59 – Rama reprimands Lakshmana


Rama reprimands Lakshmana for coming without Seetha. Lakshmana explains that he had to leave her owing to her anguished and angrily words and even by her rash remarks of Lakshmana. Even then, Rama is unhappy of Lakshmana’s action in leaving her alone.

The content of this chapter is to amplify what that has been said in the previous chapter. This dialogue between Rama and Lakshmana may be deemed to have happened before their approaching hermitage, as in the last few verses of last chapter, and on their pathway to their hermitage.

Verse 1

अथ आश्रमात् उपावृत्तम् अंतरा रघुनंदनः |
परिपप्रच्छ सौमित्रिम् रामो दुःख अर्दितः पुनः || ३-५९-१

Rama the descendent of Raghu, again asked Soumitri who strayed from the hermitage and whom his own anguish is distressing now, in the middle of path towards their hermitage. [3-59-1]

1. atha = then/now; raghunandanaH = Raghu’s, descendent; raamaH = Rama; duHkha arditaH = by anguish, distressed one [Lakshmana]; aashramaat upaavR^ittam = from hermitage, strayed from; saumitrim = at Soumitri; antaraa = in middle [of path]; punaH = again; pari papracCha = analytically, asked.

Verse 2

तम् उवाच किम् अर्थम् त्वम् आगतो अपास्य मैथिलीम् |
यदा सा तव विश्वासात् वने विहरिता मया || ३-५९-२

Rama spoke to such Lakshmana, “when I left her in the forest, I left only on confiding in you. For what reason you came to me on abandoning Maithili? [3-59-2]

2. tam uvaaca = to him, spoke – Rama to Lakshmana; tava vishvaasaat = in you, confiding; maya = by me; saa = she is; vane yadaa viharitaa = in forest, when, she is left – in your custody; maithiliim = Maithili is; kim artham apaasya = for what, reason, abandoning; tvam aagataH = you, came [to me.]

Verse 3

दृष्ट्वा एव अभ्यागतम् त्वाम् मे मैथिलीम् त्यज्य लक्ष्मण |
शंकमानम् महत् पापम् यत् सत्यम् व्यथितम् मनः || ३-५९-३

“What my heart had been doubting, rather a perilous evil, oh, Lakshmana, that has become a fact on seeing only you, coming to me leaving off Maithili. [3-59-3]

3. lakSmaNa = oh, Lakshmana; maithiliim = Maithili; tyajya = leaving off; abhi aagatam = towards [me,] who has came; tvaam dR^iSTvaa eva = such as you, on seeing, just; me manaH = my, heart; shankamaanam = on doubting; mahat paapam = perilous, evil; vyathitam iti yat = distressed, thus, what [what that was being doubted]; satyam = [it has become] a fact.

Verse 4

स्फुरते नयनम् सव्यम् बाहुः च हृदयम् च मे |
दृष्ट्वा लक्ष्मण दूरे त्वाम् सीता विरहितम् पथि || ३-५९-४

“Seeing your coming without Seetha on pathway at a distance my left eye and left shoulder have pulsated, and oh, Lakshmana, my heart too has fluttered.” Thus Rama said to Lakshmana. [3-59-4]

4. lakSmaNa = oh, Lakshmana; siitaa virahitam = Seetha, without; tvaam = at you; duure = at distance; pathi = on pathway; dR^iSTvaa = on seeing; me = my; savyam nayanam = left, eye; baahuH ca = [left] shoulder, also; sphurate = are pulsating; hR^idayam ca = heart, also – fluttered.

Verse 5

एवम् उक्तः तु सौमित्रिः लक्ष्मणः शुभ लक्षणः |
भूयो दुःख संआविष्टो दुःखितम् रामम् अब्रवी|| ३-५९-५

When Sumitra’s son Lakshmana, whose traits are blamelessly auspicious is addressed thus, anguish cast a double spell on him, one for the tongue-lashing of Seetha while the other for the reproach from Rama, and he replied Rama who is anguished in his own way. [3-59-5]

5. evam uktaH saumitriH tu = thus, who is said so, that Sumitra’s son, on his part; shubha lakSaNaH lakSmaNaH = one with auspicious, [blameless] traits, such a Lakshmana; bhuuyaH = again – doubly anguished – one for Seetha’s words, the other for Rama’s words; duHkha samaaviSTaH = anguish, cast a spell on him; duHkhitam raamam abravii = to anguished, to Rama, spoke.

