60 – trishanku’s ascension to heaven


Vishvamitra effectuates Trishanku’s travel to heaven, but Indra throws him down as Trishanku has not acquired any merit to reach heaven. Vishvamitra enraged at this starts to replicate universe with constellation of stars and galaxies, and he proceeds to clone even gods. On seeing this chaotic situation, Indra with gods yield to the pertinence of Vishvamitra and allow that which Vishvamitra replicated to survive and also allow Trishanku to inhibit that pseudo Creation, but with an upside down posture.

Verse 1

तपोबलहतान् ज्ञात्वा वासिष्ठान् समहोदयान् |
ऋषिमध्ये महातेजा विश्वामित्रोऽभ्यभाषत || १-६०-१

“The great-resplendent Vishvamitra on knowing through his ascetic power about the ruination of the sons of Vashishta, along with Mahodaya, proclaimed this amidst the observance of sages.” Sage Shataananda continued his narration of Trishanku’s legend. [1-60-1]

1. mahaatejaaH = great-resplendent; vihvaamitraH = Vishvamitra; samahodayaan vaasiSThaan = Vashishta’s sons with Mahodaya; tapobalahataan j~naatvaa = on knowing by ascesis power as ruined ; R^iSimadhye abhyabhaaSata = said [proclaimed] amidst [their observance] sages.

Verse 2 & 3a

अयमिक्ष्वाकुदायादस्त्रिशंकुरिति विश्रुतः |
धर्मिष्ठश्च वदान्यश्च मां चैव शरणं गतः || १-६०-२
स्वेनानेन शरीरेण देवलोकजिगीषया |

‘This legatee of Ikshvaku dynasty is well-know as Trishanku, a righteous and benevolent one. He came under my shelter as he wishes to win over the heaven of gods with his own mortal body.’ So Vishvamitra started to speak to sages. [1-60-2, 3b]

2, 3a. ikSvaakudaayaadaH = legatee of Ikshvaku-s; trishankuH iti vishrutaH = thus well-known as Trishanku; dharmiSThaH ca vadaanyaH ca = righteous one, also, benevolent one, also; ayam = he; anena = by him; svena = his own; shariireNa = physical body; devalokajigiiSayaa = wishing to win over god’s world [heavens] ; maam sharaNam gataH = he obtained my shelter.

Verse 3b & 4a

यथायं स्वशरीरेण देवलोकं गमिष्यति || १-६०-३
तथा प्रवर्त्यतां यज्ञो भवद्भिश्च मया सह |

‘You all scholars have to conduct Vedic-ritual along with in such a way as to how Trishnaku reaches the heaven of gods.’ Thus Vishvamitra advised the conductors of the ritual. [1-60-3b, 4a]

3b, 4a. ayam = he Trishnaku; svashariireNa = with his own body; devalokam = to gods’ world [to heaven]; yathaa gamiSyati = as to how, he goes; tathaa = in that way; bhavadbhiH = by you all; mayaa saha = along with me; yaj~naH pravartyataam = Vedic-ritual, is to be effectuated.

Verse 4b & 5a

विश्वामित्रवचः श्रुत्वा सर्व एव महर्षयः || १-६०-४
ऊचुः समेताः सहसा धर्मज्ञा धर्मसंहितम् |

On listening the words of Vishvamitra all those great-sages have come together and quickly discussed among themselves about what is agreeable to righteousness, as they are the knowers of scruples of conducting Vedic-rituals, but such a ritual is desultory. [1-60-4b, 5a]

4b, 5a. dharmaj~naa = knowers of scruples; sametaaH = came together; sarve eva maharSayaH = thus, all great sages; vishvaamitravacaH shrutvaa = Vishvamitra’s words, on listening; sahasaa = quickly; dharmasamhitam = to righteousness, agreeable – words; uucuH = spoke – discussed among themselves.

