70 – Kabandha’s overlong arms are cut off


Kabandha’s overlong arms are cut off when he wanted to devour Rama and Lakshmana as godsend dainty morsels. Then Kabandha wishes to know who these two are and when Lakshmana informs him of Rama, that demon feels elated for his accursed state is over at the hands of Rama.

Verse 1

तौ तु तत्र स्थितौ दृष्ट्वा भ्रातरौ राम लक्ष्मणौ |
बाहु पाश परिक्षिप्तौ कबन्धो वाक्यम् अब्रवीत् || ३-७०-१

On prying at those two brothers, Rama and Lakshmana, who are completely stowed in the hangman’s halter-like arms of the demon, and who are enduring within it, Kabandha said this sentence to them. [3-70-1]

1. baahu paasha pari kSiptau = arms, [hangman’s] halter, completely stowed by; tatra sthitau = therein [within the grip,] staying [enduring]; bhraatarau = at brothers; tau raama lakSmaNau = them, at Rama, Lakshmana; dR^iSTvaa = on seeing [prying]; kabandhaH vaakyam abraviit = Kabandha, sentence, said.

Verse 2

तिष्ठतः किम् नु माम् दृष्ट्वा क्षुधा आर्तम् क्षत्रिय ऋषभौ |
आहार अर्थम् तु सन्दिष्टौ दैवेन गत चेतसौ || ३-७०-२

“Oh, excellent Kshatriya-s, on seeing me who am miserably famished, really what for you stay cool? You are the godsend gobs of mine, and hence now you are almost dead…” So said Kabandha to brothers. [3-70-2]

2. kSatriya R^iSabhau = oh, Kshatriya, best ones among; kSudhaa aartam = by hunger, anguished [miserably famished]; maam dR^iSTvaa = me, on seeing; kim nu tiSThataH = what for, really, you stay [cool]; gata cetasau = gone, your lives [you are almost dead]; daivena aahaara artham tu sandiSTau = by god, food [my gobbets,] for purpose of, only, you are sent.

Verse 3

तत् श्रुत्वा लक्ष्मणो वाक्यम् प्राप्त कालम् हितम् तदा |
उवाच आर्तिम् समापन्नो विक्रमे कृत निश्चयः || ३-७०-३

Lakshmana who is possessed by anguish, and who is determined to wreck revenge on that demon, said these expedient and advisable words to Rama on hearing that demon’s word. [3-70-3]

3. lakSmaNaH = Lakshmana; tat shrutvaa = that, one hearing; tadaa aartim sam aapannaH = then [who is by now,] anguish, possessed by; vikrame kR^ita nishcayaH = in valour [to wreck revenge on demon,] making, determination; praapta kaalam = chanced, time [expedient]; hitam vaakyam uvaaca = advisable, words, said [to Rama.]

Verse 4

त्वाम् च माम् च पुरा तूर्णम् आदत्ते राक्षस अधमः |
तस्मात् असिभ्याम् अस्य आशु बाहू चिन्दावहे गुरू || ३-७०-४

“This scurrilous demon quickly hauled in you and me to his face level, and he will quickly take us in, therefore, we will have to swiftly hack off his lengthy arms at his shoulder level… [3-70-4]

4. raakSasa adhamaH = demon, scurrilous; tuurNam = quickly; tvaam ca = you, also; maam ca = me, also; puraa = prior to; aadatte = can take in / hauled us in; tasmaat = therefore; asya = his; guruu baahuu = lengthy, arms; asibhyaam = with two [of our] swords; aashu = swiftly; chindaavahe = we hack off.

Verse 5

भिषणो अयम् महाकायो राक्षसो भुज विक्रमः |
लोकम् हि अति जितम् कृत्वा हि अवाम् हन्तुम् इह इच्छति || ३-७०-५

“Gruesome is this gargantuan bodied demon, and triumphing over just with his arms he has utterly devastated this province, and he now wishes to end us… [3-70-5]

5. bhiSaNaH = gruesome one; mahaakaayaH = gargantuan bodied; bhuja vikramaH = by arms, triumphing one; ayam raakshasaH = such, a demon; lokam ati jitam kR^itvaa = world [his province,] completely, conquered [devastating,] on making; iha avaam hantum icChati hi = now, us, to finish off, wishes, indeed.

Verse 6

निश्चेष्टानाम् वधो राजन् कुत्स्तितो जगती पतेः |
क्रतु मध्य उपनीतानाम् पशूनाम् इव राघव || ३-७०-६

“Oh, king Raghava, killing the non-aggressive is tantamount to the killing of animals that are led into Vedic-ritual in its midst is despicable to the kings… [3-70-6]

6. raajan raaghava = oh, king, Raghava; niH cheSTaanaam = without, gesticulations [motionless, those that are non-aggressive]; vadhaH = [their] killing; kratu madhya = Vedic-ritual, in the midst of; upa niitaanaam pashuunaam iva = to nigh, led in, animal, like [tantamount to]; jagatii pateH kutstitaH = for world’s, lords [kings,] despicable.