Verse 6

न स्वयम् काम कारेण ताम् त्यक्त्वा अहम् इह आगतः |
प्रचोदितस्तयैवोग्रैत्वत्सकाशमिहाअगतः – यद्वा –
प्रचोदितः तया एव उग्रैः त्वत् सकाशम् इह आगतः || ३-५९-६

“I have not come here leaving her off either independently or intentionally, I came here, to your proximity, virtually driven by her hurtful words.” Thus Lakshmana is relying Rama. [3-59-6]

6. aham = I; taam = her; svayam = on my own accord – independently; tyaktvaa = left off; kaama kaareNa = desired, deed [intentionally]; iha na aagataH = to here, not, I have come; tayaa eva = by her, alone; ugraiH [vacanaiH] = by hurtful [words]; pra coditaH = virtually driven; iha tvat sakaasham = here, to your near; aagataH = came.

Verse 7

आर्येण एव परिक्रुष्टम् – पराक्रुष्टम् – हा सीते लक्ष्मण इति च |
परित्राहि इति यत् वाक्यम् मैथिल्याः तत् श्रुतिम् गतम् || ३-५९-७

“Maithili gave an ear to that message which is loudly shouted as if by your honour saying, ‘ha, Seetha… ha, Lakshmana… save me immediately…’ [3-59-7]

7. haa siite = ha, Seetha; lakSmaNa iti ca = ha, Lakshmana, thus, also; pari traahi = immediately, save me; iti yat vaakyam = thus, what, words – message; aaryeNa eva = by honourable [you,] as if; parikruSTam = loudly shouted for; tat maithilyaaH shrutim gatam = that, of Maithili, into ear, went into – she gave an ear to.

Verse 8

सा तम् आर्त स्वरम् श्रुत्वा तव स्नेहेन मैथिली |
गच्छ गच्छ इति माम् आह रुदन्ती भय – विक्लवा – विह्वला || ३-५९-८

“On hearing that grievous voice of yours and owing to her love for you she shuddered with fear and wept out to me ‘hurry up…get going…’ [3-59-8]

8. saa maithilii = she, that Maithili; tam = that; aarta svaram shrutvaa = grievous, voice [of yours,] on hearing; rudantii = while weeping; tava snehena = for you, in love; bhaya viklavaa = with fear, shuddering; gacCha gacCha = begone, begone; iti maam aaha = thus, to me, said.

Verse 9

प्रचोद्यमानेन मया गच्छ इति बहुशः तया |
प्रत्युक्ता मैथिली वाक्यम् इदम् तत् प्रत्यय अन्वितम् || ३-५९-९

“When she frequently and insistingly compelled me to go, I have replied Maithili in this sentence which is expressive of my confidence in you. [3-59-9]

9. gacCha iti = begone, thus; tayaa = by her; bahushaH = frequently; pra codyamaanena = insistently, compelled; mayaa = by me; maithilii = Maithili is; prati uktaa = in turn, she is said [replied by me]; tvat pratyaya anvitam = in you, [with my] confidence, having [expressive of]; idam vaakyam = this, sentence.

Verse 10

न तत् पश्यामि अहम् रक्षो यत् अस्य भयम् आवहेत् |
निर्वृता भव न अस्ति एतत् केन अपि एवम् उदाहृतम् || ३-५९-१०

” ‘I do no think that there is a demon who can cause panic to Rama. All this is feigning. Someone might have typified his voice in this way, please control yourself. [3-59-10]

10. asya = to him [to Rama]; yat = who [he who can]; bhayam aavahet = panic, bring about; tat rakSaH = that [such a,] demon [is there]; aham na pashyaami = I, do not, see – I do not think; nirvR^itaa bhaava = control, you be – control yourself; etat na asti = all this, not, is there [feigning]; kena api evam udaahR^itam = by someone, even, this way, said [mimicked, typified.]

