61 – Rama laments for Seetha [contd.]


Rama laments for Seetha and becomes despondent. But at the advice of Lakshmana both of them start a search for Seetha, presuming that she might be available in the proximity. Later they embark on a thorough search in the entire forest and its mountains and at lakesides, but Seetha is unseen.

From here, until Rama meets Hanuma in next book Kishkindha, Rama’s lamentation is continually portrayed. This may not be taken as a mere ‘weeping’ or ‘bemoaning’ of the principal character of the epic, but this has many poetics and romantics of epical poetry imbibed in it. An epic, basically, requires a hero to have his romantic attributes, naayaka lakshaNaaH and these ‘wailings’ will portray all of them. There are various, numerous and voluminous derivatives, meanings and commentaries, which cannot possibly be included in here, at this stage, except for passing references on them. Hence, this lengthy lamentation has lengthier romanticism.

Verse 1 & 2

दृष्ट्वा आश्रम पदम् शून्यम् रामो दशरथ आत्मजः |
रहिताम् पर्णशालाम् च प्रविद्धानि आसनानि च || ३-६१-१
अदृष्ट्वा तत्र वैदेहीम् संनिरीक्ष्य च सर्वशः |
उवाच रामः प्राक्रुश्य प्रगृह्य रुचिरौ भुजौ || ३-६१-२

On seeing the vacant threshold of the hermitage and empty cottage of straw, also at the leaf-mat-seats that are utterly shattered, and not finding Vaidehi even on watchfully eyeing everywhere Rama shrieked loudly, and then on clasping the winning shoulders of Lakshmana he said this to him. [3-61-1, 2]

1, 2. dasharatha aatmajaH raamaH = Dasharatha’s, son, Rama; shuunyam = vacant; aashrama padam = hermitage’s, threshold; [siitaayaaH = with Seetha]; rahitaam parNa shaalaam ca = devoid of [empty,] straw, cottage, also; pra viddhaani aasanaani ca = utterly, shattered, seats [leaf-mats,] also; dR^iSTa = having seeing; tatra = there; vaidehiim = Vaidehi; a dR^iSTvaa = not, seen; sarvashaH = everywhere; sam niriikSya ca = well, on eyeing watchfully, even; pra aakrushya = loudly, shrieked; [lakshmaNasya ] rucirau bhujau = [Lakshmana’s,] winning, shoulders; pragR^ihya = on taking [clasping]; raamaH uvaaca = Rama, said.

Verse 3

क्व नु लक्ष्मण वैदेही कम् वा देशम् इतो गता |
केन आहृता वा सौमित्रे भक्षिता केन वा प्रिया || ३-६१-३

“Oh, Lakshmana, possibly where can be Vaidehi? Or, to which place she has gone from here? Or, Soumitri, who stole her away? Or, who has gorged up my ladylove? [3-61-3]

3. lakSmaNa = oh, Lakshmana; vaidehii = Vaidehi; kva nu = where is, possibly; itaH kam desham vaa gataa = from here, to which, place, or, she has gone; saumitre = oh, Soumitri; kena vaa aahR^itaa = by whom, or, she is stolen; priyaa = my ladylove; kena vaa bhakSitaa = by whom, or, she is gorged.

Verse 4

वृक्षेण आवार्य यदि माम् सीते हसितुम् इच्छसि |
अलम् ते हसितेन अद्य माम् भजस्व सुदुःखितम् || ३-६१-४

“Oh, Seetha, if you have concealed yourself under trees wishing to poke fun at me, enough is your fun and games, get in touch with me now, as I am highly anguished… [3-61-4]

4. siite = oh, Seetha; vR^iksheNa aavaarya = by trees, by concealing; maam = me; hasitum = [poke] fun at; icChasi yadi = you wish, if; te hasitena alam = your, fun [and games,] enough; adya = now; su duHkhitam = with highly, anguished one; maam bhajasva = me, you regard [get in touch.]

