55 – Ravana entices Seetha to marry him


Ravana entices Seetha to marry him by demonstrating various luxuries and comforts, and even baiting her to become his empress. The words of Ravana have some latent meanings as derived by ancient commentators and they are included here, as far as possible.

Verse 1

संदिश्य राक्षसान् घोरान् रावणो अष्टौ महाबलान् |
आत्मानम् बुद्धि वैक्लव्यात् कृत कृत्यम् अमन्यत || ३-५५-१

On directing those eight ghastly demons Ravana is amused in his heart of hearts that he has accomplished a great feat. [3-55-1]

1. raavaNaH = Ravana; mahaa balaan aSTau ghoraan raakSasaan = great-mighty, eight, ghastly, demons; samdishya = on directing; buddhi vaiklavyaat = by mind’s, hypocrisy; aatmaanam = himself – in heart of hearts; kR^ita kR^ityam amanyata = accomplished, [a great] feat, deemed [amused.]

Verse 2

स चिंतयानो वैदेहीम् काम बाण संप्रपीडितः |
प्रविवेश गृहम् रम्यम् सीताम् द्रष्टुम् अभित्वरन् || ३-५५-२

On continually musing upon Vaidehi Ravana is tormented with the arrows of Love-god, thereby to lay eyes on Seetha he post-hastily entered the beautiful palace. [3-55-2]

2. saH vaidehiim cintayaanaH = he, upon Vaidehi [alone,] musing [continually]; kaama baaNa sam pra piiDitaH = by Love-god’s, arrows, very, much, tormented; siitaam draSTum abhi tvaran = at Seetha, to lay eyes on, post, hastily; ramyam gR^iham pravivesha = beautiful, palace, he entered.

Verse 3

स प्रविश्य तु तत् वेश्म रावणो राक्षस अधिपः |
अपश्यत् राक्षसी मध्ये सीताम् दुःख परायणम् || ३-५५-३

On entering the palace-chamber that supremo of demons beheld Seetha overwhelmed with ruefulness amongst demonesses. [3-55-3]

3. raakSasa adhipaH saH raavaNaH = demons, supremo, he, that Ravana; tat veshma pravishya = that, house [palace-chamber,] on entering; raakSasii madhye = demonesses, amongst; duHkha paraayaNam siitaam = ruefulness, overwhelmed by, at Seetha; apashyat = he beheld.

Verse 4, 5 & 6

अश्रु पूर्ण मुखीम् दीनाम् शोक भार अवपीडिताम् |
वायु वेगैः इव आक्रांताम् मज्जन्तीम् नावम् अर्णवे || ३-५५-४
मृग यूथ परिभ्रष्टाम् मृगीम् श्वभिः इव आवृताम् |
अधोगत मुखीम् सीताम् ताम् अभ्येत्य निशाचरः || ३-५५-५
ताम् तु शोक वशात् दीनाम् अवशाम् राक्षस अधिपः |
स बलात् दर्शयामास गृहम् देव गृह उपमम् || ३-५५-६

She whose visage is brimming over with tears, one browbeaten and downtrodden with the burden of bewail, one capsized like a boat that is about to capsize in an ocean spreadeagled with whirlwinds, and one alike an impala altogether swerved from its herd of impala yet hemmed in with dog-wolves, that nightwalker came nigh of such a Seetha whose face is downcast unwilling to see any, and to such a pitiable Seetha who is in the shackles of her sorrow, that supremo of demons compellingly started to show his palace which is similar to any paradisiacal palace. [3-55-4, 5, 6]

4, 5, 6. ashru puurNa mukhiim = tears, brimming over, visage; diinaam = pitiful [browbeaten]; shoka bhaara ava piiDitaam = bewailing, burthen, down, trodden; vaayu vegaiH = by air’s, speed by whirlwinds; aakraantaam = routed – spreadeagled; arNave = in ocean; majjantiim naavam iva = about to sink [about to capsize,] boat, who is alike; mR^iga yuutha pari bhraSTaam = impala, herd, altogether, swerved from; shvabhiH aavR^itaam = by dog-wolves, hemmed in; mR^igiim iva = an impala, alike; adhaH gata mukhiim = down, gone [cast,] faced; taam siitaam = towards her, [to such a] Seetha; nishaa caraH = night, walker; = ; abhi etya = nigh, came; and; shoka vashaat diinaam = of sorrow, by shackles, pitiable one [Seetha]; a vashaam = not, in her own control; taam = her [to her]; saH raakSasa adhipaH = he, that demons’, supremo; balaat = forcefully, compellingly; deva gR^iha upamam = god’s, palace, [paradisiacal palace,] similar to; gR^iham = [his] palace; darshayaamaasa = started to show.

