70 – ikshvaaku’s lineage detailed


Ikshvaku’s bloodline is narrated as custom demands to enquire into the bridegroom’s lineage. Vashishta narrates this to other Kushadhvaja, who is also summoned to participate in the wedding celebrations, and who later has to offer his two daughters to Bharata and Shatrughna. This listing and eulogising ancestors is an adjunctive custom in Indian marriages. Nowadays it is limited to cite only three preceding generations, instead of narrating from the first, since nobody holds his family tree, ready at hand.

Verse 1

ततः प्रभाते जनकः कृतकर्मा महर्षिभिः |
उवाच वाक्यं वाक्यज्ञः शतानंदं पुरोहितम् || १-७०-१

Then on the next day morning after getting the ritual liturgies performed through sages, he that articulator Janaka articulated this to sage Shataananda, the royal priest. [1-70-1]

1. tataH prabhaate = then, in [next] morning; maharSibhiH = through sages; kR^itakarmaaH = having performed liturgies; vaakyaj~naH = knower of [articulator] sentence; janakaH = Janaka; purohitam shataanandam = to the [royal] priest Shataananda; vaakyam uvaaca = said sentence.

Verse 2 & 3

भ्राता मम महातेजा यवीयानतिधार्मिकः |
कुशध्वज इति ख्यातः पुरीमध्यवसच्छुभाम् || १-७०-२
वार्या फलकपर्यन्तां पिबन्निक्षुमतीं नदीम् |
सांकाश्यां पुण्यसंकाशां विमानमिव पुष्पकम् || १-७०-३

My younger brother renowned thus as Kushadhvaja, a highly self-righteous one and a highly brilliant one is ruling from the auspicious and holy city named Saankaasya, which city is surrounded by River Ikshumati as a natural moat, in which moat bastions of tridents are staked all around… and my brother presides over that city as if he is sitting in the Pushpaka aircraft of richly-rich god Kubera, and as though supping the sugarcane juice-like waters of River Ikshumati… [1-70-2, 3]

2, 3. atidhaarmikaH = highly self-righteousness; kushadhvajaH iti khyaataH = thus, renowned as Kushadhvaja; mahaatejaaH = highly brilliant one; mama yaviiyaan bhraataa = my, younger, brother; ikSumatiim = River Ikshumati [with sugar-cane juice like waters]; nadiim = of River Ikshumati; piban = drinking [supping]; vaaryaa phalakaparyantaam = staked trident [bastions] all around in water [of moats]; shubhaam = auspicious; puNyasankaashaam = equal to holiness – a holy city; saankaashyaam = Saankaasya named city; puriim = in such city; puSpakam vimaanam iva = like Pushpaka aircraft; adhyavasat = presides over [he is ruling from.]

Verse 4

तमहं द्रष्टुमिच्छामि यज्ञगोप्ता स मे मतः |
प्रीतिं सोऽपि महातेजा इमां भोक्ता मया सह || १-७०-४

“And I wish to see him, as he is the nominated benefactor of this Vedic-ritual of mine, and he too shall become a rejoicer in partaking the joyousness of this marriage… ” So said Janaka to Shataananda. [1-70-4]

4. aham tam draSTum icChaami = I wish to see him; saH me yaj~nagoptaa mataH = he is agreed to be my, Vedic-ritual’s protector- benefactor – he is nominated as supplier of all paraphernalia to the ritual; mahaatejaaH saH api = he is highly brilliant one, even; mayaa saha imaam priitim bhoktaa = will be rejoicer of joyousness of this [marriage] along with me.

Verse 5

एवमुक्ते तु वचने शतानंदस्य संनिधौ |
आगताः केचिदव्यग्रा जनकस्तान् समादिशत् || १-७०-५

That way when Janaka asseverated that enunciation in the presence of Shataananda, Shataananda in turn ordered and summoned envoys, and then some alacritous envoys have come, whom Janaka ordered to proceed to his brother. [1-70-5]

5. shataanandasya sannidhau = in presence of Shataananda; evam vacane ukte sati = that way, after saying [on asseverating] words [enunciation] ; avyagraaH = not flustering [alacritous envoys]; kecit aagataaH = some [envoys,] have come; janakaH taan samaadishat = Janaka, ordered them.

