69 – Bharata experiences a bad dream


Bharata experiences a bad dream on that very night in which the messengers entered the city of Girivraja. His friends in the palace arranged entertainment like recitation of stories, playing of musical instruments, stage plays and jokes to make him cheerful. Even then, his depression was not gone. Bharata explains in detail his unpleasant dream in its different forms to his friends.

Verse 1

याम् एव रात्रिम् ते दूताः प्रविशन्ति स्म ताम् पुरीम् |
भरतेन अपि ताम् रात्रिम् स्वप्नो दृष्टः अयम् अप्रियः || २-६९-१

On that very night those messengers entered the city; Bharata also had experienced an unpleasant dream.

1. yaameva raatrim = on which very night; te duutaaH = those messengers; pravishantisma = entered; taam puriim = that city; taam raatrim = on that night; ayam = this; apriyah = unpleasant; svapneH = dream; dR^ishhTaH = was viewed; bharatena api = by Bharata also.

Verse 2

व्युष्टाम् एव तु ताम् रात्रिम् दृष्ट्वा तम् स्वप्नम् अप्रियम् |
पुत्रः राज अधिराजस्य सुभृशम् पर्यतप्यत || २-६९-२

Bharata, the son of Dasaratha the paramount sovereign, after seeing that unpleasant dream just at the dawn of that night, felt very much anguished.

2. putraH = the son; raajaadhiraajasya = of Dasaratha; the paramount sovereign; dR^ishhTvaa = after seeing; tam = that; apriyam = unpleasant; svapnam = dream; vyushhTaam eva = just at the dawn; taam raatrim = of that night; paryatapyata = felt anguished; subhR^isham = very much.

Verse 3

तप्यमानम् समाज्ञाय वयस्याः प्रिय वादिनः |
आयासम् हि विनेष्यन्तः सभायाम् चक्रिरे कथाः || २-६९-३

Knowing Bharata to have been in anguish, his graceful speaking friends arranged recitation of stories in the palace; so as to erase his anguish.

3. samaajJNaaya = knowing; tapyaamaanam = to be in anguish; vayasyaaH = his friends; priya vaadinaH = who speak kind words; chakrire = arranged; kathaaH = (recitation of ) stories; sabhaayaam = in the palace; vineshhyantaH hi = to indeed erase; aayaasam = his worry.

Verse 4

वादयन्ति तथा शान्तिम् लासयन्ति अपि च अपरे |
नाटकानि अपरे प्राहुर् हास्यानि विविधानि च || २-६९-४

Some played musical instruments for bringing about peacefulness. Likewise some others arranged for exhibition of dramas and some others told various types of jokes.

4. vaadayanti = (some) played musical instruments; shaantim = for his peacefulness. tathaa = In the same manner; apare = some others; laasayantyapi = arranged for playing; naaTakaani = of dramas; apare = and some others; praahuH = told; vividhaani = various types; haasyaani = of jokes.

Verse 5

स तैः महात्मा भरतः सखिभिः प्रिय वादिभिः |
गोष्ठी हास्यानि कुर्वद्भिर् न प्राहृष्यत राघवः || २-६९-५

That high-soled Bharata born in Raghu Dynasty could not be made cheerful by his gently speaking friends by stage-plays or jokes.

5. saH = that; mahaatmaa = high-soled; bharataH = Bharata; raaghavaH = born in Raghu dynasty; na praahR^ishhyata = could not be made cheerful; sakhibhiH = by his friends; priya vaadibhiH = who speak gentle words; goshhThiihaasyaani = by stage plays or jokes.

Verse 6

तम् अब्रवीत् प्रिय सखो भरतम् सखिभिर् वृतम् |
सुहृद्भिः पर्युपासीनः किम् सखे न अनुमोदसे || २-६९-६

A close friend spoke to Bharata, who was surrounded by his companions, as follows, “O, friend! Why are you not rejoicing, even when entertained by your friends?”

6. priyasakhaH = A close friend; abraviit = spoke; tam bharatam = to that Bharata; vR^tam = surrounded; sakhibhiH = by his companions (as follows); “sakhe = O;friend! Kim = why; na anumodase = are you not rejoicing; paryupaasiinaH = even when entertained; suhR^idbhiH = by your friends?”

Verse 7

एवम् ब्रुवाणम् सुहृदम् भरतः प्रत्युवाच ह |
शृणु त्वम् यन् निमित्तम्मे दैन्यम् एतत् उपागतम् || २-६९-७

Bharata replied to the friend who spoke thus, as follows “You listen to me the reason for which this depression came to me”

7. bharataH = Bharata; pratyuvaachaH = replied; suhR^idam = to the friend; bruuvaNam = who spoke; evam = thus; “tvam = you; shruNu = hear; yannimittam = for which reason; etat = this; dainyam = depression; upaagatam = came; me = to me.”

