23 – Tara’s lament for death of Vali


Tara’s lamentation is narrated in here. Seeing at her departed husband Vali, Tara pitiably wails for his demise as any ordinary woman would.

Verse 1

ततः समुपजिघ्रंती कपि राजस्य तत् मुखम् |
पतिम् लोकश्रुता तारा मृतम् वचनम् अब्रवीत् || ३-२३-१

Then that renowned Tara closely whiffed that face of monkey’s king Vali and spoke these words to her dead husband. [3-23-1]

1. tataH = then; loka shrutaa = by world, well-heard – renowned; [lokaat cyutam = fell out from this world – Vali]; taaraa = Tara; kapi raajasya tat mukham = monkey, king’s, that, face; samupajighrantii [sam upa jighrantii] = very, closely, on whiffing; mR^itam patim vacanam abraviit = to dead, husband, words, spoke.

Verse 2

शेषे त्वम् विषमे दुःखम् अकृत्वा वचनम् मम |
उपल उपचिते वीर सुदुःखे वसुधा तले || ३-२३-२

“Heedless of my word, oh, brave one, you are reposing miserably on a very rough and uneven ground spread with stones. [3-23-2]

2. viira = oh, brave one; mama vacanam a kR^itvaa = my, word, not, doing – heedless of my word; tvam = you; viSame = on an uneven; upala upacite = stones, spread over; su duHkhe = very, rough; vasudhaa tale = on earth’s, surface; duHkham sheSe = miserably, you are reposing.

Verse 3

मत्तः प्रियतरा नूनम् वानरेन्द्र मही तव |
शेषे हि ताम् परिष्वज्य माम् च न प्रतिभाषसे || ३-२३-३

“This earth must definitely be your beloved one, oh, best of monkeys, why because, you still embrace her while you recline on her, without replying me. [3-23-3]

3. vaanara indra = monkey’s, the best; mahii = earth; tava to you; mat taH = than me; nuunam priya taraa = definitely, dear, more; hi = why because; taam pariSvajya sheSe = her – earth, on embracing, you repose; maam na prati bhaaSase = to me, not, in turn, speaking -replying.

Verse 4

सुग्रीवस्य वशम् प्राप्तो विधिः एष भवत्य अहो |
सुग्रीव एव विक्रांतो वीर साहसिक प्रिय || ३-२३-४

“You have gone into the control of Sugreeva and Sugreeva alone triumphed, oh, brave one, oh, enthusiast in adventures, oho, is it fated to happen this way. [3-23-4]

4. viira = oh, valiant one; saahasika priya = oh, in adventures, enthusiast sugriivasya vasham praaptaH = Sugreeva’s, control, you obtained – you have gone in; sugriiva eva vikraantaH = Sugreeva, alone, triumphed; eSa vidhiH bhavati = this way, fate, is happening [in an interrogative]; aho = oho.

Verse 5 & 6a

ऋक्ष वानर मुख्याः त्वाम् बलिनम् पर्युपासते |
तेषाम् विलपितम् कृच्छ्रम् अंगदस्य च शोचतः || ३-२३-५
मम च इमा गिरः श्रुत्वा किम् त्वम् न प्रतिबुध्यसे |

“These chiefs of bears and monkeys are adoring you in every respect as their most worshipful one, and on hearing their despairing wailing, and the lamentation of Angada, and even these utterance of mine in keen, why do not you comeback to senses. [3-23-5, 6a]

5, 6a. R^ikSa vaanara mukhyaaH = bears, monkeys, chiefs; balinam = as worshipful one [not lexical mighty]; tvaam pari upaasate = [you as the] mightiest one, you, wholly, are adoring; teSaam kR^icChram vilapitam = their, despairing, wailing; shocataH angadasya ca = lamentation, of Angada, also; mama imaa giraH ca = mine, these, utterances [in keen]; shrutvaa = on hearing; kim tvam na = why, you, not; prati budhyase = in turn, wake up, come to senses.