Verse 6

शासनात्तु नरेन्द्रस्य प्रययुः शीघ्रवाजिभिः |
समानेतुं नरव्याघ्रं विष्णुमिन्द्राज्ञया यथा || १-७०-६

By the order of the king those envoys who have speedy horses have travelled on to city Saankaasya speedily, to lead forth that tigerly man Kushadhvaja that speedily, which is as good as fetching Vishnu by order of Indra. [1-70-6]

6. narendrasya shaasanaat tu = just by king’s order; indraaj~nayaa viSNum yathaa = by order of Indra , as with Vishnu – to fetch Vishnu as per Indra’s order; naravyaaghram samaanetum = to fetch tigerly man [Kushadhvaja]; shiighravaajibhiH prayayuH = travelled by [those envoys that] speedy horses.

Verse 7

सांकाश्यां ते समागम्य ददृशुश्च कुशध्वजम् |
न्यवेदयन् यथावृत्तं जनकस्य च चिन्तितम् || १-७०-७

On arriving in city Saankaasya those envoys have seen king Kushadhvaja and on submitting what has happened to the king about Rama’s breaking of Shiva’s bow, and they have also submitted the point of view of Janaka regarding marriages of four daughters. [1-70-7]

7. te = those envoys; samkaashyaam samaagamya = arriving in Saankaasya city; kushadhvajam dadR^ishuH ca = they have seen Kushadhvaja also; yathaavR^ittam = as has happened; and; janakasya cintitam ca = Janaka’s thought [point of view,] even; nyavedayan = reported.

Verse 8

तद्वृत्तं नृपतिः श्रुत्वा दूतश्रेष्ठैर्महाजवैः |
आज्ञया तु नरेन्द्रस्य आजगाम कुशध्वजः || १-७०-८

On hearing that event from the worthy envoys whose speed is praiseworthy, king Kushadhvaja came right away to Mithila by the order of king Janaka. [1-70-8]

8. nR^ipatiH kushadhvajaH = king, Kushadhvaja; mahaajavaiH = through great speeded [of praiseworthy speed]; duutashreSThaiH = from worthy envoys; tat vR^ittam shrutvaa = on hearing that event; narendrasya aaj~nayaa aajagaama = came forth [to Mithila] by king Janaka’s order.

Verse 9 & 10a

स ददर्श महात्मानं जनकं धर्मवत्सलम् |
सोऽभिवाद्य शतानंदं जनकं चातिधार्मिकम् || १-७०-९
राजार्हं परमं दिव्यमासनं चाध्यरोहत |

Kushadhvaja addressed himself to the insightful one and a compassionate person in the duty of an elder brother, namely Janaka, and on reverencing sage Shataananda firstly, next he has reverenced his fondly affectionate brother Janaka, and then he sat upon a majestic seat, that which is befitting to kings. [1-70-9, 10a]

9, 10a. saH = he Kushadhvaja; dharmavatsalam = a compassionate one towards duty [of an elder brother] – one who is helping as an elder brother; mahaatmaanam janakam = noble souled [insightful,] Janaka; dadarsha = has seen [addressed himself]; saH = he Kushadhvaja; shataanandam = [firstly] to Shataananda; and; atidhaarmikam = highly righteous [fondly, affectionate brother]; janakam ca = [next] to Janaka, also; abhivaadya = on reverencing; raajaarham = befitting for king; paramam divyam aasanam ca = on highly divine [majestic] seat, also; adhyarohata [adhi-aarohat] = mounted upon [sat upon.]

Verse 10b & 11a

उपविष्टावुभौ तौ तु भ्रातरावमितौजसौ || १-७०-१०
प्रेषयामासतुर्वीरौ मन्त्रिश्रेष्ठं सुदामनम् |

Both the brothers of unlimited self-refulgence having assumed their high seats, they who are distinguished for their righteous acts have started to send Sudaamana, the distinguished minister. [1-70-10b, 11a]

10b, 11a. amitaujasau = of unlimited self-refulgence; tau viirau = those two, valorous [distinguished brothers for their righteous acts]; ubhau bhraatarau = both, brothers; upaviSTau = while seated [having assumed high seats]; mantrishreSTham sudaamanam = distinguished minister, Sudaamana; preSayaamaasatuH = started to send.

