70 – The messengers enter the city of Rajagriha


The messengers entered the city of Rajagriha and meet the king Kekeya and prince Yudhajit. They request Bharata to start for Ayodhya urgently. Bharata seeks permission from king Kekeya his maternal uncle. King Kekeya gives permission to Bharata to leave for Ayodhya and bestows him various gifts. Bharata and Satrughna along with men. elephants and horses start his journey for Ayodhya.

Verse 1 & 2

भरते ब्रुवति स्वप्नम् दूताः ते क्लान्त वाहनाः |
प्रविश्य असह्य परिखम् रम्यम् राज गृहम् पुरम् || २-७०-१
समागम्य तु राज्ञा च राज पुत्रेण च अर्चिताः |
राज्ञः पादौ गृहीत्वा तु तम् ऊचुर् भरतम् वचः || २-७०-२

While Bharata was narrating his dream, the messengers whose horses were tired, entered the beautiful city called Rajagriha, which has too big a palace-gate and met the king Kekeya and the prince Yudhajit, who received them hospitably. They saluted the feet of the king Kekeya and spoke the following words to Bharata:

1; 2. bharate = (while)Bharata; bruvati = was telling; svapnam = about the dream; te duutaH = those messengers; klaantavaahanaaH = whose horses were tired; pravishya = entered; ramyam = beautiful; puram = city; raajagR^iham = called Rajagriha; asahyaparigham = which has too big a palace-gate; samaagamya = met; raajJNaacha = the king Kekeya; raajaputreNa = and the prince Yudhajit; architaaH = were received by them hospitably; gR^ihiitvaa = grasped(in salutation); paadou = the feet; raaN^gaH = of the king Kekeya; uuchuH = and spoke; tam bharatam = to that Bharata; vachaH = (the following) words:-

Verse 3

पुरोहितः त्वा कुशलम् प्राह सर्वे च मन्त्रिणः |
त्वरमाणः च निर्याहि कृत्यम् आत्ययिकम् त्वया || २-७०-३

“Vasistha, the family-priest and all the ministers were asking about your welfare. Come forth indeed quickly. There is an urgent work with you.”

3. purohitaH = the family priest; praaha = was asking; tvaam = your; kushalam = welfare; sarve = All; mantriNashcha = the ministers also; (were asking about your welfare); niryaahi = come forth indeed; tvaramaaNaHcha = quickly. atyayikam = There is an urgent; kR^ityam = work; tvayaa = with you.”

Verse 4

इमानि च महार्हाणि वस्त्राण्य़ाभरणानि च |
प्रतिगृह्य विशालाक्ष मातुलस्य च दापय || २-७०-४

“O, Bharata the wide-eyed man! Take these very valuable clothes and jewels and give them to your maternal uncle”

4. vishaalaakshha! O; Bharata the wide-eyed man! PratigR^ihya = Take; imaani = these; mahaarhaaNi = very valuable; vastraaNi = clothes; aabharaNaanicha = and jewels; daapaya = and arrange to give; maatulasya = to your maternal uncle.”

Verse 5

अत्र विंशति कोट्यः तु नृपतेर् मातुलस्य ते |
दश कोट्यः तु सम्पूर्णाः तथैव च नृप आत्मज || २-७०-५

“O, prince! In these jewels and clothes, a worth of hundred crores is to be given to the king Kekeya and likewise a worth of ten crores in full to your maternal uncle.”

5. nR^ipaatmaja = O; prince! Atra = in these; vimshatikoTyaH = a hundred crores; nR^ipataH = are to be given to the king Kekeya; tathaivacha = and like wise; sampuurNaaH = a full; dashakoTyastu = ten crores ; te = your; maatulasya = maternal uncle.”

