37 – Monkey chiefs go round the earth


Monkey chiefs go round the earth at the behest of Sugreeva, to fetch all the monkey champions on earth to the presence of Sugreeva. They all go to different mountain, rivers, oceans, and forests and motivate all monkeys to reach Sugreeva at once. Further, having gone to Himalayas they find divine fruits, tubers and medicinal herbs there, which they fetch as royal gifts to Sugreeva. They all return to Sugreeva in the same time when Sugreeva is with Lakshmana and prior to the other monkeys that are summoned.

Verse 1

एवम् उक्तः तु सुग्रीवो लक्ष्मणेन महात्मना |
हनूमन्तम् स्थितम् पार्श्वे वचनम् च इदम् अब्रवीत् || ४-३७-१

When the great-souled Lakshmana spoke to Sugreeva in this way, Sugreeva spoke this word to Hanuma who is available at his side. [4-37-1]

1. mahaatmanaa lakSmaNena = by great-souled one, by Lakshmana; evam uktaH tu sugriivaH = thus, who is spoken, but, Sugreeva; paarshve sthitam hanuumantam = at side, available, to Hanuma; idam vacanam abraviit ca = this, word, said, also.

Verse 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9

महेन्द्र हिमवत् विंध्य कैलास शिखरेषु च |
मन्दरे पाण्डु शिखरे पंच शैलेषु ये स्थिताः || ४-३७-२
तरुण आदित्य वर्णेषु भ्राजमानेषु नित्यशः |
पर्वतेषु समुद्र अंते पश्चिमस्याम् तु ये दिशि || ४-३७-३
आदित्य भवने चैव गिरौ संध्या अभ्र संनिभे |
पद्म ताल वनम् भीमाः संश्रिता हरि पुंगवाः || ४-३७-४
अंजन अंबुद संकाशाः कुंजर प्रतिम ओजसः |
अंजने पर्वते चैव ये वसन्ति प्लवंगमाः || ४-३७-५
महाशैल गुहा आवासा वानराः कनक प्रभाः |
मेरु पार्श्व गताः चैव ये च धूम्र गिरिम् श्रिताः || ४-३७-६
तरुण आदित्य वर्णाः च पर्वते ये महाअरुणे |
पिबंतो मधु मैरेयम् भीम वेगाः प्लवंगमाः || ४-३७-७
वनेषु च सुरम्येषु सुगन्धिषु महत्सु च |
तापस आश्रम रम्येषु वन अन्तेषु समंततः || ४-३७-८
तान् तान् त्वम् आनय क्षिप्रम् पृथिव्याम् सर्व वानरान् |
साम दान आदिभिः कल्पैः वानरैः वेगवत्तरैः || ४-३७-९

