15 – The Panchavati


Rama entrusts the construction work of a parNa shaala, straw-cottage in Panchavati, nearby river Godavari. Lakshmana with all his expertise constructs a cosy cottage and they enter it after the ritual of house-entering ceremony. Rama admires Lakshmana for his construction work and as a thanksgiving he embraces Lakshmana and expresses his heart felt feeling about Lakshmana’s concern towards Rama.

Verse 1

ततः पंचवटीम् गत्वा नाना व्याल मृगायुताम् |
उवाच भ्रातरम् रामो लक्ष्मणम् दीप्त तेजसम् || ३-१५-१

Then on going to Panchavati which is full with many serpents and predators, Rama said to splendidly brilliant Lakshmana. [3-15-1]

1. tataH = then; raamaH = Rama; naanaa vyaala mR^iga ayutaam = many, serpents, predators, having; pancavaTiim gatvaa = then, to Panchavati, on going; diipta tejasam bhraataram lakSmaNam uvaaca = to one who is splendidly, brilliant, to brother, to Lakshmana, said.

Verse 2

आगताः स्म यथा उद्दिष्टम् यम् देशम् मुनिः अब्रवीत् |
अयम् पंचवटी देशः सौम्य पुष्पित काननः || ३-१५-२

“We arrived at the place as indicated by the sage, oh, gentle Lakshmana, this region with its flowered forests is Panchavati.” [3-15-2]

2. saumya = oh, gentle Lakshmana; yathaa uddiSTam = as, indicated; yam desham muniH abraviit = which, place, by sage, said; aagataaH sma = arrived at, we have; puSpita kaananaH ayam deshaH pa.ncavaTii = with flowered, forests, this, region is, Panchavati.

Verse 3

सर्वतः चार्यताम् दृष्टिः कानने निपुणो हि असि |
आश्रमः कतर अस्मिन् नः देशे भवति सम्मतः || ३-१५-३

“In which place we have to situate our hermitage for our liking, for that cast your sight all over the forest, and indeed you are an expert in such matters. [3-15-3]

3. katarasmin deshe naH aashramaH sammataH bhavati = in which, place, to us, hermitage, agreeable [to our liking,] it will be; [for that] kaanane sarvataH dR^iSTiH caaryataam = in forest, everywhere, your sight, be cast about for; nipuNaH asi hi = expert, you are, indeed.

Verse 4 & 5

रमते यत्र वैदेही त्वम् अहम् चैव लक्ष्मण |
तादृशो दृश्यताम् देशः संनिकृष्ट जलाशयः || ३-१५-४
वन रामण्यकम् यत्र जल रामण्यकम् तथा |
संनिकृष्टम् च यस्मिन् तु समित् पुष्प कुश उदकम् || ३-१५-५

“In which place Vaidehi, likewise you and me too can take delight, where the woodland is scenic and the water is pleasurable, and where a water lake, ritual-firewood, flowers, and the sacred grass are available in proximity, oh, Lakshmana, such a place may be searched out. [3-15-4, 5]

4. yatra vaidehii ramate = where, Vaidehi, takes delight; tvam aham caiva = you, me, also thus; yatra vana raamaNyakam = where, woodland’s, delightfulness [will be there]; tathaa jala raamaNyakam = like that, waters, enjoyability; [or, sthala raamaNyakam = place’s, enjoyability will be there]; yasmin tu samit puSpa kusha udakam = wherein, ritual firewood, flowers, darbha grass, water; sam nikR^iSTam ca = [will be] in proximity, also; taadR^ishaH = that type of; sam nikR^iSTa jala ashayaH = very, nearby, water, receptacle [will be there]; lakSmaNa = oh, Lakshmana; [such a ] deshaH dR^ishyataam = a place, be seen.

