8 – The tale of enmity between Vali and Sugreeva


Sugreeva gives a report to Rama about his plight for fear of Vali, who made his own brother an enemy and abducted Sugreeva’s wife. Rama asks Sugreeva to inform him about the real cause of enmity, so that he can decide correctly. Sugreeva narrates his woeful condition.

Verse 1

परितुष्टः तु सुग्रीवः तेन वाक्येन हर्षितः |
लक्ष्मणस्य अग्रजम् शूरम् इदम् वचनम् अब्रवीत् || ४-८-१

1. Sugreeva; tena vaakyena = by that, sentence; harSitaH = gladdened; parituSTaH tu = satisfied; shuuram = to that valiant one, Rama; lakshmanasya agrajam = Lakshmana’s, elder; idam vacanam = this, sentence; abraviit = said.

Sugreeva is gladdened and satisfied too by that sentence, and said this sentence to Lakshmana’s elder brother, Rama the valiant one. [4-8-1]

Verse 2

सर्वथा अहम् अनुग्राह्यो देवतानाम् न संशयः |
उपपन्नः गुण उपेतः सखा यस्य भवान् मम || ४-८-२

“When you wth all kinds of endowment and good virtues are my friend, doubtlessly I am worthy to be blessed by all gods in everyway. [4-8-2]

2. upapannaH = possessor of [all kinds of endowments]; guNa upetaH = having good virtues, with; bhavaan yasya mama sakhaa = you, whose, mine, friend; [on becoming so]; aham = sarvathaa = I, in everyway; devataanaam anugraahyaH = to gods [also]; worthy to be blessed; na samshayaH = no, doubt.

Verse 3

शक्यम् खलु भवेत् राम सहायेन त्वया अनघ |
सुर राज्यम् अपि प्राप्तुम् स्व राज्यम् किमुत प्रभो || ४-८-३

“Oh, merited one, with your help it will be possible to achieve kingdom of gods, oh, lord, then why tell about one’s own kingdom… [4-8-3]

3. anagha = oh, merited one; oh, Rama; tvayaa sahaayena = with your, help; sura raajyam api praaptum shakyam bhavet = god’s, kingdom, even, to achieve, possible, it will be; sva raajyam kim utaH prabho = one’s own, why tell about, oh , lord.

Verse 4

सोऽहम् सभाज्यो बन्धूनाम् सुहृदाम् चैव राघव |
यस्य अग्नि साक्षिकम् मित्रम् लब्धम् राघव वंशजम् || ४-८-४

“He who has gained the one born in Raghava-s dynasty as friend, to which sacred fire bore the witness, such a being like me is estimable among his relative, more so among his kind-hearted friends… [4-8-4]

4. yasya = to whom such like me; raaghava vamsha jam = in Raghava’s, dynasty, one born in; mitram = as friend; agni saakshikam = fire, as witness; labdham = gained by; saH aham = such as, I am; bandhuunaam = among, relatives; ca iva = also, like that; su hR^idaam = kind-hearted friends; sabhaajyaH = estimable.

Verse 5

अहम् अपि अनुरूपः ते वयस्यो ज्ञास्यसे शनैः |
न तु वक्तुम् समर्थोऽहम् त्वयि आत्मगतान् गुणान् || ४-८-५

“Even though I am a matching friend to you, that you will know soon, it will be inexpedient of myself to talk about my inherent capabilities. [4-8-5]

5. aham api = I am, even; anuruupaH = matching; vayasyaH = friend; te = to you; j~naasyase = you will know; shanaiH = soon; aham aatma gataan gunaan = I am my in soul, having [inherent,] capabilities; tvayi = to you; vaktum = to speak; na tu samarthaH = not, capable [inexpedient.]

