68 – Jataayu infoms about Ravana and dies.


Jataayu names Ravana as the abductor of Seetha while breathing his last. Though he struggles hard to say what all has happened, the Time called death takes him away, at such a time when the important information is about to be said to Rama. Receiving that much information at least, Rama consigns Jataayu to funeral fire, like his own relative and performs other rites, and then proceeds for searching Seetha.

Verse 1

रामः प्रेक्ष्य तु तम् गृध्रम् भुवि रौद्रेण पातितम् |
सौमित्रिम् मित्र संपन्नम् इदम् वचनम् अब्रवीत् || ३-६८-१

Rama on seeing that eagle felled to ground by the atrocious Ravana, said this sentence to Soumitri who is an asset for good companionability. [3-68-1]

1. raudreNa = by atrocious – Ravana; bhuvi paatitam = on ground, felled by; tam gR^idhram prekSya = at that, eagle, on seeing; raamaH tu = Rama, on his part; mitra sampannam saumitrim = friendly, asset – who has the assets of companionability,] to Soumitri; idam vacanam abraviit = this, sentence, said.

Verse 2

मम अयम् नूनम् अर्थेषु यतमानो विहंगमः |
राक्षसेन हतः संख्ये प्राणान् त्यजति मत् कृते || ३-६८-२

“While this bird is venturing in my concern the demon felled him in combat and he is leaving off his lives owing to me, definitely… [3-68-2]

2. mama artheSu = in my respect, concerning himself – took trouble for me; yatamaanaH = while trying; ayam vihan gamaH = this, sky goer [bird]; sankhye raakSasena hataH = in combat, by demon, assaulted; mat kR^ite = to me, owing to; [duH tyaje = impossible to cast off – lives]; praaNaan tyajati = lives, leaves; nuunam = definitely.

Verse 3

अति खिन्नः शरीरे अस्मिन् प्राणो लक्ष्मण विद्यते |
तथा स्वर विहीनो अयम् विक्लवम् समुदीक्षते || ३-६८-३

“Obviously, lives in his body are very feeble, oh, Lakshmana, it is natural, isn’t it, and he looks highly anguished with a dulled voice…” Thus on saying to Lakshmana, Rama then spoke to Jataayu. [3-68-3]

3. lakSmaNa = oh, Lakshmana; [asya = his]; asmin shariire = in this, body; praaNaH ati khinnaH vidyate = lives, are very feeblish, they appear – obviously; tathaa hi = it is natural, isn’t it; ayam = he is; svara vi hiinaH = his voice, very, dull; vi klavam = highly anguish [in his looks]; samudiikSate [sam ut iikshat] = he is being seen by us – he appears.

Verse 4

जटायो यदि शक्नोषि वाक्यम् व्याहरितुम् पुनः |
सीताम् आख्याहि भद्रम् ते वधम् आख्याहि च आत्मनः || ३-६८-४

“Oh, Jataayu, if you are in fine fettle to further reiterate words, relate about Seetha, let safe betide you, and recount how you are murdered, too… [3-68-4]

4. jaTaayoH = oh, Jataayu; punaH vaakyam vyaaharitum shaknoSi yadi = again [further,] sentence, to speak, you are able to, if; te bhadram = to you, let safe betide; siitaam aakhyaahi = about Seetha, relate; aatmanaH vadham aakhyaahi ca = your, about murder, you relate, too.

Verse 5

किम् निमित्तो जहार आर्याम् रावणः तस्य किम् मया |
अपराधम् तु यम् दृष्ट्वा रावणेन हृता प्रिया || ३-६८-५

“What is the reason for Ravana in stealing that noblewoman, and even what is the wrong I have committed in his respect, keeping which in view that Ravana stole my ladylove… [3-68-5]

5. raavaNaH = Ravana; kim nimittaH = for what, reason; aaryaam jahaara = noblewoman, he abducted; maya tasya kim aparaadham tu = by me, towards him [in his respect,] what, wrong is committed; yam dR^iSTvaa = which, keeping in view; priyaa raavaNena hR^itaa = my ladylove, by Ravana, is stolen.

