75 – Rama and Lakshmana arrive at Pampa Lake


Rama arrives at the auspicious Pampa Lake according to the suggestion of Kabandha. On seeing that pious environ of that lake Rama has a breather and he expects some good to happen now. On further beholding the ladylike Pampa Lake, his thoughts move to Seetha, and he is again dispirited. However, on overcoming that short spell of his anguish, he proceeds with Lakshmana to the nearby of the lake.

Verse 1

दिवम् तु तस्याम् यातायाम् शबर्याम् स्वेन तेजसा |
लक्ष्मणेन सह भ्रात्रा चिन्तयामास राघवः || ३-७५-१

While Shabari ascended to heaven with her own divine self-resplendence, Raghava who is with Lakshmana started to cogitate over the magnificence of Matanga disciples. [3-75-1]

1. tasyaam = of her; shabaryaam = of Shabari; svena tejasaa = by own, [divine] resplendence; divam yaataayaam = to heaven, while going; raaghavaH bhraatraa lakSmaNena saha = Raghava, brother, Lakshmana, along with; cintayaamaasa = started to cogitate.

Verse 2

चिंतयित्वा तु धर्मात्मा प्रभावम् तम् महात्मनाम् |
हित कारिणम् एक अग्रम् लक्ष्मणम् राघवो अब्रवीत् || ३-७५-२

That noble-souled Raghava on thinking about the efficacy of the disciples of Matanga, said to Lakshmana, who is the maintainer of Rama’s well being, and who is thinking single-mindedly. [3-75-2]

2. dharmaatmaa = noble-souled one; raaghavaH = Raghava; mahaa aatmanaam = of great-souled [disciples of Matanga]; prabhaavam cintayitvaa = efficacy, on thinking about; hita kaariNam = wellbeing, causer of [maintainer]; eka agram = single, minded one; tam = to him; lakSmaNam = to Lakshmana; abraviit = said.

Verse 3

दृष्टो मया आश्रमः सौम्य बहु आश्चर्यः कृत आत्मनाम् |
विश्वस्त मृग शार्दूलो नाना विहग सेवितः || ३-७५-३

“I have seen a highly astounding hermitage of self-controlled sages, oh, gentle Lakshmana, in which the deer and tigers are at home, and which is adored by divers birds… [3-75-3]

3. saumya = oh, gentle Lakshmana; kR^ita aatmanaam = made, souls – of self-controlled sages; bahu aashcaryaH = highly, astounding; vishvasta mR^iga shaarduulaH = faithful [amicable,] deer, tigers having; naanaa vihaga sevitaH = by divers, birds, adored by; such a; aashramaH = hermitage; maya dR^iSTaH = by me, seen.

Verse 4

सप्तानाम् च समुद्राणाम् तेषाम् तीर्थेषु लक्ष्मण |
उपस्पृष्टम् च विधिवत् पितरः च अपि तर्पिताः || ३-७५-४

“Oh, Lakshmana, holy is our taking a bath in this holy Pampa Lake, for it is formed by the waters of seven seas, and even holier is our oblation of this holy waters to manes… [3-75-4]

4. lakSmaNa = oh, Lakshmana; teSaam saptaanaam samudraaNaam = of those, seven of the, seas; tiirtheSu = [in this] holy lake [Pampa]; upa spR^iSTam = closely, touched – we took a holy bath in this lake]; pitaraH ca api vidhivat tarpitaaH = manes, also, even, dutifully [holier,] we have oblated.

