50 – Jataayu’s confrontation with Ravana


Jataayu confronts Ravana on hearing the wailing of Seetha. He boldly forestalls Ravana and his air-chariot in the sky itself, and as an elderly being he reviles Ravana from the viewpoint of righteousness befitting to kings, but of no avail. His dilemma is that he cannot take flight to Rama’s place, nor he can forestall Ravana until Rama comes. Yet, he persists to affront Ravana.

Verse 1

तम् शब्दम् अवसुप्तस्य जटायुः अथ शुश्रुवे |
निरैक्षत् रावणम् क्षिप्रम् वैदेहीम् च ददर्श सः || ३-५०-१

Jataayu who is slumbering away craned and stared on hearing the voicing of Seetha and then he saw Ravana and even Vaidehi. [3-50-1]

1. ava suptasya = one who is slumbering; jaTaayuH tam shabdam shushruve = Jataayu, that, noise [voicing of Seetha,] clearly heard; atha saH kSipram = then, he, quickly; nir aikshat = gazed; raavaNam vaidehiim ca dadarsha = Ravana, Vaidehi, even, he saw.

Verse 2

ततः पर्वत शृंग आभः तीक्ष्ण तुण्डः खग उत्तमः |
वनस्पति गतः श्रीमान् व्याजहार शुभाम् गिरम् || ३-५०-२

That best bird majestic Jataayu with a very sharp beak and appearing like a mountain peak, then uttered these words of expediency still perching on a tree. [3-50-2]

2. tataH parvata shR^inga aabhaH = then, mountain, peak, in shine [peakiness]; tiikSNa tuNDaH = very sharp, beaked one; shriimaan = that majestic eagle; vanaspati gataH = on tree, gone on [perched]; khaga uttamaH = bird, best; shubhaam giram vyaajahaara = expedient, with words, uttered.

Verse 3 & 4a

दशग्रीव स्थितो धर्मे पुराणे सत्य संश्रयः |
भ्रातः सः त्वम् निन्दितम् कर्म कर्तुम् न अर्हसि संप्रताम् ||३-५०-३
जटायुः नाम नाम्ना अहम् गृध्र राजो महाबलः |

“Oh, brother, now it is inapt of you to undertake a deplorable deed. I am one of those who abide by perpetual probity and avowed to truthfulness. Such as I am, oh, Decahedral-demon Ravana, I am the mightiest king of eagles known by the name Jataayu. [3-50-3, 4a]

3, 4a. bhraataH = oh, brother; dashagriiva = oh, Ten-headed [Decahedral-demon] Ravana; samprataam = now; tvam ninditam karma kartum na arhasi = deplorable, deed, to do [to undertake,] not, apt of you; aham puraaNe dharme sthitaH = I, in perpetual, probity, he who is abiding; satya samshrayaH = to truthfulness, one avowed to; saH aham = such as I am; mahaabalaH = mightiest; gR^idhra raajaH = eagles, king; naamnaa jaTaayuH naama = known as, Jataayu, by name.

Verse 4b & 5a

राजा सर्वस्य लोकस्य महेन्द्र वरुण उपमः || ३-५०-४
लोकानाम् च हिते युक्तो रामो दशरथ आत्मजः |

“Rama, the son of Dasharatha, is the master of all the world, one similar to Mahendra and Varuna, the Rain-god, and the one who is connected with the well-being of all the world. [3-50-4b, 5a]

4b, 5a. dasharatha aatmajaH raamaH = Dasharatha’s, soul-born son, Rama; sarvasya lokasya raajaa = all, world’s, king – ruler; mahendra varuNa upamaH = Mahendra, Varuna – Rain-god, one similar to; lokaanaam hite yuktaH ca = worlds’, in well-being, connected with, also.

Verse 5b & 6a

तस्य एषा लोक नाथस्य धर्म पत्नी यशस्विनी || ३-५०-५
सीता नाम वरारोहा याम् त्वम् हर्तुम् इह इच्छसि |

“Whom you desire to abduct now, that best lady is Seetha by her name, and this glorious one is the legitimate wife of that preserver of all the worlds, namely Rama. [3-50-5b, 6a]

5b, 6a. yaam = whom; tvam iha hartum icChasi = you, now, to abduct, you desire to; eSaa = she is; siitaa naama varaarohaa = Seetha, named, best lady; yashasvinii = glorious one; loka naathasya = worlds, husband’s [preserver’s]; tasya = his – Rama’s; dharma patnii = legitimate, wife.