Verse 6

प्रतिगृह्य च तत् सर्वम् स्वनुरक्तः सुहृज् जने |
दूतान् उवाच भरतः कामैः सम्प्रतिपूज्य तान् || २-७०-६

Bharata, who had a great affection towards his kind hearted relatives, took all that, honored these messengers profusely with gifts of their liking and spoke(as follows) :

6. bharataH = Bharata; svanuraktaH = who had a great affection; suhR^ijjane = towards his kind hearted relatives; pratigR^ihya = took; tat sarvam = all that; taan duutaan samprati puujya = honored those messengers greatly; kaamaiH = with gifts of their liking; uvaacha = and spoke (as follows):

Verse 7

कच्चित् सुकुशली राजा पिता दशरथो मम |
कच्चिच् च अरागता रामे लक्ष्मणे वा महात्मनि || २-७०-७

“I hope that king Dasaratha, my father is quite safe. I also hope that Rama and the high-soled Lakshmana are well.”

7. kachchit = “I hope that; mama pitaa = my father; raajaa dasharathaH = king Dasaratha; sukushalii = is quite safe; aarogyotaa = there is health; raame = in Rama; mahaatmani = and in the high soled; lakshhmaNecha = Lakshmana.”

Verse 8

आर्या च धर्म निरता धर्मज्ञा धर्म दर्शिनी |
अरोगा च अपि कौसल्या माता रामस्य धीमतः || २-७०-८

“Is Kausalya, the venerable lady, who is intent on virtue, who knows righteousness, who visualizes goodness and who is the mother of the wise Rama, also well? ”

8. kausalya = (Is) Kausalya; aaryaacha = the venerable lady; dharmanirataa = who is intent on piety; dharmaN^ga = who knows righteousness; dharmadarshinii = who visualizes righteousness; maataa = and mother; raamasya = of Rama; dhiimataH = the wise; api arogaa = also healthy?”

Verse 9

कच्चित् सुमित्रा धर्मज्ञा जननी लक्ष्मणस्य या |
शत्रुघ्नस्य च वीरस्य सारोगा च अपि मध्यमा || २-७०-९

“I hope that Sumitra, who knows righteousness, who is the mother of Lakshmana as well as the heroic Satrughna and our middle mother, is well.”

9. kachchit = I hope that; saa sumitraapi = that Sumitra; yaa = who; dharmaG^yaa = knows righteousness; jananii = who is the mother; lakshhmaNasya = of Lakshmana; shatrughnasyacha = and of Satrughna; viirasya = the valiant; madhyamaa = and our middle mother; arogaa = is healthy.”

Verse 10

आत्म कामा सदा चण्डी क्रोधना प्राज्ञ मानिनी |
अरोगा च अपि कैकेयी माता मे किम् उवाच ह || २-७०-१०

“As Kaikeyi, who loves herself, a forever fiery lady of wrathful nature, who prides herself to be highly intelligent and my mother, also well? What did she say?”

10. kaikeyi = (Is) Kaikeyi; aatmakaamaa = who loves herself; sadaa = forever; chaNDii = fiery lady; krodhanaa = of wrathful nature; praaG^yamaaninii = priding herself to be highly intelligent; me maataa = and my mother; api arogaa = also healthy? kim = What; uvaachaha = did she say?”

Verse 11

एवम् उक्ताः तु ते दूता भरतेन महात्मना |
ऊचुः सम्प्रश्रितम् वाक्यम् इदम् तम् भरतम् तदा || २-७०-११

On hearing the words of the high soled Bharata, those messengers then respectfully spoke to Bharata as follows:

11. uktvaaH = having been spoken; evam = thus; bharatena = by Bharata; mahaatmanaa = the high soled; te duutaaH = those messengers; tadaa = then; uuchuH = spoke; idam vachaH = these words; saprashrayam = respectfully; tam bharatam = to that Bharata:

Verse 12

कुशलाः ते नर व्याघ्र येषाम् कुशलम् इच्चसि |
श्रीश्च त्वाम् वृणुते पद्मा युज्यताम् चापि ते रकः || २-७०-१२

“O, tiger among men! Those, of whom you do enquire, are all well. The goddess of prosperity, holding a lotus in her hand, awaits you. Let your chariot be made ready.”

12. “naravyaaghra = O; tiger among men! Yeshhaam = whose; kushalam = welfare; ichchhasi = do you desire; te = they; kushalaah = are safe; shriiH = the goddess of prosperity; padmaa = holding a lotus in her hand; vR^iNute = awaits; tvaam = you; te = Let your; rathaH = chariot; yujyataamchaapi = be made ready.”