Verse 9b & 10

सोपानम् कांचनम् चित्रम् आरुरोह तया सह || ३-५५-९
दान्तका राजताः चैव गवाक्षाः प्रिय दर्शनाः |
हेम जाला आवृताः च आसन् तत्र प्रासाद पंक्तयः || ३-५५-१०

Ravana walked up the wonderful golden staircase along with Seetha, and the rows of skyscrapers with windows that are ivoried and silvered and with window-blinds are seen from the windows of the landing on that flight of stairs, which are also ivoried and silvered windows with window-blinds, and all are amusing for sight. [3-55-9b, 10]

9b, 10. kaancanam citram sopaanam = wonderful, golden, staircase; tayaa saha aaruroha = her [Seetha,] along with, [Ravana] walked up; tatra = there; daantakaa raajataaH caiva = ivoried, silvered, also thus; priya darshanaaH gavaakSaaH = amusing, for sight, windows; hema jaalaa aavR^itaaH ca = golden, nets [window-blinds,] covered with, also; praasaada panktayaH = skyscraper, rows of[ aasan = are there.

Verse 11

सुधा मणि विचित्राणि भूमि भागानि सर्वशः |
दशग्रीवः स्व भवने प्रादर्शयत मैथिलीम् || ३-५५-११

That Decahedral Ravana displayed the multiple stories of his own palace which is all over white-marbled and diamond encrusted to Maithili. [3-55-11]

11. dashagriivaH = Decahedral Ravana; sva bhavane = in his own, palace; sarvashaH = all over; sudhaa = white [whitewashed, or, white-marbled] maNi vicitraaNi = diamond [encrusted,] amazing; bhuumi bhaagaani = earth’s, divisions [stories, multiple – multi-stories]; maithiliim praadarshayata = to Maithili, he displayed.

Verse 12

दीर्घिकाः पुष्करिण्यः च नाना पुष्प समावृताः |
रावणो दर्शयामास सीताम् शोक परायणाम् || ३-५५-१२

Ravana continued to display the descendible wellsprings and leisure pools from which diverse flowers have sprung and overspread them, regardless of Seetha’s languishing under her anguish. [3-55-12]

12. raavaNaH = Ravana; diirghikaaH = wellsprings [descendible ones]; naanaa puSpa samaavR^itaaH puSkariNyaH = diverse, flowers, overspread with, leisure pools; shoka paraayaNaam siitaam = anguish, languishing under, to Seetha; darshayaamaasa = continued to display.

Verse 13

दर्शयित्वा तु वैदेहीम् कृत्स्नम् तत् भवन उत्तमम् |
उवाच वाक्यम् पापात्मा सीताम् लोभितुम् इच्छया || ३-५५-१३

On flaunting his best palace in its entirety to Vaidehi that dirty-minded Ravana spoke this sentence to Seetha in order that she may be tempted on her own, lustily. [3-55-13]

13. paapaatmaa = dirty-minded one; kR^itsnam tat bhavana uttamam = entirely, that, palace, best one; vaidehiim darshayitvaa = to Vaidehi, on flaunting siitaam icChayaa lobhitum = Seetha, by lust, in order to tempt; vaakyam uvaaca = sentence, spoke [to her.]

Verse 14 & 15a

दश राक्षस कोट्यः च द्वाविंशतिः अथ अपराः |
वर्जयित्वा जरा वृद्धान् बालान् च रजनीचरान् || ३-५५-१४
तेषाम् प्रभुः अहम् सीते सर्वेषाम् भीम कर्मणाम् |

“Oh, Seetha, ten crores of first-rated demons are there, furthermore, twenty-two crores of demons of ghastly exploits are there, thus all put together, three hundred twenty millions of demons are there in Lanka, omitting the weakish, oldish, youngish demons. For all of them I am the lord.” Thus Ravana started his self-eulogy. [3-55-14, 15a]

14, 15a. siite = oh, Seetha; jaraa vR^iddhaan baalaan ca = weakish, oldish, youngish, also; varjayitvaa = omitting; dasha = ten; raakSasa koTyaH = for demons, , crores of – for ten crores of demons are there; atha aparaaH = then, further – furthermore; dvaa vimshatiH = two, twenty [twenty-two crores are there – total ten twenty two = thirty three crores of demons are there]; bhiima karmaNaam rajaniicaraan = of ghastly, exploits, night walkers; teSaam = for them – demons; sarveSaam = for all of them; aham prabhuH = I am, the lord.