Verse 6b & 7a

कथम् राजा स्थितो धर्मे पर दारान् परामृशेत् || ३-५०-६
रक्षणीया विशेषेण राज दारा महाबलः |

“How a king adhering to probity can lay his hands on the wives of others? If it is a king’s wife, oh, great-mighty Ravana, she is to be safeguarded particularly. [3-50-6b, 7a]

6b, 7a. dharme sthitaH raajaa = in probity, adhering, a king; para daaraan = other’s, wires; katham paraamR^ishet = how, he touches – lay hands on; mahaabalaH = oh, great-mighty Ravana; raaja daaraa = king’s, wife; visheSeNa rakSaNiiyaa = particularly, is to be safeguarded.

Verse 7b & 8

निवर्तय गतिम् नीचाम् पर दार अभिमर्शनात् || ३-५०-७
न तत् समाचरेत् धीरो यत् परो अस्य विगर्हयेत् |
यथा आत्मनः तथा अन्येषाम् दारा रक्ष्या विमर्शनात् || ३-५०-८

“Reverse your filthy course, or fortuity, or mind form laying your hands on other’s wives. A sagacious person does not undertake that deed by which others deplore him. As with the protection of one’s own wife from somebody’s laying hands on her, other person’s wife is also to be protected in that way. [3-50-8 [3-50-7b, 8]

7b, 8. niicaam gatim [matim] = filthy, course/fortuity, [or, mind]; para daara abhimarshanaat = other’s, wife, from lay hands on; nivartaya = turn back; paraH = other person; asya = him [the doer of bad-deed]; yat vigarhayet = which [deed,] deplores; tat dhiiraH na samaacaret = that [deed,] a sagacious one, will not, undertake; aatmanaH daara = one’s own wife; yathaa = as to how; tathaa = = in that way; anyeSaam daaraH = other person’s, wife; vimarshanaat = from [somebody’s] laying hands on her; rakSyaaH = she is to be protected.

Verse 9

अर्थम् वा यदि वा कामम् शिष्टाः शास्त्रेषु अनागतम् |
व्यवस्यन्ति अनु राजानम् धर्मम् पौलस्त्य नंदन || ३-५०-९

“If the means to gain probity, or prosperities, or even pleasures are inconspicuous in scriptures, oh, the scion of Paulastya, then even the erudite scholars will conduct themselves following the king and his demeanour. [3-50-9]

9. paulastya nandana = oh, Paulastya’s, scion of; shiSTaaH = erudite scholars; shaastreSu an aagatam = in scriptures, not, conspicuous; artham vaa = prosperity, either; yadi vaa kaamam = or, if, pleasures; dharmam = [or even] probity; raajaanam anu = kings’ [course of action,] by following; vyavasyanti = conduct themselves.

Verse 10

राजा धर्मः च कामः च द्रव्याणाम् च उत्तमो निधिः |
धर्मः शुभम् वा पापम् वा राज मूलम् प्रवर्तते || ३-५०-१०

“A king is the best repository for probity, prosperities, and pleasures, and whether it is probity or felicity or even iniquity that will emerge from the fount called king. [3-50-10]

10. dharmaH ca kaamaH ca = of probity, also, of pleasures, also; dravyaaNaam ca = for prosperities, also; raajaa uttamaH nidhiH = king is, the best, repository; dharmaH = [whether it is] probity; shubham vaa paapam vaa = [whether it is] felicity, or, iniquity, or; raaja muulam pravartate = king, as fount, they emerge.

Verse 11

पाप स्वभावः चपलः कथम् त्वम् रक्षसाम् वर |
ऐश्वर्यम् अभिसंप्राप्तो विमानम् इव दुष्कृती || ३-५०-११

“Oh, prominent one among demons, deviltry and mercuriality are but natural for you demons, but how you have amassed affluence, as with an evildoer attaining an aircraft that puts him to flight to heaven.

11. rakSasaam varaH = among demons, oh, prominent one; paapa svabhaavaH = deviltry, by your nature; capalaH = mercuriality – you have; tvam = such a you are; duS kR^itii = an evil, doer; vimaanam [sampraaptaH ] iva = aircraft [that takes him to heaven,] [attaining,] as with; aishvaryam katham abhisampraaptaH = affluence [kingdom,] how, you attained – amassed.

