75 – Legends of shiva and vishnu bows


The visitant Parashu Rama narrates the legends of bows of Vishnu and Shiva to Rama. Unheedful of the request of Dasharatha to spare his sons, Parashu Rama addresses Dasharatha Rama directly and asks him to take an aim with the longbow of Vishnu, and if Dasharatha Rama is capable to do so, Parashu Rama says that he will give a duel to him.

Verse 1

राम दाशरथे वीर वीर्यं ते श्रूयतेऽद्भुतम् |
धनुषो भेदनं चैव निखिलेन मया श्रुतम् || १-७५-१

Oh, valiant Rama of Dasharatha, your valour is bruited as a sensational valour, and sensational is your smashing of Shiva’s bow, also thus I have thoroughly heard about your others deeds like elimination of Tataka et cetera… [1-75-1]

1. daasharathe raama = oh Dasharatha’s, Rama; viira = oh valiant one; te viiryam adbhutam shruuyate = your, valour is being heard [being bruited about] as sensational; dhanuSaH bhedanam ca eva = bow’s [of Shiva,] smashing, also thus – other things [about your eliminating Tataka]; nikhilena mayaa shrutam = thoroughly heard by me.

Verse 2

तदद्भुतमचिंत्यं च भेदनं धनुषस्तथा |
तच्छ्रुत्वाहमनुप्राप्तो धनुर्गृह्यापरं शुभम् || १-७५-२

That way, smashing of that particular bow of Shiva is wondrous and even unimaginable… on hearing that alone I happened upon you, bringing another outranking bow… [1-75-2]

2. tathaa = that way; dhanuSaH tat bhedanam = that smashing of bow; adbhutam = wondrous; acintyam ca = unimaginable, even; tat shrutvaa = that [news,] on hearing; aham = I have; aparam shubham dhanuH gR^ihya = on taking another transcending [outranking] bow; anupraaptaH = I happened on [you.]

Verse 3

तदिदं घोरसंकाशं जामदग्न्यं महद्धनुः |
पूरयस्व शरेणैव स्वबलं दर्शयस्व च || १-७५-३

This alone is that catastrophic bow received through Sage Jamadagni… flex it with an arrow on bowstring stretching up to your ear, and in that way show your capability… [1-75-3]

3. ghorasamkaasham = catastrophic, in its aspect – bow; jaamadagnyam = [received through Sage] Jamadagni; tat = that; idam = this alone; mahat = great [fateful]; dhanuH = bow; shareNa eva puurayasva = that way, flex [bowstring up to ear] it with an arrow; svabalam darshayasva = show yourself your own capability.

Verse 4

तदहं ते बलं दृष्ट्वा धनुषोऽस्य प्रपूरणे |
द्वंद्वयुद्धं प्रदास्यामि वीर्यश्लाघ्यमहं तव || १-७५-४

“Thereby, on examining your strength in your taking aim with this bow, and should you be deservedly valorous, I will give you a combative duel…” So said Parashu Rama to Dasharatha Rama. [1-75-4]

4. tat = thereby; aham = I will; asya dhanuSaH prapuuraNe = with taking aim of this bow; te balam dR^iSTvaa = on seeing [on examining] your strength; viiryashlaaghyam = [if your] valour is deserving; aham tava = I will, to you; dvandvayuddham pradaasyaami = I give combative duel.

Verse 5

तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा राजा दशरथस्तदा |
विषण्णवदनो दीनः प्रांजलिर्वाक्यमब्रवीत् || १-७५-५

On hearing that sentence of Bhaargava Rama, then king Dasharatha became a pitiable one, and with a downcast face and adjoined palms said this. [1-75-5]

5. tadaa = then; raajaa dasharathaH = king, Dasharatha; tasya tat vacanam shrutvaa = his [Bhaargava Rama,] that, sentence, on hearing; viSaNNavadanaH = becoming downcast faced; diinaH = pitiable one; praanjaliH vaakyam abraviit = with adjoined-palms, said sentence.

Verse 6

क्षत्ररोषात् प्रशांतस्त्वं ब्राह्मणश्च महातपाः |
बालानां मम पुत्राणामभयं दातुमर्हसि || १-७५-६

Aren’t you a Brahman with inviolable ascesis, and whose rancour on Kshatriya-s has calmed down long back. Why this hostility again. It’ll be apt of you to award aegis to my sons, for they are yet youngsters… [1-75-6]

6. kSatraroSaat prashaantaH = from Kshatriya-s animosity, appeased you are; braahmaNaH = Brahman; mahaatapaaH = one with high [inviolable] ascesis; such as you are; tvam = you; baalaanaam mama putraaNaam = youngsters, my, sons; abhayam daatum arhasi = apt of you to award no fear [aegis] .

