13 – Sage Agastya directs Sri Rama to Panchavati


Rama requests Sage Agastya to indicate a place in the forest to make a residence during the days of exile. Sage Agastya foresees the next course of Ramayana, and orients his conversation around womanhood and Seetha. Then that sage informs Rama to proceed to Panchavati where Seetha will be delightful of its surroundings.

Verse 1

राम प्रीतो अस्मि भद्रम् ते परितुष्टो अस्मि लक्ष्मण |
अभिवादयितुम् यन् माम् प्राप्तौ स्थः सह सीतया || ३-१३-१

” I am delighted Rama, safe you be, oh Lakshmana, well-contended I am for you have come to pay respects to me along with Seetha. [3-13-1]

1. raama priitaH asmi = oh, Rama, delighted, I am; bhadram te = safe, you be; pari tuSTAH asmi lakSmaNa = well, contented, I am, Lakshmana; yat = by which reason; siitayaa saha maam abhivaadayitum praaptau sthaH = with, Seetha, me, to pay respects, arrived, you have.

Verse 2

अध्व श्रमेण वाम् खेदो बाधते प्रचुर श्रमः |
व्यक्तम् उत्कण्ठते वा अपि मैथिली जनक आत्मजा || ३-१३-२

“The well-worn trail of yours on pathway is strenuousness and painful for you two, and it is evident from the sweat above your necks, even much more for Janaka’s daughter, Maithili. [3-13-2]

2. adhva shrameNa pracura shramaH = pathway, strain of, much, strain; vaam baadhate = you two, it is painful; janaka aatmajaa maithilii vaa api = Janaka’s, daughter, Maithili, or, even; vyaktam ut kaNThate = evident, above, necks.

Verse 3

एषा च सुकुमारी च खेदैः च न विमानिता |
प्राअज्य दोषम् वनम् प्रप्ता भर्तृ स्नेह प्रचोदिता || ३-१३-३

“She is delicate and not discomforted by such distresses earlier, yet motivated by her friendship she came to these highly detrimental forests. [3-13-3]

3. sukumaarii ca = delicate one, also; khedaiH ca na vimaanitaa = by distresses, also, not, discomforted; eSaa = she is; bhartR^i sneha pra coditaa = husband’s, friendship, well, motivated by; praaajya doSam vanam praptaa = highly, detrimental, forests, she came to.

Verse 4

यथा एषा रमते राम इह सीता तथा कुरु |
दुष्करम् कृतवती एषा वने त्वाम् अभिगच्छ्हती || ३-१३-४

“In which way Seetha takes delight in these forests, Rama, that you may ensure to her, for she has done an impossible deed in following you to forests, an impossible deed for womenfolk, in general. [3-13-4]

4. raama = Rama; eSaa siitaa iha yathaa ramate = this, Seetha, here, as to how, she takes delight; tathaa kuru = that way, make happen; eSaa vane tvaam abhigacChatii = she, in forest, you, following; duS karam kR^itavatii not, possible [impossible,] [deed] she has done.

Verse 5

एषा हि प्रकृतिः स्त्रीणाम् आसृष्टे रघुनंदन |
समस्थम् अनुरंजंते विषमस्थम् त्यजन्ति च || ३-१३-५

“From the beginning of creation the nature of women is this way only, oh scion of Raghu, they devote themselves to their men in good fortune, but they leave them off in ill fortune. [3-13-5]

5. raghunandana = oh, Raghu’s, scion; aa sR^iSTe = [from the] beginning of, creation; striiNaam prakR^itiH hi eSaa = woman’s, nature, indeed, is this way; sama stham anuranjante = [husbands] in good fortune, they devote; viSama stham tyajanti ca = in ill fortune, leave off.

Verse 6

शत ह्रदानाम् लोलत्वम् शस्त्राणाम् तीक्ष्णताम् तथा |
गरुड अनिलयोः शैघ्र्यम् अनुगच्छ्हन्ति योषितः || ३-१३-६

“With the mercuriality of hundreds of streaks of thunderbolt and with the incisiveness of a weapon, and with the speediness of an eagle or the gusty wind, the women are conformable. [3-13-6]

6. yoSitaH = women; shata hradaanaam lolatvam = with hundred, flow’s, dangling [with the mercuriality of hundreds of dangling streaks of lightning]; shastraaNaam tiikSNataam with weapon’s, incisiveness; tathaa garuDa anilayoH shaighryam = likewise, eagle, gust of wind, speediness of; anugacChanti they string along.

