8 – All demons eulogising their strengths


All the demons of King Ravana present there namely Prahasta, Durmukha, Vajradamshtra, Nikumbha and Vajrahanu, eulogising their strengths, assure the king that they can individually kill Rama and his army within no time.

Verse 1

ततो नील अम्बुद निभः प्रहस्तो नाम राक्षसः |
अब्रवीत् प्राञ्जलिर् वाक्यम् शूरः सेना पतिस्तदा || ६-८-१

A valiant demon by name Prahasta, the commander-in-chief, appearing like a dark cloud, joined his palms in salutation and spoke these words.

1. tataH = thereafter; shuuraH = a valiant; raakSasaH = demon; prahasto naama = named prahasta; senaapatiH = the commander-in-chief; niila ambuda prakhyaH = appearing like a dark cloud; praaJNjaliH = joined his palms in salutation; abraviit = and spoke; tadaa = then; vaakyam = (the following) words.

Verse 2

देव दानव गन्धर्वाः पिशाचपतगौरगाः |
न त्वाम् धर्षयितुम् शक्ताः किम् पुनर् वानरा रणे || ६-८-२

“All gods, demons, gandharvas, devils, birds and serpents can be attacked by you in battle. Why to talk about two human beings?”

2. sarve = all; deva daanava gandharvaaH = gods; demons; Gandharvas; pishraacha pata goragaaH = devils; birds and serpents; shakyaaH = can be dharSayitum = attacked; raNe = in battle; kim punaH = why to talk about; maanavau = two human beings?

Verse 3

सर्वे प्रमत्ता विश्वस्ता वन्चिताः स्म हनूमता |
न हि मे जीवतो गच्चेज् जीवन् स वन गोचरः || ६-८-३

“All of us, in good faith but with negligence, were cheated by Hanuma. That monkey cannot go alive, while I am alive.”

3. sarve = all of us; vishvastaaH = in good faith; pramattaaH = but with negligence; vaNchitaasmi = were cheated; hanumataa = by Hanuma; saH = that; vanagocharaH = monkey; nagachhet hi = cannot indeed go; jiivan = alive; me = (while) I; jiivitaH = an alive.

Verse 4

सर्वाम् सागर पर्यन्ताम् सशैल वन काननाम् |
करोमि अवानराम् भूमिम् आज्ञापयतु माम् भवान् || ६-८-४

“I shall make the entire earth extending upto the ocean, along with mountains forests and woods, bereft of monkeys. You command me.”

4. karomi = I shall make; sarvaam = the entire; bhuumim = earth; saagara paryantaam = extending upto the ocean; sashaila vana kaananaam = along with mountains forests and woods; avaanaraam = bereft of monkeys; bhavaan = you; aaGYaapayatu = command; maam = me.

Verse 5

रक्षाम् चैव विधास्यामि वानराद् रजनी चर |
न आगमिष्यति ते दुह्खम् किंचिद् आत्म अपराधजम् || ६-८-५

“Oh, Ravana! I shall arrange for your defence from that monkey. Not a little trouble will come to you on account of your guilt (abduction of Seetha).”

5. rajanii cara = Oh; Ravana; vidhaasyaami = I shall arrange; rakSaam caiva = for defence also; vaanaraad = from the monkey; na kimchit = not a little; duHkham = trouble; aagamishhyati = will come; te = to you; aatma aparaadhajam = on account of your guilt (abduction of Seetha).

Verse 6

अब्रवीत्तम् सुसम्क्रुद्धो दुर्मुखो नाम राक्षसः |
इदम् न क्षमणीयम् हि सर्वेषाम् नः प्रधर्षणम् || ६-८-६

A demon by name Durmukha, being seriously enraged, spoke to him as follows: “This humiliation meted out to us by that monkey is indeed not to be tolerated.”

6. raakSasaH = a demon; durmukho naama = by name Durmukha; susamkruddhaH = being seriously enraged; abraviit = spoke; tam = to him; idam = this; pradharSaNam = molestation; sarveSaam = to all; naH = of us; na kSamaNiiyam hi = is indeed not to be tolerated.

Verse 7

अयम् परिभवो भूयः पुरस्य अन्तः पुरस्य च |
श्रीमतो राक्षस इन्द्रस्य वानर इन्द्र प्रधर्षणम् || ६-८-७

“This insult to the city of Lanka and the palaces together with attack by Sugreeva on the glorious Ravana are still outrageous.”

7. ayam = this; paribhavaH = insult; purasya = to Lanka City; antaH purasya ca = and the palaces; vaanarendra pradharSaNam = and the attack by Sugreeva; the king of monkeys; shriimataH = of the glorious; raakshasendrasya = king of demons; bhuuyaH = is still (outrageous).

Verse 8

अस्मिन् मुहूर्ते हत्वा एको निवर्तिष्यामि वानरान् |
प्रविष्टान् सागरम् भीमम् अम्बरम् वा रसा तलम् || ६-८-८

“Proceeding at this moment alone, I shall destroy those monkeys, whether they entered the ocean or the subterranean region or the sky.”