Verse 5

यैः सह क्रीडसे सीते विश्वस्तैः मृग पोतकैः |
एते हीनाः त्वया सौम्ये ध्यायन्ति अस्र आविल ईक्षणाः || ३-६१-५

“Oh, meek Seetha, with which meekly young deer you were playing, all these are now broody with tearfully fluttery looks, without you… [3-61-5]

5. saumye siite = oh, meek, Seetha; vishvastaiH = confidence [keeping in you, hence meekly]; yaiH = which of those; mR^iga potakaiH = deer, children [young deer]; saha kriiDase = with [which,] you were playing; ete = all these; tvayaa hiinaaH = with you, without; asra aavila iikSaNaaH = with tears, fluttery, looks; dhyaayanti [adya] = are broody [now.]

Verse 6

सीताया रहितो अहम् वै न हि जीवामि लक्ष्मण |
वृतम् शोकेन महता सीता हरणजेन माम् || ३-६१-६
पर लोके महाराजो नूनम् द्रक्ष्यति मे पिता |

“Really Lakshmana, I will not live long without Seetha, indeed I am enveloped in high anguish caused by the abduction of Seetha, and this alone will become a murderer, and on my going to other world when murdered by my own agony my father and that great king Dasharatha will definitely observe me in the other world… [3-61-6, 7a]

6, 7a: lakshmaNa = oh, Lakshmana; siitaayaa rahitaH = Seetha, without; aham vai = I, really; na hi jiivaami = not, indeed, be living [outlasting]; siitaa = of Seetha; haraNa jena = by abduction, caused by; mahataa shokena = in high, anguish; vR^itam = enveloped – along with; maam = me; mahaa raajaH = great king [Dasharatha]; me pita = my, father; nuunam = definitely; para loke = in other, world [on my going there]; drakSyati = he observes.

Verse 7 & 8

कथम् प्रतिज्ञाम् संश्रुत्य मया त्वम् अभियोजितः || ३-६१-७
अपूरयित्वा तम् कालम् मत् सकाशम् इह आगतः |
काम वृत्तम् अनार्यम् माम् मृषा वादिनम् एव च || ३-६१-८
धिक् त्वाम् इति परे लोके व्यक्तम् वक्ष्यति मे पिता |

“When I go to other world after my death our father Dasharatha who is already staying there will deride me saying, ‘when I have directed you for a fourteen year exile, and when you too have assuredly agreed and promised me for that term, how you have to my presence in this ultramundane world without completing that term of fourteen year exile, besides breaking your own word of honour… thus you have become a wilful disobedient, despicable and dishonest person, such as you are, fie on you…’ [3-61-7b, 8, 9a]

7b, 8, 9a. Dasharatha may deride me like this: maam = to me [to Dasharatha, he says ‘to me you have promised’]; maya abhiyojitaH = by me [by Dasharatha,] when directed; tvam = you – Rama; prati GYaam samshrutya = promise, on telling [assuredly]; tam kaalam a puurayitvaa = that, time [term of exile] without, completing; mat = to my; sakaasham = presence; katham iha aagataH = how, to here [to other world, heaven] have come; by that you Rama, you have become a; kaama vR^ittam = at will, conducting [wilful disobedient – you Rama]; an aaryam = not, noble [despicable – you Rama]; mR^iSaa vaadinam = untruth, teller of [liar, dishonest – you Rama]; tvaam dhik = on you, fie; iti = thus – in that way father Dasharatha accuses me; pare loke = in other, world; me = to me; pitaa vyaktam vakSyati = father, obviously, speaks [derides me.]

Verse 9b, 10 & 11a

विवशम् शोक संतप्तम् दीनम् भग्न मनोरथम् || ३-६१-९
माम् इह उत्सृज्य करुणम् कीर्तिः नरम् इव अन्ऋजुम् |
क्व गच्चसि वरारोहे मा मोत्सृज्य – मा मा उत्सृज्य – सुमध्यमे || ३-६१-१०
त्वया विरहितः च अहम् त्यक्ष्ये जीवितम् आत्मनः |

“Anguish seared and bewildered me and I am woebegone with broken down buoyancy, and oh, beautiful lady, jilting such an woeful one as I am, where you are going now, as with prestige jilting a prevaricator? And if you shun me I will have to shun my life…” Thus Rama bewailed imaging her right in his front and running away. [3-61-9b, 10, 11a]

