66 – Sri Rama urges Hanuma, to repeat the words spoken by Seetha.


Rama, presses the jewel for the head, dispatched by Seetha on his bosom and speaks to Sugreeva, telling him that by seeing that excellent jewel he obtains the sight of Seetha, her father and father-in-law. Rama urges Hanuma, to repeat the words spoken by Seetha.

Verse 1

एवम् उक्तो हनुमता रामो दशरथ आत्मजः |
तम् मणिम् हृदये कृत्वा प्ररुरोद सलक्ष्मणः || ५-६६-१

Hearing the words of Hanuma, Rama the son of Dasaratha, having Lakshmana by his side, pressing that jewel on his bosom, began to weep.

1. evam = thus; uktaH = spoken; hanumataa = by Hanuma; raamaH = Rama; dasharatha aatmajaH = the son of Dasaratha; salakSmaNaH = having Lakshmana by his side; kR^itvaa = pressing; tam maNim = that jewel; hR^idaye = on his bosom; prarurodaH = began to weep.

Verse 2

तम् तु दृष्ट्वा मणि श्रेष्ठम् राघवः शोक कर्शितः |
नेत्राभ्याम् अश्रु पूर्णाभ्याम् सुग्रीवम् इदम् अब्रवीत् || ५-६६-२

Seeing that excellent jewel, Rama emaciated with grief, having his eyes filled with tears, spoke to Sugreeva as follows:

2. dR^iSTvaa = seeing; tam maNi shreSTham = that excellent jewel; raaghavaH = Rama; shoka karshitaH = emaciated with grief; netraabhyaam = with his eyes; ashru puurNaabhyaam = filled with tears; abraviit = spoke; idam = these words; sugriivam = to Sugreeva.

Verse 3

यथैव धेनुः स्रवति स्नेहात् वत्सस्य वत्सला |
तथा मम अपि हृदयम् मणि रत्नस्य दर्शनात् || ५-६६-३

“Even as a cow, who is affectionate towards her offspring, gushes forth the milk (from her teats) due to her love at the very sight of her calf, so does my heart too melt through the sight of this excellent jewel.”

3. yathiava = even as; dhenuH = a cow; vatsalaa = who is affectionate towards her offspring; sravati = gushed forth milk (from her teats); snehaat = due to her love; vastasya = at the very sight of her calf; mama hR^idayam api tathaa = so does my through the sight; maNi ratnasya = of the excellent jewel.

Verse 4

मणि रत्नम् इदम् दत्तम् वैदेह्याः श्वशुरेण मे |
वधू काले यथा बद्धम् अधिकम् मूर्ध्नि शोभते || ५-६६-४

“This excellent jewel was presented by my father-in-law to Seetha when she had become a bride and was tied to her head in such a way that it looked additionally beautifying.”

4. idam = this; maNi ratnam = excellent jewel; dattam = was presented; me shvashureNa = by my father-in-law; vaidehyaaH = to Seetha; vadhuu kaale = when she had become a bride; aabaddham = and was tied; muurdhni = to her head; yathaa = in such a way (as it looked); adhikam shobhate = additionally beautifying.

Verse 5

अयम् हि जल सम्भूतो मणिः प्रवर पूजितः |
यज्ञे परम तुष्टेन दत्तः शक्रेण धीमता || ५-६६-५

“The jewel, which was found in the waters and recommended by the good, had been presented to him earlier by the intelligent Indra the lord of celestials, who was highly pleased in Yajna, a sacrificial rite (intended to propitiate him).”

5. ayam maNiH = this jewel; jala sambhuutaH = which was born in water; sajjana puujitaH = and recommended by the good; dattaH = had been presented (to him); dhiimataa shakreNa = by the intelligent Indra the lord of celestials; parama tuShTena = who was highly pleased; yaJNe = in Yajna sacrificial rite.

Verse 6

इमम् दृष्ट्वा मणि श्रेष्ठम् तथा तातस्य दर्शनम् |
अद्य अस्मि अवगतः सौम्य वैदेहस्य तथा विभोः || ५-६६-६

“O gentle Sugreeva! Seeing now this excellent jewel, I am considering it as surely as obtaining the sight of my father as well as Janaka, the king of Videha.”

6. saumya = O gentle Sugreeva!; dR^iShTva = seeing; imam maNi shreShTham = excellent jewel; adya = now; avagataH asmi = I am considering it; yathaa tathaa = as surely as; darshanam = obtaining the sight; taatasya = of my father; tathaa = and; vaidehasya = of Janaka; vibhoH = the king of Videha.

Verse 7

अयम् हि शोभते तस्याः प्रियाया मूर्ध्नि मे मणिः |
अस्य दर्शनेन अहम् प्राप्ताम् ताम् इव चिन्तये || ५-६६-७

“This jewel indeed looks splendid on the head of my beloved Seetha. By seeing this now, I am considering as though I obtained the sight of Seetha herself.”

7. ayam maNiH = this jewel; shobhate hi = indeed looks splendid; muurdhni = on the head; me priyaayaaH = of my beloved; darshanena = by seeing; asya = this; adya = now; chintaye = I am considering; praaptaamiva = as if I obtained; taam = her.

