69 – dasharatha arrives at mithila


Dasharatha arrives at Mithila and Janaka receives him reverentially, as he belongs to a crowning dynasty, called Ikshvaku-s. Then, after the usual exchange of royal pleasantries and protocol, all of them stay in Mithila comfortably.

Verse 1

ततो रात्र्यां व्यतीतायां सोपाध्यायः सबान्धवः |
राजा दशरथो हृष्टः सुमंत्रमिदमब्रवीत् || १-६९-१

On the next dawn that heartened king Dasharatha who is with his teachers and his relatives then said this to his minister Sumantra. [1-69-1]

1. sopaadhyaayaH = with teachers; sabaandhavaH = with relatives; raajaa dasharathaH hR^iSTaH = king, Dasharatha, who is heartened; tataH raatryaam vyatiitaayaam = then, night, on being elapsed [into next dawn]; sumantram idam abraviit = said this to Sumantra [his minister] .

Verse 2

अद्य सर्वे धनाध्यक्षा धनमादाय पुष्कलम् |
व्रजंत्वग्रे सुविहिता नानारत्नसमन्विताः || १-६९-२

Now let the chancellors of exchequers draw ample riches, gems and numerous other items that are used in the marriage from bridegroom’s side, all-inclusively, and let them travel in advance and let them be well-prepared for any exigency… [1-69-2]

2. adya = now; sarve dhanaadhyakSaa = all chancellors of exchequers; puSkalam dhanam aadaaya = on drawing ample riches; naanaaratnasamanvitaaH = numerous gems [where gems are, upa lakshaNa, the subjunctive items among the items that are used in marriages from bridegroom’s side,] all-inclusively; suvihitaa = well preparedly; agre vrajanti = let them travel in advance.

Verse 3

चतुरंगबलं चापि शीघ्रं निर्यातु सर्वशः |
ममाज्ञा समकालं च यानं युग्ममनुत्तमम् || १-६९-३

Let the quadruple forces start off in a trice from everywhere at my order, and others shall start with unexcelled vehicles like palanquins, sedan chairs, litters etc., and with those that can be yoked with horses, like cabined-coaches and horse-carriages… [1-69-3]

3. mama = my; aaj~naa = order; samakaalam ca = even with time, also [in a trice at my order]; caturangabalam ca api = quadruple forces also, even; sarvashaH = from everywhere; shiighram niryaatu = quickly, start off; anuttamam = unexcelled ones; yaanam = vehicles palanquins, sedan chairs, litters etc]; yugmam = that can be yoked [cabined-coaches with horses]; let start.

Verse 4 & 5

वसिष्ठो वामदेवश्च जाबालिरथ काश्यपः |
मार्कण्डेयश्च दीर्घायुर्ऋषिः कात्यायनस्तथा || १-६९-४
एते द्विजाः प्रयान्त्वग्रे स्यंदनं योजयस्व मे |
यथा कालात्ययो न स्याद्दूता हि त्वरयन्ति माम् || १-६९-५

“Vashishta, Vaamadeva, Jaabaali and Kaashyapa, and the long-lived Maarkandeya, and Sage Kaatyaayana… let these Brahmans travel in forefront… and let horses be yoked to my royal-cariole, and as the messengers of Janaka are hastening me arrange for the travel without time lapse…” Thus Dasharatha ordered. [1-69-4, 5]

4, 5. vasiSThaH vaamadevaH ca = Vashishta, Vaamadeva, also; atha = then; jaabaaliH kaashyapaH = Jaabaali, Kaashyapa; diirghaayuH maarkaNDeyaH ca = long lived one – one who has longevity, Maarkandeya, also; tathaa = likewise; R^iSiH kaatyaayanaH = sage, Kaatyaayana; ete dvijaaH = these, Brahmans; agre prayaantu = let them travel in forefront; me syandanam yojayasva = let it be yoked [with horses] to my royal-cariole; kaalaatyayaH yathaa na syaat = as to how time lapse will not be there; do it likewise; duutaaH maam tvarayanti hi = messengers [of Janaka,] hastening me, indeed.