Verse 15b & 16

सहस्रम् एकम् एकस्य मम कार्य पुरःसरम् || ३-५५-१५
यत् इदम् राज्य तंत्रम् मे त्वयि सर्वम् प्रतिष्ठितम् |
जीवितम् च विशालाक्षि त्वम् मे प्राणैः गरीयसी || ३-५५-१६

“For every single work of mine a thousand servitors will rush in. Such as I am I pledge entire life of mine along with the suzerainty of this sovereign city-state Lanka to you, oh, broad-eyed lady, for you are loftier than my lives. [3-55-15b, 16]

15b, 16. ekasya = for [every] single [work of mine]; mama = of mine; ekam sahasram = one, thousand [servitors]; kaarya puraHsaram = work, will be ahead of – will rush in; yat idam raajya tantram = which, this, sovereignty’s, suzerainty is there; that and; sarvam jiivitam ca = entire, life, also [of mine]; tvayi pratiSThitam = in you, is pledged – a thing given as a token of love, favour, or something to come; vishaalaakSi = oh, broad-eyed one; tvam me praaNaiH gariiyasii = you are, to me, by lives, loftier.

Verse 17

बह्वीनाम् उत्तम स्त्रीणाम् मम यो असौ परिग्रहः |
तासाम् त्वम् ईश्वरी सीते मम भार्या भव प्रिये || ३-५५-१७

“Oh, Seetha, you will become an empress for all of the those countless females of finest fabric amassed by me, oh, dear, if only you marry me. [3-55-17]

17. siite = oh, Seetha; bahviinaam uttama striiNaam = for countless, of finest [fabric,] females; yaH asau parigrahaH = which, this, capturing, [or, marrying, or amassing]; is there – to those that are collected by me; taasaam = for them; tvam iishvarii bhava = you, empress, become; priye = oh, dear; mama bhaaryaa bhava [yadi bhavati cet] = mine, wife, you become [if only you become.]

Verse 18

साधु किम् ते अन्यया बुद्ध्या रोचयस्व वचो मम |
भजस्व मा अभितप्तस्य प्रसादम् कर्तुम् अर्हसि || ३-५५-१८

“You be keen on my amiable words and it will be apt of you to show compassion on me, for I have burning desire for you, and of what use is your thinking conversely about that long-lost Rama? [3-55-18]

18. te = to you; anyayaa buddhyaa kim = by converse, thinking, what [is the use]; saadhu = amiably; mama vacaH rocayasva = my, words, be keen on; [kaama ] abhitaptasya bhajasva = [in desire,] one who is burning with; maam = to me; prasaadam kartum arhasi = compassion, to do [to show,] apt of you.

Verse 19

परिक्षिप्ता समुद्रेण लंका इयम् शत योजना |
न इयम् धर्षयितुम् शक्या स इन्द्रैः अपि सुर असुरैः || ३-५५-१९

“It is impossible to assail this Lanka even for Indra with all of the gods and demons, as an ocean roundly enshrouds this Lanka which is hundred-yojana-s witdthwise. [3-55-19]

19. shata yojana = with hundred, yojana-s [widthwise]; iyam lankaa = this, Lanka; samudreNa parikSiptaa = by ocean, roundly enshrouded; sa indraiH = along with, by Indra; sura asuraiH api = for gods, demons, even; iyam dharSayitum = this, to assail; na shakyaa = not, [Lanka] possible.

Verse 20

न देवेषु न यक्षेषु न गंधर्वेषु न ऋषिषु |
अहम् पश्यामि लोकेषु यो मे वीर्य समो भवेत् || ३-५५-२०

“I behold none matchable to my vitality is existent among gods; among yaksha-s – no; among gandharva-s – no; among sages – no, nor anyone in any world. [3-55-20]

20. lokeSu = in world; yaH me viirya samaH = he who, mine, vitality, equal [matchable to]; bhavet = is there; him; aham = I; deveSu na pashyaami = among gods, not, seeing; yakSeSu na = among yaksha-s, no; gandharveSu na = among gandharva-s, no; R^iSiSu na = among sage, no.

