63 – Legend of vishvamitra [contd. ]


On Vishvamitra’s performing severe ascesis Brahma accords the sageship of ‘Great-sage’ to him, whereas Vishvamitra’s ambition is to acquire the sageship of a ‘Brahma-sage’ Absolute-sageship. In the meanwhile, the celestial wench Menaka arrives at that place and Vishvamitra is enticed by her beauty and spends some years with her. Later, on realising the he should have won over lust, he further undertakes severe ascesis, by which gods are perturbed.

Verse 1

पूर्णे वर्षसहस्रे तु व्रतस्नातं महामुनिम् |
अभ्यागच्छन् सुराः सर्वे तपःफलचिकीर्षवः || १-६३-१

“When thousand years are completed in ascesis and when that great saint Vishvamitra took a bath of solemnity, all the gods have come forward wishing to accord the fruit of that ascesis to Vishvamitra.” Thus Sage Shataananda continued the legend of Vishvamitra. [1-63-1]

1. varSasahasre puurNe = while being completed thousand years; sarve suraaH = all, gods; tapaHphalacikiirSavaH = wishing [to accord to Vishvamitra] for ascetic fruit; vratasnaatam mahaamunim = great saint took bath of solemnity ; abhyaagacChan = came towards.

Verse 2

अब्रवीत् सुमहातेजा ब्रह्मा सुरुचिरं वचः |
ऋषिस्त्वमसि भद्रं ते स्वार्जितैः कर्मभिः शुभैः || १-६३-२

The very highly resplendent Brahma spoke to him with highly palatable words, ‘you have now become a kingly sage by virtue of auspicious deeds you have personally undertaken, let safeness betide you.’ [1-63-2]

2. sumahaatejaaH brahmaa = very highly resplendent, Brahma; suruciram vacaH abraviit = spoke highly palatable words; tvam = you; svaarjitaiH = acquired – undertaken on your own; shubhaiH karmabhiH = with auspicious, deeds; R^iSiH asi = you are – you have become sage; te bhadram = let there be safety to you.

Verse 3

तमेवमुक्त्वा देवेशस्त्रिदिवं पुनरभ्यगात् |
विश्वामित्रो महातेजा भूयस्तेपे महत्तपः || १-६३-३

On speaking to Vishvamitra in that way Brahma returned to heaven, and that highly vigorous Vishvamitra again performed a great ascesis. [1-63-3]

3. deveshaH = god of gods [Brahma]; tam evam uktvaa = on speaking to him in that way; punaH tridivam abhyagaat [abhi-agaat] = again came towards heaven [came back]; mahaatejaaH vishvaamitraH = a highly vigorous one, Vishvamitra; bhuuyaH mahat tapaH tepe = again performed great ascesis.

Verse 4

ततः कालेन महता मेनका परमाप्सराः |
पुष्करेषु नरश्रेष्ठ स्नातुं समुपचक्रमे || १-६३-४

Then at a long lost time Menaka, the prominent apsara, celestial wench, has arrived and started to swim for sport in that holy lake. [1-63-4]

4. narashreSTha = oh the best man, Rama; tataH = then; mahataa kaalena = after a great time – at a long lost time; menakaa paramaapsaraaH = Menaka, high [prominent, apsara -celestial wench; puSkareSu snaatum samupacakrame = started to take bath in holy lake – started a swimming for sport.

Verse 5

तां ददर्श महातेजा मेनकां कुशिकात्मजः |
रूपेणाप्रतिमां तत्र विद्युतं जलदे यथा || १-६३-५

That great resplendent sage Vishvamitra has seen Menaka who is incomparable in her mien and comparable to an electric-flash in a black-cloud, while she is swimming in the holy lake. [1-63-5]

5. mahaatejaaH kushikaatmajaH = great resplendent, Kushi’s son – Vishvamitra; tatra = there – in holy lake; jalade vidyutam yathaa = electric-flash as with in black-cloud; ruupeNa apratimaam = not matchabe by mein – an incomparable one; taam menakaam dadarsha = he has seen at her, Menaka.

Verse 6 & 7a

दृष्ट्वा कन्दर्पवशगो मुनिस्तामिदमब्रवीत् |
अप्सरः स्वागतं तेऽस्तु वस चेह ममाश्रमे || १-६३-६
अनुगृह्णीष्व भद्रं ते मदनेन सुमोहितम् |

On seeing her the sage having gone under the sway the Love-god said this to her, ‘oh, apsara, you are welcome, I invite you to bide in my hermitage. Oblige me who am bewitched by Love-god for you. You be safe.’ [1-63-6, 7a]

6, 7a. dR^iSTvaa muniH = having seen, the sage; kandarpavashagaH = on going into Love-god’s control; taam idam abraviit = said this to her ; apsaraH te svaagatam astu = oh apsara, welcome is there to you; mama iha aashrame vasa ca = you stay here at my hermitage, also; madanena sumohitam = bewitched [for you] by Love-god; [maam = me]; anugR^ihNiiSva = oblige me; te bhadram = you be safe.

