76 – parashu rAma’s pride is hurt


Rama takes aim with Vishnu’s longbow and asks Parashu Rama to choose the target to release the arrow, as arrow of that bow cannot go astray. Parashu Rama opts for elimination of his ascetic merit and heavenly realms thereby. Rama releases the bow annihilating that merit and after that, Parashu Rama retreats into oblivion.

Verse 1

श्रुत्वा तज्जामदग्न्यस्य वाक्यं दाशरथिस्तदा |
गौरवाद्यंत्रितकथः पितू राममथाब्रवीत् || १-७६-१

On hearing that sentence of Rama of Jamadagni, then Rama of Dasharatha said this to him in a courtly owing to the presence of his father Dasharatha. [1-76-1]

1. tadaa = then; daasharathiH = Dasharatha’s Rama; jaamadagnyasya = Rama of Jamadagni; tat vaakyam shrutvaa = on hearing that sentence; pituH gauravaat = owing respect to father; yantritakathaH = controlled saying [courtly-tongued]; atha raamam abraviit = then, said to Rama of Jamadagni.

Verse 2

कृतवानस्मि यत् कर्म श्रुतवानसि भार्गव |
अनुरुन्ध्यामहे ब्रह्मन् पितुरानृण्यमास्थितः || १-७६-२

Oh, Bhaargava Rama, whatsoever endeavour you have strived for freeing yourself from the indebtedness towards your father, I have heard of them, and oh, Brahman, we appreciate for your achieving that freeness from your paternal debt, but… [1-76-2]

2. bhaargava = oh Bhaargava; yat karma = whatsoever, endeavour; kR^itavaan asi = you have undertaken [strived for] ; shrutavaan asmi = I have heard of them; brahman = oh Brahman; pituH = father; aanR^iNyam = without [free from] indebtedness; aasthitaH = obtained [you have achieved]; anurundhyaamahe = we appreciate you.

Verse 3

वीर्यहीनमिवाशक्तं क्षत्रधर्मेण भार्गव |
अवजानासि मे तेजः पश्य मेऽद्य पराक्रमम् || १-७६-३

“Oh, Bhaargava Rama, demeaning me as though I am timorous, hence incapable to handle the bow, and hence I am an ignoble one for Kshatriya-hood, is meaningless… come on, now you may see my spiritedness and sprightliness…” So said Rama to Bhaargava. [1-76-3]

3. bhaargava = oh Bhaargava Rama; viiryahiinam iva = as though inferior [timorous] valour; kSatradharmeNa = by Kshatriya duty [Kshatriya-hood]; ashaktam = not capable [to handle the bow]; avajaanaasi = you deem lowly [demean me]; adya = now; me = my; tejaH = sprightliness; paraakramam = my conquering [spiritedness]; pashya = you see.

Verse 4

इत्युक्त्वा राघवः क्रुद्धो भार्गवस्य वरायुधम् |
शरं च प्रतिजग्राह हस्ताल्लघुपराक्रमः || १-७६-४

Raghava, the nimble-handed vanquisher of his opponents, speaking thus in high dudgeon expropriated that estimable weapon, namely the longbow of Vishnu, from the hand of Bhaargava Rama, along with the long-arrow that is already fitted on it… [1-76-4]

4. laghuparaakramaH = nimbly conquering [nimble-handed vanquisher of opponents] others; raaghavaH = Raghava; kruddhaH = in high dudgeon; iti uktvaa = thus, speaking; bhaargavasya hastaat = from Bhaargava Rama’s hand; varaayudham = estimable weapon [longbow of Vishnu]; sharam ca = arrow, also; pratijagraaha = taken [expropriated] towards himself.

Verse 5

आरोप्य स धनू रामः शरं सज्यं चकार ह |
जामदग्न्यं ततो रामं रामः क्रुद्धोऽब्रवीदिदम् || १-७६-५

On lifting up the bow that is already fitted with an arrow on bowstring, then Rama started to take aim with it, but being indecisive about the target, then Rama of Dasharatha irefully said this to Rama of Jamagadni. [1-76-5]

5. saH raamaH = he, that Rama; dhanuH aaropya = on lifting up longbow; sharam sajyam = arranged arrow on bowstring; cakaara ha = did it [took aim,] indeed; tataH raamaH kruddhaH = then, Rama, irefully; jaamadagnyam raamam = to Jamadagni’s, Rama; idam abraviit = said this.

