61 – Monkeys took halt at Madhuvana


Leaving Mount Mahendra and leaping ahead towards Kishkindha, the monkeys on their way halt at Madhuvana, a protected grove abounded in honey which was dear to Sugreeva and guarded by the monkey, Dahimukha. When the monkeys started to enjoy drinking of honey in the grove with the permission of Prince Angada, Dahimukha hinders in their way. The monkeys bruise Dadhimukha with their nails and teeth.

Verse 1

ततो जाम्बवतो वाक्यम् अगृह्णन्त वन ओकसः |
अन्गद प्रमुखा वीरा हनूमान् च महाकपिः || ५-६१-१

Thereupon, the heroic monkeys like Angada and others as also Hanuma, the great one among the monkeys accepted the words of Jambavan.

1. tataH = thereupon; viiraaH = the heroic; vanaukasau = monkeys; aN^gada pramukhaaH = like Angada and others; hanumaamshcha = and Hanuma; mahaakapiH = the great one among the monkeys; agR^ihNanta = accepted; vaakhyam = the words; jaambavataH = of Jambavan.

Verse 2 to 6

प्रीतिमन्तः ततः सर्वे वायु पुत्र पुरः सराः |
महाइन्द्र अग्रम् परित्यज्य पुप्लुवुः प्लवग ऋषभाः || ५-६१-२
मेरु मन्दर सम्काशा मत्ता इव महागजाः |
चादयन्त इव आकाशम् महाकाया महाबलाः || ५-६१-३
सभाज्यमानम् भूतैः तम् आत्मवन्तम् महाबलम् |
हनूमन्तम् महावेगम् वहन्त इव दृष्टिभिः || ५-६१-४
राघवे च अर्थ निर्वृत्तिम् भर्तुः च परमम् यशः |
समाधाय समृद्ध अर्थाः कर्म सिद्धिभिः उन्नताः || ५-६१-५
प्रिय आख्यान उन्मुखाः सर्वे सर्वे युद्ध अभिनन्दिनः |
सर्वे राम प्रतीकारे निश्चित अर्था मनस्विनः || ५-६१-६

Then, the excellent monkeys, resembling Meru and Mandara mountains, like elephants in rut, as if covering the sky, having huge bodies and colossal strength, keeping Hanuma in their front, leaving Mount Mahendra, went ahead leaping delightfully. They looked as though conducted by the mind’s eyes of Hanuma, who is adored by living beings as having good stupendous swiftness, they having resolved to fulfill the purpose of Rama and to attain a great glory, having accomplished the purpose and duly determined to complete the task. All of them were looking up at narrating the previous pleasant tidings and taking delight in war. All of them, in high spirits, were judging rightly the vengeance of Rama against the evil-minded Ravana.

2; 3; 4; 5; 6. tataH = then; sarve = all; plavaga R^iShabhaaH = excellent monkeys; meru mandara samkaashaaH = resembling Mounts Meru and Mandara; mattaaH gajaaH iva = like elephants in rut; chhaadayantaH iva = as if covering; aakaasham = the sky; mahaakaayaaH = having huge bodies; mahaabalaaH = and colossal strength; vaayu putra puraH saraaH = keeping Hanuma in their front; parityajya = leaving; mahendraadrim = Mount Mahendra; pupluvuH = (went ahead) leaping; priitimantaH = delightfully; vahantaH iva = as though conducted; dR^iSTibhiH = by the minds eyes; hanuumantam = of Hanuma; sabhaajyamaanam = who is adored; bhuutaiH = by living beings; aatmavantam = having good sense; mahaabalam = mighty; mahaavegam = with stupendous swiftness; samaadhaaya = having resolved; artha nirvR^ittim = to fulfill the purpose; raaghave = of Rama; kartum = and to attain paramam yashaH = a great glory; samR^iddha arthaaH = having accomplished their purpose; unnataaH = and determined; karma siddhibhiH = to complete the act; sarve = all of them; priya aakhyaana unmukhaaH = were looking up at narrating the pleasant tidings; yuddha abhinandanaH = taking delight in war; sarve manassvinaH = all of them in high spirits; raama pratiikaare = the vengeance of Rama.

Verse 7

प्लवमानाः खम् आप्लुत्य ततः ते कानन ओक्सकः |
नन्दन उपमम् आसेदुः वनम् द्रुम लता युतम् || ५-६१-७

Then, those monkeys, leaping into the sky and floating in the air, reached a garden looking like Nandanavana the divine grove filled with trees and creepers.