Verse 6b & 7a

इदम् तत् वीर शयनम् तत्र शेषे हतो युधि || ३-२३-६
शायिता निहता यत्र त्वया एव रिपवः पुरा |

“Do you wish to repose on the very daybed on which you have laid your enemies to rest when you have once felled them in fights, or what? [3-23-6b, 7a]

6b, 7a. tvayyaiva [tvayaa eva] = by you, only; puraa nihataa ripavaH = once, eliminated, enemies; yatra shaayitaa = where, made to recline [by you]; tat viira shayanam = that, the brave, bed of; idam yudhi hataH = in this, fight, felled; tatra sheSe? = there [on the very daybed,] do you wish to recline; [kim = or, what.]

Verse 7b & 8a

विशुद्ध सत्त्व अभिजन प्रिययुद्ध मम प्रिय || ३-२३-७
माम् अनाथाम् विहाय एकाम् गतः त्वम् असि मानद |

“Oh, successor of a clan with pristine calibre, oh, accorder of dignity, oh, devotee of fighting, oh, my dear, have you gone on leaving me without a protector and lonely? [3-23-7b, 8a]

7b, 8a. vishuddha sattva abhijana = pristine, calibre, successor of clan; priya yuddha = oh, one fond of – a devotee of, fighting; maana da = oh, dignity, accorder of; mama priya = oh, my, dear one – devout one to me; tvam = you; a naatham = without, husband – protector; maam ekaam vihaaya = me, lonely, on leaving; gataH asi = gone, you are.

Verse 8b & 9a

शूराय न प्रदातव्या कन्या खलु विपश्चिता || ३-२३-८
शूर भार्याम् हताम् पश्य सद्यो माम् विधवाम् कृताम् |

“Really considerate fathers shall never propose brides to adventurers, they say. Yes! See me the wife of an adventurer, in a trice rendered as a war-widow left in the lurch. [3-23-8b, 9a]

8b, 9a. vi pashcitaa = by really, considerate ones [father of brides]; kanyaa = brides; shuuraaya na pradaatavyaa khalu = to adventurers, not, to be proposed, they say; sadyaH = immediately, in a trice; vi dhavaam kR^itaam = without, husband, made [widow, rendered as]; hataam = left in the lurch; shuura bhaaryaam = adventurer’s, wife; maam pashya = me, see.

Verse 9b & 10a

अवभग्नः च मे मानो भग्ना मे शाश्वती गतिः || ३-२३-९
अगाधे च निमग्ना अस्मि विपुले शोक सागरे |

“My honour is degenerated and my eternal happiness is disintegrated, and I am deluged in an abyssal boundless ocean called anguish. [3-23-9b, 10a]

9b, 10a. me maanaH = my, self-respect, honour as an empress; ava bhagnaH ca = down, broken – degenerated, also; me shaashvatii gatiH = my, eternal, course – happiness; bhagnaa = broken – disintegrated; agaadhe vipule shoka saagare = in abyssal, boundless, anguish, [called] ocean; nimagnaa asmi = deluged, I am.

Verse 10b & 11a

अश्म सारमयम् नूनम् इदम् मे हृदयम् दृढम् || ३-२३-१०
भर्तारम् निहतम् दृष्ट्वा यत् न अद्य शतधा गतम् |

“And dense with metallic substance is this heart of mine in its solidity, since it is not splintering into hundredfold even on seeing my husband killed, it is definite. [3-23-10b, 11a]

10b, 11a. nihatam bhartaaram dR^iSTvaa = killed, husband, on seeing; yat = which [heart]; adya shatadhaa na gatam [kR^itam] = now, in hundredfold, not, gone into [splintered]; [tat = that heart]; me dR^iDham idam hR^idayam = mine, solid, this, heart; ashma saara mayam = metallic, substance, dense with; nuunam = definitely.