Verse 6

वचनाच्च नरेन्द्रस्य सेना च चतुरंगिणी |
राजानमृषिभिः सार्धं व्रजंतं पृष्ठतोऽन्वगात् || १-६९-६

On the word of that best king the fourfold opulence, and even the fourfold forces up to some extent followed rearward of the king who is going after the sages who are going afore of him. [1-69-6]

6. narendrasya vacanaat = by the words of the best king; caturangiNii = quadruple [opulence]; senaa = [some] army; R^iSibhiH saardham = with sages, as well; vrajantam = he who is going; raajaanam = after that king; pR^iSThataH = at rearward; anvagaat = followed.

Verse 7

गत्वा चतुरहं मार्गं विदेहानभ्युपेयिवान् |
राजा तु जनकः श्रीमान् श्रुत्वा पूजामकल्पयत् || १-६९-७

Travelling on a four-day-route Dasharatha reached the fringes of Videha kingdom, and on hearing this, the illustrious king Janaka arranged for welcome ceremonies at the outskirts of the city. [1-69-7]

7. catuH aham maargam gatvaa = on going four day route; videhaan abhyupeyivaan [abhi-upa-eyivaan] = reached nearby Videha kingdom – reached fringes of Videha; raajaa shriimaan janakaH = king, illustrious Janaka; shrutvaa puujaam akalpayat = on hearing, arranged [welcome] ceremonies.

Verse 8

ततो राजानमासाद्य वृद्धं दशरथं नृपम् |
जनको मुदितो राजा हर्षं च परमं ययौ || १-६९-८

Then the king Janaka who is by far gladdened went into a state of ecstatic elation when he met the senescent king and paladin of people, namely Dasharatha, as the pace for the marriage celebrations is quickened because of the immediate arrival of Dasharatha. [1-69-8]

8. tataH = then; raajaa muditaH janakaH = gladdened king Janaka nR^Ipam raajaanam vR^iddham dasharatham = the senescent king and paladin of people, Dasharatha; aasaadya = on getting at; paramam harSam yayau = went into [a state of ] ecstatic elation.

Verse 9 & 10a

उवाच वचनं श्रेष्ठो नरश्रेष्ठं मुदान्वितम् |
स्वागतं ते नरश्रेष्ठः दिष्ट्या प्राप्तोऽसि राघव || १-६९-९
पुत्रयोरुभयोः प्रीतिं लप्स्यसे वीर्यनिर्जिताम् |

And the best one among men, king Janaka, gleefully said this commendable sentence to Dasharatha, the best legatee of Raghu, “oh, king, a hearty welcome to you. Oh, legatee of Raghu, your arrival to my city is just by my providence… you will now get delectation on seeing your sons who won accolades just by their valorousness in the act of raising and breaking Shiva’s bow…” [1-69-9, 10a]

9, 10a. narashreSThaH = best among men – Janaka; mudaanvitam = gleeful one; narashreSTham = to the best man [born in foremost lineage of Raghu-s, Dasharatha, the legatee of Raghu]; shreSThaH vacanam uvaaca = said best [commendable] sentence; raaghava = oh the legatee of Raghu; te svaagatam = hearty welcome to you; diSTyaa praaptaH asi = you are providentially bechanced [you have come] ; ubhayoH putrayoH = from both sons; viiryanirjitaam = completely won by valour ; priitim lapsyase = you get delight.

Verse 10b & 11a

दिष्ट्या प्राप्तो महातेजा वसिष्ठो भगवानृषिः || १-६९-१०
सह सर्वैर्द्विजश्रेष्ठैर्देवैरिव शतक्रतुः |

Providentially bechanced is the arrival of this great-resplendent and godly sage Vashishta, who arrived here with all of these eminent Brahmans, like Indra himself with all gods… [1-69-10b, 11a]

10b, 11a. mahaatejaaH bhagavaan vasiSThaH R^iSiH = great-resplendent, godly, Vashishta, the sage; sarvaiH dvijashreShThaiH saha = along with all eminent Brahmans ; devaiH shatakratuH iva = as with gods, like Indra [who had to perform ‘shata’ hundred ‘kratu’ Vedic-ritual-s in his earlier human birth,] ; diSTyaa praaptaH = providentially, bechanced – arrived here.