Verse 5 & 6a

प्रणष्टम् अशुभम् यत् नः कल्याणम् समुपस्थितम् |
तेन तु एतत् प्रहृष्टम् मे मनो लक्ष्मण संप्रति || ३-७५-५
हृदये हि नर व्याघ्र शुभम् आविर्भविष्यति |

“What that was unpropitious for us is completely abated by our holy bath and holy oblations, oh, Lakshmana, propitiousness is standing en face us, thereby presently this heart of mine is highly gladdening… oh, lion-like man, indeed, heart alone hatches hope… [3-75-5, 6a]

5, 6a. yat naH = what [that was,] for us; a shubham = un, propitious; pra NaSTam = completely abated; lakSmaNa = oh, Lakshmana; kalyaaNam = propitiousness; sam upa sthitam = verily, in fore, staying [standing en face]; tena = thereby; samprati = presently; etat = this one [heart of mine]; me manaH = my, heart; pra hR^iSTam = highly, gladdening; nara vyaaghra = oh, man, the lion; hR^idaye shubham aavirbhaviSyati hi = in heart, auspiciousness [hope,] issues forth [hatches,] indeed.

Verse 6b,7 & 8a

तत् आगच्छ गमिष्यावः पंपाम् ताम् प्रिय दर्शनाम् || ३-७५-६
ऋष्यमूको गिरिः यत्र न अति दूरे प्रकाशते |
यस्मिन् वसति धर्मात्मा सुग्रीवो अंशुमतः सुतः || ३-७५-७
नित्यम् वालि भयात् त्रस्तः चतुर्भिः सह वानरैः |

“Thereby, where Mt. Rishyamuka is beaming forth at its nearby, on which that right minded son of the Sun, Sugreeva, is living along with four other vanara-s, always frightened by the fear from Vali, we will go to her, to that spectacular Lake Pampa, come on, Lakshmana… [3-75-6b, 7, 8a]

6b, 7-8a. tat = thereby; dharmaatmaa = right minded one – Sugreeva; amshumataH sutaH sugriivaH = one who is having sunrays – sun’s, son, Sugreeva; nityam vaali bhayaat trastaH = always, Vali, from fear of, who is frightened; caturbhiH saha vaanaraiH = with four, along with, vanara-s; yasmin = whereon; vasati = lives; such a mountain; R^iSyamuukaH giriH = Rishyamuka, mountain; yatra na ati duure prakaashate = where, not, very, far from, beaming forth; taam = to her; priya darshanaam = lovely, in its sight [spectacular]; pampaam = to Pampa Lake; gamiSyaavaH = we go; aagacCha = come on [Lakshmana.]

Verse 8b & 9a

अहम् त्वरे च तम् द्रष्टुम् सुग्रीवम् वानरर्षभम् || ३-७५-८
तत् अधीनम् हि मे कार्यम् सीतायाः परिमार्गणम् |

“I am also hasty to see that best one among vanara-s, Sugreeva, for my enterprise called search for Seetha is under his aegis, isn’t it… [3-75-8b, 9a]

8b, 9a. vaanararSabham = best one among vanara-s; tam sugriivam draSTum = him, Sugreeva, to see; aham tvare ca = I am, hasty, also; me kaaryam = my, work [enterprise]; namely; siitaayaaH parimaargaNam = Seetha’s, searching; tat adhiinam hi = his, under the aegis of, isn’t it.

Verse 9b & 10a

इति ब्रुवाणम् तम् वीरम् सौमित्रिः इदम् अब्रवीत् || ३-७५-९
गच्छावः त्वरितम् तत्र मम अपि त्वरते मनः |

To that brave Rama who is speaking thus, Soumitri said this, ” my heart too is hastening me, let us go there promptly…” [3-75-9b, 10a]

9b, 10a. iti bruvaaNam = thus, speaking; tam viiram = to that, brave one [Rama]; saumitriH idam abraviit = Soumitri, said, this; mama manaH api tvarate = my, heart is, even, hastening; tvaritam tatra gacChaavaH = promptly, to there, let us go.

Verse 10b & 11a

आश्रमात् तु ततः तस्मात् निष्क्रम्य स विशाम् पतिः || ३-७५-१०
आजगाम ततः पंपाम् लक्ष्मणेन सहप्रभुः |

Then that Lord of People and Lord of Nature on exiting from that hermitage, he then came nigh of Lake Pampa along with Lakshmana. [3-75-10b, 11a]

10b, 11a. tataH = then; vishaam patiH = people’s, lord; saH prabhuH = he, that lord [of nature]; tasmaat aashramaat niSkramya = from that, hermitage, on exiting; tataH = from there; lakSmaNena saha = Lakshmana, along with; pampaam aajagaama = to Pampa, came nigh of.