Verse 11b & 12a

सुहृत् चैव हि भर्ता च प्रकृत्या च मम प्रियः || ३-२३-११
प्रहारे च पराक्रान्तः शूरः पंचत्वम् आगतः |

“By your nature you are my beloved, besides, you are a good-hearted one, more so, you are my husband, moreover, you are a valiant triumphing over your enemies in assaults, such as you are you have attained the fifth state, the death. [3-23-11b, 12a]

11b, 12a mama = to me prakR^ityaa priyaH = by nature, beloved one; su hR^it caiva = good, hearted one, also thus; bhartaa ca = husband, also; prahaare para aakraantaH ca = in assaults, others – enemies, overcoming [triumphant one]; shuuraH = valiant one; such as you are, you have; pancatvam aagataH = fifth state, come over by.

Verse 12b & 13a

पति हीना तु या नारी कामम् भवतु पुत्रिणी || ३-२३-१२
धन धान्य समृद्धा अपि विधवा इति उच्यते जनैः |

“Perhaps a woman might have mothered many children, and perhaps affluent with riches and crops, still people will call her a widow, if she is without husband. [3-23-12b, 13a]

12b, 13a. yaa naarii = which, woman; pati hiinaa = husband, without; putriNii bhavatu kaamam = mothered [many children,] she may be, perhaps; dhana dhaanya sam vR^iddhaa api = riches, food grains [yields,] well, prosperous with, even if; janaiH [budhiaH] = by people [by elders]; vi dhavaa = departed, husband [a widow]; iti = thus as; ucyate = will be said, called.

Verse 13b & 14a

स्व गात्र प्रभवे वीर शेषे रुधिर मण्डले || ३-२३-१३
कृमि राग परिस्तोमे स्वकीये शयने यथा |

“How do you repose now on a sheet of blood flowing from your own body, oh, brave one, as if you are reclining on your own bed spread with a bed sheet of red blood colour? [3-23-13b, 14a]

13b, 14a. viira = oh, brave one; sva gaatra prabhave = you own, body parts, emerging; rudhira maNDale = blood, sheet of; kR^imi raaga = insect, red [the red coloured insects, namely Indragopa insect, a bed sheet in that colour]; paristome = spread-sheet, bed sheet spread over a bed; svakiiye shayane yathaa = on your own, bed, as if; sheSe = you repose now.

Verse 14b & 15a

रेणु शोणित संवीतम् गात्रम् तव समंततः || ३-२३-१४
परिरब्धुम् न शक्नोमि भुजाभ्याम् प्लवगर्षभ |

“I have no strength to closely embrace you with both my arms, oh, best fly-jumper, when the blood and dust covering your body comes in between. [3-23-14b, 15a]

14b, 15a. plavaga R^iSabha = oh, fly-jumper, the best; samantataH = all over; reNu shoNita samviitam = dust, blood, covered over; [when these blood of vengeance and dust of dishonour comes in between us]; tava gaatram = your, body; bhujaabhyaam = with my two arms; pari rabdhum = to fully, embrace; na shaknomi = not, able to I have no strength.

Verse 15b & 16a

कृत कृत्यो अद्य सुग्रीवो वैरे अस्मिन् अतिदारुणे || ३-२३-१५
यस्य राम विमुक्तेन हृतम् एक इषुणा भयम् |

“Single arrow released by Rama has doubly benefited Sugreeva in this highly deplorable enmity between you and Sugreeva, as his ambition to become the king is fulfilled and his fear from your persecution, too, is evanished. [3-23-15b, 16a]

15b, 16a. ati daaruNe asmin vaire = highly, deplorable, in this, enmity [between you and Sugreeva]; adya sugriivaH kR^ita kR^ityaH = now, Sugreeva, is ambition is fulfilled – accomplished one; yasya bhayam = whose [which Sugreeva’s,] fear; raama vimuktena = by Rama, released; eka iSuNaa hR^itam = by single, arrow, evanished; [gist in vividness.]