9b, 10, 11a. varaaarohe = oh, beautiful lady; vi vasham = without, self-control [one who is bewildered]; shoka sam taptam = by anguish, [who is] verily seared; diinam = [who is] woebegone; bhagna manoratham = broken, enthusiasm [whose buoyancy is broken]; maam = such as I am, me; kiirtiH = prestige; an R^ijum naram = not, truthful one, from a man, [from a prevaricator]; iva = as with; iha = now; karuNam = as a woeful one; utsR^ijya = on abandoning; kva gacchasi = where, you are going; su madhyame = good [slender,] waisted one; maa motSR^ijya = maa = me; maa utsR^ijya = don’t, leave [me] off; tvayaa virahitaH = by you, without [shunned away]; [if you shun me]; aham = I; aatmanaH jiivitam tyakSye = of mine, live, I will leave off – shun away.

Verse 11b & 12a

इति इव विलपन् रामः सीता दर्शन लालसः || ३-६१-११
न ददर्श सुदुःख आर्तो राघवो जनक आत्मजाम् |

Though that legatee of Raghu is desperate for seeing Seetha, though he is highly anguished and agonised, though he bewailed this way, that Rama has not found Janaka’s daughter, Seetha. [3-61-10b, 11a]

10b, 11a. siitaa darshana laalasaH = Seetha, seeing, desperate for; su duHkha aartaH = highly, anguished, agonised; raaghavaH = legatee of Raghu; raamaH = Rama; iti iva vilapan = thus, this way, on bewailing; janaka aatmajaam na dadarsha = Janaka’s, daughter, not, he has seen – found.

Verse 12b & 13

अनासादयमानम् तम् सीताम् शोकपरायणम् || ३-६१-१२
पंकम् आसाद्य विपुलम् सीदन्तम् इव कुंजरम् |
लक्ष्मणो रामम् अत्यर्थम् उवाच हित काम्यया || ३-६१-१३

To him who is unable to find Seetha, and who is sinking in sadness as with an elephant sinking in a chasmal mud, Lakshmana spoke to such a Rama in a positive manner desiring his wellbeing. [3-61-11b, 13]

11b, 13. siitaam = at Seetha; an aasaadayamaanam = one who is not, getting at; shoka paraayaNam = one to sadness, who surrendered himself to – sinking; vipulam pankam aasaadya siidantam = chasmal, mud, on getting at, sinking; kunjaram iva = an elephant, as with; tam raamam = to such a, Rama; lakSmaNaH = Lakshmana; atyartham hita kaamyayaa = positively, well being, desiring; uvaaca = spoke.

Verse 14

मा विषादम् महाबुद्धे कुरु यत्नम् मया सह |
इदम् गिरि वरम् वीर बहु कन्दर शोभितम् || ३-६१-१४

“Oh, well-informed one, do not get into desperation, you make efforts along with me, and oh, brave one, this best mountain is beaming forth with many caves, she may be there somewhere. [3-61-14]

14. mahaa buddhe = oh, well-informed one; viSaadam maa = = desperation, do not [get into]; mayaa saha yatnam kuru = me, along with, efforts, you make; viira = oh, brave one; idam giri varam = this, mountain, the best; bahu kandara shobhitam = many, caves, beaming forth with; she may be somewhere there.

Verse 15

प्रिय कानन संचारा वन उन्मत्ता च मैथिली |
सा वनम् वा प्रविष्टा स्यात् नलिनीम् वा सुपुष्पिताम् || ३-६१-१५
सरितम् वा अपि संप्राप्ता मीन वंजुल सेविताम् |

“Maithili is a fascinated saunterer in woodlands so she might have entered the forest, she is even infatuated with waters, so she might have gone to the fully bloomed lotus-lake, or to the river that is adorned by fishes and cane-breaks. [3-61-15]

15, 16a. priya = fascinated; kaanana = in woodlands; sancaaraa = saunterer – Seetha; vana unmattaa ca = for water [here, not forest but waters,] infatuated, even; saa maithilii = she that, Maithili; vanam vaa = in forest, either; su puSpitaam naliniim vaa = well, bloomed, in lotus-lake, or; praviSTaa syaat = entered, she will be – she might have; miina vanjula sevitaam = by fishes, cane-breaks, one which is adorned by; saritam vaa api = to river, or, even; sampraaptaa = reached.