Verse 6

कथम् तत् चन्द्र संकाशम् मुखम् आसीत् मनोहरम् |
सीतया कानि च उक्तानि तस्मिन् काले द्विजोत्तम || ३-६८-६

“How was that moon similar heart-stealing face of hers at that time of abduction, oh, best bird, and even what are the words she uttered when being abducted… [3-68-6]

6. dvijottama = oh, bird, the best; tasmin kale = in that, time – of abduction; candra sankaasham = moon, similar; mano haram = heart-stealing one [face]; tat mukham = that, face – of Seetha; katham aasiit = how, it was – when abducted; siitayaa = of Seetha; kaani uktaani = what are [words,] uttered.

Verse 7

कथम् वीर्यः कथम् रूपः किम् कर्मा स च राक्षसः |
क्व च अस्य भवनम् तात ब्रूहि मे परिपृच्छतः || ३-६८-७

“What is his stamina of that demon? What is his form? And what are his strategies? And where is his stronghold? Oh, sire, tell me while I ask you inquisitively…” Rama urged Jataayu thus for information. [3-68-7]

7. saH raakSasaH = he, that demon; katham viiryaH = what is, his stamina; katham ruupaH = what is, his form; kim karma = what are, his actions [strategies]; asya bhavanam kva ca = his, residence [stronghold,] where is it, also; taata = oh, sire; paripR^icChataH = the enquirer [eager to know, inquisitively]; me bruuhi = to me, you tell.

Verse 8

तम् उद्वीक्ष्य सः धर्मात्मा विलपन्तम् अनाथवत् |
वाचा विक्लवया रामम् इदम् वचनम् अब्रवीत् || ३-६८-८

Then that warm-hearted Jataayu with his eyes rolling upwards saw Rama and with a fluttery voice said this sentence to Rama who is wailing like an orphan. [3-68-8]

8. dharmaatmaa saH = virtue souled [warm-hearted,] he that Jataayu; anaathavat vilapantam = orphan-like, one who is waling; tam udviikSya = him [at Rama,] seeing up [rolling up his eyes]; viklavayaa vaacaa = with a fluttery, voice; raamam idam vacanam abraviit = to Rama, this, sentence, said.

Verse 9

सा हृता राक्षसेन्द्रेण रावणेन दुरात्मना |
मायाम् आस्थाय विपुलाम् वात दुर्दिन संकुलाम् || ३-६८-९

“Resorting to his illusionistic devices like creating an immense and tumultuous windstorm and cloud-cover, the flagitious chief of demons Ravana abducted Seetha… [3-68-9]

9. saa = she is; dur aatmanaa = by evil minded [flagitious] one; raakSasa indreNa raavaNena = demons, chief, by Ravana; vaata = windstorm; dur dina = bad, day [cloud cover]; sankulaam = tumultuous one [on creating]; vipulaam maayaam aasthaaya = immense, maya [illusionistic devices,] resorting to; hR^itaa = is abducted.

Verse 10

परिक्लांतस्य मे तात पक्षौ चित्त्वा निशाचरः |
सीताम् आदाय वैदेहीम् प्रयातो दक्षिणा मुखः || ३-६८-१०

“That night walker hacked both my wings when I was overtired, and went southward taking the princess of Videha, Seetha, along with him… [3-68-10]

10. taata = oh, dear boy; nishaacaraH = night-walker; pari klaantasya = over, tired; me pakSau chittvaa = my, two wings, on hacking; vaidehiim siitaam aadaaya = the princess from Videha, Seetha, on taking; dakSiNaa mukhaH = south, faced [southward; pra yaataH = went away.

Verse 11

उपरुध्यन्ति मे प्राणा दृष्टिर् भ्रमति राघव |
पश्यामि वृक्षान् सौवर्णान् उशीर कृत मूर्धजान् || ३-६८-११

“My sight is spinning and my lives are stifled, oh, Raghava, I am now seeing golden trees with cuscus grass as their treetops… [3-68-11]

11. Raaghava = oh, Raghava; me praaNaa uparudhyanti = my, lives, are being obstructed – stifling; dR^iSTiH bhramati = sight, is spinning; ushiira kR^ita muurdhajaan = cuscus grass, made, as their head-hair – treetops; sauvarNaan vR^ikSaan pashyaami = golden, trees, I am seeing.