Verse 7

भार्गवाणां कुले जातः स्वाध्यायव्रतशालिनाम् |
सहस्राक्षे प्रतिज्ञाय शस्त्रं प्रक्षिप्तवानसि || १-७५-७

Aren’t you from the bloodline of Bhaargava-s who always conduct themselves in self-study of Vedas and self-principled ways… haven’t you readily discarded weapon-wielding on your promise to Thousand-eyed Indra… [1-75-7]

7. svaadhyaayavratashaalinaam = conduct self-study [of Vedas] and vows [self-principled] themselves; bhaargavaaNaam kule jaataH = you are born in such Bhaargava-s bloodline; sahasraakSe pratij~naaya = on promising to Thousand-eyed Indra ; shastram = weapon [wielding]; prakShiptavaan asi = you have readily discarded.

Verse 8

स त्वं धर्मपरो भूत्वा काश्यपाय वसुंधराम् |
दत्त्वा वनमुपागम्य महेन्द्रकृतकेतनः || १-७५-८

Such as you were, you on becoming a dedicatee to probity, haven’t you given the planet earth to Kashyapa and haven’t you repaired to forests, and haven’t you flagged yourself on Mt. Mahendra… [1-75-8]

8. saH tvam = such as you were; dharmaparaH bhuutvaa = becoming dedicatee to probity; kaashyapaaya vasundharaam dattvaa = on giving away planet earth to Kashyapa; vanam upaagamya = forests on repairing to; MahendrakR^itaketanaH = made residence [flagged on] on Mt. Mahendra.

Verse 9

मम सर्वविनाशाय संप्राप्तस्त्वं महामुने |
न चैकस्मिन् हते रामे सर्वे जीवामहे वयम् || १-७५-९

“Or, oh, insurmountable sage, have you chanced upon us for a total annihilation of ours… when Rama is singularised and eliminated, nay-said that we all will be living…” Thus Dasharatha had gone on appealing in his love for his sons. [1-75-9]

9. mahaamune = oh insurmountable sage; tvam mama sarvavinaashaaya = you, for my total ruination; sampraaptaH = chanced upon me; ekasmin raame hate = only one, Rama is, eliminated; vayam sarve na jiivaamahe = we, all, not, going to live.

Verse 10

ब्रुवत्येवं दशरथे जामदग्न्यः प्रतापवान् |
अनादृत्य तु तद्वाक्यं राममेवाभ्यभाषत || १-७५-१०

While Dasharatha is speaking in that way that intransigent Bhaargava Rama of Sage Jamadagni uncaring for those merciful words of Dasharatha addressed Rama of Dasharatha alone. [1-75-10]

10. dasharathe evam bruvati = that way while speaking by Dasharatha; prataapavaan jaamadagnyaH = intransigent one, Jamadagni’s [son, Bhaargava Rama]; tat vaakyam = that, [merciful] words [of Dasharatha]; anaadR^itya tu = uncaring for; raamam eva abhyabhaaSata = addressed Rama alone.

Verse 11

इमे द्वे धनुषी श्रेष्ठे दिव्ये लोकाभिपूजिते |
दृढे बलवती मुख्ये सुकृते विश्वकर्मणा || १-७५-११

These are the two strong and sturdy unsurpassed longbows, well-designed by gods and well-crafted by Vishvakarma, the Divine Architect, and these are very important among all bows and well-worshipped by all worlds… one broken in your, and the other in my hand… [1-75-11]

11. ime dve = these, two; dhanuSii = longbows; shreSThe = unsurpassed ones; divye lokaabhipuujite = unearthly [well designed by gods,] well-worshipped bu worlds; dR^iDhe balavatii = sturdy, strong; mukhye = important ones [among all bows]; vishvakarmaNaa = by Vishvakarma, the Divine Architect; sukR^ite = well crafted.