Verse 6

महात्मनाम् तु भूयिष्ठम् त्वत् विधानाम् कृत आत्मनाम् |
निश्चला भवति प्रीतिः धैर्यम् आत्मवताम् वर || ४-८-६

“Great souls of your kind, whose hearts are purified like yours, oh, amiable Rama, their friendship and courage will generally be stable. [4-8-6]

6. maha aatmanaam tu = for great souls; bhuuyiSTham = generally; tvat vidhaanaam = in your manner; kR^ita aatmanaam = purified, at heart; nishcalaa = stable; bhavati = will be; priitiH = friendship; dhairyam = courage; aatmavataam vara = among hearty ones, the best [amiable one.]

Verse 7

रजतम् वा सुवर्णम् वा शुभानि आभरणानि च |
अविभक्तानि साधूनाम् अवगच्छन्ति साधवः || ४-८-७

“Gentle souls will be knowing that silver or gold, or even prosperous ornaments are not to be apportioned among themselves as this is mine and that is yours. [4-8-7]

7. saadhuunaam = among gentle souls; rajatam vaa = silver, or; suvarNam vaa = gold, or; shubhaani aabharaNaani cha = prosperous ornaments, even; a vibhaktaani = not, in an apportioned manner; [thus] saadhavaH = by gentle souls; avagachanti = will be knowing.

Verse 8

आढ्यो वा अपि दरिद्रो वा दुःखितः सुखितोऽपि वा |
निर्दोषः च सदोषः च वयस्यः परमा गतिः || ४-८-८

“May he be rich or poor, saddened or gladdened, flawless or flawed, a friend is the ultimate recourse to any. [4-8-8]

8. aaDhyaH vaa api = rich, or, even; daridraH vaa = poor, or; duhkhitaH = saddened; sukhitaH api vaa = gladdened, even, or; nir doSaH ca = without flaw, or; sa doshaH vaa = with flaw, or; vayasyaH = friend is; paramaa gatiH = ultimate, recourse.

Verse 9

धन त्यागः सुख त्यागो देश त्यागोऽपि वा अनघः |
वयस्यार्थे प्रवर्तन्ते स्नेहम् दृष्ट्वा तथा विधम् || ४-८-९

“On observing the course of friendship and knowing which is true friendship, the true friends do not hesitate to extend wealth, pleasure or even their own country for the sake of friendship.” Sugreeva thus extolled Rama and his friendship. [4-8-9]

9. anaghaH = oh impeccable one; sneham = friendship; dR^iSTvaa tathaa vidham = on observing, thus, course of [friendship]; vayasya arthe = for friend’s, sake; dhana tyaagaH = wealth, devoting; sukha tyaagaH = pleasure devoting; desha tyaagaH vaa api = country, devoting, or, even; pravartante = conducts [they don’t hesitate to forgo, extend.]

Verse 10

तत् तथा इति अब्रवीत् रामः सुग्रीवम् प्रिय दर्शनम् |
लक्ष्मणस्य अग्रतः लक्ष्म्या वासवस्य इव धीमतः || ४-८-१०

“That is thus only,” said Rama before Lakshmana, which Lakshmana is sagacious, resplendent and who vies with Indra, about what is said by Sugreeva, which Sugreeva is by now soft-natured in his looks, doffing off his jittery look. [4-8-10]

10. raamaH = Rama; vaasavasya iva dhiimataH = Indra, as with, sagacious one; lakshmyaa = one who is resplendent; lakshmanasya agrataH = [such] Lakshmana’s, before; priya darshanam sugriivam = one who looks pleasant [soft-natured in his for the onlookers, to such] Sugreeva; tat tathaa iti abraviit = that, that way, only, [thus] said Rama.

Verse 11

ततो रामम् स्थितम् दृष्ट्वा लक्ष्मणम् च महाबलम् |
सुग्रीवः सर्वतः चक्षुः वने लोलम् अपातयत् || ४-८-११

Then on seeing Rama standing there with greatly mighty Lakshmana, Sugreeva cast his sight with his bolting eyes around that forest. [4-8-11]

11. tataH = then; Sugreeva; sthitam raamam dR^iSTvaa = standing there, at Rama, on seeing; mahaabalam = greatly mighty; lakshmaNam ca = Lakshmana, also; lolam = rolling – bolting; cakshuH = eyes; sarvataH = around; vane = in forest; apaatayat = thrown [he cast sight.]