Verse 21

राज्य भ्रष्टेन दीनेन तापसेन पदातिना |
किम् करिष्यसि रामेण मानुषेण अल्प तेजसा || ३-५५-२१

“What can you achieve with that dethroned, hapless, seer, vagrant Rama who is short-lived, for after all, he is a human with littlest vitality? [3-55-21]

21. raajya bhraSTena = with [the one who is] from kingdom, overthrown [dethroned]; diinena = hapless; maanuSeNa = with human; [in other mms: gata aayuSaa = gone, lives – with diminished lifespan;] alpa tejasaa = of littlest, vitality; taapasena = a seer; padaatinaa = vagrant; raameNa = with [such] Rama; kim kariSyasi = what, you do – you achieve.

Verse 22

भजस्व सीते माम् एव भर्ता अहम् सदृशः तव |
यौवनम् हि अध्रुवम् भीरु रमस्व इह मया सह || ३-५५-२२

“Oh, Seetha, you apotheosise me only for I am your seemliest husband, oh, jumpy lady, indeed, primeness has impermanence, thus here you be blithesome with me. [3-55-22]

22. siite = oh, Seetha; maam eva bhajasva = me, only, apotheosise; aham tava sadR^ishaH bhartaa = I am, your, seemliest, husband; bhiiru = oh, jumpy lady; yauvanam a dhruvam hi = primeness, not, permanent, indeed; iha mayaa saha ramasva = here, me, along with, delight.

Verse 23

दर्शने मा कृथाः बुद्धिम् राघवस्य वरानने |
का अस्य शक्तिः इह आगंतुम् अपि सीते मनोरथैः || ३-५५-२३

“Oh, beautifully visaged lady, it is needless to have half a mind to see that Raghava, oh, Seetha, even if his wits chariot him what is his calibre to come thither crossing an un-crossable ocean? [3-55-23]

23. vara aanane = oh, beautifully, visaged lady; raaghavasya darshane = of Raghava, to see; buddhim maa kR^ithaaH = mind, do not, do [do not half a half mind, needless to think]; siite = oh, Seetha; asya manaH rathaiH api = by his, thought [wits,] by chariot, even – even by his thinking he cannot come here; iha aagantum = here, to come; kaa shaktiH = what is, calibre.

Verse 24

न शक्यो वायुः आकाशे पाशैः बद्धम् महाजवः |
दीप्यमानस्य वा अपि अग्नेः ग्रहीतुम् विमलाम् शिखाम् || ३-५५-२४

“It is impossible to knot the currents of cyclonic gusts in mid air, more so, it is impracticable to lay hold on the tongues of radiately irradiant fire. [3-55-24]

24. mahaa javaH vaayuH = gusty, cyclonic, currents of air; aakaashe paashaiH baddham = in mid air, with ropes, to knot; na shakyaH = not, possible; diipyamaanasya agneH = irradiant, fire’s; vimalaam shikhaam = unmarred [radiative,] tongues [of fire]; grahiitum api vaa = even, or [more so,] to lay hold of; [na shakyaH = not practicable.]

Verse 25

त्रयाणाम् अपि लोकानाम् न तम् पश्यामि शोभने |
विक्रमेण नयेत् यः त्वाम् मत् बाहु परिपालिताम् || ३-५५-२५

“Oh, benefactress of bliss, he who can lead you back with his valour, while you are being fended off by my mighty arms, him I do not envisage even in any one world of this threefold world. [3-55-25]

25. shobhane = oh, benefactress of bliss; trayaaNaam lokaanaam api = threefold, in worlds, even; yaH = he [who can]; mat baahu paripaalitaam tvaam = by my, [mighty] arms, fended off, you; vikrameNa nayet = by [his] valour, lead [back]; tam na pashyaami = him, not, I envisage.

Verse 26

लंकायाम् सुमहत् राज्यम् इदम् त्वम् अनुपालय |
त्वत् प्रेष्या मत् विधा चैव देवाः च अपि चर अचरम् || ३-५५-२६

“You rule over this very great empire of Lanka as an empress of Lanka, while me and mine, also thus all gods like me who hitherto are under my rule, and all mobile and sessile entities of whom I am the ruler, they too will hereafter make ourselves useful as your royal stewards, if you marry me. [3-55-26]

26. tvam = you; lankaayaam = of Lanka; su mahat = very, great one; idam raajyam = this, empire; anupaalaya = you rule over; mat vidhaa = me [and mine,] like; devaaH caiva = gods, also thus; cara acaram = mobile, sessile – beings; tvat preSyaa = your, [royal] stewards – they will become.

