67 – Hanuma asserts his capabilities to leap the ocean


Hanuma comes forward to leap the ocean at the repeated encouragement given by Jambavanta. Then he increases his physique, fit enough to take a leap, and starts declaring his capabilities, by which the other monkeys feel jubilant. Then Hanuma climbs Mt. Mahendra, by which whole of that mountain is put to turmoil. And he reaches Lanka, instinctually, as he has the speed of Air-god and of the Thought Process, i.e., mano javam, maaruta tulya vegam… Thus, with this chapter this book of Kishkindha Kanda, ‘The Empire of Holy Monkeys…’ concludes.

Verse 1 & 2

तम् दृष्ट्वा जृंभमाणम् ते क्रमितुम् शत योजनम् |
वेगेन आपूर्यमाणम् च सहसा वानरोत्तमम् || ४-६७-१
सहसा शोकम् उत्सृज्य प्रहर्षेण समन्विताः |
विनेदुः तुष्टुवुः च अपि हनूमन्तम् महाबलम् || ४-६७-२

On seeing that best monkey Hanuma, who is burgeoning to cross over the hundred yojana-ocean and who is also quickly, progressively, and stupendously maximising his body, the other monkeys instantly shunning off their sadness, raved and rhapsodized over that staggeringly mighty monkey, Hanuma. [4-67-1, 2]

1, 2. shata yojanam kramitum = hundred, yojana [ocean], to cross over; jR^imbhamaaNam = burgeoning; sahasaa = quickly; vegena = progressively; aa puurya maaNam ca = filling up, also [stupendously maximising body]; vaanara uttamam = monkey, the best; mahaabalam = staggeringly, mighty one; hanuumantam = at Hanuma; dR^iSTvaa = on seeing; te = those [the other monkeys]; sahasaa shokam utsR^ijya = instantly, sadness, shunning off; praharSeNa samanvitaaH = jubilance, along with [jubilantly]; vineduH = raved; tuSTuvuH ca api = rhapsodize over, also, even.

Verse 3

प्रहृष्टा विस्मिताः च अपि ते वीक्षन्ते समंततः |
त्रिविक्रम कृत उत्साहम् नारायणम् इव प्रजाः || ४-६७-३

Those monkeys available all over there are altogether buoyed up and utterly astounded, and as with the people who have enthusiastically seen Narayana when He maximised His physique to tread the triad of worlds in His Trivikrama incarnation, these monkeys too are looking at Hanuma who is now maximising his body. [4-67-3]

3. samantataH = all over [available]; te = those [monkeys]; pra hR^iSTaa = altogether, buoyed up; vismitaaH ca api = utterly, astounded, also, even; prajaaH = [as with] people; trivikrama kR^ita utsaaham = in Trivikrama [incarnation,] made [when tri-world was trodden by Vishnu,] enthusiastically [as with the enthusiasm then shown by the people]; naaraayaNam iva viikshante = at Narayana, as with, [monkeys] are seeing [at Hanuma.]

Verse 4

संस्तूयमानो हनुमान् व्यवर्धत महाबलः |
समाविद्ध्य च लांगूलम् हर्षात् बलम् उपेयिवान् || ४-६७-४

Hanuma who is already an outmatching monkey by way of his energy, has now accrued added energy obtained through the gladness derived by the way of extolment from other monkeys, and then he impetuously lashed his tail and oversized himself. [4-67-4]

4. mahaabalaH = [already an] outmatching one in energy; hanumaan = Hanuma; sam stuuyamaanaH = while being extolled; harSaat = by gladness [owing to extolling]; balam upeyivaan = [added] energy, [Hanuma] on accruing; laanguulam = tail; samaaviddhya [sam aa vidh] = impetuously lashing; vyavardhata [vi a vardh] = outsized himself.

Verse 5

तस्य संस्तूयमानस्य सर्वैः वनर पुंगवैः |
तेजसा आपूर्यमाणस्य रूपम् आसीत् अनुत्तमम् || ४-६७-५

His physique which is being reinforced with resplendence while all the monkey chiefs are eulogising him has become unsurpassed in its form. [4-67-5]

5. sarvaiH vanara pungavaiH = by all, monkey, chiefs; samstuuyamaanasya = while being eulogised; tejasaa aapuuryamaaNasya = by resplendence, being reinforced; tasya ruupam = his, physique; an uttamam aasiit = not, surpassed, it became.

Verse 6

यथा विजृंभते सिंहो विवृते गिरि गह्वरे |
मारुतस्य औरसः पुत्रः तथा संप्रति जृंभते || ४-६७-६

Hanuma, the lineal son of Air-god, is now prancing about as with a lion prancing around a wide-open den of a mountain. [4-67-6]

6. vivR^ite = in wide-open [or, spacious]; giri gahvare = in mountain’s, in cave / den; simhaH yathaa vijR^imbhate = a lion, as to how, prances about; maarutasya aurasaH putraH = Air-god’s, lineal, son; samprati tathaa jR^imbhate = now, like that, prancing around.

