62 – Rama laments for Seetha [contd.]


Rama bewails for Seetha as an ambivert, ambivalent romantic epical hero and asks Lakshmana to return to Ayodhya, as Rama is certain to perish without Seetha. He thinks his agony aloud, weighing pros and cons of his situation.


Verse 1

सीताम् अपश्यन् धर्मात्मा शोक उपहत चेतनः |
विललाप महाबाहू रामः कमल लोचनः || ३-६२-१

In not seeing Seetha that virtue-souled Rama’s sagacity is marred by his anguish and he bewailed with his lotus-like eyes that are reddening like a pair of lotuses, raising is long arms. [3-62-1]

1. dharmaatmaa = virtue-souled one; mahaabaahuu = long armed one; kamala locanaH = lotus, eyed one; raamaH = Rama; siitaam a pashyan = Seetha, not, being able to see; shoka upahata cetanaH = anguish, marred, sagacity; vilalaapa = bewailed.


Verse 2

पश्यन् इव च ताम् सीताम् अपश्यन् मदन अर्दितः |
उवाच राघवो वाक्यम् विलाप आश्रय दुर्वचम् || ३-६२-२

Even if Raghava is not able to see Seetha in his presence he started talking to her in a kind of inarticulate wailing, as wailing pampered his articulacy because his speech took shelter of wailing instinct, and as he is cowed down by Love-god, and thus he started to vent out his heart in this way. [3-62-2]

2. madana arditaH raaghavaH = by Love-god, cowed down, Raghava; taam siitaam = at her, at Seetha; a pashyan = [even if] not, seeing; pashyan iva = seeing, as though; vilaapa aashraya dur vacam = wail, sheltered [pampered,] badly [inarticulately,] speech [articulacy – because his speech took shelter of waling he is articulating inarticulately with a speech that is pampered by that wailing instinct; [ittham = this way]; uvaaca vaakyam = said, words [vented his heart.]

Verse 3

त्वम् अशोकस्य शाखाभिः पुष्प प्रिय तराअ प्रिये |
अवृणोषि शरीरम् ते मम शोक विवर्धिनी || ३-६२-३

“Flowers fascinate you very much, my dear, hence you veil yourself with the full bloomed branches of Ashoka tree, but that alone is amplifying my anguish because you both have presently became tormentors. [3-62-3]

3. priye = oh, dear; tvam = you are; puSpa priya taraaa = by flowers, fascinated, very much; mama shoka vi vardhinii = [that which] to me, anguish, highly, amplifying one; ashokasya shaakhaabhiH = with Ashoka tree, branches [which are in full bloom]; te shariiram = you, body; aavR^iNoSi = veiling yourself [now.]

Verse 4

कदली काण्ड सदृशौ कदल्या संवृता उभौ |
ऊरू पश्यामि ते देवि न असि शक्ता निगूहितुम् || ३-६२-४

“Maybe, both your thighs liken to the stalks of banana plants, thinking so, now you have lapped them in grovy banana plants, but I can distinguish which is which, thus now I caught sight of them, oh, lady, you are inapt at least to cover them from me. [3-62-4]

4. devi = oh, lady; kadalii kaaNDa [sknadha] sadR^ishau = banana plant’s, stalk [trunk,] that likens to; kadalyaa samvR^itaa = by banana plants [grove,] lapped in; te ubhau uuruu = your, both, thighs; pashyaami = I caught sight of; ni guuhitum = inside, cover them in; shaktaa na asi = possible, not, you are [inapt].

Verse 5

कर्णिकार वनम् भद्रे हसंती देवि सेवसे |
अलम् ते परिहासेन मम बाधावहेन वै || ३-६२-५

“Oh, lady, you are facetiously glorying in the boscage of fully bloomed Karnikaara trees which is really wafting worry to me, rather than the fragrance of those flowers oh, glorious lady, enough, enough is this facetiousness of yours. [3-62-5]

5. devi = oh, lady; bhadre = oh, glorious lady; hasantii = facetiously; karNikaara vanam sevase = Karnikaara [trees with flowers,] in boscage, you glorying in; mama baadha aavahena [aa vahena] = to me, worry, bringing, carrying [wafting]; te parihaasena alam vai = your, facetiousness, is enough, really.