Verse 27 & 28a

अभिषेक उदक क्लिन्ना तुष्टा च रमयस्व माम् |
दुष्कृतम् यत् पुरा कर्म वन वासेन तद् गतम् || ३-५५-२७
यत् च ते सुकृतो धर्मः तस्य इह फलम् आप्नुहि |

“Wet with the waters of anointment you be elated and then delight me. By your damnable dwelling in forests bygone is your bad-luck that you misdealt in bygone times. And what dutiable good deed is to be done by you in marrying me, you do that now, and secure the fruits of that good deed here by marrying me. [3-55-27, 28a]

27, 28a. abhiSeka udaka klinnaa = anointment, waters, wet by; tuSTaa ca = be elated, also; maam ramayasva = me, you delight; puraa = earlier – in bygone times; yat duSkR^itam karma = which, misdealt, deed – bad-luck; tat vana vaasena gatam = that, in forests, by dwelling, is bygone; te yat sukR^itaH dharmaH = your, which, well-done, dutiable [to become my empress]; tasya phalam iha aapnuhi = its [that deed’s,] fruit, here, you secure.

Verse 28b & c

इह सर्वाणि माल्यानि दिव्य गंधानि मैथिलि || ३-५५-२८
भूषणानि च मुख्यानि तानि सेव मया सह |

“Oh, Maithili, here all the garlands are divinely fragranced and the jewellery is topmost, you will dress up with them along with me should you become my wife. [3-55-28b]

28b, c. maithili = oh, Maithili; iha = here, in Lanka; divya gandhaani = divinely, fragranced; sarvaaNi maalyaani = all, garlands; mukhyaani bhuuSaNaani ca = topmost, jewellery, also; taani = them; mayaa saha = me, with; seva = make use of – you dress up with them.

Verse 29b & 30a

पुष्पकम् नाम सुश्रोणि भ्रातुः वैश्रवणस्य मे || ३-५५-२९
विमानम् सूर्य संकाशम् तरसा निर्जितम् रणे |

“Oh, well-waisted lady, just by my might I notched up an aircraft known as Pushpaka from my brother Kubera in a war with him, which is similar sun in its shine. [3-55-29b. 30a]

29b, 30a. sushroNi = oh, well-waisted one; me bhraatuH vaishravaNasya = my, of brother, Vaishravana [Kubera’s]; puSpakam naama = Pushpaka, known as; suurya sankaasham vimaanam = sun, similar in shine, aircraft; tarasaa [mayaa] nirjitam raNe = by might, [by me,] notched up, in war.

Verse 30b & 31a

विशालम् रमणीयम् च तत् विमानम् मनो जवम् || ३-५५-३०
तत्र सीते मया सार्धम् विहरस्व यथा सुखम् |

“That aircraft is expansive and exhilarating, also its speed is on par with intuition, oh, Seetha, in that you can cheerfully fly about along with me, should you marry me. [3-55-30b, 31a]

30b, 31a. siite = oh, Seetha; manaH javam = intuition, at speed of; tat vimaanam = that, aircraft; ramaNiiyam ca = exhilarating, also; vishaalam ca = expansive, also; tatra = in that; mayaa saardham = me, along with; yathaa sukham viharasva = as per, [your] cheer [cheerfully,] you fly about.

Verse 31b & 32a

वदनम् पद्म संकाशम् विमलम् चारु दर्शनम् || ३-५५-३१
शोक आर्तम् तु वरारोहे न भ्राजति वर आनने |

“Oh, lady with a comely countenance, your visage is lotus similar in its shine, besides being immaculate, fairish and eyeful, but oh, curvaceous lady, with such a mushily maudlin of such a face this palace of mine is unbright, thus marry me to brighten everything” Thus Ravana spoke to Seetha. [3-55-31b, 32a]

31b, 32a. varaarohe = oh, curvaceous lady; vara aanane = oh, one with comely, countenance; padma sankaasham = lotus, similar in shine; vimalam = immaculate one; caaru darshanam = fairish, eyeful; vadanam = [your] visage; shoka aartam = mushily, maudlin; na bhraajati = not, brightish.