Verse 16b & 17a

शरेण हृदि लग्नेन गात्र संस्पर्शने तव || ३-२३-१६
वार्यामि त्वाम् निरीक्षन्ती त्वयि पंचत्वम् आगते |

“In vain, I have been watching you without a wink, on whom fatality has descended, as this arrow stuck in your chest is hindering me to embrace you…” Thus wailed Tara. [3-23-16b, 17a]

16b, 17a. tvayi pancatvam aagate = for you, fifth state – death, when it came on – fatality has descended; tvaam = you; [though]; nir iikSantii = without wink, seeing – watching intently; tava hR^idi lagnena shareNa = in your, chest, stuck, by arrow; gaatra samsparshane = body, for touching – for embracing; vaaryaami = I am hindered.

Verse 17b & 18a

उद्बबर्ह शरम् नीलः तस्य गात्र गतम् तदा || ३-२३-१७
गिरि गह्वर संलीनम् दीप्तम् आशी विषम् यथा |

“Then the monkey chief Nila extricated that arrow which is stuck in the chest of Vali, as with the extraction of a firmly wedged sparkling snake from the cavity of a mound. [3-23-17b, 18a]

17b, 18a. tataH = then; Nila; tasya gaatra gatam sharam = his [Valis’s,] body – chest, gone in [stuck in,] arrow; giri gahvara = in mountain’s, cavity; sam liinam = firmly, wedged in; diiptam = sparkling [arrow]; aashiiviSam yathaa = serpent [like arrow,] as with; ut babarha = out, pulled – extricated.

Verse 18b & 19a

तस्य निष्कृष्यमाणस्य बाणस्य च बभौ द्युतिः || ३-२३-१८
अस्त मस्तक संरुद्धो रश्मिः दिनकरात् इव |

The sparkle of Rama’s arrow while it is being extracted from Vali’s chest is much the same as the sparkles of more brilliant sunrays that are extracted by the end of daytime, when the sun is sinking beyond the summit of dusky western mountain, and as contrasted with the hue of dusk. [3-23-18b, 19a]

18b, 19a. niSkR^iSyamaaNasya = while being extracted; tasya baaNasya dyutiH = that, arrow’s, sparkle; dinakaraat = from sun – that which is extricated from sun; asta mastaka = dusk-time [western mountain’s,] summit; sam ruddhaH = fully, obstructed – as contrasted with [the hue of dusk]; rashmiH iva = sparkling rays, like; babhau = it became – shone forth.

Verse 19b & 20a

पेतुः क्षतज धाराः तु व्रणेभ्यः तस्य सर्वशः || ३-२३-१९
ताम्र गैरिक संपृक्ता धारा इव धरा धरात् |

The blood streams flown out of the gashes of Vali fell everywhere like the streams of water flowing from a mountain saturated with coppery mineral-ores. [3-23-19b, 20a]

19b, 20a. tasya vraNebhyaH = from his, gashes; kSataja dhaaraaH = blood, streams; dharaa dharaat = from the one borne, by earth – from mountain; taamra gairika sampR^iktaa = coppery, mineral-ore, saturated with; dhaaraa iva = streams of water, as with; sarvashaH petuH = all over, fell out.

Verse 20b & 21a

अवकीर्णम् विमार्जन्ती भर्तारम् रण रेणुना || ३-२३-२०
अस्रैः नयनजैः शूरम् सिषेच अस्त्र समाहतम् |

On wiping off war dust with which her husband is muffled up, with tears gushing from her eyes she drenched that valiant one who is summarily hit by the missile of Rama. [3-23-20b, 21a]

20b, 21a. raNa reNunaa = of war, with dust; ava kiirNam = all over, muffled up; bhartaaram = her husband; vi maarjantii = out, rubbing – dusting, wiping off; astra samaahatam [sam aa hatam] = by missile, summarily hit; shuuram = valorous one; nayana jaiH asraiH = eyes, born to, tears – eyes gushing tears; siSeca = drenched.