Verse 6 & 7a

विशेषेण आश्रमस्थाने हासो अयम् न प्रशस्यते |
अवगच्छामि ते शीलम् परिहास प्रियम् प्रिये || ३-६२-६
आगच्छ त्वम् विशालाक्षी शून्यो अयम् उटजः तव |

“I am aware of your humour, lady, and I know that you are jocose, but in a place like hermitage unmerited is this sort of raillery, even if it is good-natured. Hence, you come back, oh, wide-eyed one, your cottage is empty. [3-62-6, 7a]

6, 7a: visheSeNa = especially; aashrama sthaane = [like] hermitage, in a place; ayam = this [sort of]; haasaH = raillery; na prashasyate = not, merited; priye = oh, dear; te = your; parihaasa priyam shiilam = humour, loving, disposition; avagacChaami = I am aware of [state of mind, your humour]; vishaalaakshii = oh, wide-eyed one; tvam = you; aagacCha = come on; tava ayam uTajaH shuunyaH = your, this, cottage, is empty.

Verse 7b & 8a

सु व्यक्तम् राक्षैः सीता भक्षिता वा हृता अपि वा || ३-६२-७
न हि सा विलपंतम् माम् उपसम्प्रैति लक्ष्मण |

“Oh, Lakshmana, very evidently demons have either gorged up Seetha, or perhaps abducted her, because she is not returning to me who am whiny indeed for her. [3-62-7b, 8a]

7b, 8a. lakshmaNa = oh, Lakshmana; siitaa = Seetha; su vyaktam = very, evidently; raakshaiH = by demons; bhakshitaa vaa = gorged up, either; hR^itaa api vaa = abducted, perhaps, or; saa = she; vilapantam maam = whiny, at me; na = not; upasampraiti [upa sam pra eti = to nearby, well, easily, coming] = returning; hi = indeed.

Verse 8b & 9a

एतानि मृग यूधानि स अश्रु नेत्राणि लक्ष्मण || ३-६२-८
शंशन्ति इव हि मे देवीम् भक्षिताम् रजनीचरैः |

“Indeed these teary-eyed mobs of deer look as if to explain that nightwalkers have gluttonised my lady. [3-62-8b, 9a]

8b, 9a. lakshmaNa = oh, Lakshmana; sa ashru netraaNi = those that are – with, with tears, eyes – with tearful eyes; etaani mR^iga yuudhaani = these, deer, mobs of; me deviim = my, lady is; rajaniicaraiH = by nightwalkers; bhakshitaam = gluttonised; shamshanti iva hi = explaining, as if, indeed.

Verse 8b & 9a

हा मम आर्ये क्व याता असि हा साध्वि वर वर्णिनि || ३-६२-९
हा स कामा अद्य कैकेयी देवि मे अद्य भविष्यति |

“Ha! My graceful lady, to where you have strayed now… Ha! Chastely and best complexioned lady, now the ambition of my queen mother Kaikeyi will be fulfilled, as I breath my last owing to your straying… [3-62-8b, 9a]

8b, 9a. haa = ha; mama aarye = my, graceful one; adya = now; kva yaataa asi = to where, strayed, have you; haa saadhvi = ha, chastely lady; vara varNini = oh, best, complexioned one; haa = ha; me = my; devi kaikeyii = lady [queen mother, dowager,] Kaikeyi; sa kaama = with [fulfilled,] ambition; adya bhaviSyati = now, she will be.

