68 – janaka sends message to ayodhya


Janaka’s delegation arrives at Ayodhya and submits its message to Dasharatha. Listening to the tidings that his son Rama not only lifted the bow of Shiva, but broke it as well, Dasharatha is overjoyed and refers the matter of marriage of Seetha with Rama to his ministers and teachers. All of the ministers and sages unanimously agree to that proposal and they are set to travel to Mithila the next day.

Verse 1

जनकेन समादिष्टा दूतास्ते क्लान्तवाहनाः |
त्रिरात्रमुषिताः मार्गे तेऽयोध्यां प्राविशन् पुरीम् || १-६८-१

Those envoys who are clearly ordered by Janaka entered the city of Ayodhya on sojourning for three nights en route, and whose horses are overtired for they are galloped so fast to loose no time. [1-68-1]

1. janakena samaadiSTaa = clearly ordered by Janaka; te duutaaH = those, envoys; maarge = en route; triraatram uSitaaH = three nights, on sojourning; klaantavaahanaaH = overtired vehicles [who have got overtired horses]; te ayodhyaam puriim praavishan = they, entered into city of Ayodhya.

Verse 2

ते राजवचनाद्गत्वा राजवेश्म प्रवेशिताः |
ददृशुर्देवसंकाशं वृद्धं दशरथं नृपम् || १-६८-२

On going to the palace those envoys are given an audience with the consent of Dasharatha, and when they are conducted into the palace-chambers they have seen the elderly king Dasharatha gleaming like a god. [1-68-2]

2. te = they [the envoys]; raajavacanaat gatvaa = on going [to palace] by words of king [of Dasharatha’s consent] ; raajaveshma praveshitaaH = when they are entered into [given a audience] king’s residence [palace-chambers] ; devasankaasham = in godly gleam; vR^iddham nR^ipam dasharatham = the elderly king, Dasharatha; dadR^ishuH = they have seen.

Verse 3

बद्धाञ्जलिपुटाः सर्वे दूता विगतसाध्वसाः |
राजानं प्रश्रितं वाक्यमब्रुवन्मधुराक्षरम् || १-६८-३

Completely gone is the angst of all the legates on seeing godly Dasharatha, and all of them adjoing palms in reverence said this compliant and mellowly worded sentence to the king. [1-68-3]

3. sarve duutaaH = all, legates; baddhaanjalipuTaaH = enfolding both palms; vigatasaadhvasaaH = completely gone angst [on seeing godly Dasharatha]; raajaanam = to king; madhuraakSaram = mellowly worded; prashritam vaakyam = compliant, sentence; abruvan = said.

Verse 4 & 5

मैथिलो जनको राजा साग्निहोत्रपुरस्कृतः |
मुहुर्मुहुर्मधुरया स्नेहसंरक्तया गिरा || १-६८-४
कुशलं चाव्ययं चैव सोपाध्यायपुरोहितम् |
जनकस्त्वां महाराज पृच्छते सपुरःसरम् || १-६८-५

Oh, exalted emperor Dasharatha! Janaka, the lineal king of Janaka-s and the present sovereign of Mithila is asking time and time again with mellowly words instilled with friendliness, after the wellbeing and after the unmitigated prosperity of your highness, along with that of your highness’ priests and teachers, also that of your highness’ subjects, who always precede your highness in convoys in any event, as your highness are the one who ingratiates himself with the Ritual-fires, ever and anon… [1-68-4, 5]

4, 5. mahaaraaja = oh exalted emperor [Dasharatha]; maithilaH = Mithila’s [sovereign]; janakaH = of Janaka lineage; raajaa = Janaka, king; saagnihotrapuraskR^itaH = you who ingratiates yourself with [ever and anon] fire of roituals; sopaadhyaayapurohitam = along with that of [your] teachers’, priests’; sapuraHsaram = with going before [afore you a convoys of subjects always precedes, in any event, safeguarding your interests]; tvaam = your [highness]; madhurayaa = mellowly; snehasamraktayaa giraa = with friendship instilled words; kushalam ca = wellbeing, also; avyayam ca eva = unmitigated [prosperity,] also, thus; as such; janakaH = Janaka – the present king; muhuH muhuH = again, again; pR^icChate = is asking after.

Verse 6

पृष्ट्वा कुशलमव्यग्रं वैदेहो मिथिलाधिपः |
कौशिकानुमते वाक्यं भवन्तमिदमब्रवीत् || १-६८-६

His highness Janaka of Videha, and the sovereign of Mithila, having asked after your highness’ wellbeing is sensibly saying this word to your highness, with the indorse of Kaushika… [1-68-6]

6. mithilaadhipaH vaidehaH = Mithila’s sovereign, Vaideha [Janaka]; avyagram = unruffled [at heart, sensibly]; kushalam pR^iSTvaa = having asked after wellbeing; kaushikaanumate = with the endorse of Kaushika; bhavantam = to your [highness]; idam vaakyam abraviit = said this word [to us, that which is sayable to you, his highness is saying this to your highness.]