Verse 7

अशोभत मुखम् तस्य जृंभमाणस्य धीमतः |
अंबरीष उपमम् दीप्तम् विधूम इव पावकः || ४-६७-७

While he is inflating the face of that clever Hanuma shone forth like a red-hot frying pan and like the fumeless white-hot Ritual-fire. [4-67-7]

7. jR^imbhamaaNasya dhiimataH = while he is inflating, of that clever one; tasya mukham = his, face; diiptam = red hot; ambariiSa upamam = frying-pan, in simile; vi dhuuma paavakaH iva = without, fumes, Ritual-fire, like; ashobhata = shone forth.

Verse 8

हरीणाम् उत्थितो मध्यात् संप्रहृष्ट तनू रुहः |
अभिवाद्य हरीन् वृद्धान् हनुमान् इदम् अब्रवीत् || ४-६७-८

On bestirring himself from among the monkeys, and on reverencing the elderly monkeys, Hanuma said this, with a spine-tingling sensation in his body. [4-67-8]

8. hariiNaam madhyaat utthitaH = from monkeys, from the mid of, on bestirring himself; sam pra hR^iSTa = highly gladdened; tanuu ruhaH = from body, rose [hairs, hair-raising bodied, with a spine-tingling sensation in his body]; hanumaan = Hanuma; vR^iddhaan hariin abhivaadya = elderly, monkeys, on reverencing; idam abraviit = this, said.

Verse 9

अरुजन् पर्वत अग्राणि हुताशन सखो अनिलः |
बलवान् अप्रमेयः च वायुः आकाश गोचरः || ४-६७-९

“He who is an inestimable one in his formidableness, and an expeditious one in his meandering in the skies, that Air-god who is the friend of Fire-god will be toppling mountaintops…… [4-67-9]

9. hutaashana sakhaH = Fire-god’s, friend; aprameyaH ca = inestimable, also; balavaan = formidable one [in formidableness]; aakaasha gocaraH = in skies, meandering one; anilaH [gamana shiilaH] = expeditious one; vaayuH = Air-god; parvata agraaNi arujan = mountain, tops, [while] toppling down.

Verse 10

तस्य अहम् शीघ्र वेगस्य शीघ्र गस्य महात्मनः |
मारुतस्य औरसः पुत्रः प्लवने च अस्मि तत् समः || ४-६७-१०

“I am the lineal son of that high-speeded, brisk paced, life-sustaining Air-god, hence I am a coequal to him in flights… [4-67-10]

10. shiighra vegasya = high, speeded one ; shiighra gasya = brisk, paced one; mahaa aatmanaH [praaNa rakshakaH] = = great-souled [life-sustainer]; tasya = his; maarutasya = of Air-god; aurasaH putraH = lineal, son; aham = such as I am; plavane tat samaH asmi = in flight, his [Air-god,] coequal, I am.

Verse 11

उत्सहेयम् हि विस्तीर्णम् आलिखंतम् इव अंबरम् |
मेरुम् गिरिम् असंगेन परिगंतुम् सहस्रशः || ४-६७-११

“Indeed shall I venture to go round the Mt. Meru, which is standing like a broad and lofty scribe-pawl scribing on the sky, for thousands of times, that too, unremittingly… [4-67-11]

11. vistiirNam = broad; ambaram = [scribing on] sky; aalikhantam iva = scratching [standing like lofty scribe-pawl,] like; merum girim = Meru, mountain; a sangena = un, remitting – unremittingly; sahasrashaH = for thousands [of times]; pari gantum = round, to go – circumabulate; utsaheyam hi = I venture to, indeed.

Verse 12

बाहु वेग प्रणुन्नेन सागरेण अहम् उत्सहे |
समाप्लावयितुम् लोकम् स पर्वत नदी ह्रदम् || ४-६७-१२

” Or, shall I venture to skew down the ocean with the speed of my undulating arms to spiral up its waters, in order to completely inundate the world together with its mountains, rivers and lakes… [4-67-12]

12. aham = I; baahu vega = by [undulating] arm’s, speed; pra Nunnena = skewing down [for spiralling waters up]; saagareNa = of ocean; sa parvata nadii hradam = together with, mountains, rivers, lakes; lokam = world; samaaplaavayitum [sam aa plava] = to completely inundate; utsahe = I venture to.