Verse 9b & 10a

सीताया सह निर्यातो विना सीताम् उपागतः || ३-६२-१०
कथम् नाम प्रवेक्ष्यामि शून्यम् अन्तः पुरम् मम |

“I have come to forests with Seetha and have to go back to Ayodhya without Seetha. How, in all but name, can I step into an oblivion called my palace-chambers? [3-62-9b, 10a]

9b, 10a. siitaayaa saha nir yaataH = with Seetha, along, out, I came – to exile; vinaa siitaam upa aagataH = without, Seetha, towards, arriving – go back to Ayodhya; shuunyam = empty; mama antaH puram = my, inside, palace [palace-chambers]; katham = how; naama = [in all but] name; pravekshyaami = enter [step in.]

Verse 10b & 11a

निर्वीर्य इति लोको माम् निर्दयः च इति वक्ष्यति || ३-६२-११
कातरत्वम् प्रकाशम् हि सीता अपनयनेन मे |

“People will denounce me as a vigourless and pitiless person, and my ineptitude will indeed be self-evident, for Seetha is led away from me by some tactical being… [3-62-10b, 11a]

10b, 11a. lokaH maam = populace, of me; nir viirya iti = [a person] without, vigour, thus as; nir dayaH ca = without, pity, also; iti vakshyati = thus, they say [denounce]; siitaa apa nayanena = in Seetha’s, away, leading – regarding abduction; me = my; kaataratvam = timidity [ineptitude]; prakaasham hi = will be self-evident, indeed.

Verse 11b & 12a

निवृत्त वन वासः च जनकम् मिथिल अधिपम् || ३-६२-१२
कुशलम् परिपृच्छन्तम् कथम् शक्षे निरीक्षितुम् |

“When the king of Mithila Janaka asks after the wellbeing of all the three of us after the completion of forest living, how do I have the face to stand him? [3-62-11b, 12a]

11b, 12a. nivR^itta vana vaasaH ca = on completing, forest, living, also; kushalam paripR^icChantam = wellbeing [of all,] one who asks after [me]; mithila adhipam = Mithila’s, king; janakam = to Janaka; niriikshitum = to gaze at [have the face]; katham shakshe = how, I am capable [how can I stand.]

Verse 12b & 13a

विदेह रजो नूनम् माम् दृष्ट्वा विरहितम् तया || ३-६२-१३
सुता विनाश संतप्तो मोहस्य वशम् एष्यति |

“On seeing me without Seetha the king of Videha will be distraught by the perishing of his daughter, and he defiantly goes under the preponderance of perplexity… [3-62-12b, 13a]

12b, 13a. videha rajaH = Videha’s, king; tayaa virahitam = her [Seetha,] without; maam dR^iSTvaa = me, on seeing; sutaa vinaasha santaptaH = daughter, by perishing, distraught; mohasya vasham eSyati = of perplexity, preponderance, goes under; nuunam = it is definite.

Verse 13b & 14a

अथवा न गमिष्यामि पुरीम् भरत पालितम् || ३-६२-१४
स्वर्गो अपि हि तया हीनः शून्य एव मतो मम |

“Instead, I prefer not to go to the city Ayodhya that is ruled by Bharata, because it must be comforting to one and all under his rulership, but not to me as Seetha will not be with me… else if, that end of my life occurs now and if I were to go to heaven, even that heaven will be a void to me without her… I believe so… [3-62-13b, 14a]

13b, 14a. athavaa = instead; bharata paalitam puriim = by Bharata, ruled, to city [Ayodhya]; na gamiSyaami = not, I prefer to go; tayaa hiinaH = her, without; svargaH api = heaven, even; mama = to me; shuunya eva hi = void, thus, indeed; mataH = [is my] belief.

Verse 14b & 15a

तत् माम् उत्सृज्य हि वने गच्छ अयोध्या पुरीम् शुभाम् || ३-६२-१५
न तु अहम् ताम् विना सीताम् जीवेयम् हि कथंचन |

“Hence, Lakshmana, you go back to that auspicious city Ayodhya forsaking me in forests, because I have no existence without Seetha, isn’t it! [3-62-14b, 15a]

14b, 15a. tat = hence; maam vane utsR^ijya = me, in forest, forsaking; shubhaam ayodhyaa puriim gacCha = to auspicious, city, to Ayoidhya, [you Lakshmana] you go back; aham tu = I, on my part; taam siitaam vinaa = her, that Seetha, without; kathamcana = in anyway; na jiiveyam hi = not, I live on, isn’t it.

