47 – The debate of Seetha and Ravana is started,


The debate of Seetha and Ravana has started, as Ravana wished to woo Seetha. In the first instance Seetha believes him to be a Vedic Brahman but insists to know about him. Ravana reveals his identity and asks her to become his wife. Thereupon she goes into a frenzied state and brainstorms Ravana in all her curtness.

Verse 1

रावणेन तु वैदेही तदा पृष्टा जिहीर्षुणा |
परिव्राजक रूपेण शशंस आत्मानम् आत्मना || ३-४७-१

When Ravana whose intention is to abduct her has enquired thus, then on the basis of his Brahman friar’s mien Seetha informed about herself on her own. [3-47-1]

1. tadaa = then; jihiirSuNaa = by one who wishes to steal; parivraajaka ruupeNa raavaNena = friar’s, in mien, by Ravana; pR^iSTaa vaidehii = one who is asked, such Vaidehi; aatmaanam = about herself; aatmanaa = on her own; shashamsa = made clear – informed.

Verse 2

ब्राह्मणः च अतिथिः च एष अनुक्तो हि शपेत माम् |
इति ध्यात्वा मुहूर्तम् तु सीता वचनम् अब्रवीत् || ३-४७-२

Thinking briefly that, ‘he is a Brahman and an untimely guest, he will indeed curse me if he is not replied,’ Seetha spoke this sentence. [3-47-2]

2. braahmaNaH ca = Brahman, also; atithiH ca = untimely guest, also; such as he is; eSa = he; an uktaH = not, said – if not replied; maam shapeta hi = me, he curses, indeed; iti muhuurtam dhyaatvaa = thus, briefly, thinking; siitaa vacanam abraviit = Seetha, sentence, spoke.

Verse 3

दुहिता जनकस्य अहम् मैथिलस्य महात्मनः |
सीता नाम्ना अस्मि भद्रम् ते रामस्य महिषी प्रिया || ३-४७-३

“I am the daughter of noble-souled Janaka, the king of Mithila, by name I am Seetha, and the dear wife and queen of Rama, let safety betide you. [3-47-3]

3. aham = I am; maithilasya [raajasya] mahaatmanaH janakasya duhitaa = of Mithila, [King’s,] noble-souled, Janaka’s, daughter; naamnaa siitaa asmi = by name, Seetha, I am; raamasya priyaa mahiSii [bhaaryaa] = Rama’s, dear, queen [wife]; te bhadram = let safety betide you.

Verse 4

उषित्वा द्वा दश समाः इक्ष्वाकूणाम् निवेशने |
भुंजाना मानुषान् भोगान् सर्व काम समृद्धिनी || ३-४७-४

“On residing in the residence of Ikshvaku-s in Ayodhya for twelve years, I was in sumptuosity of all cherishes while relishing all humanly prosperities. [3-47-4]

4. dvaa dasha samaaH = two, ten [twelve,] years; ikshvaakuuNaam niveshane uSitvaa = Ikshvaku’s, in residence, on residing; maanuSaan bhogaan bhunjaanaa = humanly, prosperities, relishing; sarva kaama samR^iddhinii = all, cherishes, in sumptuosity – I was.

Verse 5

तत्र त्रयो दशे वर्षे राज अमंत्र्यत प्रभुः |
अभिषेचयितुम् रामम् समेतो राज मन्त्रिभिः || ३-४७-५

“In the thirteenth year the lordly king Dasharatha deliberated together with his imperial ministers to anoint Rama as Crown Prince of Ayodhya. [3-47-5]

5. tatra = therein [of Ayodhya]; prabhuH raaja = lord and king – Dasharatha; trayaH dashe varSe = thirteenth, in year; raaja mantribhiH sametaH = imperial, ministers, together with; raamam abhiSecayitum = Rama, to anoint [as Crown Prince]; amantryata = deliberated.

Verse 6

तस्मिन् संभ्रियमाणे तु राघवस्य अभिषेचने |
कैकेयी नाम भर्तारम् मम आर्या याचते वरम् || ३-४७-६

“When Raghava’s anointment was being organised my venerable mother-in-law known as Kaikeyi begged her husband Dasharatha for a boon. [3-47-6]

6. raaghavasya = Raghava’s; tasmin abhiSecane sambhriyamaaNe tu = that, anointment, when being organised, but; kaikeyii naama = Kaikeyi, known as – named; mama aaryaa = my, venerable lady [mother-in-law]; bhartaaram varam yaacate = of her husband – Dasharatha, boon, begged.

Verse 7

प्रतिगृह्य तु कैकेयी श्वशुरम् सुकृतेन मे |
मम प्रव्राजनम् भर्तुर् भरतस्य अभिषेचनम् || ३-४७-७
द्वौ अयाचत भर्तारम् सत्यसंधम् नृपोत्तमम् |

“Restraining my veracious father-in-law by a good deed once done by her in his respect, Kaikeyi besought two boons from him, namely expatriation of my husband, and anointment of her son Bharata. [3-47-7, 8a]

7, 8a. kaikeyii = Kaikeyi; me shvashuram = my, with father-in-law; su kR^itena = by good, deed [once done by Kaikeyi for Dasharatha]; pratigR^ihya = on restraining; satya sandham nR^ipa uttamam bhartaaram = truthfulness, abiding one, king, the best one, from such a husband – Dasharatha; mama bhartuH = my, husband’s; pra vraajanam = distant, going [expatriation]; bharatasya abhiSecanam = Bharata’s, anointment; dvau = two [boons]; ayaacata = she besought.