Verse 11b & 12a

गच्छ मंत्रिपते शीघ्रमैक्ष्वाकममितप्रभम् || १-७०-११
आत्मजैः सह दुर्धर्षमानयस्व समंत्रिणम् |

“Oh, minister plenipotentiary, Sudaamana, you please proceed immediately to king Dasharatha, the legatee of Ikshvaku-s with illimitable resplendence, and let that invincible king Dasharatha be led hither along with his sons and along with his Vedic-celebrants…” Thus Janaka ordered Sudaamana, the minister. [1-70-11b, 12a]

11b, 12a. mantripate = oh husband / chief [plenipotentiary] of minister; shiighram = immediately; amitaprabham = to one with – unlimited resplendence; aikSvaakam = to Ikshvaku’s [legatee of, Dasharatha]; gacCha = you go; durdharSam = un assailable [invincible king Dasharatha]; samantriNam = who will be – with ministers [Vedic celebrants]; aatmajaiH saha = with his sons; aanayasva = lead him forth [hither.]

Verse 12b & 13a

औपकार्यां स गत्वा तु रघूणां कुलवर्धनम् || १-७०-१२
ददर्श शिरसा चैनमभिवाद्येदमब्रवीत् |

Accordingly Sudaamana has gone to the visitatorial-palace of the promoter of Raghu’s heritage, namely Dasharatha, and he said this on appearing before that king duly bowing down and hailing the king. [1-70-12b, 13a]

12b, 13a. saH = he Sudaamana; aupakaaryaam = to visitatorial-palace; gatvaa = on going; raghuuNaam kulavardhanam = promoter of Raghu’s heritage – Dasharatha; dadarsha = seen [appeared before]; enam shirasaa abhivaadya ca = on hailing him with head [head-bent, bow down], also; idam abraviit = said this.

Verse 13b & 14a

अयोध्याधिपते वीर वैदेहो मिथिलाधिपः || १-७०-१३
स त्वां द्रष्टुं व्यवसितः सोपाध्यायपुरोहितम् |

“Oh, valiant king, oh, sovereign of Ayodhya, his highness the sovereign of Mithila from the heritage of Videha kings is poised for seeking an audience with your highness, along with your highness’ royal-priest Vashishta and other mentors…” The minister Sudaamana said so to Dasharatha. [1-70-13b, 14a]

13b-14a. viira = oh valiant one; ayodhyaadhipate = oh Ayodhya’ sovereign; mithilaadhipaH = Mithila’s sovereign; saH vaidehaH = he, the king of Videha heritage – Janaka; sopaadhyaayapurohitam = with [your] mentors, royal-priest; tvaam draSTum vyavasitaH = poised to see [seeking an audience] you.

Verse 14b & 15a

मंत्रिश्रेष्ठवचः श्रुत्वा राजा सर्षिगणस्तदा || १-७०-१४
सबन्धुरगमत्तत्र जनको यत्र वर्तते |

On hearing that best minister’s words, then king Dasharatha came to the place where Janaka is available, along with his kinsmen and the assemblages of sages. [1-70-14b, 15a]

14b, 15a. tadaa = then; raajaa = king Dasharatha; mantrishreSThavacaH shrutvaa = on hearing words of the best minister; saRSigaNaH = with sage’s assemblages; sabandhuH = with kinsmen; janakaH yatra vartate = where Janaka is available; tatra = there; agamat = came.

Verse 15b & 16a

राजा च मंत्रिसहितः सोपाध्यायः सबांधवः || १-७०-१५
वाक्यं वाक्यविदां श्रेष्ठो वैदेहमिदमब्रवीत् |

That sententious king Dasharatha said this to the king from the lineage of Videha kings, Janaka, who is with his mentors, kinsfolk, and ministers. [1-70-15b, 16a]

15b, 16a. mantrisahitaH = along with ministers; sopaadhyaayaH = with [amongst] mentors; sabaandhavaH = with kinsfolk; vaakyavidaam shreSThah = the best [sententious king Dasharatha]among experts in making sentence; raajaa = king Dasharatha; vaideham idam vaakyam abraviit = said this sentence to king from the linage of Videha .