Verse 13

मम ऊरु जन्घा वेगेन भविष्यति समुत्थितः |
समुत्थित महा ग्राहः समुद्रो वरुण आलयः || ४-६७-१३

“Shall I shove up the ocean, the abode of Rain-god, with the speed of my thighs and calves in order that its underwater beings like sharks, alligators and crocodiles will be shoved up and spilled all over… [4-67-13]

13. varuNa aalayaH samudraH = Rain-god’s, abode, ocean; mama uuru janghaa vegena = my, thighs, calves, by speed of; sam utthitaH = shoved up; samutthita mahaa graahaH = shoved up, [will be its,] great, capturers [sharks and the like]; bhaviSyati = happens to be – spilling over.

Verse 14

पन्नग अशनम् आकाशे पतन्तम् पक्षि सेवितम् |
वैनतेयम् अहम् शक्तः परिगंतुम् सहस्रशः || ४-६७-१४

“Shall I make circumambulations for thousands of times around the Lord of Birds and the viper-diner, Garuda, while he is on the wing in the sky… [4-67-14]

14. pannaga ashanam = viper, diner; pakSi sevitam = birds, one who is adored by [lord of birds]; aakaashe patantam = in sky, when fallen – flying on the sky; vainateyam = [around] Garuda; sahasrashaH = for thousands of [times]; parigantum = to circumambulate; aham shaktaH = I am, capable.

Verse 15 & 16

उदयात् प्रस्थितम् वा अपि ज्वलंतम् रश्मि मालिनम् |
अन् अस्तमितम् आदित्यम् अभिगंतुम् समुत्सहे || ४-६७-१५
ततो भूमिम् असंस्पृष्ट्वा पुनः आगन्तुम् उत्सहे |
प्रवेगेन एव महता भीमेन प्लवगर्षभाः || ४-६७-१६

“Oh, best fly-jumpers, just by my astounding and astonishing impetuosity shall I venture to start with the Sun who starts his journey of the day from Mt. Sunrise, and shall I go to Mt. Dusk before Sun, and again shall I venture to comeback even before the sundown towards the same day’s flaming Sun when he is garlanded with flaming sunrays around him in midday, that too without my touching the land… [4-67-15, 16]

15-16. plavagarSabhaaH = oh, fly-jumpers, the best; vaa api = or, even; udayaat = from Mt. Udaya [Mt. Sunrise]; prasthitam = started journeying; jvalantam = flaming; rashmi maalinam = [flaming] sunrays, having as a garland of [corona]; aadityam = to Sun; an astamitam = not, dusked [before sundown]; abhigantum = towards going; utsahe = I venture; tataH = then; bhuumim = land; a samspR^iSTvaa = without, touching; bhiimena = with astounding [speed]; mahataa = with astonishing; pra vegena = with high, speedily [impetuosity]; punaH = again – revolving around; aagantum = to comeback; samutsahe = I venture to.

Verse 17

उत्सहेयम् अतिक्रांतुम् सर्वान् आकाश गोचरान् |
सागरम् शोषयिष्यामि दारयिष्यामि मेदिनीम् || ४-६७-१७

“Shall I overtake all the wayfarers in skyway, or shall I parch down the ocean, or pare off the earth… [4-67-17]

17. aakaasha go caraan = sky, way, wayfarers; sarvaan = all of them; atikraantum = to overtake; utsaheyam = I venture to; saagaram shoSayiSyaami = ocean, I wish to dry up; mediniim daarayiSyaami = earth, I wish to pare off.

Verse 18

पर्वतान् चूर्णष्यामि प्लवमानः प्लवंगमाः |
हरिष्यामि ऊरु वेगेन प्लवमानो महाअर्णवम् || ४-६७-१८

“Or, shall I pulverise the mountains while fly-jumping on them, or oh, fly-jumpers, shall I splash out the waters great ocean just by the speed of my thighs while I fly over it, by which all of its water will trail after my tail… [4-67-18]

18. plavangamaaH = oh, fly-jumpers; plavamaanaH = while fly-jumping; parvataan cuurNaSyaami = mountains, I wish to pulverise; plavamaanaH = while I fly over; uuru vegena = by my thigh’s, speed; mahaaarNavam = great ocean [hariSyaami] = I wish to expropriate – wish to deplete.

Verse 19

लतानाम् विविधाम् पुष्पम् पादपानाम् च सर्वशः |
अनुयास्यति माम् अद्य प्लवमानम् विहायसा || ४-६७-१९
भविष्यति हि मे पन्थाः स्वातेः पन्था इव अंबरे |

“Or, shall I now let divers flowers of every climbing plant and tree straggle after me when I fly by the sky… then my flight path will become like that of Star Swati and its constellate stars twinkling in the sky… [4-67-19]

19. adya = now; vihaayasaa plavamaanam = by sky, while I fly; maam = me; lataanaam paadapaanaam ca = of [every] climbing plants, of trees, also; vividhaam = divers; puSpam = flower; sarvashaH = from all over; anuyaasyati = straggle after me; then; ambare = in sky; me panthaaH = my, [flight] path; will be like that of; svaateH panthaa iva = Star Swati’s, path, like; bhaviSyati hi = it will be, indeed.