7. tataH = then; te = those; kaanana oksakaH = monkeys; aaplutya = leaping; kham = into the sky; plavamaanaaH = and floating in the air; aaseduH = reached; vanam = a garden; nanadanopamam = looking like Nandanavana; the divine grove; druma lataa yutam = filled with trees and creepers.

Verse 8

यत् तन् मधु वनम् नाम सुग्रीवस्य अभिरक्षितम् |
अधृष्यम् सर्व भूतानाम् सर्व भूत मनो हरम् || ५-६१-८

They reached, that Madhuvana by name, the garden abounded with honey, which was protected grove, unapproachable for all and looking fascinated to the soul of all beings.

8. tat madhu vanam naama = (they reached) that Madhuvana; the garden of honey; by name; abhirakShitam = which was a protected grove; adhR^iSyam = unapproachable; sarva bhuutaanaam = for all living beings; sarva bhuuta mano haram = and looking fascinated for all beings.

Verse 9

यत् रक्षति महावीर्यः सदा दधि मुखः कपिः |
मातुलः कपि मुख्यस्य सुग्रीवस्य महात्मनः || ५-६१-९

A very powerful monkey called Dadhimukha, who was a high-souled eminent monkey and the maternal uncle of Sugreeva always protected that garden.

9. mahaaviirya kapiH = a very powerful monkey; dadhimukhaH = called Dadhimukha; yat = who was; mahaatmanaH = a high-souled; kapiH mukhasya = eminent monkey; maatulaH = and the maternal uncle; sugriivasya = of Sugreeva; sadaa = always; rakShati = protects (that garden).

Verse 10

ते तत् वनम् उपागम्य बभूवुः परम उत्कटाः |
वानरा वानर इन्द्रस्य मनः कान्ततमम् महत् || ५-६१-१०

Reaching that huge grove, which was very dear to the heart of Sugreeva, those monkeys became highly excessive in their behaviour.

10. upaagamya = reaching; tat = that; mahat = great; vanam = garden; manaH kaantatamam = which was very dear to the heart; vaanarendrasya = of Sugreeva; te vaanaraaH = those monkeys; babhuuvaH = became; parama utkaTaaH = highly excessive.

Verse 11

ततः ते वानरा हृष्टा दृष्ट्वा मधु वनम् महत् |
कुमारम् अभ्ययाचन्त मधूनि मधु पिन्गलाः || ५-६१-११

Then, seeing that large Madhuvana, the garden abounded in honey, those monkeys, whose colour was as yellow as honey, were delighted and solicited Angada the prince for permission to taste the honey.

11. tataH = then; dR^iSTvaa = seeing; mahat = the large; madhu vanam = Madhuvana the garden which abounded in honey; te vaanaraaH = those monkeys; madhu piN^galaaH = whose colour was as yellow as honey; hR^iSTaaH = were delighted; abhyayaachanta = and solicited; kumaaram = Angada the prince; madhuuni = for tastes of honey.

Verse 12

ततः कुमारः तान् वृद्धान् जाम्बवत् प्रमुखान् कपीन् |
अनुमान्य ददौ तेषाम् निसर्गम् मधु भक्षणे || ५-६१-१२

Thereupon, Angada the prince, taking approval from those elders like Jambavan and others, gave the monkeys a liberty to drink honey there.

12. tataH = thereupon; kumaaraH = Angada the prince; anumaanya = taking approval from; taan = those; vR^iddhaan kapiin = elder forest-animals; jaambavat pramukhaan = like Jambavan and others; dadau = gave; teSaam = them; nisargam = a liberty; madhu bhakSaNe = to drink honey.

Verse 13

ततः च अनुमताः सर्वे सम्प्रहृष्टा वन ओकसः |
मुदिताः च ततः ते च प्रनृत्यन्ति ततः ततः || ५-६१-१३

Thereafter, all those monkeys, thus permitted to drink honey, were exceedingly pleased. Then, those excited monkeys felt glad and began dancing.

13. tataH = thereafter; sarve vanaukasaH = all those monkeys; anumataa = (thus) permitted; samprahR^iSTaaH = were exceedingly pleased; tadaa = then; preritaaH = the excited monkeys; muditaaH = were glad; abhavan = and became; pranR^ityantaH = gesticulated in dancing.