Verse 16b & 17a

विदितं ते महाराज इक्ष्वाकुकुलदैवतम् || १-७०-१६
वक्ता सर्वेषु कृत्येषु वसिष्ठो भगवानृषिः |

“Oh, exalted king Janaka, you already appreciate that this godly sage Vashishta is godlike to the bloodline of Ikshvaku-s, and in all affairs he is our internuncio… [1-70-16b, 17a]

16b,17a. mahaaraaja = oh exalted king Janaka; bhagavaan R^iSiH vasiSThaH = godly, sage, Vashishta; ikSvaakukuladaivatam = godlike to the bloodline of Ikshvaku; sarveSu kR^ityeSu = in all, the works [affairs]; vaktaa = speaker [our internuncio]; te viditam = known to you [you already appreciate.]

Verse 17b, 18 & 19a

विश्वामित्राभ्यनुज्ञातः सह सर्वैर्महर्षिभिः || १-७०-१७
एष वक्ष्यति धर्मात्मा वसिष्ठो मे यथाक्रमम् |
तूष्णींभूते दशरथे वसिष्ठो भगवानृषिः || १-७०-१८
उवाच वाक्यं वाक्यज्ञो वैदेहं सपुरोधसाम् |

“Should an assent be given by Sage Vishvamitra, along with all the great sages present here, this equanimous Vashishta will narrate about my bloodline, lineally…” And, to the nod of Vishvamitra Dasharatha become reticent, and then the godly and sententious sage Vashishta who is along with his men of the cloth said these sentences to the king of Videha, namely Janaka. [1-70-17b, 18, 19a]

17b, 18, 19a. sarvaiH maharSibhiH saha = along with all great sages; vishvaamitraabhyanuj~naataH = duly assented by Vishvamitra; dharmaatmaa eSaH vasiSThaH = virtue-souled [equanimous,] this, Vashishta; yathaakramam = as per lineage; me = of mine [my bloodline]; vakSyati= will narrate about; dasharathe = by Dasharatha; tuuSNiimbhuute = on becoming silent – when took pause; vaakyaj~naH = sententious sage; vasiSThaH bhagavaan R^iSiH = Vashishta, godly, sage; sapurodhasaam = with [his] men of the cloth; vaideham vaakyam uvaaca = said sentence to Videha king.

Verse 19b & 20

अव्यक्तप्रभवो ब्रह्मा शाश्वतो नित्य अव्ययः || १-७०-१९
तस्मान्मरीचिः संजज्ञे मरीचेः कश्यपः सुतः |
विवस्वान् कश्यपाज्जज्ञे मनुर्वैवस्वतः स्मृतः || १-७०-२०

The Unprovable emanated the timeless, changeless and perishless Brahma, and from that Being, namely Brahma, Mariichi is begotten, and Kaashyapa is the son of Mariichi, and the Sun is begotten from Kaashyapa, and Manu is said to be the son of the Sun… [1-70-19b, 20]

19b, 20. avyaktaprabhavaH = unprovable emanated; shaashvataH = timeless; nitya = changeless; avyayaH = perishless; such a; brahmaa = Brahma – is there; tasmaat mariiciH sanjaj~ne = Mariichi is begotten from that [Being, Brahma] ; mariiceH kashyapaH sutaH = Kaashyapa is the son of Mariici; kashyapaat = from Kaashyapa; vivasvaan = Vivasvaan [The Sun]; jaj~ne = is begotten; vaivasvataH = from Vaivasvat [from Sun]; manuH smR^itaH = Manu, is said to be the son.

Verse 21

मनुः प्रजापतिः पूर्वमिक्ष्वाकुश्च मनोः सुतः |
तमिक्ष्वाकुमयोध्यायां राजानं विद्धि पूर्वकम् || १-७०-२१

Manu is the earliest Prajaapati and Ikshvaaku is the son of Manu, and that Ikshvaaku is the first king of Ayodhya… know thus… [1-70-21]

21. manuH puurvam prajaapatiH = Manu is, earliest, Prajaapati; ikSvaakuH manoH sutaH = Ikshvaku is, Manu’s, son; tam ikSvaakum = him, that Ikshvaku; ayodhyaayaam = in Ayodhya; puurvakam raajaanam viddhi = thus known as earliest king.