Verse 11b & 12a

दिष्ट्या मे निर्जिता विघ्ना दिष्ट्या मे पूजितं कुलम् || १-६९-११
राघवैः सह संबंधाद्वीर्यश्रेष्ठैर्महात्मभिः |

Providentially my hindrances are overcome by the arrival of godlike sages, and providentially my lineage too is gloried owing to this hymeneal engagement with noble-souled Raghava-s, who are the most valorous among all the valorous people… [1-69-11b, 12a]

11b, 12a. viiryashreSThaiH = among the best valorous ones; mahaatmabhiH raaghavaiH saha = with noble-souled Raghava-s; sambandhaat = [owing to this] hymeneal engagement; diSTyaa me vighnaaH nirjitaaH = providentially, my, hindrances, are overcome; diSTyaa me kulam puujitam = providentially, my, lineage, is glorified.

Verse 12b & 13a

श्वः प्रभाते नरेन्द्र त्वम् सम्वर्तयितुमर्हसि || १-६९-१२
यज्ञस्यान्ते नरश्रेष्ठ विवाहमृषिसत्तमैः |

Because you are born in first and foremost Ikshvaku dynasty, hence you are the Indra of Indra-like kings on earth… and hence, it will be apt of you to initiate the celebrations of marriage tomorrow, and the marriage itself after the culmination of the Vedic-ritual in three or four days, and the date and time for the marriage, that which is agreeable to the best sages can be decided, and you can get it performed on that date, through those great sages… [1-69-12b, 13a]

12b, 13b. narashreSTha = best in first-born-linage among men [because you are born in first and foremost Ikshvaku dynasty, hence you are]; narendra = oh Indra of Indra-like kings [on earth]; shvaH prabhaate = tomorrow, morning; yaj~nasya ante = at end of [at the culmination] vedic ritual; R^iSisattamaiH [sammatam] = with best Sages [conducted by, agreeable to for the time and date of marriage]; vivaaham tvam = you marriage; samvartayitum arhasi = apt of you to clearly initiate [about the talks, celebrations reg. marriage,] apt of you.

Verse 13b & 14a

तस्य तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा ऋषिमध्ये नराधिपः || १-६९-१३
वाक्यं वाक्यविदां श्रेष्ठः प्रत्युवाच महीपतिम् |

On hearing that sentence of king Janaka the sententious king Dasharatha replied the king Janaka from amongst the sages. [1-69-13b, 14a]

13b, 14a. vaakyam vaakyavidaam shreSThaH = sentence of best among sentence experts [sententious one – Dasharatha]; naraadhipaH = people’s king [Dasharatha]; tasya tat vacanam shrutvaa = on hearing his [Janaka’s,] that sentence; R^iSimadhye = amongst sages; mahiipatim = to king Janaka; prati uvaaca = replied.

Verse 14b & 15a

प्रतिग्रहो दातृवशः श्रुतमेतन्मया पुरा || १-६९-१४
यथा वक्ष्यसि धर्मज्ञ तत् करिष्यामहे वयम् |

“Recipiency rests with the restitutor…” so I have heard earlier. Hence, whatever you say, for you are the knower of probity and nothing goes amiss in your astute thinking, that we will do… [1-69-14b, 15a]

14b, 15a. pratigrahaH = taking in turn [recipiency]; daatR^ivashaH = in control of [rests with] donor [restitutor]; etat puraa mayaa shrutam = all this, earlier, heard by me; dharmaj~na = oh knower of probity; yathaa [tvam] vakSyasi = as, [whatever you] say; tat vayam kariSyaamahe = that, we, do.