Verse 12

काम स्वभावो यः सः असौ न शक्यः तम् प्रमार्जितुम् |
न हि दुष्ट आत्मनाम् आर्यम् आवसति आलये चिरम् || ३-५०-१२

“He whose nature is such, that nature is perhaps impossible to efface, a sermon does not dwell in the heart of an evil-minded one for a long time, indeed.

12. yaH = which; [yasya = to whom]; svabhaavaH = is the nature; asau saH = from him [his,] that; pra maarjitum = to efface; kaama [kaamam] = perhaps; na shakyaH = not, possible; duSTa aatmanaam aalaye = evil, minded one’s, in residence; aaryam = sermon [prosperity]; ciram na aavasati hi = for a long time, not, dwells, indeed.

Verse 13

विषये वा पुरे वा ते यदा रामो महाबलः |
न अपराध्यति धर्मात्मा कथम् तस्य अपराध्यसि || ३-५०-१३

“When that great-mighty Rama has not transgressed either in your country or in your city Lanka, then how you become a transgressor in respect of that noble-souled Rama? [3-50-13]

13. mahaa balaH = great-mighty [Rama]; dharma aatmaa = noble souled [Rama]; raamaH = Rama; yadaa = when; te viSaye vaa = in your, country, either; pure vaa = in [your] city, or; na aparaadhyati = not, offensive – not transgressed; tasya = in his [respect]; katham aparaadhyasi = how, you are offensive.

Verse 14 & 15

यदि शूर्पणखा हेतोः जनस्थान गतः खरः |
अतिवृत्तो हतः पूर्वम् रामेण अक्लिष्ट कर्मणा || ३-५०-१४
अत्र ब्रूहि यथा तत्त्वम् को रामस्य व्यतिक्रमः |
यस्य त्वम् लोक नाथस्य हृत्वा भार्याम् गमिष्यसि || ३-५०-१५

“If Rama of indefatigable deeds firstly eliminated Khara who is stationed at Janasthaana, and who transgressed for the sake of Shuurpanakha, tell me what in actuality is the highly overstepping behaviour of Rama in that matter, whereupon you are stealing off with the wife of such a lord of world? [3-50-14, 15]

14. shuurpaNakhaa hetoH = Shuurpanakha, for the sake of; janasthaana gataH kharaH = Janasthaana, gone in [residing,] Khara; ati vR^ittaH = is over, bearing – transgressed; a kliSTa karmaNaa = [one who is with] not, fatigable, deeds; by such a; raameNa = by Rama; puurvam = in first instance; hataH yadi = killed, if; atra = in that matter; loka naathasya = world’s, lord’s; yasya bhaaryaam = whose, wife; tvam = you; hR^itvaa gamiSyasi = on stealing, you are going; such; raamasya = Rama’s; vyatikramaH [vi ati kramaH = highly, over, stepping] high transgression; kaH = what is; yathaa tattvam bruuhi = as per, actuality, you tell.

Verse 16

क्षिप्रम् विसृज वैदेहीम् मा त्वा घोरेण चक्षुषा |
दहेत् दहनभूतेन वृत्रम् इन्द्र अशनिः यथा || ३-५०-१६

“Instantly deliver up Vaidehi. Let not the disastrous and glowing fire-like eyes of Rama, which transmogrify so when he assumes fury, burn you down as the Thunderbolt of Indra once burnt the demon Vritta. [3-50-16]

16. kSipram vaidehiim visR^ija = instantly, Vaidehi, deliver up; tvaa [tvaam] = you will be; indra ashaniH = Indra’s, Thunderbolt; vR^itram = Vritta, the demon; yathaa = as with; dahana bhuutena = which have become glowing fire; ghoreNa cakSuSaa = with disastrous [eyes,] with [such] eyes; [raamasya = of Rama]; maa dahet = let not, burn.

Verse 17

सर्पम् आशीविषम् बद्ध्वा वस्त्र अन्ते न अवबुध्यसे |
ग्रीवायाम् प्रतिमुक्तम् च काल पाशम् न पश्यसि || ३-५०-१७

“You are unconscious that you have presently bundled a lethally venomous serpent at the fringe of your attire, and you are equally unwary that the Terminator’s lasso is presently loosened around your neck. [3-50-17]

17. aashiiviSam sarpam = lethally venomous, serpent; vastra ante baddhvaa = attire, at fringe of, on bundling; na avabudhyase = not, conscious of; griivaayaam prati muktam ca = at neck, towards [around,] loosened; [prati saktam = around, tied]; kaala paasham na pashyasi = Terminator’s, lasso, not, seeing [wary of] you are.