“Convoke the Vaanara-s available on the summits of these five mountains, namely Mt. Mahendra, Mt. Himalaya, Mt. Vindhya, and Mt. Kailash and those that are on the whitish peak of Mt. Mandara. As well as those that are on the mountains at seashore, udaya adri, namely ‘sunrise-mountain,’ which mountains will always be dazzling with the tinge of youthful sun. And them that are on the mountains which shine in the ochry hue of evening clouds, asta adri, namely ‘sunset-mountain’ and which mountains are situated at the Palace of Sun. And the catastrophic monkey chiefs that are abiding in the palm groves of Mt. Padma. Also thus, the fly-jumpers who are similar to black-mascara and black-clouds in their shine, and who match elephants in their vigour, and who live on Mt. Anjana, they too are to be convened. Those fly-jumpers whose complexion will be golden and dwell in the caves of Great-Mountain, besides those who are on the mountainsides of Mt. Meru, and those biding on the Black-Red mountain, along with those topmost speeded fly-jumpers living on Mt. Great-Ochre swilling palm-toddy, these are to be summoned. Further, the vanara-s who will be in the tinge of rising sun and who dwell in the highly delightful, richly fragrant and lofty woodlands that are surrounded with the delightful hermitages of sages are to be summoned. Along with them, the vanara-s who are in the interiors of forests, they are also to be called for. Why citing a few? Those and those monkeys that are on the earth, all of them are to be assembled. Oh, Hanuma, you quickly summon all of the topmost speeded vanara-s by employing concessions, conciliations and the like procedures. [4-37-2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. mahendra himavat vindhya kailaasa shikhareSu ca = Mahendra, Himalaya, Vindhya, Kailash, in mountain-summits of, also; paaNDu shikhare mandare = on whitish, peak, of Mandara; panca shaileSu ye sthitaaH = on these – five, mountains, who [Vanara-s,] available; samudra ante = at ocean’s, edge [at seashore]; nityashaH bhraajamaaneSu = always, dazzling – like; taruNa aaditya varNeSu = youthful, sun, in colour; parvateSu = on [such] mountains [in east – udaya giri]; pashcimaayaam dishi = on western, quarter [ghats, Astagiri]; ye = which of those vanara-s are there, they; sandhyaa abhra sannibhe = evening, cloud, like ochry in shine; aaditya bhavane = Sun’s, palace; girau caiva = on those mountains, also thus; bhiimaaH hari pungavaaH = catastrophic, monkey, chiefs – that are there; padma taala vanam samshritaa = those in Padma, palm, groves, taking shelter of; anjane parvate = on Anjana, mountain; anjana ambuda samkaashaaH = those that are – black-mascara, water-giver [black-cloud] similar in shine; kunjara pratima ojasaH = elephant, matching, in vigour; ye = which of those; plavan gamaaH = fly, jumpers; vasanti caiva = who are living, also, thus; mahaashaila guhaa aavaasaa = Mahaashaila [Great-Mountain,] in caves of, dwelling in; kanaka prabhaaH vaanaraaH = golden, in hue, which of those vanara-s have that hue; meru paarshva gataaH caiva = Mt. Meru’s, on sides of, attained, also thus; ye ca = those, also; dhuumra girim shritaaH = on Dhuumra, [Red-Black,] on mountain, that are staying; mahaa aruNe parvate on Mahaaruna, [Great-Ochre,] on mountain,; maireyam madhu pibantaH = maireya [palm-toddy,] liquor, those that enjoy swilling – such a liquor; bhiima vegaaH plavamgamaaH = such of those – topmost, speeded, fly-jumpers; ye = who will be in; taruNa aaditya varNaaH ca = tender, sun, in tinge, also; su ramyeSu = very, delightful ones; su gandhiSu = richly, fragrant; mahatsu ca = lofty, also; vaneSu ca = in woodlands, also; taapasa aashrama ramyeSu = sage’s, hermitages, delightful ones; samantataH = surrounded with; vana anteSu = in forest, interiors; ye = those that are there; pR^ithivyaam = on earth; taan taan = those, and those; sarva vaanaraanall = all of the, monkeys; saama daana aadibhiH kalpaiH = by conciliations, concessions, et cetera, procedures; vegavattaraiH = those that dash fleetly; vaanaraiH = by vanara-s; kSipram tvam aanaya = quickly, you, fetch them [make them to come.]

Verse 10

प्रेषिताः प्रथमम् ये च मया आज्ञाताः महाजवाः |
त्वरण अर्थम् तु भूयः त्वम् संप्रेषय हरीश्वरान् || ४-३७-१०

“In the first instance highly speedy vanara-s are hastened at my commanded, however, you hasten some more monkey chiefs for the purpose of hastening them. [4-37-10]

10. mayaa aaj~naataaH = by me, commanded by; mahaa javaaH = highly speedy ones; ye = which of those vanara-s; prathamam preSitaaH ca = in first instance, sent; tvaraNa artham tu = to hasten them, for purpose of, but; tvam bhuuyaH = you, again; hariishvaraan = [some more] monkey, chiefs; sam preSaya = quickly, you hasten.