Verse 7

इयम् तु भवतो भार्या दोषैर् एतैर् विवर्जिताः |
श्लाघ्या च व्यपदेश्या च यथा देवी हि अरुन्धती || ३-१३-७

“But she this wife of yours is devoid of all those stigmas, an exemplary and an estimable lady, like Lady Arundhati. [3-13-7]

7. bhavataH bhaaryaa = your, wife; iyam tu = she is, but; etaiH doSaiH vi varjitaaH = with these, stigmas, devoid of; devii arundhatii yathaa = lady, Arundhati, like; shlaaghyaa ca vyapadeshyaa [vi apa dish] ca = exemplary, also, estimable, also.

Verse 8

अलंकृतो अयम् देशः च यत्र सौमित्रिणा सह |
वैदेह्या च अनया राम वत्स्यसि त्वम् अरिंदम || ३-१३-८

“Where you wish to put up along with Lakshmana and with this Seetha, oh, enemy-destroyer Rama, that province shall be glorified.” So said Sage Agastya to Rama.” [3-13-8]

8. arindama raama oh, enemy-destroyer, Rama; saumitriNaa saha = Soumitri, along with; anayaa vaidehyaa ca = with this, Vaidehi, also; yatra tvam vatsyasi = where, you will, live; ayam deshaH ca alankR^itaH = that, province, is also, glorified.

Verse 9

एवम् उक्तः तु मुनिना राघवः संयत अंजलिः |
उवाच प्रश्रितम् वाक्यम् ऋषिम् दीप्तम् इव अनलम् || ३-१३-९

Thus said by the sage, Raghava spoke amiable this sentence adjoining his palms to the sage who is glowing like a ritual-fire. [3-13-9]

9. evam uktaH tu muninaa = thus, said, by sage; raaghavaH = Raghava; samyata anjaliH = adjoining, palms; diiptam iva analam = he who is glowing, like, ritual-fire; R^iSim = to sage; uvaaca prashritam vaakyam = spoke, amiable, sentence.

Verse 10

धन्योस्मि अनुगृहीतोस्मि यस्य मे मुनि पुंगवः |
गुणैः सभ्रातृ भार्यस्य गुरुः नः परितुष्यति || ३-१३-१०

“I am privileged and blessed as my mentor and the eminent age is well pleased with the virtues of my brother and wife which are non-dissimilar to mine. [3-13-10]

10. sa bhraatR^i bhaaryasya guNaiH = with, brother’s, wife’s, by virtues; yasya me = to him, such as me; naH guruH muni pungavaH my, mentor, sage, the eminent; pari tuSyati = is well-pleased; by that; dhanyaH asmi = privileged, I am; anu gR^ihiitaH asmi = blessed, I am.

Verse 11

किन्तु व्यादिश मे देशम् स उदकम् बहु काननम् |
यत्र आश्रम पदम् कृत्वा वसेयम् निरतः सुखम् || ३-१३-११

“But a place with water and many forests may please be shown, where I can reside happily and self-composedly on erecting a hermitage.” Thus Rama asked the Sage Agastya. [3-13-11]

11. kintu = but; yatra aashrama padam kR^itvaa = where, hermitage’s, threshold, on erecting; nirataH sukham vaseyam self-composedly, happily, I can reside; such a; desham = place; sa udakam = with, water; bahu kaananam = many, forests; vyaadisha[vi aa dish] be directed, be shown.

Verse 12

ततो अब्रवीत् मुनि श्रेष्ठः श्रुत्वा रामस्य भाषितम् |
ध्यात्वा मुहूर्तम् धर्मात्मा धीरो धीरतरम् वचः || ३-१३-१२

Then that eminent sage Agastya on contemplating a while about what Rama has said, that virtuous and confident sage spoke more ideational word to Rama. [3-13-12]

12. tataH = then; dharmaatmaa = virtuous one; dhiiraH = confident one; muni shreSThaH = sage, the eminent; raamasya bhaaSitam vacaH shrutvaa = Rama’s, said, saying, on hearing; dhyaatvaa muhuurtam = contemplated, a while; dhiira taram vacaH abraviit = intellectual [ideational,] more, word, said.