Verse 11b, 12 & 13

समीक्षमाणः पुष्प आढ्यम् सर्वतो विपुल द्रुमम् || ३-७५-११
कोयष्टिभिः च अर्जुनकैः शत पत्रैः च कीरकैः |
एतैः च अन्यैः च बहुभिः नादितम् तत् वनम् महत् || ३-७५-१२
स रामो विविधान् वृक्षान् सरांसि विविधानि च |
पश्यन् काम अभिसंतप्तो जगाम परमम् ह्रदम् || ३-७५-१३

Rama on scrutinising that rosy woodland in which everywhere there are outsized and diverse trees that are thickset with flowers, and different lakes loaded with the trilling birds like plovers, peacocks, waterfowls and suchlike, with which that woodland itself is trilling in much ado, became impassioned as he is instantly rendered thus by Love-god, and thus that Rama went towards that lovely Lake Pampa. [3-75-11b, 12, 13]

11b, 12, 13. saH = he [such as he is]; raamaH = Rama; tat mahat vanam = that, great [rosy,] woodland; sarvataH = everywhere; puSpa aaDhyam = with flowers, thickset; vipula drumam = outsized, trees having; vividhaan vR^ikSaan = divers, trees; samiikSamaaNaH = while scrutinising; koyaSTibhiH ca = with plover [birds,] and; arjunakaiH = with peacocks; shatapatraiH ca = waterfowls, also; kiirakaiH = with parrots; etaiH ca anyaiH ca = with these, also, with others, also [suchlike]; bahubhiH naaditam = in much ado, trilling; vividhaani saraamsi ca = different, lakes, also; pashyan = while seeing; kaama abhisamtaptaH = by Love-god, impassioned; paramam hradam jagaama = to best [lovely,] lake, went to.

Verse 14

स ताम् आसाद्य वै रामो दूरात् पानीय वाहिनीम् |
मतंग सरसम् नाम ह्रदम् समवगाहत || ३-७५-१४

Rama spotted Pampa Lake from a distance which is plethoric with water, but entered into a lake called Matanga Lake on his way to Pampa… [3-75-14]

14. saH = such as he is; raamaH = Rama; paaniiya vaahiniim = water, containing – plethoric lake; taam = her – Pampa Lake; duuraat = from a distance; aasaadya = on getting at [by sight]; matanga sarasam = Matanga, Lake; naama hradam = named, lake; sam avagaahata = entered into.

Verse 15

तत्र जग्मतुः अव्यग्रौ राघवौ हि समाहितौ |
स तु शोक समाविष्टो रामो दशरथात्मजः || ३-७५-१५

Though both Raghava-s came there composedly and dispassionately, but Rama, the son of Dasharatha, is ensorcelled by anguish on seeing a ladylike lake Pampa. [3-75-15]

15. tatra = to there; raaghavau = both Raghava-s; avyagrau = dispassionately; samaahitau = composedly; jagmatuH = they went [though they came there]; dasharathaatmajaH = Rama, Dasharatha’s son; saH raamaH tu = he, that Rama, on his part; shoka samaaviSTaH = by anguish, he is ensorcelled.

Verse 16

विवेश नलिनीम् रम्याम् पंकजैः च समावृताम् |
तिलकाशोकपुंनागबकुलोद्दालकाशिनीम् – यद्वा –
तिलक अशोक पुन्नाग बकुल उद्दाल काशिनीम् || ३-७५-१६

Rama entered the area of that beautiful lake which is beaming forth with lotuses hemming in from inside, and trees like Tilaka, Ashoka, Punnaga, Bakula, Uddala, are hemming it from outside. [3-75-16]

16. tilaka ashoka punnaaga = Tilaka, Ashoka, Punnaga; bakula uddaala = Bakula, Uddala trees; kaashiniim = beaming forth [on banks]; ramyaam naliniim = beautiful, lake; pankajaiH sam aa vR^itaam ca = with lotuses, hemmed in, also; vivesha = entered – entered the area of Pampa lake.