Verse 6

एवम् उक्तः तु रामेण लक्मणः संयत अंजलिः |
सीता समक्षम् काकुत्स्थम् इदम् वचनम् अब्रवीत् || ३-१५-६

When thus said by Rama, Lakshmana adjoined his palms and said this sentence to Rama in the presence of Seetha. [3-15-6]

6. raameNa evam uktaH tu lakmaNaH = by Rama, thus, one who is said, Lakshmana; samyata anjaliH = adjoining, palms; siitaa samakSam = Seetha, presence of; kaakutstham idam vacanam abraviit = to Rama, this, sentence, spoke.

Verse 7

परवान् अस्मि काकुत्स्थ त्वयि वर्ष शतम् स्थिते |
स्वयम् तु रुचिरे देशे क्रियताम् इति माम् वद || ३-१५-७

“I am but a dependent, as long as you are there, may it be for innumerable years, I am your adherent, Rama, therefore you yourself tell me to build hermitage in such and such delightful place. [3-15-7]

7. kaakutstha = oh, Rama; tvayi varSa shatam sthite = you, years, hundred [innumerable,] while you are there; para vaan asmi = dependent [adherent to you,] I am; svayam = you yourself; rucire deshe = in delightful, place; kriyataam iti = be done, thus; maam vada = to me, you tell.

Verse 8

सुप्रीतः तेन वाक्येन लक्ष्मणस्य महाद्युतिः |
विमृशन् रोचयामास देशम् सर्व गुण अन्वितम् || ३-१५-८

Rama is gladdened by those words of that great resplendent Lakshmana, and he selected a place that comprised of all the attributes. [3-15-8]

8. mahaa dyutiH lakSmaNasya tena vaakyena = by the great, resplendence, Lakshmana’s, by that, wording; Rama; supriitaH = gladdened; vimR^ishan sarva guNa anvitam = exploring, all, attributes, comprising; desham rocayaamaasa = a place, started to like [to select.]

Verse 9

स तम् रुचिरम् आक्रम्य देशम् आश्रम कर्मणि |
हस्ते गृहीत्वा हस्तेन रामः सौमित्रिम् अब्रवीत् || ३-१५-९

On taking Lakshmana’s hand by his hand Rama paced that beautiful place intended for the construction of hermitage up and down and spoke to Soumitri this way. [3-15-9]

9. saH raamaH = he that, Rama; tam ruciram desham = that, beautiful, place; aashrama karmaNi = hermitage, works [construction]; aakramya = while pacing; hastena saumitrim haste gR^ihiitvaa = by hand, Soumitri’s, hand, on taking; abraviit = spoke to.

Verse 10

अयम् देशः समः श्रीमान् पुष्पितैर् तरुभिर् वृतः |
इह आश्रम पदम् सौम्य यथावत् कर्तुम् अर्हसि || ३-१५-१०

“This is an evenly and propitious place surrounded with flowered trees and it is apt of you to erect hermitage here, traditionally. [3-15-10]

10. saumya = oh, gentle one; puSpitaiH tarubhiH vR^itaH = with flowered, trees, surrounded; ayam deshaH samaH = this, place, is evenly; shriimaan = propitious [place too]; iha yathaavat aashrama padam kartum arhasi = here, traditionally, hermitage, to erect, apt of you.

Verse 11

इयम् आदित्य संकाशैः पद्मैः सुरभि गंधिभिः |
अदूरे दृश्यते रम्या पद्मिनी पद्म शोभिता || ३-५-११

“This pleasing lake is seen here adjacently, beaming forth with its lotuses that are similar to sun in resplendence, and that are scented fragrantly. [3-5-11]

11. padma shobhitaa = with lotuses, beaming forth; ramyaa iyam padminii = pleasing, this, lotus lake; aaditya samkaashaiH padmaiH = sun, similar to, with lotuses; surabhi gandhibhiH = scented, fragrantly; a duure dR^ishyate = not, very far [adjacent,] is seen.