Verse 21b & 22a

रुधिरोक्षित सर्वान्गम् दृष्ट्वा विनिहतम् पतिम् || ३-२३-२१
उवाच तारा पिंगाक्षम् पुत्रम् अंगदम् अंगना |

On giving attention to all of the blood wet limbs of her slain husband that lady Tara spoke to her son Angada whose eyes are coppery-red. [3-23-21b, 22a]

21b, 22a. anganaa taaraa = lady, Tara; vinihatam = he who is killed; rudhira ukSita sarva angam = by blood, wet, all, limbs; patim = at husband; dR^iSTvaa = on seeing – on giving attention; putram uvaaca pinga akSam = to son, to coppery red, eyed one; angadam uvaaca = to Angada, said.

Verse 22b & 23a

अवस्थाम् पश्चिमाम् पश्य पितुः पुत्र सुदारुणाम् || ३-२३-२२
संप्रसक्तस्य वैरस्य गतो अन्तः पाप कर्मणा |

“See the highly harrowing end time plight of your father, oh, son, he reached his end owing to the enmity harnessed by sinful deeds. [3-23-22b, 23a]

22b, 23a. putra = oh, son; pituH su daaruNaam = of father, oh, son, highly, harrowing; pashcimaam = western [dusking, end]; avasthaam pashya = plight, you see; paapa karmaNaa = by sinful, deeds; samprasaktasya [sam pra saktasya = very, closely, attached] harnessed by; vairasya = enmity; antaH gataH = end, he reached.

Verse 23b & 24a

बाल सूर्योज्ज्वल तनुम् प्रयातम् यम सादनम् || ३-२३-२३
अभिवादय राजानम् पितरम् पुत्र मानदम् |

“To him, whose physical splendour vied with the dazzle of rising sun, to that father, king, and the accorder of honour you pay you last obeisance as he journeyed to the abode of Time-god.” Thus Tara said to Angada. [3-23-23b, 24a]

23b, 24a. putra = oh, son; baala suurya ujjvala tanum = young [rising,] son, [as with in] dazzle, bodied – whose physical splendour is; yama saadanam prayaatam = to Time-god’s, abode, he journeyed [dead]; raajaanam maana dam = to king, honour, accorder; pitaram = to father; abhivaadaya = pay you [last] obeisance.

Verse 24b & 25a

एवम् उक्तः समुत्थाय जग्राह चरणौ पितुः || ३-२३-२४
भुजाभ्याम् पीन वृताभ्याम् अंगदो अहम् इति ब्रुवन् |

When he is said so, Angada swiftly rose and touched the feet of his father with both of his rotund-shouldered sinewy arms saying, “father, I am Angada…” [3-23-24b, 25a]

24b, 25a. evam uktaH = thus, who is said to, Angada; sam utthaaya = swiftly, on rising up; aham angadaH = I am, Angada; iti bruvan = thus, saying; piina vR^itaabhyaam = with sinewy, spherical shoulders; bhujaabhyaam = with arms; pituH caraNau jagraaha = father’s, feet, he took.

Verse 25b & 26a

अभिवादयमानम् त्वाम् अंगदम् त्वम् यथा पुरा || ३-२३-२५
दीर्घ आयुर् भव पुत्र इति किम् अर्थम् न अभिभाषसे |

“Why do not you bless Angada saying, ‘long live, son…’ when he is paying resects to you, as earlier?” Thus Tara is addressing Vali in her anguish. [3-23-25b, 26a]

25b, 26a. tvaam = at you; abhivaadayamaanam = to him who is paying respects; angadam = at Angada; tvam = you; putra = oh, son; diirgha aayuH bhava = long, live, you be; iti = thus as; kim artham = what, for – why don’t you; yathaa puraa = as, earlier; abhibhaaSase = not, speaking [blessing.]