Verse 8

किम् आह सीता वैदेही ब्रूहि सौम्य पुनः पुनः |
पिपासुम् इव तोयेन सिन्चन्ती वाक्य वारिणा || ५-६६-८

“O gentle one! Repeat again and again, what Seetha the daughter of Videha’s king said to you, sprinkling me with your stream of words, like offering water to a thirsty person.”

8. saumya = O gentle one!; bruuhi punaH punaH = repeat again and again; kim = what; siitaa = Seetha; vaidehii = the daughter of king of Videha; aaha = said to you; siNchanti = sprinkling (me); vaakya vaariNaa = with water of words; toyena iva = like offering water; pipaasum = to a thirsty person.

Verse 9

इतः तु किम् दुह्खतरम् यत् इमम् वारि सम्भवम् |
मणिम् पश्यामि सौमित्रे वैदेहीम् आगतम् विना || ५-६६-९

“O Lakshmana! What could be more painful than the fact that I am seeing this jewel found in waters, without the arrival of Seetha?”

9. saumitre = O Lakshmana!; kim = what; duHkhataram = could be more painful; itaH = than (the fact); yat pashyaami = that I am seeing; imam maNim = this jewel; vaari sambhavam = found in waters; aagatam vinaa = without the arrival; vaidehiim = of Seetha?

Verse 10

चिरम् जीवति वैदेही यदि मासम् धरिष्यति |
क्षणम् सौम्य न जीवेयम् विना ताम् असित ईक्षणाम् || ५-६६-१०

“O gentle one! If Seetha can survive for a month, it means that she is surviving for long. O gentle one! Without that black-eyed Seetha, I cannot survive for even a moment.”

10. saumya = O gentle one!; vaidehii dhariSyati yadi = if Seetha can survive; maasam = for a month; chiram jiivati = it means she is surviving for long!; saumya = O gentle one!; taam asita iikShaNaam vinaa = without that Seetha with her dark eyes na jiiveyam = I cannot survive; kShaNaam = for even a moment.

Verse 11

नय माम् अपि तम् देशम् यत्र दृष्टा मम प्रिया |
न तिष्ठेयम् क्षणम् अपि प्रवृत्तिम् उपलभ्य च || ५-६६-११

“Take me too to that place where my beloved Seetha has been seen. I cannot halt even for a moment, after receiving the news of her location.”

11. naya = take; maam api = me too; tam desham = to that place; yatra = where; mama priyaa = my beloved Seetha; dR^iSTaa = has been seen. na tiShTheyam = I cannot halt; kShaNam api = even for a moment; upalabhya cha pravR^ittim = after getting the news (of her whereabouts).

Verse 12

कथम् सा मम सुश्रोणि भीरु भीरुः सती तदा |
भय आवहानाम् घोराणाम् मध्ये तिष्ठति रक्षसाम् || ५-६६-१२

“How does Seetha, my virtuous wife with her charming limbs, who is very shy, stay all the time with demons who are terrific and cruel?”

12. katham = how; mama satii sushroNii = does my virtuous wife; Seetha with charming limbs; bhiiru bhiiruH = who is very shy; tiShThati = stay; sadaa = all the time; rakShasaam = with demons; bhaya aavahaanaam = who are terrific; ghoraaNaam = and cruel?

Verse 13

शारदः तिमिर उन्मुखो नूनम् चन्द्र इव अम्बुदैः |
आवृतम् वदनम् तस्या न विराजति राक्षसैः || ५-६६-१३

“Her countenance, surely like automnal moon, though liberated of darkness, but screened by clouds, does not shine at present.”

13. tasyaaH = her; vadanam = countenance; nuunam = surely; shaaradaH chandraH iva = like autumnal moon; timira unmukhaH = (though) liberated of darkness; aavR^itam ambudaiH = but screened by clouds; na viraajati = does not shine; saampratam = at present.

Verse 14

किम् आह सीता हनुमन् तत्त्वतः कथयस्व मे |
एतेन खलु जीविष्ये भेषजेन आतुरो यथा || ५-६६-१४

“O Hanuma! Tell me now, correctly what Seetha told you. I shall surely survive, by hearing her words, even as a sick man would with the help of a medicine.”

14. hanumaan = O Hanuma!; kim siitaa aaha = what did Seetha tell? kathaya = tell; me = me; adya = now; tattvataH = in truth; jiiviSye khalu = I shall surely survive; etena = (by hearing) this; aaturaH iva = like a sick man(survives); bheSajena yathaa = as with a medicine.

Verse 15

मधुरा मधुर आलापा किम् आह मम भामिनी |
मत् विहीना वराअरोहा हनुमन् कथयस्व मे || ५-६६-१५

“Tell me, what my beautiful consort, who is sweet-natured, and who utters sweet words, having fine hips and has been separated from me, said to you.”

15. kathayasva = tell; me = me; kim = what; mama bhaaminii = my beautiful consort; madhuraa = who is sweet-natured; madhura aalaapaa = who utters sweet words; varaarohanaa = having fine hips; mat vihiinaa = and has been separated from me; aaha = said to you.

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