Verse 13

इतो द्वि योजने तात बहु मूल फल उदकः |
देशो बहु मृगः श्रीमान् पंचवटि अभिविश्रुतः || ३-१३-१३

“A most prosperous place called Panchavati is there at a distance of two yojana-s from here, oh, dear Rama, which is abundant with tubers, fruits, water, and many deer.” Thus Agastya started to tell. [3-13-13]

13. taata = oh, dear; bahu muula phala udakaH = with many, tubers, fruits, waters; bahu mR^igaH = with many, deer; shriimaan = a prosperous one; pancavaTi abhi vishrutaH deshaH Panchavati, well, renowned as, the place; itaH dvi yojana = from here, two yojana-s.

Verse 14

तत्र गत्वा आश्रम पदम् कृत्वा सौमित्रिणा सह |
रमस्व त्वम् पितुर् वाक्यम् यथा उक्तम् अनुपालयन् || ३-१३-१४

“On your going there along with Saumitri, and on erecting a hermitage you may take delight in there complying the decreed order of your father. [3-13-14]

14. tvam saumitriNaa saha tatra gatvaa = you, there, Soumitri, along with, on going, there; aashrama padam kR^itvaa = hermitage, on erecting; yathaa uktam pituH vaakyam anupaalayan = as, decreed, father’s, sentence [order], complying with; ramasva you take delight.

Verse 15

विदितो हि एष वृत्तांतो मम सर्वः तव अनघ |
तपसः च प्रभावेण स्नेहाद् दशरथस्य च || ३-१३-१५

“Indeed all of this episode of yours is known to me, oh, merited one, by the ability of my asceticism, and also by my friendship with Dasharatha. [3-13-15]

15. anagha = oh, merited one; tapasaH prabhaaveNa = by [my ascesis,] ability of; snehaat dasharathasya ca = iby my friendship, with Dasharatha, also; tava eSa sarvaH vR^ittaantaH = your, this, all of, episode; viditaH hi known, indeed.

Verse 16

हृदयस्थः च ते छ्हन्दो विज्ञातः तपसा मया |
इह वासम् प्रतिज्ञाय मया सह तपो वने || ३-१३-१६
अतः च त्वाम् अहम् ब्रूमि गच्छ्ह पंचवटीम् इति |

“I am in the know of your heartfelt certitude by my ascesis, thereby I wish to advise you to go to Panchavati, though I said that you may dwell in these ascetic-woods along with me. [3-13-16, 17a]

16, 17a. te hR^idayaH sthaH ca ChandaH = your, in heart, abided, certitude; maya tapasaa viGYaataH by me, by asceticism, is known; ataH = thereby; maya saha iha tapaH vane = me, along with, in ascetic, woods; vaasam pratiGYaaya = dwelling, I said; [it is explicitly unsaid by Agastya that Rama may stay here, but deemed to have been said by commentators]; pancavaTiim gacCha iti tvaam aham bruumi = to Panchavati, you go, thus as, to you, I am, telling [advising.]

Verse 17b & 18a

स हि रम्यो वनोद्देशो मैथिली तत्र रंस्यते || ३-१३-१७
स देशः श्लाघनीयः च न अतिदूरे च राघव |

“That woodland will be delightful, isn’t it Raghava, for it is praiseworthy and not very far off from here, and Seetha can take delight in there. [3-13-17b, 18a]

17b, 18a. raaghava = oh, Raghava; saH vanoddeshaH ramyaH hi = that, woodland, are delightful, isn’t it; saH deshaH shlaaghaniiyaH ca = that, place, is praiseworthy, also; [because it is]; na ati duure ca = not, very, far off, also; maithilii tatra ramsyate = Maithili, therein, can take delight.

Verse 18b & 19

गोदावर्याः समीपे च मैथिली तत्र रंस्यते || ३-१३-१८
प्राज्य मूल फलैः चैव नाना द्विज गणैर् युतः |
विविक्तः च महाबाहो पुण्यो रम्यः तथैव च || ३-१३-१९

“There Maithili will take delight nearby River Godavari, and it is with abundant tubers, fruits, various are its bird flocks, and it is very reclusive too, oh, great dextrous Rama, further it is meritorious and appealing. [3-13-18b, 19]

18b, 19. maithilii tatra godaavaryaaH samiipe ramsyate = Maithili, there, at Godavari, nearby, takes delights; praajya muula phalaiH caiva = bounteous, tubers, fruits, also; naanaa dvija gaNaiH yutaH = various, bird, flocks; mahaa baahuH = great, dexterous Rama; vi viktaH ca = verily, reclusive, too; puNyaH tathaa eva ca = meritorious, like that, even, also ramyaH = appealing one.