Verse 20b & 21b

चरन्तम् घोरम् आकाशम् उत्पतिष्यन्तम् एव च || ४-६७-२०
द्रक्ष्यन्ति निपतन्तम् च सर्व भूतानि वानराः |

“Oh, vanara-s, shall I make all beings see my northerly ascent to the sky, my movement across the vast of sky, and my southerly descent from the sky… [4-67-20b, 21a]

20b, 21b. vaanaraaH = oh, vanara-s; ghoram aakaasham = in terrible [vast of,] sky; ut pati Syantam eva ca = falling up [ascent on northern side,] even, also; carantam = while going [while I am in movement across the sky]; nipatantam ca = falling down [descent on southern side]; sarva bhuutaani = all, beings; drakSyanti = shall see.

Verse 21b & 22a

महा मेरु प्रतीकाशम् माम् द्रक्ष्यध्वम् प्लवंगमाः || ४-६७-२१
दिवम् आवृत्य गच्छन्तम् ग्रसमानम् इव अंबरम् |

“Oh, fly-jumpers, shall I show you a prodigious me spanning the sky like massive Mt. Meru and flying with a propulsive force as though to swallow the sky… [4-67-21b, 22a]

21b, 22a. plavangamaaH = oh, fly-jumpers; mahaa meru pratiikaasham = a prodigious one, to Mt. Meru, similar in shine – such as I am; divam aavR^itya = sky, spanning on; gacChantam = while going [a propulsive force]; ambaram grasamaanam iva = sky, to swallow up, as though; maam drakSyadhvam = me, you shall see.

Verse 22b & c

विधमिष्यामि जीमूतान् कंपयिष्यामि पर्वतान् |
सागरम् शोषयिष्यामि प्लवमानः समाहितः || ४-६७-२२

“While flying self-assuredly shall I swipe at the cloudscape helter-skelter, or shall I swirl the mountains topsy-turvy, or shall I sere the ocean pell-mell… [4-67-22b, 22c]

22b, 22c. samaahitaH = self-assuredly; plavamaanaH = while flying; jiimuutaan = clouds [cloudscape]; vi dhamiSyaami = verily, swipe at [helter-skelter]; parvataan kampa yiSyaami = mountains, I wish to swirl, [topsy-turvy]; saagaram shoSayiSyaami = ocean, I wish to sere.

Verse 23

वैनतेयस्य वा शक्तिः मम वा मारुतस्य वा |
ऋते सुपर्ण राजानम् मारुतम् वा महाबलम् |
न तत् भूतम् प्रपश्यामि यत् माम् प्लुतम् अनुव्रजेत् || ४-६७-२३

“Which forcefulness either the Divine Eagle, Garuda, or Air-god has, mine vies with that… and no being is tangible who can follow up on me to overtake while I am on the wing, excepting for the king of eagles, Garuda and the almighty Air-god… [4-67-23]

23. vainateyasya vaa = of Garuda, or; maarutasya vaa = of Air-god, or; [yaa] shaktiH = [which,] forcefulness – is there to them; [saa ] mama = [that forcefulness,] I have [mine vies with them]; plutam maam = while flying, me; yat bhuutam = which, being; anuvrajet = follow up on; tat = that – such a being; suparNa raajaanam = eagle’s, king; mahaabalam maarutam vaa = great mighty, Air-god, or; R^ite = except for – those two; na prapashyaami = not, I see [intangible.]

Verse 24

निमेष अन्तर मात्रेण निरालंबनम् अंबरम् |
सहसा निपतिष्यामि घनात् विद्युत् इव उत्थिता || ४-६७-२४

“Shall I penetrate the supportless sky in a split-second, like an electric-flash rocketing from a black-cloud in a trice? [4-67-24]

24. ghanaat utthitaa = from black-cloud, uprisen; vidyut iva = electric-flash, as with; nimeSa antara maatreNa = a minute, within, just by [in a split-second]; sahasaa = in a trice; nir aalambanam ambaram = without, support [supportless,] sky; nipatiSyaami = I wish to fall onto – such a sky.