Verse 12

स ददर्श ततः सालम् अविदूरे हरीश्वरः |
सुपुष्पम् ईषत् पत्र आढ्यम् भ्रमरैः उपशोभितम् || ४-८-१२

He that lord of monkeys Sugreeva has then seen a well flowered sala tree not far off from there, covered with some leaves and bedecked with honeybees. [4-8-12]

12. tataH = then; saH hariishvaraH = he that, monkeys, lord,; aviduure su puSpam = not far off, well flowered; iiSat patra aaDhyam = with some, leaves, covering; bhramaraiH = with honeybees; upa shobhitam = well bedecked; saalam = sala tree; dadarsha = has seen.

Verse 13

तस्य एकाम् पर्ण बहुलाम् शाखाम् भंक्त्वा सुशोभिताम् |
रामस्य आस्तीर्य सुग्रीवो निषसाद स राघवः || ४-८-१३

And Sugreeva broke off one branch of that sala tree that is with many leaves and a well charming one, and spreading it out for Rama, he sat on it with Raghava. [4-8-13]

13. sugriivaH = Sugreeva; tasya = its, tree’s; parNa bahulaam = leaves, many; su sobhitaam = well, charming one; ekaam = one; shaakhaam = branch; bhanktvaa = broke off; raamasya aastiirya = for Rama, spread out; saH raaghavaH = with Raghava; niSasaada = sat on it.

Verse 14

तौ आसीनौ ततः दृष्ट्वा हनूमान् अपि लक्ष्मणम् |
साल शाखाम् समुत्पाट्य विनीतम् उपवेशयत् || ४-८-१४

On seeing those two sitting on a branch then Hanuma also broke a branch of sala tree for the modest Lakshmana and seated Lakshmana on it. [4-8-14]

14. tataH = then; hanuumaan = Hanuma; api = even; aasiinau = sitting; tau = those two; dR^stvaa = on seeing; saala shaakhaam = sala, branch; sam utpaaTya = on breaking; viniitam = modest one; lakshmaNam = to Lakshmana; upaveshayat = sat on.

Verse 14

तौ आसीनौ ततः दृष्ट्वा हनूमान् अपि लक्ष्मणम् |
साल शाखाम् समुत्पाट्य विनीतम् उपवेशयत् || ४-८-१४

On seeing those two sitting on a branch then Hanuma also broke a branch of sala tree for the modest Lakshmana and seated Lakshmana on it. [4-8-14]

14. tataH = then; hanuumaan = Hanuma; api = even; aasiinau = sitting; tau = those two; dR^stvaa = on seeing; saala shaakhaam = sala, branch; sam utpaaTya = on breaking; viniitam = modest one; lakshmaNam = to Lakshmana; upaveshayat = sat on.

Verse 15 & 16

सुख उपविष्टम् रामम् तु प्रसन्नम् उदधिम् यथा |
साल पुष्पाव संकीर्णे तस्मिन् गिरिवर उत्तमे || ४-८-१५
ततः प्रहृष्टः सुग्रीवः श्लक्ष्णया शुभया गिरा |
उवाच प्रणयाद् रामम् हर्ष व्याकुलित अक्षरम् || ४-८-१६

Then to him, who by now is comfortably sitting on a flowery mat laid by the bestrewn flowers of sala trees on that best mountain like a quiet ocean, to such Rama who by his very presence delights hearts, that gladsome Sugreeva said this in friendship with his gentle and gracious words that fluttered with happiness while he spoke. [4-8-15, 16]

15, 16. tataH = then; Sugreeva; prahR^iSTaH = who is pleased; saala puSpa = with sala tree’s, flowers; samkiirNne = all over bestrewn with; tasmin girivara uttame = there, on that mountain, the best; sukha upaviSTam = comfortably, one who is sitting; prasannam yathaa udadhim = quiet, like, ocean; raamam tu = one who causes delight to heart; raamam = to such a Rama; shlakshnam shubhayaa giraa = with gentle, gracious, words; harSa vyaakulita aksharam = in happiness, fluttering, with words; praNayaat = in friendship; uvaaca = said.