Verse 13

भरतः च अपि तान् दूतान् एवम् उक्तः अभ्यभाषत |
आपृच्चे अहम् महा राजम् दूताः सम्त्वरयन्ति माम् || २-७०-१३

Hearing the words Bharata spoke to the messengers as follows: “I will get permission from the monarch(to leave for Ayodhya) saying that the messengers are hastening me up.”

13. evam = thus; uktaH = spoken; (by the messengers); bharatashchaapi = Bharata also; abhyabhaashhata = spoke; taan duutaan = to those messengers(as follows); “aham = I; apR^ichchhe = will get permission; mahaaraajam = from the monarch; (saying); “duutaah = the messengers; samtvarayanti = are hastening; maam = me.”

Verse 14

एवम् उक्त्वा तु तान् दूतान् भरतः पार्थिव आत्मजः |
दूतैः संचोदितः वाक्यम् मातामहम् उवाच ह || २-७०-१४

Bharata the prince having been asked to move quickly (to Ayodhya) by the messengers, spoke as aforesaid to those messengers and uttered the following words to his maternal uncle:

14. bharataH = Bharata; paarthivaatmajaH = the prince; samchoditah = being asked to move quickly; duutaiH = by the messengers; evam = thus; uktvaa = spoke; taan duutaan = to the messengers; uvaachaha = and uttered; vaakyam = these words; maataamaham = to his maternal uncle:

Verse 15

राजन् पितुर् गमिष्यामि सकाशम् दूत चोदितः |
पुनर् अपि अहम् एष्यामि यदा मे त्वम् स्मरिष्यसि || २-७०-१५

“O, king! Requested by the messengers to come to Ayodhya urgently, I am going to my father’s presence. I shall again come, whenever you recall me.”

15. raajan = O; king! duutachoditaah = asked by the messengers to move quickly; gamishhyaami = I am going; pituH = to my father’s; sakaasham = presence. eshhyaami = I shall come; punarapi = again; yadaa = whenever; tvam = you; smarishhyasi = recall; me = me.”

Verse 16

भरतेन एवम् उक्तः तु नृपो मातामहः तदा |
तम् उवाच शुभम् वाक्यम् शिरस्य् आघ्राय राघवम् || २-७०-१६

Hearing the words of Bharata, the king Kekeya, his maternal uncle smelled (as a token of affection) the head of Bharata and spoke the following auspicious words:

16. tadaa = then; nR^ipaH = the king Kekeya; maataa mahaH = the maternal uncle; uktaH = having been spoken; bharatena = by Bharata; evam = as aforesaid; aaghraaya = smelling; shirasi = the head; taam raaghavam = of that Bharata; uvaacha = spoke; shubham = these auspicious ; vaakyaam = words:

Verse 17

गच्च तात अनुजाने त्वाम् कैकेयी सुप्रजाः त्वया |
मातरम् कुशलम् ब्रूयाः पितरम् च परम् तप || २-७०-१७

“Go, my dear child! I am permitting you. Kaikeyi is fortunate to have a good son like you. Bear my greetings to your mother and father.”

17. gachchha = go; taata = my dear child! anujaane = I am permitting; tvaam = you; tvayaa = by you; kaikeyii = Kaikeyi; suprajaaH = has a good son; paramtapa = O; the scourge of foes! BruuyaaH = Ask; kushalam = the welfare; maataram = of your mother; pitaracha = and father.”

Verse 18

पुरोहितम् च कुशलम् ये च अन्ये द्विज सत्तमाः |
तौ च तात महा इष्वासौ भ्रातरु राम लक्ष्मणौ || २-७०-१८

” My dear child! Pay obeisance to your family priest, the other illustrious Brahmins and your brothers Rama and Lakshmana the wielders of bows.”

18. taata = my dear child! Bruuhi = Ask for; kushalam = welfare; purohitam = of the family priest; ye = which; anye = other; dvijasattamaaH = foremost of Brahmins; maheshhvaasou = wielders of great bows; tou = those; bhraatarou = brothers; raama lakshmaNou = Rama and Lakshmana.”