Verse 12

यथा आख्यातम् अगस्त्येन मुनिना भावितात्मना |
इयम् गोदावरी रम्या पुष्पितैः तरुभिर् वृता || ३-१५-१२
हंस कारण्डव आकीर्णा चक्रवाक उपशोभिता |

“This River Godavari is also seen from here, surrounded by blooming trees, spread over with swans, and beautified with kaarandava, and chakravaaka birds, as that contemplated soul sage Agastya had said. [3-15-12]

12, 13a. yathaa aakhyaatam = as, said; like that; bhaavita aatmanaa muninaa agastyena = by contemplated soul, by sage, Agastya; ramyaa puSpitaiH tarubhiH vR^itaa = beautiful, with blooming, trees, surrounded; hamsa kaaraNDava aakiirNaa = swans, kaarandava birds, spread out; cakravaaka upashobhitaa = with chakravaa birds, beautified with; iyam godaavarii = this, river Godavari is [also seen from here.]

Verse 13 & 14

न अतिदूरे न च आसन्ने मृग यूथ निपीडिता || ३-१५-१३
मयूर नादिता रम्याः प्रांशवो बहु कंदराः |
दृश्यन्ते गिरयः सौम्य फुल्लैः तरुभिर् आवृताः || ३-१५-१४

“Those soaring mountains are appearing beautiful with many caves, surrounded by flowered trees, flurried by animal herds, sounded by peacocks, and they are neither far-off nor very nearby. [3-15-13, 14]

14. saumya = oh gentle Lakshmana; mR^iga yuutha nipiiDitaa = animal, herds, flurried by; mayuura naaditaa = by peacocks, sounded; ramyaaH = are beautiful; praamshavaH bahu kandaraaH = soaring, with many, caves; phullaiH tarubhiH aavR^itaaH = flowered, trees, surrounded by; girayaH = mountains; na ati duure = not, very, far-off; na ca aa sane = not, also, very, nearby; dR^ishyante = are appearing.

Verse 15

सौवर्णै राजतैः ताम्रैः देशे देशे च धातुभिः |
गवाक्षिता इव आभान्ति गजाः परम भक्तिभिः || ३-१५-१५

“Here and there are the golden, silvery and coppery ores on the mountains, and they are shining forth like cow-eye ventilators on walls and also like the superb paintings on elephants. [3-15-15]

15. sauvarNai raajataiH taamraiH dhaatubhiH = golden, silvery, coppery, with ores; deshe deshe ca = at places, places, [here and there]; gava akSitaa = like eyes [ventilators]; parama bhaktibhiH = with superbly, paint on [elephants]; gajaaH iva aabhaanti = elephants, like, shining forth.

Verse 16,17 & 18

सालैः तालैः तमालैः च खर्जूरैः पनसैः द्रुमैः |
नीवारैः तिनिशैः चैव पुन्नागैः च उपशोभिताः || ३-१५-१६
चूतैर् अशोकैः तिलकैः केतकैर् अपि चंपकैः |
पुष्प गुल्म लता उपेतैः तैः तैः तरुभिर् आवृताः || ३-१५-१७
स्यन्दनैः चंदनैः नीपैः पर्णासैः लकुचैः अपि |
धव अश्वकर्ण खदिरैः शमी किंशुक पाटलैः || ३-१५-१८

“These mountains are brightening with trees of Saala, Palmyra, Tamaala, Date Palms, Jackfruit and also thus with Punnaagaa. With Chuuta – Sweet Mango; Ashoka, Tialaka, even with Ketaka, Champaka trees, And even with Syandana, Sandalwood, Niipa, Paarnasa, Lakuch, dhava, Ashwakarna, Khadira, Shamii, Kimshuka, Paatala trees, and entwined are those and those trees with flowered shrubs, and along with climbers, and thus they brighten the mountains. [3-15-16, 17, 18]