Verse 17

अहम् विनिकृतो भ्रात्रा चरामि एष भयार्दितः |
ऋष्यमूकम् गिरि वरम् हृत भार्यः सुदुःखितः || ४-८-१७

“My brother calumniated me and stole my wife, with his fear and my anguish haunting me I am moving about this best mountain Rishyamuka. [4-8-17]

17. bhraatraa vinikR^itaH = by brother, calumniated; eSaH aham = this, me; bhayaarditaH = with fear haunting; hR^ita bhaaryaH = stolen, wife; su duHkhitaH = highly, anguished; giri varam = mountain the best; Rishyamuukam = on Mt. Rishyamuka; caraami = I am moving.

Verse 18

सोऽहम् त्रस्तः भये मग्नः वने संब्रान्त चेतनः |
वालिना निकृतः भ्रात्रा कृत वैरः च राघव || ४-८-१८

“Affronted by my brother, oh, Raghava, I am made as his enemy, such as I am, I am living on with a scared and dazed vitality far flung in fear. [4-8-18]

18. Raghava; bhraatraa = by brother; vaalinaa = by Vali; nikR^itaH = insulted – affronted; kR^ita vairaH = made, enemy; ca = also; saH aham = such as, I am; trastaH = scared; sambhraanta = dazed; cetanaH = vitality; vasaami = living; bhaye magnaH = in fear, flung in.

Verse 19

वालिनः मे भय आर्तस्य सर्वलोक अभयंकर |
मम अपि त्वम् अनाथस्य प्रसादम् कर्तुम् अर्हसि || ४-८-१९

“I am agonized by the fear from Vali, oh, protector of all the worlds, you protect me too for I am unprotected, and able are you to accord protection.” Thus Sugreeva appealed to Rama. [4-8-19]

19. sarva loka = for all worlds; a bhayam kara = no, fear – protection, giver [protector]; me = my – from my brother; vaalinaH = from Vali; bhaya aartasya = in fear, agonized; a naathasya = un, protected one [I am]; mama api = to me, even; tvam = you; prasaadam kartum arhasi = protection, to accord, able you are.

Verse 20

एवम् उक्तः तु तेजस्वी धर्मज्ञो धर्म वत्सलः |
प्रत्युवाच स काकुत्स्थः सुग्रीवम् प्रहसन् इव || ४-८-२०

Thus said by Sugreeva, the resplendent and virtuous Rama, the patron of righteousness replied Sugreeva as though laughing off the task. [4-8-20]

20. evam uktaH tu = thus, said; tejasvii = resplendent; dharmaj~naH = virtuous; dharma vatsalaH = righteousness, the patron of; saH kaakutsthaH = he that, Rama; pra hasan iva = laughing it off, as though; sugriivam = to Sugreeva; prati uvaaca = in turn, said – replied.

Verse 21

उपकार फलम् मित्रम् अपकारो अरि लक्षणम् |
अद्य एव तम् वधिष्यामि तव भार्या अपहारिणम् || ४-८-२१

“Helping is the fruit of friendship while harming is enemy’s trait, hence I wish to kill him today only, that abductor of your wife…” Rama continued thus. [4-8-21]

21. upakaara phalam mitram = helping, fruit of, is a friend; apakaaraH ari lakshaNam = harming, is enemy’s, trait; adya eva = today, only; vadh iSyaami = to kill, I wish to; tam tava bhaaryaa apahaariNam = him, your, wife’s, abductor.