Verse 5b & 6

अयं कुशिकदायादो मुनिः परमकोपनः || १-६०-५
यदाह वचनं सम्यगेतत् कार्यं न संशयः |
अग्निकल्पो हि भगवान् शापं दास्यति रोषितः || १-६०-६

Whatever Vishvamitra says let it be translated entirely and exhaustively into deeds called ritual. This Vishvamitra is the legatee of Sage Kushi, and indeed he is a saint similar to Ritual-fire besides being an extremely furious person. Otherwise this awesome sage gives curse, rancorously. [1-60-5b, 6]

5b, 6. kushikadaayaadaH = Sage Kushi’s legatee; paramakopanaH = extremely furious one; ayam muniH = this, saint – Vishvamitra; yat vacanam aaha = which, sentence, he said – whatever is said by him; etat samyak kaaryam = all this [entirely,] exhaustively, performable [translatable into deeds of ritual]; na samshayaH = without, doubting; if not; agnikalpaH = similar to fire – Vishvamitra; bhagavaan = godly [reverential, awesome sage]; roSitaH shaapam daasyati = he will curse rancorously.

Verse 7 & 8a

तस्मात् प्रवर्त्यतां यज्ञः सशरीरो यथा दिवम् |
गच्छेदिक्ष्वाकुदायादो विश्वामित्रस्य तेजसा || १-६०-७
ततः प्रवर्त्यतां यज्ञः सर्वे समधितिष्ठत |

‘As such, let the Vedic-ritual be conducted intending and enabling Trishanku, the legatee of Ikshvaku, to go to heaven by the ritualist prowess of Vishvamitra, therefor you conduct yourselves and you all preside over it.’ Thus, the officiators conceded among themselves. [1-60-7, 8a]

7, 8a. tasmaat yaj~naH pravartyataam = Vedic-ritual be conducted as such; ikSvaakudaayaadaH = Ikshvaku’s legatee [Trishanku]; vishvaamitrasya tejasaa = by Vishvamitra’s, ritualistic prowess; sashariiraH = with body; yathaa divam gacChet = as to how [intending to,] goes [enabling to go] to heavens; [tathaa = like that]; yaj~naH pravartyataam = Vedic-ritual be conducted; tataH sarve samadhitiSThata = therefore, all, well preside over.

Verse 8b & 9a

एवमुक्त्वा महर्षयः संजह्रुस्ताः क्रियास्तदा || १-६०-८
याजकश्च महातेजा विश्वामित्रोऽभवत् क्रतौ |

Concluding thus those great-sages undertook concerned works of that Vedic-ritual and the great-resplendent Vishvamitra himself became its principal officiator. [1-60-8b, 9a]

8b, 9a. maharSayaH evam uktvaa = great-sages, thus, on saying [on concluding]; tadaa = then; taaH kriyaaH samjahruH = they undertook those [concerned] works; kratau mahaatejaaH vishvaamitraH = great-resplendent in Vedic-ritual, Vishvamitra [himself]; yaajakaH abhavat = became [principal] officiator.

Verse 9b & 10a

ऋत्विजश्चानुपूर्व्येण मंत्रवन्मंत्रकोविदाः || १-६०-९
चक्रुः सर्वाणि कर्माणि यथाकल्पं यथाविधि |

Those hymnodists who are the experts in hymnodies have scripturally carried out all ceremonies in a methodical way with inviolable hymnal methods, and as per Kalpa treatise, that lays down the rules for conducting such rituals. [1-60-9b, 10a]

9b, 10a. mantrakovidaaH = experts in hymnology; R^itvijaH ca = hymnodists, also; mantravat = inviolably hymnal; yathaakalpam = as per Kalpa treatise; yathaavidhi = as per scriptures – scripturally; sarvaaNi karmaaNi aanupuurvyeNa cakruH = methodically carried out all ceremonies.

Verse 10b & 11a

ततः कालेन महता विश्वामित्रो महातपाः || १-६०-१०
चकारावाहनं तत्र भागार्थं सर्वदेवताः |

After a long time that highly ascetical Vishvamitra welcomed all the gods to receive their allotted oblations in that ritual. [1-60-10b, 11a]

10b, 11a. tataH = then; mahaatapaaH vishvaamitraH = great ascetic, Vishvamitra; mahataa kaalena = after a long, time; tatra = there [in ritual]; sarvadevataaH = all, gods; bhaagaartham = for purpose of [receiving] allotted oblations; aavaahanam cakaara = made welcome.