Verse 19

तस्मै हस्ति उत्तमामः चित्रान् कम्बलान् अजिनानि च |
अभिसत्कृत्य कैकेयो भरताय धनम् ददौ || २-७०-१९

The king Kekaya, treating him hospitably gave that Bharata the best of elephants, woolen clothes of varied colors, antelope skins and riches (gold and silver vessels etc).

19. kaikeyaH = the king Kekeya; abhisatkR^itya = treating him hospitably; dadou = gave; tasmai = that; bharataaya = Bharata; hastyuttamaan = the best of elephants; chitraan = variously colored; kambaLaan = woolen clothes; ajinaani = antelope skins; dhanam = and riches(gold;silver vessels etc)

Verse 20

रुक्म निष्क सहस्रे द्वे षोडश अश्व शतानि च |
सत्कृत्य कैकेयी पुत्रम् केकयो धनम् आदिशत् || २-७०-२०

The king Kekeya generously gave as gifts to Bharata, two thousands coins of gold and sixteen hundred horses.

20. kekeyaH = the king Kekeya; satkR^itya = in honor of him; aadishat = gave; dhanam = as gifts; dve = two; rukma nishhkasahasre = thousand coins of gold; shhoDasha = sixteen; ashvashataanicha = hundred horses.

Verse 21

तथा अमात्यान् अभिप्रेतान् विश्वास्यामः च गुण अन्वितान् |
ददाव् अश्व पतिः शीघ्रम् भरताय अनुयायिनः || २-७०-२१

Likewise, Aswapati sent some attendants, who were dear, reliable, endowed with virtues and inmates of his palace with Bharata (to accompany him on the return journey)

21. tathaa = likewise; ashvapatiH = aswapati; dadou = gave; anuyaayinaH = some attendants; abhipretaan = who were dear; vishvaasyaan = reliable; guNaanvitaan = endowed with virtues; amaatyaan = and inmates of his palace; bharataaya = to Bharata.

Verse 22

ऐरावतान् ऐन्द्र शिरान् नागान् वै प्रिय दर्शनान् |
खरान् शीघ्रान् सुसम्युक्तान् मातुलो अस्मै धनम् ददौ || २-७०-२२

Yuddhajit, his maternal uncle gave him as gifts, elephants of Airavata race born in Indrasira mountain-range and which were charming to behold as well as mules which could walk quickly and were well trained

22. maatulaH = his maternal uncle; dadou = gave; dhanam = as presents; naagaan = elephants; airaavataan = of Airavata race; aindrashiraan = born in Indrasira mountain range; priya darshanaan = and which were charming to behold; kharaan = and mules; shiighraan = which could walk quickly; susamyuktaan = and were well trained.

Verse 23

अन्तः पुरे अतिसम्वृद्धान् व्याघ्र वीर्य बल अन्वितान् |
दम्ष्ट्र आयुधान् महा कायान् शुनः च उपायनम् ददौ || २-७०-२३

He gave as a gift, large bodied dogs, which were well nourished in the gynoecium, possessing strength and vitality of a tiger and which were using their tusks as weapons.

23. dadou = (he) gave; upaayanam = as a gift; shunashcha = dogs also; ati samvR^iddhaan = which were well nourished; antaHpura = in the gynaecium; vyaaghre viirya balaanvitaan = which had vitality and strength equal to tigers; mahaakaayaan = which were large bodied; damshhTraa yudhaan = and which used tusks as weapons.

Verse 24

स मातामहम् आपृच्च्य मातुलम् च युधा जितम् |
रथम् आरुह्य भरतः शत्रुघ्न सहितः ययौ || २-७०-२४

The wealth of gifts bestowed by the king Kekeya did not rejoice Bharata, Kaikeyi’s son, who was then in a hurry to go.

24. dhanam = the wealth of gifts; dattam = bestowed by; kekayendra = the king Kekeya; naabhyanandata = did not rejoice; saH = that; bharataH = Kaikeyi’s son; gamanatvarayaa = who was in a hurry to go; tadaa = then.