Verse 15b & 16a

गाढम् आश्लिष्य भरतो वाच्यो मत् वचनात् त्वया || ३-६२-१६
अनुज्ञातो असि रामेण पालय इति वसुंधराम् |

“On tightly hugging Bharata you shall tell him these words as I have said, ‘Rama authorises you to reign the earth…’ [3-62-16]

15b, 16a. bharataH gaaDham aashliSya = Bharata, [on your] tightly, hugging [him]; mat vacanaat tvayaa = my, according to word, by you; vaacyaH = is tellable – Bharata is to be said this; vasundharaam paalaya iti = the earth, you reign, thus; raameNa anuGYaataH asi = by Rama, authorised, you are.

Verse 17b & 18

अंबा च मम कैकेयी सुमित्रा च त्वया विभो || ३-६२-१७
कौसल्या च यथा न्यायम् अभिवाद्या मम अज्ञया |
रक्षणीया प्रयत्नेन भवता सा उक्त कारिणा || ३-६२-१८

“Oh, efficacious Lakshmana, on revering my mothers Kaika, Sumitra, and Kausalya justifiably you tell them my good bye, and you as the one who effectuates whatever is assigned to you, you have to effortfully protect my mother Kausalya by doing whatever she says. [3-62-17b, 18]

17b, 18. vibho = oh, efficacious Lakshmana; mama ambaa = my, mother; kaikeyii sumitraa ca kausalyaa ca = Kaikeyi, Sumitra, also, Kausalya, also; tvayaa = by you; mama aGYayaa = by my, order; yathaa nyaayam = as per, justification [justifiably]; abhivaadyaa = you on revering them; you tell them my good bye; ukta kaariNaa = one who does whatever said to him – by Rama, namely Lakshmana; such a you are you say; bhavataa = by you; prayatnena = effortfully; saa = she [Kausalya]; rakshaNiiyaa = is to be protected.

Verse 19

सीतायाः च विनाशो अयम् मम च अमित्र सूदन |
विस्तरेण जनन्या विनिवेद्य त्वया भवेत् || ३-६२-१९

“Oh, the subjugator of unfriendly, Lakshmana… you shall clearly inform in detail about this perish of Seetha, also that of mine, to our mothers. [3-62-19]

19. a mitra suudana = un, friendly, subjugator of; siitaayaaH ca = Seetha’s, also; mama ca = mine, also; ayam = this; vinaashaH = perish; tvayaa = by you; jananyaa = to mothers; vistareNa = in detail; vi nivedya = clearly, be informed; bhavet = it shall be.

Verse 20

इति विलपति राघवो तु दीनो
वनम् उपगम्य तया विना सु केश्या |
भय विकल मुखः तु लक्ष्मणो अपि
व्यथित मना भृशम् आतुरो बभूव || ३-६२-२०

Thus Raghava, the dejected, neared every corner of the forest in his search, and bewailed because that lady with best plaits, Seetha, is not found and missing from him. Even Lakshmana became whey-faced, frantic-hearted, highly overwrought, by the fear of uncertainty looming large on them. [3-62-20]

20. diinaH = dejected one; raaghavaH = Raghava; vanam upagamya = forest, on nearing [searchingly he neared every corner of forest]; su keshyaa = with good, tresses – lady with best hair-locks; tayaa vinaa = her, without – missing from him; iti vilapati = thus, bewailing; lakshmaNaH api = Lakshmana, even; bhaya vi kala mukhaH = by fear, without, lustre, faced [whey-faced]; vyathita manaa = frantic, hearted; bhR^isham aaturaH babhuuva = highly, overwrought, he became.

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