 Verse 8 & 9

न अद्य भोक्ष्ये न च स्वप्स्ये न पास्ये कदाचन || ३-४७-८
एष मे जीवितस्य अन्तो रामो यदि अभिषिच्यते |
इति ब्रुवाणाम् कैकेयीम् श्वशुरो मे स पार्थिवः || ३-४७-९
अयाचत अर्थैः अन्वर्थैः न च यांचाम् चकार सा |

” ‘If Rama is anointed now, come what may I will not eat, sleep, or drink, and my life ends this way,’ thus Kaikeyi was adamantine, and the king and my father-in-law entreated her who is nagging with meaningful riches, but she did not make good on that entreaty. [3-47-8b, 9, 10a]

8b, 9, 10a. adya = now; raamaH abhiSicyate yadi = Rama, is anointed, if; na bhokSye = not, I eat; na ca svapsye = not, also, I sleep; kadaa cana = in any way – come what may; na paasye ca = not, I drink, also; eSa me jiivitasya antaH = this way, my, life’s, ending; so said Kaika to Dasharatha; iti bruvaaNaam kaikeyiim = thus, speaking [nagging,] at Kaikeyi; me saH shvashuraH paarthivaH = of mine, he that, father-in-law, and king; anvarthaiH arthaiH = with meaningful, riches; ayaacata = entreated; saa yaa.ncaam na cakaara = she, that entreaty, not, made good.

 Verse 10b & 11

मम भर्ता महातेजा वयसा पंच विंशकः || ३-४७-१०
अष्टा दश हि वर्षाणि मम जन्मनि गण्यते |

“My great-resplendent husband was of twenty-five years of age at that time, and to me eighteen years are reckoned up from my birth. [3-47-10b, 11a]

10b, 11. mahaatejaa mama bhartaa = great resplendent my, husband; vayasaa panca vimshakaH = by age, five, twenty – twenty-five years; mama janmani = my, from birth; aSTaa dasha varSaaNi hi = eight, ten – eighteen, years, only; gaNyate = reckoned up.

 Verse 11b & 12a

राम इति प्रथितो लोके सत्यवान् शीलवान् शुचिः || ३-४७-११
विशालाक्षो महाबाहुः सर्व भूत हिते रतः |

“Rama – thus he is exalted in the world, an unambiguous, unblemished, unsullied one, and a broad-eyed ambidextrous one, who delights in bringing universal welfare, is my husband. [3-47-11b, 12a]

11b. 12a. raama iti = Rama, thus; loke prathitaH = in world, exalted as; satyavaan shiilavaan shuciH = unambiguous, unblemished, unsullied one; vishaala akSaH mahaabaahuH = broad, eyed one, ambidextrous one; sarva bhuuta hite rataH = all, beings, in welfare, delights in [delights in bringing universal welfare]; [mama bhartaa = is my, husband.]

 Verse 12b & 13a

कामार्तः च महाराजः पिता दशरथः स्वयम् || ३-४७-१२
कैकेय्याः प्रिय कामार्थम् तम् रामम् न अभिषेचयत् |

“But Rama’s father Dasharatha was lovesick for Kaikeyi and to fulfil her desired aspiration that great king did not anoint Rama. [3-47-12b, 13a]

12b, 13a. kaama aartaH = one who is – love, sick – for Kaikeyi; mahaaraajaH pitaa dasharathaH svayam = great-king, [his, Rama’s] father, Dasharatha, personally; kaikeyyaaH priya kaama artham = for Kaikeyi’s, cherish [aspiration,] desired [by her,] for fulfilling; tam raamam na abhiSecayat = him, Rama, not, anointed.

 Verse 13b & 14a

अभिषेकाय तु पितुः समीपम् रामम् आगतम् || ३-४७-१३
कैकेयी मम भर्तारम् इति उवाच द्रुतम् वचः |

“When Rama arrived in the presence of his father, Kaikeyi readily and decidedly spoke these words to my husband. [3-47-b, 14a]

13b, 14a. abhiSekaaya = for anointment; pituH samiipam aagatam = to father’s, presence of, [when] arrived; mama bhartaaram raamam = to my, husband Rama; kaikeyii iti drutam [dhR^itam] vacaH uvaaca = Kaikeyi, these, readily [decidedly,] words, spoke.