16. saalaiH taalaiH tamaalaiH ca = with Saala, Palmyra, Tamaala, also; kharjuuraiH panasaiH drumaiH = with Date Palms, Jackfruit, trees; niivaaraiH tinishaiH caiva = Niivaara [wild grain,] Tinisha [Dolbergia Oujeinesis,] also thus; punnaagaiH ca = with Punnaaga [Rottlera tinctoria], also; cuutaiH ashokaiH tilakaiH = Chuuta [sweet Mango,] Ashoka, Tialaka [trees]; ketakaiH api campakaiH = with Ketaka, Champaka even; puSpa gulma lataa upetaiH = flowered, shrubs, climbers, along with; taiH taiH tarubhiH aavR^itaaH = those, those, trees, entwined. syandanaiH candanaiH niipaiH = Syandana, Sandalwood, Niipa; paarNaasaiH lakucaiH api = Paarnaasa, Lakucha, even; dhava ashvakarNa khadiraiH = Dhava, Ashvakarna, Khadira; shamii kimshuka paaTalaiH = Kimshuka, Paatala; upashobhitaaH = brightening with.

Verse 16,17 & 18

सालैः तालैः तमालैः च खर्जूरैः पनसैः द्रुमैः |
नीवारैः तिनिशैः चैव पुन्नागैः च उपशोभिताः || ३-१५-१६
चूतैर् अशोकैः तिलकैः केतकैर् अपि चंपकैः |
पुष्प गुल्म लता उपेतैः तैः तैः तरुभिर् आवृताः || ३-१५-१७
स्यन्दनैः चंदनैः नीपैः पर्णासैः लकुचैः अपि |
धव अश्वकर्ण खदिरैः शमी किंशुक पाटलैः || ३-१५-१८

“These mountains are brightening with trees of Saala, Palmyra, Tamaala, Date Palms, Jackfruit and also thus with Punnaagaa. With Chuuta – Sweet Mango; Ashoka, Tialaka, even with Ketaka, Champaka trees, And even with Syandana, Sandalwood, Niipa, Paarnasa, Lakuch, dhava, Ashwakarna, Khadira, Shamii, Kimshuka, Paatala trees, and entwined are those and those trees with flowered shrubs, and along with climbers, and thus they brighten the mountains. [3-15-16, 17, 18]

16. saalaiH taalaiH tamaalaiH ca = with Saala, Palmyra, Tamaala, also; kharjuuraiH panasaiH drumaiH = with Date Palms, Jackfruit, trees; niivaaraiH tinishaiH caiva = Niivaara [wild grain,] Tinisha [Dolbergia Oujeinesis,] also thus; punnaagaiH ca = with Punnaaga [Rottlera tinctoria], also; cuutaiH ashokaiH tilakaiH = Chuuta [sweet Mango,] Ashoka, Tialaka [trees]; ketakaiH api campakaiH = with Ketaka, Champaka even; puSpa gulma lataa upetaiH = flowered, shrubs, climbers, along with; taiH taiH tarubhiH aavR^itaaH = those, those, trees, entwined. syandanaiH candanaiH niipaiH = Syandana, Sandalwood, Niipa; paarNaasaiH lakucaiH api = Paarnaasa, Lakucha, even; dhava ashvakarNa khadiraiH = Dhava, Ashvakarna, Khadira; shamii kimshuka paaTalaiH = Kimshuka, Paatala; upashobhitaaH = brightening with.

Verse 19

इदम् पुण्यम् इदम् रम्यम् इदम् बहु मृग द्विजम् |
इह वत्स्याम सौमित्रे सार्धम् एतेन पक्षिणा || ३-१५-१९

“This place is holy, this is delightful and this is with many animals and birds, hence Soumitri, let us reside here along with this bird Jatayu.” Thus said Rama to Lakshmana. [3-15-19]

19. idam puNyam idam ramyam = this, is holy, this, is delightful; idam bahu mR^iga dvijam = this [has,] many, animals, birds; iha vatsyaama saumitre = here, we reside, Soumitri; saardham etena pakSiNaa = along with, this one, bird [Jatayu.]

Verse 20

एवम् उक्तः तु रामेण लक्ष्मणः परवीरहा |
अचिरेण आश्रमम् भ्रातुः चकार सुमहाबलः || ३-१५-२०

Thus said by Rama to that remover of foe’s valour and one with very great might, namely Lakshmana, he briskly erected a hermitage for his brother. [3-15-20]

20. evam uktaH raameNa = thus, who is said, by Rama; lakSmaNaH para viira haa = Lakshmana, foe’s, valour, remover; su mahaabalaH = very, great, mighty one [Lakshmana] a cireNa = without, delay [briskly]; aashramam = hermitage; bhraatuH = for brother; cakaara = made – erected.