Verse 11

विगर्हितम् च नीचम् च कथम् आर्यो अभिधास्यति |
त्राहि इति वचनम् सीते यः त्रायेत् त्रिदशान् अपि || ३-५९-११

” ‘How can my esteemed brother who can safeguard even gods, oh, Seetha, will exclaim in saying, ‘save me,’ which is a highly disparaging and basely manner to call for the help of a lady to safeguard him in such circumstances. [3-59-11]

11. siite = oh, Seetha; yaH = he who; tridashaan api traayet = gods, even, safeguards; aaryaH = esteemed one; katham abhidhaasyati = how, he exclaims; vi garhitam ca = highly, disparaging, also; niicam ca = in basely [manner,] also; traahi iti vacanam = save me, thus [in saying.]

Verse 12

किम् निमित्तम् तु केन अपि भ्रातुः आलंब्य मे स्वरम् |
विस्वरम् व्याहृतम् वाक्यम् लक्ष्मण त्राहि माम् इति || ३-५९-१२

” ‘But, somehow, for some reason, someone mimicking my brother’s voice discordantly shouted words saying, ‘Lakshmana save me.’ [3-59-12]

12. kim nimittam tu = somehow, reason, but; kena api = by someone, even; me bhraatuH = my, brother’s; svaram aalambya = voice, depending [mimicking]; lakSmaNa traahi maam iti = Lakshmana, save, me, thus; vi svaram = without, harmony – discordantly; vaakyam vyaahR^itam = words, shouted.

Verse 13

राक्षसेन ईरितम् वाक्यम् त्रसात् त्राहि इति शोभने |
न भवत्या व्यथा कार्या कुनारी जन सेविता || ३-५९-१३

” ‘Oh, auspicious lady, it is unbefitting for you to panic, like lowly womenfolk who will be frivolously panicking for flimsy reasons, for the words like ‘save me,’ shouted by some demon, who may conceivably be Maareecha. [3-59-13]

13. shobhane = oh, auspicious lady; [kena api = by some]; raakshasena = by a demon – say Maareecha; iiritam vaakyam = voiced, words; traahi iti = save me, thus; bhavatyaa = by you; trasaat vyathaa = by fear, panicked; ku naarii jana sevitaa = by lowly, women, folk, as resorted to; [vyathaa = who are trivially panicked]; na kaaryaa = not, doable [unbefitting.]

Verse 14 & 15

अलम् वैक्लवताम् गंतुम् स्वस्था भव निर् उत्सुका |
न च अस्ति त्रिषु लोकेषु पुमान् यो राघवम् रणे || ३-५९-१४
जातो वा जायमानो वा संयुगे यः पराजयेत् |
अजेयो राघवो युद्धे देवैः शक्र पुरोगमैः || ३-५९-१५

” ‘Enough is your slipping into consternation and you be undismayed. There is none in all the three worlds who took birth, or going to take birth, to defeat Raghava in any given battle of any terrible nature. Raghava is undefeatable even if all gods come battling along with Indra in their van.’ This is what I said to Vaidehi” Thus Lakshmana is informing Rama. [3-59-14, 15]

14. vaiklavataam gantum alam = consternation, to go in [slipping into,] enough is this; nir utsukaa = without, dismay; svasthaa bhava = reposed, you be; yaH = he who; samyuge raNe = in [any given] terrible, combat; raaghavam paraajayet = Raghava, who can defeat; yaH = he; [saH = such a]; pumaan = person; triSu lokeSu = in three, worlds; jaataH vaa = already took birth, or; jaaya maanaH vaa = going to take birth, or; na asti = not, is there; raaghavaH = Raghava; shakra purogamaiH devaiH = Indra, in van, with gods – to all gods with Indra in their vanguard; yuddhe = in battle; a jeyaH = not, defeated [undefeatable.]

Verse 16

एवम् उक्ता तु वैदेही परिमोहित चेतना |
उवाच अश्रूणि मुंचन्ती दारुणम् माम् इदम् वचः || ३-५९-१६

“Though I said thus, while her volition is overly besotted for you, Vaidehi said this tartly word to me outpouring tears. [3-59-16]

16. evam uktaa tu = thus, said [by me], though; vaidehii = Vaidehi is; pari mohita cetanaa = overly, besotted, with volition; ashruuNi muncantii = tears, outpouring; maam = to me; idam daaruNam vacaH = this, tart, word; uvaaca = said.