Verse 20

भवान् अपि सदाचारः च शक्तः च परिरक्षणे |
अपि च अत्र वसन् राम तापसान् पालयिष्यसि || ३-१३-२०

“Even you, Rama, with your good deportment are capable to safeguard the hermits while residing there. [3-13-20]

20. bhavaan api sat aacaaraH = you are, even, with good, bearing; pari rakSaNe shaktaH = to safeguard, you are capable; api ca = even also; atra vasan = there, while residing; raama = Rama; taapasaan paalayiSyasi = hermits, you can protect.

Verse 21

एतत् आलक्ष्यते वीर मधूकानाम् महत् वनम् |
उत्तरेण अस्य गंतव्यम् न्यग्रोधम् अपि गच्छ्हता || ३-१३-२१

“Oh, brave one, you see this great forest of flower-liquor trees, you have to proceed north of it and advance towards a banyan tree. [3-13-21]

21. viira = oh, brave one; etat madhuukaanaam mahat vanam aalakSyate = this, Madhuuka [bassia latifolia, flowers of which are used to distil liquor] trees, great, forest, that seen; asya uttareNa = by its, north; nyagrodham api gacChataa gantavyam = banyan tree, also, on advancing towards, you have to proceed.

Verse 22

ततः स्थलम् उपारुह्य पर्वतस्य अविदूरतः |
ख्यातः पंचवटी इति एव नित्य पुष्पित काननः || ३-१३-२२

“Then on climbing up an upland a mountain is seen, that which is also not far away, and that renowned Panchavati is there in an ever-blooming forest in the valley of that mountain.” Said Sage Agastya to Rama. [3-13-22]

22. tataH sthalam upa aaruhya = then, upland, on climbing up; parvatasya avi duurataH = from mountain, not, far away; pancavaTii iti eva khyaataH Panchavati, thus, that way, renowned; nitya puSpita kaananaH = ever, blooming, forest [is there.]

Verse 23

अगस्त्येन एवम् उक्तः तु रामः सौमित्रिणा सह |
सत्कृत्य आमंत्रयामास तम् ऋषिम् सत्य वादिनम् || ३-१३-२३

When thus said by Sage Agastya, Rama along with Soumitri venerated and bade farewell to that truth advocator sage Agastya. [3-13-23]

23. agastyena evam uktaH tu = by Agastya, thus, said, but; raamaH saumitriNaa saha = Rama, Soumitri, along with; satya vaadinam = truth, advocator; tam R^iSim that, Sage is; sat kR^itya aamantrayaamaasa = well venerated, bade farewell.

Verse 25

गृहीत चापौ तु नराधिप आत्मजौ
विषक्त तूणी समरेषु अकातरौ |
यथा उपदिष्टेन पथा महर्षिणा |
प्रजग्मतुः पंचवटीम् समाहितौ || ३-१३-२५

Those princes that are dauntless in war took up their bows and braced up their quivers, and resolutely proceeded to Panchavati on the route apprised by that great sage Agastya. [3-13-25]

25. samareSu a kaatarau = in war, not, fearful ones; nara adhipa aatmajau = people’s, king, sons [princes]; gR^ihiita caapau tu = taken, bows, also; viSakta tuuNii = braced up, quivers; samaahitau = resolutely; maharSiNaa yathaa upadiSTena pathaa by great sage, as, apprised, on route; pancavaTiim pra jagmatuH = to Panchavati, proceeded.

Verse 24

तौ तु तेन अभ्यनुज्ञातौ कृत पाद अभिवन्दनौ |
तम् आश्रमम् पंचवटीम् जग्मतुः सह सीतया || ३-१२-२४

Thus well bidden by Sage Agastya those two Rama and Lakshmana have offered their venerations at the feet of that sage and proceeded to their prospective hermitage at Panchavati along with Seetha. [3-12-24]

24. tena abhi anuGYaatau = by him [Agastya,] well, bidden; tau = those two Rama and Lakshmana; kR^ita paada abhi vandanau = who have made, offered, venerations; saha siitayaa = with, Seetha; tam aashramam = to that, hermitage; [tat aashrama padaat = from that hermitage of Agastya]; pancavaTiim = to Panchavati; jagmatuH = proceeded.

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