Verse 22

इक्ष्वाकोस्तु सुतः श्रीमान् कुक्षिरित्येव विश्रुतः |
कुक्षेरथात्मजः श्रीमान् विकुक्षिरुपपद्यत || १-७०-२२

The son of Ikshvaaku is the legendary Kukshi, thus he is renowned, and the famous Vikukshi is the son of Kukshi… [1-70-22]

22. shriimaan kukSiH iti eva vishrutaH = legendary Kukshi, thus, only, renowned; ikSvaakoH sutaH = Ikshvaaku’s, son; atha = then; kukSeH = from Kukshi; shriimaan vikukShiH aatmajaH upapadyata = son famous Vikukshi originated.


Verse 23

विकुक्षेस्तु महातेजा बाणः पुत्रः प्रतापवान् |
बाणस्य तु महातेजा अनरण्यः प्रतापवान् || १-७०-२३

From that most brilliant and courageous Vikukshi, Baana emerged as son, and the highly refulgent and valinat Anaranya is the son of Baana… [1-70-23]

23. mahaatejaaH = most brilliant one; prataapavaan = courageous one; baaNaH = Baana; vikukSheH putraH = Vikukshi’s, son; mahaatejaaH prataapavaan = highly refulgent, valiant; anaraNyaH = Anaranya is; baaNasya = Baana’s [son.]

Verse 24

अनरण्यात्पृथुर्जज्ञे त्रिशंकुस्तु पृथोः सुतः |
त्रिशंकोरभवत्पुत्रो धुन्धुमारो महायशाः || १-७०-२४

Pruthu is the son of Anaranya, and Trishanku is Pruthu’s son, and the highly renowned Dhundumaara happened to be the son of Trishanku… [1-70-24]

24. anaraNyaat pR^ithuH jaj~ne = Pruthu born from Anaranya; trishankuH tu pR^ithoH sutaH = Trishanku is, but, Pruthu’s, son; trishankoH = from Trishanku; mahaayashaaH dhundhumaaraH putraH abhavat = highly renowned one, Dhundumaara emerged as son.

Verse 25

धुन्धुमारान्महातेजा युवनाश्वो महारथः |
युवनाश्वसुतस्त्वासीन्मान्धाता पृथिवीपतिः || १-७०-२५

Dhundumaara begot a highly glorious and a speediest charioteer Yuvanaashva as son, and Mandhaata emerged as the son of Yuvanaashva… [1-70-25]

25. dhundhumaaraat = from Dhundumaara; mahaatejaaH mahaarathaH yuvanaashvaH = highly glorious one, speediest charioteer, Yuvanaashva – is the son; pR^ithiviipatiH = lord of – king of land; maandhaataa = Maandhaata; yuvanaashvasutaH asiit = emerged as Yuvanaashva’s son.

Verse 26

मान्धातुस्तु सुतः श्रीमान् सुसन्धिरुदपद्यत |
सुसंधेरपि पुत्रौ द्वौ ध्रुवसंधिः प्रसेनजित् || १-७०-२६

Maandhaata engendered the highly noble Susandhi as son, and even Susandhi engendered two sons, namely Dhruvasandhi and Prasenajit… [1-70-26]

26. maandhaatuH = to Maandhaata; susandhiH = one named Susandhi; shriimaan sutaH udapadyata = a highly noble, son, engendered; susandheH api = from Susandhi, even; dhruvasandhiH = Dhruvasandhi; prasenajit = Prasenajit; dvau putrau = two, sons – took birth.

Verse 27

यशस्वी ध्रुवसंधेस्तु भरतो नाम नामतः |
भरतात्तु महातेजा असितो नाम जायत || १-७०-२७

From Dhruvasandhi, an illustrious one named as Bharata is begotten, and Bharata begot a highly effulgent son named as Asita… [1-70-27]

27. dhruvasandheH tu = from Dhruvasandhi, but; naamataH bharataH naama = by name, Bharata, named; yashasvii = an illustrious one – took birth; bharataat tu = from Bharata, but; mahaatejaaH = highly effulgent one; asitaH naama jaayata = is begotten by name Asita.