Verse 8

स्वप्ने पितरम् अद्राक्षम् मलिनम् मुक्त मूर्धजम् |
पतन्तम् अद्रि शिखरात् कलुषे गोमये ह्रदे || २-६९-८

“I have seen a dream in which my father with his soiled body and with his hair disheveled, was falling from the top of a mountain into a polluted pond defiled with cow dung.

8. adraakshham = I have seen; svapne = a dream; pitaram = (in which) my father; maliname = with soiled body; mukta muurdhajam = with his hair disheveled; patantam = was falling; adri shikharaat = from the top of a mountain; kalushhe = into a polluted; gomayahrade = pond defiled with cow dung.”

Verse 9

प्लवमानः च मे दृष्टः स तस्मिन् गोमय ह्रदे |
पिबन्न् अन्जलिना तैलम् हसन्न् इव मुहुर् मुहुः || २-६९-९

“He was seen by me, as he was floating in that pond defiled with cow dung, drinking an oil through his hollowed palms and laughing again and again”

9. saH = he; dR^ishhTaH = was seen; me = by me; (as he was) plavamaanaH = floating; tasmin = in that; gomayahrude = pond defiled with cow dung; piban = drinking; tailam = an oil; aNjalinaa = through his hollowed palms; hasan = and laughing; muhurmuhuH = again and again.”

Verse 10

ततः तिलोदनम् भुक्त्वा पुनः पुनर् अधः शिराः |
तैलेन अभ्यक्त सर्व अन्गः तैलम् एव अवगाहत || २-६९-१०

“Thereafter, having eaten cooked rice mixed with gingelly seeds repeatedly, with his head bent down and with his whole body smeared with oil, he plunged into the oil itself

10. tataH = thereafter; bhuktvaa = having eaten; tilodanam = cooked rice mixed with gingelly seeds; punah punah = repeatedly; adhaH shiraah = with his head bent down; abhyakta sarraaNg^aH = with his whole body smeared; tailam = with oil; anvagaahata = (he) plunged into; tailameva = the oil itself.”

Verse 11, 12 & 13

स्वप्ने अपि सागरम् शुष्कम् चन्द्रम् च पतितम् भुवि |
सहसा च अपि संशन्तम् ज्वलितम् जात वेदसम् || २-६९-११
औपवाह्यस्य नागस्य विषाणम् शकलीकृतम् |
सहसा चापि संशान्तम् ज्वलितम् जातवेदसम् || २-६९-१२
अवदीर्णाम् च पृथिवीम् शुष्कामः च विविधान् द्रुमान् |
अहम् पश्यामि विध्वस्तान् सधूमामः चैव पार्वतान् || २-६९-१३

“I saw in the dream, the ocean dry up, the moon fall on the ground, the earth molested as if covered by darkness, a tusk of an elephant (on which the monarch rode) broken to pieces, a blazing fire suddenly extinguished, the earth riven, the various trees dry up, and the mountains whirl up into a mist.”

11; 12; 13. aham = I; pashyaami = saw; svapne = in the dream; saagaram = the ocean; shushhkam = dry up; chandram = the moon; patitam = fall; bhuvim = on the ground; jagatiim = the earth; uparuddhaam = molested; samaavR^itaam iva = as if covered; tamasaa = by darkness; vishhaaNam = a tusk; naagasya = of an elephant; oupavaahyasya = on which the monarch rode; shakaliikR^itam = broken to pieces; jvalitam = a blazing; jaatavedanam = fire; sahasaa = suddenly; samshaantam = extinguished; pR^ithiviim = the earth; avadiirNaamcha = riven;vividhaan = the various; drumaan = trees; shushhkaamcha = dry up; parvataan = the mountains; vidhvastaan = whirl up; sadhuumaan = into a mist.”

Verse 14

पीठे कार्ष्णायसे च एनम् निषण्णम् कृष्ण वाससम् |
प्रहसन्ति स्म राजानम् प्रमदाः कृष्ण पिन्गलाः || २-६९-१४

“I saw my father in the dream, wearing black clothes, sitting on a stool made of iron and women with black and reddish brown complexion deriding the king.”

14. enam raajaanam = this king; kR^ishhNa vaasanam = wearing black clothes; nishhaNNam = sitting; piiThe = on a stool; kaarshhNaaayase = made of iron; pramaadaaH = and women ; kR^IshhNa piNgalaaH = in black and reddish brown; prahasanti = were laughing with mockery.”