Verse 15b & 16a

तद्धर्मिष्ठं यशस्यं च वचनं सत्यवादिनः || १-६९-१५
श्रुत्वा विदेहाधिपतिः परं विस्मयमागतः |

On listening that sentence of that affirmer of principles, namely Dasharatha, that which is conformable to the principles of marriages and familial glory, a thrill of joy came over the king of Videha. [1-69-15b. 16a]

15b, 16a. satyavaadinaH = affirmer of truth [principles] – Dasharatha; dharmiSTham = agreeable to the principles of marriages; yashasyam ca = agreeable to familial glory; tat = that; vacanam = sentence; shrutvaa = on listening; videhaadhipatiH = king of Videha; param vismayam aagataH = extremely thrill [of joy] came over.

Verse 16b & 17a

ततः सर्वे मुनिगणाः परस्परसमागमे || १-६९-१६
हर्षेण महता युक्तास्तां निशामवसन् सुखम् |

Then, on the foregathering of sages from Vashishta’s side with the sages of Mithila all the sages have attained extreme joy and they spent that night happily. [1-69-16b, 17a]

16b, 17a. tataH = then; sarve munigaNaaH = then, all saint’s coalescences; parasparasamaagame = on foregathering one to one – each other – assemblages of sages from Vashishta’s side with the assemblages of sages of Mithila; mahataa harSeNa yuktaaH = having with extreme rejoice; taam nishaam = that, darkness [night]; sukham avasan = happily, resided – they spent.

Verse 17b & 18a

अथ रामो महातेजा लक्ष्मणेन समं ययौ || १-६९-१७
विश्वामित्रं पुरस्कृत्य पितुः पादावुपस्पृशन् |

Then that most brilliant Rama, keeping Vishvamitra ahead, and strutting in step with Lakshmana, strutted to touch the feet of his father Dasharatha. [1-69-17]

17b, 18a. atha raamaH mahaatejaaH = then, Rama, most brilliant one; vishvaamitram puraskR^itya = Vishvamitra, keeping ahead; lakshmaNena = with Lakshmana; samam yayau = uniformly, proceeded [strutting in step with]; pituH paadau upaspR^ishan = to touch father’s feet.

Verse 19

जनकोऽपि महातेजाः क्रियां धर्मेण तत्त्ववित् |
यज्ञस्य च सुताभ्यां च कृत्वा रात्रिमुवास ह || १-६९-१९

Even the great-resplendent Janaka on performing ritual acts according to scriptures for the Vedic-ritual on hand, and the preparatory rituals for handing out both of his daughters in marriage, went into the sleep of the just, with his palm on his chest. [1-69-19]

19. mahaatejaaH = great-resplendent one; tattvavit = knower of essence of scriptures; janakaH api = Janaka, even; yaj~nasya ca = of Vedic-ritual [on hand,] also; sutaabhyaam ca = of two daughters, also; dharmeNa = according to scriptures; kriyaam = ritual acts; kR^itvaa = on making [on performing / initiating]; raatrim uvaasa ha = night, resided, indeed [went into the sleep of the just with his palm on chest.]

Verse 18b & 19a

राजा च राघवौ पुत्रौ निशाम्य परिहर्षितः || १-६९-१८
उवास परमप्रीतो जनकेन सुपूजितः |

On seeing his two sons, the super medallists in Raghu’s dynasty, King Dasharatha is highly rejoiced and he resided in Mithila with a high contentment, for the reverence of Janaka is that high. [1-69-18]

18b-19a. raajaa ca = king Dasharatha, also; putrau raaghavau = sons, Raghava-s [Rama and Lakshmana, here the epithet’s subtext is ‘the super medallists of Raghu’s dynasty]; nishaamya pariharSitaH = overly rejoiced on seeing; janakena supuujitaH = highly reverenced by Janaka; paramapriitaH uvaasa = resided [in Mithila] highly contented.

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