Verse 12

अनिसृष्टं सुरैरेकं त्र्यम्बकाय युयुत्सवे |
त्रिपुरघ्नं नरश्रेष्ठ भग्नं काकुत्स्थ यत्त्वया || १-७५-१२

Oh, best one among men, out of the two longbows gods gave one to restive Trymbaka, God Shiva for a combat with demon Tripura, and oh, Kakutstha, that bow alone is the annihilator of Tripura, the demon… and you have broken that alone… [1-75-12]

12. narashreSTha = oh best among men; kaakutstha = Kakutstha; yat = which [bow]; tvayaa bhagnam = broken by you; [tat = that one]; yuyutsave = restive [for a combat]; tryambakaaya = for Trymbaka, for Shiva; suraiH anisR^iSTam = given by gods; tripuraghnam = [that bow alone is] annihilator of Tripura Demon; ekam = one [of the two.]

Verse 13 & 14a

इदं द्वितीयं दुर्धर्षं विष्णोर्दत्तं सुरोत्तमैः |
तदिदं वैष्णवं राम धनुः परपुरञ्जयम् || १-७५-१३
समानसारं काकुत्स्थ रौद्रेण धनुषा त्विदम् |

This is the second one and the choicest gods gave this to Vishnu, thereby this is named after Him as ‘Vishnu’s bow…’ this is an indestructible and enemy-citadel conquering longbow… and this is identical in its efficacy with Rudra’s longbow… [1-75-13, 14a]

13, 14a. durdharSam = indestructible; idam = this is; dvitiiyam = second one; surottamaiH = by the choicest gods; viSNoH dattam = it is given to Vishnu; kaakutstha = oh, Kakutstha; raama = Rama; parapuramjayam = conqueror of other’s [enemy’s] citadels; tat idam = that one is, this; vaiSNavam dhanuH = longbow [bow named after Vishnu] of Vishnu; idam raudreNa dhanuSaa samaanasaaram = this one is identical in essence [efficacy] with Rudra’s longbow.

Verse 14b & 16a

तदा तु देवताः सर्वाः पृच्छन्ति स्म पितामहम् || १-७५-१४
शितिकण्ठस्य विष्णोश्च बलाबलनिरीक्षया |
अभिप्रायं तु विज्ञाय देवतानां पितामहः || १-७५-१५
विरोधं जनयामास तयोः सत्यवतां वरः |

Once, all the gods were asking the Grandparent, Brahma, as to who is powerful and who is less powerful among the blue-throated Shiva and Vishnu… but the Grandparent Brahma on inferring the intent of gods started to create adversity among those two, Shiva and Vishnu, for the Grandparent is the best adherer of truthfulness, as truth cannot be demonstrated on hearsay evidence… [1-75-14b, 15, 16a]

14b, 16a. tadaa = then [once]; sarvaaH devataaH = all, gods; shitikaNThasya = blue throated god Shiva’s; viSNoH ca = of Vishnu, and; balaabalaniriikSayaa = to see [to estimate] powerfulness and less powerfulness; pitaamaham pR^icChanti sma = they were asking Grandparent Brahma; satyavataam varaH = the best one among truthfulness adherers; pitaamahaH = Grandparent; devataanaam abhipraayam vij~naaya = on inferring intent of gods; tayoH = among those two [Vishnu – Shiva]; virodham = adversity; janayaamaasa = started to create.

Verse 16b & 17a

विरोधे तु महद्युद्धमभवद्रोमहर्षणम् || १-७५-१६
शितिकण्ठस्य विष्णोश्च परस्परजयैषिणोः |

Owing to their animosity then occurred a fierce and hair-raising war among Shiva and Vishnu, as each aspired victory for himself… [1-75-16b, 17a]

16b, 17a. virodhe tu = in animosity, but; parasparajayaiSiNoH = each aspiring [for himself] victory; shitikaNThasya = blue throated Shiva’s; viSNoH ca = of Vishnu, also; romaharSaNam = hair raising one; mahat yuddham abhavat = fierce war, became [occurred.]

Verse 17b & 18a

तदा तु जृम्भितं शैवं धनुर्भीमपराक्रमम् || १-७५-१७
हुंकारेण महादेवः स्तम्भितोऽथ त्रिलोचनः |

By the ‘hum’ sound of Vishnu that ruinously overpowering longbow of Shiva is broken, and the triple-eyed God, Mahadeva, is frozen… [1-75-17b, 18a]

17b, 18a. tadaa = then; humkaareNa = by ‘hum’ sound [of Vishnu]; bhiimaparaakramam shaivam dhanuH = ruinously overpowering, Shiva’s, longbow; jR^imbhitam = yawned [fatigued, broken]; atha trilocanaH mahaadevaH = then, triple-eyed, Mahadeva; stambhitaH = motionless [frozen.]