Verse 11

ये प्रसक्ताः च कामेषु दीर्घ सूत्राः च वानराः |
इह आनयस्व तान् शीघ्रम् सर्वान् एव कपीश्वरान् || ४-३७-११

“Those that are entangled with creature comforts, and those that are stringy dawdlers, you quickly lead all of those monkey chiefs in here. [4-37-11]

11. ye vaanaraaH = which of those, vanara-s; kaameSu pra saktaaH ca = in creature comforts, verily, involved; diirgha suutraaH ca = lengthily, stringy [dawdlers,] also; taan = sarvaan eva = them, all, in that way; kapiishvaraan = monkey, chiefs; shiighram iha aanayasva = quickly, to here, you lead them in.

Verse 12

अहोभिः दशभिः ये च न आगच्छन्ति मम आज्ञया |
हन्तव्याः ते दुरात्मानो राज शासन दूषकाः || ४-३७-१२

“And such of those vanara-s that do not arrive within ten days by my command, those miscreants are eliminable as the abusers of king’s decree. [4-37-12]

12. ye = such of those vanara-s; mama aaj~nayaa = by my, command; dashabhiH ahobhiH = by ten, days; na aagacChanti = not, going to come; raaja shaasana duuSakaaH = king’s, decree, abusers; te duraatmaanaH = those, miscreants, are eliminable.

Verse 13

शतानि अथ सहस्राणि कोट्यः च मम शासनात् |
प्रयान्तु कपि सिंहानाम् निदिशे मम ये स्थिताः || ४-३७-१३

“Let all the lionly monkeys available on earth that abide by my control start coming to this place in hundreds, thousands, even in millions, by my command. [4-37-13]

13. mama nidishe = in my, direction – control; ye sthitaaH = those, that are abiding; such of those vanara-s; kapi simhaanaam = monkeys, lion like ones; shataani atha sahasraaNi koTyaH ca = in hundreds, then, in thousands, in millions; mama shaasanaat = by my, command; prayaantu = shall start in – to this place.

Verse 14

मेघ पर्वत संकाशाः छादयन्त इव अंबरम् |
घोर रूपाः कपि श्रेष्ठा यान्तु मत् शासनात् इतः || ४-३७-१४

“The champions of monkeys with ghastly aspects and similar in shine with the mountains and clouds shall start coming here by my command, fly-jumping as though to overcast the sky. [4-37-4]

14. megha parvata sankaashaaH = clouds, mountains, those who are similar in shine; ghora ruupaaH = of ghastly, aspect; kapi shreSThaa = among monkeys, champions; ambaram Chaadayanta iva = sky, to overcast, as though; mat shaasanaat itaH yaantu = by my, command, towards this way – to here, they start to come.

Verse 15

ते गतिज्ञा गतिम् गत्वा पृथिव्याम् सर्व वानराः |
आनयंतु हरीन् सर्वान् त्वरिताः शासनान् मम || ४-३७-१५

“Let those vanara-s who know the routes to the dwelling places of other monkeys expeditiously proceed on quick-routes, and gather all of the monkeys available on earth at my command.” Sugreeva ordered Hanuma that way. [4-37-15]

15. gati j~naa = route-knowers; te sarva vaanaraaH = such of those, all, vanara-s; tvaritaaH = becoming expeditious; gatim gatvaa = on quick [routes,] on going; pR^ithivyaam sarvaan hariin = on earth, all, Vanara-s; mama shaasanaat = by my, command; aanayantu = lead them in.

Verse 16

तस्य वानर राजस्य श्रुत्वा वायु सुतो वचः |
दिक्षु सर्वासु विक्रान्तान् प्रेषयामास वानरान् || ४-३७-१६

On hearing the order of Sugreeva, the king of vanara-s, Hanuma, the son of Air-god has started to dispatch valorous monkeys in all directions. [4-37-16]

16. vaayu sutaH = Air’s son – Hanuma; tasya vaanara raajasya = his, Vanara, king’s; vacaH shrutvaa = sentence [order,] on hearing; sarvaasu dikSu = in all, directions; vi kraantaan vaanaraan preSayaamaasa = valorous, monkeys, started to send.