Verse 11b & 12a

नाभ्यागमंस्तदा भागार्थं सर्वदेवताः || १-६०-११
ततः कोपसमाविष्टो विश्वमित्रो महामुनिः |
स्रुवमुद्यम्य सक्रोधस्त्रिशंकुमिदमब्रवीत् || १-६०-१२

Then all of the gods who are invited to partake of the oblation have not come forward to receive their allotments, and then the great-saint Vishvamitra, obsessive with fury, furiously lifted up a wooden-oblational-scoop, and said this to Trishanku. [1-60-11b, 12]

11b, 12. tadaa = then; [aahuutaaH = those that are invited]; sarvadevataaH = all, gods; bhaagaartham = for purpose of [receiving] allotment; na abhyaagaman = not, came forward; tataH kopasamaaviSTaH = then, enveloped in [obsessive with] fury; vishvamitraH mahaamuniH = Vishvamitra, great-saint; sruvam = wooden-oblational-scoop; udyamya = on lifting up – brandishing as if it is a magic wand; sakrodhaH = with fury; trishankum idam abraviit = said this to Trishanku.

Verse 13 & 14a

पश्य मे तपसो वीर्यं स्वार्जितस्य नरेश्वर |
एष त्वां स्वशरीरेण नयामि स्वर्गमोजसा || १-६०-१३
दुष्प्रापं स्वशरीरेण दिवं गच्छ नराधिप |

Oh, ruler of people, now you shall see the potency of my ascesis which I personally achieved. Such as I am I shall lead you forth to haven with your own body just by my personal capability. Oh, king of people, now you will go to heaven with your own mortal body, which is otherwise unattainable. [1-60-13, 14a]

13, 14a. nareshvara = oh ruler of people – Trishanku; svaarjitasya = personally achieved; me tapasaH viiryam = my, ascesis’, potency; pashya = you see [now]; eSaH = this me; ojasaa = with mettle [of mine]; tvaam svashariireNa = you, with own mortal body; svargam nayaami = I will lead forth to heaven; naraadhipa = oh people’s king; duSpraapam divam = not attainable, heaven; svashariireNa gacCha = you go with own mortal body.

Verse 14b & 15a

स्वार्जितं किंचिदप्यस्ति मया हि तपसः फलम् || १-६०-१४
राजन् त्वं तेजसा तस्य सशरीरो दिवं व्रज |

‘May it be a little, but there is some fruit of my ascesis, isn’t it! Oh, king, you will journey to heaven with your own body owing to that prowess of my ascesis.’ Vishvamitra said so to Trishanku. [1-60-14b, 15a]

14b, 15a. raajan = oh king; mayaa = by me; svaarjitam = personally acquired; tapasaH phalam = ascesis’, fruit; kimcit api = [may it be] a little, even; asti hi = is there, isn’t it; tasya = by that [fruit of my ascesis]; tejasaa = by that prowess [of ascesis]; tvam = you; sashariiraH divam vraja = you journey to heaven with own body.

Verse 15b & 16a

उक्तवाक्ये मुनौ तस्मिन् सशरीरो नरेश्वरः || १-६०-१५
दिवं जगाम काकुत्स्थ मुनीनां पश्यतां तदा |

“Once the sage Vishvamitra said those words, oh, Rama of Kakutstha, that king Trishanku soared to heaven with his mortal body, before the very eyes of other sages.” Sage Shataananda continued. [1-60-15b, 16a]

15b, 16a. kaakutstha = oh Rama of Kakutstha; tasmin munau = that, saint; uktavaakye = when he said so; nareshvaraH = people’s ruler [Trishanku]; sashariiraH = with mortal body; tadaa = then; muniinaam pashyataam = while being seen by [other] sages ; divam jagaama = travelled [soared to] to heaven.

Verse 16b & 17a

स्वर्गलोकं गतं दृष्ट्वा त्रिशंकुं पाकशासनः || १-६०-१६
सह सर्वैः सुरगणैरिदं वचनमब्रवीत् |

On seeing Trishanku’s entry into the realm of heaven, Indra, the subjugator of demon Paaka, spoke this sentence together with all the multitudes of gods. [1-60-16b, 17a]

16b, 17a. svargalokam gatam = he who has entered realm of heaven; trishankum dR^iSTvaa = seeing at Trishanku; sarvaiH suragaNaiH saha =together with multitudes of all gods; paakashaasanaH = subjugator of [Indra] demon Paaka; idam vacanam abraviit = said this sentence.