Verse 12 & 13a

येन याति मुहूर्तेन सीताम् आदाय रावणः |
विप्रनष्टम् धनम् क्षिप्रम् तत् स्वामि प्रतिपद्यते || ३-६८-१२
विन्दो नाम मुहूर्तो असौ स च काकुत्स्थ न अबुधत् |

“In which spell of time Ravana has gone taking away Seetha, that spell is named as Vinda… if any riches are lost during that spell, the original possessor of those riches will repossess them very quickly… oh, Kakutstha, he that Ravana is unmindful of that fact and stole Seetha only to loose her… [3-68-12, 13a]

12, 13a. kaakutstha = oh, Kakutstha; raavaNaH = Ravana; yena muhuurtena = by which – in which, spell of time [of the day]; siitaam aadaaya yaati = = Seetha, on taking away, while going – has gone; asau vindaH naama muhuurtaH = that one is, Vinda, named, spell of time; vi pra naSTam dhanam = very, utterly, lost, riches – even if riches are completely lost in that spell; tat svaamii = = its, [original] possessor; kSipram = very quickly; prati padyate = return, possesses – repossesses; saH ca = he that Ravana, even; na abudhat = not, aware [unmindful of it.]

Verse 13b & c

त्वत् प्रियाम् जानकीम् हृत्वा रावणो राक्षसेश्वर |
झषवत् बडिशम् गृह्य क्षिप्रम् एव विनश्यति || ३-६८-१३

“On stealing your ladylove Janaki, that chief of demons, Ravana, will ruin himself, as with a fish which swallows a baited fishhook… [3-68-13b, c]

13b, c. raakshasa iishvaraH raavaNaH = demons, chief, Ravana; tvat priyaam jaanakiim hR^itvaa = your, ladylove, Janaki, on stealing; baDisham gR^ihya jhaSa vat = baited hook, on catching [ on swallowing,] fish, as with; kSipram eva vinashyati = shortly, only, utterly ruins himself.

Verse 14

न च त्वया व्यथा कार्या जनकस्य सुताम् प्रति |
वैदेह्या रंस्यसे क्षिप्रम् हत्वा तम् रणमूर्धनि || ३-६८-१४

“Impractical is your anguishing for the daughter of Janaka, as you will delight yourself with Vaidehi in no time, on killing that Ravana in the vanguard of a war…” Thus saying Jataayu paused for a while. [3-68-14]

14. tvayaa = by you; janakasya sutaam prati = king Janaka’s, daughter, towards; vyathaa na kaaryaa = anguishing, not, to be done; raNa muurdhani = in war, in vanguard of; tam kSipram = hatvaa = him [Ravana,] in no time, on killing; vaidehyaa ramsyase = with Vaidehi, you will delight.

Verse 15

असंमूढस्य गृध्रस्य रामम् प्रति अनुभाषतः |
आस्यात् सुस्राव रुधिरम् म्रियमाणस्य स अमिषम् || ३-६८-१५

Though Jataayu is speaking on to Rama with an alert mind, blood freely flowed from his mouth with shreds of flesh as death verged on him, even then he struggled to say. [3-68-15]

15. raamam prati anubhaaSataH = to Rama, towards, who is speaking on; a sam muuDhasya = not, together with, mindlessness [mind not yet inert, with an alert mind]; mriyamaaNasya = who is about to die; gR^idhrasya = of eagle; aasyaat = from mouth; sa amiSam = with, flesh [shreds]; rudhiram = blood; su sraava = freely flowed.

Verse 16

पुत्रो विश्रवसः साक्षात् भ्राता वैश्रवणस्य च |
इति उक्त्वा दुर्लभान् प्राणान् मुमोच पतगेश्वरः || ३-६८-१६

“That demon is the son of Vishravasa… literally… the brother of Kubera…” on saying thus, that lord of birds released his lives, which are unobtainable for oneself. [3-68-16]

16. [That demon is]; vishravasaH putraH = of Vishravasa, son; vaishravaNasya saakSaat bhraataa = of Vaishravana [Kubera,] manifestly [literally,] brother; iti uktvaa = thus, on saying; pataga iishvaraH = birds, lord of; dur labhaan = impossible, to get [unobtainable for oneself]; praaNaan = lives; mumoca = released.