Verse 16b & 17

वित्रासयितु कामा वा लीना स्यात् कानने क्वचित् || ३-६१-१६
जिज्ञासमाना वैदेही त्वाम् माम् च पुरुषर्षभ |
तस्या हि अन्वेषणे श्रीमन् क्षिप्रम् एव यतावहे || ३-६१-१७

“Or, wishing to know our reaction when she scares us with her prank, Maithili might have squirreled away into forest. Oh, honourable brother, let us endeavour quickly to search her. [3-61-16]

16b, 17. puruSarSabha = oh, best one among men; vaidehii = Vaidehi; tvaam ca maam ca = you, also, me, also; vi traasayitu kaamaa vaa = to scare [us,] wishing to, or else; jiGYaasamaanaa vaa = interested in knowing [our reaction for her pranks,] or; kaanane kvacit liinaa = in forest, somewhere, wrapped up in [squirreled away herself]; syaat = she will be; shriiman = oh, honourable one; tasyaa anveSaNe = her, in searching; kSipram eva yataavahai = quickly, thus, we have to endeavour; hi = indeed.

Verse 18

वनम् सर्वम् विचिनुवो यत्र सा जनक आत्मजा |
मन्यसे यदि काकुत्स्थ मा स्म शोके मनः कृथाः || ३-६१-१८

“Oh, Rama of Kakutstha, if you consider that we shall search the forest in its entirety to locate where she that Janaka’s daughter might be, let us quickly do so. But do not engulf your heart in sadness.” Thus Lakshmana advised Rama. [3-61-18]

18. kaakutstha = oh, Kakutstha Rama; manyase yadi = you consider, if; saa janaka aatmajaa = she, Janaka’s, daughter; yatra = [to locate] where [she might be]; sarvam vanam vicinuvaH = in entirety, forest, let us search; shoke = in sadness; manaH = heart; maa sma = do not, be in; kR^ithaaH = do it [engulf.]

Verse 19

एवम् उक्तः तु सौहार्दात् लक्ष्मणेन समाहितः |
सह सौमित्रिणा रामो विचेतुम् उपचक्रमे || ३-६१-१९

When Lakshmana good-heartedly spoke this way, Rama self-collectedly made a headway for the search of Seetha along with Soumitri. [3-61-19]

19. lakSmaNena = by Lakshmana; sau haardaat = owing to good-heart; evam uktaH = this way, who is spoken to; raamaH = Rama; samaahitaH = self-collectedly [Rama]; saumitriNaa saha = Soumitri, with; vicetum upacakrame = to search, made headway.

Verse 20

तौ वनानि गिरीन् चैव सरितः च सरांसि च |
निखिलेन विचिन्वन्तौ सीताम् दशरथ आत्मजौ || ३-६१-२०

Those two sons of Dasharatha have started a thorough search for Seetha in forests, on mountains, also thus at rivers and lakes. [3-61-20]

20. tau = those two; dasharatha aatmajau = Dasharatha’s, sons; vanaani giriin caiva = forests, mountains, also thus; saritaH ca saraamsi ca = rivers, also, lakes, also; nikhilena = thoroughly; siitaam = for Seetha; vicinvantau = started searching.

Verse 21

तस्य शैलस्य सानूनि शिलाः च शिखराणि च |
निखिलेन विचिन्वन्तौ न एव ताम् अभिजग्मतुः || ३-६१-२१

On searching whole of mountainsides of that Mt. Chitrakuta, where their hermitage is there, even in its caves, crags, and mountain peaks they have not found Seetha. [3-61-21]

21. tasya shailasya saanuuni = that, [that mountain where their cottage is there – Chitrakuta,] mountain’s, on sides; shilaaH [guhaaH] ca shikharaaNi ca = crags, even, peaks, also; nikhilena = whole of; vicinvantau = on searching; na eva taam abhi jagmatuH = not, thus, her, towards, go [found.]