Verse 22 & 23

इमे हि मे महाभाग पत्रिणः तिग्म तेजसः |
कार्तिकेय वन उद्भूताः शरा हेम विभूषिताः || ४-८-२२
कन्क पत्र परिच्छन्ना महेन्द्र अशनि सन्निभाः |
सुपर्वाणः सुतीक्ष्ण अग्रा सरोषा भुजगा इव || ४-८-२३

“These are my arrows winged from pinion of the hern, oh, highly fortunate Sugreeva, these that are decorated in gold sparkle sharply like the Thunderbolts of Indra, and they are begotten from the reed forest of Kartikeya, ends tied with eagles feathers for fins, smooth are their nodes, sharp are their tips that pierce sharply, and these will be like enraged snakes. [4-8-22, 23]

22, 23. mahaa bhaagaaH = oh, highly fortunate one – Sugreeva; me ime patriNaH sharaa = my, these, winged [pinion to hern,] arrows; tigma tejasaH = sharply, sparkling; kaartikeya vana udbhuutaaH = from Kartikeya’s, forest, begotten; hema vibhuuSitaaH = gold, decorated with; kanka patrai pari cChannaaH = with eagle’s, feathers, tied with as fins; mahendra = Indra’s; ashani sannibhaaH = Thunderbolt, like; su parvaaNaH = having smooth, nodes, even knots; su tiikshNa agraa = very, sharply, tipped; sa roSaaH = with rage; bhujagaa iva = snakes, like.

Verse 24

वालि सज्ञम् अमित्रम् ते भ्रातरम् कृत किल्बिषम् |
शरैः विनिहतम् पश्य विकीर्णम् इव पर्वतम् || ४-८-२४

“You may see your malicious and intimidating brother, someone denotative by name Vali, eradicated with these very arrows and splintered down like a mountain.” Rama said so to Sugreeva. [4-8-24]

24. te bhraataram = your brother; kR^ita kilbisham = who has done, malice; vaali sa~njam = Vali, denotative by, named; a mitram = unfriendly – intimidating one; sharaiH = with arrows; vi nihatam = verily, eradicated; vikiirNam iva parvatam = splintered, like, mountain; pashya = you may see.

Verse 25

राघवस्य वचः श्रुत्वा सुग्रीवो वाहिनी पतिः |
प्रहर्षम् अतुलम् लेभे साधु साध्विति च अब्रवीत् || ४-८-२५

On hearing Raghava’s words, the lord of monkey-force Sugreeva attained much happiness and said, ‘good, good…’ [4-8-25]

25. raaghavasya = Raghava’s; vacaH = words; shrutvaa = heard; sugriivaH = Sugreeva; vaahinii patiH = monkey-force, lord of; praharSam = happiness; atulam = much; lebhe = attained; saadhu saadhu iti ca = good, good, thus, also; abraviit = said.

Verse 26

राम शोक अभिभूतो अहम् शोक आर्तानाम् भवान् गतिः |
वयस्य इति कृत्वा हि त्वयि अहम् परिदेवये || ४-८-२६

“Rama, I am confounded in sadness, and for those lamenting sadly you are the only recourse, and because you have befriended me I am opening up my woes before you. [4-8-26]

26. Rama; aham = I am; shoka abhibhuutaH = by sadness, confounded in; shoka aartaanaam = for sadly, lamenting ones; bhavaan gatiH = you are, the recourse; vayasya iti kR^itvaa = friend, thus, on making [because you are a friend]; hi = verily; tvayi aham = in you, I am; paridevaye = beseeching [I open up my woes before you.].

Verse 27

त्वम् हि पाणि प्रदानेन वयस्यो मे अग्नि साक्षिकम् |
कृतः प्राणैः बहुमतः सत्येन च शपामि अहम् || ४-८-२७

“By extending a helping hand and befriending me while sacred fire bore witness, you have indeed become my dearest friend on par with my life, and hence I take promise on truth to broach. [4-8-27]

27. tvam = you are; paaNi pradaanena = hand, by extending; agni aakshikam = of fire, by witness; kR^itaH = befriended; [me, therefore]; praaNaiH bahumataH vayasyaH me hi = than life, you are dearest, friend you are, of minbe, indeed; aham = I am satyena api shapaami = by truth, only, taking oath.