Verse 7

पूर्वं प्रतिज्ञा विदिता वीर्यशुल्का ममात्मजा |
राजानश्च कृतामर्षा निर्वीर्या विमुखीकृताः || १-६८-७

Well-known is the solemn promise of mine that my daughter Seetha is a bounty for bravery… also well-know is that the kings who came to lift the bow turned out as gutless kings, and then they turned out as rancorous kings at me, and it is also well-known that I turned them back with my guts… [1-68-7]

7. mama aatmajaa = my, soul-born [daughter Seetha]; viiryashulkaa [iti] = bounty for bravery [thus]; puurvam pratij~naa = earlier, solemnly promised [by me]; viditaa = well-known – to all; kR^itaamarSaa = turned out as rancorous [kings]; raajaanaH nirviiryaaH = kings, without valour [turned into gutless kings]; vimukhiikR^itaaH = made to turn face [turned back] ; ca [viditaa] = also, [well-known.]

Verse 8

सेयं मम सुता राजन् विश्वामित्रपुरस्कृतैः |
यदृच्छयागतैर्वीरैर्निर्जिता तव पुत्रकैः || १-६८-८

Oh, Emperor Dasharatha, your young and valorous son who serendipitously arrived at Mithila along with his younger brother Lakshmana, keeping Vishvamitra at his fore, finally carries off this girl, the well-known daughter of mine… [1-68-8]

8. raajan = oh Emperor Dasharatha; saa iyam = such as she is, this – girl; mama sutaa = my, daughter; vishvaamitrapuraskR^itaiH = keeping afore Vishvamitra; yadR^icChayaa = coincidentally [serendipitously]; aagataiH = arrived [at Mithila]; tava = your; viiraiH = valorous; putrakaiH = sons / young son; nirjitaa = finally carried off.

Verse 9

तच्च रत्नं धनुर्दिव्यं मध्ये भग्नं महात्मना |
रामेण हि महाबाहो महत्यां जनसंसदि || १-६८-९

Also, oh, highly dextrous king Dasharatha, noble souled Rama wrecked that divine bow, which is a gem of a bow among bows, at its central point before a grand assembly of people… [1-68-9]

9. mahaabaaho = oh highly dextrous – king Dasharatha; divyam = divine [bow]; tat dhanuH ratnam ca = that, gem of a bow, also; mahatyaam janasamsadi = a grand assembly of people; mahaatmanaa raameNa = by noble-souled, Rama; madhye bhagnam = wrecked in central point.

Verse 10

अस्मै देया मया सीता वीर्यशुल्का महात्मने |
प्रतिज्ञां तर्तुमिच्छामि तदनुज्ञातुमर्हसि || १-६८-१०

Seetha is the bounty for bravery and I shall have to afford her to the noble-souled Rama, as such it will be apt of you to give your consent as I wish to keep up my solemn promise… [1-68-10]

10. viiryashulkaa siitaa = bounty for bravery, Seetha; asmai mahaatmane = to him, to noble souled [Rama]; mayaa deyaa = is to be given by me; pratij~naam = solemn promise; tartum = to swim over – to keep up; icChaami = I wish to; tat anuj~naatum arhasi = as suh, apt of you to give consent.

Verse 11

सोपाध्यायो महाराज पुरोहितपुरस्कृतः |
शीघ्रमागच्छ भद्रं ते द्रष्टुमर्हसि राघवौ || १-६८-११

Keeping your royal priest Vashishta and other teachers ahead of you, oh, great emperor, I wish you to come apace, let safe betide you, for it will be apt of you to take a look at your ennobled son Rama, and Lakshmana, too… [1-68-11]

11. mahaaraaja = oh great emperor; sopaadhyaayaH = with teachers; purohitapuraskR^itaH = keeping priest [namely Vashishta] ahead; shiighram aagacCha = you come apace; te bhadram = safe betides, you; raaghavau draSTum arhasi = apt of you to take a look at both Raghava-s [Rama and Lakshmana].

Verse 12

प्रतिज्ञां मम राजेन्द्र निर्वर्तयितुमर्हसि |
पुत्रयोरुभयोरेव प्रीतिं त्वमपि लप्स्यसे || १-६८-१२

‘It will be apt of you to make my solemn promise maintainable, and that way you will derive delight on seeing both of your sons…’ [1-68-12]

12. raajendra = oh the best king; mama pratij~naam nirvartayitum arhasi = apt of you to make my solemn promise [make it] maintainable; tvam api = you, even; [dR^iSTvaa = on your seeing]; ubhayoH putrayoH eva = both, from sons, that way; priitim = delight; upalapsyase = you, derive.