Verse 7b, 8 & 9a

इत्युक्ता सा वरारोहा तत्र वासमथाकरोत् || १-६३-७
तपसो हि महाविघ्नो विश्वामित्रमुपागतम् |
तस्यां वसन्त्यां वर्षाणि पंच पंच च राघव || १-६३-८
विश्वामित्राश्रमे सौम्य सुखेन व्यतिचक्रमुः |

When he said thus to her, oh, Raghava, then she made a stopover there and ten years rolled by comfortably, and oh, gentle Rama, because of her staying Vishvamitra is indeed faced with a great hindrance in his ascesis. [1-63-7b, 8, 9a]

7b, 8, 9a. Raaghava = oh Raghava; saa varaarohaa iti uktaa = thus, that beautiful nymph who is spoken to; atha tatra vaasam akarot = then, she made stopover there; saumya = oh gentle Rama; tasyaam vishvaamitraashrame vasantyaam = while staying in Vishvamitra’s hermitage by her ; panca panca ca = five, five [ten,] also; varSaaNi sukhena vyaticakramuH = years, comfortably, elapsed; vishvaamitram = to Vishvamitra; tapasaH mahaavighnaH = great hindrance for ascesis; upaagatam hi = came near [faced with,] indeed.

Verse 9b & 10

अथ काले गते तस्मिन् विश्वामित्रो महामुनिः || १-६३-९
सव्रीड इव संवृत्तश्चिन्ताशोकपरायणः |
बुद्धिर्मुनेः समुत्पन्ना सामर्षा रघुनंदन || १-६३-१०

Then after the lapse of that ten year period Vishvamitra became doleful with distress and he is enwrapped in humiliation, as it were, and, oh, Rama, Raghu’s legatee, then a resentful thought occurred to him. [1-63-9b, 10]

9b, 10. atha tasmin kaale gate = then, that [ten years,] time, having elapsed; mahaamuniH vishvaamitraH cintaashokaparaayaNaH = great-saint, Vishvamitra became doleful with distress; savriiDaH iva = as it were with humiliation ; samvR^ittaH = enwrapped in; raghunandana = oh Raghu’s legatee; muneH = to saint; saamarSaa = with resentment; buddhiH samutpannaa = thought, occurred.

Verse 11 & 12a

सर्वं सुराणां कर्मैतत्तपोऽपहरणं महत् |
अहो रात्रापदेशेन गताः संवत्सरा दश || १-६३-११
काममोहाभिभूतस्य विघ्नोऽयं प्रत्युपस्थितः |

All this is the mischief of gods to defraud me of the great merit of my ascesis. Ten years have rolled by as if they are just a day and a night. Furthermore, I who am under the influence of lust and lure had to encounter this hindrance in my ascesis. [1-63-11, 12a]

11, 12a. etat sarvam = this, all – all this is; mahat tapaH apaharaNam = to defraud great [merit] ascesis; suraaNaam karma = all, gods’, deed [mischief]; kaamamohaabhibhuutasya = one who is influenced [i.e., me] with lust and lure; dashasamvatsaraaH = ten, years; ahaH raatraapadeshena = in the name of day and night – as if they are one day and one night; gataaH = rolled by; ayam vighnaH = this, hindrance; pratyupasthitaH [prati upa sthitaH] = above all, came near – encountered.

Verse 12b, 13 & 14a

विनिःश्वसन् मुनिवरः पश्चात्तापेन दुःखितः || १-६३-१२
भीतामप्सरसं दृष्ट्वा वेपन्तीं प्रांजलिं स्थिताम् |
मेनकां मधुरैर्वाक्यैर्विसृज्य कुशिकात्मजः || १-६३-१३
उत्तरं पर्वतं राम विश्वामित्रो जगाम ह |

Oh, Rama, that best saint suspired heavily when he became emotional with reparation. But on seeing the scared celestial wench Menaka, who is shivering and waiting with suppliantly adjoined palms, he sent her away with pleasant words, and he that Vishvamitra indeed went to the northern Himalayan mountain. [1-63-12b, 13, 14a]

12b, 13, 14a. raama = oh Rama; munivaraH = the best saint; kushikaatmajaH = Kushika’s son Vishvamitra; pashcaattaapena duHkhitaH viniHshvasan = becoming emotional with reparation, [and] suspiring; bhiitaam praanjalim sthitaam = one who is scared, staying [waiting] with well-adjoined palms; vepantiim = one who is shivering; apsarasam menakaam dR^iSTvaa = on seeing celestial wench, Menaka; madhuraiH vaakyaiH = with pleasant, words; visR^ijya = released [sending her away]; saH vishvaamitraH = he, Vishvamitra; uttaram parvatam = northern, [Himalayan mountain]; jagaama ha = went to, indeed.