Verse 18

स भारः सौम्य भर्तव्यो यो नरम् न अवसादयेत् |
तत् अन्नम् अपि भोक्तव्यम् जीर्यते यत् अनामयम् || ३-५०-१८

“Oh, cultured one, that weight alone is to be shouldered by which a man is not brought down, and that repast alone is to be consumed by which nothing upsets. [3-50-18]

18. saumya = oh, cultured one; yaH naram na ava saadayet = by which, man, not, down, brings – which will not bring a man down]; sa bhaaraH bhartavyaH = that, weight, can be shouldered; yat anaamayam jiiryate = which, without upsetting [stomach,] is digestible; tat annam api bhoktavyam = that, repast, even, is to be consumed.

Verse 19

यत् कृत्वा न भवेत् धर्मो न कीर्तिः न यशः ध्रुवम् |
शरीरस्य भवेत् खेदः कः तत् कर्म समाचरेत् || ३-५०-१९

“Who will undertake a deed that yields neither probity, nor deference, nor distinction but results in just physical drudgery? [3-50-19]

19. yat = which; kR^itvaa = having done – on undertaking; dharmaH na bhavet = probity, not, becomes [chance upon]; kiirtiH na = deference, not; yashaH na = distinction, not – occurs; shariirasya khedaH bhavet = body’s, woefulness, chances upon; tat karma = such an, undertaking; kaH dhruvam samaacaret = who, for sure, undertakes.

Verse 20

षष्टि वर्ष सहस्राणि जातस्य मम रावण |
पितृ पैतामहम् राज्यम् यथावत् अनुतिष्ठतः || ३-५०-२०

“I have dedicated myself to the kingdom of my fathers and forefathers according to tradition, and sixty thousand years have elapsed since I was born. [3-50-20]

20. raavaNa = oh, Ravana; pitR^i paitaamaham raajyam = father, forefather’s, kingdom; yathaavat anutiSThataH = according to tradition, dedicated myself to it; jaatasya mama = from birth, to me; SaSTi varSa sahasraaNi = sixty, years, thousand – sixty thousand years completed.

Verse 21

वृद्धो अहम् त्वम् युवा धन्वी स रथः कवची शरी |
न च अपि आदाय कुशली वैदेहीम् न गमिष्यसि || ३-५०-२१

“You are youngish whereas I am oldish, you are an armoured archer darting arrows from an air-chariot, whereas I am pensile bird in an open sky. Nevertheless, on taking Vaidehi you cannot abscond safely. [3-50-21]

21. aham vR^iddhaH = I am, oldish; tvam yuvaa = you are, youngish; dhanvii = [you are] an archer; sa rathaH = with, air-chariot; kavacii = armoured; sharii = with arrows; na ca api = not, alo, even; or, [tathaa api = even then]; vaidehiim aadaaya = Vaidehi, on taking; kushalii na gamiSyasi = safely, you cannot, go [abscond.]

Verse 22

न शक्तः त्वम् बलात् हर्तुम् वैदेहीम् मम पश्यतः |
हेतुभिः न्याय संयुक्तैः ध्रुवाम् वेद श्रुतीम् इव || ३-५०-२२

“It will be incapable of you to forcibly abduct Vaidehi when I keep an eye one her, as with the defilement of definitive Vedic scriptures by the logicians, dialecticians, materialists and suchlike non-believers, with their conjectural logic.

22. mama pashyataH = I am, while seeing [while I keep an eye on her]; vaidehiim = Vaidehi be; nyaaya samyuktaiH hetubhiH = logic, along with, reasoning – with conjectural logic; dhruvaam veda shrutiim iva = definitive, Veda, scriptures, as with; balaat hartum = to forcibly, abduct; tvam na shaktaH = you are, not, capable.

Verse 23

युध्यस्व यदि शूरो असि मुहूर्तम् तिष्ठ रावण |
शयिष्यसे हतो भूमौ यथा पूर्वम् खरः तथा || ३-५०-२३

“Stay for a moment, oh, Ravana, if you are valiant enough you can combat with Rama who will return right away, and at his hand you will be slain and sprawling on earth in the same way as Khara sprawled earlier. [3-50-23]

23. raavaNa = oh, Ravana; shuuraH asi yadi = valiant one, you are, if; yudhyasva = you combat; muhuurtam tiSTha = for a moment, you stay; puurvam kharaH yathaa = earlier, as with, Khara; tathaa = likewise; hataH bhuumau shayiSyase = slain, on earth, you will sprawl.