Verse 17

भावो मयि तव अत्यर्थम् पाप एव निवेशितः |
विनष्टे भ्रातरि प्राप्तुम् न च त्वम् माम् अवाप्स्यसि || ३-५९-१७

” ‘In my respect you have harboured only an impure and nastily perspective to achieve me on the utter ruination of your brother, but I am unachievable to you. [3-59-17]

17. bhraatari = your brother; vi naSTe = on utter, ruination; maam = me; praaptum = to achieve; mayi = in my respect; ati artham = too, much [nastily]; paapa eva = impure, only; tava bhaavaH niveshitaH = your, perspective, is harboured; tvam = you; maam = me; na ca avaapsyasi = not, but, you can achieve.

Verse 18

संकेतात् भरतेन त्वम् रामम् समनुगच्छसि |
क्रोशन्तम् हि यथा अत्यर्थम् न एनम् अभ्यवपद्यसे || ३-५९-१८

” ‘As to why you are refraining to rush towards Rama even though he is inordinately yelling, it hints that Bharata made some arrangements with you, and that is the reason why you have closely followed Rama in exile. [3-59-18]

18. ati artham = very, much – inordinately; kroshantam = who is yelling – Rama; yathaa = as to why; enam = to him [Rama]; na = not; abhyavapadyase [abhi ava pad] = towards, his near, going – refraining to go to him, for help; tvam = you are; bharatena = by Bharata; samketaat = owing to a hint – by some arrangement; raamam = to Rama; sam anu gacChasi hi = well, in tow, you followed – in exile, indeed.

Verse 19

रिपुः प्रच्छन्न चारी त्वम् मत् अर्थम् अनुगच्छसि |
राघवस्य अन्तर प्रेप्सुः तथा एनम् न अभिपद्यसे || ३-५९-१९

” ‘You are an adversary of Rama comporting yourself in disguise, following him because of me, and searching for a leeway from Rama. Thereby now you are not rushing to Rama. [3-59-19]

19. pracChanna caarii = in disguise, one who is moving – comporting yourself; [raamasya] ripuH = [Rama’s,] adversary; such as you are; tvam = you are; raaghavasya = Raghava’s; antara prepsuH = randhra anveSi = leeway, one who is searching for; mat artham anugacChasi = me, because of, you are following – Rama; tathaa = thereby; enam na abhipadyase = him [Rama,] not, reaching at [now.]

Verse 20

एवम् उक्तो हि वैदेह्या संरब्धो रक्त लोचनः |
क्रोधात् प्रस्फुरमाण ओष्ठ आश्रमात् अभिनिर्गतः || ३-५९-२०

“When Vaidehi spoke to me thus I hurriedly came out of hermitage to you with anger reddening my eyes and trembling my lips. [3-59-20]

20. vaidehyaa evam uktaH = by Vaidehi, thus, I was spoken; hi = indeed; samrabdhaH = hurriedly; krodhaat rakta locanaH = by anger, with reddened, eyes; pra sphuramaaNa oSTha = with highly, trembling, lips; aashramaat = from hermitage; abhi nir gataH = towards [you,] out, I came.

Verse 21

एवम् ब्रुवाणम् सौमित्रिम् रामः संताप मोहितः |
अब्रवीत् दुष्कृतम् सौम्य ताम् विना यत् त्वम् आगतः || ३-५९-२१

Rama who is deluded by angst said to Soumitri who is speaking thus, that “your arrival without her is an improper deed, oh, gentle one. [3-59-21]

21. evam = thus; bruvaaNam = speaking; saumitrim = to Soumitri; santaapa mohitaH = by angst, deluded; raamaH = Rama; abraviit = said; saumya = oh, gentle one; yat = by which [deed of your coming]; tvam = you; taam vinaa = her, without; aagataH = arrived; by that; duS kR^itam = wrong, doing[improper deed]; [kR^itam = is done – you have done wrong.]

Verse 22

जानन् अपि समर्थम् माम् रक्षसाम् अपवारणे |
अनेन क्रोध वाक्येन मैथिल्या निर्गतो भवान् || ३-५९-२२

“You know that I am capable enough to foil the demons, even then you have come out by the angry words of Maithili? [3-59-22]

22. maam = me; rakSasaam apa vaaraNe = demons, in foiling; samartham = as capable [enough]; jaanan api = knowing, though; bhavaan = you; maithilyaa krodha vaakyena = of Maithili, by angry, words; nirgataH = exited – hermitage.