 Verse 14b & 15a

तव पित्रा समाज्ञप्तम् मम इदम् शृणु राघव || ३-४७-१४
भरताय प्रदातव्यम् इदम् राज्यम् अकण्टकम् |

” ‘What your father has proclaimed, oh, Raghava, that may be heard from me. He said, ‘let this thornless kingdom be accorded to Bharata.’ [3-47-14b, 15a]

14b, 15b. raaghava = oh, Raghava; tava pitraa sam aaGYaptam = your, by father, verily, proclaimed; idam mama shR^iNu = this, mine [from me,] you hear; a kaNTakam idam raajyam = not, thorny [thornless,] this, kingdom; bharataaya pra daatavyam = to Bharata, well, accorded.

 Verse 15b & 16a

त्वया तु खलु वस्तव्यम् नव वर्षाणि पंच च || ३-४७-१५
वने प्रव्रज काकुत्स्थ पितरम् मोचय अनृतात् |

“And you, oh, Kakutstha Rama, indeed have to inhabit the forests for nine plus five years, hence you repair to forests and redeem your father from the remorse of perjury.’ [3-47-15b, 16a]

15b, 16a. kaakutstha = oh, Kakutstha Rama; tvayaa = by you; nava panca ca = nine, five, also – nine plus five – fourteen; varSaaNi = years; vane vastavyam khalu = in forest, inhabitable, indeed; pra vraja = onward, move [you repair to forests]; pitaram a nR^itaat mocaya = father, from untruthfulness, be released [redeemed from the remorse of perjury.]

 Verse 16b & 17a

तथा इति उवाच ताम् रामः कैकेयीम् अकुतो भयः || ३-४७-१६
चकार तत् वचः तस्या मम भर्ता दृढ व्रतः |

” ‘As an unfearing one from any quarter and as a resolute one in his pledge my husband Rama said ‘so be it’ to Kaikeyi and followed her dictate. [3-47-16b, 17a]

16b, 17a. a kutaH bhayaH = not, from anywhere, one who has fear – an unfearing one from any side, Rama; dR^iDha vrataH = resolute, to pledge [strong-willed one]; mama bhartaa raamaH = my, husband, Rama; tathaa iti = so be it; taam kaikeyiim uvaaca = to her, to Kaikeyi, having said; tasyaaH tat vacaH cakaara = her, that, word [dictate,] made good [followed.]

 Verse 17b & 18a

दद्यात् न प्रतिगृह्णीयात् सत्यम् ब्रूयात् न च अनृतम् || ३-४७-१७
एतत् ब्राह्मण रामस्य व्रतम् ध्रुवम् अनुत्तमम् |

“My husband is evermore a renderer but not a recipient, and forever he speaks truth, and not the untruth, least of all. Oh, Brahman, this is the unalterable and unsurpassable vow of Rama. [3-47-17b, 18a]

17b, 18a. dadyaat = [he] gives – a renderer; na prati gR^ihNiiyaat = not, in turn, takes [not a recipient]; satyam bruuyaat = truth, speaks; a nR^itam na ca = un, truth, not, also [least of all]; braahmaNa = oh, Brahman; etat raamasya = this is, Rama’s; dhruvam = unalterable; an uttamam = un, surpassable; vratam = vow.

 Verse 18b & 19a

तस्य भ्राता तु वैमात्रो लक्ष्मणो नाम वीर्यवान् || ३-४७-१८
रामस्य पुरुषव्याघ्रः सहायः समरे अरिहा |

“One known as Lakshmana is such a Rama’s brother from another mother, and he is a valorous one, tigerly-man, and an eliminator of enemies in war. [3-47-18b, 19a]

18b, 19a. tasya raamasya = that, Rama’s; vi maatraH [dvai maatra] = of another mother [second-mother]; bhraataa = brother of; viiryavaan puruSa vyaaghraH = valorous one; manly tiger; lakSmaNaH naama = Lakshmana, known as; samare ari haa = in war, enemy, eliminator.

 Verse 19b & 20a

स भ्राता लक्ष्मणो नाम धर्म चारी दृढ व्रतः || ३-४७-१९
अन्वगच्छत् धनुष् पाणिः प्रव्रजंतम् मया सह |

“He who is known as Lakshmana, a follower of virtue and steadfast in his commitment, followed Rama handling his bow as a helpmate, when Rama was proceeding to forests along with me. [3-47-19b, 20a]

19b, 20a. dharma caarii = virtue, follower; [brahmacaarii = celibate]; dR^iDha vrataH = steadfast, in commitment; lakSmaNaH naama = Lakshmana, known as; saH bhraataa = he that, brother; dhanuS paaNiH = bow, handling; mayaa saha pravrajantam = with me, along, proceeding; [raamasya] sahaayaH = [to Rama,] as helpmate; anvagacChat = followed

 Verse 20b & 21a

जटी तापस रूपेण मया सह सह अनुजः || ३-४७-२०
प्रविष्टो दँडकारण्यम् धर्म नित्यो धृढ व्रतः |

“Because Rama always abides in probity and resolutely vowed to it, he entered Dandaka forest in the aspect of a tufty haired saint along with me and his brother. [3-47-20b, 21a]

20b, 21a. dharma nityaH = in probity, always [one who is abiding]; dhR^iDha vrataH = resolutely, vowed – such Rama; jaTii taapasa ruupeNa = tufty-haired, saint, in aspect [Rama]; mayaa saha = me, along with; saha anujaH = with, his brother [Lakshmana]; danDaka araNyam praviSTaH = Dandaka, forest entered.