Verse 14b & 15a

स कृत्वा नैष्ठिकीं बुद्धिं जेतुकामो महायशाः || १-६३-१४
कौशिकीतीरमासाद्य तपस्तेपे दुरासदम् |

He that highly celebrated sage who made a resolve to attain a sang-froid temperament and to vanquish lust, performed an unsurpassable ascesis on reaching the riverbank of River Kaushiki. [1-63-14b, 15a]

14b, 15a. mahaayashaaH = highly celebrated sage; saH = he; naiSThikiim buddhim kR^itvaa = on making resolve for sang-froid temperament; jetukaamaH = lust to vanquish [his desire to vanquish Vashishta]; kaushikii tiiram aasaadya = on getting at bank of River Kaushiki; duraasadam tapaH tepe = performed unsurpassable ascesis.

Verse 15b & 16a

तस्य वर्षसहस्राणि घोरं तप उपासतः || १-६३-१५
उत्तरे पर्वते राम देवतानामभूद्भयम् |

Oh, Rama, while he reverently performed an unspeakable ascesis for a thousand years on the northern mountain, namely Himalayas, then fear occurred to gods. [1-63-15b, 16a]

15b, 16a. raama = oh Rama; tasya uttare parvate = his, at northern, mountain; varSasahasraaNi = thousand years; ghoram tapaH upaasataH = while performed reverently unspeakable ascesis; devataanaam bhayam abhuut = fear bechanced for gods.

Verse 16b & 17a

आमंत्रयन् समागम्य सर्वे सर्षिगणाः सुराः || १-६३-१६
महर्षिशब्दं लभतां साध्वयं कुशिकात्मजः |

‘ All gods coming together with assemblages of sages have approached Brahma and conveyed that, ‘this Vishvamitra, the son of Kushika, may duly be given the epithet of ‘Maharshi, Exalted Sage.’ [1-63-16b, 17a]

16b, 17a. saRSigaNaaH = with sage’s assemblages; sarve suraaH = all of the, gods; [brahmaaNam = with Brahma]; samaagamya = approaching; ayam kushikaatmajaH = he this, Kushika’s son; saadhu = duly; maharSishabdam = an exalted sage sound [name, epithet]; labhataam = let him get, may be given; [iti = thus]; aamantrayan = they conveyed.

Verse 17b & 18a

देवतानां वचः श्रुत्वा सर्वलोकपितामहः || १-६३-१७
अब्रवीन्मधुरं वाक्यं विश्वामित्रं तपोधनम् |

On listening the advice of gods, Brahma, the Grandparent of all the worlds, spoke these pleasant words to the ascetically wealthy Vishvamitra. [1-63-17b, 18a]

17b, 18a. sarvalokapitaamahaH = all worlds’ grandparent [Brahma]; devataanaam vacaH shrutvaa = on listening gods’ words [advice]; tapodhanam vishvaamitram = to ascetically wealthy Vishvamitra; madhuram vaakyam abraviit = spoke pleasant words.

Verse 18b & 19a

महर्षे स्वागतं वत्स तपसोग्रेण तोषितः || १-६३-१८
महत्त्वमृषिमुख्यत्वं ददामि तव कौशिक |

‘Oh, exalted sage, I welcome you my dear, as I am gladdened by your stern ascesis, oh, Kaushika, I bestow upon you the sublimity and supremacy among sages.’ [1-63-18b, 19a]

18b, 19a. maharSe = oh Exalted Sage; vatsa = my dear; svaagatam = welcome; ugreNa tapasaa toSitaH = [I am] gladdened by stern ascesis [of yours] ; kaushika = oh Kaushika; tava = to you; mahattvam = sublimity; R^iSimukhyatvam dadaami = I bestow supremacy among sages.

Verse 19b & 20a

ब्रह्मणः स वचः श्रुत्वा विश्वामित्रस्तपोधनः || १-६३-१९
प्रांजलिः प्रणतो भूत्वा प्रत्युवाच पितामहम् |

And on hearing the words of Brahma he that ascetically wealthy Vishvamitra became obeisant and replied the Grandparent adjoining his palms suppliantly. [1-63-19b, 20a]

19b, 20a. tapodhanaH saH vishvaamitraH = ascetically wealthy, he, that Vishvamitra; brahmaNaH vacaH shrutvaa = on hearing Brahma’s word; praanjaliH praNataH bhuutvaa = on becoming obeisant with well-adjoined palms; pitaamaham pratyuvaaca = in turn said – replied to grandparent.