Verse 13

एवं विदेहाधिपतिर्मधुरं वाक्यमब्रवीत् |
विश्वामित्राभ्यनुज्ञातः शतानन्दमते स्थितः || १-६८-१३

“Thus the sovereign of Videha kingdom said these endearing words, abiding by the counsel of Sage Shataananda, and Sage Vishvamitra is also consentient to the proposal…” Thus the envoys conveyed the proposal and paused. [1-68-13]

13. videhaadhipatiH = Videha’s sovereign; vishvaamitraabhyanuj~naataH = Vishvamitra consentient to [the proposal]; shataaanandamate sthitaH = abiding by counsel of Sage Shataananda; evam = in this way; madhuram vaakyam abraviit = said sweet [endearing,] words – and paused.

Verse 14

दूतवाक्यं तु तच्छ्रुत्वा राजा परमहर्षितः |
वसिष्ठं वामदेवं च मंत्रिणश्चैवमब्रवीत् || १-६८-१४

King Dasharatha is highly gladdened on hearing that message from the delegates, and said this way to Vashishta, Vaamadeva, and to his other ministers, as well. [1-68-14]

14. raajaa = king – Dasharatha; tat duutavaakyam shrutvaa = on hearing that word of delegate [message] ; paramaharSitaH = highly gladdened; vasiSTham vaamadevam ca = to Vashishta, to Vaamadeva, also; mantriNaH ca = to [other] ministers, as well; evam abraviit = said this way.

Verse 15

गुप्तः कुशिकपुत्रेण कौसल्यानन्दवर्धनः |
लक्ष्मणेन सह भ्रात्रा विदेहेषु वसत्यसौ || १-६८-१५

This one Rama, the enhancer of Kausalya’s rejoice, is stopping over at Videha kingdom along with his brother Lakshmana, and Vishvamitra is taking care of both these boys… [1-68-15]

15. asau = that [boy] – Rama; kausalyaanandavardhanaH = enhancer of Kausalya’s rejoice; kushikaputreNa guptaH = taken care by Kushika’s, son [Vishvamitra] ; bhraatraa lakSmaNena saha = along with brother Lakshmana; videheSu vasati = he is living – he is stopping over in Videha [kingdom].

Verse 16

दृष्टवीर्यस्तु काकुत्स्थो जनकेन महात्मना |
संप्रदानं सुतायास्तु राघवे कर्तुमिच्छति || १-६८-१६

On observing the valour of Kakutstha Rama, noble souled Janaka wishes to gift his daughter as bride to Raghava Rama… [1-68-16]

16. kaakutsthaH = of Kakutstha Rama – on his part; mahaatmanaa janakena dR^iSTaviiryaH = one whose valour has been observed [on observing Rama’s valour] by noble souled Janaka; that Janaka; sutaayaaH sampradaanam = gift his daughter as bride; raaghave kartum icChati = he wishes to do in respect of Raghava.

Verse 17

यदि वो रोचते वृत्तं जनकस्य महात्मनः |
पुरीं गच्छामहे शीघ्रं मा भूत्कालस्य पर्ययः || १-६८-१७

“If you all favour the tidings from the noble-souled Janaka as to what has happened in Mithila, we quickly proceed to that city, let not the time lapse…” Thus Dasharatha informed his counsel. [1-68-17]

17. mahaatmanaH janakasya vR^ittam = what has happened to noble-souled Janaka’s – surprised assent to give daughter; vaH rocate yadi = if interested to you ; shiighram puriim gacChaamahe = quickly, we proceed to city [Mithila] ; kaalasya paryayaH maa bhuut = let not happen time’s lapse.

Verse 19

मंत्रिणस्तु नरेन्द्रस्य रात्रिं परमसत्कृताः |
ऊषुः प्रमुदिताः सर्वे गुणैः सर्वैः समन्विताः || १-६८-१९

The ministers of king Janaka who are gifted with all talents are given grateful hospitality by Dasharatha, and they all dwelt that night in Ayodhya, overjoyed at the successful completion of their august legatine, called sIta kalyANam…  [1-68-19]

19. sarvaiH guNaiH samanvitaaH = gifted with all talents; narendrasya mantriNaH = ministers of king [Janaka] ; on their part; paramasatkR^itaaH = given grateful hospitality; pramuditaaH = over joyed; sarve raatrim uuSuH = all they dwelled – in Ayodhya that night.

Verse 18

मंत्रिणो बाढमित्याहुः सह सर्वैर्महर्षिभिः |
सुप्रीतश्चाब्रवीद्राजा श्वो यात्रेति च मंत्रिणः || १-६८-१८

The ministers along with all of the great sages said in consonance, “Most Welcome…” and then that highly pleased king Dasharatha said to the ministers, “we travel tomorrow…” [1-68-18]

18. sarvaiH maharSibhiH saha mantriNaH = with all great sages, ministers; baaDham iti aahuH = ‘most welcome’, thus, they said; supriitaH raajaa = highly pleased, king; shvaH yaatraa iti = tomorrow, is the travel, thus; mantriNaH abraviit = said to ministers.

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