Verse 7

एतत् संजल्पितम् श्रुत्वा तयोः क्रुद्धः तु राक्षसः |
विदार्य आस्यम् ततो रौद्रम् तौ भक्षयितुम् आरभत् || ३-७०-७

On hearing all of their conversation that demon is infuriated, and then widely opening his ferocious mouth he started to wolf down both of them. [3-70-7]

7. kruddhaH raakshasaH tu = infuriated, demon, on his part; tataH = then; tayoH = their; sam jalpitam = together, talked [conversation]; etat shrutvaa = all that, on hearing; raudram aasyam vidaarya = ferocious, mouth, broke open – opening wide; tau bhakshayitum aarabhat = both, to wolf down, started to.

Verse 8

ततः तौ देश कालज्ञौ खड्गाभ्याम् एव राघवौ |
अच्छिन्दताम् सुसंहृष्टौ बाहू तस्य अंस देशतः || ३-७०-८

Then both the Raghava-s are very highly gladdened as the demon is hauling them towards his eye at shoulder level, and as they are the brothers with circumspection, they instantly mutilated his arms right at their shoulder joints only with two swords. [3-70-8]

8. tataH = then; su sam hR^iSTau = very, highly, gladdened; desha kaalaj~nau = place, time knowers of [brothers with circumspection]; tau raaghavau = those, Raghava-s; khaDgaabhyaam eva = with two swords, only; tasya baahuu = his, arms; amsa deshataH = shoulder joint, from the place of; acChindataam = mutilated.

Verse 9

दक्षिणो दक्षिणम् बाहुम् असक्तम् असिना ततः |
चिच्छेद रामो वेगेन सव्यम् वीरः तु लक्ष्मणः || ३-७०-९

Then that dextrous Rama with an unrestrained speed hacked off the right arm, and valiant Lakshmana on his part hewed down the left arm that speedily. [3-70-9]

9. tataH = then; dakSiNaH raamaH = dextrous, Rama; a saktam = not, restrained; vegena = with speed; dakSiNam baahum = right, arm; asinaa cicCheda = with sword, hacked off; viiraH lakSmaNaH tu = valiant one, Lakshmana, on his part; savyam [baahum cicCheda] = left [arm, hewed down.]

Verse 10

स पपात महाबाहुः चिन्न बाहुः महा स्वनः |
खम् च गाम् च दिशः चैव नादयन् जलदो यथा || ३-७०-१०

He that overlong-armed Kabandha fell down with mangled arms, reverberated the sky, earth, and all of the ten points of horizon with a cacophonous voice, like a black-thunderous-cloud. [3-70-10]

10. mahaabaahuH = overlong-armed; saH = he, Kabandha; chinna baahuH = with mangled, arms; mahaa svanaH = with cacophonous, voice; jala daH yathaa = rain, giver [black-thunderous-cloud,] as with; kham ca = sky, also; gaam ca = earth, also; [dasha] dishaH caiva = [ten] points of horizons, also, thus; naadayan = reverberating; papaata = he, fell down.

Verse 11

स निकृत्तौ भुजौ दृष्ट्वा शोणित ओघ परिप्लुतः |
दीनः पप्रच्छ तौ वीरौ कौ युवाम् इति दानवः || ३-७०-११

That demon on seeing at his dissevered shoulders on which the gushes of blood are overflowing, he self-piteously asked those two bold ones thus as, “who are you…” [3-70-11]

11. saH daanavaH = he, that demon; nikR^ittau bhujau = at his dissevered, shoulders; dR^iSTvaa = on seeing; shoNita ogha pari plutaH = blood, gushes, with over, flowing; diinaH = self-piteously; yuvaam kau = you two, who; iti = thus; tau viirau papracCha = those, two bold ones, has asked.

Verse 12

इति तस्य ब्रुवाणस्य लक्ष्मणः शुभ लक्षणः |
शशंस तस्य काकुत्स्थम् कबंधस्य महाबलः || ३-७०-१२

When that great mighty Kabandha is asking thus, Lakshmana who has prosperous characteristics has informed him about Rama of Kakutstha, an unremitting dynasty. [3-70-12]

12. tasya iti bruvaaNasya = his, this way, who is speaking [asking]; shubha lakSaNaH = one with prosperous, characteristics; lakSmaNaH = Lakshmana; mahaabalaH [mahaatmaanaH] = great-mighty [or, great souled]; tasya kabandhasya = to him, to Kabandha; kaakutstham shashamsa = about Kakutstha Rama, informed.

