67 – rAma breaks shiva’s bow


Rama breaks Shiva’s bow when he wanted to examine the tautness of its bowstring. Janaka is perplexed, while others swooned at the blast of breaking bow, and Janaka proposes Seetha to Rama in marriage. On the approval of Vishvamitra to that proposal, Janaka sends his plenipotentiaries to Ayodhya.

Verse 1

जनकस्य वचः श्रुत्वा विश्वामित्रो महामुनिः |
धनुर्दर्शय रामाय इति होवाच पार्थिवम् || १-६७-१

On listening to the words of Janaka, the eminent-saint Vishvamitra indeed said to the king Janaka thus as, “let the bow be displayed to Rama…” [1-67-1]

1. mahaamuniH vishvaamitraH = eminent-saint, Vishvamitra; janakasya vacaH shrutvaa = on listening Janaka’s words; raamaaya dhanuH darshaya = bow may be shown to Rama; iti = thus; paarthivam uvaaca ha = said to king Janaka, indeed.

Verse 2

ततः स राजा जनकः सचिवान् व्यादिदेश ह |
धनुरानीयतां दिव्यं गन्धमाल्यानुलेपितम् || १-६७-२

Then king Janaka indeed ordered his ministers, “bring the divine bow which is decorated with sandalwood paste and garlands… [1-67-2]

2. tataH saH raajaa janakaH = then, he, that king, Janaka; sacivaan vyaadidesha ha = ordered to ministers, indeed; gandhamaalyaanulepitam = bedaubed – decorated with sandalwood paste, garlands; divyam = divine [bow]; dhanuH aaniiyataam = bow, be brought.

Verse 3 & 4

जनकेन समादिष्ठाः सचिवाः प्राविशन् पुरम् |
तद्धनुः पुरतः कृत्वा निर्जग्मुरमितौजसः || १-६७-३
नृणां शतानि पंचाशद्व्यायतानां महात्मनाम् |
मंजूषामष्टचक्रां तां समूहुस्ते कथंचन || १-६७-४

Thus clearly instructed by Janaka those high souled ministers have gone out from there and entered the palace-chambers, and they came out with an eight-wheeled coffer in which the bow of Shiva is ensconced, and those ministers got it tugged by five thousand tall men of illimitable energy who somehow tugged it very difficultly, and thus the ministers have re-entered there keeping that bow afore of them. [1-67-3, 4]

3, 4. janakena samaadiSThaaH = clearly instructed by Janaka; mahaatmanaam = high souled [ministers]; sacivaaH [antaH] puram praavishan = ministers, on entering [palace] chambers; tat dhanuH = that, bow; purataH kR^itvaa = on keeping [their] afore; nirjagmuH = came out [from palace-chambers]; te = those – miisters; amitaujasaH = unlimitable energetic ones [wheel cart pullers, not ministers]; vyaayataanaam nR^iNaam = by tall men; pancaashat shataani = fifty, hundreds [five thousand men]; aSTacakraam = eight wheeled; taam manjuuSaam = that, coffer; kathancana = somehow – very difficultly; samuuhuH = got it tugged.

Verse 5

तामादाय तु मंजूषामायसीं यत्र तद्धनुः |
सुरोपमं ते जनकमूचुर्नृपतिमन्त्रिणः || १-६७-५

On fetching that iron coffer wherein that bow is there, those ministers of the king have reported to their godlike King Janaka. [1-67-5]

5. te nR^ipatimantriNaH = they, king’s ministers; yatra = in which [coffer]; tat dhanuH = that, bow is there; taam aayasiim manjuuSaam = that, iron, coffer; aadaaya = on fetching; suropamam janakam uucuH = they said to god like Janaka.

Verse 6

इदं धनुर्वरं राजन् पूजितं सर्वराजभिः |
मिथिलाधिप राजेन्द्र दर्शनीयं यदिच्छसि || १-६७-६

Oh king and sovereign of Mithila, here is the select bow that is reverenced by all kings, oh, best king, which you wished to be evincible to the boys, to evince their capabilities… [1-67-6]

6. raajendra = the best king; mithilaadhipa = oh Mithila’s sovereign; raajan = oh king; yat darshaniiyam icChasi = which, you wished to be ivincible – such a bow; sarvaraajabhiH puujitam = reverenced by all kings; dhanuH varam = bow, the select one; idam = this is – here it is.