Verse 25

भविष्यति हि मे रूपम् प्लवमानस्य सागरम् |
विष्णोः प्रक्रममाणस्य तदा त्रीन् विक्रमान् इव || ४-६७-२५

“When I am jumping over the ocean, now my aspect will indeed become like that of Vishnu who in those days easily paced the triad of worlds just in three paces… [4-67-25]

25. saagaram plavamaanasya = ocean, while jumping over; me ruupam = my, aspect; tadaa = then [in those days]; triin vikramaan = with three, paces; pra krama maaNasya viSNoH iva = easily, pacing [three worlds,] Vishnu’s, like that of; [adya = now]; bhaviSyati hi = will become, indeed.

Verse 26

बुद्ध्या च अहम् प्रपश्यामि मनः चेष्टा च मे तथा |
अहम् द्रक्ष्यामि वैदेहीम् प्रमोदध्वम् प्लवंगमाः || ४-६७-२६

“Oh, fly-jumpers, I am clearly perceiving by my percipience and the different strokes of my perspicacity are similarly prognostic… and I avouch that I will descry Vaidehi… hence, rejoice yourselves… [4-67-26]

26. plavangamaaH = oh, fly-jumpers; aham = I am; buddhyaa ca prapashyaami = by percipience, also, clearly perceiving; me manaH ceSTaa ca = by my, perspicacity’s, strokes [different strokes like twitches of eyes and arms, etc., forebodings]; tathaa = is like that – similarly prognostic; aham drakSyaami vaidehiim = I [avouch that I] will, descry, Vaidehi; pramodadhvam = rejoice yourselves.

Verse 27

मारुतस्य समो वेगे गरुडस्य समो जवे |
अयुतम् योजनानाम् तु गमिष्यामि इति मे मतिः || ४-६७-२७

“I who am a coequal of Air-god in speediness, and of Garuda in fleetness, can traverse ten-thousand yojana-s at a stretch… that is my certitude… [4-67-27]

27. vege maarutasya samaH = in speed, Air-god, equal to; jave garuDasya samaH = in fleetness, Garuda, coequal to; yojanaanaam ayutam tu = yojana-s, ten-thousand, even; gamiSyaami = I can traverse; iti me matiH = thus, my, certitude is.

Verse 28 & 29a

वासवस्य स वज्रस्य ब्रह्मणो वा स्वयंभुवः |
विक्रम्य सहसा हस्तात् अमृतम् तत् इह आनये || ४-६७-२८
लंकाम् वा अपि समुत्क्षिप्य गच्छेयम् इति मे मतिः |

“I will fetch that Elixir from the hands of Self-created Brahma, or from hands of Indra even if he is wielding his Thunderbolt just on fleetly triumphing over him… or, I can even bring isle of Lanka itself extracting it from the ocean… thus is my confidence…” So said Hanuma to other monkeys. [4-67-28]

28, 29a. vikramya = on spring up; sa vajrasya vaasavasya = one who is – with, Thunderbolt, of Indra – either; svayam bhuvaH brahmaNaH vaa = Self-created, Brahma, or; hastaat = from [their] hand; sahasaa = fleetly; amR^itam = Elixir; iha aanaye = to here, I fetch; lankaam = Lanka [island itself]; samutkSipya [sam up kshipya] = on upheaving – extracting it from ocean; gacCheyam = go away – I can bring; iti me matiH = thus, my, mind [confidence.]

Verse 29b & 30a

तम् एवम् वानर श्रेष्ठम् गर्जन्तम् अमित प्रभम् || ४-६७-२९
प्रहृष्टा हरयः तत्र समुदैक्षन्त विस्मिताः |

While that choicest vanara with illimitable resplendence, namely Hanuma, is roaring out his capabilities in the matter of leaping ocean on enormously increasing his physique, all the other monkeys are stunned to stare overhead at his aggrandized form and thus they are extremely gladdened.. [4-67-29b]

29b, 30a. tatra = therein [the matter of leaping the ocean]; evam = that way; garjantam = one who is roaring out [his capabilities]; amita prabham = one with illimitable, resplendence; tam vaanara shreSTham = at him, that vanara, the choicest one; harayaH = monkeys; prahR^iSTaa = extremely gladdened; vismitaaH = stunned; samudaikshanta [sam ud iiksha] = stared upward [for he increased his body enormously.]

Verse 30b & 31a

वीर केसरिणः पुत्र वेगवन् मारुत आत्मज || ४-६७-३१
ज्ञातीनाम् विपुलः शोकः त्वया तात प्रणाशितः |

“Oh, brave one, oh, son of Kesari, oh, son of Air-god, oh, dear boy, you have wiped out the boundless bother of your kinsmen in its entirety… [4-67-30b, 31a]

3b, 31a. viira = oh, brave one; kesariNaH putra = oh, Kesari’s, son; vegavan = oh, speediest one; maaruta aatmaja = oh, Air-god’s, son; taata = oh, dear boy; tvayaa = by you; j~naatiinaam = for kinsmen; vipulaH shokaH = boundless, bother; praNaashitaH = entirely wiped out.