Verse 28

वयस्य इति कृत्वा च विस्रब्धः प्रवदामि अहम् |
दुःखम् अन्तर्गतम् तन् मे मनो हरति नित्यशः || ४-८-२८

“By befriending you I am able to say clearly about my internal sorrow without any hitches and hold-ups, which is always rending my heart…” So said Sugreeva to Rama. [4-8-28]

28. vayasya iti kR^itvaa ca = friend, thus, making, also; aham = I am; visrabdham = in believability [without hitches and hold-ups]; pra vadaami = clearly, saying; tat antargatam duHkham manaH harati nityashaH = that which, internal, sorrow is there, my, heart, stealing [rending,] always.

Verse 29

एतावत् उक्त्वा वचनम् बाष्प दूषित लोचनः |
बाष्प दूषितया वाचा न उच्चैः श्क्नोति भाषितुम् || ४-८-२९

Sugreeva said this much sentence with tears abusing his eyes and his voice is unable talk aloud since it is equally abused by tears. [4-8-29]

29. etaavat = up to here; uktvaa vacanam = said, sentence; baashpa duuSitayaa locanaH = with tears, abused, eyes; baashpa duuSitayaa vaacaa = tears, abused, voice; na = not; ucCaiH = aloud; shknoti = able; bhaashitum = to talk.

Verse 30

बाष्प वेगम् तु सहसा नदी वेगम् इव आगतम् |
धारयामास धैर्येण सुग्रीवः राम संनिधौ || ४-८-३०

Sugreeva courageously controlled the sudden haste of tears that came up hastily and suddenly like a river in the presence of Rama. [4-8-30]

30. Sugreeva; sannidhau = in the presence of; Rama; nadii vegam iva = river’s, speed, like; sahasaa = suddenly; aagatam = came up; baashpa vegam tu = tears, speed of; dhairyeNa = courageously; dhaarayaamaasa = controlled.

Verse 31

स निगृह्य तु तम् बाष्पम् प्रमृज्य नयने शुभे |
विनिःश्वस्य च तेजस्वी राघवम् पुनरूचिवान् || ४-८-३१

He that bright Sugreeva controlled those tears, and on wiping his fortunate eyes, but sighing heavily he again started to speak this sentence to Raghava. [4-8-31]

31. tejasvii = bright one; saH = he; tam baashpam = those, tears; nigR^ihya tu = controlled; pramR^ijya shubhe nayane = on wiping out, his fortunate, eyes; vi nisHvasya ca = verily, sighed, also; raaghavam vaakyam punaH uucivaan = to Raghava, sentence, again started to speak.

Verse 32

पुरा अहम् वलिना राम राज्यात् स्वात् अवरोपितः |
परुषाणि च संश्राव्य निर्धूतो अस्मि बलीयसा || ४-८-३२

“Earlier he that forceful Vali deposed me from my kingdom, oh Rama, and speaking harsh words he even banished me. [4-8-32]

32. puraa = earlier; aham = I was; baliiyasaa valinaa svaat raajyaat avaropitaH = by forceful, Vali, from my, kingdom, dismounted [ deposed]; paruSaaNi ca samshraavya nirdhuutaH asmi = harsh words, also, made to listen [spoke by him,] shoved off [banished,] I am.

Verse 33

हृता भार्या च मे तेन प्राणेभ्यो अपि गरीयसी |
सुहृदः च मदीया ये संयता बन्धनेषु ते || ४-८-३३

“My wife who is loftier than my lives is stolen by him, and those that are my sympathisers they are also captivated and imprisoned by him. [4-8-33]

33. tena = by him; praaNebhyaH api gariiyasii = of lives, even, loftier; me bhaaryaa ca hR^itaa = my, wife, is also, stolen; madiiyaa ye suhR^idaH = my, those, sympathisers are thee; [te = they are]; bandhaneSu samyataa = in prisons, tied down.

Verse 34

यत्नवान् च स दुष्टात्मा मद् विनाशाय राघव |
बहुशः तत् प्रयुक्ताः च वानरा निहता मया || ४-८-३४

“He that very evil minded one tried many times to annihilate me, and Raghava, I killed those combatants monkeys that are deployed by Vali to kill me. [4-8-34]

34. Raghava; saH duSTa atmaa = he that, evil, minded one; mat vinaashaaya = for my, annihilation; yatnavaan ca = he tried, also; bahushaH = many times; tat = by him; prayuktaaH ca = deployed, also; vaanaraaH = monkeys [combatants]; nihataa mayaa = are killed, by me.