Verse 7

तेषां नृपो वचः श्रुत्वा कृताञ्जलिरभाषत |
विश्वामित्रं महात्मानं तावुभौ रामलक्ष्मणौ || १-६७-७

On listening the announcement of his ministers the king spoke to the noble souled Vishvamitra and to both Rama and Lakshmana too duly making palm-fold. [1-67-7]

7. nR^ipaH = king Janaka; teSaam vacaH shrutvaa = on listening their [of his ministers] words; kR^itaanjaliH = with palm-fold; mahaatmaanam vishvaamitram = to noble souled Vishvamitra; tau ubhau raamalakSmaNau = to them, both, Rama, Lakshmana; abhaaSata = spoke to.

Verse 8

इदं धनुर्वरं ब्रह्मन् जनकैरभिपूजितम् |
राजभिश्च महावीर्यैरशक्तैः पूरितं तदा || १-६७-८

Here is that exquisite bow, oh, Brahman, which is held as a time-honoured bow by the lineage of Janaka kings, and with which even the highly forceful kings are rendered inefficient to take aim with it, previously… [1-67-8]

8. brahman = oh Brahman; janakaiH = by [the lineage of] Janaka-s; tadaa = then [previously]; puuritam ashaktaiH = inefficient to take aim [with it] ; mahaaviiryaiH = highly forceful ones; raajabhiH ca = by kings, even; abhipuujitam = venerated [time-honoured bow]; dhanuH varam idam = exquisite bow is this.

Verse 9 & 10

नैतत् सुरगणाः सर्वे सासुरा न च राक्षसाः |
गंधर्वयक्षप्रवराः सकिन्नरमहोरगाः || १-६७-९
क्व गतिर्मानुषाणां च धनुषोऽस्य प्रपूरणे |
आरोपणे समायोगे वेपने तोलनेऽपि वा || १-६७-१०

None in all the assemblages of gods, inclusive of demigods, demons, gandharva-s, yaksha-s, kinnaraa-s, or reptilian demigods, is capable enough to take aim with this bow and all are rendered incapable… and then, in brandishing this bow for a proper grip, or in bracing its bowstring to the other end, or in twitching the bowstring for its tautness, or in placing the arrow on bowstring at a proper place for a proper stretchability, or even in taking a good aim with it… what will be that capability of one from among humans… [1-1-9, 10]

9, 10. etat = this one – the bow to take aim; sarve = all; suragaNaaH = assemblages of gods; na = not [capable of]; saasura = inclusive of demigods; raakSasaaH = demons; sakinnaramahoragaaH = inclusive of kinnaraa-s, great reptilian [demigods]; gandharvayakSapravaraaH = best gandharva-s, yaksha-s; na ca = not [capable,] also; asya dhanuSaH = with that, bow; tolane = in weighing or, balancing [in brandishing for a proper grip]; aaropaNe = in bracing bowstring; vepane = in twitching the bowstring [for its tautness]; samaayoge = in placing arrow on bowstring; api vaa = even, or; prapuuraNe = taking good aim; kva gatiH maanuSaaNaam ca = by what, course [capability,] among humans, even.

Verse 11

तदेतद्धनुषां श्रेष्ठमानीतं मुनिपुंगव |
दर्शयैतन्महाभाग अनयो राजपुत्रयोः || १-६७-११

“Oh, eminent-saint, such as it is, this nonpareil bow among all bows is brought in, and oh, highly fortunate sage Vishvamitra, let this be displayed to those two princes…” Thus Janaka said to Vishvamitra. [1-67-11]

11. munipungava = oh eminent-saint; tat etat dhanuSaam shreSTham = that [such as it is,] this nonpareil among bows; aaniitam = is brought in; mahaabhaaga = oh highly fortunate sage; etat anayoH raajaputrayoH darshaya = you may show this to two of king’s sons [princes] .