Verse 18b & 19a

देवैस्तदा समागम्य सर्षिसन्घैः सचारणैः || १-७५-१८
याचितौ प्रशमं तत्र जग्मतुस्तौ सुरोत्तमौ |

Then gods along with the assemblages of sages and celestial carana-s have come together and appealed to those two for appeasement in the matter of wielding authority, and then those two superior gods, Shiva and Vishnu, went into a state of amity… [1-75-18b, 19a]

18b, 19b. tadaa = then; saRSisanghaiH sacaaraNaiH = with sages’ assemblages, with carana-s; devaiH = by gods; tatra = there [in that matter of wielding authority]; samaagamya = coming together; yaacitau = both Shiva and Vishnu – are appealed; tau = those two [Shiva, Vishnu]; surottamau = superior among gods; prashamam = appeasement; = jagmatuH = went into [state of amity.]

Verse 19b & 20a

जृम्भितं तद्धनुर्दृष्ट्वा शैवं विष्णुपराक्रमैः || १-७५-१९
अधिकं मेनिरे विष्णुं देवाः सर्षिगणास्तदा |

“On seeing the bow of Shiva rendered inert by the mettlesomeness of Vishnu, from then on the gods along with the assemblages of sages deemed Vishnu to be the paramount… [1-75-19b, 20a]

19b, 20a. paraakramaiH = by Vishnu’s mettlesomeness; jR^imbhitam = rendered inert; tat shaivam dhanuH dR^iSTvaa = on seeing that Shiva’s bow; tadaa saRSigaNaaH devaaH = then gods with sages’ assemblages ; viSNum adhikam menire = they deemed Vishnu as paramount.

Verse 20b & 21a

धनू रुद्रस्तु संक्रुद्धो विदेहेषु महायशाः || १-७५-२०
देवरातस्य राजर्षेर्ददौ हस्ते ससायकम् |

That celebrated Rudra on his part with indignation has handed over that longbow, which is already fitted with unloosened arrow, to the sagely king among Videha kings, namely Devaraata… [1-75-20b, 21a]

20b-21a. samkruddhaH = with indignation; mahaayashaaH rudraH tu = celebrated, Rudra, on his part; videheSu = among Videha [kings]; sasaayakam dhanuu = longbow with arrow; raajaRSeH = to Kingly sage; devaraatasya haste dadau = handed over to Devaraata’s hand.

Verse 21b & 22a

इदं च वैष्णवं राम धनुः परपुरञ्जयम् || १-७५-२१
ऋचीके भार्गवे प्रादाद्विष्णुः सन्यासमुत्तमम् |

Oh, Rama, this alone is that enemy-citadel conquering longbow of Vishnu, and Vishnu handed over this to Sage Riciika, the son of Bhrigu, as a trustworthy trust… [1-75-21b, 22a]

21b, 22a. raama = oh Rama; saH viSNuH = he, that Vishnu; parapuramjayam = enemy citadel conquering; idam vaiSNavam dhanuH = this, Vishnu’s, longbow; bhaargave = of Bhrigu; R^iciike = to Riciika [son of Bhrigu]; uttamam nyaasam praadaat = handed over best [trustworthy] as trust.

Verse 22b & 23a

ऋचीकस्तु महातेजाः पुत्रस्याप्रतिकर्मणः || १-७५-२२
पितुर्मम ददौ दिव्यं जमदग्नेर्महात्मनः |

That great-resplendent Sage Riciika on his part has handed over this divine bow to his son with unmatchable deeds of religious merit, who is my father Sage Jamadagni… [1-75-22b, 23a]

22b-23a. mahaatejaaH R^iciikaH tu = great resplendent, Riciika, on his part; putrasya = to his son; apratikarmaNaH = of unmatchable deeds; mahaatmanaH = to great souled one; mama pituH jamadagneH = to my, father, Jamadagni; divyam = [this] divine [bow]; dadau = handed over.