Verse 17

रम्य उपवन संबाधाम् पद्म संपीडित उदकाम् |
स्फटिक उपम तोय आढ्याम् श्लक्ष्ण वालुक संतताम् || ३-७५-१७

That lake is huddled with delightful fringe lands and lotuses squeeze it from within, and its water is plethoric and crystalline, and its sand is softish all over. [3-75-17]

17. ramya = delightful; upavana = fringe lands; sambaadhaam = huddled with; padma sampiiDita udakaam = by lotuses, squeezed, water; sphaTika upama toya aaDhyaam = crystal, in simile [crystalline,] water, plethoric; shlakSNa vaaluka samtataam = softish, sand, all over.

Verse 18

मत्स्य कच्छप संबाधाम् तीरस्थ द्रुम शोभिताम् |
सखीभिः इव संयुक्ताम् लताभिः अनुवेष्टिताम् || ३-७५-१८

That lake is beautified with packs of fishes and tortoises, and packs of trees on its banks, on which climber plants are wraparound like the ladyloves of those trees. [3-75-18]

18. matsya = with fishes; kacChapa = tortoises; sambaadhaam = packed in; tiirastha druma shobhitaam = on the bank, trees, beautified with; lataabhiH anuveSTitaam = with climber plants, wraparound; samyuktaam sakhiibhiH iva = joined with [hugging,] ladylove, like.

Verse 19

किंनरोरगगन्धर्वयक्षराक्षससेविताम् -यद्वा – |
किन्नर उरग गन्धर्व यक्ष राक्षस सेविताम् |
नाना द्रुम लता आकीर्णाम् शीत वारि निधिम् शुभाम् || ३-७५-१९

And that is adored by the beings like sylvan, reptilian, celestial, georgic, and elfish beings, and it is overcrowded with trees and tendrils, and it is a trove for fairish and clodish water. [3-75-19]

19. kinnara uraga gandharva yakSa raakshasa = by sylvan beings, reptilian beings, celestials, georgic beings, elfish being; sevitaam = adored by; naanaa = divers; druma lataa aakiirNaam = trees, tendrils, overcrowded with; shiita vaari nidhim shubhaam = coldish, water, trove, fair one.

Verse 20 & 21

पद्म सौगन्धिकैः ताम्राम् शुक्लाम् कुमुद मण्डलैः |
नीलाम् कुवलय उद् घाटैः बहु वर्णाम् कुथाम् इव || ३-७५-२०
अरविन्द उत्पलवतीम् पद्म सौगन्धिक आयुताम् |
पुष्पित आम्र वणोपेताम् बर्हिण उद् घुष्ट नादिताम् || ३-७५-२१

The lotuses of the lake are rich in their fragrance, and with the heaps of clusters of reddish, whitish, and blackish lotuses, and with such pinkish, whitish, and reddish lotuses the sheet of water is like a picturesquely painted canvas and it is surrounded by the orchards of flowered mango trees and sounded much by the screams of peacocks. [3-75-20, 21]

20, 21. padma sau gandhikaiH = lotuses, rich, in fragrance; taamraam shuklaam = reddish, whitish; kumuda maNDalaiH = lotus, clusters; niilaam kuvalaya = blackish, lotuses; ud ghaaTaiH = heaps of; bahu varNaam = divers, in colours; kuthaam iva = a cloth painted or twilled with variegated colours, used to decorate an elephant, picturesquely painted canvas; aravinda utpalavatiim = pinkish, lotuses having; padma saugandhika aayutaam = whitish lotuses, reddish lotuses, full with; puSpita aamra vana upetaam = flowered, mango, orchards, surrounded by; barhiNa = peacocks; ud ghuSTa naaditaam = up [highly,] screaming, sounded [much] by.