Verse 12

विश्वामित्रः सरामस्तु श्रुत्वा जनकभाषितम् |
वत्स राम धनुः पश्य इति राघवमब्रवीत् || १-६७-१२

Vishvamitra on listening the sentence of Janaka along with Rama, on his part said to Raghava, “oh, boy Rama… you may see the bow…” [1-67-12]

12. vishvaamitraH tu = Vishvamitra, on his part; sa raamaH = with Rama; janakabhaaSitam shrutvaa = on listening Janaka’s spoken word; vatsa raama dhanuH pashya = oh boy Rama, see bow; iti raaghavam abraviit = thus, said to Raghava.

Verse 13

महर्षेर्वचनाद्रामो यत्र तिष्ठति तद्धनुः |
मंजूषां तामपावृत्य दृष्ट्वा धनुरथाब्रवीत् || १-६७-१३

Upon the word of the great sage Vishvamitra, Rama on unclosing the lid of that strongbox, wherein that bow is ensconced, saw the bow and said. [1-67-13]

13. raamaH = Rama; maharSeH vacanaat = by great sage’s, word; tat dhanuH yatra tiSThati = that, bow, wherein, it is ensconced; taam manjuuSaam = that, strongbox [the lid of strongbox]; apaavR^itya = to side displacing [unclosing]; dhanuH dR^iSTvaa atha abraviit = then said on seeing bow.

Verse 14

इदं धनुर्वरं ब्रह्मन् संस्पृशामीह पाणिना |
यत्नवांश्च भविष्यामि तोलने पूरणेऽपि वा || १-६७-१४

Now I wish to get the feel of this supreme bow, oh, Brahman, and I shall try to brandish it, or even try to take aim with it… [1-67-14]

14. brahman = oh Brahman; iha = now; idam dhanuH varam = this, supreme bow; paaNinaa samspR^ishaami = with hand [hands-on,] I will touch – I wish to get the feel of; tolane puuraNe api vaa = in brandishing, in taking aim, even, or; yatnavaan bhaviSyaami ca = I wish to become a trier, even.

Verse 15

बाढमित्येव तं राजा मुनिश्च समभाषत |
लीलया स धनुर्मध्ये जग्राह वचनान्मुनेः || १-६७-१५

“All Right!” said the saint and king to Rama in chorus, and Rama upon the word of the sage grasping it at the middle handgrip playfully grabbed the bow. [1-67-15]

15. raajaa muniH ca = king, saint, also; baaDham = all right; iti eva = thus, only; tam samabhaaSata = to him – to Rama, equally [in chorus] said; saH muneH vacanaat = he Rama, upon the word, of sage; dhanuH madhye liilayaa jagraaha = playfully grabbed bow, at its middle [grasping at middle handgrip of bow] .

Verse 16

पश्यतां नृसहस्राणां बहूनां रघुनंदनः |
आरोपयत्स धर्मात्मा सलीलमिव तद्धनुः || १-६७-१६

While many thousands of men are witnessing that right-minded Rama the legatee of Raghu stringed the bow effortlessly. [1-67-16]

16. dharmaatmaa saH raghunandanaH = virtue souled one [right-minded,] he, that Raghu’s legatee – Rama; bahuunaam nR^isahasraaNaam pashyataam = while witnessing many thousands of people; tat dhanuH = that, bow; saliilam iva = as though with friskiness [friskily, effortlessly] ; aaropayat = stringed the bow to take aim.

Verse 17

आरोपयित्वा मौर्वीं च पूरयामास वीर्यवान् |
तद्बभंज धनुर्मध्ये नरश्रेष्ठो महायशाः || १-६७-१७

Further, that dextrous one has stringed that bow with bowstring and started to stretch it up to his ear to examine its tautness, but that glorious one who is foremost among men, Rama, broke that bow medially. [1-67-17]

17. viiryavaan = dextrous one; maurviim aaropayitvaa ca = bowstring, having stringed, further; puurayaamaasa = started to stretch the bowstring [up to his ear to see its tautness]; then; mahaayashaaH narashreSThaH = glorious one, the one best among men; tat dhanuH madhye babhanja = he broke medially that bow.