Verse 6

ब्राह्मणोऽसीति पूज्यो मे विश्वामित्रकृतेन च |
तस्माच्छक्तो न ते राम मोक्तुं प्राणहरं शरम् || १-७६-६

Oh Rama of Bhaargava, even if you are a Brahman you are eliminable, but because of your relationship with Vishvamitra, and because you are a venerable one for me, I am disinclined to release this arrow that exterminates your life… [1-76-6]

6. raama = oh Rama of Bhaargava; braahmaNaH asi = you are a Brahmana; iti = by this reason [even if, you are killable]; vishvaamitrakR^itena ca = owing to [your relationship] Vishvamitra, also; me puujyaH = to me, venerable; tasmaat = thereby; te praaNaharam sharam = your, life removing [exterminating,] arrow; moktum = to release; na shaktaH = not, capable [disinclined to.]

Verse 7

इमां वा त्वद्गतिं राम तपोबलसमार्जितान् |
लोकानप्रतिमान्वापि हनिष्यामि यदिच्छसि || १-७६-७

Oh Bhaargava Rama, either this motility of yours at the speed of your mind, or even those unparalleled realms of heavens which you have earned by the power of your ascesis, I will eliminate whichever you wish… [1-76-7]

7. raama = oh Bhaargava Rama; imaam = this; tvat gatim vaa = either, your, motility [at the speed of mind, cf., verse 15]; tapobalasamaarjitaan = earned by power of ascesis; apratimaan lokaan = unparalleled, worlds [realms of heavens]; vaa api = or, even; haniSyaami = I wish to eliminate; yat icChasi = whichever, you wish.

Verse 8

न ह्ययं वैष्णवो दिव्यः शरः परपुरंजयः |
मोघः पतति वीर्येण बलदर्पविनाशनः || १-७६-८

“This Vishnu’s divine arrow is the conqueror of opponents’ citadels, and a vanquisher of their vigour and vainglory, and it will not fall through wastefully… isn’t it!” So said archer Rama to axeman Rama. [1-76-8]

8. parapuramjayaH = conqueror of others’ citadels; viiryeNa = [by its] mettle; baladarpavinaashanaH = vanquisher of vigour, vainglory; divyaH = one took birth in divine worlds – arrow; ayam vaiSNavaH sharaH = this, Vishnu’s, divine, arrow; moghaH = wastefully; na patati hi = not, falls through, isn’t it.

Verse 9 & 10

वरायुधधरं रामं द्रष्टुं सर्षिगणाः सुराः |
पितामहं पुरस्कृत्य समेतास्तत्र सर्वशः || १-७६-९
गंधर्वाप्सरसश्चैव सिद्धचारणकिन्नराः |
यक्षराक्षसनागाश्च तद्द्रष्टुं महदद्भुतम् || १-७६-१०

Gods together with the assemblages of sages have come keeping the Grandparent Brahma at their fore, likewise the gandharva-s, apsara-s, siddha-s, caarana-s, kinnaraa-s, yaksha-s, sprites and reptilian beings have also come to see Rama who is now wielding the extraordinary longbow of Vishnu, and extremely amazing event that is going to ensue. [1-76-9, 10]

9. varaayudhadharam = wielder of extraordinary weapon [longbow of Vishnu] ; raamam = at Rama; draSTum = to see; saRSigaNaaH = with sages’ assemblages; suraaH = gods; pitaamaham puraskR^itya = Grandparent, keeping afore; sarvashaH = all of the; gandharvaapsarasaH ca eva = gandharva-s, apsara-s, also thus; siddhacaaraNakinnaraaH = siddha-s, caaranaa-s, kinnaraa-s; yakSaraakshasanaagaaH = yaksha-s = sprites and reptilian beings; ca = also; tat mahat adbhutam = that, extremely, amazing [event]; draSTum = to see; tatra = to there; sametaaH = came together – they forgathered.

Verse 11

जडीकृते तदा लोके रामे वरधनुर्धरे |
निर्वीर्यो जामदग्न्योऽसौ रमो राममुदैक्षत || १-७६-११

Then, when Rama is ready to take aim with the arrow on that inscrutable longbow, and when the worlds are being rendered as insentient, then that Rama of Jamadagni is rendered vigourless and he stared up at Rama of Dasharatha. [1-76-11]

11. tadaa = then; raame = Rama; vara[shara]dhanurdhare = while becoming a wielder [when ready to take aim with it] of best [inscrutable] longbow [with arrow] ; loke jaDiikR^ite = world, while being rendered as insentient; asau jaamadagnyaH ramaH = he that, Jamadagni’s, Rama; nirviiryaH = less of vigour; raamam = at Rama; udaikSata = stared up.