 Verse 21b & 22a

ते वयम् प्रच्युता राज्यात् कैकेय्याः तु कृते त्रयः || ३-४७-२१
विचराम द्विज श्रेष्ठ वनम् गंभीरम् ओजसा |

“Such as we are, oh, eminent Brahman, we three are moving about the impenetrable Dandaka forest just by our own mettle as we fell down from kingdom owing to Kaikeyi. [3-47-21b, 22a]

21b, 22a. dvija shreSTha = oh, Brahman, the eminent; te vayam = those, we- such a we are we; trayaH = three of us; kaikeyyaaH kR^ite tu = for Kaikeyi, sake of, but for; raajyaat pra cyutaa = from kingdom, verily, fallen [downfallen]; ojasaa = on our own mettle; gambhiiram vanam vicaraamaH = impenetrable, forest, we are moving about.

 Verse 22b & 23

समाश्वस मुहूर्तम् तु शक्यम् वस्तुम् इह त्वया || ३-४७-२२
आगमिष्यति मे भर्ता वन्यम् आदाय पुष्कलम् |
रुरून् गोधान् वराहान् च हत्वा आदाय अमिषान् बहु || ३-४७-२३

“Be comfortable for a moment, here it is possible for you to make a sojourn, and soon my husband will be coming on taking plentiful forest produce, and on killing stags, mongooses, wild boars he fetches meat, aplenty. [3-47-22b, 23]

22b, 23. muhuurtam samaashvasa = for a moment, be comfortable; tvayaa iha vastum shakyam = by you, here, to take rest, possible; me bhartaa = my, husband; ruruun = stag with black stripes; godhaan = mongooses like [civet-like mammals of the family Viverridae, esp. of the genus Herpestes, Marathi manguus]; varaahaan ca = wild-boars, also; hatvaa = on killing; bahu amiSaan aadaaya = aplenty, meat, on taking; puSkalam vanyam aadaaya = plentiful, forest produce, on taking; aagamiSyati = will be coming [soon.]

 Verse 24

सः त्वम् नाम च गोत्रम् च कुलम् आचक्ष्व तत्त्वतः |
एकः च दण्डकारण्ये किम् अर्थम् चरसि द्विज || ३-४७-२४

“Such as you are, oh, Brahman, you may make mention of your name, parentage and caste, in their actuality. For what reason you are wandering in Dandaka forest lonesomely?” Thus Seetha questioned Ravana. [3-47-24]

24. dvija = oh, Brahman; saH tvam = such as you are; naama ca gotram ca kulam ca = name, also, parentage, also, caste, also; tattvataH aacakSva = in actuality, make mention of; ekaH ca = lonesomely, also; daNDaka araNye in Dandaka, forest; kim artham carasi for what, reason, you wander.

 Verse 25

एवम् ब्रुवत्याम् सीतायाम् राम पत्नीआम् महाबलः |
प्रत्युवाच उत्तरम् तीव्रम् रावणो राक्षसाधिपः || ३-४७-२५

Ravana, the great-mighty king of demons, brusquely replied Seetha, the wife of Rama, while she is still speaking in this way. [3-47-25]

25. raama patniiaam [patnyaam] siitaayaam = to Rama’s, wife, Seetha; evam bruvatyaam = this way, while still speaking; mahaabalaH raakSasaadhipaH raavaNaH = great-mighty, demons, king, Ravana; tiivram uttaram = brusque, reply; prati uvaaca = in turn, said [replied.]

 Verse 26

येन वित्रासिता लोकाः स देव असुर मानुषा |
अहम् सः रावणो नाम सीते रक्षो गण ईश्वरः || ३-४७-२६

“Oh, Seetha, of whom all the worlds composed of gods, demons and humans are highly startled, I am that sovereign of hosts of demons, known as Ravana. [3-47-26]

26. siite = oh, Seetha; aham = I am [he]; yena = by whom; sa deva asura maanuSaa = with [composed of,] gods, demons, humans; lokaaH = [all] worlds; vi traasitaaH = [are] highly, startled; such a being I am; saH rakSaaH gaNa iishvaraH = he that, demon, hosts, sovereign of; raavaNaH naama = Ravana, known as.

 Verse 27

त्वाम् तु कांचन वर्ण आभाम् दृष्ट्वा कौशेय वासिनीम् |
रतिम् स्वकेषु दारेषु न अधिगच्छामि अनिन्दिते || ३-४७-२७

“On seeing you, oh, impeccable one, glittering with golden complexion and attired in ochry-silks, I derive no pleasure in my wives. [3-47-27]

27. a nindite = oh, not, peccable one; kaancana varNa aabhaam = golden, hued, glittering; kausheya vaasiniim = ochry-silks, attired in; tvaam dR^iSTvaa = you, on seeing; svakeSu daareSu = in my, wives; ratim = pleasure; na adhi gacChaami = not, I derive.