Verse 17b & 18a

त्रिशंको गच्छ भूयस्त्वं नासि स्वर्गकृतालयः || १-६०-१७
गुरुशापहतो मूढ पतभूमिमवाग् शिराः |

Oh, Trishanku, you have not yet made heaven as your haunt, hence retrace your steps. As you are thrashed by the damning of your mentor Vashishta, you inane human, again fall down on earth, but with your head inversed. [1-60-17b, 18a]

17b, 18a. trishanko = oh Trishanku; svargakR^itaalayaH = made heaven as [your] haunt; na asi = not, you are; tvam bhuuyaH gacCha = you, again, go [retrace your steps]; gurushaapahataH = thrashed by [your] mentor [Vashishta’s,] damning ; muuDha = you inane [human]; avaag shiraaH= with down turned, head [head inversed]; bhuumim pata = you fall down on earth.

Verse 18b & 19a

एवमुक्तो महेन्द्रेण त्रिशंकुरपतत् पुनः || १-६०-१८
विक्रोशमानस्त्राहीति विश्वामित्रं तपोधनम् |

When Mahendra said so, Trishanku loudly exclaiming at the ascetically wealthy Vishvamitra saying, ‘save me, save me,’ and fell down from heaven. [1-60-18b, 19a]

18b, 19a. mahendreNa evam uktaH trishankuH = thus said by Mahendra, Trishanku; traahi iti = save me, thus; tapodhanam = whose ascesis is his wealth; vishvaamitram = at Vishvamitra; vikroshamaanaH = loudly exclaiming; punaH apatat = again, came back – fell down from sky.

Verse 19b & 20a

तच्छ्रुत्वा वचनं तस्य क्रोशमानस्य कौशिकः || १-६०-१९
रोषमाहारयत्तीव्रं तिष्ठ तिष्ठेति चाब्रवीत् |

On hearing the exclamatory sentence of Trishanku who is shouting it loudly, Vishvamitra assumed an abnormal anger and also said, ‘wait… wait…’ [1-60-19b, 20a]

19b, 20a. kaushikaH = Kaushika – Vishvamitra; kroshamaanasya = who is shouting [loudly]; tasya tat vacanam shrutvaa = on hearing his [Trishanku’s] that [exclamatory] sentence; tiivram roSam aahaarayat = assumed abnormal anger; tiSTha tiSTha iti = wait, wait, thus; abraviit ca = said, also.

Verse 20b, 21 & 22a

ऋषिमध्ये स तेजस्वी प्रजापतिरिवापरः || १-६०-२०
सृजन् दक्षिणमार्गस्थान् सप्तर्षीनपरान् पुनः |
नक्षत्रमालामपरामसृजत् क्रोधमूर्च्छितः || १-६०-२१
दक्षिणां दिशमास्थाय मुनिमध्ये महायशाः |

Like the other Creator that resplendent Vishvamitra, himself staying among sages, has replicated Southerly Ursa Major in southerly direction. And still remaining amidst of sages that highly reputed sage Vishvamitra further started to replicate the stereotyped stocks of stars sequentially, resorting to the southern hemisphere, as he is convulsed in anger at Indra. [1-60-20b, 21, 22a]

20b, 21, 22a. R^iSimadhye = among [himself staying] sages; saH tejasvii = he, the resplendent Vishvamitra; aparaH prajaapatiH iva = the other, as with Creator; dakSiNamaargasthaan = which is available – in southerly direction; aparaan = another; saptaRSiin = Seven Sages [Great Bear, Southerly Ursa Major]; sR^ijan = on creating [replicating]; krodhamuurcChitaH = convulsed in anger – Vishvamitra; dakSiNaam disham aasthaaya = resorting to southern direction; mahaayashaaH = highly reputed one, Vishvamitra;’ munimadhye = amid [himself staying] saints; punaH nakSatramaalaam aparaam = further, stars’ another sequence; asR^ijat = [started] to replicate.

Verse 22b & 23

सृष्ट्वा नक्षत्रवंशं च क्रोधेन कलुषीकृतः || १-६०-२२
अन्यमिन्द्रं करिष्यामि लोको वा स्यादनिंद्रकः |
दैवतान्यपि स क्रोधात् स्रष्टुं समुपचक्रमे || १-६०-२३

On replicating the stereotyped stocks of other galaxies and stars, and while fury continued to blemish him Vishvamitra said, ‘I will now clone an alternative Indra, or let that realm created by me remain without any Indra,’ and when he is about to proceed to clone even gods in his wrath, the gods are startled. [1-60-22b, 23]

22b, 23. nakSatravamsham ca = stars” families [stereotyped stocks of other galaxies,] also; sR^iSTvaa = having replicated; krodhena kaluSiikR^itaH = made blemish by [umbrage continued to blemish him] fury; anyam indram kariSyaami = I will make [clone, so he surmised] alternative Indra; lokaH = realm [of my creation]; anindrakaH = without Indra; vaa syaat = or, it will remain; [saying so he]; daivataani api = gods, even; sakrodhaat sraSTum = to clone with wrath; samupacakrame = very nearly proceeded [about to proceed to clone – gods startled.]