Verse 15

त्वरमाणः च धर्म आत्मा रक्त माल्य अनुलेपनः |
रथेन खर युक्तेन प्रयातः दक्षिणा मुखः || २-६९-१५

“My father, the virtuous man, adorned with red garlands and his body besmeared with sandal paste and seated in a chariot drawn by asses, proceeded hurriedly towards the south.”

15. dharmaatmaa = my father; the virtuous man; raktamaalyaanulepanaH = adorned with red garlands and his body besmeared with sandal paste; rathena = seated in a chariot; kharayuktena = drawn by asses; prayaataH = proceeded; tvaramaaNashcha = towards south.”

Verse 16

प्रहसन्तीव राजानम् प्रमदा रक्तवासिनी |
प्रकर्षन्ती मया दृष्टा राक्षसी विकृतासना || २-६९-१६

“I saw an ugly faced female demon, wearing red colored clothes, laughingly dragging away the king.

16. raakshhasii premadaa = a female demon; raktavaasinii = wearing red clothes; vikR^itaananaa = with an ugly face; dR^ishhTaa = was seen; mayaa = by me; prakarshhanti = dragging away; raajaanam = the king; prahasantiiva = while laughing.”

Verse 17

एवम् एतन् मया दृष्टम् इमाम् रात्रिम् भय आवहाम् |
अहम् रामः अथ वा राजा लक्ष्मणो वा मरिष्यति || २-६९-१७

“This fearful dream was seen thus by me during that night. I myself or the king or Lakshmana may die.”

17. etat = this; bhayaavaham = fearful (dream); dR^ishhTam = was seen; evam = thus; imaam raatrim = in that night; aham = I; athavaa = or; raajaa = the king; lakshhmaNoovaa = or Lakshmana; marishhyati = may die.”

Verse 18

नरः यानेन यः स्वप्ने खर युक्तेन याति हि |
अचिरात् तस्य धूम अग्रम् चितायाम् सम्प्रदृश्यते || २-६९-१८

“If in a dream, a person sees a man going in a chariot, yoked with donkeys, the smoke of a funeral pyre will soon be seen ascending him.”

18. yaH = which; naraH = person; svapne = in a dream; (sees); yaati = going; yaanena = in a vehicle; kharayuktena = yoked with donkeys; dhuuma = the smoke; chitaayaam = on the funeral pyre; samprdR^ishyate = will be seen; agra = ascending; tasya = of him; achiraat = within a short time.”

Verse 19

एतन् निमित्तम् दीनो अहम् तन् न वः प्रतिपूजये |
शुष्यति इव च मे कण्ठो न स्वस्थम् इव मे मनः || २-६९-१९

“For this reason, I have become broken hearted. Hence, I am not able to treat you properly. My throat seems to be drying up. My mind is not at ease.”

19. etannimittam = for this reason; aham = I; diinaH = am broken hearted. tat = Hence; na pratipuujaye = I am not able to honor. vaH = you; me = My; kaNThaH = throat; shushhyatiivacha = drying up. me = My; manaH = mind; na svastham = is not at ease.”

Verse 21

इमाम् हि दुह्स्वप्न गतिम् निशाम्य ताम् |
अनेक रूपाम् अवितर्किताम् पुरा |
भयम् महत् तद्द् हृदयान् न याति मे |
विचिन्त्य राजानम् अचिन्त्य दर्शनम् || २-६९-२१

“That great fear is not going away from my heart, having seen such a course of this bad dream in varied forms and which dream was not imagined by me earlier and also reflecting on that inconceivable sight of the king.”

21. tat = that; mahat = great; bhayam = fear; na yaati = is not going; me hR^idayaat = from my heart; nishhaamya = by seeing; imaam = this; taam = such; duHsvapnegatim = a course of a bad dream; aneka ruupaam = in many forms; atarkitaam = not imagined; puraa = earlier; vichintya = and thinking; raajaanaam = of the king; achintyadarshanam = in an inconceivable sight.”

Verse 20

न पश्यामि भयस्थानम् भयम् चैवोपधारये |
भ्रष्टश्च स्वरयोगो मे चाया चोपहता मम || २-६९-२०
जुगुप्सन्न् इव च आत्मानम् न च पश्यामि कारणम् |

“I do not see the root cause of this fear. But I am experiencing a fear indeed. My voice is choked. My luster is affected. I abhor me myself and I do not see a reason for it.”

20. na pashyaami = I do not see; bhayasthaanam = the root cause of fear; upadhaaraye = (But) I am experiencing; bhayam chaiva = a fear indeed; me = My; svarayogaH = voice; bhrashhTaH = is choked; mama = My; chhaayaacha = luster; upahataa = is effected; jugupsanniva = I abhor; aatmaanam me = myself; na pashyaami = and do not see; kaaraNamcha = a reason.”

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