Verse 23b & 24a

न्यस्तशस्त्रे पितरि मे तपोबलसमन्विते || १-७५-२३
अर्जुनो विदधे मृत्युं प्राकृतां बुद्धिमास्थितः |

Adhering to a barbarous mentality Kaartaviirya Arjuna put my father to death, when the ascetically powerful father of mine has isolated himself from arsenal… [1-75-23b, 24a]

23b, 24a. tapobalasamanvite = [though] having ascesis power; me pitari = my, father; nyastashastre = one who has castaway weapon [isolated from arsenal – astrasanyaas]; arjunaH = Arjuna, or, Kaartaviirya Arjuna [not to be confounded with Arjuna of Maha Bharata]; praakR^itaam buddhim aasthitaH = adhering to primitive [barbarous] mentality ; mR^ityum vidadhe = death imposed [subjected to.]

Verse 24b,c, 25 & 26a

वधमप्रतिरूपं तु पितुः श्रुत्वा सुदारुणम् |
क्षत्रमुत्सादयन् रोषाज्जातं जातमनेकशः || १-७५-२४
पृथिवीं चाखिलां प्राप्य काश्यपाय महात्मने |
यज्ञस्यान्ते तदा राम दक्षिणां पुण्यकर्मणे || १-७५-२५
दत्त्वा महेन्द्रनिलयः तपोबलसमन्वितः |

Oh, Rama, on hearing the unregenerate and highly perfidious murdering of my father, I rancorously extirpated Kshatriya-s as and when they are born, that too not for one time, but I did so for thirty-seven times going around the earth… and on getting the entire earth under my control I performed Vedic-ritual, and at the end of that Vedic-ritual, I gave all that earth to sage Kashyapa, a sage with divine soul and with pious observances, as a ritualistic-generosity… and I am at present on Mt. Mahendra practising ascesis and thus conjoined are the powers of ascesis in me… [1-75-24b, c, 25, 26a]

24b, c, 25, 26a. raama = oh Rama; apratiruupam = not similar in form [type, unregenerate]; sudaaruNam = highly gruesome; pituH vadham shrutvaa = on hearing father’s murder; roSaat = with rancour; jaatam jaatam = newborn, as newborn – as and when born; kSatram = Kshatriya-s; anekashaH = not for one time; utsaadayan = extirpating [Kshatriya lineages]; akhilaam pR^ithiviim praapya = on getting [under my control] planet earth in entirety; yaj~nasya ante = at the end of Vedic-ritual; mahaatmane = to the divine-souled one; puNyakarmaNe = of pious observances; kaashyapaaya = to Sage Kashyapa; dakSiNaam dattvaa = on giving ritualistic-generosity; tadaa = then; tapobalasamanvitaH = conjoined [with me] powers of ascesis; mahendranilayaH = Mt. Mahendra, indweller [I am at present.]

Verse 26b & 27

श्रुत्वा तु धनुषो भेदं ततोऽहं द्रुतमागतः || १-७५-२६
तदेवं वैष्णवं राम पितृपैतामहं महत् |
क्षत्रधर्मं पुरस्कृत्य गृह्णीष्व धनुरुत्तमम् || १-७५-२७

On hearing about the breakage of Shiva’s longbow, then I promptly came here. Thereby, oh, Rama, wield this supernatural and superlative longbow of Vishnu, which is passed on to me from my forefathers and my father. Keep your fealty to Kshatriya-hood in view, and wield this as you have wielded Shiva’s longbow… [1-75-26b, 27]

26b, 27. raama = oh Rama; tat = that; dhanuSaH bhedam = longbow’s, breakage; shrutvaa = on hearing; aham tataH drutam aagataH = therefore I quickly, came; kSatradharmam = fealty to Kshatriya-hood ; puraskR^itya = keeping [in view] afore; evam = likewise [like the wielding of Shiva’s bow]; pitR^ipaitaamaham = forefathers [passed on] of father; mahat = supernatural; uttamam = superlative one; vaiSNavam dhanuH gR^ihNiiSva = you take-you handle longbow of Vishnu.

Verse 28

योजयस्व धनुःश्रेष्ठे शरं परपुरञ्जयम् |
यदि शक्तोऽसि काकुत्स्थ द्वन्द्वं दास्यामि ते ततः || १-७५-२८

Take an aim with an arrow that conquers enemy’s citadels fixing it on this supramundane longbow… and oh, Kakutstha, should you be capable of it, thereafter I will give you a duel… [1-75-27]

27. kaakutstha = oh Kakutstha; dhanuHshreSThe = with longbow supramundane one; parapuramjayam sharam = enemy citadels conquering, arrow; yojayasva = you join; shaktaH asi yadi = if you are capable ; tataH = thereafter; dvandvam daasyaami te = I give a duel to you.

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