Verse 28

यस्यैते प्रतिराजान उदपद्यन्त शात्रवः |
हैहयास्तालजंघाश्च शूराश्च शशबिंदवः || १-७०-२८

To which Asita, kings like Haihaya-s, Taalajanghaa-s, and the valiant Shashabindu-s have become adversaries and kings in hostility, he had to wage war with them… [1-70-28]

28. yasya = to which [Asita]; haihayaaH = Haihaya-s; taalajanghaaH ca = Taalajanghaa-s, also; shuuraaH shashabindavaH = valiant, Shashabindu-s; ete = these are; pratiraajaana = counter kings [hostile kings]; shaatravaH udapadyanta = resulted as adversaries.

Verse 29

तांस्तु स प्रतियुद्ध्यन् वै युद्धे राजा प्रवासितः |
हिमवन्तमुपागम्य भार्याभ्यां सहितस्तदा || १-७०-२९

While counterattacking those kings, Asita is dethroned in war and then he reached Himalayas along with his two wives… [1-70-29]

29. saH = he Asita; taan yuddhe = them, in war; pratiyuddhyan = counterattacking; pravaasitaH = exiled [dethroned]; raajaa = king Asita; tadaa = then; bhaaryaabhyaam sahitaH = along with two wives ; himavantam upaagamya = on reaching Himalayas.

Verse 30 & 31a

असितोऽल्पबलो राजा कालधर्ममुपेयिवान् |
द्वे चास्य भार्ये गर्भिण्यौ बभूवतुरिति श्रुतम् || १-७०-३०
एका गर्भविनाशार्थं सपत्न्यै सगरं ददौ |

Asita was with his meagre forces when he was in Himalayas, and there he drew nigh of his Time. At the time of his demise two of his wives were pregnant, and one of two wives gave toxic food to the co-wife for abortion… thus we heard… [1-70-30-31a]

30, 31a. raajaa asitaH = king, Asita; alpabalaH = with meagre army; [staying on Himalayas]; kaaladharmam upeyivaan = he drew nigh of Time’s onus – breathed his last; at that time; asya dve bhaarye garbhiNyau babhuuvatuH = his, two, wives, were pregnant; ekaa = one [of two wives]; garbhavinaashaartham = purpose of pregnancy ruination [abortion] ; sapatnai sagaram dadau = gave toxic [food] to co-wife; iti shrutam = thus, we heard.

Verse 31b & 32a

ततः शैलवरे रम्ये बभूवाभिरतो मुनिः || १-७०-३१
भार्गवश्च्यवनो नाम हिमवंतमुपाश्रितः |

There was a saint named Cyavana, the heir of Sage Bhrigu, who in fascination with best and beautiful mountains then taking shelter on Himalayas. [1-70-31b, 32a]

31b-32a. tataH = then; ramye shailavare abhirataH = in fascination on best beautiful mountain; bhaargavaH cyavanaH naama muniH = sage Bhrigu’s [heir,] Cyavana, named, saint; himavantam upaashritaH babhuuva = he was taking shelter on Himalayas.

Verse 32b & 33a

तत्र चैका महाभागा भार्गवं देववर्चसम् || १-७०-३२
ववन्दे पद्मपत्राक्षी कांक्षन्ती सुतमुत्तमम् |

One of the two wives of Asita, the lotus-petal eyed and highly fortunate one queen came there desirous of a best son, and reverenced the sage who is godly in his glow… [1-70-32b-33a]

32b, 33a. mahaabhaagaa = highly fortunate one; padmapatraakShii = lotus petal eyed one; [tayoH = of the two wives]; ekaa = one [from two wives of Asita]; uttamam sutam kaankShantii = desirous of a best son ; tatra = there; devavarcasam bhaargavam vavande = reverenced godly in glow.

Verse 33b & 34a

तमृषिं साभ्युपागम्य कालिन्दी चाभ्यवादयत् || १-७०-३३
स तामभ्यवदद्विप्रः पुत्रेप्सुं पुत्रजन्मनि |

Another queen Kaalindi who administer food poison to her co-wife has also come to the sage, and she too reverenced him. That sage spoke to her who received poison from her co-wife regarding the birth of her son. [1-70-34]

33b, 34a. saa kaalindii ca = she, that Kaalidi, also; tam R^iSim abhyupagamya abhyavaadata = reverenced to him on reaching nigh that sage; saH = he, that; vipraH = Brahman – the sage; taam = to her – who firstly arrived, who received poison; putrepsum = who is desiring son; putrajanmani = in the matter of son’s birth; abhyavaadayat = said towards.