Verse 12

तेजोभिर्हतवीर्यत्वाज्जामदग्न्यो जडीकृतः |
रामं कमलपत्राक्षं मन्दं मन्दमुवाच ह || १-७६-१२

Rama of Jamadagni is calloused as his vitality is subdued by the radiance of that lotus-petal eyed Rama of Dasharatha, and he spoke to Rama of Dasharatha, slowly and softly. [1-76-12]

12. tejobhiH = by radiance [of Rama]; abhihataviiryatvaat = with such completely marred vitality; jaDiikR^itaH jaamadagnyaH = made as callous, Jamadagni’s Rama; kamalapatraakSam = to lotus-petal eyed one; raamam = to Rama; mandam mandam = slowly, softly; uvaaca ha = spoke, indeed.

Verse 13

काश्यपाय मया दत्ता यदा पूर्वं वसुंधरा |
विषये मे न वस्तव्यमिति मां काश्यपोऽब्रवीत् || १-७६-१३

Once, when I donated entire earth to Sage Kashyapa, Kashyapa told me ‘uninhabitable is my domain, viz., this earth for you…’ thus… [1-76-13]

13. puurvam = once; vasundharaa = entire earth; yadaa = when; mayaa = by me; kaashyapaaya = for Kashyapa; dattaa = was donated; me viSaye = in my, domain; na vastavyam = not, inhabitable; iti kaashyapaH maam abraviit = thus, Kashyapa, told to me.

Verse 14

सोऽहं गुरुवचः कुर्वन् पृथिव्यां न वसे निशाम् |
तदा प्रभृति काकुत्स्थ कृता मे काश्यपस्य ह || १-७६-१४

Such as I was, in my observance of my mentor Kashyapa’s order I do not spend nights on this earth from then afterwards, oh, Kakutstha Rama, as I made over this earth for Kashyapa, indeed… [1-76-14]

14. saH aham = such as I was; guruvacaH kurvan = to do [observance] my mentor’s order; tadaa prabhR^iti = then, onwards; pR^ithivyaam = on earth; nishaam = during nights; na vase = I do not stay [spend]; kaakutstha = oh Kakutstha Rama; [pratij~naa = promise]; kR^itaa me = made over by me; kaashyapasya ha = for Kashyapa, indeed.

Verse 15

तमिमां मद्गतिं वीर हन्तुं नार्हसि राघव |
मनोजवं गमिष्यामि महेन्द्रं पर्वतोत्तमम् || १-७६-१५

Thereby oh, valiant one, it will be inapt of you to impair this motility of mine, oh, Raghava, I will depart with the speed of cerebration to Mt. Mahendra, a par excellent mountain… [1-76-15]

15. viira = oh valiant one; raaghava = oh Raghava; tam [tat] = thereby; imam = this; mat gatim = my, motility; hantum na arhasi = not apt of you to impair; manojavam = with speed of cerebration ; parvatottamam mahendram = to excellent mountain Mahendra; gamiSyaami = I will depart.

Verse 16

लोकास्त्वप्रतिमा राम निर्जितास्तपसा मया |
जहि तान् शरमुख्येन मा भूत् कालस्य पर्ययः || १-७६-१६

But I triumphed over matchless realms of heavens with my ascesis, oh, Rama, you may hash them up with that irreversible arrow… let there be no time-lag… [1-76-16]

16. raama = oh Rama; mayaa apratimaaH lokaaH = by me, matchless, realms [of heaven]; tapasaa nirjitaaH = triumphed over by ascesis; taan sharamukhyena jahi = them, you hash up with important [irreversible one] arrow ; kaalasya paryayaH maa bhuut = let no time’s lag be there.

Verse 17

अक्षय्यं मधुहन्तारं जानामि त्वां सुरेश्वरम् |
धनुषोऽस्य परामर्शात् स्वस्ति तेऽस्तु परंतप || १-७६-१७

I have realized your touch of nature as that of the Immutable Supreme Being, God of Gods, the Exterminator of the demon Madhu, namely Vishnu, by the touch of your handling that bow… oh, enemy-inflamer, blessedness alone betides you… [1-76-17]

17. asya = that particular one; dhanuSaH = bow; paraamarshaat = touch of handling [thereby, your touch of nature]; tvaam = you; akSayyam = not mutable; sureshvaram = gods of gods; madhuhantaaram = as exterminator of the demon, Madhu; jaanaami = I realize; parantapa = oh enemy-inflamer; svasti te astu = blessedness betides to you.

Verse 18

एते सुरगणाः सर्वे निरीक्षन्ते समागताः |
त्वामप्रतिमकर्माणमप्रतिद्वन्द्वमाहवे || १-७६-१८

All of these gods who have come collectively are beholding you and your next move, for you are an unequalled one in your achievements and to whom there is no counter-dueller in conflicts… [1-76-18]

18. samaagataaH = collectively came; ete sarve suragaNaaH = these, all, assemblages of gods; apratimakarmaaNam = one having unequalled achievements; apratidvandvam aahave = no counter dueller, in conflicts; tvaam = you; niriikSante = they are beholding.