Verse 14

गायन्ति केचित् प्रणमन्ति केचिन् |
नृत्यन्ति केचित् प्रहसन्ति केचित् |
पतन्ति केचित् विचरन्ति केचित् |
प्लवन्ति केचित् प्रलपन्ति केचित् || ५-६१-१४

Some were singing. Some were offering salutations. Some were dancing. Some were laughing loudly. Some were falling down. Some were moving in different directions. Some were jumping up. Some were talking incoherently.

14. kechit = some; gaayanti = were singing; kechit = some; praNamanti = were offering salutations; kechit = some; nR^ityanti = were dancing; kechit = some; prahasanti = were laughing loudly; kechit = some; patanti = were falling down; kechit = some; patanti = were falling down; kechit = some; vicharanti = were moving in different directions; kechit = some; plavanti = were jumping up; kechit = some; pralapanti = were talking incoherently.

Verse 15

परस्परम् केचित् उपाश्रयन्ते |
परस्परम् केचित् अतिब्रुवन्ते |
परस्परम् केचिदुपब्रुवन्ते |
परस्परम् केचिदुपारमन्ते || ५-६१-१५

Some were leaning against one another. Some were falling upon one another. Some were disputing with one another. Some were playing with one another.

15. kechit = some; upaashrayante = were leaning against; parasparam = one another; kechit = some; upaakramante = were falling upon; parasparam = one another; kechit = some; upabruvante = were disputing with; parasparam = one another; kechit = some; upaaramante = were playing with; parasparam = one another.

Verse 16

द्रुमात् द्रुमम् केचित् अभिप्लवन्ते |
क्षितौ नग अग्रान् निपतन्ति केचित् |
मही तलात् केचित् उदीर्ण वेगा |
महाद्रुम अग्राणि अभिसम्पतन्ते || ५-६१-१६

Some were running from one tree to another. Some were falling down to the ground from the tree-tops. Some, with a missile-like speed, were flying towards the tops of gigantic trees from the ground.

16. kechit = some; abhidravante = were running; drumaat = from one tree; drumam = to another tree; kechit = some; nipatanti = were falling down; kSitau = to the ground; nagaagraat = from the top of the trees; kechit = some; udiirNavegaaH = with a missile-like speed; abhisampatanti = were flying towards; mahaadrumaagraaNi = the top of gigantic tress; mahiitalaat = from the ground.

Verse 17

गायन्तम् अन्यः प्रहसन्न् उपैति |
हसन्तम् अन्यः प्रहसन्न् उपैति |
रुदन्तम् अन्यः प्ररुदन्न् उपैति |
नुदन्तम् अन्यः प्रणुदन्न् उपैति || ५-६१-१७

While one was singing, another approached him laughing. While one was laughing, another approached him weeping. While one was weeping, another approached him pushing. While one was pushing, another approached him roaring.

17. gayantam = while one was singing; anyaH = another; upaiti = approached him; prahasan = laughing; hasantam = while one was laughing; anyaH = another; upaiti = approached him; prarudan = weeping; rudantam = while one was weeping; anyaH = another; upaiti = approached him; praNudan = pushing; anyaH = another; upaiti = approached him; praNadan = roaring.

Verse 18

समाकुलम् तत् कपि सैन्यम् आसीन् |
मधु प्रपान उत्कट सत्त्व चेष्टम् |
न च अत्र कश्चिन् न बभूव मत्तो |
न च अत्र कश्चिन् न बभूव तृप्तो || ५-६१-१८

That army of monkeys, moving in excessively honey-drunken state, became highly excited. None in that army was not drunk. None in that army was not satiated.

18. tat = that; kapi sainyam = army of monkeys; madhu prapaana utkaTa sattva cheSTam = moving in excessively honey-drunken state; aasiit = became; samaakulam = highly excited; na kashchit = none; atra = in that army; mattaH babhuuNa iti na = was not drunk; na kachichit = now; atra = in that army; tR^iptaH babhuuva iti na = was not satiated.