Verse 34b & 35

तव कुक्षौ महाभागे सुपुत्रः सुमहाबलः || १-७०-३४
महावीर्यो महातेजा अचिरात् संजनिष्यति |
गरेण सहितः श्रीमान् मा शुचः कमलेक्षणे || १-७०-३५

‘Oh, highly fortunate lady, a very good son and a very mighty son is there in your womb. Soon you will give birth to a highly vigorous, highly refulgent son and that illustrious one will take birth with toxicity, but there is no need to worry…’ So said Sage Cyavana to the queen of Asita who received the poison. [1-70-35]

34b, 35. mahaabhaage = oh, highly fortunate lady; tava kukShau = in your, stomach [womb]; sumahaabalaH = very highly mighty one; mahaaviiryaH mahaatejaaH = highly vigorous, highly refulgent one; suputraH = a righteous son – is there; shriimaan = that illustrious one; gareNa sahitaH = along with toxin; aciraat samjaniSyati = soon, he takes birth; kamalekShaNe = oh, lotus-petal eyed one; maa shucaH = need not, worry.

Verse 36

च्यवनं च नमस्कृत्य राजपुत्री पतिव्रता |
पत्या विरहिता तस्मात् पुत्रं देवी व्यजायत || १-७०-३६

On reverencing Sage Cyavana that husband devout princess whose husband is no more that lady gave birth to a son… [1-70-36]

36. raajaputrii pativrataa = king’s daughter, husband devout; patyaa virahitaa = without [is no more] husband; devii = that lady; cyavanam namaskR^itya = reverencing Sage Cyavana; tasmaat = thereby [by the boon of sage]; putram vyajaayata = gave birth to son.

Verse 37

सपत्न्या तु गरस्तस्यै दत्तो गर्भजिघांसया |
सह तेन गरेणैव संजातः सगरोऽभवत् || १-७०-३७

“Because he took birth along with the poison administered to his mother by her co-wife, he became Sagara, the emperor…” [1-70-37]

37. sapatnyaa = by co-wife; tasyai = to her; garbhajighaamsayaa = ruination [for abortion] of womb; garaH dattaH = poison, given; tena gareNa saha samjaataH = took birth along with that poison ; hence he; sagaraH abhavat = became Sagara.

Verse 38

सगरस्यासमंजस्तु असमंजादथांशुमान् |
दिलीपोंऽशुमतः पुत्रो दिलीपस्य भगीरथः || १-७०-३८

From Sagara it is Asamanja and from Asamanja it is Amshuman, and from Amshuman it is Diliipa, and the son of Diliipa is Bhageeratha… [1-70-38]

38. asya sagarasya asamanjaH = from that, Sagara, Asamnja; atha = then; asamanjaat amshumaan = from Asamanja, Amshuman; diliipaH amshumataH putraH = Diliipa, Amshuman’s, son; diliipasya bhagiirathaH = Bhageeratha is the son of Diliipa.

Verse 39 & 40a

भगीरथात्ककुत्स्थश्च ककुत्स्थस्य रघुस्तथा |
रघोस्तु पुत्रस्तेजस्वी प्रवृद्धः पुरुषादकः || १-७०-३९
कल्माषपादो ह्यभवत्तस्माज्जातस्तु शङ्खणः |

From Bhageeratha it is Kakutstha, from Kakutstha it is Raghu, and Raghu’s son is the great resplendent Pravriddha, who is reduced to a human flesh eater, and he is also known as Kalmaashapaada… and from him, that Pravriddha, Shankana is born… [1-70-39, 40a]

39, 40a. bhagiirathaat kakutsthaH ca = from Bhageeratha, Kakutstha, also; tathaa = thus; raghuH kakutsthasya = it is Raghu, from Kakutstha; tejasvii pravR^iddhaH = resplendent one, Pravriddha; raghoH putraH = Raghu’s, son; he alone is; puruSaadakaH = eater of human flesh; kalmaaSapaadaH hi abhavat = indeed, [Pravriddha] became Kalmashapaada; tasmaat sha~NkhaNaH jaataH = from him [Pravriddha,] Shankana, is born.