Verse 22

स ताम् दृष्ट्वा ततः पंपाम् रामः सौमित्रिणा सह |
विललाप च तेजस्वी कामात् दशरथात्मजः || ३-७५-२२

Then Rama along with Lakshmana on seeing at that Pampa Lake, that self-refulgent son of Dasharatha whimpered over, owing to his passionate recollection of Seetha. [3-75-22]

22. tataH taam pampaam dR^iSTvaa = then, at her, at Pampa, on seeing; saH raamaH saha saumitriNaa = he, that Rama, with, Soumitri; tejasvii dasharatha aatmajaH = self-refulgent, Dasharatha’s son; vilalaapa ca kaamaat = whimpered over, also, owing to passion [passionate recollection of Seetha.]

Verse 23 & 24

तिलकैः बीज पूरैः च वटैः शुक्ल द्रुमैः तथा |
पुष्पितैः करवीरैः च पुन्नागैः च सु पुष्पितैः || ३-७५-२३
मालती कुंद गुल्मैः च भण्डीरैः निचुलैः तथा |
अशोकैः सप्त पर्णैः च केतकैः अतिमुक्तकैः || ३-७५-२४
अन्यैः च विविधैः वृक्षैः प्रमदा इव उपशोभिताम् |

That Pampa Lake is wraparound with the trees of Tilaka, Citron-fruits, Banyan, White-trees, likewise flowered are flowery trees like Red oleanders, Punnaaga, shrubs of Maalati and Kunda, likewise flowered are the trees of Madder, Nicula, Ashoka, and Seven-leaved banana plants, and plants of Mogra and climbers of Maadhavii Lata are also flowered, and with them she that Ladylike Pampa shone forth like a pulchritudinous lady. [3-75-23, 24]

23, 24. tilakaiH = with Tilaka trees; biija puuraiH = seeds full of [trees of citron fruit with many juicy seeds, Anaar, Daanimma]; ca = also; vaTaiH = banyan trees; shukla drumaiH = white, trees; tathaa = likewise; puSpitaiH = flowered; karaviiraiH ca punnaagaiH ca = red oleanders, also, Punnaaga [Rottelara tinctoria]; su puSpitaiH = well flowered; maalatii = Maalati [Jasminum grandiflorum]; kunda = Kunda [Jasminum multiflorum]; gulmaiH ca = with shrubs, also; bhaNDiiraiH = Madder [Rubia tinctorum] trees; niculaiH = Nicula [Eugenia acutangula]; tathaa = likewise; ashokaiH = Ashoka; sapta parNaiH = seven, leaved banana plants; ca = also; ketakaiH = Ketaki [Mogra, Mogili, Pandanus odora tissimus]; atimuktakaiH = Atimukta, Maadhavii Lata Gaertnera racemosa; anyaiH ca vividhaiH vR^ikSaiH = with other, also, divers, trees; pramadaa iva upa shobhitaam = pulchritudinous lady, like, shone forth, with such trees that lake is wraparound.]

Verse 25b & 26a

अस्याः तीरे तु पूर्व उक्तः पर्वतो धातु मण्डितः || ३-७५-२५
ऋश्यमूक इति ख्यातः चित्र पुष्पित पादपः |

The aforesaid mountain renowned as Rishyamuka which is abounding with colourful ores and amazingly flowered trees is there on the bank of Pampa Lake. [3-75-25b, 26a]

25b-26a. puurva uktaH = afore, said; dhaatu maNDitaH parvataH = with [colourful] ores, abounding, mountain; citra puSpita paadapaH = with amazingly, flowered, trees; R^ishyamuuka iti khyaataH = Rishyamuka, thus, renowned; asyaaH tiire tu [aasiit] = on its, bank, but [is there.]