Verse 19

ततो वनम् तत् परिभक्ष्यमाणम् |
द्रुमान् च विध्वंसित पत्र पुष्पान् |
समीक्ष्य कोपात् दधि वक्त्र नामा |
निवारयामास कपिः कपीन् तान् || ५-६१-१९

19. samiikSya = seeing; tat = that; vanam = grove; paribhakSyamaaNam = being consumed; drumaamshcha = and the trees; vidhvamsita patra puSpaan = stripped off their leaves and flowers; kapiH = the monkey; dadhi vaktra naamaa = named Dadhimukha; tataH = then; kopaat = by anger; nivaarayaamaasa = interrupted; taan kapiin = those monkeys.

Seeing that grove, being consumed and the trees stripped off their leaves and flowers the monkey named Dadhimukha (who was incharge of the grove) then angrily interrupted those monkeys.

Verse 20

स तैः प्रवृद्धैः परिभर्त्स्यमानो |
वनस्य गोप्ता हरि वीर वृद्धः |
चकार भूयो मतिम् उग्र तेजा |
वनस्य रक्षाम् प्रति वानरेभ्यः || ५-६१-२०

Threatened by those monkeys who were behaving excessively, Dadhimukha who was endowed with a terrible energy, the care-taker of the grove and an elderly hero of the monkeys further contemplated the means to protect that grove from the monkeys.

20. paribhartsyamaanaH = threatened; taiH = by those monkeys; pravR^iddhaiH = who were behaving excessively; ugrate jaaH = Dadhimukha endowed with terrible energy; vanasya goptaa = the care-taker of the grove; hari viira vR^iddhaH = and an elderly hero of the monkeys; bhuuyaH = further; chakaara matim = contemplated means; rakSaamprati = about the protection; vanasya = of the grove; vaanarebhyaH = from the monkeys.

Verse 21

उवाच कांश्चित् परुषाणि धृष्टम् |
असक्तम् अन्यान् च तलैः जघान |
समेत्य कैश्चित् कलहम् चकार |
तथैव साम्ना उपजगाम कांश्चित् || ५-६१-२१

He spoke harsh words with some and courageously struck some others with his palms uninterruptedly, created a quarrel by coming into collusion with some, and approached some in a conciliatory manner.

21. uvaacha = he spoke; paruSaaNi = harsh words; kaamshchit = with some; jaghaana = and struck; anyaamshcha = some other; dhR^iSTam = courageously; talaiH = with his palms; asaktam = uninterrupted; chakaara = created; kalaham = a quarrel; kaishchit = with some; sametya = coming into collusion with them; tathaiva = in like manner; upajagaama = he approached; kaamshchit = some; saamnaa = in a conciliatory way.

Verse 22

स तैः मदाच् च अप्रतिवार्य वेगैः |
बलाच् च तेन अप्रतिवार्यमाणैः |
प्रधर्षितः त्यक्त भयैः समेत्य |
प्रकृष्यते च अपि अनवेक्ष्य दोषम् || ५-६१-२२

That Dadhimukha was dragged, after coming into collusion with him by those monkeys, who were being forcibly hindered by him, eventhough those monkeys overpowered him with unrestrained emotion arising out of their intoxication, those who had abandoned their fear disregarding any bad consequence of their act.

22. saH = that Dadhimukha; pradharSitaH = was overpowered; taiH = by those monkeys; aprativaarya vegaiH = with unrest rained emotion; madaat = arising out of their intoxication; apratimaaNyamaaNaiH = those who were hindered; balaat = forcefully; tena = by him; tyaktabhayaiH = abandoning their fear; prakR^iSyate cha = he was also dragged; sametya = after coming into collusion by them; anavekSya = disregarding; doSamcha = any bad consequence.

Verse 23

नखैः तुदन्तो दशनैः दशन्तः |
तलैः च पादैः च समाप्नुवन्तः |
मदात् कपिम् तम् कपयः समग्रा |
महावनम् निर्विषयम् च चक्रुः || ५-६१-२३

Bruising with their nails, biting with their teeth on account of their inebriety and making short work of that Dadhimukha with their palms and feet, all those moneys made that large grove, divested of its flowers, fruits and honey.

23. tudanta = bruising; nakhaiH = with their nails; dashantaH = biting; dashanaiH = with their teeth; madaat = because of their inebriety; samaapayantaH = and making short work; tam kapim = of that Dadhimukha; talaishcha paadaishcha = with their palms and feet; samagraaH = kapayaH = all those monkeys; chakruH = made; mahaavanam = that large grove; nirviSayam = bereft of its range of flowers; fruits and honey.

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