Verse 31b & 32a

तव कल्याण रुचयः कपि मुख्याः समागताः || ४-६७-३२
मंगलम् कार्य सिद्धि अर्थम् करिष्यन्ति समाहिताः |

“The monkey leaders forgathered here are enamoured of your blessedness, and for the purpose of your attainment of the object, they all obsecrate orisons, devoutly… [4-67-31b, 32a]

31b, 32a. tava kalyaaNa rucayaH = in your, blessedness [the enjoyment of divine favour,] enamoured of; samaagataaH kapi mukhyaaH = who forgathered [here,] monkey, leaders; samaahitaaH = devoutly; kaarya siddhi artham = object, for attainment, for the purpose of; mangalam kariSyanti = benedictions [orisons,] they will do [they all obsecrate.]

Verse 32b & 33b

ऋषीणाम् च प्रसादेन कपि वृद्ध मतेन च || ४-६७-३३
गुरूणाम् च प्रसादेन प्लवस्व त्वम् महाअर्णवम् |

“You will leap over the extensive ocean with the compassion of sages, choice of elderly monkeys, and with the consideration of our oracular teachers… [4-67-32b, 33a]

32b-33b. R^iSiiNaam prasaadena = of sages, by compassion; kapi vR^iddha matena ca = of monkey, elders, by choice, also; guruuNaam prasaadena ca = of [oracular] teachers, by consideration, also; tvam mahaaarNavam plavasva = you, extensive, ocean, you leap.

Verse 33b & 34a

स्थास्यामः च एक पादेन यावत् आगमनम् तव || ४-६७-३४
त्वत् गतानि च सर्वेषाम् जीवितानि वन ओकसाम् |

“Each of us will stay here on one’s own single-foot till you arrive, as the lives of all the forest dwelling monkeys are following you…” Thus Jambavanta blessed Hanuma to initiate action. [4-67-33b, 34a]

33b, 34a. tava aagamanam yaavat = your, arrival, until; eka paadena sthaasyaamaH = on single, foot, we stay [here]; sarveSaam vana okasaam jiivitaani = of all, forest, dwellers, lives; tvat gataani ca = at you, reached – they are following you, also.

Verse 34b & 35a

ततः च हरि शार्दूलः तान् उवाच वन ओकसः || ४-६७-३५
को अपि लोके न मे वेगम् प्लवने धारयिष्यति |

Then that tigerly monkey Hanuma said to the forest dwelling monkeys, “Even so, in this world whosoever he might be, either animate or inanimate being, he cannot possibly bear the brunt of my bouncing… [4-67-34b, 35a]

34b, 35a. tataH = then; hari shaarduulaH = monkey, the tiger [Hanuma]; taan vana okasaH uvaaca = them, forest, dwellers, said to; loke plavane = in world, in flying; me vegam = my, speed [brunt of bouncing]; kaH api = whosoever, even; na dhaarayiSyati = cannot, [possibly] bear.

Verse 35b & 36a

एतानि हि नगस्य अस्य शिला संकट शालिनः || ४-६७-३६
शिखराणि महेन्द्रस्य स्थिराणि च महान्ति च |

“This Mt. Mahendra is beaming forth with boulders and altitudinal cliffs, and the crests of this mountain are indeed tough, and even towering… [4-67-35b, 36a]

35b, 36a. shilaa sankaTa shaalinaH = with boulders, altitudinal cliffs, beaming forth; asya = of this; mahendrasya nagasya = of Mt. Mahendra, mountain’s; etaani shikharaaNi = these, crests; sthiraaNi ca = tough, also; mahaanti ca hi = towering, even, indeed.

Verse 36b & 37a

येषु वेगम् गमिष्यामि महेन्द्र शिखरेषु अहम् || ४-६७-३७
नाना द्रुम विकीर्णेषु धातु निष्पन्द शोभिषु |

“Diversely outspreaded are its trees, and divers are its transuding ores, thus this mountain is shining forth… hence, from the peaks of this Mt. Mahendra I will gain speed for my kick-start… [4-67-36b, 37a]

36b, 37a. naanaa druma vikiirNeSu = divers, trees, outspreaded with; dhaatu niSpanda shobhiSu = from ores, transuded [from mountain’s interstices,] shining forth; yeSu mahendra shikhareSu = in these, Mt. Mahendra’s, in peaks; aham vegam gamiSyaami = I, into speed, I go [I gain speed for my kick-start.]