Verse 26b & c

अहम् पुत्र सहाया त्वाम् उपासे गत चेतनम् |
सिंहेन पातितम् सद्यो गौः स वत्सा इव गो वृषम् || ३-२३-२६

“I am living through seeing the lifeless state of yours with the help of my son, no more than a helpless cow that sits near her bull with its calf, when that bull is slain by a lion, just now. [3-23-26b, c]

26b, c. sadyaH = just now; simhena paatitam = lion, felled; go vR^iSam = cow, male [when bull is felled]; sa gauH vatsaa iva = with, calf, [a helpless] cow, as like; putra sahaayaa = son, with the help of; aham = I; gata cetanam = [ you who] lost, vitality – lifeless; tvaam = to you [at your near]; upaase = sitting close – living through.

Verse 27

इष्ट्वा संग्राम यज्ञेन राम प्रहरण अंभसा |
अस्मिन् अवभृथे स्नातः कथम् पत्न्या मया विना || ३-२३-२७

“How can you singly take the ultimate bath of a Vedic ritual after your conducting a ritual like combat, in the waters called bloodstreams caused by Rama’s arrow, that too, when I, your wife, am available like a co-officiator of a Vedic ritual? [3-23-27]

27. sangraama yaj~nena iSTvaa = war, ritual, on performing; patnyaa mayaa vinaa = wife, me, without; raama praharaNa ambhasaa = Rama’s, weapon [arrow,] [called] waters; asmin avabhR^ithe = in there, avabridtha, [ritual bath]; katham snaataH = how, you take bath [singly.]

Verse 28

या दत्ता देव राजेन तव तुष्टेन संयुगे |
शात कौम्भीम् प्रियाम् मालाम् ताम् ते पश्यामि न इह किम् || ३-२३-२८

“Now where is that treasured golden pendant of yours which the king of gods gave to you when he is satisfied with your conduct in wars, I don’t see it? [3-23-28]

28. samyuge = in combat [about your conduct in combats]; tuSTena deva raajena = by the satisfied, gods, king – Indra; yaa tava dattaa = which one, to you, given; taam = that one; shaata kaumbhiim = golden one; te priyaam maalaam = to you, a treasured, pendant; iha kim na pashyaami = now, why, not, I see.

Verse 30

न मे वचः पथ्यम् इदम् त्वया कृतम्
न च अस्मि शक्ता हि निवारणे तव |
हता सपुत्रा अस्मि हतेन संयुगे
सह त्वया श्रीः विजहाति माम् अपि || ३-२३-३०

“Neither you heeded my word of expediency, nor I was indeed capable to forestall you, and I am doomed along with my son when you are exterminated in fight, whereby the Grace that forsook you, is deserting me too, in its entirety. [3-23-30]

30. tvayaa = by you; me = my; pathyam idam vacaH = expedient, this, words [my advise]; na kR^itam = not, done [heeded]; tava nivaaraNe = you, forestalling; shaktaa na asmi ca hi = capable, not, I am, also, indeed; samyuge hatena = in fight, by you who is killed; sa putraa = along with, son; hataa asmi = doomed, I am; shriiH = Grace; tvayaa saha = you, along with; maam api = me, even; vi jahaati = completely, deserting.

Verse 29

राज्यश्रीः न जहाति त्वाम् गत असुम् अपि मानद |
सूर्यस्य आवर्तमानस्य शैल राजम् इव प्रभा || ३-२३-२९

“Majesty is not deserting you even if your lives have departed, oh, accorder of dignity, as with the sunshine that departs the sun while he circumnavigates Mt. Meru, which mount is supposed to overshadow everything by its vastness. [3-23-29]

29. maana da = dignity, accorder; shaila raajam aavartamaanasya = mountain, best [Mt. Meru,] circumnavigating; suuryasya prabhaa iva = sun’s, shine, as with; raajya shriiH = kingly, pomp [majesty]; gata asum api = one with gone, lives, even if; tvaam na jahaati = you, not, leaving.

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