Verse 21, 22 & 23

पर्णशालाम् सुविपुलाम् तत्र संघात मृत्तिकाम् |
सुस्तंभाम् मस्करैर् दीर्घैः कृत वंशाम् सुशोभनाम् || ३-१५-२१
शमी शाखाभिः आस्तीर्य धृढ पाशावपाशितम् |
कुश काश शरैः पर्णैः सुपरिच्छ्हादिताम् तथा || ३-१५-२२
समीकृत तलाम् रम्याम् चकार सुमहाबलः |
निवासम् राघवस्य अर्थे प्रेक्ष्णीयम् अनुत्तमम् || ३-१५-२३

Lakshmana built a very spacious straw-cottage there levelling and raising the clay for raised floor of the cottage, strongly pillared with long bamboos, thereupon on those pillars excellent rafters are made, and the branches of Shamii trees are spread out, twined firmly with twines of jute strands, and with the cross-laid bamboos for thatching, and over that blades of Kusha grass and leaves of Kaasha are spread and well over-covered for the roof, and thus that very great mighty Lakshmana made that best and very spacious straw-cottage with a levelled surface for residence of Raghava in the interests of Raghava alone, and it resulted as a feast to the eye. [3-15-21, 22, 23]

21, 22, 23. su mahaa balaH = very, great, mighty one Lakshmana; tatra = there; sam ghaata mR^ittikaam = well, dug up, clay raising platform; su stambhaam = strongly, pillared; diirghaiH maskaraiH = with long, bamboos; kR^ita vamshaam = made, rafters; su shobhanaam = very, excellent; shamii shaakhaabhiH aastiirya = with Shamii trees, branches, spread out; dhR^iDha paasha avapaashitam = firmly, by twines, twined; tathaa = like that; kusha kaasha sharaiH parNaiH = Kusha, Kaasha, grass blades [Saccharum spontaneum], leaves; su pari cChaaditaam= well, over, covered — roofed; samiikR^ita talaam = levelled off, surface; ramyaam = beautiful one; su vipulaam = very, spacious one; parNa shaalaam = straw, cottage; raaghavasya arthe = for Raghava’s, purpose of; prekshNiiyam anuttamam = sightly one [feast to eye,] the best one; nivaasam cakaara = residence, he made.

Verse 24

स गत्वा लक्ष्मणः श्रीमान् नदीम् गोदावरीम् तदा |
स्नात्वा पद्मानि च आदाय सफलः पुनर् आगतः || ३-१५-२४

On his going to River Godavari that noble Lakshmana bathed and on gathering lotuses and fruits he returned to the cottage. [3-15-24]

24. saH shriimaan lakSmaNaH = he, noble one, Lakshmana; tadaa = then; gatvaa = on going to; nadiim godaavariim snaatvaa padmaani ca aadaaya = to river, Godavari, bathed, lotuses, also, gathered; sa phalaH punaH aagataH = with, fruits, again, came.

Verse 25

ततः पुष्प बलिम् कृत्वा शान्तिम् च स यथाविधि |
दर्शयामास रामाय तद् आश्रम पदम् कृतम् || ३-१५-२५

Then making flowery offerings and peace-invocations also procedural to gR^iha pravesha , entering a new house,] started to show the constructed hermitage to Rama. [3-15-25]

25. tataH = then; saH = he; puSpa balim kR^itvaa= flower, offering, on making; shaantim ca yathaavidhi = peace invocations also procedurally on making; kR^itam tat aashrama padam = that which is built, that, hermitage; darshayaamaasa raamaaya = started to show, to Rama.