Verse 17

ब्रूहि ब्रूहि इति रामस्य ब्रुवाणस्य कृतांजलेः |
त्यक्त्वा शरीरम् गृध्रस्य जग्मुः प्राणा विहायसम् || ३-६८-१७

But the lives of Jataayu departing from his body went into thin air before the very eyes of Rama who is still speaking to him with folded-palms, “tell… tell more…” [3-68-17]

17. kR^itaanjaleH raamasya = one with palm-fold, of Rama [before = very eyes of Rama]; bruuhi bruuhi iti bruvaaNasya = tell, tell, thus, one who is still speaking; gR^idhrasya praaNaaH = eagle’s, lives; shariiram tyaktvaa = body, on leaving; vihaayasam = to sky – into thin air; jagmuH = went away.

Verse 18

स निक्षिप्य शिरो भूमौ प्रसार्य चरणौ तदा |
विक्षिप्य च शरीरम् स्वम् पपात धरणी तले || ३-६८-१८

Jataayu flopped his head on earth, sprawled his feet on ground, and then his body collapsed onto the surface of earth writhing jerkily. [3-68-18]

18. saH = he [Jataayu]; tadaa = then; shiraH bhuumau nikSipya = head, on ground, placing [flopped down]; caraNau prasaarya = feet – legs, on sprawling; svam shariiram dharaNii tale = his own, body, on earth’s, surface; vi kSipya = jerkily, writhing; papaata = collapsed.

Verse 19

तम् गृध्रम् प्रेक्ष्य ताम्र अक्षम् गत असुम् अचलोपमम् |
रामः सु बहुभिः दुह्खैः दीनः सौमित्रिम् अब्रवीत् || ३-६८-१९

He who is worsened by very many mishaps that Rama, on seeing the mountainous eagle whose eyes are bloodshot and whose lives have gone, said this way to Soumitri… [3-68-19]

19. su bahubhiH duhkhaiH = with – very, many, sorrows [mishaps]; diinaH = desolate one [worsened one]; raamaH = Rama; taamra akSam = reddened, eyed one [eyes bloodshot- Jataayu]; gata asum = gone, lives; acala upamam = mountain, similar; tam gR^idhram prekSya = him, eagle, on seeing; saumitrim [idam ]abraviit = to Soumitri, [this way] said.

Verse 20

बहूनि रक्षसाम् वासे वर्षाणि वसता सुखम् |
अनेन दण्डकारण्ये विशीर्णम् इह पक्षिणा || ३-६८-२०

“This bird which for years together lived fearlessly in Dandaka forest, a habitat of demons, that bird wilted to death, because of me… [3-68-20]

20. rakSasaam vase = for demons, a habitat; daNDakaaraNye = in Dandaka forest; sukham bahuuni varSaaNi vasataa = happily [fearlessly,] many, for years together, while living; anena pakSiNaa = by this, bird; [ellipt. mat kR^ite = because of me]; vishiirNam = wilted [to death.]

Verse 21

अनेक वार्षिको यः तु चिर काल समुत्थितः |
सो अयम् अद्य हतः शेते कालो हि दुर्अतिक्रमः || ३-६८-२१

“He who has longevity over many years, who actively strived for a long for rectitude, he is now killed and prostrating before the Time, because of me… alas… it is indeed impossible to infringe the Time… [3-68-21]

21. an eka = not, one [many]; vaarSikaH = years [of age, though having, longevity]; yaH = which – Jataayu; cira kaala samutthitaH = for a long, time, strived actively; saH ayam adya = such as he was, he is, now; hataH shete = killed, prostrating; [ellipt. mat kR^ite = because of me]; kaalaH hi = time, indeed; dur ati kramaH = impossible, to over, step [infringe.]

Verse 22

पश्य लक्ष्मण गृध्रो अयम् उपकारी हतः च मे |
सीताम् अभ्यवपन्नो हि रावणेन बलीयसा || ३-६८-२२

“Lakshmana, this eagle which has dashed to rescue Seetha in order to render help to me is slain by that brute-forced Ravana, only because of me, you see… [3-68-22]

22. lakSmaNa = oh, Lakshmana; siitaam = to Seetha; abhyavapannaH [abhi ava pannaH] = who went [dashed] to rescue; me upakaarii = to me, who rendered help; ayam gR^idhraH = this, eagle; [ellipt. mat kR^ite = because of me]; baliiyasaa raavaNena hataH = brute-forced, by Ravana, is slain; pashya = you see.