Verse 37b & 38a

एतानि मम वेगम् हि शिखराणि महान्ति च || ४-६७-३८
प्लवतो धारयिष्यन्ति योजनानाम् इतः शतम् |

“On the verge of my upstart from here for a hundred yojana-s, these sturdy crags are sure to withstand the impetus of that kick-start… [4-67-37b, 38a]

37b, 38a. itaH = from here; yojanaanaam shatam = yojana-s, hundred; plavataH = while [on the verge] to fly [in upstart]; mama = of mine; vegam = speed [impetus of kick start]; mahaanti ca = sturdy, also; etaani shikharaaNi = these, crags; dhaarayiSyanti hi = can withstand, for sure.

Verse 39, 40 & 41

ततः तु मारुत प्रख्यः स हरिः मारुत आत्मजः |
आरुरोह नग श्रेष्ठम् मह्न्द्रम् अरिंअर्दमः || ४-६७-३९
वृतम् नाना विधैः पुष्पैः मृग सेवित शाद्वलम् |
लता कुसुम संबाधम् नित्य पुष्प फल द्रुमम् || ४-६७-४०
सिंह शार्दूल चरितम् मत्त मातंग सेवितम् |
मत्त द्विज गण उद् धुष्टम् सलिल उत्पीड संकुलम् || ४-६७-४१

Then that monkey who is the son of Air-god and a selfsame of Air-god shinned up that towering mountain Mahendra, as he is an enemy-subjugator about to subjugate the arch rival Ravana, where that mountain is hedged in with diverse flowers, its pastures are the sweethearts of deer, it is constrictive with diverse flowers of ever flowering, ever fruiting trees and with the flowers of climbers as well, and where lions and tigers are freely moving and ruttish elephants love it, and where the flights of birds are uproarious, and pent-up rapids are clangourous. [4-67-39, 40, 41]

39, 40, 41. tataH = then; maaruta prakhyaH = Air-god, renowned as [as an alternative Air-god, selfsame to]; maaruta aatmajaH = Air-god’s, son; arinardamaH = enemy-subjugator; saH hariH = such as he is, that monkey – Hanuma; naanaa vidhaiH puSpaiH = diverse, kinds, of flowers; vR^itam = hedged in [that mountain is]; mR^iga sevita shaadvalam = by deer, adored by [sweethearts,] pastures; lataa kusuma sambaadham = climber’s, flowers of, constrictive; nitya puSpa phala drumam = always [ever,] flowering, fruiting, trees – having; simha shaarduula caritam = lions, tigers, freely moving; matta maatanga sevitam = ruttish, elephants, adore [love it]; matta dvija gaNa ut dhuSTam = lusty, bird, flights, up, roaring [tr. say, sing, or utter (words, an oath, etc.) in a loud tone; uproarious]; salila = waters; ut piiDa = up, pent [pent-up with rapids]; sankulam = clangourous [with rapids]; such a; naga shreSTham = mountain, best [towering]; mahendram = Mt. Mahendra; aaruroha = he shinned up.

Verse 42

महद्भिः उच्छ्रितम् शृन्गैः महेन्द्रम् स महाबलः |
विचचार हरिश्रेष्ठो महेन्द्र साम विक्रमः || ४-६७-४२

He who is equal in valour to the Paradisiacal Mahendra, that highly energetic and grand monkey Hanuma ambled on loftiest and towery crags of such a mountain. [4-67-42]

42. mahendra saama vikramaH = [heavenly] Mahendra, equal, in valour; mahaabalaH = highly energetic one; harishreSThaH = grand monkey Hanuma; mahadbhiH shR^ingaiH ucChritam = with loftiest, crags, towery; saH = he / that / such a mountain; mahendram vicacaara = on Mahendra, ambled.

Verse 43

बाहुभ्याम् पीडितः तेन महाशैलो महात्मना |
ररास सिंह अभिहतो महान् मत्त इव द्विपः || ४-६७-४३

When squeezed by both the arms and hands of that high souled Hanuma, that lofty mountain trumpeted, as if it is a lion-paw-hit brutish-elephantine-elephant. [4-67-43]

43. mahaatmanaa = by high souled one; tena = by him that Hanuma; baahubhyaam piiDitaH = by both arms [and hands,] squeezed; mahaashailaH = lofty mountain; simha abhihataH = by lion, paw-hit; matta mahaan dvipaH iva = brutish, elephantine, elephant, as if; raraasa = trumpeted.

Verse 44

मुमोच सलिल उत्पीडान् विप्रकीर्ण शिलौच्चयः |
वित्रस्त मृग मातंगः प्रकंपित महा द्रुमः || ४-६७-४४

Virtually and widely bestrewn are the heaps of boulders, essentially scared are all the animals and elephants, and actually rocked are the gigantic trees, and its rapids and waterfalls have spouted out of that mountain by the impact of foot-stepping of Hanuma. [4-67-44]

44. [padbhyaam = by his foot-stepping] vi pra kiirNa = virtually, widely, bestrewn; shila uccayaH = boulders, heaps of; vi trasta mR^iga maatangaH = actually, scared, [all] animals, elephants; pra kampita mahaa drumaH = essentially, rocked, gigantic, trees; salila utpiiDaan mumoca = water [as waterfalls,] of rapids, spouted out.