Verse 13

अयम् इक्ष्वाकु दायादो रामो नाम जनैः श्रुतः |
तस्य एव अवरजम् विद्धि भ्रातरम् माम् च लक्ष्मणम् || ३-७०-१३

“He is known to people by the name of Rama, the legatee of Ikshvaku dynasty, and you know me as his younger brother, Lakshmana, by my name… [3-70-13]

13. ayam = he is; raamaH naama = Rama, by name; janaiH shrutaH = by people, heard [known]; ikSvaaku daayaadaH = Ikshvaaku’s, legatee; maam tasya avarajam bhraataram = me, his, later born [younger,] as brother; lakSmaNam [naama naamataH] = as Lakshmana [named one by my name]; viddhi = you know.

Verse 14

मात्रा प्रतिहतो राज्ये रामः प्रवाजितो वनम् |
मया सह चरति एष भार्यया च महत् वनम् || ३-७०-१४

“Countervailed from kingdom by mother this Rama is bluntly sent to forests, and he is on the rove in great forests along with me ad his wife… [3-70-14]

14. eSa = this one; raamaH = Rama; maatraa = by mother; prati hataH = counter, vailed; raajye = from kingdom; vanam pra vaajitaH = to forest, bluntly, sent to; mayaa saha = me, along with; bhaaryayaa ca = with his wife, also; mahat vanam carati = great, forest, he moves about.

Verse 15

अस्य देव प्रभावस्य वसतो विजने वने |
रक्षसा अपहृता भार्या याम् इच्छन्तौ इह आगतौ || ३-७०-१५

“A demon stole his wife while he whose leverage is like that of god is living in the unpopulated forest… and wishing to retrieve her we came here… [3-70-15]

15. vi jane vane = without, people, in forest; vasataH = while living; deva prabhaavasya = god [like that of,] in his leverage; asya bhaaryaa rakSasaa apahR^itaa = his, wife, by demon, abducted; yaam icChantau iha aagatau = whom, wishing [to retrieve,] to here, [we] came.

Verse 16

त्वम् तु को वा किम् अर्थम् वा कबन्ध सदृशो वने |
आस्येन उरसि दीप्तेन भग्न जन्घो विचेष्टसे || ३-७०-१६

“But who are you? Your legs are broken, and your mouth is infernal, yet it is on your chest, and alike a topless, rootless tree trunk you are sprawling in the forest, how so, or, for what reason?” Lakshmana asked the demon thus. [3-70-16]

16. tvam tu = you, but; kaH vaa = who, or; kabandha sadR^ishaH = trunk, alike; urasi diiptena aasyena = in chest, infernal, with mouth; bhagna janghaH = broken, calves [legs, legless]; vane = in forest; kim artham vaa = for what, reason, or; vi ceSTase = sprawling.

Verse 17

एवम् उक्तः कबंधः तु लक्ष्मणेन उत्तरम् वचः |
उवाच परम प्रीतः तत् इन्द्र वचनम् स्मरन् || ३-७०-१७

But Kabandha is highly delighted when Lakshmana spoke that way, as the words of Indra came to his memory, and he said these words in reply. [3-70-17]

17. lakSmaNena evam uktaH = by Lakshmana, that way, when spoken; kabandhaH tu = Kabandha, on his part; tat indra vacanam smaran = that, Indra’s, words, on memorising; parama priitaH = highly, delighted; uttaram vacaH uvaaca = in reply, words, spoke.

Verse 18

स्वागतम् वाम् नरव्याघ्रौ दिष्ट्या पश्यामि वाम् अहम् |
दिष्ट्या च इमौ निकृत्तौ मे युवाभ्याम् बाहु बन्धनौ || ३-७०-१८

“Oh, manly tigers, by my providence you are revealed to me… welcome to you… and providentially sheared are these shackles, called my two arms, by you… [3-70-18]

18. naravyaaghrau = oh, manly-tigers; vaam svaagatam [su aagatam] = to you, well, come; aham vaam diSTyaa pashyaami = I am, you, providentially, seeing you [instead, you are a revelation to me];; diSTyaa = providentially; yuvaabhyaam = by you two; me imau = my, these; baahu bandhanau = arms, shackles of [or, bondage]; nikR^ittau = sheared.

Verse 19

विरूपम् यत् च मे रूपम् प्राप्तम् हि अविनयात् यथा |
तत् मे शृणु नरव्याघ्र तत्त्वतः शंसतः तव || ३-७०-१९

“Oh, manly tiger, actually how this form of mine is disfigured, of course owing to my distrustful behaviour, that you may listen while I narrate it to you. [3-70-19]

19. naravyaaghra = oh, manly tiger; me = my; vi ruupam = dis, figure; yat ruupam = mine, which, form – is there; that; yathaa = as to how; a vinayaat = by dis, respect; praaptam = chanced on me; tava = to you; tattvataH shamsataH = actually, while being narrated; tat me shR^iNu = that, from me, you listen.

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