8. gatvaa = proceeding; asmin; = at this; muhuurte = moment; ekaH = alone; nivartiSyaami = I shall destroy; vaanaraan = the monkeys; praviSTaan = who entered; saagaram = either into the ocean; bhiimam rasaa talam = or into the terrific subterranean region under the earth; ambaram vaa = or into the sky.

Verse 9

ततो अब्रवीत् सुसम्क्रुद्धो वज्र दम्ष्ट्रो महाबलः |
प्रगृह्य परिघम् घोरम् मांस शोणित रूपितम् || ६-८-९

Thereafter the very strong Vajradamshtra, beset with great anger, took hold of a terrific iron club smeared with flesh and blood and spoke (as follows):

9. tataH = thereafter; mahaabalaH = the very strong; vajra damSTraH = Vajradamshtra; susamkruddhaH = beset with great anger; pragR^ihya = took hold of; ghoram = a terrific; parigham = iron club; maamsa shoNita ruupitam = smeared with flesh and blood; abraviit = (and) spoke (as follows).

Verse 10

किम् नो हनुमता कार्यम् कृपणेन तपस्विना |
रामे तिष्ठति दुर्धर्षे सुग्रीवे सह लक्ष्मणे || ६-८-१०

“What work for us with that pitiable and miserable Hanuma, when Rama along with Lakshmana and Sugreeva who are difficult to be conquered exist?”

10. kim = what; kaaryam = work; naH = for us; hanumataa = with Hanuma; kR^ipaNena = the pitiable; tapasvinaa = and the miserable; raame = when Rama; salakSmaNe = along with Lakshmana; sugriive api = and Sugreeva; durdharSe = who are difficult to be conquered; tiSThati = exist?

Verse 11

अद्य रामम् ससुग्रीवम् परिघेण सलक्ष्मणम् |
आगमिष्यामि हत्वा एको विक्षोभ्य हरि वाहिनीम् || ६-८-११

“Now itself, with this iron club, killing Rama, Lakshmana and Sugreeva after perturbing the army of monkeys, I shall come back.”

11. adya = Now; ekaH = alone; hatvaa = killing; parigheNa = by this iron club; raamam = Rama; salakSmaNam = along with Lakshmana; sasugriivam = together with Sugreeva; vikSobhya = and after perturbing; harivaahiniim = the army of monkeys; aagamiSyaami = I shall come back.

Verse 12

इदम् ममापरम् वाक्यम् शृणु राजन्यदीच्चसि |
उपायकुशलो ह्येव जयेच्चत्रुनतन्द्रितः || ६-८-१२

“Oh, king! If you are willing, hear my words further. One who is skilled din a stratagem alone will be without lassitude and can indeed defeat the enemies.”

12. raajan = Oh; king; yadi icchasi = if you are willing; shR^iNu = hear; aparam = moreover; mama = my; idam vaakyam = these words; upaayakushalaH eva = one who is skilled in stratagem only; atandritaH = will be without lassitude; jayet hi = (and) can indeed defeat; shatruun = enemies.

Verse 13 & 14

कामरूपधराः शूराः सुभीमा भीमदर्शनाः |
राक्षसा वा सहस्राणि राक्षसाधिप निश्चिताः || ६-८-१३
काकुत्थ्समुपसम्गम्य बिभ्रतो मानुषम् वपुः |
सर्वे ह्यसम्भ्रमा भूत्वा ब्रुवन्तु रघुसत्तमम् || ६-८-१४

O, king of demons! Thousands of demons able to change their form at will courageaous appalling terrifying to look at and firm (in their purpose) can wear human body approach Rama without embarrassment and all speak to Rama (as follows).

13-14. raakshasaadhipa = O; king of demons! sahasraaNi = thousands of; raakSasaaH = demons; kaamaruupadharaaH = able to change their form at will; shuuraaH = courageous; subhiimaaH = appalling; bhiimadarshanaaH = terrifying to look at; nishchitaaH = and firm (in their purpose); bibhrataH = can wear; maanuSam = human; vapuH = body; upasangamya = approach; kaakutsam = Rama; asambhramaaH = without embarrassment; sarve = and all; bruvantu = speak; raghusattamam = to Rama (as follows).

Verse 15

प्रेषिता भरतेनैव भ्रात्रा तव यवीयसा |
स हि सेनाम् समुत्थाप्य क्षिप्रमेवोपयास्यति || ६-८-१५

“We have been despatched by Bharata, your younger brother. He is summoning his forces and will surely come here soon.”

15. preSimtaa = we have been sent; bharatenaiva = by Bharata; tava = your; yaviiyasaa = younger; bhraatraa = brother; saH = he; samutthaapya = summoning; senaam = his forces; kshiprameva = will surely soon; upayaasyati = come here.

Verse 16

ततो वयमितस्तुर्णम् शूलशक्तिगदाधराः |
चापबाणासिहस्तश्च त्वरितास्तत्र यामहे || ६-८-१६

“Carrying spikes, javelins and maces together with arrows and swords in hand, we will quickly go there from here soon.”

16. tataH = thereafter; vayam = we; turNam = quickly; shuula shaktigadaadharaaH = carrying spikes; javelins and maces; caapa baaNaasihastaashca = with arrows and swords in hand; yaamahe = will go; tatra = there; itaH = from here; tvaritaaH = soon.”