Verse 35

शंकया एतया अहम् च दृष्ट्वा त्वाम् अपि राघव |
न उपसर्पामि अहम् भीतो भये सर्वे हि बिभ्यति || ४-८-३५

“With the same doubt I did not even near you when I saw you… in fear everything will be fearsome, isn’t it… [4-8-35]

35. Raaghava; aham ca = I, too; etayaa = with the same; shankayaa tve = doubt; tvaam api iha dR^iSTvaa = you, even, here, on seeing; na upasarpaami = not, I neared you; bhaye sarve bibhyati hi = in fear, all, will be fearsome, isn’t it.

Verse 36

केवलम् हि सहाया मे हनुमत् प्रमुखास्त्विमे |
अतः अहम् धारयामि अद्य प्राणान् कृच्छ्र गतः अपि सन् || ४-८-३६

“Though I am engulfed in tribulations I still bear my lives even today due to these important monkeys like Hanuma and others, who are the only helping hands of mine. [4-8-36]

36. kevalam ime hanumat pramukhaaH = just, these, Hanuma, important ones; me sahaayaa = my, helping hands; ataH aham kR^icChra gataH api san = thereby, I am, in tribulations, gone in, though, I am; dhaarayaami praaNaan adya = I bear, my lives, even today.

Verse 37

एते हि कपयः स्निग्धा माम् रक्षन्ति समन्ततः |
सह गच्छन्ति गन्तव्ये नित्यम् तिष्ठन्ति च स्थिते || ४-८-३७

“These are the friendly monkeys guarding me all over, while I go they go along with me, and if I were to stay they too will stay. [4-8-37]

37. snigdhaa = friendly; ete kapayaH maam rakshanti samantataH = these, monkeys, me, guarding, from all over; gantavye saha gacChanti nityam sthite tiSThanti ca = while I go, along with, they go, always, while staying, the stay.

Verse 38

संक्षेपः ते एष मे राम किम् उक्त्वा विस्तरम् हि ते |
स मे ज्येष्ठो रिपुः भ्राता वाली विश्रुत पौरुषः || ३-८-३८

“Rama, this is briefly my sad-story and why tell this very broadly to you as it would be too tedious… my elder brother Vali is a renowned one for his intrepidity, and he that Vali alone is my enemy. [4-8-38]

38. Rama; eSa me samkshepaH = this, is my, brief account; te vistaram uktvaa kim = to you, in detail, telling, why [what is the use in elaborating it]; me jyeSThaH bhraataa = my, elder, brother; vishruta paurushaH = who is renowned, for his intrepidity; saH Vali mama ripu = that, Vali, is my, enemy.

Verse 39

तद् विनाशे अपि मे दुःखम् प्रमृष्टम् स्यात् अनन्तरम् |
सुखम् मे जीवितम् चैव तद् विनाश निबन्धनम् || ३-८-३९

“His end ends my distress and my later life and quietude are subjected to his destruction. [4-8-39]

39. tat vinaashe api = his, end, only; me duHkham pra mR^iSTtam syaat = my, distress, is wiped out [end,] it will be; anantaram = later; me sukham jiivitam ca eva = my, quietude, life, also, thus; tat vinaasha nibandhanam = his, destruction, subjected to.

Verse 40

एष मे राम शोकान्तः शोक आर्तेन निवेदितः |
दुःखितः सुखितः वा अपि सख्युः नित्यम् सखा गतिः || ३-८-४०

“Grief stricken such as I am, I have submitted as to how my misery ends, whether one is gladdened or saddened he has recourse only to his friend.” So said Sugreeva to Rama. [4-8-40]

40. shoka aartena = by grief, stricken one; me eSa shoka antaH = this, misery’s, end, [end for my misery]; niveditaH = is submitted; sakhyuH duHkhitaH sukhitaH vaa api = for a friend, saddened, gladdened, or, even if; nityam sakhaa gatiH = at any time, friend, is recourse.