 Verse 28

बह्वीनाम् उत्तम स्त्रीणाम् आहृतानाम् इतः ततः |
सर्वासाम् एव भद्रम् ते मम अग्र महिषी भव || ३-४७-२८

“You become my prime queen above all the choicest women with superior status, whom I have appropriated from here and there. [3-47-28]

28. itaH tataH = from here, and there; aahR^itaanaam = [by me,] appropriated; bahviinaam = among many – superior class ladies; sarvaasaam eva = [above] all of them, thus; uttama striiNaam = choicest, women; mama agra mahiSii = my, prime, queen; bhava = you become; te bhadram = you, be safe.

 Verse 30

तत्र सीते मया सार्धम् वनेषु विचरिष्यसि |
न च अस्य वन वासस्य स्पृहयिष्यसि भामिनि || ३-४७-३०

“Oh, Seetha, there you can saunter in pleasure-gardens along with me, and oh, lady with resentment, you will not think back to this forest-living, at all events. [3-47-30]

30. siite = oh, Seetha; tatra mayaa saardham = there, with me, along with; vaneSu = in pleasure-gardens; vicariSyasi = you can saunter; bhaamini = oh, lady with resentment; asya vana vaasasya = about this, forest, dwelling; na ca spR^iha yiSyasi = not, also – at all events, think back to.

 Verse 29

लंका नाम समुद्रस्य मध्ये मम महापुरी |
सागरेण परिक्षिप्ता निविष्टा गिरि मूर्धनि || ३-४७-२९

“Nestled on a mountaintop my great city known as Lanka is there in the midst of an ocean and all over encompassed by an ocean. [3-47-29]

29. lankaa naama = Lanka, known as; mama mahaa purii = my, great, city; samudrasya madhye = ocean’s, amidst – is there; saagareNa pari kSiptaa = by ocean, around, encompassed; that Lanka; giri muurdhani = mountain, on top; niviSTaa = nestled.

 Verse 30

तत्र सीते मया सार्धम् वनेषु विचरिष्यसि |
न च अस्य वन वासस्य स्पृहयिष्यसि भामिनि || ३-४७-३०

“Oh, Seetha, there you can saunter in pleasure-gardens along with me, and oh, lady with resentment, you will not think back to this forest-living, at all events. [3-47-30]

30. siite = oh, Seetha; tatra mayaa saardham = there, with me, along with; vaneSu = in pleasure-gardens; vicariSyasi = you can saunter; bhaamini = oh, lady with resentment; asya vana vaasasya = about this, forest, dwelling; na ca spR^iha yiSyasi = not, also – at all events, think back to.

 Verse 31

पंच दास्यः सहस्राणि सर्व आभरण भूषिताः |
सीते परिचरिष्यन्ति भार्या भवसि मे यदि || ३-४७-३१

“Oh, Seetha, if you become my wife five thousand handmaidens adorned with ornaments of every description will be in your attendance.” Thus Ravana said to Seetha. [3-47-31]

31. siite = oh, Seetha; me bhaaryaa bhavasi yadi = my, wife, you become, if; sarva aabharaNa bhuuSitaaH = all [every description,] ornaments, adorned with; panca sahasraaNi daasyaH = five, thousand, handmaidens; paricariSyanti = will be in your attendance.

 Verse 32

रावणेन एवम् उक्ता तु कुपिता जनक आत्मजा |
प्रत्युवाच अनवद्यांगी तम् अनादृत्य राक्षसम् || ३-४७-३२

When Ravana said in this way, Seetha the daughter of Janaka, a flawless one by her physique, dishonoured and replied that demon. [3-47-32]

32. raavaNena evam uktaa tu = by Ravana, this way, she who is said, but; an a vadya angii = without, not, appreciable, limbed – one with flawless limbs – Seetha; janaka aatmajaa kupitaa = Janaka’s, daughter, is infuriated; tam raakSasam = him, that demon; an aadR^itya = not, honouring – discourteously; pratyuvaaca = replied.

 Verse 33

महा गिरिम् इव अकंप्यम् महेन्द्र सदृशम् पतिम् |
महा उदधिम् इव अक्षोभ्यम् अहम् रामम् अनुव्रता || ३-४७-३३

“I have avowed to adhere to such a husband Rama, who is inflexible like a sturdy mountain, comparable to lordly Indra, unshakable like a vast ocean. [3-47-33]

33. mahaa girim iva = sturdy, mountain, like; a kampyam = not, flexible; mahendra sadR^isham = lordly Indra, comparable to; mahaa udadhim iva = vast, ocean, like; a kSobhyam = not, be roiled – be churned – unshakeable; such a; patim raamam = husband, Rama; aham anu vrataa = I, follow up on [adhere,] avowed to.

 Verse 34

सर्व लक्षण संपन्नम् न्यग्रोध परि मण्डलम् |
सत्य संधम् महाभागम् रामम् अनुव्रता || ३-४७-३४

“He who is enriched with all endowments, and who is like a banyan tree with its surmounted orbicularity, the high-minded one with truthfulness alone is his target, and I am avowed to adhere to such a Rama. [3-47-34]

34. [aham = I am]; sarva lakshaNa sampannam = all, endowments, enriched; nyagrodha pari maNDalam = banyan tree [like,] surmounted, with orbicularity; satya sandham = truthfulness, as hs target; mahaabhaagam high-minded one; raamam anuvrataa = to such a Rama., I avowed to adhere.