Verse 18

तस्य शब्दो महानासीन्निर्घातसमनिःस्वनः |
भूमिकंपश्च सुमहान् पर्वतस्येव दीर्यतः || १-६७-१८

Then there bechanced an explosive explosion when the bow is broken, like the explosiveness of down plunging thunder, and the earth is tremulously tremulous, as it happens when a mountain is exploding. [1-67-18]

18. tasya shabdaH = its [breakage’s,] sound [explosion]; nirghaatasamaniHsvanaH = like the explosiveness of down plunging [thunder]; mahaan aasiit = great [explosive,] is there [bechanced]; parvatasya diiryataH iva = like [as it happens] exploding of mountain; sumahaan = very, great [tremulously]; bhuumikampaH ca = earth is tremulous, also – has happened.

Verse 19

निपेतुश्च नराः सर्वे तेन शब्देन मोहिताः |
व्रजयित्वा मुनिवरं राजानं तौ च राघवौ || १-६७-१९

Bewildered by that raucous caused by the breakage of bow, all the people swooned, except for that eminent-saint Vishvamitra, king Janaka, and those two Raghava-s, namely Rama and Lakshmana. [1-67-19]

19. tena shabdena mohitaaH = bewildered by that raucous; munivaram raajaanam tau ca raaghavau = eminent saint Vishvamitra, king Janaka, those two, also, Raghava-s; vrajayitvaa = except for; sarve naraaH nipetuH = all, people, fell down [swooned.]

Verse 20

प्रत्याश्वस्तो जने तस्मिन् राजा विगतसाध्वसः |
उवाच प्रांजलिर्वाक्यं वाक्यज्ञो मुनिपुंगवम् || १-६७-२०

While the people are being reaccustomed after their undergoing the shock, at that moment that sententious king Janaka, whose discomfiture has completely departed by now has said this to the eminent-saint Vishvamitra with a reverent palm-fold. [1-67-20]

20. tasmin = at that [moment]; jane = people; pratyaashvastaH = being inspirited [reaccustomed]; vaakyaj~naH raajaa = sententious, king Janaka; vigatasaadhvasaH = discomfiture completely gone [departed] ; praanjaliH = with palm-fold [reverentially]; munipungavam = to eminent-saint; vaakyam uvaaca = said sentence.

Verse 21

भगवन् दृष्टवीर्यो मे रामो दशरथात्मजः |
अत्यद्भुतमचिन्त्यं चातर्कितमिदं मया || १-६७-२१

Oh, godly sage, the gallantry of Dasharatha’s Rama is evidently seen… and the whys of this boy and wherefores of his stringing that massive bow are unimaginable to me! More so, humans lifting it! How so? This is an unhoped-for incident for me, besides, breaking it! This a is highly wondrous experience for me… [1-67-21]

21. bhagavan = oh godly sage; dasharathaatmajaH = Dasharatha’s son; raamaH = Rama; me = by me; dR^iSTaviiryaH = has seen gallantry – his gallantry is seen; = ; atyadbhutam = highly wondrous; acintyam ca = not imaginable; idam maya = this [incident,] by me [for me]; atarkitam = not discussed – unhoped-for.

Verse 22

जनकानां कुले कीर्तिमाहरिष्यति मे सुता |
सीता भर्तारमासाद्य रामं दशरथात्मजम् || १-६७-२२

My daughter Seetha on getting Dasharatha’s Rama as her husband, she will bring celebrity to the lineage of Janaka-s… [1-67-22]

22. me sutaa siitaa = my, daughter, Seetha; dasharathaatmajam raamam = Dasharatha’s son, Rama; bhartaaram = as husband; aasaadya = on getting; janakaanaam kule = for Janaka’s, lineage; kiirtim aahariSyati = brings about celebrity.