Verse 23

गृध्र राज्यम् परित्यज्य पितृ पैतामहम् महत् |
मम हेतोः अयम् प्राणान् मुमोच पतगेश्वरः || ३-६८-२३

“On abandoning great empire of eagles belonging to his father and forefathers this lord of bird has now abandoned his lives too, only for my sake… [3-68-23]

23. ayam patageshvaraH = this, birds, lord; pitR^i paitaamaham = of father, forefathers; mahat gR^idhra raajyam = great, eagle’s, empire; parityajya = on abandoning; mama hetoH = for my, sake – on my account; praaNaan mumoca = lives, released [abandoned.]

Verse 24

सर्वत्र खलु दृश्यन्ते साधवो धर्म चारिणः |
शूराः शरण्याः सौमित्रे तिर्यक् योनि गतेषु अपि || ३-६८-२४

“Universally noticeable are the protective, prepotent, principled ones that are the followers of probity, oh, Soumitri, even though their births are avian or bestial… [3-68-24]

24. saumitre = oh, Soumitri; shuuraaH = valiant ones; sharaNyaaH = shelterers; dharma caariNaH = probity, followers of; saadhavaH = principled ones; sarvatra = everywhere [universally]; tiryak yoni gateSu api = in avian and bestial, uterine, having gone in, even in; dR^ishyante khalu = are noticeable, really.

Verse 25

सीता हरणजं दुःखम् न मे सौम्य तथा गतम् |
यथा विनाशो गृध्रस्य मत् कृते च परंतप || ३-६८-२५

“To me, oh, enemy-inflamer, oh, gentle Lakshmana, anguish caused by Seetha’s abduction is not that much, when compared with the anguish caused by the perish of this eagle, that too, because of me… [3-68-25]

25. parantapa = oh, enemy-inflamer; saumya = oh, gentle one – Lakshmana; gR^idhrasya vinaashaH = in perish, of eagle – compared to the perish of eagle; mat kR^ite = by me, done [because of me]; ca = too [that too]; yathaa = as to how; me = to me; siitaa haraNa jam duHkham = Seetha, by abduction, caused, anguish; tathaa gatam = thus, obtained [or, tathaa vidham = that, kind of – that much]; na = it is not.

Verse 26

राजा दशरथः श्रीमान् यथा मम मया यशाः |
पूजनीयः च मान्यः च तथा अयम् पतगेश्वरः || ३-६८-२६

“As to how the celebrated and highly renowned king Dasharatha is venerable and honourable for me, likewise this lord of birds is also a venerable and honourable one to me… [3-68-26]

26. mahaayashaaH = highly renowned [Dasharatha]; shriimaan raajaa dasharathaH = celebrated, king, Dasharatha; mama = to me; yathaa = as to how – he is; puujaniiyaH = venerable; maanyaH ca = honourable, also; tathaa = likewise; ayam patageshvaraH = this, birds’, lord.

Verse 27

सौमित्रे हर काष्ठानि निर्मथिष्यामि पावकम् |
गृध्र राजम् दिधक्षामि मत् कृते निधनम् गतम् || ३-६८-२७

“Oh, Soumitri, get the firewood and I will produce fire by friction of two sticks, as I wish to cremate this lord of birds who expired because of me… [3-68-27]

27. saumitre kaaSThaani hara = oh, Soumitri, firewood, get; paavakam nirmathiSyaami = fire, churn out [produce by friction]; mat kR^ite = me, because of; nidhanam gatam = expiry, went into [expired]; gR^idhra raajam didhakSaami = eagle’s, lord, I wish to incinerate – cremate.

Verse 28

नाथम् पतग लोकस्य चिताम् आरोपयामि अहम् |
इमम् धक्ष्यामि सौमित्रे हतम् रौद्रेण रक्षसा || ३-६८-२८

“Oh, Soumitri, I will mount this lord of realm of birds onto the pyre and cremate him who is killed by a feral demon…” Thus saying to Lakshmana, Rama said this to dead eagle Jataayu. [3-68-28]

28. saumitre = oh, Soumitri; aham = I; raudreNa rakSasaa hatam = by feral, demon, killed; imam = this one; pataga lokasya naatham = birds, of realm, lord of; citaam aaropayaami dhakSyaami = onto pyre, mounting, I will incinerate.

