6 – Ravana calls a meetings of his ministers


Ravana recalls the over-powering of Lanka and discovering of Seetha by Hanuman. He calls a meeting of his ministers and invites suggestions from them in view of the latest situation of a probable attack of Rama and his army on the City of Lanka.

Verse 1

लंकायाम् तु कृतम् कर्म घोरम् दृष्ट्वा भव आवहम् |
राक्षस इन्द्रो हनुमता शक्रेण इव महात्मना || ६-६-१
अब्रवीद् राक्षसान् सर्वान् ह्रिया किंचिद् अवान् मुखः |

Having seen the fearful and the terrible act in Lanka done by Hanuma, like Devendra the powerful King of celestials, Ravana with his face descended a little with shame, spoke to the demons as follows:

1. dR^iSTvaa = having seen; bhayaavaham = the fearful; ghoram = and the terrible; karma = act; kR^itam = done; hanumataa = by Hanuman; shakreNa iva = as Devendra (King of celestials); hamaatmanaa = the powerful; laN^kaayaam = in Lanka; raakshasendraH = Ravana; avaan mukhaH = had his face down; kimchit = a little; hriyaa = and spoke; sarvaan = to all; raakshhasaan = the demons (as follows):

Verse 2

धर्षिता च प्रविष्टा च लंका दुष्प्रसहा पुरी || ६-६-२
तेन वानर मात्रेण दृष्टा सीता च जानकी |

“By him, who was only a monkey, the irresistible City of Lanka was entered into and was over-powered. Seetha the daughter of Janaka was also discovered by him.

2. tena = by him; vaanara maatreNa = who was only a monkey; dushhpraasahaa = the irresistible; laNkapurii = City of lanka; pravishhTaacha = was entered into; dharshhitaa cha = and was over-powered; siitaa = Seetha; jaanakii = the daughter of Janka; dR^ishhTaam cha = was also seen (by him).

Verse 3

प्रसादो धर्षितः चैत्यः प्रवरा राक्षसा हताः || ६-६-३
आविला च पुरी लंका सर्वा हनुमता कृता |

The thousand-pillared building used as a sanctuary was assaulted by Hanuma. Our most excellent demons were killed. The entire City of Lanka was made turbid.

3. chaityaH praasaadaH = the thousand pillared building used as a sanctuary; dharshhitaH = was assaulted; hanumataa = by Hanuma; pravaraaH = the most excellent; raakshhaasaaH = demons; hataaH = were killed; sarvaa = the entire; laNkaa purii = City of Lanka; kR^itaa = was made; aavilaa = turbid.

Verse 4

किम् करिष्यामि भद्रम् वः किम् वा युक्तम् अनन्तरम् || ६-६-४
उच्यताम् नः समर्थम् यत् कृतम् च सुकृतम् भवेत् |

May prosperity befall on you! What shall I do? What appropriate thing is to be done next? Please speak that which is well-answering and that, if attempted becomes well-done.

4. bhadram = prosperity; vaH = to you! Kim = what; karishhyaami = shall I do? Kim vaa = what thing; yuktam = appropriate thing; anantaram = (is to be done) afterwards? Uchyataam = let it be spoken; yat = that which is samantham = well-answering; bhavet = and which becomes; sukrutam = well-done.

Verse 5

मन्त्र मूलम् हि विजयम् प्राहुर् आर्या मनस्विनः || ६-६-५
तस्माद् वै रोचये मन्त्रम् रामम् प्रति महाबलाः |

“Oh, people of great strength! Wise-men say that victory is dependent on good forethought. Verily for that reason, I desire a deliberation about Rama.”

5. mahaabalaaH = Oh; people of great strength! manasvinaH = wise-men; pravadanti = say; vijayam = that victory; mantramuulam = is dependent on good forethought; tasmaat vai = just for that reason; rochaye = I desire; mantram = a deliberation; raamamprati = about Rama.

Verse 6

त्रिविधाः पुरुषा लोके उत्तम अधम मध्यमाः || ६-६-६
तेषाम् तु समवेतानाम् गुण दोषम् वदामि अहम् |

“There are three types of men in the world, namely the foremost the middle most and the lowest. I am telling their inherent merits and defects.”