Verse 22

विचित्य सर्वतः शैलम् रामो लक्ष्मणम् अब्रवीत् |
न इह पश्यामि सौमित्रे वैदेहीम् पर्वते शुभाम् || ३-६१-२२

On exploring everywhere on that mountain Rama said to Lakshmana, “oh, Soumitri, here on this mountain I do not descry auspicious Vaidehi.” [3-61-22]

22. raamaH sarvataH shailam vicitya = Rama, everywhere, on that mountain, on exploring; lakSmaNam abraviit = to Lakshmana, said; saumitre = oh, Soumitri; iha parvate = this, on mountain; shubhaam vaidehiim = auspicious, Vaidehi; na pashyaami = not, I descry.

Verse 23

ततो दुःख अभिसंतप्तो लक्ष्मणो वाक्यम् अब्रवीत् |
विचरन् दण्डक अरण्यम् भ्रातरम् दीप्त तेजसम् || ३-६१-२३

While roving searchingly in Dandaka forest Lakshmana who is tormented by anguish said a sentence to his greatly resplendent brother Rama. [3-61-23]

23. tataH = then; duHkha abhisantaptaH lakSmaNaH = by anguish, tormented, Lakshmana; daNDaka araNyam vicaran = Dandaka, forest, while roving [searchingly]; diipta tejasam bhraataram = to greatly, resplendent, to brother – Rama; vaakyam abraviit = , sentence, said.

Verse 24

प्राप्स्यसि त्वम् महाप्राज्ञ मैथिलीम् जनक आत्मजाम् |
यथा विष्णुः महाबाहुः बलिम् बद्ध्वा महीम् इमाम् || ३-६१-२४

“Oh, insightful brother, you will reacquire Janaka’s daughter Maithili, as Vishnu once subjugated Emperor Bali and reacquired this earth.” [3-61-24]

24. mahaapraaGYa = oh, insightful [brother]; tvam = you; janaka aatmajaam maithiliim = Janaka’s, daughter, Maithili; mahaabaahuH = ambidextrous; viSNuH = Vishnu; balim = emperor Bali; baddhvaa = on fastening [on subjugating]; imaam mahiim = this, earth; yathaa = as with; praapsyasi = you will reacquire.

Verse 25

एवम् उक्तः तु वीरेण लक्ष्मणेन स राघवः |
उवाच दीनया वाचा दुःख अभिहत चेतनः || ३-६१-२५

But when the valiant Lakshmana addressed him in that way, Raghava whose thinking is marred by poignance spoke these pathetic words. [3-61-25]

25. viireNa lakSmaNena = by valiant, Lakshmana; evam uktaH tu = thus, addressed, but; saH raaghavaH = he, Raghava; duHkha abhihata cetanaH = by poignance, marred, with thinking; diinayaa vaacaa = with pathetic, words; uvaaca = spoke.

Verse 26

वनम् सुविचितम् सर्वम् पद्मिन्यः फुल्ल पंकजाः |
गिरिः च अयम् महाप्राज्ञ बहु कन्दर निर्झरः |
न हि पश्यामि वैदेहीम् प्राणेभ्यो अपि गरीयसीम् || ३-६१-२६

“This forest in its entirety, these lotus-lakes with their blossomed lotuses, and this mountain with its many caves and mountain-rapids, all are evidently searched. But, oh, sensible brother, I do not descry Vaidehi who is loftier than my lives.” [3-61-27]

27. mahaapraaGYa = oh, sensible [brother]; sarvam vanam su vicitam = entire, forest, clearly, is searched; phulla pankajaaH padminyaH [vicitam] = with blossomed, lotuses, lotus-lakes [are searched]; bahu kandara nirjharaH = with many, caves, rapids; ayam giriH ca = this, mountain, also [searched]; praaNebhyaH api gariiyasiim = by lives, even, loftier than; vaidehiim = at Vaidehi; na pashyaami hi = not, I see, indeed.