Verse 25

बभूव ह्यस्य हृदते चिन्ता सुमहती तदा |
त्वरया चापि दूतानाम् स्वप्नस्यापि च दर्शनात् || २-७०-२५

Due to goading of messengers and visualization of the dream, a very big worry was formed at that time in his heart.

25. tvarayaachaapi = due to goading; duutaanaam = of messengers; darshanaachchaapi = and visualization; svapnasya = of the dream; sumahatii = a very big; chintaa = worry; babhuuva hi = was formed; asya hR^idaye = in his heart; tadaa = then.

Verse 26

स स्ववेश्माभ्यतिक्रम्य नरनागश्वसम्वृतम् |
प्रपेदे सुमहच्छ्रीमान् राजमार्गमनुत्तमम् || २-७०-२६

The glorious Bharata crossed his very big palace, augmented with men elephants and horses and entered the excellent royal high way.

26. shriimaan = the glorious; saH = Bharata; abhyatikramya = crossed; svaveshma = his palace; sumahat = which was very big; nara naagaashva savR^itam = augmented with men; elephants and horses; prapede = and entered; anuttamam = the excellent; raajamaargam = royal high way.

Verse 27

अभ्यतीत्य ततोऽपश्यदन्तः पुरमुदारधीः |
ततस्तद्भरतः श्रीमानाविवेशानिवारितः || २-७०-२७

The sagacious Bharata crossed the royal high way and perceived the gynoecia. Then, the glorious Bharata entered those gynoecia.

27. udaaradhiih = the sagacious Bharata; abhyatiitya = crossed the royal highway; apashyat = as saw; antaHpuram = the gynaecia; tatah = thereafter; anivaritaH = unhindered; shriimaan = the glorious; bharataH = Bharata; aavivesha = entered; tat = that gynoecia.

Verse 28

स माता महमापृच्च्य मातुलम् च युधाजितम् |
रथमारुह्य भरतः शत्रुघ्नसहितो ययौ || २-७०-२८

Bharata took leave of his maternal grandfather and also Yudhajit, his maternal uncle and set out on a chariot (for Ayodhya) along with Satrughna.

28. saH bharataH = that Bharata; aapR^ichchhya = took leave of; maataamaham = his maternal grand father; maatulam = and his maternal uncle; yudhaajit = Yuddhajit; yayon = and set out; aaruhya = mounted; ratham = on chariot; Satrughna sahitah = along with Satrughna.

Verse 29

रथान् मण्डल चक्रामः च योजयित्वा परः शतम् |
उष्ट्र गो अश्व खरैः भृत्या भरतम् यान्तम् अन्वयुः || २-७०-२९

With more than hundred chariots variegated with jewels yoked to camels, bullocks, horses and mules as also servants followed Bharata as he departed.

29. paraH shataan = with more than hundred; rathaan** = chariots; ratna vichitraamshcha = variegated with jewels; yojayitvaa = yoked to; ushhTra goshva balaih = camels; bullocks; horses; and mules; bhR^ityaaH = servants; anvayuH = followed; bharatam = Bharata; yaantam = as he departed.

Verse 30

बलेन गुप्तः भरतः महात्मा |
सह आर्यकस्य आत्म समैः अमात्यैः |
आदाय शत्रुघ्नम् अपेत शत्रुर् |
गृहात् ययौ सिद्धैव इन्द्र लोकात् || २-७०-३०

Being protected by the army, the high soled Bharata, who was free from enemies, taking Shatrughna along with other companions good enough to him, started from the palace of his venerable maternal uncle, as a Siddha(a semi- divine being of great purity and perfection and said to possess supernatural faculties) would start from Indraloka( the world of celestials).

30. guptaH = being protected; balena = by the army; mahaatmaa = the high soled; bharatah = Bharata; apeta shatruH = who was free from enemies; aadaaya = and taking; shatrughnam = shatrughna; amaatyaiH saha = along with companies; aatmasamaih = good enough to him; yayon = started; gR^ihaat = from the palace; aaryakasya = of his venerable maternal uncle; indralokaadiva = as from the world of celestials; siddhah = a Siddha(a semi divine being of great purity and perfection and said to possess supernatural faculties).

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