6. triividhaaH = there are three types; purushhaaH = of men; loke = in the world; uttamaadhama madhyamaaH = namely; the foremost; the middle most and the lowest; aham = I; vadaami = am telling; teshhaam = their; samavetaanaam = inherent; guNadoshhaa = merits and defects.

Verse 7 & 8

मन्त्रिभिर् हित सम्युक्तैः समर्थैर् मन्त्र निर्णये || ६-६-७
मित्रैर् वा अपि समान अर्थैर् बान्धवैर् अपि वा हितैः |
सहितो मन्त्रयित्वा यः कर्म आरम्भान् प्रवर्तयेत् || ६-६-८
दैवे च कुरुते यत्नम् तम् आहुः पुरुष उत्तमम् |

“The wise call him as the foremost among men, who carries through the beginning of any undertaking after consulting those who are wedded with welfare of others, or with ministers who are efficient in conferring decisions or with friends having common interests or additionally with relatives or who try to get a favour from Providence too.”

7-8. yaH = he who; pravartayet = carries through; karmaarmabhaan = beginning of undertaking; mantrayitvaa = after consulting; sahitaH = collectively with; hitasmyuktaiH = or with ministers; samarthaiH = efficient; mantra nirNaye = in advising decisions; mitrairvaapi = or with friends; samanaarthaiH = having common; baandhavairaapi = or with relatives; adhikaaH = additionally; kurute = or who does; yatnam = endeavour; daivecha = in the matter of providence too; tam = him; aahuH = (the wise) call; purushhottamam = as the foremost among men.

Verse 9

एको अर्थम् विम्ऱ्शेद् एको धर्मे प्रकुरुते मनः || ६-६-९
एकः कार्याणि कुरुते तम् आहुर् मध्यमम् नरम् |

“The wise men call that man as mediocre, who deliberates about an activity solitarily, applies his mind on law and justice all by himself and performs works singly.”

9. vimR^ishet = (He who) deliberates; artham = about an activity; ekaH = solitarily; prakurute = applies; manaH = his mind; dharme = on law and justice; ekaH = all by himself; kurute = performs; kaaryaaNi = the workds; eakH = singly; aahuH = they call; tam naram = that man; madhyamam = as mediocre.

Verse 10

गुण दोषाव् अनिश्चित्य त्यक्त्वा दैव व्यपाश्रयम् || ६-६-१०
करिष्यामि इति यः कार्यम् उपेक्षेत् स नर अधमः |

“He who does not determine the merits and demerits of an act clearly, having recourse to Providence and neglects his duty by simply telling �I shall do it’, he is the lowest among men.”

10. yaH = He who; nanishchitya = does not determine; guNadoshhaa = the merits and demerits; vyaktma = clearly; daivavyapaashreyaH = having recourse to providence; upekshhet = neglects; kaaryam = his duty; karishhyaami iti = telling simply �I shall do’; saH = he; naraadhamaH = is the lowest among men.

Verse 11

यथा इमे पुरुषा नित्यम् उत्तम अधम मध्यमाः || ६-६-११
एवम् मन्त्रो अपि विज्ञेय उत्तम अधम मध्यमः |

“In which manner these men are categorized always as good, bad or mediocre, so also the resolution in thought is classified as good bad or mediocre.”

11. yathaa = how; ime = those; purushhaaH = men; nityam = are always; uttamaadhama madhyaaH = either good; bad or mediocre; mantro.api = even the resolution in thought is; evam = thus; viJNeyaH = known; uttama adhama madhyamaH = as good; bad or mediocre.”

Verse 12

ऐकमत्यम् उपागम्य शास्त्र दृष्टेन चक्षुषा || ६-६-१२
मन्त्रिणो यत्र निरस्तास् तम् आहुर् मन्त्रम् उत्तमम् |

“The wise say that resolution of thought is excellent, in which the thinkers, on a view perceived by scriptures, obtain consensus and are satisfied with it.”

12. mantraiNaH = the thinkers; chakshhushhaa = on a view; shaastradR^iSTena = perceived by scriptures; upaagamya = obtain; aikamatyam = consensus; nirataaH = and are satisfied; tam = that; mantram = resolution of thought; aahuH = (the wise) say; uttamam = as the excellent one.