Verse 17

ते पदम् विष्णु विक्रान्तम् पतत्रि ज्योतिः अध्वगाः |
प्रयाताः प्रहिता राज्ञा हरयः तु क्षणेन वै || ४-३७-१७

In a split-second, the vanara-s that are sent by the king of vanara-s have skyrocketed to the airways of birds and stars on their way, and indeed reached the vault of heaven, which was once trodden by Vishnu. [4-37-17]

17. raaj~naa prahitaa = by king, sent off; te harayaH = those, monkeys; patatri jyotiH adhva gaaH = birds, stars, path of, on getting; kSaNena = in a split-second; viSNu vikraantam padam = by Vishnu, treaded, place [sky]; prayaataaH travelled to [skyrocketed to skies]; vai = indeed.

Verse 18

ते समुद्रेषु गिरिषु वनेषु च सरःसु च |
वानरा वानरान् सर्वान् राम हेतोः अचोदयन् || ४-३७-१८

After skyrocketing those monkeys have reached the monkeys that are living at seashores and islands, in the caves and crags of mountains, and at lakeshores and their surrounds, and motivated all of the monkeys available there towards the cause of Rama. [4-37-18]

18. te vaanaraaH = those, monkeys [after skyrocketing reached]; samudreSu giriSu vaneSu ca saraHsu ca = in oceans, in mountains, in forests, also, in lakes [living at these places,]; sarvaan vaanaraan = all of the, with monkeys; raama hetoH acodayan = for Rama’s, cause, motivated.

Verse 19

मृत्यु काल उपमस्य आज्ञाम् राज राजस्य वानराः |
सुग्रीवस्य आययुः श्रुत्वा सुग्रीव भय शन्किताः || ४-३७-१९

On hearing that command of the king of kings of Vanara-s, Sugreeva, who is semblable with the Death-god and Time-god, all of the monkeys have arrived with the terror of Sugreeva haunting them. [4-37-19]

19. vaanaraaH = Vanara-s; mR^ityuH = Death-god; kaala = Time-god, upamasya = in simile – Sugreeva’s; raaja raajasya sugriivasya = king, of kings, of Sugreeva; aaj~naam shrutvaa = command, on hearing; sugriiva bhaya shankitaa = of Sugreeva, terror, haunted by; aayayuH = arrived – all monkeys arrived.

Verse 20

ततः ते अंजन संकाशा गिरेः तस्मात् महाजवाः |
तिस्रः कोट्यः प्लवंगानाम् निर्ययुर् यत्र राघवः || ४-३७-२०

Then thirty million fly-jumpers whose swiftness is inconceivable, and whose shine is like that of black-mascara have sallied forth from mountain Anjana to there where Raghava is camping, i.e., Mt. Prasravana. [4-37-20]

20. tataH = then; te plavangaanaam = those, fly-jumpers; anjana samkaashaa = to mascara, similar in shine; mahaa javaaH = terribly swift; tasmaat gireH = from that [from Mt. Anjana,] mountain; tisraH koTyaH = three, crores [thirty million]; raaghavaH yatra = Raghava, where he is; to there [to Prasravana mountain]; nir yayuH = out, travelled – sallied forth.

Verse 21

अस्तम् गच्छति यत्र अर्कः तस्मिन् गिरिवरे रताः |
संतप्त हेम वर्ण आभा तस्मात् कोट्यो दश च्युताः || ४-३७-२१

Hundred million monkeys who take delight on the best mountain where the sun goes into dusk, namely the westerly mountains, asta adri, and whose hue is similar to the refined gold, for dusk has a golden hue, have jumped in. [4-37-21]

21. yatra = where; arkaH astam gacChati = sun, into dusk, goes; tasmin giri vare rataaH = on that, mountain, the best, who take delight [on that mountain;] samtapta hema varNa aabhaa = well, burnt, gold, in the tinge of, in shine with; dasha koTyaH = ten, crores, [hundred million monkeys]; tasmaat cyutaaH = from there, fallen – jumped in.