Verse 41

श्रुत्वा एतत् च वचः रामः सुग्रीवम् इदम् अब्रवीत् |
किम् निमित्तम् अभूत् वैरम् श्रोतुम् इच्छामि तत्त्वतः || ३-८-४१

Hearing all that is spoken by Sugreeva, Rama asked, “What for chanced the enmity? I am interested to listen, in its reality…[4-8-41]

41. Rama; etat vacaH shrutvaa = all this, words, on hearing; sugriivam = to Sugreeva; idam abraviit = this, said; kim nimittam = what, for; abhuut vairam = chanced, enmity; tattvataH shrotum icChaami = in its reality, to listen, interested I am.

Verse 42

सुखम् हि कारणम् श्रुत्वा वैरस्य तव वानर |
आनन्तर्यद् विधास्यामि संप्रधार्य बलाबलम् || ३-८-४२

“On knowing the cause of your enmity, oh, monkey, and after a proper thought, and deciding upon the strength and weakness of the cause of enmity, or of the enmity itself, I will do the needful very easily. [4-8-42]

42. vaanara = oh, monkey; tava vairasya kaaraNam shrutvaa = yours, of enmity, cause, on listening; bala abalam sampradhaarya = strength and weakness, on deciding; aanantaryaat = after a proper thought; sukham vidhaasyaami = easily, I will enforce [do the needful.]

Verse 43

बलवान् हि मम अमर्षः श्रुत्वा त्वाम् अवमानितम् |
वर्धते हृदय उत्कम्पी प्रावृड् वेग इव अंभसः || ३-८-४३

“On hearing that you are insulted my intense anger that can flutter my heartbeat is intensifying like the intensifying speed of waters in rainy reason. [4-8-43]

43. shrutvaa = on hearing; tvaam = you are; avamaanitam = insulted; utkampii = that can flutter; mama = my; hR^idaya = heart; balavaan = intense; amarSaH = anger [is coming to pass, like]; ambhasaH praavR^iD vega iva varthate = of waters, rainy season’s, speediness, like, increasing.

Verse 44

हृष्टः कथय विस्रब्धो यावत् आरोप्यते धनुः |
सृष्टः च हि मया बाणो निरस्तः च रिपुः तव || ३-८-४४

“Be glad to say in belief, Sugreeva, before I take aim with my bow, and even before I release the arrow, and even before silencing your enemy.” Rama assured Sugreeva in this way. [4-8-44]

44. mayaa = by me; yaavat = before; dhanuH aaropyate = bow, is aimed; baaNaH sR^iSTaH ca = arrow, is released; tava ripuH nirastaH ca = your, enemy, become helpless [ he dies]; [within that time]; hR^iSTaH visrabdhaH kathaya = gladly, in belief, you tell.

Verse 45

एवम् उक्तः तु सुग्रीवः काकुत्स्थेन महात्मना |
प्रहर्षम् अतुलम् लेभे चतुर्भिः सह वानरैः|| ३-८-४५

Thus said by the great souled Rama, Sugreeva is very much rejoiced along with four of vanara-s available in his attendance. [4-8-45]

45. mahaatmanaa kaakutsthena evam uktaH tu = by great souled, Rama, thus, when said; sugriivaH = he that Sugreeva; caturbhiH vaanaraiH saha = with four, vanara-s, along with; praharSam atulam lebhe = rejoice, very much, obtained.

Verse 46

ततः प्रहृ^इष्ट वदनः सुग्रीवः लक्ष्मणाग्रजे |
वैरस्य कारणम् तत्त्वम् आख्यातुम् उपचक्रमे || ३-८-४६

Then with a pleased countenance Sugreeva started to tell Rama about the cause of the enmity, it all it truthfulness. [4-8-46]

46. tata = then; prahR^iSTa vadanaH = with pleased, countenance; Sugreeva; Lakshmana agraje = to Lakshmana’s elder, to Rama; vairasya kaaraNam = enmity’s, cause; tattvam = truthfully; aakhyaatum = to tell; upacakrame = started.

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