Verse 24

ततः परमसंभ्रान्ताः सर्षिसंघाः सुरासुराः |
विश्वामित्रं महात्मानमूचुः सानुनयं वचः || १-६०-२४

The gods are highly startled at Vishvamitra’s creation, and they along with demons and with observances of hermits addressed the great-souled Vishvamitra with placatory words. [1-60-24]

24. tataH paramasambhraantaaH = then highly startled; saRSisanghaaH suraasuraaH = with observances of hermits, gods, demons; mahaatmaanam vishvaamitram = great-souled one, to Vishvamitra; saanunayam vacaH = with words of placatory; uucuH = addressed.

Verse 25

अयं राजा महाभाग गुरुशापपरिक्षतः |
सशरीरो दिवं यातुं नार्हत्येव तपोधन || १-६०-२५

‘Oh great-fortunate Vishvamitra, this king Trishnaku is damned by his mentor, hence oh, ascetically wealthy sage, he is not at all eligible to go to heaven with his mortal body.’ So said gods to Vishvamitra. [1-60-25]

25. tapodhana = oh ascetically wealthy one; mahaabhaaga = oh great-fortunate Vishvamitra; gurushaapaparikSataH = fallen [damned] by mentor’s damnation; ayam raajaa = this, king; sashariiraH divam yaatum = to go to heaven with mortal body; na arhati eva = not, eligible, at all.

Verse 26

तेषां तद्वचनं श्रुत्वा देवानां मुनिपुंगवः |
अब्रवीत् सुमहद्वाक्यं कौशिकः सर्वदेवताः || १-६०-२६

On hearing that sentence of those gods, the eminent saint Kaushika spoke this highly laudable sentence to all of the gods. [1-60-26]

26. munipungavaH kaushikaH = the eminent saint, Kaushika; teSaam devaanaam = their, gods; tat vacanam shrutvaa = on hearing that sentence; sarvadevataaH = to all gods; sumahat vaakyam abraviit = spoke highly laudable sentence.

Verse 27

सशरीरस्य भद्रं वस्त्रिशंकोरस्य भूपतेः |
आरोहणं प्रतिज्ञातं नानृतं कर्तुमुत्सहे || १-६०-२७

Let safety betide you all. I have promised to this king Trishanku that he will ascend to heaven with his mortal body, and I am not interested to make it untrue. [1-60-27]

27. vaH bhadram = let safety be there to you all; sashariirasya = with body; asya trishankoH bhuupateH = to him, the king Trishanku; aarohaNam pratij~naatam = on promising ascending; anR^itam = non truth; kartum = to make; na utsahe = not, interested.

Verse 28 & 29

स्वर्गोऽस्तु सशरीरस्य त्रिशंकोरस्य शाश्वतः |
नक्षत्राणि च सर्वाणि मामकानि ध्रुवाण्यथ || १-६०-२८
यावल्लोका धरिष्यन्ति तिष्ठन्त्येतानि सर्वशः |
यत्कृतानि सुराः सर्वे तदनुज्ञातुमर्हथ || १-६०-२९

‘Let there be eternal heaven to Trishanku with his mortal body. Next, as along as the worlds remain, let all of these stars and galaxies I have created also remain eternally in their places as my creation. It will be apt of you all gods to accede to this.’ So said Vishvamitra to gods. [1-60-28, 29]

28, 29. asya trishankoH = his, to Trishanku; sashariirasya = along with mortal body; shaashvataH svargaH astu = let it be heaven eternally – let him be in heaven; atha = next; yat [mat] kR^itaani = what [by me,] created [creation]; etaani sarvaaNi = these, all; nakSatraaNi = stars – galaxies; maamakaani sarvashaH = as my [creation,] everywhere – in their places – they shall be there as long as; lokaaH yaavat dhariSyanti = = worlds, as long as, bears [lasts]; till then; dhruvaaNi tiSThanti = firmly, let them be there; suraaH sarve tat anuj~naatum arhatha = all gods, that, apt of you to accede.