Verse 23

न हि ते परितुष्यामि त्यक्त्वा यत् यासि मैथिलीम् |
क्रुद्धायाः परुषम् श्रुत्वा स्त्रिया यत् त्वम् इह आगतः || ३-५९-२३

“On hearing bitter words of an angry lady you have came away on leaving her off, such as you are, I am not at all happy with you. [3-59-23]

23. maithiliim tyaktvaa = Maithili, on leaving off; yat yaasi = he who has, come out; te na parituSyaami hi = at you, not, happy I am, at all; kruddhaayaaH striyaaH = angering, lady’s; paruSam shrutvaa = bitter [words,] on hearing; yat = who; tvam iha aagataH = you, to here, came away.

Verse 24

सर्वथा तु अपनीतम् ते सीतया यत् प्रचोदितः |
क्रोधस्य वशम् आगम्य न अकरोः शासनम् मम || ३-५९-२४

“That which action of yours is there in non-compliance of my directive to stand guard to Seetha, either compelled by Seetha, or coming under your own ire, it shows your dereliction in everyway. [3-59-24]

24. siitayaa = by Seetha; pracoditaH = compelled by; krodhasya vasham aagamya = ire’s, control, coming under; mama shaasanam = my, directive; na akaroH not, done; iti yat = thus, which [that which issue is there]; sarvathaa te = in everyway, of yours; apa niitam = astray, led yourself [a viniitam] = [dereliction.]

Verse 25

असौ हि राक्षसः शेते शरेण अभिहतो मया |
मृग रूपेण येन अहम् आश्रमात् अपवाहितः || ३-५९-२५

“By whom I am detoured from hermitage in the form of a deer he is indeed a demon, and he fell flat when my arrow hit him down. [3-59-25]

25. mR^iga ruupeNa = by deer’s, form; yena = by whom; aham = I am; aashramaat = from hermitage; apa vaahitaH = away, taken [detoured]; asau raakSasaH hi = he is, a demon indeed; maya = by me; shareNa abhihataH shete = by arrow, hit down, sleeping – fell flat.

Verse 27

शर आहतेन एव तदा आर्तया गिरा
स्वरम् मम आलंब्य सु दूर सु श्रवम् |
उदाहृतम् तत् वचनम् सु दारुणम्
त्वम् आगतो येन विहाय मैथिलीम् || ३-५९-२७

“Then hit down by arrow thus, he with an anguished voice that is clearly audible at a very remotely place and that which is mimicking my voice, uttered those highly gruesome words, whereby you have come here forsaking Maithili.” Thus Rama said to Lakshmana on their way to their hermitage. [3-59-27]

27. tadaa = then; shara = by arrow; aahatena = hit down; eva = thus; aartayaa = with anguished; giraa = voice; su duura = very, remotely [place]; su shravam = clearly, audible; svaram = voice; mama = mine; aalambya = depend on [mimicking]; su daaruNam = highly, gruesome; tat = those; vacanam = words; udaa hR^itam = spoken; yena tvam aagataH = by which, you, came; maithiliim vihaaya = Maithili, on forsaking.

Verse 26

विकृष्य चापम् परिधाय सायकम्
स लील बाणेन च ताडितो मया |
मार्गीम् तनुम् त्यज्य च विक्लव स्वरो
बभूव केयूर धरः स राक्षसः || ३-५९-२६

“When I effortlessly shot an arrow setting on bowstring and stretching the bow to full length, he hit by that arrow left deer’s body to become a piteously bewailing demon wearing bracelets and the like ornaments. [3-59-26]

26. maya = by me; caapam = bow; vikR^iSya = on drawing [bowstring, full length]; saayakam = arrow; paridhaaya = on setting [target, or, on bowstring]; sa liila = with, play [effortless shooting]; baaNena taaDitaH ca = by arrow, hit, also; saH = he; maargiim tanum = pertaining to deer, body; tyajya ca = leaving, also; viklava svaraH = piteously, voicing [bewailing]; keyuura dharaH = bracelets [and the like,] wearing; raakSasaH babhuuva = demon, he became.

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