Verse 27

एवम् स विलपन् रामः सीता हरण कर्शितः |
दीनः शोक समाविष्टो मुहूर्तम् विह्वलो अभवत् || ३-६१-२७

Lamenting in this way Rama languished owing to the abduction of Seetha and became a pitiable one, and while sadness besieging him he is perturbed for a moment. [3-61-28]

28. siitaa haraNa karshitaH = by Seetha’s, abduction, languishing [appears to be]; saH raamaH = he, that Rama; evam vilapan = in this way, lamenting; diinaH = pitiable; shoka sam aaviSTaH = by sadness, besieged; muhuurtam = for a moment; vihvalaH abhavat = perturbed, he became.

Verse 28

स विह्वलित सर्व अंगो गत बुद्धिः विचेतनः |
निषसाद आतुरो दीनो निःश्वस्य अशीतम् आयतम् || ३-६१-२८

All the limbs of Rama are fluttered, his faculty has become functionless, his fervour is frozen, he is forlorn and flustered, and such as he is he sank down suspiring swelteringly and lengthily. [3-61-29]

29. vihvalita sarva angaH = fluttered, all, limbs; gata buddhiH = gone [functionless, ] faculty; vi cetanaH = without, animation [frozen fervour]; aaturaH = flustered; diinaH = forlorn; a shiitam = not, cold [hot, swelteringly]; aayatam = lengthy; niHshvasya = on suspiring; saH = he [such as he is, he]; niSasaada = sank down / dejected.

Verse 29

बहुशः स तु निःश्वस्य रामो राजीव लोचनः |
हा प्रिये ति विचुक्रोश बहुशो बाष्प गद्गदः || ३-६१-२९

Suspiring repeatedly he that lotus-eyed Rama shrieked repeatedly and loudly thus as, ‘ha, Seetha…’ with tears stifling his throat. [3-61-30]

30. raajiiva locanaH saH raamaH = lotus, eyed one, he, that Rama; bahushaH = repeatedly [or, bahulam = muchly]; niHshvasya = suspired; baaSpa gadgadaH = by tears, becoming stifle-throated; haa priye iti = ha, dear, thus; bahushaH vi cukrosha = repeatedly, highly, shrieked.

Verse 30

तम् सान्त्वयामास ततो लक्ष्मणः प्रिय बान्धवम् |
बहु प्रकारम् शोक आर्तः प्रश्रितः प्रश्रित अंजलिः || ३-६१-३०

Though Rama has many kinsfolk who hold him dear he is now left with a single one, namely Lakshmana, and that obedient brother Lakshmana who is already anguished for Rama’s sadness, then adjoining his palms obediently started to pacify Rama with divers methods. [3-61-31]

31. tataH = then; priya baandhavam = loving, kinsfolk [one who has kinsfolk who hold him dear, namely Rama]; shoka aartaH lakSmaNaH = by sadness [of Rama,] [who is already] anguished, [such a] Lakshmana; prashrita = obediently; anjaliH = adjoining palms; prashritaH = obedient one – Lakshmana; bahu prakaaram = in divers, methods; tam saantvayaamaasa = him [at Rama,] started to pacify.

Verse 31

अनादृत्य तु तत् वाक्यम् लक्ष्मण ओष्ठ पुट च्युतम् |
अपश्यन् ताम् प्रियाम् सीताम् प्राक्रोशत् स पुनः पुनः || ३-६१-३१

But disavowing the word of advice that fell out from the cupped lips of Lakshmana, Rama stridently yelled again and again when his dear Seetha has become unseeable. [3-61-32]

32. saH = he that Rama; tu = on his part; lakSmaNa oSTha puTa cyutam = Lakshmana’s, lips, cup-like, fallen from; tat vaakyam = that, sentence [word of advise]; an aadR^itya = not, agreeing – disavowing; priyaam taam siitaam = dear, her, that Seetha; a pashyan = not, seeing; punaH punaH = again, again; praa kroshat = stridently, yelled.

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