Verse 26

स तम् दृष्ट्वा कृतम् सौम्यम् आश्रमम् सह सीतया |
राघवः पर्णशालायाम् हर्षम् आहारयत् परम् || ३-१५-२६

On seeing the beautifully constructed hermitage along with Seetha, Rama is highly gladdened in respect that straw-cottage. [3-15-26]

26. saH raaghavaH saha siitayaa = he, Rama, along with, Seetha; tam kR^itam saumyam aashramam dR^iSTvaa = that, constructed, beautiful, hermitage, on seeing; parNashaalaayaam = regarding straw-cottage; param harSam aahaarayat = high, gladness, ho got.

Verse 27

सुसंहृष्टः परिष्वज्य बाहुभ्याम् लक्ष्मणम् तदा |
अति स्निग्धम् च गाढम् च वचनम् च इदम् अब्रवीत् || ३-१५-२७

Then Rama very highly gladdened Rama embraced Lakshmana tightly by both of his hands, and spoke these friendly words to him. [3-15-27]

27. tadaa = then; su sam hR^iSTaH = very, highly, gladdened; lakSmaNam baahubhyaam gaaDham pariSvajya = Lakshmana is, with both arms, tightly, on embracing; ati snigdham vacanam idam abraviit = very, friendly, words, this, spoke.

Verse 28

प्रीतो अस्मि ते महत् कर्म त्वया कृतम् इदम् प्रभो |
प्रदेयो यन् निमित्तम् ते परिष्व.ंगो मया कृतः || ३-१५-२८

“Oh, masterful one, I am very happy about you for you have done a great deed, for that reason I am giving what I have to give to you a hugging. [3-5-28]

28. prabho = oh, masterful one; tvayaa mahat karma kR^itam = by you, a great, deed, is done; te priitaH asmi = about you, I am, happy; yat nimittam = for which, reason; te pradeyaH = to you, to be given; pariSvangaH mayaa kR^itaH = hugging, by me, made [given.]

Verse 29

भावज्ञेन कृतज्ञेन धर्मज्ञेन च लक्ष्मण |
त्वया पुत्रेण धर्मात्मा न संवृत्तः पिता मम || ३-१५-२९

“You are the knower of others feelings, knower of many skills, and the knower of what is right and honest, oh, Lakshmana, such as you are, being with you I deem that my virtue-souled father is not gone and forgotten. [3-15-29]

29. bhaava j~nena = you are sensibilities, knower; kR^ita j~nena = skills, knower; dharma j~nena ca = righteousness, knower, also; lakSmaNa = Lakshmana; tvayaa = having you; putreNa = as son; mama dharmaatmaa pitaa na samvR^ittaH = my, virtue-souled, father, is not, gone and forgotten.

Verse 30

एवम् लक्ष्मणम् उक्त्वा तु राघवो लक्ष्मिवर्धनः |
तस्मिन् देशे बहु फले न्यवसत् स सुखम् सुखी || ३-१५-३०

On saying thus to Lakshmana, Raghava, the enhancer of magnificence comfortably resided in that province which is with many a fruit. [3-15-30]

30. lakSmi vardhanaH = magnificence, enhancer of; sukhii [vashii]= contented one [one who controlled his senses, Rama]; raaghavaH = Raghava; lakSmaNam evam uktvaa = to Lakshmana, thus, on saying; tasmin deshe bahu phale = in that, province, with many, fruits; nyavasat sa sukham = resided, with, comfort [or, contently.]

Verse 31

कंचित् कालम् स धर्मात्मा सीतया लक्ष्मणेन च
अन्वास्यमानो न्यवसत् स्वर्ग लोके यथा अमरः || ३-१५-३१

While Seetha and Lakshmana devoted themselves to that righteous Rama, he resided in Panchavati like a Divinity in heavenly world for sometime to come. [3-15-30]

31. dharmaatmaa saH = that righteous one, he that Rama; siitayaa lakSmaNena ca = by Seetha, by Lakshmana, also; anvaasyamaanaH = while devoting themselves to him; svarga loke amaraH yathaa = in heaven, divinity, like; kamcit kaalam nyavasat = for some, time, he resided there.

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