Verse 29 & 30

या गतिः यज्ञ शीलानाम् आहित अग्नेः च या गतिः |
अ पर आवर्तिनाम् या च या च भूमि प्रदायिनाम् || ३-६८-२९
मया त्वम् समनुज्ञातो गच्छ लोकान् अनुत्तमान् |
गृध्र राज महा सत्त्व संस्कृतः च मया व्रज || ३-६८-३०

“Oh, greatly mighty king of eagles, by me cremated ritually and by me aptly consented to, you depart to the unexcelled heavenly worlds… you depart to those worlds that are destined for the virtuosos of Vedic-rituals, and to those worlds that are destined for the practisers of ascesis amid Five-Ritual-fires, and to those that are destined for un-retreating combatants, and to those worlds that destined for the donors of lands…” So said Rama to the departed Jataayu. [3-68-29, 30]

29, 30. mahaa sattva gR^idhra raja = oh, great, mighty, eagle, king; mayaa = by me; sam anuj~naataH = aptly, consented to; tvam = you; yaj~na shiilaanaam for Vedic-rituals, virtuosos [where virtuoso is a person with a special knowledge of or taste for works of art or virtu, and where virtu is the usu. moral worth inherent in a person or thing]; yaa gatiH = which, worlds, [destined]; a para aavartinaam = not, return, comers [to sanyasi-s, loners, anchorites in forests, or, those that do not retreat in combats]; yaa ca = which, is also – the course / worlds; bhuumi pradaayinaam yaa ca = to land, donors, which, also – is the course / worlds; aahita agneH [ = to those who practices amid five Ritual-fires; yaa gatiH = which, is also – the course / worlds; that course / to those worlds; gacCha = you go; mayaa sanskR^itaH = by me, ritually cremated; an uttamaan lokaan vraja = to un, excelled, worlds, you go.

Verse 31

एवम् उक्त्वा चिताम् दीप्ताम् आरोप्य पतगेश्वरम् |
ददाह रामो धर्मात्मा स्व बन्धुम् इव दुःखितः || ३-६८-३१

On saying that way, that ethical-souled Rama mounted that lord of birds onto the pyre and he sorrowfully incinerated that eagle in a flaring fire of pyre, as he would do in respect of his own deceased relative. [3-68-31]

31. dharmaatmaa raamaH = ethical-souled, Rama; evam uktvaa = that way, on saying; patageshvaram citaam aaropya = bird’s, lord, onto pyre, on mounting; duHkhitaH = sorrowfully; sva bandhum iva = his own, relative, as with; diiptaam = = in flaring fire; dadaaha = incinerated.

Verse 32

रामो अथ सह सौमित्रिः वनम् यात्वा स वीर्यवान् |
स्थूलान् हत्वा महा रोहीन् अनु तस्तार तम् द्विजम् || ३-६८-३२

Then that resolute Rama on going into forest along with Soumitri hunted a robust-bodied, big Rohi animal, or, Kesari animal, and then he spread sacred grass on ground to place that offering to the deceased soul of that bird. [3-68-32]

32. atha = then; viiryavaan raamaH = resolute one, Rama; saha saumitriH = with, Soumitri; vanam yaatvaa = to forest, on going; sthuulaan mahaa rohiin hatvaa = robust-bodied, big, Rohi [or, Kesari animals,] on killing – hunted; tam dvijam = for him, the bird; saH = he; anutastaara = spread sacred grass – to place offerings.

Verse 33

रोहि मांसानि च उद्धृत्य पेशी कृत्वा महायशाः |
शकुनाय ददौ रामो रम्ये हरित शाद्वले || ३-६८-३३

On drawing up the flesh of that Rohi animal and lumping it to gobbets, that highly observant Rama placed those gobbets on pleasant greenish pasturelands as obsequial offerings in respect of that bird Jataayu. [3-68-33]

33. mahaayashaaH = highly renowned one – for his observance of religious ceremonies; raamaH = Rama; rohi maamsaani = Rohi animal’s, meat; uddhR^itya = pulling out; peshii kR^itvaa = to gobbets, on lumping it; ramye harita shaadvale = on pleasant, greenish, on pastures; shakunaaya dadau = for the bird [Jataayu,] gave [as offering.]