 Verse 37

त्वम् पुनः जंबुकः सिंहीम् माम् इह इच्छसि दुर्लभाम् |
न अहम् शक्या त्वया स्प्रष्टुम् आदित्यस्य प्रभा यथा || ३-४७-३७

“You being a fox you woo me who am an absolutely inaccessible lioness? Why wooing, it is impossible for you to touch me as with the untouchable Shine of the Sun. [3-47-37]

37. jambukaH = a fox; tvam punaH = you [being a fox,] again [on the other hand, yet]; dur labhaam = not [at all,] accessible one; simhiim = a lioness; maam = me; iha icChasi = now, you fancy; aadityasya prabhaa yathaa = Sun’s, Shine, as with; aham tvayaa spraSTum = I, by you, to touch – to seize; na shakyaa = not, possible.

 Verse 35

महाबाहुम् महोरस्कम् सिंह विक्रांत गामिनम् |
नृसिंहम् सिंह संकाशम् अहम् रामम् अनुव्रता || ३-४७-३५

“He who is ambidextrous, broad-chested, supreme among men, and a lion-like person with the strides of prancing lion, and I am avowed to adhere to such a Rama. [3-47-35]

35. aham = I; mahaa baahum = great, are his arms [ambidextrous]; mahaa uraskam = broad-chested; simha vikraanta gaaminam = lion, with prance, strider; nR^i simham = man, lion [here, not exactly a lion, the best, foremost, supreme one]; simha samkaasham = lion, like; raamam anuvrataa = to such a Rama, avowed to adhere.

 Verse 36

पूर्ण चन्द्र आननम् वीरम् राज वत्सम् जितेन्द्रियम् |
पृथु कीर्तिम् महाबाहुम् अहम् रामम् अनुव्रता || ३-४७-३६

“He who is a valiant one with a face like that of full-moon, a prince with his self-conquered, and he who is expressly acclaimed and effectively armed, and I am avowed to adhere to such a Rama. [3-47-36]

36. aham = I; puurNa candra aananam = full, moon, faced; viiram = valiant one; raaja vatsam = king’s, son; jita indriyam = self-conquered one; pR^ithu kiirtim = expressly, acclaimed; mahaabaahum [mahaa aatmaanam] = effectively, armed [high-souled]; raamam anuvrataa = to such a Rama, avowed to adhere.

 Verse 38

पादपान् कांचनान् नूनम् बहून् पश्यसि मंदभाक् |
राघवस्य प्रियाम् भार्याम् यः त्वम् इच्छसि राक्षस || ३-४७-३८

“You who are an ill-fated demon, oh, demon, by your wooing the dear wife of Raghava, thus you must be visualising many golden trees, undeniably. [3-47-38]

38. raakshasa = you demon; yaH tvam = which, you are – you who are; raaghavasya priyaam bhaaryaam icChasi = Raghava’s, dear, wife, cherishing; manda bhaak = [are an] ill, fated [demon]; such as you are you; nuunam = undeniably; kaancanaan paadapaan = golden, trees; bahuun pashyasi many, you, are visualising.

 Verse 39

क्षुधितस्य च सिंहस्य मृग शत्रोः तरस्विनः |
आशी विषस्य वदनात् दम्ष्ट्राम् आदातुम् इच्छसि || ३-४७-३९

“Do you wish to twitch fangs from the mouth of a ravenous lion, the expeditious challenger of animals, and from the mouth of a rebounding venomous serpent. [3-47-39]

39. mR^iga shatroH = animals, challenger of; tarasvinaH = expeditious ones [expeditious lion and rebounding serpent]; kSudhitasya simhasya = ravenous, lion’s; aashii viSasya vadanaat = serpent, venomous, from mouth; damSTraam aadaatum icChasi? = fangs, to twitch, do you wish to?

 Verse 40

मंदरम् पर्वत श्रेष्ठम् पाणिना हर्तुम् इच्छसि |
काल कूटम् विषम् पीत्वा स्वस्तिमान् गंतुम् इच्छसि || ३-४७-४०

“Do you wish to steal away the massive Mandara Mountain by the sleight of your hand, but how do you wish to decamp healthily without consuming lethal poison? [3-47-40]

40. parvata shreSTham mandaram = mountain, the best [massive,] Mt. Mandara; paaNinaa hartum icChasi? = by [the sleight of] hand, to steal, do you wish to; kaalakuuTam viSam piitvaa = lethal, venom, on consuming; svastimaan gantum icChasi? = healthily, to go [decamp,] you wish to?