Verse 19

न चेयं तव काकुत्स्थ व्रीडा भवितुमर्हति |
त्वया त्रैलोक्यनाथेन यदहं विमुखीकृतः || १-७६-१९

Oh, Kakutstha Rama, you are the lord of the triad of worlds, such as you are, you faced me down, and it is malapropos to say that this is a disgrace to me… [1-76-19]

19. kaakutstha = oh Kakutstha; trailokyanaathena = lord of triad of worlds’; tvayaa = by you [such as you are]; tava = by you; aham = I am; yat = by which [reason]; vimukhiikR^itaH = made as down face; iyam = this [act of disgrace]; vriiDaa = disgrace; bhavitum = to become; na ca arhati = not, also, apropos.

Verse 20

शरमप्रतिमं राम मोक्तुमर्हसि सुव्रत |
शरमोक्षे गमिष्यामि महेन्द्रं पर्वतोत्तमम् || १-७६-२०

“It will be apt of you to unloose that unsurpassed arrow, oh, Rama, as you have ethical commitment to wipe out demons as I wiped out menacing kings, and should you unloosen that arrow now I wish to depart to the ethereal mountain Mt. Mahendra, a point of no return for me…” So said Parashu Rama to Dasharatha Rama. [1-76-20]

20. suvrata = oh one with ethical,commitments – committed to clear out demons; raama = oh Rama; apratimam sharam moktum arhasi = apt of you to unloose unsurpassed arrow; sharamokSe = when unloosened arrow; parvatottamam mahendram gamiSyaami = I will go to ethereal mountain Mahendra.

Verse 21

तथा ब्रुवति रामे तु जामदग्न्ये प्रतापवान् |
रामो दाशरथिः श्रीमान् चिक्षेप शरमुत्तमम् || १-७६-२१

While Rama of Jamadagni is speaking that way, that venturesome and blessed Rama of Dasharatha shot off that nonpareil arrow from that longbow of Vishnu. [1-76-21]

21. jaamadagnye raame tu = by Rama of Jamadagni, on his part; tathaa bruvati = that way, while speaking; prataapavaan = venturesome one; shriimaan daasharathiH raamaH = blessed one, Dasharatha’s, Rama; uttamam sharam cikSepa = shot off nonpareil arrow.

Verse 22

स हतान् दृश्य रामेण स्वान् लोकांस्तपसार्जितान् |
जामदग्न्यो जगामाशु महेन्द्रं पर्वतोत्तमम् || १-७६-२२

On seeing all of his realms of heavens are shot-blasted by Rama of Dasharatha, Rama of Jamadagni vanished in a trice to Mt. Mahendra, the heavenly mountain. [1-76-22]

22. saH jaamadagnyaH = he, of Jamadagni; tapasaa aarjitaan = acquired by ascesis; svaan lokaan = all, realms of heavens; raameNa hataan = shot-blasted by Rama; dR^ishya = having seen; aashu parvatottamam mahendram jagaama = in a trice, went away [vanished] to heavenly mountain Mahendra.

Verse 23

ततो वितिमिराः सर्वा दिशा चोपदिशस्तथा |
सुराः सर्षिगणाः रामं प्रशशंसुरुदायुधम् || १-७६-२३

Then dissipated is the darkness in all the divisions and likewise in all the subdivisions of compass, and the gods with the assemblages of sages extolled Rama, in whose hands the longbow is upraised. [1-76-23]

23. tataH = then; sarvaaH dishaaH = all, directions; tathaa = likewise; upadishaH ca = intermediary directions; vitimiraaH = without [dissipated] darkness; saRSigaNaaH suraaH = with assemblages of sages and gods; udaayudham = one with upraised weapon; raamam prashashamsuH = extolled Rama.

Verse 24

रामं दाशरथिं रामो जामदग्न्यः प्रशस्य च |
ततः प्रदक्षिणीकृत्य जगामात्मगतिं प्रभुः || १-७६-२४

Then that dab hand at axe, Rama of Jamadagni, on acclaiming, and even on making circumambulations to Rama of Dasharatha, went on his own way into oblivion. [1-76-24]

24. prabhuH = efficient one, [dab hand at axe]; jaamadagnyaH raamaH = Rama of Jamadagni; daasharathim raamam prashasya = on acclaiming Dasharatha’s Rama; tataH pradakSiNiikR^itya = then, on making circumambulations ; aatmagatim jagaama = went away on his own way.

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