Verse 30, 31 & 32a

एवमुक्ताः सुराः सर्वे प्रत्यूचुर्मुनिपुंगवम् |
एवं भवतु भद्रं ते तिष्ठन्त्वेतानि सर्वशः || १-६०-३०
गगने तान्यनेकानि वैश्वानरपथाद्बहिः |
नक्षत्राणि मुनिश्रेष्ठ तेषु ज्योतिषु जाज्वलन् || १-६०-३१
अवाग् शिरास्त्रिशंकुश्च तिष्ठत्वमरसंनिभः |

When all the gods are addressed thus they replied the eminent saint Vishvamitra saying, ‘so be it! Safe you be! Let all the created objects prevail in their respective places. Those amazing and numerous stars you have created will remain in firmament, but outside the path of stelliform of Cosmic Person. Trishanku will also remain in the circle of stars you created, but upside-down, for Indra’s indict cannot be annulled, and he will be gleaming like a star and similar to any celestial. [1-60-30, 31, 32a]

30, 31, 32a. evam uktaaH = thus, addressed – gods; sarve suraaH = all, gods; munipungavam = to the eminent saint; prati uucuH = in turn, spoke – replied; evam bhavatu = so, be it; munishreSTha = oh the best sage; te bhadram = let safeness be there to you; etaani = these; taani = those [amazing stars]; anekaani = numerous; nakSatraaNi = stars [you created]; vaishvaanarapathaat = than the path of Cosmic Person’s stelliform; bahiH = outside; gagane sarvashaH tiSThantu = in firmament, everywhere – in their respective places, let them prevail; teSu jyotiSu = in them, circle of stars – circular galaxies you created; jaajvalan = while gleaming; trishankuH ca = Trishanku, also; amarasannibhaH = similar in shine to celestial being; avaa~N shiraaH = downward, with head – in inverted position; tiSThatu = will remain.

Verse 32b & 33a

अनुयास्यन्ति चैतानि ज्यतींषि नृपसत्तमम् || १-६०-३२
कृतार्थं कीर्तिमन्तं च स्वर्गलोकगतं यथा |

‘According to their wont to circumambulate someone who has gone to heavenly worlds, all the stars will suppliantly circumambulate this best king Trishanku, who has achieved his ends and who has become an acclaimed one with your tour de force.’ So said gods to Vishvamitra in deterring his further cloning of a simulative Universe. [1-60-32b, 33a]

32b, 33a. etaani jyotiimSi ca = all these, stars, also; kR^itaartham = achieved ends; kiirtimantam ca = acclaimed one, also – with your tour de force; nR^ipasattamam = the best king; svargalokagatam yathaa = as with – someone gone to heavenly worlds; anuyaasyanti = they will follow him – circumambulate Trishanku.

Verse 34b & c

ततो देवा महात्मानो ऋषयश्च तपोधनाः |
जग्मुर्यथागतं सर्वे यज्ञस्यान्ते नरोत्तम || १-६०-३४

Oh, best one among men Rama, later at the end of that ritual great-souled gods and ascetically wealthy sages went away as they have come. Thus Sage Shataananda continued the narration of the legend. [1-60-34]

34b,c. narottama = best among men – oh Rama; tataH = later; yaj~nasya ante = at the end of Vedic-ritual; mahaatmaanaH devaaH = great-souled, gods; tapodhanaaH R^iSayaH ca = ascetically wealthy, sages, also; sarve yathaa aagatam jagmuH = all, went away as they have come.

Verse 33b & 34a

विश्वामित्रस्तु धर्मात्मा सर्वदेवैरभिष्टुतः || १-६०-३३
ऋषिमध्ये महातेजा बाढमित्याह देवताः |

Even the benign-souled Vishvamitra, when reverenced by all gods, that great-resplendent sage without stirring himself from among the sages said to all gods, ‘Agreed!’ [1-60-33]

33b, 34a. sarvadevaiH = by all gods; abhiSTutaH = reverenced; mahaatejaaH = great-resplendent sage; dharmaatmaa = benign-souled one; vishvaamitraH tu = Vishvamitra, on his part; R^iSimadhye = among sages; devataaH = to gods; baaDham = Agreed!; iti aaha = thus, said.

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