Verse 32b & 33a

एवम् वदति तस्मिन् सा वस्त्र अन्तेन वर अंगना || ३-५५-३२
पिधाय इन्दु निभम् सीता मंदम् अश्रून् अवर्तयत् |

While Ravana is speaking to her in this way that graceful lady Seetha veiled her moonier face with fringe of her sari, and stiflingly dispelled tears on that mooniest face behind her half-veil. [3-55-32b, 33a]

32b, 33a. tasmin evam vadati = by him [Ravana, thus, she is spoken; vara anganaa saa siitaa = graceful, lady, she, that Seetha; indu nibham = moon, similar; [mukham = face]; vastra antenna = cloth’s, with fringe; pidhaaya = covered [veiled,] Seetha; ashruun [ashruuNi] mandam avartayat = slowly [stiflingly,] tears, dispelled.

Verse 33b & 34a

ध्यायन्तीम् ताम् इव अस्वस्थाम् सीताम् चिंता हत प्रभाम् || ३-५५-३३
उवाच वचनम् वीरो रावणो रजनी चरः |

To her who is disconcerted and whose anguish marred her brilliance and who is appearing as though pondering over the question of her submittal to Ravana, or otherwise, although she is meditating, to such a Seetha Ravana the nightwalker said these words. [3-55-33b, 34a]

33b, 34a. viiraH = valorous – resolute one [or paapaH = sinner]; rajanii caraH raavaNaH = night, walker, Ravana; dhyaayantiim iva = meditating [appearing to be pondering over,] as if – she appeared; asvasthaam [an vasthaam] = disconcerted; cintaa hata prabhaam = by anguish, marred, brilliance; taam siitaam = to her, to Seetha; vacanam uvaaca = words, said.

Verse 34b & 35a

अलम् व्रीडेन वैदेहि धर्म लोप कृतेन ते || ३-५५-३४
आर्षो अयम् देवि निष्यन्दो यः त्वाम् अभिगमिष्यति |

“Oh, Vaidehi, enough is this embarrassment of yours presuming that your consorting with me is detrimental to scriptural canons, oh, empress, what that is approaching you in the form of queen-hood is absolutely compatible with the tradition.

34b, 35a: vaidehi = oh, Vaidehi; dharma te lopa kR^itena = for scriptural canons, by you, detrimental, caused by; vriiDena = embarrassment; alam = enough; yaH tvaam abhigamiSyati = which, to you, approaching [queen-hood]; ayam = that; devi = oh, empress; niSyandaH = compatible; [or, daiva niSyandaH = godly, connection, ordinance]; aarSaH = [absolutely] traditional.

Verse 35b & 36a

एतौ पादौ मया स्निग्धौ शिरोभिः परिपीडितौ || ३-५५-३५
प्रसादम् कुरु मे क्षिप्रम् वश्यो दासो अहम् अस्मि ते |

“Let these two feet of yours be massaged by my ten heads, do me favour readily, for I am your subordinate and servant. [3-55-35b. 36a]

35b, 36a: etau snigdhau paadau = these two, delicate, feet [of yours]; mayaa shirobhiH paripiiDitau = by me, with [ten] heads, let let hem be massaged – let them be touched; kSipram prasaadam kuru = readily, favour, you do; aham te vashyaH = I, to you, under control – subordinate; daasaH asmi = servant, I am.

Verse 36b & c

इमाः शून्या मया वाचः शुष्यमाणेन भाषिताः || ३-५५-३६
न च अपि रावणः कांचित् मूर्ध्ना स्त्रीम् प्रणमेत ह |

“I with a lustful hollow-heart spoke all these hollow words that are unbefitting to my stature, indeed, Ravana will never supplicate headlong to whosoever woman. [3-55-36b, 36c]

36b, 36c: shuSyamaaNena = being emptied [becoming hollow-hearted by lust]; mayaa imaaH = by me, these; shuunyaaH vaacaH bhaaSitaaH = hollow, words, spoken; raavaNaH kaancit striim = Ravana, whomsoever, to lady; muurdhnaa na ca api praNameta ha = headlong, not [never,] also, even, supplicate, indeed.

Verse 37

एवम् उक्त्वा दशग्रीवो मैथिलीम् जनक आत्मजाम् |
कृत अन्त वशम् आपन्नो मम इयम् इति मन्यते || ३-५५-३७

That Decahedral Ravana on speaking thus to Maithili, who is the daughter of Janaka, deemed that ‘she is mine,’ as he has gone under the sway of the Terminator. [3-55-37]

37. dashagriivaH = Decahedral Ravana; janaka aatmajaam maithiliim = Janaka’s, daughter, to Maithili; evam uktvaa = thus, having said; kR^itaanta vasham aapannaH = Terminator’s, sway, on getting; iyam mama = she is, mine; iti manyate = thus, he deemed.

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