Verse 17

आकाशे गणशः स्थित्वा हत्वा ताम् हरिवाहिनीम् |
अश्मशस्त्रमहावृष्ट्वा प्रापयाम् यमक्षयम् || ६-८-१७

“Standing as groups in the sky and beating that army of monkeys with a mighty hail of stones and missiles, we should send them to the world of Death.”

17. sthitvaa = standing; gaNashaH = as groups; aakaashe = in the sky; hatvaa = beating; taam = that; harivaahiniim = army of monkeys; ashmashastramahaavR^iSTvaa = with a mighty hail of stones and missiles; praapayaam = we should send 9them) yamakshayam = to the world of Death.

Verse 18

एवम् चेदुपसर्पेतामनयम् रामलक्ष्मणौ |
अवश्यमपनीतेन जहतामेव जीवितम् || ६-८-१८

“If Rama and Lakshmana thus approach softly into our trap they will surely abandon their lives as they are taken away by the trap.”

18. raamalakshmaNau = (If) Rama and Lakshmana; upasarpetaam yadi = approach softly into our trap; evam = thus; jahataameva = they will just abandon; jiivitam = the life; avashyameva = surely; apaniitena = as they are taken away (by the trap)

Verse 19

कौम्भकर्णिस् ततो वीरो निकुम्भो नाम वीर्यवान् |
अब्रवीत् परम कुर्द्धो रावणम् लोक रावणम् || ६-८-१९

Thereafter Kumbhakarna’s son, by name Nikumbha, strong and powerful, became very angry and spoke (as follows) to Ravana, who made people cry.

19. tataH = thereafter; kumbhakarNiH = Kumbhakarna’s sons; nikumbho naama = by name Nikumbha; viiraH = strong; viiryavaan = and powerful; paramakruddhaH = became very angry; abraviit = and spoke; raavaNam = to Ravana; loka raavaNam = who made people cry.

Verse 20 – 21b

सर्वे भवन्तस् तिष्ठन्तु महाराजेन सम्गताः |
अहम् एको हनिष्यामि राघवम् सह लक्ष्मणम् || ६-८-२०
सुग्रीवम् सहनूमन्तम् सर्वांश्चैवात्र वानरान् |

All of you stay along with the king. I alone will kill there, Rama along with Lakshman, Sugreeva along with Hanuma and all the monkeys also.

20-21b. sarve = all; bhavantaH = of you; tiSThantu = stay; samgataaH = along with; mahaaraajena = the king; aham = I; ekaH = alone; haniSyaami = will kill; atra = there; raaghavam = Rama; sahalakSmaNam = along with Lakshman; sugriivam = Sugreeva; shanuumantam = along with Hanuman; sarvaan = all; vaanaraan shcaiva = the monkeys too.”

Verse 21b – 22a

ततो वज्रहनुर्नाम राक्षसः पर्वतोपमः || ६-८-२१
क्रुद्धः परिलिहन् वक्त्रम् जिह्वया वाक्यम् अब्रवीत् |

Then, a demon by name Vajrahanu who was resembling a mountain, becoming enraged and licking the corners of his mouth with his tongue, spoke as follows:

21b-22a. tataH = then; raakshasaH = a demon; vajrahanurnaama = by name Vajrahanu; parvatopamaana = who was resembling a mountain; kruddhaH = becoming enraged; parilihan = licking; sR^ikkaam = the corners of his mouth; jihvayaa = with his tongue; abraviit = spoke; vaakyam = those words.

Verse 22b – 23

स्वैरम् कुर्वन्तु कार्याणि भवन्तो विगत ज्वराः || ६-८-२२
एको अहम् भक्षयिष्यामि तान् सर्वान् हरि यूथपान् |
स्वस्थाः क्रीडन्तु निश्चिन्ताः पिबन्तु मधु वारुणीम् || ६-८-२३

“You do your occupations freely redeemed of mental pain, play comfortably and drink spirituous liquor without any worry. I alone will devour the entire army of monkeys.”

22b-23. bhavantaH = you; kurvantu = do; karmaaNi = (your) occupations; svairam = freely; vigata jvaraaH = redeemed of mental pain; kriiDantu = play; svasthaaH = comfortably; pibantu = (and) drink; vaaruNiim madhu = spirituous liquor; nishcintaaH = without worry; aham = I; ekaH = alone; bhakSayiSyaami = will devour; sarvaam = the entire; harivaahiniim = army of monkeys.

Verse 24

अहम् एको हनिष्यामि सुग्रीवम् सह लक्ष्मणम् |
स अन्गदम् च हनूमन्तम् रामम् च रण कुन्जरम् || ६-८-२४

At this time I alone will kill Sugreeva along with Lakshmana Hanuma along with Angada and all monkeys.

24. atra = at this time; aham = I; ekaH = alone; haniSyaami = will kill; sugriivam = Sugreeva; saha lakSmaNam = along with Lakshmana; hanuumantam = Hanuma; sa angadam = along with Angada; sarvaan = (and) all; vaanara amsehca = monkeys.”

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