Verse 22

कैलास शिखरेभ्यः च सिंह केसर वर्चसाम् |
ततः कोटि सहस्राणि वानराणाम् समागमन् || ४-३७-२२

Vanara-s who are in the hue of lion’s mane have turned up in thousand crores, say hundred billion, from the pinnacles of Mt. Kailash. [4-37-22]

22. tataH = then; simha kesara varcasaam = lion’s, mane, in the hue of; vaanaraaNaam = of Vanara-s; koTi sahasraaNi = thousand, crores [hundred billion]; kailaasa shikharebhyaH ca = from Kailash, pinnacles of, also; samaagaman = turned up.

Verse 23

फल मूलेन जीवन्तो हिमवन्तम् उपाश्रिताः |
तेषाम् कोटि सहस्राणाम् सहस्रम् समवर्तत || ४-३७-२३

Those that are sheltered on Himalayas subsisting on fruits and tubers have arrived in a thousand of thousand crores, say a trillion. [4-37-23]

23. phala muulena jiivantaH = by fruits, by tubers, subsisting on; himavantam upaashritaaH = Himalayas, sheltered in; teSaam = their – of monkeys; koTi sahasraaNaam sahasram = crores, thousand, thousand of [thousand of thousand crores, thousand billion, trillion]; samavartata = arrived.

Verse 24

अंगारक समानानाम् भीमानाम् भीम कर्मणाम् |
विंध्यात् वानर कोटीनाम् सहस्राणि अपतन् द्रुतम् || ४-३७-२४

Millions and millions of Vanara-s whose looks and deeds are gruesome, and who equal the planet Mars in their crimson-flush, as they dwell on the hotbeds of Mt. Vindhya, have swiftly alighted from Mt. Vindhya. [4-37-24]

24. vindhyaat = from Mt. Vindhya; angaaraka samaanaanaam = planet Mars, equal with; bhiimaanaam = gruesome ones; bhiima karmaNaam = with gruesome, deeds; vaanara koTiinaam sahasraaNi = vanara-s, crores, thousands – millions and millions; apatan drutam = fallen – alighted, swiftly.

Verse 25

क्षीर उद वेला निलयाः तमाल वन वासिनः |
नारि केल अशनाः चैव तेषाम् संख्या न विद्यते || ४-३७-२५

The count of those vanara-s who are basically domiciled at the coasts of milky ocean, the residents of Tamala woodlands, and those who feed on coconuts dwelling in coconut groves, and who have presently come from those places is uncountable. [4-37-25]

25. kSiira uda velaa nilayaaH = milk, waters, coast, domiciled; tamaala vana vaasinaH = Tamaala, woodlands, residents of; naarikela [naari kera] ashanaaH caiva = coconuts, who feed on – i.e., dwelling in coconut groves; teSaam samkhyaa na vidyate = their, count, not, known [uncountable.]

Verse 26

वनेभ्यो गह्वरेभ्यः च सरित्भ्यः च महाबलाः |
आगच्छत् वानरी सेना पिबन्ति इव दिवा करम् || ४-३७-२६

That highly forceful military force of vanara-s has arrived from forests, caverns and riversides with their leaping and bounding on the sky blocking up the sun as if they have gulped him down. [4-37-26]

26. mahaabalaaH = highly, forceful ones; vaanarii senaa = Vanara’s, military forces; divaa karam pibanti iva = day, maker – Sun, drinking up, as though; vanebhyaH gahvarebhyaH ca = from forests, from caverns, also; saridbhyaH [sarit bhyaH ] ca from rivers, also, aagacChat came forth.