 Verse 41

अक्षि सूच्या प्रमृजसि जिह्वया लेढि च क्षुरम् |
राघवस्य प्रियाम् भार्याम् अधिगंतुम् त्वम् इच्छसि || ३-४७-४१

“If you wish to override the dear wife of Raghava, then it is as good as wishing to deeply scrape your eyes with needlepoint, and licking the razorblade with your tongue. [3-47-41]

41. tvam = you; raaghavasya priyaam bhaaryaam = Raghava’s, dear, wife; adhi gantum [yadi] icChasi = to over, ride – steal off, [if,] wish to; such you; suucyaa = with needle [with needlepoint]; akSi pra mR^ijasi = eyes, verily [deeply,] you wish to wipe [scrape]; jihvayaa kSuram leDhi = with tongue, licking, razor-blade.

 Verse 42 & 43a

अवसज्य शिलाम् कण्ठे समुद्रम् तर्तुम् इच्छसि |
सूर्या चन्द्रमसौ च उभौ प्राणिभ्याम् हर्तुम् इच्छसि || ३-४७-४२
यो रामस्य प्रियाम् भार्याम् प्रधर्षयितुम् इच्छसि |

“You who wish to bitterly intimidate the dear wife of Rama are as good as the one who wish to swim an ocean arraying a boulder around his neck, and with a pair of hands you wish to steal away both the Sun and Moon? [3-47-42, 43a]

42, 43a. yaH = which you; raamasya priyaam bhaaryaam = who, Rama’s, dear, at wife; pra dharSayitum icChasi = bitterly, to intimidate, wishing to; such you; kaNThe shilaam avasajya = at neck, boulder, arraying – like dress material; samudram tartum icChasi = ocean, to swim for it, you wish to; suuryaa candramasau ubhau = Sun, Moon, both; praaNibhyaam hartum icChasi = with a pair of you hands, to steal, you wish to.

 Verse 43b & 44a

अग्निम् प्रज्वलितम् दृष्ट्वा वस्त्रेण आहर्तुम् इच्छसि || ३-४७-४३
कल्याण वृत्ताम् यो भार्याम् रामस्य हर्तुम् इच्छसि |

“You who wish to abduct me with an auspicious legend as the wife of Rama, thus you wish to steal away a glowing fire in a cloth-bundle, though evincing it to be highly flaming? [3-47-43b, 44a]

43b, 44a. yaH = which you; raamasya = of Rama; kalyaaNa vR^ittaam = one with auspicious, legend; such; bhaaryaam hartum icChasi = wife, to abduct, you wish to; such you; pra jvalitam agnim dR^iSTvaa = highly, flaming, fire, though evincing; vastreNa aahartum icChasi = by cloth [bundle,] to steal away, you wish to.

 Verse 44b & c

अयो मुखानाम् शूलानाम् अग्रे चरितुम् इच्छसि |
रामस्य सदृशीम् भार्याम् यो अधिगंतुम् त्वम् इच्छसि || ३-४७-४४

“You who wish to override the befitting and selfsame wife of Rama, are wishing to tread on the needle-sharp spikes of iron spears. [3-47-44b, c]

44b, c. yaH tvam = which, you; raamasya = Rama’s; sadR^ishiim = 1] befitting wife, 2] selfsame; bhaaryaam = wife; adhigantum icChasi = to override, you, wish to; ayaH mukhaanaam shuulaanaam agre = iron, faces, spears, top of [on spiculated floor, sharp spikes of iron spears]; caritum icChasi = to tread, you wish to.

 Verse 45

यद् अंतरम् सिंह शृगालयोः वने
यद् अंतरम् स्यन्दनिका समुद्रयोः |
सुर अग्र्य सौवीरकयोः यद् अंतरम्
तद् अंतरम् दाशरथेः तव एव च || ३-४७-४५

“Which odds are there between a lion and a fox in a given forest, which odds are there between a turbid-rivulet and an ocean, and which odds are there between a fine-wine and sour-gruel, likewise you are also at odds with the son of Dasharatha. [3-47-45]

45. vane = in forest; simha shR^igaalayoH = between lion, fox; yat antaram = which, difference [at odds, is there]; syandanikaa samudrayoH yat antaram = between turbid-rivulet, ocean, which, odds – are there; sura = 1] ambrosia, 2] wine; agryat = fine variety; sauviirakayoH = sour gruel; yat antaram = which, odds – is there; tava = between yours; daasharatheH eva ca = Dasharatha’s son, like that, also; tat antaram = that [such,] odds – is there.

 Verse 45

यद् अंतरम् सिंह शृगालयोः वने
यद् अंतरम् स्यन्दनिका समुद्रयोः |
सुर अग्र्य सौवीरकयोः यद् अंतरम्
तद् अंतरम् दाशरथेः तव एव च || ३-४७-४५

“Which odds are there between a lion and a fox in a given forest, which odds are there between a turbid-rivulet and an ocean, and which odds are there between a fine-wine and sour-gruel, likewise you are also at odds with the son of Dasharatha. [3-47-45]

45. vane = in forest; simha shR^igaalayoH = between lion, fox; yat antaram = which, difference [at odds, is there]; syandanikaa samudrayoH yat antaram = between turbid-rivulet, ocean, which, odds – are there; sura = 1] ambrosia, 2] wine; agryat = fine variety; sauviirakayoH = sour gruel; yat antaram = which, odds – is there; tava = between yours; daasharatheH eva ca = Dasharatha’s son, like that, also; tat antaram = that [such,] odds – is there.