Verse 20

ब्रह्मर्षिशब्दमतुलं स्वार्जितैः कर्मभिः शुभैः || १-६३-२०
यदि मे भगवानाह ततोऽहं विजितेन्द्रियः |

‘If your Godhead had said that I am a Brahma-sage, a sageship acquired personally by my pious deeds, rather than an exalted sage, then I would have become one who is really self-conquered.’ Thus Vishvamitra said to Brahma. [1-63-20, 21a]

Verse 21b & 22a

तमुवाच ततो ब्रह्मा न तावत्त्वं जितेन्द्रियः || १-६३-२१
यतस्व मुनिशार्दूल इत्युक्त्वा त्रिदिवं गतः |

Brahma then said to him, ‘your senses remain unconquered as such, oh, tigerly sage, make an effort for it.’ Saying so Brahma went heavenward. [1-63-21b, 22a]

21b, 22a. tataH brahmaa tam uvaaca = then, Brahma, said to him; tvam jitendriyaH taavat na = you are, not as such with conquered senses; munishaarduula = oh the tigerly sage; yatasva = make an effort – in that direction; iti uktvaa tridivam gataH = thus, on saying, went to heavenward .

Verse 22b & 23a

विप्रस्थितेषु देवेषु विश्वामित्रो महामुनिः || १-६३-२२
ऊर्ध्वबाहुर्निरालंबो वायुभक्षस्तपश्चरन् |

While the gods who came here along with Brahma have returned, that great sage Vishvamitra undertook another round of ascesis by standing in levitation, upraising his arms, and subsisting on air alone. [1-63-22b, 23a]

22b, 23a. deveSu = gods; viprasthiteSu satsu = while they are verily returning ; mahaamuniH vishvaamitraH = great sage, Vishvamitra; uurdhvabaahuH = upraised arms; niraalambaH = without support – insecurely standing in levitation; vaayubhakSaH = subsisting on air; tapaH caran = undertook ascesis.

Verse 23b & 24

धर्मे पंचतपा भूत्वा वर्षास्वाकाशसंश्रयः || १-६३-२३
शिशिरे सलिले शायी रात्र्यहानि तपोधनः |
एवं वर्षसहस्रं हि तपो घोरमुपागमत् || १-६३-२४

In summer he became the Five-Fire Ascetic, in rainy season open sky is his rooftop, and in winter water is his reclining bed even by day or by night, and thus that ascetically wealthy Vishvamitra indeed undertook a severe ascesis in this way, for another thousand years. [1-63-23b, 24]

23b, 24. tapodhanaH = ascetically wealthy one; dharme /gharme = in righteousness / in summer; pancatapaaH bhuutvaa = on becoming – among them five ascetic-fires; varSaasu aakaashasamshrayaH = in rain [rainy season,] taking shelter [as rooftop] by [open] sky; shishire = in winter; raatryahaani salile shaayii = reclining night and day in water; evam varSasahasram = this way, thousand years; ghoram tapaH upaagamat hi = he obtained – he undertook severe ascesis, indeed.

Verse 26

रंभामप्सरसं शक्रः सह सर्वैर्मरुद्गणैः |
उवाचात्महितं वाक्यमहितं कौशिकस्य च || १-६३-२६

“Then Indra along with all the assemblages of the Air-gods spoke to Rambha, the celestial wench, words that are advantageous to himself, but disadvantageous to the son of sage Kushi, namely Vishvamitra.” Thus Sage Shataananda continued his narration. [1-63-26]

26. shakraH = Indra; sarvaiH marut gaNaiH saha = along with all Air-gods’ assemblages; aatmahitam = advantageous for himself; kaushikasya = to Kaushika’s son Vishvamitra; ahitam ca = disadvantageous, also; vaakyam = words; rambhaam apsarasam uvaaca = spoke to Rambha the apsara [celestial wench].

Verse 25

तस्मिन् संतप्यमाने तु विश्वामित्रे महामुनौ |
संतापः सुमहानासीत् सुराणां वासवस्य च || १-६३-२५

While that great saint is undertaking fervent ascesis it has become a very high burning problem to gods and even to Indra. [1-63-25]

25. mahaamunau = of great saint; tasmin vishvaamitre = that, Vishvamitra; samtapyamaane tu = while undertaking ascesis, but; suraaNaam vaasavasya ca = for gods, to Indra, even; sumahaan santaapaH = a very high, burning [problem]; aasiit = it became.

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