Verse 26b & 27b

हरेः ऋक्षरजो नाम्नः पुत्रः तस्य महात्मनः || ३-७५-२६
अध्यास्ते तु महावीर्यः सुग्रीव इति विश्रुतः |

A noble soul by his name Risharaja was there and that monkey’s son is the highly valiant Sugreeva, thus he is renowned, and he presides over that mountain. [3-75-26b, 27b]

26b, 27b. R^ikSarajaH naamnaH = Risharaja, named; mahaatmanaH = great souled one; tasya hareH putraH = of that, monkey’s, son; mahaaviiryaH = highly valiant; sugriiva iti vishrutaH = Sugreeva, thus, renowned; adhyaaste tu [tam] = presides over [that mountain.]

Verse 27b & 28

सुग्रीवम् अभिगच्छ त्वम् वानरेन्द्रम् नरर्षभ || ३-७५-२७
इति उवाच पुनः वाक्यम् लक्ष्मणम् सत्य विक्रमम् |
कथम् मया विना सीताम् शक्यम् लक्ष्मण जीवितुम् || ३-७५-२८

That best one among men Rama, said this way, “oh, Lakshmana, you make a headway for that chief of monkeys, Sugreeva…” and further said this to Lakshmana whose valiance is truthfulness alone, “how can I possibly live without Seetha…” [3-75-27b, 28]

27b, 28. nararSabha = best one among men – Rama; tvam = you; vaanarendram = vanara-s’, chief; sugriivam = to Sugreeva; abhigacCha = make a headway; punaH satya vikramam lakSmaNam = again [further,] to truth, valiant, to Lakshmana; vaakyam iti uvaaca = sentence, this way, said; lakshmaNa = oh, Lakshmana; maya = by me; siitaam vinaa = Seetha, without; jiivitum = to live; katham = how; shakyam = possible.

Verse 29

इति एवम् उक्त्वा मदन अभिपीडितः
स लक्ष्मणम् वाक्यम् अनन्य चेतनः |
विवेश पंपाम् नलिनी मनो रमाम्
तम् उत्तमम् शोकम् उदीरयाणः || ३-७५-२९

Such as he is whose thinking is applying itself to Seetha alone, and who is vocalising his anguish for her, to whom aa stymie is laid by the Love-god just at the appearance that lake, that Rama on saying that sentence in that way to Lakshmana neared that superb and heart delighting lotus Lake Pampa. [3-75-29]

29. madana abhipiiDitaH = by Love-god, laying a stymie; saH = such as he is Rama; an anya cetanaH = not, otherwise, hearted – one who is thinking on Seetha alone – Rama; lakshmaNam = to Lakshmana; iti evam vaakyam uktvaa = thus, that way, sentence, on saying; shokam udiirayaaNaH = anguish, vocalising; manaH ramaam = which is a – heart, delighting one; uttamam nalinii = to superb, lotus lake; tam papaam vivesha = to her, into Pampa [area,] entered [neared.]

Verse 30

क्रमेण गत्वा प्रविलोकयन् वनम्
ददर्श पंपाम् शुभ दर्श काननाम् |
अनेक नाना विध पक्षि संकुलाम्
विवेश रामः सह लक्ष्मणेन || ३-७५-३०

On going step by step, and on going on seeing ardently and intently at that forest which has picturesque visuals of forestry, and which is with hurly-burly birds, not one, but numerous and divers are they, and then Rama along with Lakshmana on entering the area of that lake, has seen that Lake Pampa. [3-75-30]

30. raamaH saha lakshmaNena = Rama, with, Lakshmana; krameNa gatvaa = step by step, on going; vanam = forest; pra vi lokayan = intently, ardently, on seeing; shubha darsha kaananaam = picturesque, visuals, of forestry; an eka = not, one naanaa vidha = numerous, divers; pakSi = with birds; sankulaam = hurly-burly; vivesha = entered [the area of]; dadarsha pampaam = has seen, Pampa.

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