 Verse 46

यद् अंतरम् कांचन सीस लोहयोः
यद् अंतरम् चन्दन वारि पंकयोः |
यद् अंतरम् हस्ति बिडालयोः वने
तद् अंतरम् दशरथेः तव एव च || ३-४७-४६

“Which imparity is there among the metals of gold and lead, which imparity is there among the waters of sandalwood and sewage, which imparity is there between an elephant and a wildcat of forests, such an imparity exists between you and the son of Dasharatha. [3-47-46]

46. kaancana siisa lohayoH = among gold, lead, metals; yat antaram = which, imparity = which, imparity is there; candana vaari = sandalwood, water; pankayoH = sewage [waters]; yat antaram = which, imparity is there; vane hasti biDaalayoH = in forest, among elephant, wildcat; yat antaram = which, imparity – is there; tat antaram = that [such,] imparity – is there; tava dasharatheH eva ca = among you, Dasharatha’s son, like that, also.

Verse 47

यद् अंतरम् वायस वैनतेययोः
यद् अंतरम् मद्गु मयूरयोः अपि |
यद् अंतरम् हंस गृध्रयोः वने
तद् अंतरम् दाशरथेः तव एव च || ३-४७-४७

“Which dissimilarity obtains betwixt a crow and an eagle, which dissimilarity obtains betwixt a waterfowl and a peacock, which dissimilarity obtains betwixt a swan and a falcon living in forest, such a dissimilarity obtains betwixt you and the son of Dasharatha. [3-47-47]

47. vaayasa vainateyayoH = betwixt crow, eagle; yat antaram = which, dissimilarity is there; madgu mayuurayoH api = betwixt waterfowl, peacock, even; yat antaram which, dissimilarity is there; vane = in forest; hamsa gR^idhrayoH = betwixt swan, falcon; yat antaram which, dissimilarity is there; daasharatheH tava eva ca = betwixt Dasharatha’s son, yours, like that, only; tat antaram = that [such,] dissimilarity is there.

Verse 48

तस्मिन् सहस्राक्ष सम प्रभावे
रामे स्थिते कार्मुक बाण पाणौ |
हृता अपि ते अहम् न जराम् गमिष्ये
वज्रम् यथा मक्षिकया अवगीर्णम् || ३-४७-४८

“Even if you steal me away now, later when Indra similar Rama posits himself with his bow and arrows in hand on the battlefield, you cannot live on, and in the meanwhile you cannot digest me, as with a diamond swallowed along with a fly.” Thus Seetha gave her vent to her disdainful feelings towards Ravana. [3-47-48]

48. hR^itaa api = stolen, even if; aham = I am; sahasraakSa sama prabhaave = Thousand-eyed one, Indra similar, with impaction; kaarmuka baaNa paaNau = with bow, arrows, in hand; tasmin raame sthite = he that, Rama, while standing; makSikayaa = along with a fly; avagiirNam = swallowed; vajram = 1] diamond, 2] clarified butter – ghee; yathaa = as with; te jaraam = by you, into digestion; na, gamiSye = not, I go.

Verse 49

इति इव तत् वाक्यम् अदुष्ट भावा
सुदुष्टम् उक्त्वा रजनी चरम् तम् |
गात्र प्रकंपात् व्यथिता बभूव
वात उद्धता सा कदली इव तन्वी || ३-४७-४९

On speaking these sentences with high-strung words, with all her unsullied intentions to that highly sullied night-rambler Ravana, her fragile body trembled tormentedly as with a banana plant up-heaved by gust. [3-47-49]

49. a duSTa bhaavaa = not, sullied, in intentions; tanvii = fragile bodied one; saa = she; su duSTam = highly, sullied one [in his intentions, or, very harsh words of Seetha]; tam rajanii caram = to him, night, walker; tat vaakyam = that [these,] sentences; iti iva uktvaa = thus, in this way, having said; gaatra pra kampaat = 1] voice, 2] body, verily, from trembling; vaata uddhataa kadalii iva = by gust, up-heaved, banana plant, as with; vyathitaa babhuuva = tormented, she became.

Verse 50

ताम् वेपमानाम् उपलक्ष्य सीताम्
स रावणो मृत्यु सम प्रभावः |
कुलम् बलम् नाम च कर्म च आत्मनः
समाचचक्षे भय कारण अर्थम् || ३-४७-५०

On closely marking Seetha to be tremulous, he that Ravana whose impetus is Death similar, clearly informed her of his name, caste, competency, and capability as his purpose is to cause scare. [3-47-50]

50. mR^ityu sama prabhaavaH = Death, similar, in his impetus; saH raavaNaH = he, Ravana; vepamaanaam taam siitaam = tremulous, at her, Seetha; upa lakSya = closely, marking; bhaya kaaraNa artham = scare, causing, for the purpose of; aatmanaH = of his own; kulam balam naama ca = caste, competence, name, also; karma ca = capabilities, also; sam aacacakSe = clearly, informed.

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