Verse 40b & 41

सुदर्शनः शंखणस्य अग्निवर्णः सुदर्शनात् || १-७०-४०
शीघ्रगस्त्वग्निवर्णस्य शीघ्रगस्य मरुः सुतः |
मरोः प्रशुश्रुकस्त्वासीदंबरीषः प्रशुश्रुकात् || १-७०-४१

Shankana’s son is Sudarshana, and from Sudarshana it is Agnivarsna… And Shiigraga is the son of Agnivarsna, and Shiighraga’s son is Maru and from Maru it is Prashushruka, and Ambariisha is the son of Prashushruka… [1-70-41]

40b, 41. shankhaNasya sudarshanaH = Shamkana’s [son is,] Sudarshana; sudarshanaat agnivarNaH = from Sudarshana, it is Agnivarna; agnivarNasya shiighragaH = of Agnivarna, Shiigraga; shiighragasya sutaH maruH = Shiighraga’s, son, is Maru; maroH prashushrukaH = from Maru, it is Prashushruka; prashushrukaat ambariiSaH aasiit = Ambariisha is the son of Prashushruka.

Verse 42

अंबरीषस्य पुत्रोऽभून्नहुषश्च महीपतिः |
नहुषस्य ययातिस्तु नाभागस्तु ययातिजः || १-७०-४२

Ambariisha’s son was Nahusha, the emperor and Yayaati is the son of Nahusha, but Naabhaaga is born to Yayaati… [1-70-42]

42. mahiipatiH nahuSaH = king, Nahusha; ambariiSasya putraH abhuut = was Ambariisha’s son; nahuSasya yayaatiH = Nahusha’s [son is,] Yayaati; naabhaagaH yayaatijaH = Naabhaaga born from Yayaati.

Verse 44 & 45

आदिवंशविशुद्धानां राज्ञां परमधर्मिणाम् |
इक्ष्वाकुकुलजातानां वीराणां सत्यवादिनाम् || १-७०-४४
रामलक्ष्मणयोरर्थे त्वत्सुते वरये नृप |
सदृशाभ्यां नरश्रेष्ठ सदृशे दातुमर्हसि || १-७०-४५

“Oh, best one among men, Janaka, from the beginning this bloodline of Ikshvaaku-s is spotlessly immaculate, immensely impeccable, indomitable, and irreproachable, and in respect of these kings born in this line of blood, oh, king Janaka, I espouse that it will be meetly of you to offer your seemly daughters to this seemly pair of Rama and Lakshmana…” So said Vashishta to king Janaka. [1-70-44, 45]

44, 45. narashreSTha = oh best one among men, oh Janaka; nR^ipa = oh king Janaka; aadi [aaditaH] = from the beginning; vamshavishuddhaanaam = dynastically [this bloodline] spotlessly immaculate [souls]; paramadharmiNaam = immensely impeccable ones; viiraaNaam = for indomitable ones; satyavaadinaam = advocates of truth – irreproachable ones; ikSvaakukulajaataanaam = born in Ikshvaaku bloodline raaj~naam = belonging to kings; raamalakSmaNayoH arthe = in respect of Rama, Lakshmana; tvat sute varaye = I espouse your daughters; sadR^ishaabhyaam sadR^ishe = seemly daughters of yours to seemly [pair of brothers]; daatum = to espouse to; arhasi = meetly of you.

Verse 43

नाभागस्य बभूवाजः अजाद्दशरथोऽभवत् |
अस्माद्दशरथाज्जातौ भ्रातरौ रामलक्ष्मणौ || १-७०-४३

Aja was Naabhaaga’s son and from Aja, this Dasharatha is manifest, and from him, from this Dasharatha, these brothers, Rama and Lakshmana are born… [1-70-43]

43. naabhaagasya ajaH bhabhuuva = Naabhaaga’s son was Aja; ajaat dasharathaH abhavat = from Aja, Dasharatha, is manifest; asmaat dasharathaat = from him Dasharatha,; bhraatarau raamalakSmaNau jaatau = brothers, Rama and Lakshmana, are born.

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