Verse 34

यत् तत् प्रेतस्य मर्त्यस्य कथयन्ति द्विजातयः |
तत् स्वर्ग गमनम् पित्र्यम् क्षिप्रम् रामो जजाप ह || ३-६८-३४

Rama immediately chanted Vedic hymns that are employed in such funerals of one’s own paternal people, as Brahmans say that those hymns are employable in such rites as they lead the soul of the departed to heaven. [3-68-34]

34. tat yat = that, which; dvijaatayaH = Brahmans; pretasya martyasya = departed, mortal’s [soul]; svarga gamanam = to heaven, going [leading to]; kathayanti = [Brahmans] say; tat pitryam = that [chanting of,] in ritual for paternal, manes; kSipram raamaH jajaapa ha = immediately, Rama, chanted, indeed.

Verse 35

ततो गोदावरीम् गत्वा नदीम् नर वर आत्मजौ |
उदकम् चक्रतुः तस्मै गृध्र राजाय तौ उभौ || ३-६८-३५

Then both the sons of that notable man, namely Dasharatha, on going to River Godavari they have oblated waters for that king of eagles, Jataayu. [3-68-35]

35. tataH = then; ubhau tau = both, of them; nara vara aatmajau = among men, notable one, sons of – Dasharatha’s sons; godaavariim nadiim gatvaa = to Godavari, to river, on going; tasmai gR^idhra raajaaya = for him, to eagle’s, for king; udakam cakratuH = water [oblations] they did [offered.] =

Verse 36

शास्त्र दृष्टेन विधिना जले गृधाय राघवौ |
स्नात्वा तौ गृध्र राजाय उदकम् चक्रुः तदा || ३-६८-३६

Both of the Raghava-s took funeral baths in the waters of River Godavari and then made water oblations to the king of eagles. [3-68-36]

36. tadaa = then; tau = both of them; raaghavau = both Raghava-s; shaastra dR^iSTena vidhinaa = from scriptures, viewpoint, by custom; gR^idhaaya = for eagle; jale snaatvaa = in waters, bathed – funeral baths, cleansing ceremony; gR^idhra raajaaya udakam cakruH = for eagle’s, king, waters, made [offered.]

Verse 38

कृतोदकौ तौ अपि पक्षि सत्तमे
स्थिराम् च बुद्धिम् प्रणिधाय जग्मुतुः |
प्रवेश्य सीता अधिगमने ततो मनो
वनम् सुरेन्द्रौ इव विष्णु वासवौ || ३-६८-३८

Even those two, Rama and Lakshmana, on performing water oblations in respect of that best bird Jataayu, and on assertively giving thought to the information given by Jataayu, they like the chiefs of gods, namely Vishnu and Indra, went to southerly woods when their mind is set to search for Seetha. [3-68-38]

38. tau api = those two, even; kR^ ita udakau = having performed, water oblations; pakshi sattame = regarding bird, best one; sthiraam buddhim praNidhaaya = firmed up [assertively,] thought, on keeping [giving thought to Jataayu’s information]; tataH = then; siitaa adhigamane = Seetha, to get at [in searching for]; manaH praveshya = mind, entering [mindset to]; sura indrau = gods’, chiefs; viSNu vaasavau iva = Vishnu, Indra, like; [ellipt. dakshiNaam ] vanam jagmutuH = to [southern] woods, went.

Verse 37

स गृध्र राजः कृतवान् यशस्करम्
सु दुष्करम् कर्म रणे निपातितः |
महर्षि कल्पेन च संस्कृतः तदा
जगाम पुण्याम् गतिम् आत्मनः शुभाम् || ३-६८-३७

That king of eagle Jataayu, who has performed a creditworthy deed of stalling and combating Ravana, but who is felled by that Ravana, went away to the merited and auspicious heavenly realms of his own, as and when consecrated by sublime sage like Rama. [3-68-37]

37. raNe = in combat [with Ravana]; su duS karam = highly, not, possible; yashas karam = credit, worthy; karma kR^itavaan = deed, having performed; nipaatitaH = one who felled down; saH gR^idhra rajah = he, that eagle, king; tadaa = then; maharSi kalpena ca = by sublime-sage, one who is equal to [by such Rama]; sanskR^itaH = consecrated; puNyaam shubhaam = merited, auspicious; aatmanaH = of his own; gatim jagaama = to [heavenly] realms, went away.

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