Verse 24

असकृत् संयुगे येन निहता दैत्य दानवाः |
न चिरात् चीर वासाः त्वाम् रामो युधि वधिष्यति || ३-५०-२४

“He who eliminated demons and ogres in combats time after time, that Rama though apparently attired in jute-cloths like a meek-saint, will become a towering-inferno in a given combat, and he eliminates you very soon. [3-50-24]

24. yena = by whom; a sakR^it = not, for once – time after time; sanyuge daitya daanavaaH nihataa = in combat, ogres, demons, are eliminated; such Rama; na ciraat = not, long after [very soon]; ciira vaasaaH raamaH = in jute-cloth, one attired in, Rama; tvaam yudhi vadhiSyati = you, in war, eliminates.

Verse 25

किम् नु शक्यम् मया कर्तुम् गतौ दूरम् नृप आत्मजौ |
क्षिप्रम् त्वम् नश्यसे नीच तयोः भीतो न संशयः || ३-५०-२५

“What can possibly be done by me when those princes have gone far-off! It is beyond the scope of my fetching them in time! You knave, you who are scared of them will now be lost to my blockade, without a doubt. [3-50-25]

25. mayaa kim nu shakyam kartum = by me, what, verily, is possible, to do; nR^ipa aatmajau duuram gatau = king’s, sons [princes,] remotely, have gone; niica = you knave; tayoH bhiitaH = of them, scared; tvam kSipram nashyase = you, in a wink, cease [be lost to my blockade]; samshayaH na = doubt, is not there.

Verse 26

न हि मे जीवमानस्य नयिष्यसि शुभाम् इमाम् |
सीताम् कमल पत्र अक्षीम् रामस्य महषीम् प्रियाम् || ३-५०-२६

“When I am alive you cannot lead away this auspicious, lotus-leave-eyed Seetha, the dear queen of Rama. [3-50-26]

26. me jiivamaanasya = I am, while living; shubhaam = auspicious one; kamala patra akSiim = lotus, leaves, eyed one; raamasya priyaam mahaSiim = Rama’s, dear, queen; imaam siitaam = this [lady,] Seetha; na nayiSyasi hi = not, you lead away, indeed.

Verse 28

तिष्ठ तिष्ठ दशग्रीव मुहूर्तम् पश्य रावण |
वृन्तात् इव फलम् त्वाम् तु पातयेयम् रथ उत्तमात् |
युद्ध आतिथ्यम् प्रदास्यामि यथा प्राणम् निशा चर || ३-५०-२८

“Stopoff! Stopoff! Oh, Decahedral Ravana, briefly learn of me as how I jettison you from your best air-chariot, as with the unloading of a burdensome fruit from its sepals. Oh, nightwalker, I will be giving guestship to you in a duel as long as I am alive. [3-50-28]

28. dashagriiva = oh, Ten-head Ravana; muhuurtam = briefly; tiSTha tiSTha = stopoff, stopoff; raavaNa pashya = Ravana, see; nishaa cara = oh, night, walker; yathaa praaNam [tiSTati] = as [long as,] life, [remains in me, I am alive]; yuddha aatithyam pradaasyaami = duel, guestship, I give; vR^intaat phalam iva = from sepals, [burdensome] fruit, as with; tvaam = you; ratha uttamaat = from chariot, the best; paatayeyam = I jettison.

Verse 27

अवश्यम् तु मया कार्यम् प्रियम् तस्य महात्मनः |
जीवितेन अपि रामस्य तथा दशरथस्य च || ३-५०-२७

“But I must definitely accomplish something to forestall you till they come, for I cannot willingly depart from here to fetch any of the two brothers, and that deed I needs must do shall be agreeable to the great-souled Rama, likewise even to Dasharatha, even at the stake of my life. [3-50-27]

27. mahaa aatmanaH = great-souled one; tasya raamasya = for that, Rama; tathaa = likewise; dasharathasya ca = for Dasharatha, also; mayaa avashyam = by me, definitely; jiivitena api = [at the stake of my] life, even; priyam kaaryam = agreeable, deed; [kartavyam = is to be done.]

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