaa = beautiful; vibhuuSitaa = it is well decorated; campakaiH = by champaka trees; candanaiH ca = by sandal trees; Vakula = by Vakula tree.

Verse 44

इयम् च नलिनी रम्या द्विज सम्घ निषेविता |
इमाम् सा राम महिषी नूनम् एष्यति जानकी || ५-१४-४४

“This pond also served by groups of birds is beautiful; that wife of Sri Rama definitely will come for this pond.”

iyam nalinii ca = this pond also; dvija samgha niSevitaa = served by groups of birds; ramyaa = is beautiful; saa raama mahiSii = that wife of Sri Rama; jaanakii = Janaki; nunam = definitely; eSyati = will come; imaam = for this.

Verse 45

सा राम राम महिषी राघवस्य प्रिया सदा |
वन संचार कुशला नूनम् एष्यति जानकी || ५-१४-४५

“The wife of Sri Rama dear to Sri Rama, a chaste wife, soul captivating one, expert at moving in forest, that Janaki will definitely come.”

45. raama mahiSii = the wife of Sri Rama; raaghavasya priyaa = dear to Sri Rama; satii = a chaste wife; raama = soul captivating one; vana samcaara kushalaa = expert at moving in forest; saa jaanakii = that Janaki; nunam eSyati = will definitely come.

Verse 46

अथवा मृग शाव अक्षी वनस्य अस्य विचक्षणा |
वनम् एष्यति सा च इह राम चिन्ता अनुकर्शिता || ५-१४-४६

“Otherwise one with the eyes of a deer, emaciated by the thought of Sri Rama, that noble one will come for this garden.”

46. athavaa = otherwise; mR^iga shaava akSii = one with the eyes of a deer; asya vanasya vicakSaNaa = conversant with the forest; raama cinta anukarshitaa = emaciated by the thought of Sri Rama; saa aarya = that noble one; eSyati = will come; iha vanam = for this garden.

Verse 47

राम शोक अभिसम्तप्ता सा देवी वाम लोचना |
वन वास रता नित्यम् एष्यते वन चारिणी || ५-१४-४७

“Tortured by grief for Sri Rama, with beautiful eyes, interested always living in the garden, that Devi moving about in the garden will come.”

raama shoka abhisamtaptaa = torched by grief for Sri Rama; vaama locanaa = with beautiful eyes; rataa = interested; nityam = always vana vaase = living in the garden; saa devii = that Devi; vana caariNii = moving about in the garden eSyate = will come.

Verse 48

वने चराणाम् सततम् नूनम् स्पृहयते पुरा |
रामस्य दयिता भार्या जनकस्य सुता सती|| ५-१४-४८

“The beloved wife of Sri Rama, the daughter of king Janaka, the chaste wife, earlier always was interested the denizens of the garden. This is true.”

48. dayitaa bhaaryaa = the beloved wife; raamasya = of Sri Rama; sutaa the daughter; janakasya = of king Janaka; satii = the chaste wife; puraa = earlier; satatam = always; spR^ihayate = was interested; vane caraaNaam = the denizens of the garden; nuunam = this is true.

Verse 49

संध्या काल मनाः श्यामा ध्रुवम् एष्यति जानकी |
नदीम् च इमाम् शिव जलाम् संध्या अर्थे वर वर्णिनी || ५-१४-४९

“The ever youthful one with the best complexion, Seetha interested in the rites of Sandhya time will definitely come to this river with the auspicious water for Sandhya rite.”

49. shyaamaa = the ever youthful; varavarNinii = one with the best complexion; jaanakii = Seetha; samdhyaa kaala manaaH = interested in the rites of Sandhya time; dhruvam eSyati = will definitely come; imaam nadiim = to this river; shubha jalaam = with the auspicious water; sandhyaarthe = for Sandhya rite.

Verse 50

तस्याः च अपि अनुरूपेयम् अशोक वनिका शुभा |
शुभा या पार्थिव इन्द्रस्य पत्नी रामस्य सम्मिता || ५-१४-५०

“Whoever Seetha, the auspicious wife, a dear one of Sri Rama, the king of kings, to that Seetha this Ashoka garden, an auspicious one, is well suited also.”

50. yaa = whoever Seetha; shubhaa patnii = the auspicious wife; sammataa = a dear one; raamasya = of Sri Rama; ardhi vanasya = the king of kings; tasyaaH = to that Seetha; iyam ashoka vanikaa = this Ashoka garden; shubhaa = an auspicious one; anuruupaapicha = is well suited also

Verse 51

यदि जिवति सा देवी तारा अधिप निभ आनना |
आगमिष्यति सा अवश्यम् इमाम् शिव जलाम् नदीम् || ५-१४-५१

“That Devi with the face like that of the moon, if alive, she definitely will come for this river with auspicious water.”

51. saa devii = that Devi; taaraa adhipa nibha aananaa = with the face like that of the moon; jivati yadi = if alive; saa = She; avashyam = definitly; aagamiSyati = will come; imaam nadiim = for this river; shiva jalaam = with auspicious water.

Verse 52

एवम् तु मत्वा हनुमान् महात्मा |
प्रतीक्षमाणो मनुज इन्द्र पत्नीम् ||
अवेक्षमाणः च ददर्श सर्वम् |
सुपुष्पिते पर्ण घने निलीनः || ५-१४-५२

The great-souled Hanuma thus thinking being concealed in the mass of well flowered leaves saw everything observing everywhere.

52. mahaatmaa = the great-souled; hanumaan = Hanuma; evam matvaa = thus thinking; pratiikSamaaNaH = waiting; manuja indra patniim = for the wife of king of men; niliinaH = being concealed; supuSpite parNa ghane = in the mass of well flowered leaves; sarvam dadarsha = saw everything; avekSamaaNaH ca = observing everywhere.

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