Verse 45 & 46

नानागंधर्वमिथुनैर्पानसंसर्गकर्कशैः |
उत्पतद्भिर्विहंगैश्चविद्याधरगणैरपि – यद्वा –
नाना गन्धर्व मिथुनैः पान संसर्ग कर्कशैः |
उत् पतद्भिः विहंगैः च विद्याधर गणैः अपि || ४-६७-४५
त्यज्यमान महा सानुः संनिलीन महा उरगः |
शैल शृन्ग शिला उत्पातः तदा अभूत् स महा गिरिः || ४-६७-४६

Then, the numerous gandharva couples and the hoards of vidhyaadhara-s even, that are indulged in drinking and inebriated on that mountain are forsaking those lofty cliffs of that mountain, and even the birds are put to flight, spanking snakes are completely slouching, and rising up and falling down are the stones of that mountaintops to each step of Hanuma, and thus that colossal mountain is desolated. [4-67-45, 46]

45, 46. tadaa = then; saH mahaa giriH = that, colossal, mountain; mahaa saanuH = lofty, cliffs; paana = in drinking; sansarga = indulged in; karkashaiH = inebriated; naanaa gandharva mithunaiH = numerous, with gandharva-s, with couples; ut patadbhiH = up, falling [put to flight]; vihangaiH ca = with birds, also; vidyaadharaa gaNaiH api = with vidyaadharaa, with hordes of, even; tyajyamaana = being forsaken; sam niliina mahaa uragaH = completely, slouched, spanking, snakes; shaila shR^inga = mountain’s, tops; shilaa ut paataH = stones, rising up, falling down; abhuut = have became [desolated.]

Verse 47

निःश्वसद्भिस्तदातैतुभुजगैरर्धनिःसृतैः |
सपताकैवाभातिसतदाधरणीधरः || – यद्वा –
निःश्वसद्भिः तदा तैः तु भुजगैः अर्ध निःसृतैः |
स पताक इव आभाति स तदा धरणी धरः || ४-६७-४७

With snakes popping up halfway through their snake-pits with their hoods swaying and tongues hissing that earth-borne mountain Mahendra appeared to be a gleaming mountain with flying flags. [4-67-47]

47. tadaa = then; saH dharaNii dharaH = he, earth, borne [Mt. Mahendra]; niH shvasadbhiH = out, breathing [exhaling, hissing]; ardha niH sR^itaiH = half, out, came [popped up]; taiH bhujagaiH = by those, with snakes; sa pataaka iva aabhaati tadaa = with, [flying] flags, appeared to be, gleaming, that way.

Verse 48

ऋषिभित्राससंभ्रान्तैस्त्यज्यमानश्शिलोच्चयः – यद्वा –
ऋषिभिः त्रास संभ्रांतैः त्यज्यमानः शिला उच्चयः |
सीदन् महति कांतारे सार्थ हीन इव अध्व गः || ४-६७-४८

While the sages are forsaking that towering mountain as their own scare bewildering them, that mountain appeared to be one who is desolated by his associates in the vast of a thick of forest, as a wilting wayfarer. [4-67-48]

48. traasa sambhraantaiH R^iSibhiH = by scare, bewildered, by sages; tyajya maanaH = being forsaken; shilaa uccayaH = mountain, towering; sa artha hiina = with, one’s associates, without [desolated]; mahati kaantaare = in vast, of thick of forest; siidan = wilting; adhva gaH iva = way, farer [like,] appeared to be.

Verse 49

स वेगवान् वेग समाहित आत्मा
हरि प्रवीरः पर वीर हन्ता |
मनः समाधाय महाअनुभावो
जगाम लंकाम् मनसा मनस्वी || ४-६७-४९

And he who is an importantly brave monkey among all the monkeys, an eliminator of enemy stalwarts, that highly proficient, expeditious, and conscientious Hanuma, on stabilising his impulses and making soul is quite staid in speediness, he made head away to Lanka, instinctually. [4-67-49]

49. vegavaan = expeditious one; vega samaahita aatmaa = in speediness, quite staid, with a soul; para viira hanta = other [enemy,] stalwart, eliminator; manasvii = a conscientious one; mahaaanubhaavaH = highly, proficient one; saH = he that; hari pra viiraH = among monkeys, importantly, brave one [Hanuma]; manaH samaadhaaya = impulses, on stabilising; manasaa lankaam jagaama = instinctually, to Lanka, went to – made headway.

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