Verse 27

ये तु त्वरयितुम् याता वानराः सर्व वानरान् |
ते वीरा हिमवत् शैले ददृशुः तम् महाद्रुमम् || ४-३७-२७

The Vanara-s who went from Kishkindha to hasten up all the other monkeys of all quarters, those champions have reached Himalayan Mountains and saw exceptional trees on them. [4-37-27]

27. ye vaanaraaH tu = such of those, vanara-s, on their part; sarva vaanaraan = all, [other] Vanara-s; tvarayitum yaataa = to hasten up, who went; te viiraa = those, champions; himavat shaile = on Himalaya, mountains; tam mahaadrumam dadR^ishuH = that, great-tree, they have seen; [or, te viiraa dadR^ishuH tam himavat mahaadrumam = those, champions, saw, that Himalayan, mountain, having exceptional trees.]

Verse 28

तस्मिन् गिरि वरे पुण्ये यज्ञो माहेश्वरः पुरा |
सर्व देव मनः तोषो बभूव सु मनोरमः || ४-३७-२८

On that best and auspicious mountain, once a glorious Vedic-ritual intending God Shiva took place, which pleased the hearts of all gods. [4-37-28]

28. puNye tasmin giri vare = auspicious one, on that, mountain, the best; puraa = once; sarva deva manaH toSaH = to all, gods, heart, pleasing; su manaH ramaH = verily, heart, delighting – a glorious ritual; maaheshvaraH = Shiva’s, aiming Shiva; yaj~naH babhuuva = Vedic-ritual, took place.

Verse 29

अन्न निस्यंद जातानि मूलानि च फलानि च |
अमृत स्वादु कल्पानि ददृशुः तत्र वानराः || ४-३७-२९

There the vanara-s have seen luscious tubers and fruits similar to nectar, which have originated from the oblational food material spattered in the Vedic-ritual for Shiva. [4-37-29]

29. tatra = at there; vaanaraaH = Vanara-s; anna nisyanda jaataani = food [oblational material,] by spattering, originated from; amR^ita svaadu kalpaani = nectar, luscious, similar to; muulaani ca phalaani ca = tubers, fruits, also; dadR^ishuH = they saw.

Verse 30

तत् अन्न संभवम् दिव्यम् फलम् मूलम् मनोहरम् |
यः कश्चित् सकृत् अश्नाति मासम् भवति तर्पितः || ४-३७-३०

If one eats for one time, a little of those divine and heart-pleasing fruits and tubers that have taken their origin from that oblational food material, he remains satiated for a month. [4-37-30]

30. tat anna sambhavam = that, from food [oblational material,] birthed; divyam = divine; manaH haram = heart, stealing; phalam muulam = fruits, tubers; yaH kashcit sakR^it ashnaati = who, a little, at one time, eats; maasam bhavati tarpitaH = a month, remains, satiated.

Verse 31

तानि मूलानि दिव्यानि फलानि च फल अशनाः |
औषधानि च दिव्यानि जगृहुर् हरि पुंगवाः || ४-३७-३१

The best monkeys that are fruit-eaters have collected those divine fruits, tubers, and even the divine medicinal herbs. [4-37-31]

31. phala ashanaaH hari pungavaaH = fruit, eaters, monkeys, the best; divyaani = divine ones; taani muulaani phalaani ca = those, tubers, fruits, also; divyaani auSadhaani ca = unique divine, medicinal-herbs, even; jagR^ihuH = collected.

Verse 32

तस्मात् च यज्ञ आयतनात् पुष्पाणि सुरभीणि च |
आनिन्युर् वानरा गत्वा सुग्रीव प्रिय कारणात् || ४-३७-३२

On going to the cardinal ground of Vedic-ritual which was performed once, those vanara-s fetched highly fragrant flowers in order to please Sugreeva. [4-37-32]

32. vaanaraa gatvaa = vanara-s, on going; tasmaat yaj~na aayatanaat ca = from that, Vedic-ritual’s, cardinal ground, also; surabhiiNi puSpaaNi ca = highly fragrant, flowers, also; sugriiva priya kaaraNaat = Sugreeva, pleasing, for purpose of; aaninyuH [ aa nin yuH] = fetched.