Verse 13

बह्व्यो अपि मतयो गत्वा मन्त्रिणो हि अर्थ निर्णये || ६-६-१३
पुनर् यत्र एकताम् प्राप्तः स मन्त्रो मध्यमः स्मृतः |

“Only after deliberating several kinds of opinions, that decision of a matter obtained finally by a consensus of the counselors, is called mediocre.”

13. gatvaapi = even after obtaining; bahviiH = several kinds; matiH = of opinions; yatra = where; arthanirNayaH = the decision of a matter; mantriNaam = by the counselors; punaH = once more; praaptaH = gets; ekataam = to a consensus; saH = that; mantraH = decision; smR^itaH = is called; madhmaH = mediocre.

Verse 14

अन्योन्य मतिम् आस्थाय यत्र सम्प्रतिभाष्यते || ६-६-१४
न च ऐकमत्ये श्रेयो अस्ति मन्त्रः सो अधम उच्यते |

“That resolution is said to be worst in which several arguments are made, employing one or the other divergent opinions and in which there is no advantage even after a consensus.”

14. saH = that; mantraH = resolution; uchyate = is said to be; adhamaH = worst; yatra = in which; sampratibhaashhyate = arguments are made; aasthaaya = emplying; anyouya matim = one or the other divergent opinions; naasti = (in which) there is no; shriyaH = advantage; aikamatye = even after a consensus.

Verse 15

तस्मात् सुमन्त्रितम् साधु भवन्तो मन्त्रि सत्तमाः || ६-६-१५
कार्यम् सम्प्रतिपद्यन्ताम् एतत् कृत्यतमम् मम |

“For that reason, you, having excellent intellect, arrive at a well-thought out rightful action. To me, this is earnestly to be done.”

15. tasmaat = for that reason; bhavantaH = you; matisattamaaH = having excellent intellect; sampritipadyantaam = arrive at; sumantritam = a well-thought out; saadhu = rightful; kaaryam = action; etat = this; mama = to me; matam = is earnestly; kR^ityam = to be done.”

Verse 16

वानराणाम् हि वीराणाम् सहस्रैः परिवारितः || ६-६-१६
रामो अभ्येति पुरीम् लंकाम् अस्माकम् उपरोधकः |

“Rama surrounded by thousands of courageous monkeys, is coming to the City of Lanka, for the purpose of besieging us.”

16. raamaH = Rama; parivaaritah = surrounded by; sahasraiH = thousands of; dhiraaNaam = brave; vaanaraaNaam = monkeys; abhyeti = is coming; laN^kaam puriim = to the City of Lanka; uparodhakaH = for besieging; asmaakam = us.

Verse 17

तरिष्यति च सुव्यक्तम् राघवः सागरम् सुखम् || ६-६-१७
तरसा युक्त रूपेण सानुजः सबल अनुगः |

“Rama, by his be-fitting strength, can certainly cross the ocean easily, with his brother along with his army and his companions.”

17. raagahavaH = Rama; yukta ruupeNa = by his befitting; tarasaa = strength; suvyaktam = can certainly; tarishhyati cha = cross; saagaram = the ocean; sukham = easily; saamjaH = with his brother; sabalaamgaH = along with his army and companions.

Verse 18 & 19

समुद्रमुच्छोषयति वीर्येणान्यत्करोति वा|| ६-६-१८
तस्मिन्न् एवम् गते कार्ये विरुद्धे वानरैः सह |
हितम् पुरे च सैन्ये च सर्वम् सम्मन्त्र्यताम् मम || ६-६-१९

“He may even get the ocean dried up. He may do any other thing by his valour. The aforesaid act of enmity with monkeys having commenced in this way, advise me everything that is good for the city and my army.”

18-19. samudram uchchhoshhayati = (He may) get the ocean dried up; karoti = (He may) do; anyadvaa = any other thing; viiryeNa = by his valour; tasmin = that; kaarye = act; viruddhe = of enemity; vaanaraiH saha = with monkeys; evam vidhe = (having commenced) in this way; sammantryataam = advise me; sarvam = everything; hitam = that is good; pure = for the city; mama sainye = and for my army.

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