Verse 23

मम सत्या प्रतिज्ञा सा वीर्यशुल्केति कौशिक |
सीता प्राणैर्बहुमता देया रामाय मे सुता || १-६७-२३

Oh, Kaushika, my commitment that she is the bounty of bravery has also come true… and my daughter Seetha who is nurtured well than my own lives is a worthy bride for Rama… [1-67-23]

23. kaushika = oh Kaushika; saa viiryashulkaa = she is, bravery’s bounty; iti = thus; mama pratijnaa ca satyaa = my, commitment, also, came true; praaNaiH bahumataa = nurtured well than [my] lives; me sutaa siitaa = my, daughter, Seetha; raamaaya deyaa = giveable to Rama – worthy to be given.

Verse 24

भवतोऽनुमते ब्रह्मन् शीघ्रं गच्छंतु मंत्रिणः |
मम कौशिक भद्रं ते अयोध्यां त्वरिता रथैः || १-६७-२४

Should you give consent, oh, Brahman, my ministers will be hastened to speedily go to Ayodhya in chariots, oh, Kaushika, let safeness betide you, and one and all by this matrimony… [1-67-24]

24. brahman = oh Brahman; kaushika = oh Kaushika; bhavataH anumate = by you, in consent – with your consent; mama mantriNaH = my, ministers; tvaritaaH = hastned; speedily; rathaiH ayodhyaam shiighram gacChantu = they go quickly to Ayodhya by chariots; te bhadram = you be safe.

Verse 25

राजानं प्रश्रितैर्वाक्यैरानयंतु पुरं मम |
प्रदानं वीर्यशुक्लायाः कथयंतु च सर्वशः || १-६७-२५

With their observant submissions those ministers will narrate in detail about the sincere endowment of Seetha as bravery’s bounty to Rama, and they will lead king Dasharatha into my city that observantly… [1-67-25]

25. viiryashuklaayaaH = she who is bravery’s bounty; pradaanam = sincere, endowment of such a girl in marriage; sarvashaH kathayantu = will narrate in detail, [they the ministers] ; prashritaiH vaakyaiH = by observant, sentences [submissions]; raajaanam = to king Dasharatha; mama puram aanayantu = they will lead him in to my city.

Verse 26

मुनिगुप्तौ च काकुत्स्थौ कथयंतु नृपाय वै |
प्रीतियुक्तं तु राजानमानयंतु सुशीघ्रगाः || १-६७-२६

“Those ministers will also tell the king Dasharatha that both the Kakutstha-s, Rama and Lakshmana, are under the aegis of saint Vishvamitra, and thus gladdening that king they will expeditiously usher in king Dasharatha for marriage…” So said Janaka to Vishvamitra. [1-67-26]

26. kaakutsthau = two Kakutstha-s; muniguptau ca = by saint [Vishvamitra] as shrouded – under the aegis of, also; nR^ipaaya = to king Dasharatha; kathayantu vai = they [ministers will] inform, indeed; sushiighragaaH = very fast goers [expeditious ministers]; on their going there; priitiyuktam = along with glad [making glad, gladdening him;] raajaanam aanayantu = they will usher in king.

Verse 27

कौशिकश्च तथेत्याह राजा चाभाष्य मंत्रिणः |
अयोध्यां प्रेषयामास धर्मात्मा कृतशासनान् |
यथावृत्तं समाख्यातुमानेतुं च नृपं तथा || १-६७-२७

Vishvamitra said, “so be it,” and then that right-minded king Janaka on consulting with his ministers started to send his ministers, plenipotentiaries, to Ayodhya to inform Dasharatha in detail as to what has happened, and likewise to bring him to Mithila. [1-67-27]

27. kaushikaH ca tathaa iti aaha = Kaushika – Vishvamitra, also, so be it, thus, said; dharmaatmaa raajaa ca = right-minded king Janaka, also; mantriNaH aabhaaSya = on consulting with ministers; tathaa = likewise; yathaavR^ittam samaakhyaatum = to tell in full detail as has happened; nR^ipam aanetum ca = to bring in king Dasharatha, also; kR^itashaasanaan = one who is made to implement orders [ministers plenipotentiary]; ayodhyaam preSayaamaasa = started to send to Ayodhya.

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