Verse 33

ते तु सर्वे हरिवराः पृथिव्याम् सर्व वानरान् |
संचोदयित्वा त्वरितम् यूथानाम् जग्मुर् अग्रतः || ४-३७-३३

On motivating all of the monkeys on earth, all those best monkeys who proceeded to forgather other monkeys, quickly returned to Kishkindha ahead of the forgathered troops of monkeys. [4-37-33]

33. sarve te hari varaaH tu = all of those, monkeys, best ones, on their part; pR^ithivyaam sarva vaanaraan = on earth, all of the, monkeys; samcodayitvaa = on motivating; yuuthaanaam = of troops of [other] monkeys; agrataH = ahead of – earlier than; tvaritam jagmu = quickly, went [to Kishkindha.]

Verse 34

ते तु तेन मुहूर्तेन कपयः शीघ्र चारिणः |
किष्किंधाम् त्वरया प्राप्ताः सुग्रीवो यत्र वानरः || ४-३७-३४

Those quick paced monkeys quickly reached Kishkindha just at that moment when Lakshmana is still with Sugreeva, and those monkeys arrived at that place where Sugreeva is available along with Lakshmana. [4-37-34]

34. shiighra caariNaH = quick, paced ones; te kapayaH = those, monkeys [motivators]; tena muhuurtena = by the very, moment; vaanaraH sugriivaH = vanara, Sugreeva; yatra = where he is; to there; kiSkindhaam tvarayaa praaptaaH = to Kishkindha, quickly, arrived.

Verse 35

ते गृहीत्वा ओषधीः सर्वाः फल मूलम् च वानराः |
तम् प्रतिग्राहयामासुर् वचनम् च इदम् अब्रुवन् || ४-३७-३५

Taking the medicinal herbs, fruits, and tubers along with them, all of those Vaanaras obliged Sugreeva to accept fruits, tubers and herbs as royal gifts, and they also spoke this word to Sugreeva. [4-37-35]

35. te vaanaraaH sarvaaH = those, vanara-s, all of them; oSadhiiH phala muulam ca = medicinal-herbs, frits, tubers, also; gR^ihiitvaa = taking with them; tam = him [Sugreeva]; prati graahayaamaasuH = in turn, obliged to take them [fruits, tubers]; idam vacanam ca abruvan = this, word, also, they spoke.

Verse 36

सर्वे परिसृताः शैलाः सरितः च वनानि च |
पृथिव्याम् वानराः सर्वे शासनात् उपयान्ति ते || ४-३७-३६

“We have rounded up all the mountains, rivers, and forests even, and all of the Vanara-s available on earth are fetched to your fore according to your command.” Thus the monkeys said to Sugreeva. [4-37-36]

36. sarve = all of the; shailaaH saritaH ca vanaani ca = mountains, rivers, also, forests, even; pari sR^itaaH = round, circled – all are covered by us; [te ] shaasanaat = by [your] command; pR^ithivyaam sarve vaanaraaH = on earth, all of the, vanara-s; te upa yaanti = for you, coming near.

Verse 37

एवम् श्रुत्वा ततो हृष्टः सुग्रीवः प्लवग अधिपः |
प्रतिजग्राह च प्रीतः तेषाम् सर्वम् उपायनम् || ४-३७-३७

On listening these words then the king of fly-jumpers Sugreeva is gladdened and accepted the gifts brought from Himalayas from all of them. [4-37-37]

37. tataH = then; plavaga adhipaH sugriivaH = fly-jumper’s, king, Sugreeva; evam shrutvaa hR^iSTaH = thus – these words, on listening, gladdened; teSaam sarvam upaayanam = from them, all, gifts; priitaH = gladly; prati jagraaha ca = in turn, taken – accepted, also.

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